The¶i Canadian statesman, Eowmanvme, SePtt.3, 1961 EDITORIAL COMMENT It Could Be a Long Wait for Pearson I- This morning' 1s papers announce that Prime Minister Lester Pearson has told a private dinner party of Liberal M[Ps that he was given a mandate to, Unify the country and will stay on- as PM until that happens. We say more power to hlm, but after 100 years of various PMs tryi2ng ta brlng this about, we doubt very much if even he will be able to achieve this lofty goal before the years take thir toli. At the moment, Quebec and. the rest of Canada appear to be farther apart than ever and just how any uni- fying force is going tQ- placate those Canadians from Quebec who appear determlned ta go It alone, we wouldn't know. In the past few decades every government in Ottawa has been bend- ing over backwards ta satisfy their every whim and soothe their constantly' ruffléd feathers but so far the result bas only been more and more demands. We were delighted ta hear that Mr. Pearson will stay for an indefinit, period niainly because there is no heir apparent in- sight who -could lead the party with the backing and general support that he has. In good health and obviously enjoying the responsibilities that go with the Prime Minister's posi- tion, we see no reason why he should retire before another general election. ]Right now, we are in the middle of a provincial election caznpaign that cornes to a head on Tuesday, October l7th when the voting will take place. At that time, as citizens of the Province of Ontario, being of. the age of 21 or over, we electors have the privilege and duty, if you like, of casting a ballot for one of the three candidates who, at great personal sacrifice, have allowed their names ta be put forward and who are now working night and day ta per- suade people to vote for them. We have no intention of trying to Influence anyone to vote for any par- ticular candidate, but we do hope to persuade our readers ta take an interest in this election and at least make up their minds which way they should vote. . . and make the effort to do just that on election day. This will require a little effort by everyone. They wil have ta listen to some of the speeches either at meet- ings, on the radio or television or by reading newspapers to make a proper assessment. lias the government done. a good job? lias the present member fulfilled bis duties to the best of bis ability? Does one of the new candidates appear to be a better choice? What do they stand for in the three -parties? Possibly the best method of learn- Ing about politics is ta becorne involved with one of the parties. If you have already made Up your mind how you plan to vote corne out as a worker for that party, visit their headquarters or .Rene Levesque bas at last put an end' ta the rurnors which have surraunded him for months. lie wants sovereignty. for Quebec because only through it can Quebecers achieve the "1security af aur collective existence." In other words, Mr. Levesque bas opted for separatism. It is, ini the view of this newspaper, a sad choice. Unlike others wbo have done the sanie, he is a person of quality' and above all, on. assumes, a realist. So much of one li fact that the logie of the position he finally takes, afler declaring for separatisrn, brings him back alrnost full circle ta a confedera- tian, thougli he prefers to cail it the Canadian Union. With tbis important difference - the new union would include "«a sov- ereign Quebec" which would control foreign affairs and the judiciary, set ils own standards of civil. liberties, pre- sumably be unilingual and would cal- lect its own taxes with the possible exception o! import duties. Amour propre would be satisfied but what would be gained? Mr. Levesque's proposals lack pre- cision. Like so many of the intellectuals wbo have debated the issue from the F'rench side, be bas been accused, right- ly we believe, of too great a devotion ta, and reliance on, formulations, codes, and what might be called bard edge concepts. Yet in the manifesta made public yesterday he is proposing the xnast pragmalie o! arrangements, a union conslanlly seeking ad bac, solu- tions through permanent consultative cammillees wbich sound in a curiaus way like a federal parliament u.nder anather name. Mr. Levesque would gîve ta the union o! the two states the apprapri- ate rnechanism that common economic interesîs required. There would be a monetary union, a common tariff, a ce-ordination of fiscal palicies ta which would be added, as expenience sug- gested, new areas o! communal action. In real termns, not symbolic ones, if the experiment works, how would the pasi- local conimittee room and offer your services. Goodness only knows there is plenty of work ta be done and, once you make fniends there, you'Ill be doing a real service for that organization and that candidate as well as learning a great deal yourself. Contrary ta what rnany people seeý ta think, politics is not necessarily dirty business. It is one of the mc important functions of aur democrat society. This election will put into o fice men or women ta conduct the a fairs of this province for the next fe, years. They will be running a muli million dollar business for you and mi Isn't this important enough for eac of us ta show some interest in wI will represent us locally in that estal lishrnent? We think it is and urge eac of you to put sarne thought on th matter. Each adult in this provincej a shareholder ini this enterprise an should be anxious ta support the be: people available far the positions. Incidentally, the last OÎntario Leg isiature had 108 seats. Due ta redistri bution, this number after Oct. l7th wil be increased ta 117 seats. There is n, change in the boundaries for the con stituency af Durham. At dissolution, thi Liberals held 21 seats, the New Demc crats 8 and the balance were controlle( by the Progressive-Conservative party It is estimated this election will cos about $2 millions, so let's make it a: interesting and exciting one. At thosi prices, it shouldn't be ane big yawn a 'st ic f- t1- ie. ào h is st tion differ? There might indeed be an ambassador ta Paris. There would be all the trappings o! statehood but there would be very litIle increase itbe responsibilities of savereignîy. Indeed Mr. Levesque wanls bis Canadian Union ta be strong enough ta prolect bath parties to it against the over- whelming power and influence of the United States. Surely Mr. Levesque's own highly deveboped sense o! realisrn must also tel] him that wbat be is praposing is essentially a piece -o! constitutional fiction which will weaken, nal streng- then, the ability of English and French Canada ta survive, jointly or separalely. Separalism for Ibis anc reason abone - the overwhelming power of the United States - wan'I work in aur view. U.S. influence dispersed over 20 millions o! people is incredibly patent; concentraI- cd on the smaller units, il would be devastating. The very cause Mr. Lev- esque seeks ta protect would face a challenge and a humiliation fan great- er than anything which is posed by the ternis o! Confederation. But revolulionary change is not based on logic. The new robe beîng sought for Ibis province, by those who make opinion in il, is based on emo- tion. Symbols bave defied logic in the pasî and continue ta do so today aven a great part of this world. Il is here that Confederation bas failed for Mr. Levesque and many like him. It is Ihis failure which produces the greal soli- tude a! French Canada and sparked the extraordinary receplion given General de Gaulle. It is a lack which we believe can be remedied, not simpby or easily, but with genuine understanding. But if Confedenalion fails ta pro- vide the emalional nourisbment which French Canada needs, equally economic logic is ahl on the side of the fedenal slate. The test o! slatesmanship in Ibis country is the nielding of the two, not the jeopardizing o! one or the other. -Montreal Star TRE MUFFLER KIN&7 Prince Edward lslands Many Pictfures que Features Described ut Rotary Club received treatment as an out- patient at Memorial Hospital for keg lacerations, and Ger-. aid McKeaugh, Bowmanvillc Zoo, who was a passenger in the other car, also received treatment in the out-patient departmnent for a sprained right arm and leg cuts. Con- stable Davis investigated. g- A fascinating account of the dians, about 14,000 and about York, wwill be the speaker ~-history of Prince Edward Is- 300 Indians," Dr. Bowness sta. and the subject will be "Scot- land, one of Canada's most ted. He aiso showed a senies land Afore Ye". picturesque provinces, and its of colored slides depîcting Alil the presentations in the .0 modemn attractions and enter- P.E.I. series will be in the Town 0 .P 1prises was given by Dr- Ren-Hlladtru.Teohs te die Bowness, Langstaf fe at Captain Fraser moved a Haladtoim heohr ethe BwavleRtr Cu vote o! thanks to the guest will be: November 9th, Curt BuchowmeenhelotaryClu speaker for bis excellent ad- Matson, "Switzerland"; Janu- ln onmeing held an M trthe dress and fine slides. Presi- ary l8th, 1968, Renee Taylor, R E P O y. Feely ucmn oo n dent Withenspoon aiso expres- "Hunzaland (North India)"; r. rcenly.sed his personal appreciation Febnuary 8th, Sasha Siemel, t The bîrthdays of Wilfred to Dr. Bowness, and present- "The White Hunter o! Bra- The following are the sta- n MeMechan and Captain Her- ed him with a gift as a sou- zil"; March 7th, Art Erickson, tistics compiled at this detach- ertFae eeclbae venir o! his visit ta the club. tidjm et Australia"; ment for the month of August eby their fellow Rotanians. and Apnil l8th, Joe Adair, 1967: 1.Guests at the luncheon meet- Plans have been completed "Norwegian Panoramas". * Break and Enter------16 ing were Ross Gilbart, Orono; for the Rotarians second Trav- Rotarian Stewart McTavish Auto Thefts 1--- Douglps McLellan and Johný el and Adventune Series which is in charge of the Travel and Thefts ------ -23 Wood, bath o! Oshawa. Promises ta be even more en- Adventure Series, which comn- Othen Criminal Invest.--- 36 Vice - President Bill Thies- tertaining and instructive than es under the International Ser- Pnov. Statute Invest. - 109 n burger in introducing the the tremendously successful v i ce' Committee, Dinecton Value o! getspeaker told the club series presented here by the Chainnman Tom Cowan, and Propenty Stolen $2,397.00 th:at Dr. Bowness was born aowmanville Rotary Club last the other members of this As a nesult o! the above in- " about 39 years aga in Prince year. committee are Mn. McTaviSh, vestigations, 14 persans have " Edward Island, and is a doc- The finst o!f this season's Glenn MacLoed, Ken Mac- been charged with Criminal citon o! Veieinary Science. Travel and A enture Serins kenzie, and Rev. A. Vanden- Offences, 27 offences have n He said tbat Dr. Bowness is presentations, .hich each in. Berg. been cleared atherwîse, and 99 the Supervison of the 500 acre clude a leadintspeaker, and Tickets are being sold by ail persons have been changed Experimental Farm at Lang- outstanding color e d motion mnembers o! the local Rotary with offences against the Pro. staffe, and is the research pictune, wiil be at the Town Club. A season ticket is $6, vincial Statutes. Four per-E Ldinecton and advisen ta Jack Hall Auditorium, on Thuns- and a single ticket purchased sons were neported missing,t Leitch, Chairman o! the Board day evening, Octoben 5tb, for one presentation anly will and four pensons wene located. of Maple Leaf Mllling Comn- when Jonathan Hagar, New be $1,25. ______ One death was investigated. 1 epany. President o! the Upper Accidents Investigated ---- 102t Laktes Shipping Company, and Pensons Killed ------------- 1i aloi rsdn !Lic U PPersans Injured --------69s sas sPeident ofLic ci mtRound-upndrteHT.A -15 Transport. Vice - Pnesid e n t No. of Persons Chargeda Thiesburgen aiso mentioned pudrteH .A 5 that Mn. Leitch aiso holds 30 No. o! peirsons warnedd 1directonsbips i n prominent (Intended for last week) Dryden, OPP, was the investi- ________________ finms including Massey Fergu- At 6:40 a.m. today, Wednes- gating officer.' son, Canada Life, and the day, a car dniven by John There was a two car col- Tanonto-Domidnion Bank Murphy, Kendal, struck a lision on Enterprise Hill at. Dr. Bowness aise described hanse on the 6th Line o! Clarke the junction o! 115 and 35 Prince Edwand Island as Can- Township, near Kendal. The Highways at nine o'clock on ada's smnallest province and hanse, which was owned by Sti.nday evening. The drivers' one of the most densely pop Laverne Hoy, Kendal, had of these vehicles were Jean ulated (51.6 ta the square somnehow got baose- anto the Carey, Hamilton, whMse car >Mile). It lies in the Gulf of noad. sustained about $256 danmage St .Lawrence, separated from There was about $450 dam- and Frank Knight, Willowdaie.. New Brunswick and Nova age ta the Murphy car, apnd The Knight car received only. Scotia b y Northumberland the horse received Minen in- minar damage. Constable L. Strait, which varies in widt ies ontbl .L.Suat. Mahoney, OPP, investi-, from nine ta 30 miles. OPP, investigated. gtd "P.E.I. is extremeîy irreg- Two cars collided on Sun- gtd day evening at eight o'c]ock At 9:07 P.m. on Sunday ulan in outline, and some o!fnte ano Raeata vening thene was an accident the inlets penetrate fan in- MitchelT'snConer. Theadriof on the Scugog Road in Black THE SWEIÊTHEARTC land, dividing the island into ers învolved were Reginald stock. A car dniven byr Marion three peninsulas. Its area is.Ferneyhough, 1201 King St. Waller, R.R. 1, Apsley, Ont., Some people take a i 2,184 square miles. Oshawa, and Thomas Henry collided with another car driv- skulk away ta lick their v "The island was finst sett- Martin, 91 Nonquon Streetý en by Paul Heayn, Huntsville. me. Like Dief, 1 believe ti led by the Fnench in 1719. It Oshawa. Damage te the Fern- There was about $150 damage the going gets tough, the was captured by the British evhough car amounted tea a- to the Waller car, and ap- in 1755, and passed into thein hr ogig possession in 1763. It becamepnoximately $180, and thn rximately $200 damage te og mewas about $250 damage ta Mnrh ey ar osal Just ta digress for a mon a separate colony in 1769. Martin's car. Constable L. F: Mahoney investigated. amr h i ed Until 1799 the island was On Wednesday evening, Sep- youadieteo ldr known as St. John's. tember 13th, a car dniven bv during that convention? Thot The speaker told the Rotan- Don Leighton, 9 Kawartha caught in a web of his ow ians that the greatest numben ___ Avenue, Oshawa, went out O! he had enough guts ta di o! the people o! P.E.I. are in contrai on the Scugog Road at agriculture. Potatoes are its 9:1,5 p.m. near the Third Con- politically, rather than findJ Most important farm crop. . cession. The vehicle left the a soft spot ta land on his and are important as experts' roadway, plowed through a And the mixed metaphor sr Its seed potatoes are in de. ..Bo 77 cornfield, returned to Scugoggot rknth ne mand in mnany countnies at a Station B, Montreal 2 Road where it landed upside pnemium. September 26, 1967 down almost in front o! the Back ta business. You "P.E.I.'s fishenies are rnost To the Editon: Ontanio Hvdra building. lm not gaine. Two years agi valuable, and its oysters, Mai- The Quebec Provincial Bi- Mn. Leighton was taken ta ed one member of the fasi peques, are famous cons idered linuali ofrneo h Memorial Hsia yCn by gormets the best in tne Fe lowship of Alcohoiic An- stable Ron Parker 'in the university career. He went world. Its lobstens aiso are ne- onymous again will take cruiser. At the hospital lie tottered around in the sti nowned," Dr. Bowness sac place on Octoben 2th, 21st received treatment far a brok- Iran out of fuel, fizzied, and ho discussed the mnethadýs and 22nd at the Queen Eliza- en arin, and had recovered huh fot ibotarc used ta catch this treasure o! beth Hotel, 900 Dorchester sufficiently ta be relaasedca the seas. He aise spoke o! the Street,' W., Montreal. Friday. The car driven by Mn. That was son Hugh. He flourishing tourist trade and AA is known in 90 caun- Leightan was considerably weli in high school. Scrapei the beautiful beaches o! the tries thnoughout the world. damaged in the accident. Con- first year college. Changedi island. Thene are 8167 gnoups in stable Tracy Davis investi- The speaker told the club U .S. and 1282 in Canada. gatcd.. second year. Lasted tili late1 that ail o! P.E.L's ports are Oun Association deals with On Thursday at 8:45 'a.,., One day, after-listening ta cloedby cedunngthe~~î-Alcoholics wha bave a prob- a truck driven by Onvile Os- larily putrid lecture - and ten. He spoke o! the ferryle and want ta salve it borne, R.R. 4, Bowmianvilie, no idea how numerous lhey sericete heCandia man-with the beip o! othen mem- backed inta a Honda maton- lervice ad candanman bers who are suf!ering fromn cycle owned by Kenncth Wise- turned ta a class-mate and sa! forandad mentioned Uic plans the samne disease. It is OP- man, 71 Brown Street. The it. I can't take any more," i fora aus Y te the Island, enating successfuîîy at a.- motorcycle was parked in and hasn't been back since. wbich bau been urged for pencentage o! 5(1% at the foto enesMnsad Atrwneig i Ye.f ir'ît contact, according ta Boys' Wear soe 42 King fe witrn inM "The governiment is admin. statistics. . store, other sautnern climes (duri istered by a Lieutenant-Gov. The Quebec Conference is There was mare than $100 he Iived on grass for a ernor appoînted by the Gov- very invitîng ta membens damage ta the matarcycle, butsrec)h cae om fo isae ent o!Canaa, adoa eg- residing in tbe New England the truck was neot daniaged. with a busted finger. The pia br lalated ose fory ! 30 mc States and we ask you for Corporal John McGuey in-* ber s Lecte orpfourial the privilege o! an insert vcstigated. 1 in mid-summer, ta get a job. nowhasa ibeal roincalin yaur local newspaper orI At 12:30 p.m. Thursday, a later we had a card f romn C government with the yaungest a spot on radio on television parkcd car on Liberty Street where he was about ta get a Premier ln Canada. The Pro- mentioning this Conference. South awned by Lloyd Stain vince af Prince Edward Island Speciai rates for rooms ton, 23 Southway Drive, igf ish, whatever that is. la ePesnte l Otaw t3'are granted to membenu ceived more tban $100 damnage Silence. This week we hac four rnmergnof the Houa. cf who mention that tbcy are when it was struck by' a .car H-e had a job at Ben's I)elica Commans and four Senatoru. attending the Conférence. optrated by an unknown Mantreal, hoped ta nail downs 0Dr. BOwnewss poke of the Many members whll like ta driver, who immediateiy-rmade a xo n a lnigt historlo mOetings of the Fath- make thc Conference coin- off. Constable Parker lu ln- UniErsto f Mexapaico So -ors af Confderattion xiP£J'à cide with Expo '67. vestlgating. -nvriyo eio oet capital, CharlottWmm prior As a special service ta bu- On Fnldny at 7:34* p.m. a Undaunted l'm about t( ta the union ociS ZOni, ,ue- aly we appreciate Yaur, car- dnive.n by -Albert. Wagenan,aotemislatheuie bac, New arunowie apd iNova cooperation. hme informa- R.R. 1, Orono, was going south aohrmsiea h nvr Scellain. 1867 t1- -Canadir, lion conbe obtaié in writ- aon Brown Street and coilided is loo young ta go, I xouldn' ~Js~s ~war Tomnd Itel ng ta the aboy - address. 'at Uthe intersection 'afAlber t l niesty if they paid n pot 1* uztiL 1878. Your very truly, Street w*i a car drîven by da, and there's only one oti i~iimc c Pl.Provincial Pii ar ~nroyR: brotefaiy PU'O 'C q . Bo iavifl jaruned o e You're right. The Old Bat ~*0 ~ BD ~or Uan$b.Mr. Waaanar goig to hack and hew her wav 'I 29 Yeaiu A» 49 Tea» Ag# (Ot. il 1942> (Oct. a, 1918> Mr. and Mrs. James A. MacDonald, Toronto, were guests of their cousina Mr. and Mrs. Colin Smith, ~own Line, on Tuesday. Mr. Mac- Donald is chie! d"penser and chemisi of Toronto Gen- eral Hospital and completed 30 years' service with this Institution on Sept, lut. Constable Gordon K. Har- dy of the Peterborough Police Department han been appointed Chie! of Police at Port Hope at a salary of $2000 per year. Canstable Hardy is a nephew af Mr. A. M. Hardy, Supt. oi Good- year plant. Tags sold ini Bowmanville Saturday for the Chinese Relief Fund, amounted ta $137.78. 1 Corp. George Graham,- lut ldlands, Prince Rupert, R.C., wbo has been in hou- pital at Vancouver for sev- eral weeks due to a bomb exploding, causing injury to his eyes, as well as a con- cussion, is home on furlougb. Sgt. Bill Clarke, left on Tuesday to join his regi- ment, lst Midlands at Prince Rupert, B.C. Mrs. Clarke and Bill Jr. went ta Toronto with him and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roach. Harold L. King, A.B., Hali- fax, N.S., bas returned to, duty after a pleasant holiday with his parents. Miss Alice Lee, Strath- cona Private Hospital, and Rifleman Harry Lee, Queen's Own Rifles, Toronto, visited their mother, Mrs. Selena Lee. Mrs. R. Dumas leaves an Saturday to spcnd the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. James Milligan, North Bay. Stafi Sgt. Don Kemp, En- gineers, Camp No. 30, bau been transferred ta London, Ont. Miss Winnifred Hudson, night supervisor o! Oshawa General Hospital, bas been appointed Superintendent of Bowmanville General Hospi- tal. Miss Hudson will com- mence duties on November Ist. She succeeds Miss Pearl Lumby, who resigned ta accept a position as assistant superintendent of the Niag- ara Falls Hospital. Juioor Neal left this week to continue bis studies at Choate School, Wallingford, Con n. with Infractions under the H. T. A -------44 No. o! Vehicles Sa!ety Checked - -284 Thene was one persan cbarg- ed with "Fail ta Remain at the Scene of an Accident". Now that the cbildren are back ta school, I would like ta remind ail motorists that it is an offence te pass a stopped scbool bus with ligbts activated, from either direc- tion, wbile it.- is loading or discharging school cbildren. Visiting houri 3.8 p.m. daily.., Mr. Fred X. Foley whe has been at Valcartier Cameir on YMCA work duù.4thî., summer has returned hame. and wlU be found at the~- Sunnyside Boat Shop readiC to meet hi. customers. Mms (Dr.) Adani si ani al tr who hav. been vstn her parente- Mr. and Mrm P. C. Trebil- cock, left Tuesday ta joid- her huuband, Capt. Adam na- Georgia, U.S. Mr. Thos. A, Norton, Jr,*.' has returned ta Guelph aiter- spe ding a week's vacatioif,_ wlthbis parents, Mr. an(L. Mn. Thas. Norton, Ami St#. South Ward. Miss Ada Millard af Kings. ville, spent an enjoyable - twa weeka' holiday wit1b' Miss Hazel Darch, Tyrane. Mrs. J. K. Galbraith, wbe- has been spending the x~' mer at Part Bawnianvillceý,' has gone ta Kansas Cityr- Kansas, ta spend the winter-~ with ber son, Mr. Malcoln., Galbraith. Miss Iva Hamm, Toronto;- and Mr. and Mn. Edgar,, Thonipson, Oshawa, rccently visited at ber brother's, Mr. N. W. Hamm, Wellington Street. Mn. Tathem of Winnipeg, Man., Mr. and Mrs. M. R.__ Maybank and daughter ?Jar-. !on, Dr. and Mrs. Ur. C. Hartman of Olds, Alta., left. this weck for their homes in the West after an cnjoy- able sojourn with relatives bere. Mrs. A. Kennedy, Toledo, Ohio, is visitng ber sister, Mrs. W. H. Tbickson. Miss Pearl Galdring, Whit- by, spent the weekend with Miss Winnie McMullen. Reeve T. S. Holgate hai been on a business trip to Petrolia. Mrs. J. T. Hooper bas been visiting Mrs. J. M Porter, Lindsay. Miss Hilda Tabb Is visit-A ing ber cousins in Rocestr' N.Y. Miss Nellie Gould, King. stan is bolidaying at homc. Dr. R. W. Clark bas been'_ j appoînted ta a position on the Invalidcd Soldiers Com- Mission at KCingston and left for tbat city on Monday.,ii His practice bas been trans- fcred ta is brother, Dr. S. 7, W. Clark, Pontypool, wbo'. will take up residence here tuf 1 i' IOarcia Week of Sept. 18-24 Inclus. Admissions - 6 9 Birtbs-.-3 male, 2 female 5 Discharges 83 Major operations '7 Minor operations 23 Emergency trealmenîs 50 I fourth year Honor English. She hop.s.: Why? We marked aur 2lst anni-, versary the ather day. On, raîher, the: day a! 1er the other day, because we, bath fargot. And don't think that won't: cast me. You'd think that, like most: wamen, sbe'd be quite content to kecp, my nase la the grindstone and enjoy, life. . The answens are several. FinIt, she's- anc of those exasperating people who' like la finish something they've begun,: even if it's two decades later. Ridicu-, lous, but tbat's the way she is. So why didn't she finish ber course' in the first place? Well, ta put in in the; vernacular, she got a bun in the oven.: The bun turned out to be aur first- born. She strugglcd bravely ta carry on: aI lectures, but decided that the bun,» (now spelled hum), was more impor-. tant than the Romantie Pocts and the' Modern Novel. Secondly, the idea bas been perca-. lating for several years. She has tbe, much intellectual cun!osily ta sink inte the familiar monass a! teas and bridge. and~ curling and gold and gossip. Thirdly, the kids are out of the- sheli. The son is a young rooster, the: daughtcr a healîhy chick. The days of: diapers, botties, Hallowe'en costumes and helping with homework are over. And fourth, there'. the econonulc, facter. She ha. listened to me groan andý crunch out of bed in the moruing. Sb.e bas tae. a long, bard look nt btche ge under my eys, the bulge under bell. She has heard me backint mornng, wheezng ater one mflàt or stairs. It's good insurance to hàw coflege degree that wlll get you eaob when Midas kicks tbe can. She doemn't, know it, but the min-. utc she çraduae, I relire. Sa, Il'. Josephine College, off tof lectures, full o! ideals and worries! about the mess shc'll come home to4 Th;ere aredonly a few things that' trouble me a trif le. I hope sho lWý' arresled in anc of those student de=-, onsîrations. I hope she doemp' l akp love wilh a freshman. =AnIh uan run that blasted waatgmcS Or... beating and wounds. Not that, "When Stough get )ment, didn't r's courage ougb he was wn cr eation, lie fîghting, for bimself last fbight. spotters can jcan't Say ro, 1 Iaunch- mily int a mb inoorbit, tratosphere, and sank, ce. Sdid pretty ,d through courses in November. a partîcu- Syou have rare - be uid, "That's Palked out, lexica and ring which three-day ýr a while ianist. Le!t )A month C.ape Cod, a job cutt- d a letter. -atessen in somnething o enroîl at time. to launch rsity. Kim ýt go back ,e $100 a 'her mcmn- attleaxe s18 ty throughi An Election Is Everybody's Business Quebec Statehood's Latest Recruit snd Spicd Durham Counti'aGzea Family jourzna Esabllshed 113 years fqo ln 185Y Aloo Inaorporalinq E l The Bownmni News The NewcaSfle Indendent The Orono News ai s m scSdck Mo br*6Pou ciau D4pt.. OttweL, nd o8 pouteaq. eouh Produc.d *voy Wedasday . by TVE IMM MPUNISENG COPOANT LIMM, P0. â= 190 un Kng Sa W.. Eowmoeilfl. OntOZtO 1011fit Jmm RGO. W. GRAHAM RO. P. MORRS m Pym& m~ jq s, l sLoe.T*A- Sui*a *atm i ugar and