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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1967, p. 6

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Tecanadian sttêgman, mewmne, cd. 4, il IN Mayr ndMr. obslTeadiers Take Driver Instruction Course.r Entertain Friends On 25th Anniversary ai Gr 7. The Mayor and Mm Ivan door. Miss Nancy Jackman,G cob elebrated the. 2th a niece of Mayor Hobbs, was .* . PC rAnnsversarY of their wedding ichareoUigutbok on ucsay eing, Septem- There wau an attractive ar. ber lth, at their residence, rangement !wte hrsn 42Cflr treand a lrge themumil, amail ye0110W ni Alumber of firiends called teamni,9.d akcantin Oxed their congratulations ln the'hall. - and best Wishcs. Mrs. Hobbs looked lovely i hi e was an exquisite h -On attractive dress that hadt a bouquet of red carnations, - a ,bodice of wine and white and white shasta daisies with da *eOlored chiffon' skirt. Her vision set in the living room, . 'corsage was composed of mcd and i the dnng room therc d roses and white stephantis. was a charmin arrangement ta Os a bautonniere. low chrysanthemnums, andCo Many beautiful gifta, flow- whte shasta daisies.- A thre- s .Ors and cards werc reccived tier wedding cake iced in a by the Silver Wedding celle- white and decorated with sil-p brants. Russell C. H o ale.ete the dining oom t M.P. for Durhamn County, vh tbe o -wb rOuh est wîhis wiMaya Mrs. Douglas Jackan, sis-th .brouht bst wshcsto M éorter of Mayor Hobbs, was in S and Mrs. Hobbs from the fcd- charge inUi lnn ro ratl govcrnmen- Alex Car- assisteif by Mmi. Hobbs'Mo-be ty, and Mrs. Carmuthers werc Mrn. Jack Woodward and Miss 80 oPresent. Shelley Ilobbs, daughters of -~Dougla.s Jackman, a bro- ic lMayor and Mns. Hobbs,------ *er-in-îawo! lhe Silver Wed. and their niece, Misn Carol The last three courses ini Toronto, and one in Ottawa, Acceptance of Driver Instruction in high schools *~ce ebrants, was at the Jackman, assistcd in servng. ended just before the sehool year- began. is accellerating rapidly. Now, it is available in 265 N E S LET O N in Canada is met by Ail Canada Insurance Federation, schools ten years aga. t<Inthrough a fund administered by Canadian Highway Promotion of this life-saving course is carried sIte. o last wcck) Mri. Cecil Wilson. Safety Council. on by the Ontario Department of Transport, Highway MIrs.JsehFey Sr., return- Mrs. Charles Gist, Peterbor- This picture shows instruction being given on the Safety Branch. The Ontario Safety League undertakes ta hem home i Gem.many 'Duglh,* enjoying a few days useo h il-fvso eîn nt nTrno from ail the training of the teachers. ~sweek after enjoying a four wigh h'er daughtcr and son-in-s ftefil-fvso etn nt nTrno iOnths' vacation with lher son law, Mr. and Mrs. Richrdc lef t to right, John Maguire (seated), Department of This summer the OSL conducted six teacher-pre- In daughter-in-law, Mr. and DavjIn Reform Institutions; F. LeGresley, Durham County paratian courses. Each course takes two weeks, and Satumday visilors with Mr.m nay visitors with Mr. District High School Board, Ross R. McComb, Depart- a record total of 92 high school teachers qualifîed. $oman Samelîs were Mr. Alf! and Mrs. Elh Mairs weme Mr. ment Reform Institutions, and Instructor Clint Haist. ~'dSamelis, Bowmanvillc, who and Mrs. George Sellers, Col~- bas rccently returned from a '¶ Ood, Mr. and Mms. Ted Uic conference. tusnes trp a HlifxMr.MaisCanninglon, Mm. and The business period fallow- Ind Mn. Harmy Rogers, K ise'Yr, H Nanl, Weslfcld. Mrs. Doug Slccp, thc sec- flid David, Mr. and' Ms neRobor, M.Normatn Mir retary, ead a letter pertain- Charles Chan fram Toronlo. dRbe!*esîtn ing ta thc Regional Confer- c g s r ts C ot SMr. and Mrs. George Heus- Mr. and Mms. George Bow- ence in Blackslock, October ip werc guesîs on Sundqy ersCrtertalned theur family 301h. A brochure was mecciv- a 4tville. M. Reg Ruskin, Scar- Those attending wee M. and Fine Arts.i ,borough, was a Saturday visi- Mrs. Bert Bowcms, Oshawa, The treasurer, Mis. Arnold Itnefola wk) HlwhraMtoTrnoed o giyofsedg90 ,bm with lie Heaslip's. Mi. and Mms. Ralph Bowers Williams, reported on finances. "SothnddfoEtrls eck)Hilrisereanda MetolkTorono eso ulya pelgg Mr. rak yms a rnl d IlllaroeM .and r.Ablovtedce ifar Constable L.F. Dryden, sec- weme stopped for a traffic 401. Constable Chalmems was ~egBowmanville, and Mr. Anl ilimrn amily, of a hot supper in Oclober. -n the car colming, made a lîgit, the Bowmanville cruis- on bis way to investigate an And Mrs. Gilbcrt Malow, JHemb, Chris and Laurel Vine, Tic mail cali "My First U-humn ta stop it,"canlînucd er caught up and the accuscd accident with the mcd dame »rooklin, weme. Satumlday afler- of Nestîcton. This happy oc- Church and My First Minister" the officer. «Tic accused was charged. Tic car, bear- light flashing and tie siren koon and evening visilors wilh casion was ini honor o! Mrs. was most intcmsting and was sped by. Coprai S.G. Pap- îng Califamnia plates, was sounding. He followed tie Mmr. Nasn MiGorge J i imas'.Ja)an appiwi nseen and I set up a oad block rcgistcmed ta George Leduc accused for almost a mile at ý, ýMr. nd rs. eorg Jons brthdys.Mr. R. W. Jackson ead a aithle Dulch Oven Restau- and was stolen in Lakewaad 90 miles an boum, attempting éntertained hiem sister and Mm. and Mms.. Grant TIop poem "«Tic PiologaI" and rant, He jkidded mia licheCiy, Calîfomnia. ta pass. bmothcm-in-law, Mm. and Mis. son were hosts la Rev. Ernest Mms. Doug Slcep conducled a parking lot and by us. Luck- Magistrale Batten emand- When hie did gel by hie $'med Stuckley, Frakfod, on and Mmi. Herran and boys ha name canlesl. 'îly, traffic was nol ieavy aI cd lic accuscd in custody ta adioed aîead ta Whiîby De- 'rhumsday and Friday. Mr. Wil- Sunday evcning dinner. Mm. A deliciaus lunch was scmv- .Ihe lime. We followcd, reaci- Oclober 3 and thc Crown me- Iachmcnt describing the car 'bur Reynojdal, Jqnetvillç, wes and Uni. JohnSlernon, Ennis- cd by Mrs. Ralpi Sadlem and ing spceds of 105 ta 110 miles à Sunday evening cailer. klllen, wcrc evening callers. Mms. Wilford Vine and. Mrs. an boum. When lie slowed on qucstcd Ihat no bail be sel. and driver and giving the ' é.Emnest Hermon rs" M ." m and Mr.. Kenneli Grif- Slcep voiced the appreciation. the corners we Iried la pass Tuesday license number. lierrori,* Rager and Kevin, Ih,'Llndsay, and Mr. and Mr's.. fresbyterian Anniversary and lie îcded *ht for u. Edwamd Clarence Goodwin, Constable G. Arnold, WhiI- Ajax Mr andMrs ClifI amesIrvne (enaor OiveServcegWe radioecd ahead ta Whiiby R.R. 6, pleaded guilty of laul- hy OPP, staled thatliehe ad RXetz< Mm. and Mrs. John Irvine), Ottawa, werc Wcdnes- Tic 'Presbyterian Church wicre thcy slowed traffic to îng ta stop aller an accident rcceived' the message and ,Walkem and Jonathon, Faim- dlay evening dinner guesîs of obscrved their flu anniversary 25 miles an hour. Tich uî eplember 5. Conviction by stopped the accuscd wcst of iew, Pennsylvania, were Sun- th3e Bruce, IHeaslip's. Salumday services a n Sunday, Septem- dove î a ics ou ad agistrate Gucst brought a Whitby a few minutes later. day dinner guesîs of Mr. nd levening v-liton weme M. and ber 24thiaI -11 '.m. and 7:30 dieovt o ane casat5 ine af $100 and costs, or 30 Mr. Barr explained liaI he Mrs. Norman Irvine and Mr. p.m. Rcv. Ernest Herron, Ajax, ________________ CnsaleG Wrrutn t n he oand isinds and Mm.. Ailan Irvine, Janetaformr iisewsh O Kingston Rad aI W est days. wsrtmigfo ihn ýr mnitrewa teCostbl . . rutnotrpmn le ndhs ied anil. uest,,sp eakèr -for' boli ser- rêginàmmeellle ignpes&.aDwaory an accident west had a heavy growîh o cm NetchnUildCuri o vcslleicmmin edcg' . Bwanville, found asti- Thcy wondered why iey e metolUnhitedChurc Womn- ced a splendid sermon on malcd damage afI $300 ho a enmtl h hrhSunday "Tic High Caîîing o! Christ." Ac ountancy car. On information reccîved Scicol on Wednesday, Sep- In lie cvening "Tic Superla- _______________________ tle scene tic officer pro- hember 201h. tive Christian" was bis tieme. RAT J. DILLING cccded ta lic home of the Tic president, Mrs. Norman He must have knowledge, Chartemed Accounlant accused wicre hie found dam- Maira, opencd witi payer, have persuasion and have 93 Churci Street age ta tic rigil side o! a car welcomcd ail aller the sum- commilmenîs. Mm. Herron also 623-3861 whose radiator was stil mer meccci and tiankcd alfavored wiîi a solo aI the' WM.- J. H.-OGIS warm. Mr. Goodwin admîtted ln who had helpcd wilh thc bak- evening service. Tic choir, Charlcrcd ccounlant b lihe officier thatlie had Isler.wshcageo i h orCan, lassislcd at a 115 Liberty SI.S., Bowmanville been drinking and lefItich sy u r. R lh alr ntte rvices.ite a b tPhon 623-3612 sce e of te accident. 4%_eaer____ncarefheserics.Godo Fowler, 171 King con rmeeting. Mis. Arnold Williams ________ WILLIAM C. HALL Street, W., plcadcd guilly of!el TEOHAk mE umme WRuNufa *asNC conducted Uic Devotional B.Comm. Il111 sesso flîquor -pdçtb-r il,.,.w UNnE, 5111W which Polthaehpower aoOfIUA YChartercd Accountaiit July 28 ossinTEG'3½Kn IEOiw a;ndvwasfiflcd $25 and ~ ~. eff Ou, ]ROUCH pumafying power. Telepione 725-6539CosalRnPakrad.- Wheyo uie gsz'~~ Chapters 19, 20 and 21 o! SAMUEL GEORGE KLOUS BURROWS, SELBY & CO. he and Constable Ian Smti » ..'MnYU ufr9S«C 0t the Study Book weemvicw. Tic deati of Samuel Gee Ciartered Accountanîs werc cieckiing lie Goodyear - Wh t. hte going SCt rougis cd by Mmi. Bruce Heaslip. Klaas, aged îwo,-motis and 323 King Street West dam wiicn thcy noticed a * 1 t's then that our âoevices These told of tie poblems lirce days,, occummed aI lie Oshawa, Ontario group af youths dinking Al to you, as cur client, become facing tic early churches andi Hospital For Sick 'Cildren, 725-6451 - 728-7554 fled but Fowlcr wio was spoke of those dedicated lead- Toronto, an Saturday, ScP- William A. D. Sclby, C.A. caugil and charged. a, really 1mea]1ý1ngfu at CE crs. Francis of Assisi and- tic lember 23, 1967 following an. G. Edmond Burrows, CA. James Welsh, 439 Howard your insurance proteetion. Franciscan FrIss Wyclif Of illncss of five wceks. Avenue, Peterborough, was You cma counton us to b. ini England, Hus o! Bohemia and Born aI Memorial Hospital, C ionraciic fxc iia mutfoa your corner.. .to help witlx Grregory VII did a. greal deal Bowmauvillc, hee was tiecsonfl rsîmilr offese.fol.wi.g. a.m. ta 6 px.da ingand T mp rnce Streets "I V VClosed Wdnsda auday when he h:ard a crash e 67 RigS.E.Bwavl. where he lound a motorcyl ~ S~I Horhad been stmuck by anather JUIC& A.RE INVJTED TO ATTEND A 9 a.. o pm vehicle wiici iad il eftte JIE23 # . < 9 M ram . toi 4 p.m . F iday Y Chi e investigating the ' * 9 .. A ft #A & neru ae Cosed Saurday and Sunday damage, R ger G o o d w 1n IIODV'C ne -mm m a Phone 623-7662 drove up and said, "I hit LIBYE J *A Là POL VIIC L hm." In the oficer's opinion W.MR ICàUtic accused was irnpaimcd s m ~ A E IC S I N DONALD A. MacGREGOIR EieDufod,105 ivisin ACOFFEE 7ý SI KN"_t._ W .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a ch 19. Defense C O N. L A K S 2 6 3 ONPhone_823.W82_____T._V.Kelly. ONnu 2ô lm MI: #.NConstable J. A. Legate. L OPP, laid thc charge lollow- .MAenwl L% ~>< ~ W D.- cTO ER lth M o t ageg ng his nvesigation o! a CANDYu o.SADIE MILTON - OBONO dem a! Higbway 115 with tic mo- zSI-0 P.M. Phone 983-5115 ligits on and tic motor run- Flrst Mortgag. Fund» nlug. A male persan, alone IN TM, ~Residences - »'armu lu lie vehicle, was asleep b. BSUT 5 difficult to rouie hlm. Brea- SOWMÀANVIL'LE TOWN HALL kP -> e rY Constble H. R.Cornell, PP' DU M NV 14 1 1 1. 1U .D. I o Defénsecounsel aaked tom O MA VL ~ta.vnt~Jg. dismia on the, (round that 13us 1â1ethe. acused iad ual bnUN on m=: Ely t 1d=Modordy as "a fmaie Y38U>OuF AMboUTjM -~ JQ»N 14&'rawford Gup='est - Dn Milligan, Pro RbetBir, 1215 York moi -tu" zlomeubmaj-1 were bein« stopped. 'Re ad- and told the court that he re-f The charge was dIÉmIss.& mIltted 75 miles an hour but sided wîth his parents, hadj Conviction for illeipl Plys. Magistrate Guest accepted friends from whom he had brouùght *a, fine of $25 ad tie explanation and fined hlm become separated and hadicots, or five days, for W ' 15 and costs, or 10 days. spent the last of bis funds in ren McQuaid, R&R. 1, H Wayne Norwich, Steven- a restaurant for food. Iton. He pleaded guilty on4si ;n's Road, N., Oshawa, aged "The officer had good rea-J advice of his counsei, A. A. 1I, pleaded not guilt3' of il- son to lay this charge," de- H. Strike. eigaI Possession of liquor and cided Magistrate Guest, "'buti Constable G. W. Brunton, public intoxication July 7 there's not enough evidence OPP, laid the charge aftl'r ind vagrancy July 13. Miss ta conlvict. In future stay att checking the car about mê ladys Roy, defense counsel, home." inight and finding beer in it ainted out that the first two Donald James Walker, R onldWtkns cnicte~ Tc wt, sec 3,PortHop, reresntedhff careless driving Augu t 44e larges read, "o Il ,ase-3,PrlHp, ersetd y fined $15 and cats, or rid offense" which she con- Jim Clarke, Cobourg, pieadedf five days. ,nded warranted their dis-.flot guilty of leaving thp H xli e h the a issal. M agistrate G ucs t scene of an accident May 6. dHe expainesat nh ar ýreed. Constable G. W. Brunton dinv eino small ngis heca On the third charge Con- OPP, was investigating offi- thenasream fofnt fim sthe- tabl J.Bir tetifid tat er.ped without a signal and he land Constable Anderson Kenneth Brnknell, on thep lid right into the back of IL ere on patrol when they night shift at the Esso Ser- .w Norwich walking west vice Station on 401. wassev in King Street about 2:30 ing gas when a car. iriven .M. To their query as to his by the accused, backed out estination he replicd, "Home and struck the car he was :Oshawa". servicing, inflicting a long3 Haîf an hour later thcy 6b- scratch and a dent. The dri- 623- 303 rved hm standing at the ver stopped for a fraction af for orer of King and Scugog a second, then drove off. sif hîtch-hiking, but on Mr. Walker explained that assing a little later, he was he and a friend had attcnded Dne so they concluded he a dance and gone afterward ad obtained a ride. When ta the service centre for food.. E iey saw him on Silver He said that he had backed treet still later they gave out and driven off withoutl iase and found hlm hiding being awame that he had hîtj hind the Chinese laundry. anything until the officer rhe accused took the stand armived in the momning. NOL MLILKR Monday, October 9th TUESDAY, OCTOBER lOth Glen Rae Dairy BOWMANVILLE I q L NO Regular Millc Delivery on:

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