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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Sep 1967, p. 7

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j;'. - f &jial & £ersna I J Married, in- Trinity United Church [. Phone 623-3303 Miss Dale Stewart left l1 wasrecently honored with week to take a secretanial twao parties. One, given by 2B ipton in Sioux Lookout. Floor cf the hospital, was ",ushis Tihelftn-i held ut the home of Mrs. Gayle Ï1tly for Kingston wheneiKhan, Oshawa, when she was lec is attending Queen's Uni-I preseiîted with a lovely Ieatlî- yersity. lerhabal The second party Recreational Directon Bud1 was held at the home of Mns. Fanning returned last weekl Doni.g Endicott, Oshawa, when' from vacationing in the Haln1 h night staff at the hospital, ton area. i presented Mrs. Willatts with Mns. L. W. Dippell spent acanal, corded velvet house- catIL bbc weekend in St. Cathanînes icDr. and Mn,. A. E. L. Dan- Visiting Mn. and Mns. R. Muir- icades, Chuquicamata, Chule, aea yn 1mil.and their Youngest daughter, .. Bill Crombie and Rick Gy Miss Jeanne Danicades, were left recently te continue their guests o! Mns. Darnicades' &tudisa t anneUi sister and brother - li- 1w, Versity, Canton, NY. Councillor and Mns. Glen- "Mn. and Mns. E. W. Stewarth olme Hughes, 3 Ontario St., o! Salmon Arm, B.C., are vis- last weck. They spent the iting bis sister, Mrs. W. J. Mc-~ weekend witb their daughter Donald, Liberty St. North. 1 and son-in-lmw, Mn. and Mns. Mns. Nora Smith, BrooklmnI A. W. Coy, Toronto, before and rs. orisCameonleaving on Sunday via Air Prince Street, Town, returr.-CadafrNwYken cd home rccently fnom visit- route to South Amnerica. Their j4 nRegina and Saskatoon. daughten, Jeanne, is a stu- IOA in dent at Bisbop Stracha n The Rev. K. J. FramptonSchool, Toronto. WVill be preaching at tbei Cburch of the Epiphany, Tor-! ente, Harvest Thanksgivingi Service on Sunday, Septem- ieg o H ld ber 24th. Le in od Mr. adlMrs. Maxie sounth, M. adley Younth, soouh!,Regular Dance R.R. 6, Bowmanville, bas cern mnenced bis teacbing duties at An enjoyable evcning was. ........- Kennen High Scbool in Peter- spent at the Bowmanviîîe bonough. Legion on Satunday night, Miss Hattie Mason, fermerly Sept. 16 when the regular of South Haven Nursing Home, monthly dmnce was held. Newcastle, is now at Strat- Music wms pnovided bv the haàyen Nursing Home,Kigeidn band, "The Royal i '. . St,- East, Bowmanville, where Ambassadors, and 'the bal! ' ahë will be pleased te sec heur o! sing-aleng, dancing friends. te the old tunes proved very : z::: We feel sorry for you nger p~lr pupils, and their teachens Ornz incswr during this wonderful speli of Mrs. D. Severn (denated by war)Výweather. The you GregsHantîîg;Mrs. R. ' stes mst uîdiL enydifi:Clowcs and spot pnizeswres cult, inded, not t dayd won by Mr§. E. Majers and àými1 érind les.nttodydeMr.L utn .A e classes.d Mr. PBurton, rs. A.he Lieut. and Mrs. Peter Leentjes, who are Ïhown in the above photo, werE Have you noticed that ever latter pnizes were dcnated by rnarried in Trinity United Church, Bow manvihle, on Saturday, September 2, sinée the date of the Provin- the Legion Presiduat Mn. M. 1967. The bride is the former Miss Winnifred Jean Cole, youngest daughter of cial clection was announced, Conway. M.C. was Mn. H. Mrs. J. Douglas Cc cmniladtelt n Cole, andth bidgror the climatic conditions have Brown.vle n h aeM.Cladtebiero der if this is a coincidence, or a warnng of a heated battliM e rMs .Lmet Mtte oiss.elnVisonTYRONE M. and orMrs. R. Laer ntw Mitsthele antne ho den, Bnooklin, spent the week- R c n l M a re Is attending the Ontario Col-1M.R Gibbs lcft last wcek edwih Mn. and Mns. T.1 lege o! Education, Toronto, by pane to sec several con-IPleasance and children. and Mn. Bruce Murray, Ton)-1 senvation areas in the west.I1 Mn. and Mrs. G. Kilpatrick, ente, spent the wcekend withl Mrs. Gordon VanCamp spent' Scott and Troy, Bay Ridges; tbe forme's mothen, Mns.i ast week with lier sister, Mns. Mrn. and Mrs. A. Covery, Morley Vanstone, and sister, R. Gibbs. Bcwmanvijle; Mr. and Mrs. Miss Barbara Vanstone. A family gatbering was! Bill Douglas aId Mn. and Mrs. M.,and Mns. R. L. Mitchell hcld at the home of Mrs. W.i R. Bowers and Ian werc Sun- have rccently retunned from H . Taylor and Mrs. R. Bur-1 day guests o! Mn. an.d Mns. W. visiting thein daugbter a-id ges s:sGertrude Stevens, Park. Grae ndChr.' Bowmanlville, was also ai Flcwers plac ed in the 4es Spencer, Ottawa, where guest and attended Decera-I chunch for the Sundaymon they attended the christening tien Service at Bethesda i îng service werc in memony o! their two gncat-grandchîld- Cemetery. !of Mrs. J. Dugan by Mn. and ren, Melinda and Chistephen. Mn. and Mns. Harold Skin- Mrs. DavdDanOsw, Mn. L. B. Nichais, Carlsl ner, Mrs. G. McCoy, Mns. N. Mn. and Mns. Stuart Young, Ave. retrnedlastSa sldayWeodley, Mrs. W. F. Park, Bowmanville, visit e d thein Ave., rctuan inas gstuonaySn., Bowmanvillc Mn. andidaughter, Mn. and Mrs. John end Watentown, N.Y., with bis Mrs, Lamne McCoy, Breokli n Rundie. sonan daghen-n-awMn wene Decoration Day guestsi Mr nd Mns. John Rundle and Mr. Dougaso!iMn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skin- and Gai], wene necent visitons an r.DulsNchois9 ner and a cy f Mn. and Mns. Peter Sos- Kingsteon. When they wenc in d ail.nowski, Oshawa. Watertown, a party ams held Mn. and Mns. Howard Brent, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue, In bonor o! Mn. L. B. ichols' Oshawa, were gucst.s o! Mn. Mira Annie Rivers with Mrs. binthday. and Mina. L. Phare and at- C. Shaw, Oshawa. Last Satunday, Mina. Capt. tended Decoration Service. Anyone wishing to go on F'raser and Mrs. E. Willatts Mina. Melbou rn e Wight, the drive fer the Senior Citi- Corps Cadet Guandian and Mir. Bowmanvillc, spent this wcck-fzens spensoned by the U.C.ïi. E. Colliss, Sccout Leader, c-edwibM.ad n.Lneo Sunday Oct. hat, please companied local Salvation Ar- Phare, contac1t Maýy. John Rundie, MY Corps Cadets when they Mr. and Mira. Len Tbornett. 263-8480. participated in a Corps Cadet Halibunton, spent the weekend Mn. Peter Hodgk i n s o ni, Rally in Peterborough. Bow- witb Min. and Mrs. R. Gibbs. Cooksville, spent the week- nianville Cadets won the Div- Mr. and Mina. Gilbert Wicks. end witb Mr. and Mina. James Jsional Sbield. Cobourg, Mn. and Mini. Eber Woodley. Mrs. Ray Brock, Town Mn. Snowden, Courtice, were Sun- Mn. and Mina. Walter Rahm clvisitedtMn.fanr.Mrs. Ceeu end Mina. E. Wiley e! Niagara day guestsr.faMn. and Meci Falls, Ont., Mrs. Harold Hale Lorne Phare. Rahm. Bunketon, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm, Grecn- o! Toronto, Mns. Hector Danke Congratulations to Min. and, bank. of Port Hope and Mns. Nick Mn.. Fosten Snowden, Brook- Min. and Mina. James Wood- Dan ot Whîtby, arrived berne lin, on their recent 45tb wed- ley and childnen enjeyed . on Monday from a dclightful ding anniversany, to Mr. and Sunday afteinoon at Cntre mate ~ri te Washington, Mns. W. E. Stevens, Hampton, sad oot, aogwt . D. Pfturning borne via the on their 6i4t wedding anri- Min. and Mns. Rik Lxton, -.~.. ]lue Ridge Mountains. ver-SarY and Mn. Stevens' ScarborLugh Mr. and Mins. Tom Harnes bhdy These nice people The Explorera that are go- Mr. and r.fai odo ceh h also Wayne, Dougilas ondt] netarc well kroln hen.igtate Cmp Peoi îiL..i&i' Proceeds from the Cent nal 10 an. > I. J ./II~J Dinner were $12973 Which 7:30 pan waa turned over te the Cen- 7:30p.m.<"I.liID"i.~ tennial Treasurer. Correspon,- CHURCH'~l dence was nead. Donation was 11:15 a.m. Sunday School Aniia made ta the Vacation Bible Schoel. Hanvest Canvass Com- Rac T Gd ou 9arn. and 7 D.m. au usual mnittee was named. Regianal CKLB110 a.rn. Preacher: meetings ai St. Stephen's Uni- 11:00ted Chunch, Oshawa, October CaPt C Baldwin, C.A. 23, and at Blackstock United veySunday, 9:15 p n 3 a bslevschrhChunch, Octaber 3th. Mina, W. "Everyoue. Welcorne" for Youth Service, flhhop boeth in park. Mra. A. Wood O f CoventrY, 7 p.m reportcd on the Upper Room 1 St Afte'sToroto. alse a donation ta the Panses- ia ge. Mina.Geîdyn Bnent'a theme for devotional wa s Canada's Mission in the Wonld TI NIIY UNITED CHUK(CH Tda' wl-ich was veny ap- o propniate for the moat pic- fi.Minister- Rev - George KÇ. Ward, B.A., B.D. turesque view o! Expo by k,.rganist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. slides taken by Miss Aleen ~~ Aked. A special tnibute waS1 SSUNDAY, SEPEMBER 24th, 1967 paid te one cff.our devotedi mebrthe late Mrs. A.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Shackleton MORNING WORSHIP Hilîs, by Mina. A. Wood. Con-' 1:0a. me nsctre evdluc. A family pryhonoring M.adMs on fMns. G. Brernt, Mini. A. Knowl- Shackleton, Liberty St. South, on the occasion cf their "GOD AND OURSE LVES" Iton and Mri. W. Rahm. Mmi. 49th wcdding annivcrsary was held on Sunday, Sep-. I. Northey ý1osed with pray- tember lOth., at bthom!thi uhe yadsn CHURCH SCHOOL e1 Pnize winnàns for thieeuchre in-law, Edna and Stewart Jarvie, R.R. 6, Bowmanville. 9. :30 &.m. - Junior, lutermediate and Senior I party Friday nigbt were Mn.. During the festivities they were presented' with a W. 1100an.- euies nF L Mrs i.n As euiflpl-am yte aiy r.adMs W"1:0am e nr r.F . Vvia , M n R oes eutflpl-ap ytefmly r n 1120 &an. - Pnrnmary mnd Kindergarten la Beckett, MI. Fred Partner, Shackleton have resided here for approxL-mately 24 Un .Ca'meqon. 50-50 draw, years before coming to Bowmanville lived li Manvers WUwcaaoby Mn. Zarl Preacot, ,LWMlhlp. similarly to the br(deemads. f The Canadian Statenam nowmarvife, Sept. 20, 19@7 W ectdlnq eith J. Lowry ofPeton LEENTES - COLE Stewart of Tillsonburg, Mr. ber lIt, at the homne of Mr. OBIT UÂRY Grant S. Herron of Courtice, and Mns. Grant S. Herron, On Saturday, SePtember. a brother-in-law of the bride, Courtice. GEORGE. . DORBINS 2nd, 197, Winnfred Jean and Mr. Larry Leentes of Tedaho ere S Cole, Youngest daughter cf Chathama brother o! the LO Ghebbisagedci8,orgLea Sn.. Mns. J. Dou las Cole, BOW- groom.LO G AUT tno ccre t ido manville, ang the late Mr. At -the reception, held inii to, nt. ospiretatonWdo Cole, beca mne the bride ci Trinity C urch Hall, M ns. Colc Mr. and M ns. Stanley AIln jM tr oian H s ta on W d Lieut. Peter Leentes, son cf receved the guests ini a street- N ýeil and Arlene, Orono, were nesday, Sept. 13, 1967, from Mr. and Mrs. John 'Leentjes length dress ! uhsa crepe Siund'ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. cancer. o! Kitchener. The couple were fashioned with short lace Sidney Cornish. He %vas the beloved husband united li a double ring cere. sleeves and a beaded, scooped Mr. and Mns. Albert Davey, cf Florence Bennett, formenly mony by Rev. George K. neckline. She worc matching Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. wm. of Darlington, who survives Ward, the pastor o! Trinity accessories. The groomns moth-1 Johnson and Linda, Lifford him, as does his father, H. L. United Church. er assisted in a powder blue were Sunday guests cf Mr. ami Dobbins of Pelee Island; One During the ceremony, Mrs. lace dress and matching thres- Mrs. Bért Johnson. brother, Cyreal Quellette of S. J. Black cf Bowmanviîlc quarter jacket, with contrast- Sorry te report Mrs.W. Pelee Island, and a sister, Mrs. sang "The Wedding Prayer", ing accessonies. Vaneyk was rushed to Mecm- Bertha Mitchell cf Woodslee. "The Lord's Prayer," and "O After the reception, Mr. orial. Hospital early Monday Born on Pelee Island, Mr. Perfect Love" accompanied and Mrs. Leentjes left for morning. Dobbins came to Leamington by Mr. Arthur Collison et the their wedding trip hog Mrs. Harold Mrh was 23 years ago following his ora.The altar was flanked northern and eastern Ontario hostess to Clu b 50 ladies Tues- service overseas in the Sec- with attractive standards of and Montreal. For travelling, day evening, Sept. 12. Vice- ond World War as Flying 0f- white and yellow chrysanthe- the bride designed an A-Uine Pres. G. Baker opencd the ficer and Instructor of the mumnsand snapdragons, while orange ice dress of bonded meeting and conducted the1 R.C.A.F. He was employed white ribbons and flowers crepe and matching Oriental business. Mrs. K. Goble read by the H. J. Heinz Co. cf marked the guest pews. style jacket, with which she the Seripture and Mrs. H. Canada Ltd., where he was a The bride, who was escort- were black accessonies. A Murphy gave a fine devotion- department bead for the last cd to the alter by ber brother, corsage of white carna'tions ai. Business centred around 2o years. He was a member Mn. Allin J, D. Cole ef Bow- andorange Zorian roses cern- plans to cater te Durham of Leamington United Church. manville, wore a simple floor- pllmented ber ensemble. Club atePthe 'home cf Miss the Sun Parlor Shnine Club, length gown cf white French The bride and groom are Akd, Stember 30 and our Leamington Masonic Lodge, peau de soie, hi.ghlighted with both graduates of the Univer-lannual TNrvey uprt eA.&AM o 9;Wndsor a graceful A-lune skirt, scoop- sity cf Western Ontario, n b eld in Nvmber. A donation Preceptorv No, 26, King Cyrus cd neckline, and elbow-length Mr. Lecntjes is now srvnd cf $100,00 was given te Tyrone Chapter No. 119, R.A.M., and belld sleve. Th emire s anoffcer n t e rnae United Church, also a 'small the Sun Parleur Curling Club. bellcd e aee Theaemturel Fas. n offic er the cnadiandonation te Tyrone Vocational Funeral services wcre con- waistlinc ee te aauackDl-Forc e. Iefo ermthe couple School. The club is holding a ducted Saturday, September atlineha tilyhebakli- wî L eeavt eoenmany where inTupperwarc demonstration at l6th from Smith's Funeral cat Chntily lac apliq~eLietennt ectje wil jinthe Smith home early in Octo- Home, Leamington, wit h accented the siceves and boît- his régiment, the Lord Strath- ber. The meeting closed ifl Windsor Pentecostal Pastor tom of the skirt. The detacl- cona's Hrse (Royal Canad-thusamnnrndaocl able, chapcl-length train flow- ians). tihe uu a ny nd al.oOct- William Fitch officiating, as- cd from a narrow taîlored bow Prier te ber wedding, the ober meeting will be held atit e yRv ilimBl at the waist, and was silhou- bride was feted et several the Baker borne with Mns. of the United Church. etted witb appliques cf the events. During the week fol- Baker and Miss Grace Smith Palîbeaners were fellow same Chantilly lace. A-French, lowing August 2lst, Mns. as pregram convenons. Heînz empîcyces and neigh- pure silk illusion fingertip Douglas Colc received guests Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cam- bours. eil, caug t up by a m atch- infor nalIy, for tea et ber ap- er n a d R h- n w r Do t o s w re ec v d fo bnd, poea d sie eChang artmlet igS.,Bw -Sunday evcning visitors cf Mn. the Cancer Society in ad-. ban, cverd wth haniîî Vile.and Mrs. D. Oke, Bowman- dition to a very large number lace, was ber headpiece. She The bridc's reommates, Mis- ville. of floral trihutes, among carried a cascade cf white ses Pat Macnaugbten, Isling- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Davis whîch werc those from H. J. amabilis erchids, stephanotis, ton, Bonnie Mutton, Bowman- and family, Orone, wenc nec- Heinz Veteran Employees As- carnations and ivy, and she ville an d Bey. Brown, Tor- ent visitons cf their parents, sociation, the Supervisers of were the groom's gift. of a ente, were hostesses et a bar- Mr. and Mns. Rye Gibson. The H. J. Heinz, the lodges and lovely diamond pendant. Ibecue shower (miscellaneous) R. Gibson's visitcd witb Mn. fellow workers. Miss Suzanne Bal cf Bow-J held in London, which was et- and Mrs. James Parkinson and A Masonic Lodge Service manville was the maid ot tended by many of the coup- family, Courtice, on Fiday was held on Friday, Sept. 15. hoýnour, and Miss Betty Jane les ufiversity fiends:, Mrs. Werry of Enniskilîen, Mrs. Bill Hay was hostess and Miss eith Lowry of Petrolia, and Suzanne Bal was ce-bostess Mrs. Bill HaY cf Bewmanviîîe o! a bathroom presentation Bowmanville were the bridesmaids. They and shewer held at the home worc floor-length gowns of of*Mrsi,,Kenneth Luxton, P'rOgmressive Cons rvauiIve mint reseda peau de soie, de- B manvihe. sigrid with A-line skirts,ý A cusin's miscellaneous ~-' scoeped necklines, belled sle-ý shower was held for the cou- Comitmu ee R'ooeu eves, and empire waistîînes, pie at the home cf Mrs. Wes- witb a tailored bow et thej ley Yellowlees, Solina, wherc' in the former back. Bow headpîeces cf the she n rs. Harold Yellow- same nateial completed their es wereMhe ostesses. Miss!O iAN ,jIr~~ eutfits, and they carried cas- Betty Jane Werry, assisted hyl O B N FIE cade bouquets e! yellow shas- Mrs. A. E. Werry, Enniskil- at King and Temperance Streetg ta "mums". A niece of the len, and Miss Winnifred Cole, bride, Miss Terri Emberson Willewdae, held a dessert1P NE6373 cf Guelph, was the junior sbowcr (miscellancous). PH N 2373 bnidesmaid and was drcssed A rehearsal party wax held 39 c SpeciI2 for 9 Johnson's Baby Powdrsugg. ist e 83 c Fact Tooth Poste Family Size9c Sugg. list 1.19 9 9c.~ Cepacol MOUTH WASH For sweeter breh40--- .0 Cepucol and GARGLE 14oz- Sugg. ls .010 Feen-a-mmnt CH LAXTIVE IN 16i's - Sugg.4c EIGGUM FORM list 55ec4 Lady Ptriciai HAIR SPRAY 7 oz. Sug. list 9__66c KLEENEX TOWELS Suggr. list 2 relis 55C ---2 for . 51C PRESCITIN I. D.A. -RD e DRU 5 KING ST. W..- 623579 - HONE 623-5792 e- Regular and Super 12's - Sugg. Iist 53c Au ý', PRESCRIPTIONS 1. D. A - REMEDIES

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