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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 13

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Changes Takidg dur Secondar Eiiter'. note- The fo- the natur fursjol IeWug Id...byPriuclpalto the 1950'.. ur=hMe H. Spes. MCourtie and collegiate isiùe ~UIa7Sesl a iven mostly academùci n ne A4 avFe LieusEClub !with limited emphasison1 Sept. 259h. De-1 nical courses, physiça1Iel "e oIl co" n Infermuatleu 1 tion, rea eImen Zt ceumljerbl Interest te Ilibraries. There w ta Pe*rt, ofetmecndary mobel itechnical achools in the la age churm , t la repre- f centres. duffl la 1.11.Cause.sMofb.theange What are saine of the i Change has always been aienoes and dévelopdîients Part 01 the human make-up. hve heen instrumentai WVhat in difterent about change bringing about the ýhange to-iaY, is its Pace or tempo. our educational syXe Some evidence of the tempo will examine smrne of t] of change is given by the fol-lcauses of chiege and!how1 lowing startling ladts: affected educationapar a. 25% of ail people who 1. Great influx of atud ever lived are alive to-day into elementary, ucb b. available technical know- secondary schools and ledge and information versities, caused by g doubles every 10 years. increase In population, A1so, it is important to realize ta rising birth ýate that ht is reafly fot the world immigration and, shifi that has changed se much, as areas of populatién. it is Our experience in it - 2. Due ta unemploy'pct our reactions to it and what demands by 1abur, we are doing about it. Our Young people arci ta: concept o! thc future must in school longer. 818o be reviscd, - it no long- 3. Greater demmnd kor er lies abcad - it is right here vanced technical ýraii with us. to kccp step witt Canada is in the midst of demands of advancedte a tremendeus economic andi nology and positions In technological change and n o-f technical fields, where is the change more'4. Greater demand fora evident than in the field of demi c background as education. prerequisite for advan In the past five years, 596 or university level edu high achools, 39 institutes of tion ta meet the demE technology, 163 trade schools for more and more gri bave been buit and ncw con- uates in ail professions struction is expected to con- medicine, surgery, den! tinue at the sanie rate for at try, law, engineeri: Ieast thc next five years. 1 tcaching, etc.' Sehools before 1950 15. More sophisticated way Most of us are familiar with1 life o! students, teachý The newl- rue way to bank Hée'itis! Everythiiig you need -for your com- bination of Truc- Chequing and Truc Savmngs accounts in a neat compliinentary wallet. Including personalized cheques. Thfis new True way keeps your Truc Chequing account separate from Truc Savings. You icave enough in aTrue Chequing Account to pay your buis. ýYou put the rest into 41/ % Truc Savings. (If you already have a 3% Savingg Account, you ca n convert it to True Savings.) Sec how this simplifies your money planning. Corne in and ask about the new Truc way to bmnk - and get your new True-blue waelt Puo. Bankof Montreal t Bovoeanviile Branche Oshaw, Branch: JAMES BELL, Manage IAMES McCANSH. Maurna Cash 'n Carry S Start To-dy 1 MEN'S OR LADIES' 2 PC. SUIT 2 TROUSERS OR SLACKS 2 SWEATERS 2 SKIRTS (pleats extra) PLAIN DRESSES (pluts extra) FRENCH COATS (waterproofing extra) LIGH~T SPRING end FAIL COATS 5 WHITE DRESS SHIRTS vJ Schools prier and graduates - won't ios R ..tl. for the humdrum wcre atinosphere of the littie red ture, school hous.. tfch- 6. More leisure time on th. ducs- part of students and a and realiz9tion that there wil few be more of this in thc fût- Rrger ure. Education for Icisure time activities becomes a LI very real part of the busi- inl- ness of the achool. in 7. Tlh. closing gap in the re- et in lationship of pure science We or theoretical science and hee practical science or tech- thes nology, causing changea in tey our concept of education - itl. this ha. led ta the mot »Os important cause of change un- of ail. reat 8. The realization thett the due educational proces hould and not b. separated from 1f. ting experien ces, but b. clooeiy related te them - a part and of life. It has been said aur of our schools, at the eariy These inquisitive blind children are discovering ying part o! the century, "the the wonders at their fingertips through camping, children were like butter- cuslig n akn ok.Yu otiuint ad- flies mounted ononelîgad akpgbok.norsotrbtnt ung each .fastened to bis desk, The Canadian National Institute for the Blind will the s p r e a d i ng their useless help guide their steps in the right direction. The ech- wings of barren and niean. canvass takes place beginning Oct. l6th, 1967. the ingless knowledge which they have acquired." The log, apprenticeships - shouldI petitive sports - badminton, ac masn tionsofuthe nfoma-have passcd grade 8. golf, tennis, archery. ; ed a tie as t norear-ed 1or 2 year Occupationai - 2. More emphasîs con the ica- byiot and ail toc ften Students 15 or 16 years of age Arts. School subjects - art, iad b thenfalto d erywho have not passed grade 8 music, agriculture. and- titinfrtonwiha11f. cx or who wish 1 or 2 ycars of VU. Quality Teachlng r- pienc o h ie x- somne technical training mixed Mca». Qulilty Teachers tis- What Is Happening and with further academic work - More and better qualified ng, What la Deiux Donc Abut nt terminai course - bctter than teachers are rcquired, about I. The great increase ln ppu dropping out o! school as such 2000 additional secondary cf lation and demand for tech- students have donc in the teachers are required in Ont- crs nology bas resulted in a great past. ýaria, each year. One o! the increase in the quantity and Transferrin.- - from 5 year'biggest problems a Principalf type cf education in Uic tech- oe 4 ycar strcam can be done ýfaces each year is ta interview, nical-commercial, as weuî as without repeating a grade 'and hire the ncw teachers that' academic fields. The courses from 4 year to 5 ycar in rarelare required - teachers that * acool ompoite econarycases can bc donc, by repeat-lare qualified for the job and scolto-day, consist cf tech- înga grade. From onc course who arc sufflcientiy competent nical edu<ation called, Science, ta another, as from S.T. & T.ito do a goal job. Technology and Trades (S.T.: to A & S te B & C, can be f Problems of teacher g & T.); commercial education donc easily at the end of grade! recrultment callcd Busness and Commerce 9 - sometimes at the end ofi teacher training and (B & C). academic, called grade 10. salaries Arts and Science (A & S), Oc- M. Great Demand For - attracting and holding cupational. W. should' stress, improved Facilities good teachers however, right here, that our And Environnient This is a topic that w. could technical courses are not trade With more students. more discuss for a considerable courses - thcy do net pr.- achools are required. This has iength cf time and w. have, pare a student Mor a trade. The meant a great increase in the no time this cvening. Shop courses do give some educationai budget. However, - The problem o!f lnanclng tcchnical backgroujnd, but the thc educational cost as a per- education is anc also that cmphasis is on developing the centage of aur national in-1would take an evening or students academic background corne, stili remains at about more ta discuss. - his ability te reason and ta 3 ta 4r%,, much the same asý The topics 1 have discusscd, apply bis knewledge of tech- it was 20 or 30 years ago.f are those that arc mere im- nical information in practical Some methods af relieving the1mediate, and I hope 1 have work in Shop projects. cost of building: ;answerel some of your ques- The Commercial Courses on a. Use of sehools on Shift' tions. the other hand bave two ob- ystein jectives. It develops the stu- Disadvantages - parents are dents academic background the flrst to complain about a MAPLE GR V and it also trains the student shift systeni - upsetting taeIiUL for a job ithie commercial the erder af their lives and Th corsndt vy field. There are two achools upsctting to good study habits. The orrtesoen t e e! thought about this - should b. Use o! schoels ail year, srr fo th err ith wc b. concentrating on thec on a Semester System Mapie Grave news last week. academic wark for the. student This, of course, would requieflsoudbv'ca isVr ote xess- St Pierre is working for t he and afterwards allowing the oterexene student ta take commercial i. Air conditioning ln schaols Repa Ltd., Scarborough, in- training i a strictlY ceniner- i.M a..17t-aeas- stead o! Bennett Paving. ciai school, or in industry ii. Almost a double staff and The. Maple Grove Cubs will itsef? ladministration --- shouid be hold their first meeting an Oceupatianal - somne train- considèred more carefully and Thursday cvening (Oct. 5) at, ing in skills with acadcmnic seriousiy.7p..ithbametoth wor fr secalstuens. IV. Up-To-Date* Equipment C. E. Hall. An boy 8 years i I wokforsctae 1» Levelu for quality teaching and over will be wclcome. Of Education -for integrating knowledge abeT ae shipb funr.the.cA-» To-day, we are educating ail and experience al edrhpo r .A students o! ail levels of intel-- not kceping them separate Hendsbec and Mr. Arthur ' ligence - 20 or 30 ycars ago, as in the past James, with the help o! their the. bigh school population was This includes: wives. Randy Snowden wiilù less than 3% o! a municipality. a. equlpinent In science rooma be assisting. Thanks goes Ta-day it is over 5%. Students anid shops wherc students can from this ccmmunity te Mr. are attending and staYing in do indîvidual experiments and and Mrs. C. Barr, Mr. and achool until 18 or 18 years of research - gaining useful Mrs. Dawson Beckett and ag. kilis as wcll as gaining an their assistants Johnny and age year Stream - for $tu- inisight into the practîcail Use Jimmy. The two latter crnes ds c bv vrg ne- cf knowledge and thcory. are unabie ta help this year ligence in A & S, B & C and b. Audia-visual Aids, taeabhyaewrig S..&T - leading ta comn- recorders, radias, filmstrips, Thanksgiving service next mon rad 1& uT.crity, sound films, avcr-head projec- Sunday. Communion wa s soncaodo ehn13, unuinv trs -alow the assimilation held last Sunday; the folow-' Teacher's College - sbould cf knowledge by sîgta eln eercie nocuc have at lcast 60-700/. n grade as sound, making more ImPres- Wemooi, Mr. n r.LNran 8. m~~~~~~~~ion and better recail.WodMranMs.Lna-d 4er ram-tUiedc.Educational Television And colis, by transfer Mrs. Nor- 'V Jofn grade 13 Tormnitwrsh-y ETV progranis - Students United Church. Oinget te oruniClers are lnvolved mare clasely Wedding belis are ringing o! Applted Aruts and Tegeo with their environment - In this community this week. ]ofewledge andrexperience are Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Good- - - - -r--k o u l g t am o r e c l o e l y t e he r m r h , M . E a l G o m r $ 20% Off Regular Prîces and Rural Pick-Up and SUEDE.a.0 * COATS *JACKETS *k SUITS *GLOVES Ph. *ETC. 2 ne 623-2!À wlasist rai withadn-tra cw ay spent with stration chores - tinie-tables terduheradhsad record keeping, exam marking: Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy Topping frecing teachers and princi- and boys, Tarante. pals .for more meaningful work Mr. and Mrs. Don Brooks o! student counselling. were guests at the West- V. New Methods And Ideas Morrow weddiag lait Satur- In Teaehlng day in Stirling and spent the Most educational, change Isi wcekend with her, parents, - involved in a break with set Mr. and Mrs. Alex Tanner. patteras o! teaclier-versus Miss Janice and Master Bob- class, shifting the responsi- bic Brooks spent the weekend billty for learning fremn the with their aunt and uncie -teacher ta the student b3Y auch Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kean: 9 mneans as:- cerc i Oshawa. a. Z ent eseach e ail Mr. and Mrs. C. p. Swallow a.lent at were Sunday callers on their ' for Town b. lre and-better librarica coeusin, Mn Louis Det very e. audionial' language and Mr. a bI Mllor,' both t CL 'non-graded acheolsan texching machines (des- Beca use X-Ray filin pro-' q cribe) and the realizatien cessing is donc in the dark, it of a ncw phiiosophy that effers aifigcre o we can ne longer teachf trained bidpros h atudents ail about a sub-' Casdian Natkia jInstitute 0/6 ~iruject, but we e.» teach for tii.Blind provides a four- O Fthcmn what a subject is ail weck trainigprga wii about". has cnablcd 59 blind persojm VL EducaUoa As A4Tratlug across Canada ta flii these For Leisure Time 1posts. You malce this train. 1. More emphasis on a welI-1 îng Possible wlien youa support 97 1 balaneed physical and health the current drive for funds education prcgramn. Emphasis under way beginning Monday, on mdidLia@ wclL as com-iOctobu le. I (2 ~~pr f K. ~ ~ pkg.75ç ~ i~ I ER THURSDAY NIGHT FEATURE FRIDAY NIGHT FEATUREe2 - 6:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ONLY &:0 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. ONLY Maple Leaf TenderFlake Cmhl'Toae A E'wr 'LA R'D 1- k39C SOUP Iloe 2 IV FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES I Ontario Grown Fancy Grade U.S. Grown No.'I Grade Ocean-Spray ~ iMaclntoshApplesBsk69c Cran ie rries Y291c U.S.A. Grown Sweet Ontario Grown No. 1 Grade SPotato'es 31b29' CeleryHeartsn . 25c ; AIL ADVERTISED ITEMS INDEPCT EA RS TORONTO NEWSPAPERS Fancy - 14-or. Tins, SAVE de AND Stokely Pumpkin 3 for 49C OSHAWA TIMES Ocean Spray Whoe or Jllied - 14-oz. Tin SAVE OÔ AVILBL I TISSTRECRANBERRY SAUCE 21 AVAILBLE I THISSTOREYork Choice Cnt - Wax or - 14-oz. Tins SAVE: l Save On Dominion's Own Brands GREEN BEANS 6 for $1.00 Domrino Fancy - 48-oz. Tins SAVE 16e Wares Home Style - 16-os. Tub SAVE dft ~TOMATO JUICE 3for95c MINCEMEAT 29c' Domino Choie - 28-oz. Tin Crushed - Tid Bits or Sllced - 19-oz. Tins SAVE goeÎ ~FRUI COCTAILLEE PINEAPPLE 3for69c, Country Girl - 20-oz. Size SAVE lic HEALTH AND BEAU-TY AIDS ND Apple or Pumpkin PIES 2forl9c Brylereem - Large Bire Tube wlth 2-os.,Vrcc SAVE ISc 1>1 Icbmello Orange - 12-os. Size SAVE 10o HAIR DRESSING 71c ,CHIFFON CAKE 49 c Glant Sjze Tube SAVE 12e ÇDomnino Faner Frozen Sliced - 15-ci. Pkgs. BAVE 17o Colgate TOOTHPASTE 51c Famly Bie BatisSAVE 22c STRVVERRES 2 forg95c BRM O y Sl e LTZER 8 Domino Fancy Mixed - 32-os. Pkgu. BAVE 17a _________________________ 87c__ Mixed VEGETABLES 2 for 89cAM Lj lchniello - ýý Gai, Carton SAVE 1 A PL ýJÎCE CREAM 79"' FR El PARKINGf AU Merchandise la Guarantecd Te Give 100% SstsfcIn Values Effective Until Closing, Saturday, Oct. 7,1'67, in Bowmanfl. I WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TOULMIT QUANTITIES. Open Thurs.and F, i. .Nigix,'#til 9 :nu DOMINON STOIRES IMITED King tandSimpson Avenue (Highvay I -.1 W.Ua a

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