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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 3

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MAP E G OVEThe Canadia Excnange Vows. in St. -JObins A gia Next Sunday wilI beBa Weddings ~~tismal Sunday. Setting Was Trint ntd Cuc W ecU t gs 1Sunday, Oct. Ist, will be World Communion Sunday' Mr. and Mrs. F. Donevan, Oshawa, were Friday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. S. Morton. Don't forget the Turkey 'supper on Wed., Sept. 27th. Look to Coming Events for COLE VIRTUE j "The Wedding Prayer" and Baskets of gladioli, ranging 0" Perfect Love".Sndn cmay J.-n shades fromn pale lemon toý Given in marriage by her wo deep tangerine, formed a n tfather, the bride wore à for- idOsa Mwees. at uda 'tractive setting in St. John's mal length gown fashioned AnlcnChurch, Bowman- in whitewid silk and feaurMs.CePacOhaa 'Ville, for the marriage on ing a scoop neckline, fitted M.ad Ms o ad Cy Saturday afternoon, Augustibodice and straight skirt. The ~dra, Rlh 26, 1967, at four o'clock Of skirt was banded with heavy Mran *44iss Patricia Joan Virtue Guipure lace, as were theMr.Lsewre ttdMr. Randy Nelson CO, tre-quarter length sev udyClaut ...nl'e bride is the daughter Of es and a brief chapel train mrssn andwie Mr. Dae ryera -Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Virtue fehl from the back waisthine King . DaeCyrmn 00 nd the groom is the son Of Her shoulder - length vieil of .,,.Mr. and Mrs.- Jack Cole, all silk illusion was caught to a Miss Carole Greenham, Tor- î:J - .Of Bow nan ville. coronet of seed pears and .Méot , Mr o n K i h, u -~' ~ * SRet. K. J. Fram pton offi- crystals, and she carried br y, w r Sud- iit r -l'ated and the church organist. cascade' bouquet of yellow wth hemer ' sun isnohr s~ ~ ! ~14.C. J. G. Evans, played roses, whit.e stephanotis, white Mrs. Charlie Greenham : Mufthe wedding music. Mrs. Ker- orchids and ivy. Accenting- Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. stev- sprigs of white heather sert e fens were Wednesdayelast weekM Visitors with their du aunt, Mrs. Donald Weston. '"o5ufl and yTrno Miss Donna Ferguson, New-M.adMs o o castle, was maid of honor M.ad r o Brk' and the bridesmaids were an family, her brother,Mr Miss Anne Skinner, Tyrone, n Ms Ralph Tanner, fam- ~,Mrs. Grant Flintoff, Bowman-iY Belleville, were Sunday ville, and Miss Doreen Stev-. visitors with their rther, i enson of Uxbridge. Little Mi" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tanner, Janet Rate of BowmanvjllepNwate cousin of the bride, was flow- Mr. and Mvrs. C. p. Sal er girl. The maid of honorWee uda vitrswt m d ri e s ai s er i e nth e ir c o u sin s, M r. a n d M rs. tically attired in full-length, Robert Lackey; friends Mr. empire-styled gowns of leaf a d M s rh r C o, bt gensilk chiffon over tf- ArtfuWiCookwdale ft.The ...d,,ce and long sleeves were outlined by a M.ad Ms Lawrencej StpeBethany, were Thurs- - anderiefQpteleon and day evening visitOrs with their' AS L the skirt was gathered toa andMr e cousins, Mr. adMs e RAN E :ial train. Tbey wore cry- ~~ Folcy, and aura, Ms o 4for omeisyou csti. t heir csade bouquets were Mr. and Mrs. Randy Nelson Cole, shown in the above photo, exchanged Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Munro, oyellow hasta daisies and marriage vows in St. John's Anglican Chbrch, Bowmanville, on Saturday after- Cobourg, were weekend guestsi .pobably represents the training ivy. The flower girl non August 26, 97 t4o Mk h rd i h omrMs aréaJa tîgg est investment you'lI w pore a flull-length frock of V, 1967, at te4 o'lcfTebid stefre Ms arcaJ a 0f Mr ctgeandr. .oron k ever make. And yot?'ll1 be paelmon peau de soie high- Vite, ag ro Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Virtue, and the bridegroom is the sonl Mr. and Mrs. Meil Shiels and 1 Mr. and Mrs. Reginald George Robisnaesoni teoepooa smattorotcthatnvet.lighted by a band of lace at, of Mr. anid Mrs. Jack Cole, al of Bowmanville. McRobbie Phoo fmlOhwwr udyte u h edn thehe. erhedpec ws1visitors with her sister and United St' ft A 1mavil19,on Sa3 mrent with a State Farrn a circlet of yellow ros es, and cake at the rlccption following their marriagedin Trinity ,-ioows pc Thispro e caylrse s adsO hstel , arriea in MaA ryland .Jmatching full-Iength coat, hat'Wright and family. ocok Formerly Miss Judith May Beltebiei(h agtro r n tion provides broader cover- daisies. in the same shade, white ac- 1 Miss Judy Barrabel, PortF Mrs. Clarence Bell, Bowmanville, and tebiero stesno r.P cessories and corsage of white iHope hosiawshm nEGud o-nnil.adtelt r eiadR bno.MRbi ht age for your home and be- Mr. Grant Flintoff, Bow- ý rosebuds. She was assisted thlwshoefrlGudBw- -4eadth ae r le s S C St t hthe, weM ekene wbothereoftherbrid longingsandforyou, incase manville, was best man, and1,ý by the graom's mother XholMr weeand wuth her parp n gres held in Berlin. !alir.on.frdSydr ofîwut tthe ushers were Mr. Robin coeamtlas epbu o BarrabiCogrs choseaametllaîs ...pblueand brother David. 1 A strong r e p r e s e n tation 1 Mr. Ken Ler wsaw géscstt rooJmes CleMr. B r e s ch f bl e sem bl and____'s._ dress and cat ____---------__ from adjacent communitiesipnd visitor wt h a ihorcmuiyi er r1nany similarmatomhndnr. blueAdave'lvet haten fartheoccasion. IRobinson's arMcJmsCl, rte fteorsage of Talisman roses.I w pesue for al the asapl; ý'_olce.Cl ealo omnil.Followiîig the reception the Y L ERTON !It w a ua les fr ito twa lesr t e Mjie 'p t frou n gor the deta ils! The reception was held at- bdeadgom eateon whRv teir wedding trip to The Yevltn Uited Churchîren who are currently sair D.I ~l lc oa ve n ~Hall, Bowmanville, where the Thusn Islands and Ottawa. .o'served its 1O5th Anniver- ed at Chatham. Mr.àJ ~ ikbride's mother received wear- Fo rvligtebiewresr n Sna onn,'un fJntil xrs ressik rnk an ig of iacle c repe, -r a a pawder blue A-line dress, Sept. l7th (flot its lO4th as'the appreciation of the viît k>.Ct1GO'thig otwht wepeT dy reosyi n- ors present, ta the local ladies' A-line dsos fiesaliandpeag e s-pdieted) with a capacity con- for poiigthe dinner and1 BOWMANVILLE gold ostrich feather hat, mat- 1 os i i rvdn ching accessories and corsage roes T- Aeeidngi 62 321of green orchids. The groom's D oe.Te r eiigi rgto rsn aha hsa pportunity for a 1 ROFESSI :2:., ASUALT COMPAY chos a pin, doube-J(nî suitOshawa. papular ex-minister Mr. Jim soilgtering. Mr. Harold OA R LAE 1_4STATE FARM FIRE AND mother assisted ta receive and Ans hevidep Somerville of Chatham pro- Stobbart was present ta assist OsAa emoe b ride tten vdeoca fine sermon for the Mr. Somerville in the pulpit -a.Office: Searborough, Ont. withmacight white ac- Bowmanville- Public and High rprovided, by the local CGIT1 Mr. ikPlpadgrsoetue o l cesories an corsage of white - Schools. The groom also at- rgirls and a CGIT 'ru rmDetroitsetteweed e irs y nde sc oo n ow anvlleIR iti vm dp- Unt ed C uch of with relatives in our com m un-1 and is employed at GeneraliToronto W-ho were returningitthWibrH adan To qualiiy asa rfsinayudyclneIsa eme Mr. ad Mr. Doald B~yd reggMotors. ýa visit ta their ruralcatr The arrige f Mis Brb- f te Comerial ank Out-of-town guests attended parts in this communityMr Th arig f isBab:fth omeca Bn nfrom Ottawa, Toronto, Gore'siVaneta McGilî also pro videdi Miss Betty Whitaker ot, reguîarly receliesnoraino e ortlkfbrcad - , Mr. and Mi-s. Brown DovelLanding, Oshawa, Hamilton, alvlysoasstdb Mitchell of L BonoHa veFb The groom is a graduate of Orono and Newcastle. 'Linda Rowan on the electriclwith her niece, Mrs. Howard' staff. Ahove al edmntae nhseeya ok i rida and Mr. Donald BovdGlen Burnie High School and Thbrd was guest cf hon- Mrgn anm . TdSecl Gregg, son «~ Mrs. Harrylhas his Bachelor of Science O tsvrlsoes r The infant son of Mr. andI Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lockwood,I h rs n epc fyu-bscsoir Willis Gregg, Glen Burnie,!Degree fram the Pennsylvania Gardon Major, Mrs. Tom Wil- Mrs. Barrv Preston, Paul were Sunday visitors in Aur-ý Maryland and the late Captain lState University. Hie is on son and Mrs. A. Crombie were James Preston was also bap- ara. Gregg, took place August 16,!active duty at Tyndall, FIa- hostesses for a kitchen shower tized onnthi occasion.oNa byJh .Lowry tMhosts to Rev.th Sats rs L ahandie poMrs.trog 1967 a t te First ehds id ihteUnited Sae Ms .C. Carlson held ahmaielrvdd hog1 re rehs s. Art owan MSEPTEBER WEI Church, Lynn Hayen. The;Air Force. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg misceilaneous shower in Bow- ithe efforts of the CGIT g î omrilead ail n yrour telephone Reverend Mitchell Zirlott of-. -wili live in' Glen Burnie, manville, and a similar show- land other donors were a1sýJ o rnF s ay and Sunay thi BicayCte i h ehol MradandG-g s tegrand rlae rwsgvebMs oMl-ýson of Mrn.a rouP1cere,tu ay and M PL OOE .CW.TRKY UPE rnanagerTh bride is a graduate of:from duty in April, 1968. Mr.j son of Oshawa. Mrs. Joannelmony.ce week. Br1owZ< fiida t outh cecmoond GMrygLan te rahsno rele a eor gven bws. on Miii-for Secratsdsin a bnci soaturd Bakoeore ws hotes fo a~Following the service a buf-iCandy Malcolm are scheduled You tailir tleponefa woderulattended the Gulf Coast Junior ýand Mrs. Adam H. Sharp of fliscellaneous shower in Osha- ýe lunchws served toalal into participate with their tap - À~ L. o ee. heis n enpoye Enisilln.wa. The staff al Zellers Ltd. aithtcncusonofdance1sing routine in. front oi fnien Colege.She i a n mpboce Eniskjlen.presented the bride with a whîich Mr. Somervîlle showed ithe grandstando adya flwvewe itcaeony rspndcaayuroiaedyom-oeavehanydepeialyyi tmescf mereny. corinncanaton.dI ROBNSO BLLarntations. lROBIeNSONak n a th 'th LndLL C ntal xhîî- ýands. Dîaling a wrong numnber can waste precious Besoeesloaving fardtwhite time when calling for such emergency help as the honeymoon in the Muskoka akt ipn n ht _________________________ Police or l'ire Departments. (Fiowever, precious i tme area and Georgian Bai-, the carnations and white, snap- canbewatedwhn alingfo sch megecybride donned for travelling, a dragons prettily decorated help as the Police or l'ire Departmnents if you give dress oi coffee lace over tai-:rint Uite CheMs urc h!w the Operator the wrong number.) Bell Canada pro- feta with tliree-quiartcr lengti' Manvill, d'he ofMisrudt vides space at the beginning of our telephone direc- sleeves, brown suede acces MyBll aghe i nn tories for emergency numbers so tlhatyo - llhae..is.ndcosae.. nvMrs; .Clrencel, Bawman *1 mas sssand Invitations e~au Il be don. eaailly Kergusan, Newcastle; M r s Omething nid", the-bride 1 malter ta keeP relatives and friands lnuoted Mrs. Bruce Milne. Baw a d encart y e a plans for the great day progreus. if relative d a vie, and Mrs. Grant Flintoif teî-oal grandmoîher at e by elphne.Th tlehon asema ea Il amdha ddbenAcand by hernis -- frIends reide lu another community ln cither Bowmanville, and Miss Ane weddîg. A sftheanoo, o pe.s Ontario or Quebec why net taire advantage of our Skinner of TYroner, co-ho.,-- h u iIegom ope Fam ly Cali g Pan rae. ai da 6 nd y r n2y , tesses. The staff ai 'uilio &- men ted her gown. evenlng alter Po'ln ratenil yn a noaralPeter", Toronto, where the Mrs. Gardon Walters oi- even 12 mites or 1e? h e. yof xeau noy a earpectdhcwiha hniin h rdsad vîsit, fer rate, AllOw 10 minutes fer the price of bride was employed for four Bowmanviîîe was matrnn ol' These rates also apply on caIls te Bell Canada amber pole lanp. were Miss Joanne Bakogearge 1 exebhantes ln Labrador and the Northwest Terri- Following lt e ddingi ofel Osawa.ad th ss bridew ~< tories, but do neot apply on ecmli:te other comm unhIffe hearsal. the brides parent. a vll . T e er tie outalde our Quebec and Ontarie terrltory. entertained with a luncheoni mainiale.Thyea r atiredl after which the gro îr- ength gowns with empire O OR D A Reeetlysom fnend wer tella thir ve-ushers with silver cuff link-. - Chiffon panels, falling froni a r--af highlig hne bgow n. They ý.erolci son what to do in case he ever got iost. sogit o a the backn.eline know,"said Junior, "but our 'Are&s éà . è, *31w emril matching taffeta wed- ' 'hD - i lth a bi m o e t alni g t f: y ung ter will Iil elyding band h eaddresses w ith aWt asbit e tiranCodeMslong wttewl ir hoeyekvReot illusion veiling, and their grow up t be one o those very amart adults who e kyR p r cascade bouquets were of yel S Alwas Code ad herAode ong beietheir hoe IArsesanAwitecan ,~ numnber . . . and who keep a %it oi frequently-use Week of Sept. Il - 17 inclusiv-e l rosesdwiecaa 0 0 Admissions 74 Mr. Don Milîson ai Osha- Birhs- mae, fe8le a was best man and usher- Birts-2 ale,6 fenale-- ng were Mr. Gordon Mafiat D icharges ------ 71 of O rono, cousin o f the groom . f fl9 41 3 0 O RN Major operations 16 and Mr. Gardon Walters aof LE 94 1 9 Minor operatians ~ 28 Bowmanville. Emergency treatments 5i The reception was held in V>~iinghous 38 pm. aiythe Church Parlor where the V p ti n h o rs -8 .m . d ai ly b rid e 'a z o l.h e r rç c e iv e d i n a

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