* T mecanadimn Uttuuan, (kuni.,Ot.1187 I SORTo"plcs. - FrF]MIun<243 LOTS 0F ACTION Don't ever "ay there la't much dolng in Bowmanville -particulary If you happened to b. onecfa our junior citizena. Corne to thlnk of If, there's plenty for older people like* me too. But thia porti on of this week'a coiumn la design- ed ta enllghten aur readers as ta the children's sports acti- 'Vtiea, formulated by the Departrncnt of Recreation, under Horst the. capable guidance af director Bird Fannlng. You want to play basketball? No problem - pe. weas play Friday nights at Lord Elgin School startlng at four ~ o'clock. Bantani boys go into action Saturday mornings, nine o'clock at the Hlgh SchooL. Maybe you would like to participate in bays gyma classes - 4 p.m. on Tuesdays at Ontario Street Sehool et ~ tour o'clock at Lard Elgin on Thursdays. The girls haven't '-, been forgatten either wlth girls gym classes being held Saturday mornings at nine, at the Higli SchooL Wednesdays et 4 p.m., girls volcybail holds forth et Lord Elgin. Bowling takea over the spot light an Saturdays at Liberty Bawl for bath girls and boys. Bantama start the bail ralling (if you'il pardon the expression) et 10:45 a.m., wlth the juniors foilowing at 12:30 and the seniors at 2:30. With thc arrivai af snow (aided by thc snow machine Instailed last year) a cfinic for beginners and young skiers wiil b. heid an Saturday morninga, commuencing at 9 a.m. at thc Oshawa Ski Club. The Memoriai Arena plays a major raie linfthc wlntcr recreation sports scene as junior figure skating goea Tues- daya t 4 p.m., with the seniors cutting their figurea an Mondays, starting also at four a'alock. Pre-sehoolers may learu ta skate, startlng et two o'ciock Monday afternoons. Minor hockey lias been dlvlded luta six age groupa, givmng ail boys attendlng achool the apportunlty ta participate. The tykes take fa the Ice on Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m., with Mons piaylng Thursdays atfIve a'clock and Pc. weca misa at 5 p.m. on Friday evenings. Saturday la a busy day at fthc Arecia with bantama, mldgets and juvenfles seeing action, foilowed by hockey power skating instruction et 7 p.m. At the aclult age level, we have already polnted out Iu earlier columus, the availabllity af leagues aid facilities for Attlo 4hr participation In bowling, badminton, hockey and basketball, Aentnnal onteat i aud wlll soon have a report on curling. aftenolcnts However, under the Department of Recreation there are atron, with the al additional sports activities on the agenda. Men may play winners and runners- volleybafl on Mondaya at the Higli Schoai, beginulng at 7Comm o'ciack, wlth ladies baskethail golug at 7 p.m. on Weduesday Cm ercial Ho( niglits at Lord Elgin. Aduit swlmming classes are held every Manday ulght if at thec Pine Ridge Schoel starting et 7 p.m. B y o t' t t t t TENNIS CHAMPIONS M. hae een busy, rigitptil gthe pasthweek. &Gort waesn, Uic racquet-wlelders at thc Bowrnanviile Tennis ClubM.&G It was a tremendously successful year for Uie local Commercial Hockey LA entusase, u aricuarDr Kefl Semo sd augie action got underway Su entusast, n artcuarDr.KethSleonan d ghermorning at the Menr Virginia, who captured a pair of champloushipa. Arena, with Mutton &C .Kelth teamed wIth Virgina ta Wiu Uic mlxed doubles, Sheil defeating Brooks' S dèefating Anna and Al Strike, who had austed Jean Evans test 6-3 and Bryson's Si sud. this scribe iu thc semil-finals, despite Jean's fine efforts ta carry the load. N1J~ W~ , 1Virginia added fthc ladies-singles crown, by downlng Pat *'ig>II I 8 vv Lucas, while BIh Burgess partnered Dr. Siemon ta victory InutUic-- nep's doubles over Lars Carlson and Lew Rundle. Bowingf -L-u thel>adie doubles final, Auna Strike and JeanEva3 were victorl5ds over Nora Allin aud Mrs. Lucas. _e October 11,41967 Siemon missed winning, thc triple crown when lie was Team Standing -K. Ci defeated In tlie men's singles by Carlson. bell 17, F. Land 16, J. h Warrn Aderdefatc Ps! SimonIn hc ntemedate121/2,,I. Wright 12, M. Warrn Aderdefate Pal SlmonIn he ntemedatemai 7% , W. Nesbltt 7. finals, while thec Junior titie went ta Andrew McKenzle, High Triple: W. Nesbitt wluner over Ran Strike for thc Junior championship. Higli Single: B. Wilbur t - f t t t Averages MORE ILONORS J. Shearer____ Dors JalI, who set a fautastle record lu wluuing Uic J. Mairs .- ______ Canadian Ladies Singles Bowling Champlonship carlier this K. Campbell W. Nesbitt ______ year, recfeived furtlier well-deserved honora this week when B.* Wibur______ the. was uamed ta Canadasa Dream Tearn. I. Wright A fI'rst aud second tcam, comprised of the natlon's top M. Sedman______ bowlers was selected In both ladies aud men'a divisions. Not S. Gay F. Land _____ ouiy did Doris make flicfirst ail-star aggregation - she wsD. Saîîows plcked as niunber anc. J. Rowe ______ A tip af the bat from this corner ta Dorls and also Mike E. Coombes_____ MXurphy who was presenfed with a beautiful trophy at the A. Lorusso _____ Men's Major League, Weducsday night. K. Ralsfon_____ V. McDonald ____ Mike's great score af 960, bowled during the 1966-67 C. Bate -_______ campaign, captured the Ontario higli triple In bis catcgory P. Bagneli for bowlers aversging 205 ta 215. D. Cochrane _____ Manager Ai Osborne wlshes ta remind everyone that M.L Ovendon_____ F «.4-e ______ -Safest snow fun golng Ifil the oue for fun-the only sow vahicie of itsu jkind. ThrMi your family and bien du wlth the excltig 'aboRouge. Over hi!!.. azound curves and through <ips with omifort, sufety and fun. "Iii. Dolns Diablo Rouge la huit wlth sf. muow funin ummnd. Check moe out now. Brawny 10 hp engins. frot-end dum-track ~ rction and tbrwe or fourpanep u*eemater wlth zomy sMongesspaoeTke auiqe tut le la o BomActionlUater. It'. ready M ~riltnw .j Çome i~n and se the floi MAINU &CYCLE oaoeo w om ~A1 New'ville -Starkvil Bowling League Doris Tompkins Marlcue Stacey Mary Skeldlng Joyce Stacey Dorofliy Stark Dale Forai ___ Ruby Shiaw ____ Jnny Rypsa - Margaret Wad Olive Henderson Jmnfle Owles____ Marie Trini______ Grace Farrow Shirley Marfel Joy Brown -_____ Lorna Dennis Gloria . NichoIs Phyllis Peck____ Comte P.aVoy- Aniete I$aver sU Gamne D.Tompkina Shaw _ _ J.Rpstra M. Wiade J. Owles GainesW.. Opa! Pearl eshoe Pitching Contest Draws Large Entry MIXED MAJ4 LEAGUE October 9, 1967 Over 20o Average$ Pefe Dobbins -_ Dave ]Reynolds Bernice Budsy Maurice Annaerf Hector Bailentine Doris Joli. Qule Paffield -___ Ernie Perfect_____ Russ Haliman Barb. Buttoushaw George Bebcc Mike Murphy Fred Thomson Jim Murphy Peggy Hayues Shirley Bickeli Ross Wright Vi Coole Doug Carter _____ Jack McNulty Don Wright ___ Jim Webb____ Jim Houck Albert Saman ____ Jim Bruton ____ Stu Collins Karl Bickeil ____ Helen Reynolds 355, Jin Bruton 346-257, Dave Rey- 303, Barb Buttonshaw 294, ' Russ Hailman 275, Mary Heath 274, Doug Carter 270, rseshoe pitchers took part in the there were some excitiug matches, watched by a fair- sey 269, George Bcbee 266- FRIDAY, 0 af Memorial Park on Suuday sized crowd. Winners were, from left ta right, Mort 284, Peggy Hayucs 260-282, O ibave foursome emerging as the Lake and John Carter who defeated Don Rundie and Maurice A una crf 251-251, 8T *up. Competition was keen and1 Dave Reynolds. Pete Dobbins 254, Fred Thiom-- A son 251, Ross Wrighit 250, Jim SN A ,0 :key Murphy 250, Jiru Houck 250. U D Yo Rural Bowling Dave an Heen eods__________ took ail lionours Monday s ' op F 'an ~ 6 f< 4October 10, 1967 night with Dave once againA M Pts. Pins taking the higli triple cf 826 f -s T o 'F ra n ".ç 6 to 4Mapie Grave - Il 16544 with a 333 single, sud Helen $ 5 Enniskillen Srs. 8 15777 rolliug a beautiful 355 single. Salem -____ 8 15096 Nice going. Mr. aidd mr. DefeaBroHam6poton 8 15080 Jini Bruton of Orono roiled LI FE FROA Defe t B ooks6 t 5 Ei Cs 814873 a wow-wow 805 triple whlch Tyrone 7 14482 included a 346 single. Keep Hfere ls a plan to provide cague Shop postiug a 6-4 wiu over sud Phul Bragg. Enniskilelutý._ 6 15194 if up Jim. George Bcbec had for your famlly If yen shouid rnday Walter Frank Real Estate. Brysou's took a 2-0 first Solina ____ 4 14610 a good niglit with 779, Mau- ,ira, Iunflic opener, f was ail period lead in the second Higli Single- - E. Dickey 295 rice Auuaert 750, Helen Rey- die, or for your retirement Gould even 2-2 after flic first per- game, but Frauk's baffied High Triple - : E. Dickey 858 nolds 742, Beruice Buday 738, ~I e uvv a ýuper- lad, with Mutton & Gould back fa fie flic score 3-3, . w Single- - A. Wotten 118 Russ Hsllmau 732, Peggy YasI o uvv o ;moke movlng ia front 4-3 iunflie hcading Into flic final 20 Low Triple - C. Csrsweil 448 Haynes 707, Barb Buttoushaw make reguuar paymients ta the - middle session, sud adding a minutes of play. Top 10 Averages .704, Hector Balcatine 701. Su Life of Canada, then, at pair of uuanswcred third per- George Sainsbury couutcd Dave Reynolds- 15 ý238 Once again Bernice Buday sc îod markers fa put If ouf of a Pair of goals to pace BrY- H. McLaughlin - 15 236 came up with hîgli average age 65, you sfart rccelving ~reach. sou's, witli Joe Balson, Joe Cecil Mills 15 230 for flic girls, which iucluded $150 a montb for litc or, If Bob Marjerrison sud "Ar- Reader, Bruce Ogden and Dan Bagneli 15 221 a 303 single. Pete Dabbins Is chic" Crossey ec adifalied Winston Vanstone sliaring the Don Taylor 15 220 sf111 in front wlth higli aver- 70" prefer, $23,910 In cash. twice ta. lead flic winners, others. E. Dickey 1 5 220 age of 250, follawcd by Day. D.th of these amounts eau be singles gaing fa "Archie" Two goals by Larry Perris E. Twist 12 220 Reynolds with 247, Beruleb eaigyu Ci'rièsey aud Bufcli" ýOole. .: ccouufed forhaifthUicReal D. Woods 15 219 Buday running a cloue third licoreaacd b evn of am- Scoring for Brooks' were Estafe total, singles goiug fa R. McRoberf s 9 29wt 4.dvdnsO eei.So Msirs Richard Budel, John M ller Raye West ud Brian Rowe. Tom Pesac - 12 2l8 Flually flic tics are broken yen fDot survive ta age 85, a Sed- -lu team standings with Sut Aloi I là!chl f ic helcsd wifli ýt1 inIum oin f 015,000 wll b. t657; E E !"hfI points foiiowed closcly bY pailj lmmedlately yu 263 . s T kI idIis M o îors Patfield with 11 points, and Buday wlfh 10 points. tailly. 203 Li.nnStaningsThis plan may ho regis 188 S E N 5 51 12 15799 Retirernent Saviios Plan1 Tru ce L gin inPtiel 1115739 185 ~~Buday ____ 10 15354 alYuSnLi 170 o p Joli-------- 15a324u Sn i 176ll 'V f r ~ vTReynolds g 15167 175 eninE A. Hocey NighiNanes 7 1447 15Crossey 7 14468 8MU N E R 171byACaepntyald.fcfrsprid Buttouslia _ 7 14258 120 Duke St. Bowmani 17169ICl enlycle.th is eid Wright 7 14038 1649 We arc off foanother excit- Iunflic third, Biii's continued Iunfthc second period, Kens~ Bickeîî 6 1422 SU IFE ASSURANCE C 163 ing Junior hockey scason Sun- ta score, addiug flirce more, sdded fliree more goals by Coiwell3 136 162 day niglifs bcfween 7:30 and goals by Perris froni Burus' Reader from Burns, D. Ne mis Col ------ 2 1359 IMixed Leaigue Bowling ~ urray Tiglie roflcd up a Tcam Standing .s flie-game total ai 762 (297, Tetm W L Plu' pbts 250,' 215) ta fake higli triple Bedfor 3 5 18 2 3 for Uic men on Frldsy, Oct. 13, od -1 51823 1967,P theUic jxecj League Brock - 13 5 18418 30 Bow lg. Dick Perfect was Bromel - il 7 18770 28 anly anc pin off wli a 761 Harrison -Il 7 17435 20 1ýMtriple (300, 233, 228). Hap Perfect - Il 7 17459 21 W»»Paler teck hlgh single for the men wifh lia 308 game Osborne 10- 8 17025 2311 and AI Osborne still hoids'top Prout - 9 9 17871 21 place in the averages wlth 236. Etcher - 7 il 17123 15' Joan Brunt rolled a nice 696 Donoghuc 6 12 16805 15 (211, 253, 232) ta take high NoWIan 6 12 17070 14 triple for the ladies. Onie Lobb - 6 12 17023 14 SEtcher took hîgli single with WIIcOx 5 13 16665 il DR her 268 gaine and reuisins on Averages top with an average of 216. A. Osborne _ . 230 300 Gamnet M. Tiglie 230 DickPalerc 308 V. Prout-29 DikPret300 H. Bromel'i- _ 227 D. Perfect' 226 220 Gamnes and Over E. Brock 225 K. NichaIs 223, J. Davis 241, Jini Bedford -. 220 250 M. Perfect 231, J. Brunt 253, G. Glanville 219 247 232t E. Brock 260, L. Crago O. Etcher -______216 241 239 A. Lobb 258, B. GÏlanville M. Etcher -______ 1 236 252: 229; H. Donoghue 248, A. B. Glanville 214 226 Osborne 244, 238, B. Mitchell Matt Harrison 213 226 231, H. Brock 23, Matt Har- K. Nichols _______213 225 risn 220, 223; M. Etcher 278, A. Lobb ________209 224 R. Connors 290, D. Brunt 255, J. Brunt ________209 217 D. Perfect 233, 228, M. Tiglie J. Nowlan _______206 217 297 250; O. Etcher 268, G. Wl- G. Wilcox ________204 216 cox 230, L. Welsh 236, 230; E. H. Brock ________204 216 Moore 227, A. Donoghue 241, H. Pahrner 203 214 L. Connors 232, A. Osmond L. Welsh .202 212 225, E. Cox 226, V. Prout 275. C. Wiseruan 201 208- 2081 208 207 206 I&E RI ! ARENA BOWMANVILLE Telephone 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING :TOBER 2Oth 10 P.M. :TOBER 22nd 4 P.M. ONTH FOR A AGE 65 minor lj3 upprlcby sfe hwHia u McIntyre and assisfed and only two 158 their skill lu piay-makiug sud with Burns euding flic scor- penalties wcre callcd I 1561scoring ablify. ing tram Bragg sud Perris. scored anc in"the second, 155 'Opeuing flic season on Sun- Four minor penalties were fromn Bothwell. 153 day, oct. lSth, flic first gm calied. Outstauding players lun lunfthc third with flic 150 was between Biil's Biliardsflic first game were Perris, building up, tempers bcj 149 sud Nichais Motors with Bil' Bragg sud Burns for Bils sud gef hot and there wcrý 147comng uton top by a score VauDani, Grecen sud Colible- minors sud anc major c 147 omi-nTg ameoufa el-dlck for NichaIs. Kcn's added five more 144 fouglit game with flic first Iunflic second game, Ken's by Reader from Burus, 143 pcriod ending in a scorciess romped over Legion by flic Baison, WaIroff from1 143 f ie, with only flirce minor peu- score ai 11-3. This doesn't in- sud Reader, Wairoff 142 alfies cailed. Iunflic second dicate flic sbility of flic Lego Wilkins, Burns unassistee 139 period NichaIs opened with boyS asfley were withoiut aBurus again from L. Il 139th fl frsf goal, scored by Green few o h i key players in- L go de d a e go 134 from Cobbledick. Biii's cou-1cluding their goaitender. Ken'sjBothwell unassisfed. Outs 134 necfcd at 9:10 fa tic flic score fo avuage sud scorcdlingplayrluicson 133 with Perris scaring from 1flire goaS within flirce min- S. Burus with two goals 132 Bragg sud Burns. Theiir goal utes byRýa1eader tram Burns fv 'ssss J. Reader 124 seemed fa fire up flic Billiards atd45 sc., W irf ta B rs lre goassand f wo assisi 106 feam as fhey connected for sudReaer af 1:15, Colins -arof ih thrce goals bu two m rce lun flic second. Fi.s r m B ion s d R n ei a goalfe un1de r L. Nem is for1 Gay a c w s s oe y H g e un-13:20. Legion counted for oe s d Bo wel it f o 1 assisfcd sud flic second one, at 5:25 with Bothwell scoring sud anc sssist, T. Prout Zes- Bragg, unassistcd fa close outftram Cameron. There wcrc anc goal for Legion. 'nP' flic second. Only anc minar five minor penalties cailed in 220,- 203, iat BRITONS ON TOUR Ladies Majo October 9fh Team Standing. Pins le JO ___ 43 S S. Davis 18700 D. Brooks - 13589 J. Tennant - 13747 200 Pl0 tce _ 13477 194 H. Douogliue - 13986 180 M. King - 13327 175 O. Paffld - 13168 14 DAVID WHITFIELD RUBY MURRAY B. Buftoushaw - 13442 73 D. Baud _ 14001 73 UOtlnd's DIUY USTON & jIMMy KMRf C. Bowers - 13121 72 NOREEN QUINN IRISH DANCERS M. Lewis 12675 M Bigla Averages L68 Brifons Outstanding Stage Personalities ID. Joi011 _____ 166 p soe by"lComyClboOsaa D. Baud______ 164 Opnoe y10dCunr lbo saa . Etcher_______ les D. Brooks______ 158 O. Paftield______ 156 ~ gsa iktP ie B. Buffonsbaw ý51 ________Ticket ______ L. Crossey 2 9 W . N e s b i f f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 22 October 19 Adults - $2.50 H. Davi _ __ _ 18 J.Bragg 16 8..0 PU-ChiIdren $1.00Bigla Gamnes 02 L. Crosscy, higli 722 tril wlth games ai 247, 279, D. Jc 43Tickets o n Sale 0 tghr aples 51, g2 21 OSHAWA af 248, 226, 240; H. Depe 17 trip le ai 709, gaines 275, 2, 12 ORd Country Club M.mbers W bEMp sportlngGcoes Oflier higli games: 0. Patfif 18 Auditorium Box Onfce The Duse ab" 241, 263; J. Teunant 279, 29 iS olalaoode Spertalaven Matrys Reord Bar E. Whitehead 291, D. Bond 2 BOWFSANVUIZ 241; W. Nesblft 264, 221; Davis 244, 8. Brown 236, L I Uriab Luveli Travel Agener Forrester 235, J. Bragg2M 7 L** A * .. M. Harrison 230. L. Ha 7 1) gwu ..ivUÇ A uit rium ton had higli single 01i,34 1 V le le le 15 12 12 12 11 THE HEA<H is now acceptlng a Iimi PHONE BOWMAN VILLE 623-3373 Season: October, 1967 thru June, 1968 The following facilities wiII be available: # l. * SAUNA ROOM 5tered as a Reglstered for incarne tai purpose&. de Agent Today PASSANT mille Phone 623-3258 MOTOR INN CLUB ited number of *EXERCISE ROOM VIBRATOR - BICYCLE * HEATED NDOOR POO 8 MEATED OUTDOOR POOL 7* 6 i ýI SUN DECK 5 MEN'S and LADIES' LICENSED LOUNGE 5 3YOUR INSPECTION 19IS NTED 15 MEMBERSHIP:$2.0preso (s to 15 Years) EacN ChIId - $10.00 5 EACH VISIT - Member wili pay: 3 50c Par Aduit- 25c Par ChIId eHOURS: LADIES.- ** - 2 f. 5 p.m. - Monday thru Fridey MEN . . . . . . . 7 to 10 p.m. -Monday fhru Frîdey CHILDREN . . . . . . 4 f0 7 p.m. - Monday thru FrIdsy BUSINESS GIRL.S * 2 to 5 p.m. - Wedrn"dy and Saturday -FAIMY DAYS TO BE ARANGED A8k About Our Baby Sitting Services -WEIGHTS v -l - -~ ~-~~~~~1-~ ......................................................................~ .- ~ il