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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 5

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lIeddLnq Summer Weddinig in- Trinity Unitecl Chur r LUXTON f Miss Louise Maguire 0f: ~ ~ Oshawa was maid of honori The mariage of Miss Cheryl..j1n an aqua gown and the bri- Azin Lutn aughter of Mr., desmaids, Miss Betty Darc, and Mrs. Kenneth Luxton ,' olf od Ms enCl pqvmanvIlle, and Mr. William Bowmanv 111e, Miss Marieý lRJ3.ard Hay, son of Mr. and Hendry, Bowmanville,and Elbrt ayNewtonville, Mrs. Donald Hay, Oakville 1 solemnized in Trinity sister-in-law of te groomý nited Church, Bowmanvilîc, were in pink gowns.the jn on Saturday afternoon, Aug- Ïor bridesmaid, Miss Laurie, liJt 19, 1967, at 4 o'clock. FOr Dîckey of Brampton, wore an!'* the oeremony, standards Of aqua frock. Their identicallv pink and white gladioli and designed sheath gowns had anV IXUrns enhanced the churcb. imported lace bodice, scoop Rev. George K. Word was neckline, elbow-length sleev- the officiating clergyman and es, empire waist and sfraigPf the wedding music was played sheer skirt over taffeta. A bY the church organist, Mr. back panel, flowing from a Arthur Collison. Mrs. L. Van bow placed at the iow, back- Driel of Bowmanviîîe was the neck 1il n e, higblighted the sooist. gown. Tbey wore floral-clus.! Thebrie, howasgivnter headdresses and veiling foi The rid, wo ws gvenmatch their gowns, and single~ in niarriage by her father. strands of pearls, the gift of Iwore a formai empire-styied the bride. Their cascade bau- gown of white peau de soie quets were of pinkau Wihimported French lace tinîted, and white carnations. bodice featuring elbow-lengtli Mr. Donald Hay of Oakville, seeves and scalloped neck- brother of the groom, wasý Une. Appliques of the same best mn and the usbers' lace accented the sbeath skirt weemr.n ry, Hughes of and chapel train of the gown. Bowmanville, Mr. Rick Ric-k-1 Which was fashioned bY Mrs. ard, cousin of the groomi D. Hay, grandmother of thr- Newcastle, Mr. Larry Howe,; groom. Her shoulder-length Oshawa, Mr. Ca Bensoni veil o! silk illusion was caught cousin of the groom, TorontoI ta a cluster headpiece of lace and Mr. Edw a rd Dickey,11l petals studded with pearis, Brampton. and ber cascade bouquet wasi The recepýtion was held i,,' o! pink roses, white feathered the Lions Community Cent re,I carnations and stephanotîs Bowmanville. The bride's mo-I hewre the groomn's gift,a ther received wearing a pink, strand of cultured pe rîs. silk shantung sbeath dres _ witb matcbing coat of rm-ý broidered sîlk organza, pnki- accessories and corsage ofý pink roses and white camna-, Mr. and Mrs. William Richard Hay, shown sîgning the register in tio n s . S h e w a s a s s is te d in r e - a o e p o o h s a u d y a t r o n u u t 1 , 1 6 , a ' l c o ceiving by the groom's motIh-'aoe hoo chs StrdyafronAuut9,16,t4 clkfri Wum J? er wbo wore a mint green, wedding in Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The bride is lhe former:1 21 a a is el silk shantung sheatb dress< Chery]-Ann Luxton, daughfer of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Luxton, Bowmanv When yu tur 21 a dhem wift herystal be. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Hay, Ncwtonville. you ar no lnger greeni accessories aad _____________________________ you a e no onge corsge of yIrl wlrods at eq red by your white carnations. p . aent'.ospital- Following the reception the e nty M r ed i N slto happy couple left for a hone.v-: Insurance. You must moon in Bermuda. For trav- take out individual elling the bride wore a two-1 piece, pink linen suit, pinki membership within 30 and white Breton sailor bat,ý days. Cet your ap- and white accessaries. A cor-, sage of pink roses and whiteý plication form at ai carnations complemented ber' bank, a hospital, or ensemble. Tbey are residing' at 76 Liberty St. South, Bow- the Commission. manville. Tbe bride attended Bow- - manville Public and High Schools and is a graduate of Peterbarough Teacbers' Col- lege. She is a member of the staff at Lord Elgin Publice NEW_____________ Sehool, Bowmanvi 1l e. The: groom attended Toronto Pub-i keepinsred oi- lic and High Schools and also; Clarke Higb School. He is! Iow the instructions a deparfment manager with N on the Hospital In- A & P Food Stores. surane "Crtifcate Out-of-town guest.s attend-' surane "Crtifcate ed from Toronto, Rochesttjr.ý of Payment-Form, N.Y., Montreal, Que., London,ý Brampton, Niagara Falls, Non-1 -104"thatyour folk, Va., Peterborough, New-'i present employer is market and Lindsay. Many parties honored the required to 91ve you bride prior to ber marriage. on leaving. Mrs. L. VanDriel and Mrs. Ida __________________ Nichols were hostesses for a miscellaneous shower. A kit- chen shower was given by the maid of honor and brides- maids at the home of Miss ________________ Jean Cole, Bowmanvjîîe. A miscellaneous shower was beid NE VITwOu in Toronto by Mrs. W. Gor.. don. and Mrs. R. Dickey. AI The "famil y" Hospital similar shower was given byý Insuronce premnium Mrs. J. Spafford at the home 1 ,must now be paid t0 of Mrs. C. Samis. The teachj ers of Lord Elgin Public! cover husband and Scbool presented the bride' wife. Notify' your wifb a gift.l Irop ihude A presentation party wasi .grop" wthou de- heid by the Logan famnily at, loyor if you both poy the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. premumsdirctno- Allun, Orono; and a similarl premumsdirctno- party was held by the Hav, tify the Commission. family at the home of Mrs. __________________ C. Rickard, Newcast le. Mis. Kenneth Luxton was'z hostess for a trousseau tea on Saturday, August 12, in honior o! her daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Baillie Ross are shown in the above photo followjný Our Empioyees o! the A & P their marriage in Nestieton Presbyterian Church on Saturday, July 8, 1967, a groomwStoraegiff; ntdSfe o' -oc. Formerly Miss Audrey Joyce Hooey, the bride isq the aghe ONTARIO gomwt if;adSel- of hebriean Mise Dristhirfaml1at-ndd.M-sDearandKykoKamtaa- eeisa sstr f M. ea *1 gowned alikE in floor-ienghMr.Cecil Mercer, anothr M - m ~~~~gowns of aqua georgette avesite r o!Mr.Paok ted W ~ Esilk with sleeveless, fitted bod ed. ICN l iA I K T I -N - eshoundesrih s aFromiO n CW me a Mr. nd rshe * * *~ W1tie shandrhskîrts.a FlrniUOn Wenesd .avning the 33 KN STREET WEST BOWMANVILLE length train. They wore mth Harvey Muldrew's home wîth -~ ing aqua accessories and car-l a good attendance; fthe presi- presents ried a single, long-stemmed I dent, Mrs. G. Morris presid- chrysantbemum. ' ed. Mrs. M. McAllister pro- The best man was Mr. Fred-'j vided the devotional part o! 1 C O MLIM E TA R Yerick S. Ross, Sydney, Nova l the meeting. The minutes COMPLIMENTARY rotro. waned rs H.he plan tarpu Thscoibher o tere ro om . ere re b thesecMrris ciFA C IA LS S~uth MwerceOMr. om lanMrs. K.Whtrew. plMas. orris î) and D)r. Keith G. Davis andIthe centennial quilt together 4RRAGEDBY APPOINTMENT Mn. Donald L. Charbonneauland we expect f0 be quilting of Ottawa. lif this week, ready for the f~>pTue day Sep . L tflThe reception was beld atdraw on Oct. 4. Committees 'rue dcà , Se t. 6ththe Recreation Centre in' for the fowl supper were ap- (ý) Blackstock, where the motheri pointed. The ladies dîscussed byN of the bride received. She painting the inside of the %vore a street length dress afIcburch before anniversary. powdr bue hanungwit aiLunch was served. Mrs. L. M rs. Lillian Sm ith boderof hantung wlace leMuldrew wiIl take the chap- tuile bat and white accessor-!Iter next mont b and the meet- BEAUTY CONSULTANT FOR ies. She was assisted by Mrs.1 îng is ta be in the affernoon HOLIDAY MAGIC COSMETICS Frederick Ross, sister-in-lawlat Mrs. Thickson's. of the groom, who wore a, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty. FORAP OIN ME T P ON 62 -2 32multi-coiored flor~al sheath. .Mn. and Mrs. M. McAllister FOR___________________PHONE__________ fashîoned on Empire Uines.' went f0 Niagara on Sunday. With this she wore black and Mr. and Mrs. Don Whitbred white accessorjes. 1 and girls, Oshawa, spent the Following the reception thej weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. L. bride and groom let for ai Muldrew. boneymoon in Western Ont-! A number o! tobacco fanm- lario, the bride wearng a coral 1 ers tmished liarvesting their1 rà HEIRE ,68 ~ISANOLS Y%80 'OLDS SEE HERE y( .CNINETY-EIGH LUOXURY SEDAN 68 ISAN OLDS E«Wouus AS Io e nfr Wumw mAmKfr ROY NICHOLS MOTORS LIMITE» COTTCE - PHONE 728-6206 BOWMANVILLE -HONEAIJO - -4-1- m crop the past week. The ftern !The Canadilan Statesman, Bowmnanvjfle, Sept. 2n. 1967 in, mn142 rked put 42 kilns in i 4 days, neyer missed Mrs lwrhCsel i&. one day frm Au"guzt i l sElaeCswl, r .h andel.Mis. Sepemer11t, r Petition Cpposing MElain a,ranM%,C Sth merithnkrcrd. V IM. elwn.r and Mrs. CGeo. M rs. M . W alker an . M nel y and M rs. R. G r w Beatty took another 4-H "e d- T e Z o . . . wl e ers Course at Orono the pastC e t a i e c o tsm li nnhymeig week for the new unit to be o Wednesday, Sept. 20 at taught. Ir s n ~ t 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. attended Port Hope Fair. Miss Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Raby Shirley Beatty won second A petition stating that V" e- pn Sunday with relatives brz wt er calf. the undersigned ratepavers of in Hop To nshrcin. Mr. and Mrs. R. Whitbred, the Township of Darlin gton zilOn r'HropevdTowrwnwaiho) girls, and Mrs. L. Muldrew are opposed ta the building oovr.thDav ekn ro m Toronom had a pienie at Serpents a new centralized school at Mrs. Russell of Picton is to where lie is attending Ryer. Mounds, Sunday. Enniskillen and the closing of visitmng her niece, Mrs. Nor- son Technical School. Miss Debby Ingrami who bas the two-roomed schools which man Gerow and David this Port Hope Fairwsfao- been in Port Hope Hospital are in good condition, such asiweek. ed wtb w nd ru fa eat. fr some time with a ruptured Tyrone, S auina and Burketon,"! M .a d M s.J h e eilley er an d e re a e ace o a pp en d ix , retu rn ed h om e on w as circu lated recen tly in i .and S f s .0f oBell e eill i it d F id nd S tu d y of l s Church services were heid Noth 67arsigntonroes h with Mrs. Chas. Meneill on011 eek. A few of the local lads at Garden Hill and the Young This petition was presented j atnigwr ess tn People provided the service to Darlington Township Coun-1. Morrishi United Church An- ley Jones. Robert Morton, and music which was real cil at whih time they ad- Inuersary Service, held Sun-, Charlie -Mereilley, Edwin good. Next Sunday Rev. vised the Darlingfon Town- day, Sept. Io af il a.m. was!Ruthven. aso Mrs. Norman Udeli will speak at Canton. ship School Board about it. ell attended. Among those Gerow, er aunt Mrs. Russel Mr. and Mrs. Robt. West- However, School Board re-1 attendin g from Zion were and David attended. heuser, Bowmanville, spent plied that only Tyrone school _ the weekend wjth Thicksons. was being closed at the pres- Another Ganaraska speed ant time and "the addition at race was held on Sunday Enniskillen should be pro- 1Po pP ro c whîch makes for a lot of traf- ceeded with". fic through here. They re- On Monday evening, Sept.ý ported a good race. il those people who worked on the petition presenfed a copy fo the school board so ]KENDAL thanft hges misreprld esta Your doctor can phone us when you need answered. n e ii e e wiI d lv r p on pl1R E c Mrs. Wilfrid Roughley of The Darlington Township ! mdcn. ewl elvrpopty.M o Oshawa spent a few days School Area Board apparentlyi' charge, or you inay pick up your prescription with Mrs. Swarbrick and plans f0 proceed on schedule 1 if shopping nearby. while there they visited with with the four-roomn addition ' Mrs. C. Thompson. at Enniskillen. ' OPEN NEXT WEEK 'TIL 9 P.M. DAILY The 111gb Scbool students ___ ___ are back at school for anotherM terni, some at Clarke High School and others at PortSA E ie Hope High Shool. A very pleasant social even-'fý) ir Rev. T. J. Snelgrove gave ing witb an attendance of over 1 r ove e s lia megfrenjody edREaCdePicNiaus pot fiemsaesn Sna 85 was beld at the chureh on FC 1,-S .%p, Sand we were glad to have our Fridayeeig fe l a'ý 21 choir back again. Mr. Snel- e ya eig. Aftal flan ?KingSt. E. 623-2546 Bowmanville, Ot gsupper Mr. Bob Craig cale o0 young people over fourteen the g t ei g t r e o h -Ion Sunday, September 24, at a nn g troseordheer forthe 17 p.m. This is to be held in to honour aur three recenti ie Newtonville Church and brides and grooms. On behaîf we hope many of our young of the community a card tabl' * people may attend. and chair set were presentedjM mE Miss Catherine Stewart vis- f0 Bruce and Margaret Stain. E .-1 L S E ited with Miss Laura Hamil- ton, a pair of mafching lamps! EV NG CL S E ton at Zion on Sunday alter- fa Don and Norma Welsh and Bgnnn noon. a pale lamp to Bob and Joan place near Newcastle on Wed- and grooms expressed thei*r' nesday !ast when an histur- appreciation for the gîfts. O CTO B R 1 , 1 6 ical plaque was unveiled 10 Mr. John Twist, who bas been commemorate the work Of on a mission field in Wallard, onsf he i, am.ofWilarewh sldesorfthi stouf tr here on sfhpS m ioneers of C lark e sk.for he s ti u te hoe d'w nnele H g i S h established the first Fish and the community in wbich wm n il g S o l Hatchery on the creek which he stayed. ran through , his farm. This Salem U.C.Wf. will meet at' Art yerinSw g Lds'R thî was one hundred years ago the church on Tbursday, Sept.pwiigSwnLdis htni and was the first Fish Hafch- 21. Miss Aleen Aked wiîj! Exercîses, Woodworking, New Mathematjcs, ery in Canada. Mr. Roy Fos- show slides of Expo. Hotc lt r n a a e i0sbe t fer, our Reeve, presîded and Mr. and Mrs. Len Brock,Hotcluead cdrn sbcs there were many prominent Hamilton, were Saturday visi- if there are sufficient applications. speakers, tors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Try to attend the Portraits Blackburn. REGISTRATION wilI take place at the of the Past which will be held Mr. and Mrs. John Coombes in the Clarke High School on and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Coombes Bowmanville High School: Monday, September 25, at 8 were guests at the Gi- p.m. Get your tickets at Tur- Coombes wedding in Oshawai WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4th - 7 t0 9 p.m. ansky's Store or from any on Saturday. member of the Centennial Mr. and Mrs. G erai d Committee. Shackleton and family spent inJKSDAY, OCT OBER 5th- 7 to 9 p.m. The P.T.A. held the first the weekend in Ottawa where meeting of the season on Mr. Eric Shackleton wjil beï Tuesday last. They made plans resuming is studies tare- THE FEE - f o r th e c o tn i n g s eh o o l y e a r . ' t o n U n iv e r s ity th is w e e k.'j0v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AUTRORIZED OLDSMOBILE DEALER IN BOWMANVILLE:

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