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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 2

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2 * Canadian Statesman, Bownianville, Sept. 2797 education and retralning. the benefits of the Milk Mark- D u. ""a'Il accept the responibiiy eting Act ani the I M aglura D 'eu M* as agret hoor nd UurtandRehabilitation Act, the Used pC4 ~do everything possible to iCar Dealers Act, and carM al1 serve the people of this con- sffylgaain stltuency. Meet wlth me e at ry own department the pols on October l7th, a eith he"Iroisow n eai toi (PRM PGE NE> date of progress and promise," free hlghways. Since 1961 we County Progressive-Conserva- Mr. Carruthers said. have built -more than 800 Miles September 25 and 26, 196 tive Association for co-opera- The Cartwright Trio com- of highways and secoeidary Mgstate R. B. Batt tion and loyalty during the posed of John Archer, vialin- roads. Our good roads bring presided on Monday withA past ycars, and ail members ist; his daugliter, Miss Shar- taurists and are a decisive fac- sistant Crown Attorney iý of the P.C. Party in this his- on Archer, pianist. and John tor in the location af indus- Stubington, E. R. Love] torie riding," he said. Hamilton playig the mauth tries. Also, the Department of acting as duty counsel f "I would also like to ex- organ entertained with some Highways lias given more ta Legal Aid. min the absence press my gratitude to the lively music. Mr. Hamilton municipal governments in Magistrate R. B. Baxter inembers of the municipal also rcceived mudli applause subsidies. vacation, Magisti-ate Crai councils, school boards, and for his spirited step-dance. The Roberts plan af incent- ford Gucat presided on Tue other bodies witli wlom I have The special speaker, the ive for the location of Indus- day with Crown Attorney( sliared many programs and Hon. George Gomme, Minister tries in slow growtli areas F. Bonnycastie, Terry Kel' problems and had some wond- af Highways, was introduced was not announced because af acting as duty counsel. erful discussions. I arn aiso by Mr. Winslow, who told the the approaching election as Monday grateful ta the people ai Dur- meeting that Mr. Gomme was the cabinet has been working Christoplier E 1 m e s, M ham County for the courtesies boni in England in 1912, and on it for months, Mr. Gomme Dixon Road, Weston, pleade that have been sliown ta me Came to Canada in 1922 with dcclared. not guilty ai carcless drivi: and my farntly. lits parents wlio scttled in Al- The Minister of Highways July 9. Defense caunsel wâ Mr. Carruthers also spoke monte, Lanark County. w-J spoke ai the Government's 1. 1. Blrnbaum and investigal appretNatively ai the assistance spoke ai Mr. Gromme's work plans ta esse the burden ai ing officer Constable J. Chal ilven him by his wifc. "She in lis lumber and business municipal property taxes, and mers, OPP. ~as sharcd the responsibility supply firni, and also ai muni- said this will be undertalcen Miss Janet Scanlon, Ottawi witli me in serving you over cipal service culminating wlien without an increase in other stated that she was drivin the years," lie declared. he was Mayor af Aimonte taxation. He also stated that her friend's MG sports ca "Elght years aga thîs month from 1956 ta 1958. "He was the government is going ta west.on Higliway 401 in Su] 1 staod here and enuncipted elected ta the Legislature in take over the entire cost ai day night stop-and-go trai] the principles and ideais a a 1958 by-election, and re- tlie administration ai justice. Wlien the car ahead brake niember ai parliament a;hould elected in 1959 and 1963. He He said that there lias been suddenly sIc braked too an( have. First, a desire ta serve became a member af the cabi- cancern about the possible tax- was run into from the rea: the people regardless af dii- inet witliout portfolio ia 1965 ation ai churdli lands. "Ex- by a Pontiac driven by thi ferences in palitics or creed. and Minister ai Highways in emption ai properties from accused. Estlmated damagg Sccondly, a thorough know- 196V," Mr. Winslow stated. taxation adds ta thc burden ta thc sports car was si0c ledge ai the rldlng, its inter- Mr. Gomme said that lie îs ai tIc home owner. We have and ta the Pontiac $125. ests and its problems, and ta proud ai bcing a member ai assured the leaders ai the Mr. Elmes, aged 19 andî et ail times keep the peopl the Robarts Government. s"It Anglican, Roman Catliolic, and Grade Il student, told th( ai the canstîtuency inome Is a gaverniment tried and United Churclies tliat wc will Court lie was returning frai on legisîntion. true, capable ai looking ater nat change aur policy witliout Bobcaygeon with four pas. aanyour afiairs and doing the discussion. I doubt if the sengers and that Miss Scahr "The electionan M.P.P. business you want done. taxation ai places ai worship Ion liad changed lanes with. dacs flot designate a boss but The Minister ai Highways wiil ever be considered," Mr. out a signal and back again a servant and spokesman fo spoke ai the record ai the Gomme stated. and thus had resulted Ini the the peape o! tIc riding. H Robarts Conservative Govern- "I am proud ai what the collision. Joseph P at r ic: inust be tolerant in bis views ment. He reierred ta the new Department of Highways lias Richards, anc ar thc passen. of others. 1 have tried ta live Legai Assistance Act Dassed donc in the lest two and a gers, gave) mudli thc same up ta these ideals and prin- this year, and said that this bahf years for higliways, llnk evidence. .ciples during my political car- legal iplns a great help roads and development roads. Magistzrate Batten dsi *ecr. Wbther I have succeed- i baid planjstiefrtoeTi okwl ecniu&ds ed or not wiil be decided by s bann utc o hs hswr ilb otn ed cdthc charge. the ~~~~people whcntc ot epewo cannot afard a ,:lI the next eiglit years Ruth Andrews, Lot 18, Con. *the peole won tbe go7t1 lawyer's fee. $8,000,000 wiil be spent on cession 4, Clarke Township, -thepoll onOctoer 1th. He stresscd the importance impravements in the King's pleaded guilty ai careless "If once more I am granted ai the trade crusade ta ob- Highway systcm. These plans driving July 31. Constable L. thec priviiege ai serving the taining markets for things include the paving af Higi- J. Mahoney, OPP, said that people af this county in the made in Ontario, and clalmed way 7A fram- Betliany ta he went ta the scene af a legisîntive ha-lloai Ontario, 1 tîat it lias created an in- Highway 115, 'reconstruction two-car accident on the dustrial boom. Thc Rural ai No. 35 Highway ta Enter- Fourtl, Concession. There le FIM QUALITY Protection A ct saieguards prise Hill, the wldening aifudAfe AIra' a MONUMENTS AND people in towns and villages thc railway underpass on No.ond Alrofri ed ded's c wha wcre once taken in by 2 Higliway near Newcastlenisroflthdtliwh MARKERS bigli pressure salesmen, Mr. the reconstruction ai the roadi estimated damage ai $1200 1 * g el~ImtLOPs Gomme pointed out. passage under the CPR at =ef ».. ~"The great voluntary medi- Bowmaaviile and ai a creek S h o (iDik\cal insurance plan established structure there". STAFFORD by aur goverient is known Mr. Gomme paid tribute ta BROS. LTD. as OMSIP. The gavernmcnt the service Mr. Carruthers lias (FROM PAGE ONE) will carry It for those who given in the legislature, and thc regular four and flve-year ( ÈV Àcannat afford ta pay. This is le urged ail present ta give pragrams. This type oi sdliooî FAMIY 'dahorw agreat step Ia social wcîîare. their support and their assist- is being develaped in urban MONMENS i. DAW "The Ontario Tax Faunda- ance ta hlm tîraugliaut the areas Withtfl leavy student Sialford DBrothers ta reccive education ai the tion wauîd flot be a factor. M umns asserted. He also spoke offlj*ol type ai school ta equip and LIMITED bosfrGae ,1,1 n zdeupetrqie n Box 13382 erfre ateOtro S f bi ol a eeooial 318 Dundas St. E. - WhitbY the new Community Colegcs (FROM PAGE ONE) at this time." Phone WhItby 668-3552 ai Applied Arts and Teh- priately and went on ta tell (3) Scîl the building and Inalagy, also plans for adult ai Uic work beiag donc by land ta an individuel or com- _____________________________________________the Recreation Commission mercial enterprise. and wbat the pragram means "Thc board bas decided ta Bawmanvilce. upan the last metlad and Deloitte, &lne, akn Seils New officers elected during plans ta engage in an active PlneHsisthe evening werc rsdntcMag ta sel the building. witb wbom are now merged Dick MacLean, Vice President The praperty Is ideaily situ- Murray Cain and Secretary- ated for light industry or com- Monteithi Riehi, Waters & Co. Treasurer Alan Cole. merce and thc co-operation Trophies were presented ta of the Bowmanville industrial Chrtre ccunansthe Ellis Shoemen the playoiidvlomn comniittee wiil be wîo was voted tbe most valu- customers know thc praperty Montreal Oshawa Toronto Nlamoton able player. He also woni thc ie available. Windsor Winnipeg Regina Calgary, batting tropliy and thc award Part Hope's Mayor Michael Edmonton Prince George Vancouver for the mast RBIs. John Kil- Wladyka noted the new sclools Patrick won the traphy for wauld skYrocket educatian Goron . Eehi C.., LA.Hur R.Watrs,<~ the most home ruas. costs again. It is golng ta play Gordn W ElhlC.A, RLA. artR. ates, .A.Harld Michelson won thceliavoc witli aur budget, be Osaa Oshawa Shopping Centre 728-7527 traply for being the Most said. We sliauld give aurselves valuable player during the a full month ta consider it. playofis. The matter undoubtedly wil __ e discussed at thc October meeting ai Bowmanviile and MOTOR INN is now accepting a imited number of applications for membership. PHONE BOWMANVILLE 623-3373 Season: October, 1967 tliru June, 1968 The following facilities will be available: di -- * SAUNA ROOM *EXERCISE VIBRATOR ROOM . BICYCLE~ *HEATED INDOOR POOL *HEATED OUTDOOR POOL *SUN DECK MEN'S and LADIES" LICENSED LOUNGE WEIGHTS - YOUR INSPECTION IS INVITED H IP: $25.00 per persori H-usband and Wife - $4000 (5 to 15 Years) EacI, Child - $10.00 Mamber wiIl pay: Aduit- 25c Per Child NfOURS: yP LADIES Ç 2 to 5 p.m. - Monday thru Frlday MEN *-*-*--7 to 10Op.m. -Monday thru Fridey CWILDREN- ---* 4 to 7 p.m. - Monday thru Friday IFAMLY DAYS TO BE1CAîRAGED Ask About Our Baby Sitting Services Instruction-in Red Cross Swimming la te be anrugd for SATUROAY MORING$ -9 A"M.t. 1 P.M ~T~TERDUTAIL AT A L&TEE DATE istrate's Court M7 and Mrs. Andrews' car witl cach car. toen extensive damage to Uic front Defard Wagler, Welles As- which lie estimated at $1000. was fincd $50 and costs, Ken There lad been anc passenger 10 days, iallowing convict .km la Mr. Alldread's car and for careless driving Decem for three children with Mns. An- 30 last. Constable Malai ai drews. It was raining heavi- said le laid Uic chargei on ly and lis> investigation in- lowing lis investigation af Rw- dîcated tatMr. Alldrcad, accident an Higbway 35 no les- wcstbound, lad stopped. about, ai Kirby. Mr. Wagler G. ta turn inta a driveway, wlen mitted ta Uic aificer that lly Mrs. Andrews ran ito the lad been drinking, was go: back ai lis car. too fast and iost cantrol Conviction brouglit afieis station wagon. It leit 327 o! $25 and costs, or five days. higlway, went into a dit ced Patrick McQueen, Newcas- through a fence, into a fie ing tlc,bakit was charged September bak ntlte fence and ba vas 12 with wilful damage ta, a rnto tIc field again. le- car belonging ta Gardon Dan- Michael Robert Crawli aIl- cey. He pleaded nat guilty. aged 17, a Canadian worki Mr. Danccy conducted the la Caliiornia, was clani ~ poseutin. e aidtîit jatSeptember 19 with driving ig aiter midnigît le was puttingDthenTonslipn ai Canrcda car together lis weekly news-Daigtnhamanrd i-paper wlien lie leard a coam- geraus ta thc public. 1 moton utsde He ioo ed pleadcd guilty. On a secoi ae ut and saw Mr. McQueenchrebininpseio id witl a rock ia lis band. The a stolen car, le elected tri ar first rock bit the fender of by i magistrate and plead he lis car and when tIc second guiltY. ge struck the windshieid hî .Constable Maîoney tes- 00 went outsidc and asked what ied that at 7:20 p.m. thc lac was the trouble. One twia detacîment was alcrtcd 'i a ledto anther n th oicePeterborough that aificers ae le t canoter adtcpoi the Lindsay Town Police D mewr ald partment wcre cîasing a 19< aMr. McQueen, la bis de- Ford Thunderbird, rcd ar Sfense, called Mervyn Blight white, sautî on Higlway 35 n- wlo said that le saw na stones (Continued next week) h-itrowa but heard thc argu- in ment. Mr. McQucen admitted ie that lic lad been drinking k before le called in ta sec Mr. p o t a s n- Bligbt, on lis way lame, but ie deaicdt throwing any stones. Fvom paemm -Aiter listening ta, consider- able evidence slowing bad (FROM PAGE ONE) -feeling betwecn tIc parties presentatian tIc soloists, Mri pconcernied, Magistrate Batten Edward Hoar and Mrs. Ray cammcated, "A p p a r e n t l1 y mond Clapman, sang appro Uicrc's a littlc local war in priate sangs. TIc pianist wa ,Newcastle which wauid ne- Mrs. R. D. Morton. kquire a local referce." He TcIda adnAi ýdismisd the charge. Aki wîtl Ethel Naîler as thg e Robert Mclntasl, 1757 Vic- model opcned thc program toria P a rk, Scarboraugh, TIen camne Catherine Teka. pîeaded guilty ai careless Witha, Mary Bunting; Madamt driving Juiy 23 and was fia- Champlain, Rena Tamblyn c d $40 and costs, or eight and ber maid, Isabel Trim; E days. Settlcr's Wife, Helen Sclmid Constable L. J. Mahoney's Mrs. John Graves Simcoc, evideace was that M r. Me- Helen Wood. Intosli, fallowiag anotîer TIc Rural Belle, Kathy vebicle soutl on Higliway 35. Lavekin; Belle ai the Bahl, l ad failcd ta stop wîen it Tave Jorgensen; Laura Se- lstoppcd, rcscting la a rear- cord, Jean Allia; Sarah AsI- 1end collision that caused ap- bridge, Marie Tamblyn; thc tpraxiately $300 damage ta Equestrienne, Jean Staples; YOU'LL FIND PLEASA GUAwRDIAUN à£Q I Accident 1 Round-UpI (FROM PAGE ONE) went out ai coatrol on Scu- gag Street at the 3rd Conces- sion, let thc naad at Gaud's Corners and struck a lydro pale. There was extensive damage ta Dr. Ewert's car, but fartunatcly lie was not injur- cd. Constable Richard Kouhi investigated. Two cars callidcd on Sat- urday evening at thc corner ai Liberty Street and Carlisle Avenue. Thc drivers werc Seth Hunt, 50 Qucen Street, and Jack Webb, 36 Evergreen Road, Reading, Mass. Minor damage was sustained by thc twô cars. Constable Kouhi investigated. At 9:15 p.m. an Friday a station wagon driven by Ed- ward A. Hicks, Station Street, Orono, struck a parked car awned by General Motors ai Canada, Limited, 68 Richmond Street, Toronto. Tîcre was some damage ta bath vdhicles. Corporal John McGuey was thc invcstlgatlng aificer. Two cars sustained a total af about $200 damage in a collision on King Street at Martin Road on Thursday at 7 p.m. The drivers invalved were Clare Jared Allen, 30 Martin Road, and Wayne Ed- gar Panks, Darllngton Town- slip. Corporal McGuey in.- vesti gated. A car drîven by Charles W. Downey, 96 Higli Street and another car driven by Donald Alfred Little, 324 Carleton Crescent, Oshiawa, collided at four o'clock on Thursday ai- ternoon. Damage ta Uic twa vehiclesï amounted ta marc than $100. CpL McGucy in- vestigated. At 2:05 p.m. an Tliursday a car driven by Howard Cnyd. erman, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, icalded wlth a car driven by Mmra.Robert B. Rate, 1e Orcli- ardview Boulevard. Mr. Cryd- erman was driving west on IKing 8 ant sd U-sM Bates car waaommg out of the IGA parking lot. Miner damage wus mustndby.theýtwo cars Constable Lu es arc wus the A ;~Sr=uoucby Adri8fl Leendort Bous, X3.5, Bow- manvifla, went out 02i control and suutained uminr dasug Wtien It weat off the =o4 on LibertySt South at 401 RighWaJ la8t Wednaudapat liëoock l incheaftarnoon. CroalcGUq vgtsd1 Qucen Victoria ln her wedding 1 Eilliait; Mrs. Edward fl1ake,1c gawn, Bannie Reid. Hazel Stapleton; Lady Maw-i' Staples, Glen Ailin, Jack Allun Arthur Sturgcss Hardy, Helen and Merrili Brown entertain- Rudeli; Mrs. George W. Ross,!I cd during the intermission. Marie West, and Lady WhIt-'1. Tbey receiveci mudli applause ney, Pîyliss Withcrspoon. a forther fnesinging af sev- TIc Centennial Queca, Geke.C eral elecons.de Jonge, was regal in a longm Tesecond hlai!oaithc pro- white satin sheath gown witl grm started witl a Victorian a red velvet full length cloako D ebutante, Beverley Rickard; liiad with gold lame bro-m ýi Claperone, Helen Carvetl; r iteSister, Janet Lovekin; F ad MacDonald, Olive Mil- son Lady in Pink, Kay Gus- J.0 E R tar; Eider Daugîter, Caroline 15 D R Johnson. 15 DENISE DR. The Cliatelaine, Ellen Far-i., É N 7 > row; The Skater, Gay Quin- PON tan; Lady Tupper, Dm1i FALL SEASON OPE Sdhoenmaker; Annie Koer- berg (Marie Dressler's math. sdLwe er), Velma Armstrong; Mrs. Used L Towrey Adelaide Hoodiess, Mari ory SALT RA Gray; Pauline Emily Johnson, UsdL ry Dorotliy Stark. sdLwe Dr. -Emily Stowe, Norma HOLIDAY DELUXE OR( Lee; Flaradora Girl, Jane God- dard; Beauty at Court, Norma Uscd Hammond Ransberry; Motorist, Annete CHORD ORGAN----- Jargensea; Bathing Beauty, Vera Mifflin; Lady in Red, Used Mason & Risch Katîy Armstrong-; Lady Ab- UPRIGHT GRAND PIAN, erdeen, Linda Lowery; Persian Princess (1910 îabble-skîrted FREH M gowa), Inger Jargensen.FREH M TIen followed six Prime MONTHLY INSTAI Ministers' wives: Mrs. Jo)hn Lal LA StbilyaDoad ea 'D'fi We hope you will return when we' are less crowded and can give the personal attention you deserve when trading up to the distinctive Ford product of your choice! Don't deal until you have seen us! cade. Shc wore a sparkllng tiara and carried a bouquet ai red rases. The Standard Bearers on stage for the finale w ity Stapies wth tIcCaan Fl g and Heather McGee w theI Centennal ane. They bath wore aid iasboncd 'costumes. TIe six ushers wcre members GAIN STUDIO ' OSHA1M 723-0297 'ENING SPECIALS tGAN--$11351 E TRIAL- We hope that ail of you were as pleased and excited about Ford's "BETTER IDEAS" for comfort and safety as we of MacDonald's Ford sales staff were BETTERh IDEASLocationls t.Sere BiETTER DELS "With WM aViLtLerv o et OHWANLE MacDONALD FORD SALES (OSHAWA) LTD. (opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre) I. OSHAWAit Oshwahoping t.W - 219 KING ST. E. VA 0 0 1*' 4: *,> 4 HEA&LTH MEMBERSI EACH VISIT - 50C Peri w ý,; 1 .- - 1 [ ele c e CLUB

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