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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 10

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-~---------.......- - r-. - .. 10 B mainSaemn owmanvlfe, Oct. le, 19671 Agr.ÂiocuIturalCalendar Fr%4~, aôbs,.20th-4H -Area Rural Safety Council. lntreîb Cmpeîtî ,,Uni- Zone Meeting, Brighton. Vrmitycf Gue ph, ., November 9th-National 4- o= .o. 1,H Club Conference. Wenidiy, (içtober 25th, -Novémber lth - 1th-Roy- 8:00 p.n. - Durham-County ai A'gricultural Winter Fair, ,Junlor .Fprner mbnthly meet- Toronto. ig, Ontario. Department' of November lth - 16th-ROY- -Agricitre and FMood, 14 ai ýYork Hotel, Toronto--n Prank S"treéet, Bowmanville, tarie Milk Distributors As- Aà " interesting. eveing with sociatiqn Annual Meetiiig. & spéikér oâ the subject of1. November * 7th - týueen's' TV- commercials. Everyone1 Quineas Competition, R.A.W.F. vèicomne. .November l8th _- Durhamn October 23rd - 28th-.Qttawa County Junior Farmer Annuali Winter Fair and 4-H Cham- Dance-Time- ad -place to ho: pionshlp Show, Ottawa. - announéed. OCtober 26th-Mlus Doreen- Tuesday, November 2st-j xanmil4 orne Econornist, on- Tentative date of Durham t*rrô Department. of Agricuî. County Federation «~ Agri-I tÙ»re and Food, will -ble in the culture Annual Meeting and ~OwianiUe office. Please Banquet. telephone 623-3348 for ap- Saturday, November 25th, pointmnents. 8:00 pan. - Durham County October 27th. Ottawa-Otta Jno wr lhTw %va Winter Fair, 4-H Cham: Hall, Orono. Plonship Show. Noveniber 27th, 28th and 29th-Ontario Farnfers Union, Friday, -October 27th, 8:00 Annual Meeting, Memnorial -.in.-Durham Rural Safety Community Centre, Chatham. Night, 1.00.F. Hall, Orono. Wednesday, November 29th 1Presentation 01 prizes te school -Tentative Date-High Mois- l. ' puPils in poemi and poster ture Corn Storage Tour - Bus conipetition. Fihn and speak<- Tour - Watch Agricultural er en highwaysafety. Calendar for further informa- .Wednesday, November 15t, tion. 9:30 a.m.-Staff Meeting, Agri- November Sth-Miss Dor. cultural Representatives and een Hamil in office in Bow- Farrn Management Specialists, manville. Call 623-3348. Kingston. -Ontario Beekeeper; As- Monday, November 6th, qociation Annual Meeting, 10:30 a.n.-East Central Soil Royal York, Toronto. ànd Crop Improvement As- Friday, December I st-Dur-i IoCiation Meeting, Lindsay. harn County Holstein Club Novéêmber Oth-lth-Central Annual Banquet. Ontario Counties, and R.A. Wednesday, December th- W.F. Livestock Management Tentative Date - Durham Course and Intercounty Live- County Beef Farmers Tour of stock Judging Competition. Beet Housing te Peel, Duffer- Wednesday, November 8th in areas. Monday, Decemnber l11h,ý 1:30() . _ 3:30 p.m.-Dur- 1 ha1 Ton Hay Club Meeting,! De-pa r tm e nt of Agriculture! and Food, Bownianville. Har-1 ol d rClappH. Wright and A. 623-3O. Dalrymle In charge. fer MJanuaryv 3rd - 4hAnR Meing Ontario Milk Market- ing Board, County and Dis- trict Milk Committee, Toronto.j January fth-West Durham! 4-H Homemaking Cl1ubhs Achievement Day, M a p 1 e Grove. January l3th-East Durham 4-H Homemaking Club; Achievement Da, Bethany PRO VEN DAIRY SIRE Ruted for ability Poe to transmit For Beef ~1~Ik rodctin~CERTIFIED *Body type Test /MEAT SIRES »e Steer sons tested for 1. j, 't' j r 4. 1: 1: "4 YL j 'J i. t.' J. 4- -4, s., 4 c.t f., -4 I. t, 3- I - I t' s J 1- 44. .4 j., 'i If I '1 n gaining ability end cutout CENTRAL ONTARIO ~iiiiicATTE 5gEDING ColiIîq bours weekdays titi 9:30 A.M. For Suedoy sericein moit arecs phone Saturdoy 6 - 8 F.M The public More Photos from Pine Ridge School Fe * NESTLETON Intended for last week) iwedding anniversary ci Mr. Mr. anid Mrs. Wrn. Johns, and Mrs. Ross Curtis, Orillia.1 Markham, were Sunday even- at the home of their son and,- jing dinner gusts with bis! daughter-in-law, Mr. a n d parents, Mr. and Mrs. George~ Mrs. Bruce Curtis. Johns. Mrs. S. A. Cawker, Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- Welts, Mrp. R. Davison, Mrs. ers were Saturday evening M. Emerson, Mrs. A. Beacock, Ijvisitors with Mr.- and Mrs. Mrs. G. Bowers, Mrs. G. Heas- IArobrose Lywood, Lindsay. lip, Miss Ruth, Proutt, Mrs. L. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Mairs en- Malcolm, Miss Bonnie Mal- joyed Thanksgiving weekcnd coîni, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. with their daughter and son- F. Dayes, Mrs. Pearce, Mrs. in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bud J. Roffel, Mrs. R. W. Jackson, 1 Virtue and farnily, Bowman- Mrs. J. Wygerde, Mrs. M. Fish- ville. Recent visitors with er, Mrs. T. C. Graham and jMr. and Mrs. Mairs were Mr. Mrs. B. Heaslip enjoyed the ai-d Mrs. George Windsor, gracious hospitality of Black- Blantrae and Mr. and Mrs. stock Women's Institute when Bud Virtue, Barry and Donna, they entertained Shirley and Bowmanville. Nestleton Branches on Wed- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- nesday evening in the Muni- son returned on Thursday rcipal Hall. Mrs. S. A. Cawk- froni a pleasant week's vaca- er delighted everyone with tien with Dr. Jack Mar]ow, her informative aund humorous Mrs. Marlow and family at talk. Miss Bonnie Malcolm Lively. They were also over- playcd an instrumental in her night guests with Mr. and usual capable manner.. Mrs. Mrs. George Johnston, North George Heaslip read two Bay, and with her mother, timelY poems "Canada One Mrs. W. H. Johnston and sister Hundred Years" and . a Cen- Mrs. James Naylor, Peffer- tennial Prayer. Mrs. Trîpp, law. Thcy visited Mr. Thomp- from Shirley, showed coloured son s sister and brother-in-law, pictures o! their. trip te the Mr. and Mrs. Russel Francis, Gaspe, New Brunswick, Nova Beaverton, and bis mother, Scotia, Cape Breton Island Mi'.. James Thonipson rt and Newfoundland. Her ex- Lakeview Manor. cellent cemmentary was mest *Mr'. Gordon Heaslip, Port intercsting. Mrs. R. Bradburn Credit, wag a Saturday visi- brought thc group up to date toi' wltf-Mr.-aid Mrs. Maurice with the current. events. Mra. ýNesbitt and famuly and with Cecil Hill- had prepared a bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. paper on the motto which was IGeorge Heaslip. Mrs. Robert read by Mrs. Perey Van Camp., Wright, Janetville, and Mr. 4HCu and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt, 4-H Clu Trevor, Sharon and Kevin The4- Pledgc was repeat- spcn t Sunday with Mr. and ed in unisen. Quote: "I pledgc Mrs. Heaslip. my head te cîcarer thinking, Mr. and Mi'.. Deug Fallis my heart te greater loyalty, and family, Bowmanvillc, en- my bands te langer service, joyecd Sunday dinner with hier my lhealth te better living, for parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarke my club, Mny cemmunity and Williams. my country". Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sadlcr The roll caîl was "Canadian and Miss Janice Saddler, Osha- Food Used byEarIy Settlers". wa, werc Sunday dinner Donna Edgerton, secretary, guests with Mn. and Mrs. Ian re-d the miniutes of. the finmt Scett, Corbyville. Mr. and meeting. i Mrs Sadien attended Wood- It was dccided te cail the bige Fair on Thanksgiving club "The Centennial Gour- Day and were successful with mets".* A discussion took thein hackney ponies. place on "The Food Guide for Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Heasiip Health Foods o! New France". Alvin Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. showing the makng -o! Tour. Aylmer Pleughmuan, o! Portj tiere (pork pic) and Grand- Perry, te Richmond Hill on pere's (duniplinga in mapie Saturday evening for the 40th'1ayrup). cordially invited ..to attend the OFFICIAL OPENING "1DARLINGTON PIONEER HOME18 ERECTED AS A CONTENNIAL PROJECT BY THE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLINGTON SATURDPAYr OCTOBER 2lst 1967 -2:30 PM>. DARI'TON PROVINCIAL PIARK Thâ p* la r.ach.d front the intersection et llighway Ne. 401 a4omo C.s* u1~sd (Jbterd ag 3, by pr~oee4lsg west.rly along the. ulemd on the mcatJu side eoftthe hlghwq;y, Direction t. the, sit.e o th ~Pawome. wiIl b. gives la the Park. S cstivaI Parade ELIZABEIRVILLE' (Intended for last week> The Womnen's Institute met; ~,- ~ on Wednesday at Mrs. Clar- ence Mercer's home. A large ~t,~'-' crowd attended. Mrs. H. White the president, presided. Our »~~: roll cail was '"A new product * on the grocery shelves which I have used and found good". We voted to give the U.C.W. some money to assist in paint- ing the inside of the church. Our District President Mrs. C. Elliott attended and made the draw on our Centennial Quilt.! Te quilt was won by M. Duncan, Huron St., Toronto It was Mrs. C. Mercer's group and several hints were read and several poems suîted to Home Economic topic. On Tuesday a number of ladies attended the social af! ternoon held at Morrish byý the Women's Institute. We were well entertained by "r slides by Mrs. Dickinson. Each institute that had been inxited gave a number, semeý gave skits, musical numbersi and readings. Lunch was serv-1 ed. It was Canton Anniversary' Services on Sunday. A good number had Thanks-' giving visitors over the weck-! end. Mr. L. Muldrew is in Osha-' 1 hIlnki'ng About a Hec Room? wa Hospital end Mim. Mul- Another Canaram ar raed drew i. staying in Oshawa was held on Sunday but as it whiîe he is ill. rained only part of the races rMr. and Mi'.. H. Quantrill were run. are s pcnding the weekcnd in, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 1,1st Guelph. et Mr. and Mrs. E. Ellott. heuser, Bowmanville, and Mr. Oshawa, visited with Mr'. and and Mrs. J. Dekoker, Oshawa, Mrs. H. Quantrili on Tucsdav. had a turkey dinner on Sun. Mn.CO. Mercer spent Thurs- day at Thicksons. day with lier mother, Mrs. C. Mr'. and Mi'.. C. Mercer had Beatty, Toronto, whilc Mr. their Thanksgivlng diner Attention Farmers! SAVE 1 Why pay more on premium quality GASOLINE-DIESEL & MOTOR ails FARM TANKS AND PUMPS AVAILABLE CALL COLLECT WHIIBY 668-3341 DX OIL - m - -- r MI I i J I I xkk&>tt44 ICheck! Our Pre-ChristmasI Idmn ,AWw I I I I %orrmuc OFFER NOe 1 For the Do-if-Y ourselfer! 12'x 24' We Will Supply Sufficient Material To Build a Boomn, Complete, Ineluding AIl Taxes! FOR THE LOW LOW PRICE 0F 1OFFER -NO. 2 I For the Man Thi I We Will Supply Materials and Labeur To Compietc Room,. Including Electrical Wiring, 1 Light Switcl PIug Outlets, 3, 12" x 12" Ceiling Fixtures. Materia IW'uld Be the Same As Listed Above. Your Price INCLUDING ALL' MA 10 minute drive to our Courtice M Sowroom wiII show you the Me Iatest materials in Rec. Rooms. 1Oshawa Woo I COURTICE I E là.- - - - - WHAT YOU GEl! 2" x 2" FOR OUTSIDE WALLS 2" x 4" FOR INSIDE PARTITION FIBREGLASS INSULATION FOR ABOVE GROUND AREA 1" x 3" FOR CEILING STRAPPING 12" x 12" PLAIN WHITE CEIUING TILE 4' x 7' SALMON MAHOGANY PREFINISHED PLYWOOD 3/4" x 11/4" MAHOGANY CEILING MOULD 5/8" x 21/4" MAHOGANY COMBINATION BASE 9" x 9" .080 GAUGE VINYL ASBESTOS TILE and CEMENT 1 ONLY 2' - 6" x 6' -13/8 DOOR JAMB, CASING STOP;and HARDWARE SUFFICIENT CASING FOR TWO BASEMENT WINDOWS 284 .29 af's foo Bus y! 12"x 24' h, 3 Double il Uscd TAXES iProduci DPPING CENTRE 72&-1417 MALLONTTHE NAM TO DUIL ON~ I I I II 1 00I 4. *3~ i U K tsI -ir m b a 1 on m m mmmfflm "%Pu»mmm m 12.

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