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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 11

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Mm. Bruce flhlion, Editor phom. "74213 meetings due te ie evening Unveil Historical Plaque i' edoIwW ugs and makre and pass the mu. tiens, you'l be sure to hear about it from et least one or two cf the neot so Interested if you do make a mlstake, then and penhaps only then wili they start making an a;. peanance at these meetings. There's only anc sad aide t this, the fact that an- organi. zation with se few in num- ber can't possibly keep going an d whe Will be left without the support they need, "the boys". Some business was handlcd at the lest meeting, however, it's thought best at this tume net ta print it, but te, try again inviting Yeu te S attend your own meeting, when at that time you can be brought up te date. Remem- ber it's the first Monday af each. month at the tcwn hall. Mn. and Mrs. Ed Nesbitt attended'the wedding cf Mr. Nesbitt's brother, Ronnie, te Miss Linda- Foster, both' o! Lindsay, in Lindsay on Sat- ACube cof both lst Newcastic and B Packs wili leave the village on Friday evening tr attend Camp Samnac fer thiE Thanksgiving weekend. They . leave the Community Hall et si-thirty parm. and will ne- turn by neon heur on the Monday. Rdste and iran' On September 13, 1967, an historical plaque commcmorating the Newcastle the camp are stili necded, any fish Hatchery was unveileà on the site of the old hatchery, on the outskirts parent whe will drive are ýf Newcastle. This plaque is one of a series being erected throughout the prov- askcd te contact Bill Cali, ince by the Department of Publie Records and Archives, acting on the advice of Committee Chairman. Scouts and Cubs are pre- ) the Archacological and Historic Sites Board of Ontario. Shown lef t te right after paring fer Apple Day a week the ceremony are: Dr. R. R. Logie, Assistant Deputy Minister, Departrnent of frem Saturday, and residenb? P.sheries, Ottawa; Dr. H. R. MacCrimynon, Department of Zoelogy, University of the village puchasing an efGuelh r.Toa arrteCara fteCak etnilCern- apple will be assisting in i elp; Ms. honasFaibrohe, Cairna oftheClakeCenennalScouts naisimg funds for fur- nittee; Miss Olive Thorns, granddaughter of Samuel Wilrnot who established thening the training they ne- the Newcastle Fish Hatchery; Dr. A. G. Huntsmnan, Professer Emeritus, of Biology, ceive in this graup. Cubs o! VJniversity of Toronto; Professor W. S. Goulding representing the Archaeolegical A Pack have deconated bas- and Historic Sites Board; Alex Carruthers M.P.P. (Durhamn); Roy A. Foster, kets in Liens colours (the Scout sponsoring greup) of e1eeve of the Township of Clarke and Mns. Helen B. Lovekin of the Clarke Cen- purpie and geîd; the baskets lennial Comrnittee. look quite attractive. Scouts of A Troop on Mon- day evening left their meet- ing place in the basement o! no emeeting at the Parish __ ILadies - 200 and aven - Hall o! St. George's Anglican M em o y o D r.J. are Jean Allen 234, Minnie Tay- Church each Monday evcning. MeoyutD.J lir or 222, Vicki Blight 215, Our friends adnihor ,Newcastle:- The Dedication was whîle stili living in St. Foster 208, joan Ard 206, week, are: Mrs. Louise Bandi- o! a Memoial Window, iniThomas he passcd away, Oc- Eleanor Perrin 204, Marge stra, Mrs. Lenelie Barry, Dan mnemory o! Dr. Jack H. Hare, toben 2nd, 1966. Miller 203. Bernard, John Davis, George jniysono! n. nd rs. I~ ecmd sitale hutthe Men - 225 and oven - Jack Fenguson, Wesley Forget, Mmm. Percy Hure, was made ai the hr 0,GogeKmaiJa anes, Theadane Mich- monning worship service onititle o! the wîndow le "Christ 303, Mernil Henry 275, Gond cIls, Mrs. Jiri Riegger. ý nday at Newcastle United The Healer"l. It was bath de- Simpson 252, George Glan- Several young people ut- humch. where the late Dr. signed and installed by Wil- ville 250, Bian Rowe 240, tended the Blister Walk on »fare attendcd as a boy. lhem E. Briffett of Newcastle. Lloyd Taylor 235, Gord Wat- Saturday when thcy walked, He gmduated in medicine Onl behaîf of Dr. Hure'. mo--5son 229. many a! them ail the way in- ln 1943, after serving in the ther and father, his wife Newtonville Ladies - 175 te Oshawa and back again. army' and taking pest gradu- Mary presented the window. and over - Ann Cooper 242, A number o! thein, sufcning ae studies in obstetnics. He Two beautiful baskets of Connie Sutherland 196, Mil- with blisters and some feet in coeieda pivte raciceinflowers wcre placed in the dred Bingham 194, Maria general, had to call it quits St. Thomas, and for a number cuh, one froni hie wife Vogels 191, Murle Harris 186; before getting ail the way on! years was Chie! of Oh- Mary and two daughters, Mrs. Liz Willems 186, Angela Hol- back. But the miajority ef stetrics at the St. Thomas- Fred Williams (Susan) and len 182. those who did join in the Elgin General Hospital. i SaIWy with the other being Thursday Mixed - 200 and -Nvalk exprsed the !act that from his parents-in-law, Dr. over - Marilyn Couch 228, they enjoyed it, knowung that and Mns. N. A. Munro.' Hannah Farrow 208, Russ each mile added te the funds Powell 208, Mary McGnegor and reelizing that with sorti Attending this dedication 205.!usno naedte ex bsdsthe Newcastle con- Friday Mixed - 200 and preject necdnIt be se herd on gregatien werc RusseIliHoney, aven - Ren Good 336, Ed Nes- the feet. We haven't et this M.P., of Port Hope, Mn. and bitt 314, Dave Crackle 279, timne the naines of ail thase Mrs. Ernest Runnalis, Peter. Larry Pearce 257, Albert jaining in the wulk, but hope borough, Mn. D. A. Shay, Peance 256, Judy Powell 255, te have that fan next week. Par Hope, Mr. and Mrs, Mur- Ruth Couch 246, Ron Bunley United Chunch S u n d a y ray Maidlow, Oshawa, . Mn. 243, Bian Rowe 240, Stan School is held ut ten a.m. and Mrs. Clarence Allin, Mrs. Powell 238, Tracy Embley eech Sunday memning, and H. B. Rundie, and Mn. and 222, Hazel M. Munno 217, iTorning worship in the Mre. J. S. Ames, Bowman- Evelyn Embley 208, Ben Ma- church et eleven. This Sun- ville, and Mn. and Mrs. How- diii 207, Ted Hoar 212, Mennil day i. Thanksgiving and ail ard Rundle, Toronto. Henry 205, Gond Gray 200. membens and visitons are in- vited te attend and join in giving thanks te God for the mainy blessings he ha. given te us. The chunch will be Il lew asdedecorated on Saturday even- CASTLEing by the High-C. Fruits, INSURANCE. çt S >0clta/and' £Pefrsona71 eft at the church on Str Y'our hotne is your castie it ay rnonning, and could be probbly epr~entsthepicked up by teiephening the robggest invesent yothe Newcastle:- Leaving the Mmm. Rachel Dennis, Mrs. pursonage.. lia rmu,&AnÉ4 ,_ village on Frlday eveningl Marie* G%ýrtQhr' -A Tifi,.0------ CYU* I*fd7*e. fl"ItI U Il De smart to protect th at invest- ment with a State Farm Homeowners Policy. This low-cost package of protec- tion provides broadercover- oge for your home and be. loningsand foryou, incase of I a s u its ' *. *a t rnany similar i e policies. Cali me. I.INE for the details! Dirk Brink.an XES. 1 - SCUGOG ST. BO WMAN VILLE 623-3621 STATE FARM FIRE AND CABUALTY COMPANY Can. Office: Scarborouth, ont., AU1 AUCTIOI Newcastle Mer Saturday, 0c 1: 30 P. *Spon.ored by ti AIl proceeds - If you have any items ta ollephant ta a gold thimi ffowlng numbers for plo $87-4756; 987-4422; 987441 Watch this paper fer and returning early Sunday, Alice Quinney took advantae Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tilleon of the color tour by bus re- TYRONE attended the Swan - Risko centiy to Algonquin Park and wedding In Hamilton on Sat- Santa's Village at Brace- Rally Day will be observed urday afternoon. bridge, and enjoyed the aut- this Sunday morning at 11 ar. Mns. Sarah Carr and daugh- umn beauty of the trees now in Tyrone United Church. ter, Belleville, spent the adorned in their varjous hues Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar weekend with friends and re- of rcd, orange, green and visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. latives and attended the Gol- gold, a gorgeous spectacle too McMahon and Mr. and Mrs. den Wedding Annlversary of beautîful for words to de- A. Jackson, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Carveth scribe. Miss Kathy Hoar, Toronto, on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Murray and spent the weekend at ber Visiters at. the Cecil Car- Miss Marilyn Bower, Toronto, home, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. vet's as wcken wre r.and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hoar. andh' Mrs. Geeen glw, Chi-. ountioy, Blackstock, were Congratulations to Mrs. Tho- cagi Il.,Mr.andMrs RuertSunday guests of Mrs. Flor- mas Gibbs who celebrated her Carveth, Victoria, B.C., Mr. ence Ferguson. 8th birthday Saturday, Sept. and Mrs. Geraid Carveth, Mrs. Ida Stinson and dau- 3th. Grande Prairie, Alberta, Mrs. ghter Frances have returned Mrs. Otto Virtue visited Jim Dunn, Edmionton, Alber- te their Toronto home after relatives and friends at Orono ta, Mr. and Mns. Jack Hlgbee, spending the surnmer at their last week. Brngn.cottage at the lake. Mrs. R. Scott spent the Buringon.The Hockey Mothers' Asso- weekend with ber brother and Mrs. Aima Bowen attended ciation, who have been meet- wifc, Mr. and Mrs. E. Stew- the wedding of ber grand- ing now for three years on art at the home cf ber sister niece. at Beaverton on Satur- the first Monday of each Mrs. W. Macdonald, Bowmnan- day. inonth durîng the fall and ville. winter season and an through Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park until the end of the hockey and Mr. and Mrs.. F. L. Byamn season, have considerably left Sunday morning te spend dropped in attendance. With a few days thls week at Expo. r cweII aver 100 boys playîng Congratulations ta Miss hockey Iast year andi only Doris Rock whc was niarried 'FOUR" Mothers attending at thc Manse, Saturday, Sept. Monday evening'sa meeting, 3oth, to Mr. Bruce Baker. e I tese four mothers iook far to'> Mrs. John Robertson, Can- Yugto possibly be the mo- nington, Mii. lieU McNiven M JA L E chrs of ail these boys, so the and son John, Orillia, were question of "who" and more Iast week guesta cf Mrs. R. maria I Are na mo>~thrs crne to li Sc? heOctober meeting cf the There are always those who UCW will be held at the home lack a baby-sitter smre o! the of Mrs. Arthur Hamilton, Oct. nlghta when a meeting is llth at 8 p.rn. ctoDer 21s cad, or have previous plans Mr. and Wu. Ronald Rowe or crap are, worklng, but and faniily vlalted the Wood- .MI. eybdy?' It's most dis- ley home on Sunday. heartening when a meeting fa MW, and Mrs. Lloyd MeCoy caled and se few taire the and Lorria, Mns. B. Lamb, e IÀons Club !nterest or bother toi corne Toronto, vislted hi, mother, 01ut. It Icaves twice the wark Mrs. Perey McCoy on Sunday. for thc executive who now Weckend vioitons of Mr. andi Artiflelal ce. find themselvcs having ta ne- Mme. Paul Vaneyk were Mr. Peut what business wes dis. and Mrs. Glenn Smith and idonate (front a plnk cusscd several tiines over famlly. Hampton, Mr. and Mns. bue) <ai ~i~ .1 h. &gain by telephone ta get Bill Staey and faniily, New- kble, cal oe ofthe enough people votlng ane way tonvile, and Mrs. Murray Yeo lek up: or another ta pass any mo. and Calvin. tions made. You cen be cer- Mrs. Otto Virtue wasdi- M8; 9874816; 987-4432 tain the ones ta do the loud- nen guest Sunday o! Mr. and est complairning will be thc Mrs. Ace Abbott, Oshawa. r dotaiWe listing cnes not contacted. As ance Mm. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Hockey Mother who doca find weme Sunday dinner gucats eti it irAposble to attend theâe Ihis brother, Mr. and Mm. C. 'W. ?a"m, Pour WMe LAke TIYD N he CanadIin Statesman, BowmanvM@l, Oct. 4, 9M Mn. J. E. Griffin,' Oshawa,!1 St! il and Mnm. li. Grffin, Enikl Sunday school session e len, .wére Mondey cal r f Mrs. W4 Ruhm. en o 1:45 and chunch service et 3-Dr a hp e , o Mr, and Mm. Henry MnSroraD ram Chaper o ton spent thc weekend et There ws a good attetdancelF r ethe Sunday school an Sun- wemprr ey cafernograded teiMrenMck- Mm. and Mn,. D. Southwell buarn- iple S ierosis Societ of hem mother, eaynG. , A filmn was shcwn, The FirstM u tp e S i r ss So e y 19 Prince Albert. Chnistiens, whlch wus very stM.and Mns. . Standish itrsig h Durham County Chap- dent o! tic Lions Club, Port a. patient. w and famlly, Seagrave, were Acr at a ede e !teMlil eeoi Hope; Mme. Wm. McEwan, A ver interestlng film on dguests Sunday o! Mn. an, the Conmmunity Centre on Society of Canada gat off t a Presidento!teEtenSa;M.eitd"M FiedJc Mme!' W. Roy'. 0tra vnngi o ~ gg F. Guy, o! the Kinsmen Club; wus showrn and explained by r Ms. . . Wmry Msteda n ewcd inMm. noro igantic stant et an inauguraliMms. Bnoadbent, representative Ken Huinphriee. The movie )r Florence Werny, Mrs. G. Wayne Blackburn, when the meeting held et Uic Port Hope cf the Rebekah Lodge; J-. Gil- prajector gnaciously oaned- by ýd White, Bowmanvillc, acconi- people of the cemmunity pre- and District Hospital, Sept. mer, epresentative o! the the Pont Hope Hligh Sehool e, panied Mmm. A. J. Hoar and sented themý with a lovely caf- 12th, with e record attenid.nte. Masonic Lodge; S. Demoe, me- wus opemated by Timothy i visited Mn. and Mns. C. H. fee table -and e bathroom Attending trom out of town presentative o! the Teenagers Mooney. Rawan, Bethany. hamper. weme R. W. Fraser, Pnpsident of Pont Hope; H. J. MumbY, The election of! afficers wes 'Mme. Edith Murphy, accorn- Mm,. D. Camenen visited ber of the M.S.S. o! Canada;- Mrs. Principai of the Pont Hope as foliows: Cheirman, Mme. 0. ,0 penled Mr. and Mme. Hugh husbend et Sunnybnook Hos- Dareen Konradis, Executive High Schoal. R. Honey, M.P., R. elly, Reg, N.; Treas. and 1 urphy o! Bowmenvilie and pital, Toronto, on Sunday. Secretary o!f.the Ontario Di- sent hie regrets et nat being Vice-Chaîmman, Ken Hum. lvislted 'Mn. and Mn.. Roy Mi. and Mrs. Rosa Ashton, vision M.S.S. o! Canada, and present. phriee; Recording Sec'y, Mrs. 9 McLaughlin, Bleckstock. Beth, Barbare, Allen and Mrs. R. Calvert, Member of During the evening Mayor F. Sutton, R.N.A.; Comm. Sec'y. It Mm.. W. Miller epent a !ew Grant, calied on Miss Emma the Board and Chaimman of Wiedyka Presented the Cha;- H. Fenton' Patient Repre- Sday. lest week with Mn. and Wenmy, Toronto, on Sunday. the Peterborough Chapter. ter with a cheque for $100, sentative, 'Mme. H. renton: Mmm. C. D. Hodgsan, Ajax. Mm.. J. Patte and Mme. W. Mme. Konradis chalmed the ev- mlaking him a lîfe mncmbem of Geeting Card Chaimman, Mm Sorry Mn. A. Knowlton is Martun, visited Mn. and Mn,. ening. the Multiple Sciemosi, Society. K. Humphries; Student Repre. still~- aPain i saaGn W. Rowden also presented sentative, Steve Demoe; Hon. enllal HpstietIn shdwy eening. owavllo The following spoke eia- the Chapten with e cheque for Member, Magi trate R. B. D Mn.. M. Bentim and Miss qu a!fening the Chupter $100 on behelf of the Lions Bexter; Dr. A. G. Harrison. Birde Betni, wee Suduy as ate and gond Club to help uissist in the pur- Medical Advisem; E. Bonne- LO G AU T visitons o! Mn. and Mms. Ken wishes: Mu Wladyrka of :chese of a Stryken Cushion for ville, Q.C., Legal Adviser. fi Umwin, Oshawa. Cobourg, Alex Carruthers, (Intended fer lest week) Mr-. and Mme. Walter Bnldg- Conservative M.P.P.; Rev. W.. Mn. and Mme. Robent Cain-ett, were Sunday, ceflers et H. Fulton, W. Rowden, Presi- mron, and ut-Anne wene Mr. and Mme. Gardon Wermy, ofcal presented ta the K I Saturday visitons of Mn. and Toronto, Mn. and Mn. wng stdets-BLiUSeIN ESS_____________ 1Mrs. Clayton Brown. Wery inBraaadfolwn tdns- Ls Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson Jean, Malton, Mns. Verna For- Welch, Junior Girls; Cathy wer Fndayevcingviston myheTornto Mm OmistnWarman, Interrmediate Girls; wer Fidy eenngviitos yte, ornt, r. rmstnPetsy Clark, Senior Girls; 1 take this opportunity to thank my :fMn. and Mrs. Jini Pankin- Mn. and Mns. Ivan Shami> and Peter Walla, Junior Boys; meny old friends and customers for their ;on, Countice, and Saturday girls, Enniskilien, wene guets Igor Kairitz, Intermediate 'vening visitons o! thein deugh- of Lloyd Ashton on Sundey. Bosltpe ooSno oyalty over the past 45 yeams, and ennounce cmr and !amily, Mr. and Mm$.Bos tpe PlzSnr Nommn DvisOmoo. &u5SBoys. that I have sold the business known as Mmom. H.vsO. ilimond nic els Stephen Poloz was also the mdM . .loasand Fishen, Mli H ecipient o! a special awand Xiderwood, spent Sundey with * * for General Pmo!icicncy forO ESSM IE HO XMn. and Mms. Rye Gibson. IlIdS Firs tihe chool year 1966-1967.. 33 Kin St. E. Bowmanville Mr. and Mn.. Deug Vermil- " Principal S. M. Griffith ac- n ia and son and uncle, Owen Me r quainted those present with to Mrs. Marie Steeves 3ound, weme wcekend visitonsM e tn the mules o! the school. and esk orcniudptnae )f Mn.-end Mr.. Robent Camn- Speaker for the evning was yu otne arng 'non and family. On Sunday Mitchell's Corners Home & Mn.. Margaret Snowden whe of the new owner. 'vening Mme. E. Wood, Tyrone. School Association held its teaches e special primamy ind Mmm. Audrey Mevin, Brent !inst negulan meeting on clus, et Mitchell's Corners. (MRS.) ANNIE ORE mnd Dean, Oshawa, visited Wednesday, Sept. 20, 1967. Her subject concenned the with the R. Cameron's. Field__Day__Trophies__weneadvantugeso!_sucheclus.._________________ Al PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th 1967. BONELESS SOLPO MEAT PORK -LOIN79 ROAST CEND 79. *CENTRE CUTS 16 89c* SUPER-RIGIfT BRAND, PICNIC STYLE SHOULKDRSb PORK COOKED 47< MARL.E LEAF BRAND SAUSAGE MEAT 653: THE PERFECT MATE FOR ANY MEAT Ocean spray Whole or JolIi.d Reg. tini 27o - SAVE 9c READY TO SERVE rSM4OKEDUAAt COOKED HIlAm s SHANK POTION BUll PORUON 49_59< CENTRE CUTS OR HAM STEAKS L89C WHOLE HAMS 141te6M UHS LB 59C NU (UT HALF HAM AVAILABLE AT SLIGHTLY HIGHER RETAILSNo oeOicsrm U Ci A4 Jan* Parker PUMPKIN PIE Jan* Parker SPANISH BAR Jane Parker CRACiCID BR EAD £Po frany Quality TOMATO JUICE Ch...e Qualiy A&P PUMPKIN "&P pm..w- GRAPEFRUIT D n M CANADA GRADE AF- EVISCERATED VAC PAC FROZEN TUREYS ALL SIZES 610O20 LBS ONE LOW PRICE NO CONFUSION CANADA GRADE -A-t, EVISCERATED, 6 TO 14 LB. AVERAGE FRESH TURKEYS 4 Fres Pr49ce Ont ario Grown, Fçancy Grade McINTOSH APPLES 1 6 QUART BASKET Caifornie, Fresh, Green, No. 1 Grade, Large Original Dunch BROCCOLI nch 35C Hoidy-uaNONGr--EPrICDaleRT!&i( m. -1 UO. prîc e 5.- BA" E Se Mcg. Prioee h 3»o- &AVE Me CAKE 3 w8 9 Reg. Prifa loaf250 - BAVIE me 3 24oz Iovu 65 c nos. Prie. tm $7. -SAVE 1,e 3 #444~Zim100 *eg. Prise P tins 4M - AvE 4 Me.Pr" unte 8.- AVE l1e ~IK 3~~g-ooes1e~ SHORTENINE G JPg3 Reg. P.nt bu. W.» - AVE 109 SAIL LIQUID 64izpab89< mnb Page Mse .Prs ne 8.- AVE 40 SALAD; DRESSINE -ors 31c bId & Moigw - 8.Ib bug $1à0 - AV£ 1 s AVE W.b 8 O'CLOCKCOFFEE,*. w65c m q I NONE PRICED HIGHER AT A&P 1 -ep- a a - LI,49C m

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