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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1967, p. 6

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s The. Canadlan Statesmin, lowmanvMfe, Sept. 27, 19H? IPublic Utilities Minutes] A meeting of the Public Carried. concerning the poliles of Utilities Commission was held A letter front Ontario Hydro neighboring utilities i the In the Commission's office on re: 1967 Electric Blanket Pro- construction of underground the evening of September 12, motion was read. The Man- electric services in new sub- 1967, with ail members pres- ager was authorized te order divisions. *ent, W. Carruthers, Chairman; sufficient biiling stuffers ta There being no further R. Stevens and I. Hobbs, send out with the regular business ta corne before the *Mayor. service bis. Commission, saine wasa d. On motion of I. Hobbs, sec- A letter fromn Ontario Hydro jouFfled. onded by R. Stevens, the ccncernmng the sale cf 44 K.V. minutes of the last regular subtransmission f a c 11 i t i e a meeting of June 13, 1967, were within the Town of Bowrnan- adopted as read. Carried. ville was rend. The Manager C. N.I.B. Plans Electric Department ac- was authorized ta request counts for the menth of June, Hydro ta inventory the facili- A 1967, amounting ta $56,799.87 tdes and pravide the Com- A nual Blitz were presented for Commis- mission with a firin price. sien approval. An interim operatingre orther Department accounts port ofr the Electric Depart- For October 16~ forthemonh f Jne,197 mnt or hefirt furmonths Plans for the annual CNIB amounting ta $17,312.36 werý1 cf 1967 ta April 30 indicates Blitz Cnmpaign ta be held presented for Commission ap- that Revenue ameunted ta hiere on Monday, October latii provai. $196,245.00 and Ex p ens e sadfrte cam aign in the Eiectric Department ac- $180.962 with net incarne cf district during efolowing $15 ,283.00. During the samne two weeks were daucussed st counts for the month of July, period capital assets increas- the meeting cf the Bownian- 1967, amounting to $55,354.90 ed by $19,203.00. iville West-Durham Advisory were presented for Commis- Alte rmE ihr anitet h NBhl sion approvai.Alte rmE ihr Cmitet h NBhl Water Department accounts Lovekin, B.A., LL.B., Barris- at the Lions Community for the month of July, 1967, ter and Solicitor re: Mrs. Vic- Centre recently. amounting ta $5,359.62 were tarin Frank, Scugog Street, Campaign Chairman George presented for Commission ap- wvas read. The Manager was Vice presided at the meeting provai. instructed ta forward a copy as Chairnian Jack Dunn was Eiectric Department ac-, Of this letter ta the Ocean unable ta be present. He an- counts for the month of Aug- Accident and Guarantee Cor- nounced that the Bownianville Ust, 1967, amounting to poration. Lions Club dinner meeting on $58,883.41 were presented for A letter from the Bowman- October 2nd will be held in Commission approval. ville Chamber cf Commerce connection with the coming Water Department acceunts re: Christmas D e c orant ive CNIB Campaiga ta maise funds for the month cf August, 1967, Lighting was rend. This let- ta heip the blind. ameunting ta $28,615.34 were ter stated that the Chamber The Bowmanvilie - West presented for Commission ap- does net want the decorative Durham Advisory Committee provai. lights remeved from the Comn- te the CNIB was ta entertain It was moved by 1. Hobbs, mission's poles as it fis the the Great Pine Ridge Club for seconded by R. Stevens, that Chamber's intention ta do the Blind at a dinner and0 the accounts be approved as their utmest ta see that Bow- square dance ah the Lions t presented. Carried. manville has Christmas De- Cemmunity Centre on Wed- A letter from G. F. L. Realty cemative Lights on the front nesday, Sept. l3th. Mrs. Juein Limited concerning the inter- street this year. Cale was appointed dinner est rates on secondi mortgages After somne discussion it was cenvenor and Mrs. Ed. Jarvis f was read. The letter request- moved by R. Stevens, second- and Miss Isabel Davis- were ed approval cf the Commis- ed by 1. Hobbs that the Man- the entertainmenh convenors. s sien te increase the interest ager write the Chamber, stat- On the suggestion cf Mrs. J rate te a fixed 1.5% above the ing that the Commission re- E. S. Dawson it wns unani-B Z.H.A. first mortgage rate. quests a definîte decision by mously agreed te send a letterQ Ih was moved by R. Stevens. November 1, 1967, whether or Of congratulations te Gardon S seconded by I. Hobbs that the net the lights will be used Legge, Toronto, who achieved ( Manager is hereby authorized during the 1967 Christmas the highest marks in ail On- t ta sign the agreement on be- sseason. Carried. tarie in Grade 13 Examina-G hall cf the Commission. Car- A letter from The Canadian tiens, anid wha Io blnd. d ried. Institute on Pollution Control Mrs. George Vice wns againM A letter from Oshawa and advising that the annual con- appointed convenor for the District Labour Council solicit- vention will be held in Toron- annual Blind Craft Sale. As ing an advertisement in the ho, November 12 ta 15, 1967, this sale went se well last year i Labour Review Beok te be was read. It was moved by I. it was decided ho have it for b published soon was rend. It Hebbs, seconded by R. Stev- three dnys this year, Thurs- o was moved by I. Hobbs, sec- ens, that the Manager make day, November 30th, Fridny, M, onded by R. Stevens that the eservatiens for those who December lot and SnturdaY, th letter be filed and that ne will attend. Carried. December 2nd. B advertisement be placed by The Manager was instructed Mrs. D. W. Armistend mev- the Commission at this time. te obtain more information ed that payment ta the bllnd Mi ; b extended te January 31sh, W: 1968. This was seconded by Wi Mrs. Cale, and carried. c Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne, the Ht Welfare Convenor, reparted at that more blind people from P this area than ever before at- Su tended the Humaresque Club 1 Picnic held in Oshawa in July. iDg a g ihe meeing how much vîsis tc ta lin peplehadbee a t F visita. > C. G. Hilborne of Peter- borough, the District Field Secretary for the CNIB, gave BEST DRINK A FELLOW COULD WANTI a report cn:eye service cases,- and aiso discussed the, re- quiements of the blind. Mr. Nothing beats Glen Rae Dairy milk . for Hilborne mentiened that sev- flaveur, thirst quenching and downright goodness. emal tnlking bocks provided fer- Milksatsfie yong apettes t sack imethis area are being greatly en- Milksatsfie yong apettes t sack imejeyed. He .aise stressed the and is perfect for mealtime. value cf an active visiting 115: cornmittee. PHONE 623-5444 FOR HOME DELIVERY TODAY Glen Rae Dairy BOWMANVILLE ERICHARD LOVEKIN VOUR LIBERAL CANDIDATE FOR DURHAM FOR A FRESH APPROACH Vote Liberal Huai Zb" l«e4«e Bob Nixon la Port Hope onThMsaS& pt. 28th, Siat Dr. Pow.r s hool, Plan Ope ning r ror% IFor Sept.' Orono's new Pi building that bas bD emation for somei b. officially opene ïday, September 29tl ri A special progman amanged including numbens by Omono the - ichool choir. will be Raiph S. Sor, trich Director Dept. Wonks. The Invocation wil by the Rev. Basil Thon. will b. greel Alex Carruthers, Ms ed Couhties Wamde VanCamp, Clarke's E A. Feston, and E. ' yard, Chainman 0mo Trustees. Russell C. Honey, Durham, will cut. ti ho of!icially open t. ing. Follawing the pni recephion wili ho be Odd Feilows Hall. KEDRN (Intended for lait On Friday evening non U.C.W. sponsore cent cf banbershop the Lowem Hall. The was dellghted with th et chonuoes and quartt bers cffemed by the Chapter a! the S.P The Durhami Dukes a coacbed by Mr. and P. ray Mountjoy, aise ed two groupa oft Dressed in aid1 clathes they did sarne typcalo!e r y qui ng cid liter u h ty picomfoarn e modemn dances in costume. The Farnily Album lite lna a kit wlth IV Dm1. dola the ver mentary. e finit shawed Mara (Mnm.j oaki) and Papa (Mr, Meuntjoy> wuhh the Mmdi (Mmm. Charles and Uic best mnn Wilson) in a wodding1 Other portraits i n e Grndis(Mmm. Phillp Grandpa (Mmm. Hldf Aunt Emlly, a qul401 Rois Brown), Uncle Scout Leader (Mmms. Wowazsd), Unele F1% Ehmkh..p (MMr. M je.Tîk ), the. twun unfnn llIj dun and ogs SometFiing Different by Way of a Centennial Proîect NEWTONVILLE T. . nectoe. "lu h (Intended for lait week) O m y0 Seul" w,7ICX&Mn.. Recent visitors with Mm.Jiom ,Caswell'u solo, uConigîra. V. Bourgerie were Mr. md ien was rendei-ed with Mmi. Ed Bracey and family, feeling. 4c Mr. and Mms. Ben Bracey and Dr. and Mms. 0. B. Di in. If family, Mm. nnd Mmi. Bill. Web- son weme luncheon ta, sher and fnrniy, Mn. and Mmm. Sunday, wlhh Mr. and C. J~c Bracey and family, ail M. Jones.<a ofe Oshawa. Mr. and Mrm. S. J. La tr Mm. Hnmwood Eiliott lu un- left Satumday fer a wee draîgtetmrent ah the Expa, m m and M.- ace Lackwood Ciinic, Tomante. Chard are Iooking a!terth Mm. and Mmi. Raymond Gil- business, in their absence. mer o! Jslingten, wgie Mon- Mr. Ken Cooper has neturn. day evening callers wi1th Mr. ed home after sevenal unonths and Mmi. F. Gilmer. la Labrador en construc*~n. Visihors through the week Clark. Township Teachers \ with Mr. and Mmi. Jim Adamis held their rnonhhly meetin on were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Tope Menday aftemnoon ah I<ock.. o~' f Seeiey's Bay, and Mr. and hamt's Schooi. . Mrs. J. Field and Ernest, o! Mr. and Mmm,, Russeil os- -. ~'Rexdale. borne, Bowmanville, Woe Miis Dorohhy Elliott reîurn- dinner guesta, Sunday, withs cd hem shudies ah Waterlooa Mr. and Mmu. ;clinton Fauieow. Uiversity lait week and hiem Mr. and Mmi. Bert Tornp. 3 guest, Miss Gace Waton, me- kins, M. and Mmi. Ray Tomp. ~ 'h. ....turned ho hemrborne ah Paris. kins and family motored ho ..~..'. ~ *~" 'Miss Diane Kimbail went Selby on Sunday where tbey ba . X'ck ho Toronto, eamly lait visited Mr. and Mmm.' Art v "" *' week, where she is a nursing Austin and famiiy, binging ~ ~assistant ah Sick Cbhildren's Mns. Alice Ausi ome wlth 4 ~ ~ t"'Hospital. them. M . Mmi. M. Smithhbas soid bier Mn. and Mmi. Jack Eliiott ~ ~'~ .. ~pmepety hem. on Main Street, and Mm.IHanwnrd EUiatt ~ *~s:~z. ~.' -formeriy ewned by Mm. True- drove up ta the Lockwaad ~*.".. ~ ' 4man Henderson, and moved, Clinic, ta sec IHmmwamd' an .î..'i\ the latter part o! the week. Sunday atemneon. lo .__e ~ Mm. and Mmi. Gardon Simpson, ~ '~~ ~:~ ~~.t \.. ~.Orono, are the new owneri. w + ~'~ ~ ~ "'~' .' Mr. Hector Million is n M. patient in Memorial Hospital, . owmnv'le M ~ Miss Marilyn MacDonald lu .:.:~+~4 enrollod at Western Uni- .~*~+versity, London. u:ý Mm. Werner Mark lu in bus f ~ ~ third yeam cf Mechanical Eng--_ ineering, University o! Toron- to, vhile his brother, Helnxut If you are looking for something unusual by way five leaves te make an even 100. Mrs.Sîebarth whe is beginning bis finit year in Of a Centennial projeet, the above picture will fi assished with the ardueus task cf mounting them on Science ah Scarborough Coi- Our Health Insuranci the bill Throughout 1967, Jack Siebarth, 131 Ontario this large sheet cf cardboard says if they had only mr. Grant Wado begins bis plan protectS you' Street South, Bowmnanvilbe has been collecting four known they would reach the century mark, they course in Electnicai Engineoer- leaf clovers from his own back yard. At the present would have.laid them eout in the shape cf the Cen- ing at Durham Coliege, Osha-FORwy tirne, he has found Il with four leaves and five wihh tennial symbol. wa, this week.FOR ay Mm. and Mmi. Clint Brown Let us give y'ou tii. fae j shy ee ora(Mr. Ovalspont severai days lait week about aur Healtb Inmu6Whce Jackson), young John (Mns. atKsikwher the latte's Pa htferyo am sb y w ee D a m a < M n. O v al t e s .W.îC . D anb s a n h t i e s o r fm iy Ronald Wermy>, Cousin Cynil sistercoMtas. W .Da. a more protection than most the Musician (Mmi. William summ I NO hr cotag eeigsv plans. 1h can (1) help you (Ms.ue William tWemmyskancy (Inhended fom lait woek) gueit ah Mr. and Mrs. R. Grif- Lois and Charles, Mr. S, Bar- oral car loadi o! ladies fnom meet hospital bis and ma- the ballet dancer (Mmi. Jahn Mm. and Mrs. Walton G. finis. tok enjoyed an outdoor bar- tnhisditrctatndeat esse a rt o medinc epoenul2 Glaver Jr.), Calvin the skia Pasco. called on Mr. and Mmi. Miss Laurie Gerrard and becue wihMJn 1j uce n atso h pe'deicreh ep ma. diver (Mmi. Stanley Ogie, and M. J. Hobbs. brother Barry, Haydon, spent Slemon and an ontertaining sponsomed by the Bowmnn- c annuls hog Marti the flappor (Mmi. Brian Mnr.and Mmm. M. J. Hebbs Sunday afternoon with Miss heur viewing beautiful col- vll Nurses' Ascitin disability, (3) include pny- Jee). visited witb relatives in Lind- Heather Griffin and brother oured siides of Mr. and MIs. Fidayevoingrinnn guutsependentsi Thmeisachng n hesy ndwth Mm ndMm.Dale. -monts fomycurdne gust Thee i a hane i th sa an wih M. ad Ms.Wm. Murphy's trip te the Bni- with Mr. and Mmi. Jim Adan you suifer fatal injuries, and meeting nigbt for Cub Packs W. Olesuk, Beau Valley, Osh- On F'iday, Mmi. May Sumn- tish Isies. eeM. n m daerms )poie usatillm because et pressure on church awa. merville, Markham and Sisters space. Beginning Sept. 18, Mm. and Mmi. M. J. Habbs Mary and Bessie o! Toronto As the church and schooi Adams and Mr. and Mmi. sÙm benefits for ls Of siglet 1M'onday, A Pack will meet inatne teOhaaUia-nd saw weeiios scheduies are back into egu- George Fulfil, cf Toronto. or limbs. Cali us for more bh cucha 5Inpm and in edeOsh awhaa nietr- Mand Mmhaw N. E. Wriit. o lrroutine again, We had a Mm. and Mmi. Chanlie Wat- information. th Pac wlmt a:1 p.m. s anding oshpako earno-Mic-rcntdguestah.tE rhomtf ofgood attendance, ah the Sundayl ors, Mr. and Mmi. Bruce Wat- The Kedmon Maie Quartette, ael Toiey, a former pupil of Mn. and Mmi. O. C. Ashton ingOOst ssion with he d tachtorsmd hMrisRayindBreei- Mr. Murray Mountjoy, Mn. Mm. Rabbi. Mm. Tooley wiii weme Mr. S. Bamtok Toronto; istafkngf, exeutveand eageor thMm. Raynd BruceIR William Werry, Mm. Ronald lecture this terni ah Staniford Rev. and Mmi. Wmn. Wels ls oMg rs adeg r venthe wekWend ofSTScT W ccomand bM mi.Jck rants Univers i t y, California, on (ne. Judy Green), London; ftr. a hif vacation. In the Mn G ac W de o Sa- 'T h P h los p b y o! eli io n M . a d M i. . H M a , S n! op en in g w orh ip , S u p e in t on d - b o mou gh , acc em p an ied M r. an d Euntem, provided special music Mr. and Mmi. E. A. Wermy, dridge; Mn. and Mmi. 1 J. Wrm uo aSiteo t Mi. ay aeta ngîton, it the mamning service et Miss Gerdina Snaek, Mr. Bert Tmaveil, Oshawa; Mm. John flfv erod.H lote eeget tteTu Prospect United Church on Wermy entenhained' Mr. and Twist, 'Salem. fifi-yemoli H ise t!le -wereGuetsah theddnTou-ALINU unday. Ms .Sok fctedmM.Ca.0.Ahoea nducted somne promotions sanset McGowand wîg EEALIS'E Mr. Percy Mountjoy bas MRo.la.nd, k cfiaghredallrn, Mm. Cas. rre Aîheon basfrom each dais.an spnte.wekdwib1 meen having rmrakable suc- Hlad tNaaaFlsonbe mnme yteBankMm. and Mmi. Melville Tou- 24 Ring nt. IL »ewMaut'IUe shoinghi hosesatSept. 17 and Mr. and Mmi. o! Montreal fnom the Bow- Rev. M. A. Doughety con- sigant. Sydenham. eusin heinghishasesahSnoek mmived in Canada May manvilie Brnnch te the Brook- cluded her summer soieî cfl Members o!f Durham Lodge O)ffie ludo hep air s SAt.my b ewon 7th and are spendiag a few aide Plaza Branch in Peter- sermons on the Psalmi and o 6,AF. & A.M., joined62-812-58 Pae finituize, 10iecon monthi visiting with mombens bQreugh. explaîned tho Hebmew Feait wihlthe egular cengrogation 823-5681 ______Ù98 in hr.o! their farnilies who live la Mnr.mand Mmi. . C. Ashton, of Tabernacles, hm on Sunday mmning, ev-M ada thrd. -Canada. en101 ad girls wré ors ah Mr. and AcCOlIntanCv Ashton's, Haýrdon, ~ Mr. George Lei RAY 31. DILLING Mn. Bnian Hawelli Chartemed Accountant ing the Durhami 93 Chumch, Street Oshawa. George 623-3861 Mechanical Engint WbL .J. H. COGGINS Elechronici. Goas Chmrtemed Accountant these boys. 5Liberty St. S., Bownianville Mn. and Mmm. J Phon 623-3612 were Sunday supr Mn. and Mmi. Jes, WILLIAM C. HA4LL Bowmanville. B.Comm. iia mhl Chamtemed Accountant MssKhath 1as e 36' King St. E., Oshawa gueit o! Mr. and /11 gce DURROWS, SELBY &, CO.. and Mrs. R. Mitchell, Chatered Acceuntants Mrs. D. B. Kny, Toronto, spent 323 King Street West Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. A. 2 9th Oshawa, Ontario Sharp'&. 725-6451 - 728-7554 Miss Reta Dickey, Mr. Allna est* Office William A. D. Selby. C.A. Dickey, Hampton, were vîsit- een ln OP- G. Edmond Burrows, C .. ors at L. Lamb's.$ weeks wil Mr. and Mms. Clarence Av- don Fr1- ra ery, Miss E. Knapp were Sun- ii at 7 P 'm C ir day evening dinner guests of ,n has been G. EDWIN MANN, D.C.- Mr. and Mmi. Frank West- g musical Chimapractar lake, Sauina, hhey aise visited Band mdn Office: Mr.and Mns. Percy Westlake Chîrmanis 15 Elgin St., cor. cf Homsey St. and Mms. Frank Westiake, Sr. Pbemge Dis-09Mr ad rs. Floyd Pethick of Public Office oos23-yapp5 nte9 Mr.il, Sarond M e with his parents on Sunday, il be given iMr. and Mns. S. R. Pethick. E. Long. D e n t a ~Mmr.and Mmi. R. Rowan tings from - and farnuly cnlled an Mr. Her- PP; Unit- DR. W. M. RUDELL, DD.S. bert Rundie ah the Golden n Merrili 75 King St. E. Bowmanville *Pieugh Lodge, Cobourg, an Reeve, Roy Office Heurs : Sunals iteMr.H- R. Wood- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily mndTlay, avtedobMmrg He- one Police Closed Sahumday and Sunday anTîaahCbugHs Office Phone - 623-5790 pital. M.P fo Re. PoneNewaste 97-461,Miss Shirley Avery bas me- M.P ta Re. P oneNewashe 97-461turned ho Trent Universi .y, he ribbon DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Peterborough. he build- 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eng- Office Hours: lish, Bowmanvilie, weme Suui- .ogram, a 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. daily day callers at Mr. and Mrs. F. ld in the Ciosed Sturday.and Sunday Beckett'$. Telephone: Office 623-5459 Mr. and Mrs. Reg Brock, DR. E. W. SI$SON Linda and Brenda, Bowman- J.L.D.S., D.D.B. ville, were Sunday visitors at Office in bis berne Mr. and Mrs. K. McGil s. 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville Mrs. Edgar Wright, Miss Lweek) Phone 623-5604 Betty Wright, Mmm. Frank the Ked- Office Heurs: Spry, acccrnpanied by Misj ca con- 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Greta 0k., Bowmanviiîe, %uere mnusic in Closed Wednesday - Saturday Sunday aftemnoon visitair s audience DR. STANLEY GERTZ with Mr. Claude Snmith ah he varietY 67 King St. E., Bowmanville Strathaven Nursng Home, ethe nuni- Office Hour : Bowmglile. Oshawa 9 *.in. tao a p.m. Mr. iand Mrs. Ralph Virtue 2 oC>1A Monday through Thursday and girls spent Sunday with *1 ,te4pm F1ty Mr~.and Mr&. John Berrow- (mu. Mr- Closed Saturday and S day 1.l at their cottage, Rosedaie. perfemm- Phone 623-762 Mrs. P. Toms was Sunday numbers. avernigbt guest of Mmi. Gor- fashioned T don McLean, Bowmanville. nuznbers Insu rance Mr. and Mrs. Lyai Brack, are.danc. DONALD A. MSOGREGOR Bownianville, were Manday program Lite, Auto, Home us oMran Mr.K gdp of aurm Mciesso!M. dMm.K HerertStrntn oen modern U *lar n.W, ~Mm.rbetSana un carneho Foxie 12-56 Sunday w i Mr. and Mm. C. Bobe t Engflich, Bowmanville. Wrs. cBrob M rtMrs. L. M. Kelth and Miss pictuwere recent visitors of Mr. .T. Sark- HAIIITON - ORONO and Mmm. N. B. Wright. %. Pery Pone 983-5115 Miss Janice Wright, Mr. and brides- Flrst Mortgage Funds Mmm. Robert Wright, Tomonte, Brown) Residences - Farms were Sunday visitoma with rn. Peter Busgine Properties their lailier, Mr. Herbert portrait. Wrlght and Miss Ln d a luded 0p 0M o t r Wmlght. Short), O taMm. and Mrs. Jim Muller Werry>, KEIT A. MUaET, e». and Daryl,. Oshawa, were r(Mmi. Opomet!rtî . Sunday supper guests at E. AI!. ~ f 1 Kn «St E Bowmnvme Wright's. Wli:Ofi hor.B alltst Mm. and Mmm. RoeuRow- nk,th. T.O)Iione 6214253 lands, Scarbomough; Mr. and ýUr Mos. - Tom .- Thum - P&ri.Mm 7 ranJu MOG, Toronto, tu U9 9 ai..Ioaà p>=vislted Mmi. . 3Pae,,Su"nda, 1 kSnow. ~ mjaa>, .vnfnguMM ,Lomne *GlfnBm- ~~ s~toc], waau uq igo.., 3 Ivan Sharp uÙnday vfuît- 1Mmi. Lloyd dbeaher mand Is are attend- aCollege ah is taking iering, Bnian id luck ta John Sleman pon gueits o! sa van Neat, n Webster, a Satumday r. TMI BEAN W 1.0. SmU TOMAO $j MTOU u mm 1 m s *é,c e4 .E ORHt Ii IýT PR 1 EN C!'itc: R I20 PODR OKA, STEWS 1il IOpZN-LLDAYI DV WIMIIVILLE IUM MAPPLE JPL OE À%.CEI _________ DON MILLIGAN. Pro JUG MILK 2% 6IcRfoMo67ý' FOODLI NEI >rietor ç * ............................... .~..*. ~.... ýý -7- - -- ,-p - - I.- . .--. )Ç 1-, il 1 1 -

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