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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 14

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LI- 1-Mmuea temnaan, uowman'çleoct. le, ION?? <AA i Stndrd f-wht 'i' Marriage Sle>iedin* Trinity Church RusH n y MIkPogm and carnations, and Boston [ u s . - n y fernai enhaxiced Trinity Unit- ed Church when MimJulia Elizabeth Afin and Dr. Da1. Cbeyne J>ttran were united in marriage on Saturay Praisdby "Food a ai~ at 3 o'clock. The bride in the Stating that Russell .stu colmikass dlsec dau g hter cf Mi-. and Mi-.. ~H on ey's recent proposai m ade 1tance c p lrg a h t w ul a y M m er e e v r Ham- Loi-ne Allin and the to the House of Commons; allow chrentobu mlkh n f groom la the son of Mr-. and sindt ~"e1et ou1~ sch<><ls at h1 erti ton i e aeo r M rs C h i-l s C ttr n, il f i tio n y e t to th e lin g e rin g m a - p ric e . It w a s a Bowmanville. laise of the Dairy Industry", that the Departeto a orsoLbrl adh The. officiating clergyman FOOD In Canada, the trade1 tional Healthan Weaehdnopevusybn w a s R e v . G . K . W a r d . M r . ~ ~~~pu b l ic a t io n o f t h e f o o d in d u s - s h o u l d u n d e r t a k e a d c - f v u ! t e e p n e c t Arthur Collison played the try, bas recently completied a tional program to ec hl-amvbtsnesuy DAMo R ESLS wedding music and accom-. poil ofalmmes fpri-re n ae paidteslit r.A .ment. It sought to leai-n what need for milk inhedt. nitwelaeprotyvr -The mari-age o! Miss nd The nari-age of Miss 'De4 Merkley. kind of reception the Duraini Mr. Honey qutdp-vnçi thrgvrmn cii bâv1dson, diughta ! M nise Elizabeth Wessels and Given in mari-age by hier M.P. woud get if is proposai' cial government ea h su- is.M.T.C Dog sNDP n Mr . Bos Davidson, Mr.-Raph Gordon Fiy was father, the bride wore a for- wfou n thar o r e saB n e than 85% o!o! u- sh o w s w i eeac e n B~tha~y, nafd Mr-. Chai-les solemnized in St. John's An- mal length gown of white, ~.pooto w e r n t t r u e d a a B i h a d v e yo p o h ti oe h t a l agoe drfs i i . p r s n a j f Wayne Spi eson o! Mi-. glican 'Churcb, Bowmanville, Engiish corded silk ini sheatb Furthemb er 73% suport P. c.iln ertanessnilfodee ol bnftte uuew and Mrs; Kenneth Spence of on Friday evening, September design higblighted by sprays ail Memb oer w73dsuportPC.itn ctdien ar ai orse ivsetaml o hl Omffemee, was. solemnized in 8, 1967, at 7 o'clock. The of seed peari embroidei-y on Members stated they weein ets patuary clumbngo Cndas.Htx .13thany United Church on ride is' the daughter of M rs. the bodice and skit. A grace-fa o r nd 1 % of b t fr whc t e pim dear M cq i- e, PC M e m ber Thursday evening, October Ernest G. Wesseils and the fui train fell frian the back NDP n oilCei e;orei aa fth, 1967 at 8 o'clock. For the late Mi-. Wessells, and the waistline. Her s h o u 1 d e r- N.P. nd Socaial Ce dit i si Cadisik.Hthksisagod ovan -eeremony, white gadioli, yel- groom is the son of M i. and length veil of English silkMi. on y r p se ona p r cart cliu -S il C edt sid h back the move. with cavities in t eh an is o op sng t. R N. T m - kOw 'munis and -daisies en- Mrs. J. A. Fiy, al of Bow- tulle, with hand-rolled edge, *: a agrsn ,hanced the curch. m anville. was caug ft ta a ]M other-of- Fed ral o v h e r ent s hu ld c m eo r e ugnan so t yaf e su p r t R ev. W illiam P iercy w as R e . K . J. F ram pton off i- P earl floral cluste i- eadpiece, l t ! t i e r t a h h r o n o e b e e i v s m s e b r o l the cfficiating clergyman and dlater] and Mi-. Clifford Evans and lier ali-white cascade thle wedding music was play- eayd the wedding music. bouquet o! Amazon lilies, rd by the church organist, Wite 'munis adorned the ai- carnations and stephanotis'4 IL .Wmn. Pieicy. M. Roberita for the. ceremony. was accented with green \ s. MA P L EG RV Tonipkins c! Lindsay, cousin The bride, who was un- English ivy. o! 'the bride, was the soloist' escorted, was given i ma- Mrs. G. MacMillan a!' The. fist meeting of Maple attended w . hopefra bt r (tngt et 8 p i. n C. . and sang "0 Perfect Love" nrage by lier mothei- in the Windsor was mati-on o! honor GaeHm n calA unu ttenx etn'Hl And "The Wedding Prayer." presence o! the immediate and the bridesmaid was Miss Groîî tomeatn8 School s- Grave Hi-C hthd so cia tio n w a s h e ld in th e E ast on N o v em b e r 8 t h t t e W s n S t ralv n n , O t The bride, who was given families. She wore a frmrii Kathy Teetstra o! Bowman- School on Oct. p1m th Maplem Shol in mariage' by lier father, lengtb gown o! white pie ville. Miss Jane Cattran, Mr. Smith, Principal o! thel Mr. and Mrs. NelBanh ahyîeprt hr ý wýore an empire-styled gown de soie styler] with an em- Bowmanville, wasj u n o r East Sh olD f. id M adB of white peau de soie with a pire waist and eibow-iengtb bridesmaid. The flower girls ' îa !Ws colintro -.andNisW.Gwnotcorwsanby.n chantilly lace jacket featun- 'aleeves tnim er with white were Misses Pamela Cattran d cM hi e chn tt b n z r, spet te w ek n W ,ob Se e s ti a o Ing elbow length leeves and silk rad . Afow ing panel of o !f a m n il n a rew t i s i is a h e . B r et o i d o n e s h a y M - n Bathvle n Lui schools were presentedvîsiting cousins,MianradMsHrodS- round] neckline. Her floral the dress material fell !rom Cattran o! Sarnia. Ail were wih . H Ckis-s heRe. ur"t o headdiess was o! silk or- a fiýat bow, nestling at the attirer] in floor-lengtii gowns Associations Centennil Pi-a Mr. and Mrs. Wlim Vn Ms o ad iyem n ganza petals with seed pearîs back neckline, ta the hemnofof o!ad i-ose peau de satin in he flownto!crse C anBe rs.Sm ViAtr eîgifiriete Mocling a shoulder length the gown. Her elbow-length, empire style with a double etCapBegaeOnTdWhebegtedrvr veil. The bride carried a posy three-tier illusion veil was flounce forming the sleeves. 4 !Ohee ic-rsîeto in s ta lle r ] b y M r s . F r e d S m t h ý C a m p , N is . R a y V n C m i o r e e a t e c u c bouquet o! whiite flowers, caugbt ta a baîf-circlet hear]- The sleeves and waist were Councshawaor tusarea ients e L o!e pink Veronica sweetiieeit piece o! natural yellow sweet- trimmed with garlands o! den i-s o hn McKea:en Sie rhsband i-la ndr s Nolby a. rases, orange ice roses and heart i-oses and stephenotis, matching satin rosebuds and dent'~~.., Mr. Jh ee ubnM. aoy( stephanotis. to match hier bridai bouquet green velvet leaves, and long *..... .~ retery, Mrs. R. Witon; Treas- Metcaif, Oshawa. N-edMs e ht MissPatncia avidon1 i-o! yellow sweetiieart i-oses, streamers fufoiabwSna urer, Mi-s. Mark Mai-c ar t on't forget th U. W. a d aml weei- ter o! the bride, was mair]o! stephanotis and ivy. placer] at the back waistline. %mother, Ni-s. Eva T. Brametingggrs honor, gowned in coi-ai chi- Mrs. Maurice Heliowell o! Eech wore a matciiing bear]- Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Cheyne Cattran, shown in the above photo, chose tfon aven a taffeta dresa wbich Mor-isii, the mati-on a! honor, dress a! two cabbage rases Saturday afternoon, September 30, 1967, at 3 o'clock for their wedigi .u ell sol froni an imported was attirer] in a loor-lengtn nestling in tulle, and the *i..NE vv i 11 gPrviene lace empire bodice. She wore gown o! bright green crepe senior attendants carrier]cs ntd hrcBwmnile orel Ms JlaElzbehAun h 1 Trninty Unteowai-d owaniCrydermanMssJuia liBbtha seth afloral chiffon ieaddress witb empire waistline and cade bouquets of white car: bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hari-y Lorne Allun, and the groom is the Visitais wit Nis.R. Fr- 45th wedding annivraytsLnacmair y.~is and veiling to match l ierighligter by a lace bodice nations. The lower girls car- son of M. and Mrs. Charles Cattran, aIl of Bawmanville. row last Sunday were Mr, and week.BosAnNwate n gow , a d heansdbo queha d aee es. He iioduqsurir] bas etdfiler wth hie P ot b yIne an St di Mr. arl Farow a! owbaskeand Ni-. eid Wo d. i- an Nis. E.w.hiitek was o! 'munis, orange iewas a cii-cIe of yellow sheste carnations. vhtîew, ad tdi rs and awon dayN-i Mr.ttndEp ae'te ek roo ee udyviia- ross nd laed i-itmunis and she carrier] a bou- Mi-. Dougas Cnttren ! nai-r.hond] o! Agi ed Mi- Ni-s roses and glzed fruit tocNins.MC.arognce FarrownofnduendrwiiilengsoneGlennlestayeds olatheceattei- asdietderhend bus- plement the gowns. t On quet of the saine flowers. Sarnia, brother o! the groom, Karn oa gncurt.At at NMr. HaroldiWodsHa- M . Glen Fallis ofOmemee Ridgr.e wa bestrmanfor his v e m n n d Jobsoeig cntl o! e syu e ony ,no souFloyd, Roertan Mn.e w a rd Fi-yan o! Bey w e s e sMa.D n a nJo usone ig ou fJ ail ta learn about youi- TW ith M r. and Ni-s. . e R be t nd E rl r Maia Was the groonisman. brother. Hamilton, Dr. James Boyce student'. job. Consider its Ton ovei-thle holiday week- 1eia d ihte .Following tiie reception at A quiet î'eception wes held a!Chub Lake and Dr. Alex Ac un tei - edp a! UticJaNY., en hi Rayi-. BlliWe. etrr e oe~ nttt ar the home o! the brire's par- t the home o! the groom s Laao o!Toono.mari-age cusloforof taNYan i 1M.BllWd ens h rd o nd ap rns cu o tet h oa fT rno would consider it a serious parents, M. and Ns. J. Dene- m rial Hospital, T edy1 etetn W .lde cherry wool costume with bride's mother receiver] weer- hTii.i reception was heir]ait pS le o!iftea esti n e r bus we nt am ro on a arvs n'tariata se nrvi si ndtis wtEi. vr no el î e black accesso ies for trvel- ing a tailorer] brow n dre - te L ons Com m unity Centre ja-. .ipole n f a ei sphyer ] a kamp ron J i sHOl nd. ta o bserv ti nd tes t s.. e t W d e da . A l r p r Pink Veronica sweetheart ing accessries and corsage of ceived wearing an aqua, ~e pre cs t w ud a p e day. !mily inluder] M i an N-s N-. Ll y S ow e, ii roses. Wo urn Abbe roses. h w î -st e sik -i n. w dre1as dthat such e situation exists Among tose attending the'C .Bullock o ! Ni ag r e sîet a n w e , M s O n re tu rn t be y w i ii re sid e w s a ssiste r] in re c e iv in g b y w t i f l - e g h J C W C I ]bl s e k r m t i o e i y ! L n s y r . T c u r , M s a - with respect ta educetion in Pjoughing Match et Barrie . Y., an isRasc ehn'MiyVnCmN- n rIn Peterboroughi. the groom'smother who cbo sievsmtigsosea-meny homes. atwefoths'i b fre wa t e mra e] the ao! m atin g roade an a nd le , et n hd a coi-sage o u îee wih hs a- b r a- F v n nd N ' el.en is r n ee e ! E p hi et w e brdpi netie ta fmthn rc n nkCbiaduaiorsge ofaima make an effort ta com- naw, Messrs.B. Falls, B. Bruce, and Ni-s. C. Farrowi-eM.Ln Gomrh oki ebinnher patye d t Missllan- brown d e rsvet, bo fn ce s- g oa ' ateoassed tent. And yet it still em ins W e un rerstanr the High-C Wt i. e d N-. C . M . a i M-. F e ng t Oshawa.eend eous showei- beir] e the is sre, a d c ra e oaei t it is the parents who are G i'up ar] a goor] ttendance W t r n D i a n a Rsta o n u a tc t ii M o o ! s e t s e e t h bi- e s o o e ] n c i e nmoah c a i a î t r d l s n h r f n n T u s a v n n .o r î be i a o nM e t nM r i o - .e a twopiece jacket dr]ess Jr]es Cere Ch. r] tic 'taf ! nd cton Noor, uets wee be bndes e oi-e e sow b die alve a ts b ttab t a efreI on Mr.e nci vNis .P. V Et en enyt ue e g s p Canadian General Electrc. ternal grndparnts, M . and n î oy wt ro n b dc psol e tiy d l-î n M rl n e-e T u-s]y o ~~nishwee Seur sim lar s ower was given Nis. G. Grah eam o! W ilw rwn accessaieS and ostrich eMe trae.lt me r , y ev n n vistai-s et chn.of -r ] d ubenn i u b N'1 by Ni-a. George Sepn ce and dale. - e etiier-tip bat, and coi-sage pt th . Harrisanunay innen guests g an. Mrs. Glen Fallis et tue homne Befare leeving on their cis a!are Cmiim i.mc nt adleandbotheihe, i-. m r] aeatne] re !Wspot n i.!aiy sa o !f Nis. G . Spence. A s bow er w ed r]i g t p t po ntsT h e bride and groom , a e n t a u t n b y h v i m rs n l d r x. e d N - . A n l y a d N - . L o d F i t ! n by Bethany ConmMunity was Noi-thern Ontario, the brîi~d taknfo their attendats, whe the E.O.B.A. meeting et Oshe- and Ni-s. Gei-eld Qun helr] in the Sunday Schooi donner] a green and Tf L TP S À L T e, on ay ve ing wit N'inekeient.pa iereby bearite. a cM rus hall of the. U nited] Church. printed sheath dress w ith e epi n n a ti u c r. i..LMLIou n ailm e o! Pon t Hpe M. a nd i-s. W le e B u h a n n is e Club 160 o! Induction Notai-s metciing gi-cen coat and bance callr, shaan u n !er oLO GSJMn. and Nfnsor Ho penwerer. man thoseWa ttn-lillee eeSna presenter] the bride w itb -an accessories. *A corsage o ! yel- thb ride. d e he n tgel auf t o.e "' t K n al o u d b e - M a d N - . W l i electric fi-Tan and the Wirel iow Shasta 'Munis comple mbrie iii w he ih tii o.' . hodit ii. uppEer hackn a on h ldayt np a Flonidg oa, in g h nyvra & Cable Club o! C.G.E. pre-1 ented ler travelling en: e in whch th b id"L ng Seut, foat e oment, c mp n wt n. a d is. n a. ot o e enter] the groom with ai semble.Mn. and Ni-s. Fi-y are and groom rode. utfothmmeCmpn wi M.ad rsno. eolo t ieest. Cheeria kiddies, hope Murray Porter o! Deti-oit,.1 Mr. and MNis. Do i n e, N-. M r Gad e, a- cheq e. r sîd n g e B . . 1 ,O ro o. brdeal n gr them neptid o r the . .. .you'Il a l be better soon and D ughter Ca nl is staying with witb Mr- n is r e a e ii iie] wt e bherid eymigoom d erer]fnatwayn gi.Mn. and Ni-s. Bill Skclding Hendesnsatook a tnpt xacusnN- n their boncymoon in the New Ni. and Ni-s. G. Bernair]d Bty nterasne ovei- the weekend. Engan]Otaes.Foatnvl-boys bar] e iovely tnp M.ed is . iie Women's InstitUte mese i.adM&Jn im I ~~in g t e b i id e w o e a t u r -.v n h'hl dP e e eM. w r . v s in s e t M nF . M c i -- 'M r s . R . F a i -io w 's o n e n s t o g O h w , w r o . At Our lest CGIT meetinglooga, Tenn. quoise blue wool suit with ' Tey ailhent on a enic wer ino eftrnon tiswekrda eMnag viiti-rwt- We were very happy ta sec jGiar] ta report Mn. To mink trim and black suer]. tin'ipon Saui-p nimnvNis a ie new m em bers out. Our Ph llips eturner] hom e frn ec es ores A coisa e ! little surp.Vriseg re a 1s £aL jam il yna de Dmacsois oAlgonquin Park and Snte's Stra vn Teat rsConvento a un1 ~~) a .V il age. P rt1w el , a ma - . d a, ia garaloc al l meeting opener] with twolhospital much improver]. wie anai n cmpenient.. Nis. Norman Devis andi L. C. Snowden makar.nd Ni-,th lcalse games followed by a sing-1 Mn. and Ni-s. Lai-ne Phare eiige ase ucdyvstiso e ohrbresmlTe ie Mn. and Mns. Ralph Gordon Fry, shown in the childi-en, Orona, wcre Wednes- were unde In.After aur purpose, oui- ner n.TdNis 3Plisoa oee ah' CGTsnln yi .accompaed r n rn 0HlsooAve., Taronto. ptcecaned manniage vows in St. .nin i os cfauerers on Towshi CGoIaoepNt, Bhn Ms ye Gibson. P N Y O Lmonthuy meeting wsiede is akAboedsse ne Lai-neeNcCTheo!hBrookfin a The bride, wbo is e grand- Anglican Chunch, Bowmanville, on Fniday ev s. Gibson is soirny she's NOT P OL"reovlechoonMnyen bsbn]M.adNi. paicdTi.tmeoou-an enjoyable trip thi-oughughe ftelt ar etrbr8 97 t7oco o worsiiip service was Mai-tha,ilNoithei-n Ontario Thanksgi-dube !telt a- epebr8 97 t7ocok omeniy Miss Denise 1bee uneble ta get thenw akngsaewsa.aatrcn the misunderstoor] woman. ing weekend. gv Alln and late Alfred] Shubb, Elizabeth W ssels, the bride is the daghtcn o! M s. forte ast wile as shakng sae wa t ea!c-an.MlD ns n ,Sar a o g t>uning the business, we decid-attender] Bowmanviîîe Public Eandstthe been iiindtfan tue pastuf couepemark n thern oon wh Mr.est G. Wcsells and t enlatMiss.W esselis, a d t e o l1 fh te p s o p i-cmark ium n ather n mon iale Çd ta gobowling et tue end n la YugaMs and High Sciiools, and] Busi. sn. nr]hoe s taecoinu esa n h inl. ptin h O! Octa er anr] alsa, electer] the.Naxine Wi-ay, Kingston, and ness Scbool. She bsbe ro is the son of Mn. and Mns. J. A. Fr-y, al of o ek.5.i eln ~ti Bailieboro andi Pontypool met executive. President, Maxine N- un Yung mnan, K mpt- emloyer] as e secretaiy t Bowmanville. n . and h Nis. o lnin uTaylor' isiaith reci-un.sp ing the T e M d m W , A ildicar], Secretany, and Press ville, w ei-e Thanksgiving visit- the Goodyear Tire & Bubber _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o wi.n dvil r e Suol n ay , !inis t nning ui- l as i avte Reporter Enla Vivian, Trees- ors et Mr. and Ni-s. A. Young- Ca. for five yeens. A medicai __visitonsa!ofMi-. and i-sret ii lear oand wo 6ta i,.ei, Na c Hls. I w s alo ma .doctor, the groom receiver] is - lRobet Cam eron. ta e k the e nieswon d6 t 3 decider] tlit if a Senior Girls'Misses Gail and Sybil Gi-e- egree from the Univeisity o! À& dm udm To Be Taditionalla C an c il w a e s a b is h r] 1I h a m . H a yd on , n t t e w e k - T o i o n o . e a s o tt nd d u j 4 g i e t a 1 O i- i g t 4«owmasrmo viîreeeréEaronto,-s-é.--B. toa-ý- iaiss5 ona andh Tchi-ldi---en- visiter] rirsMras anar]viSauthr.anrnerFrs ier] Chickinueent aDm-0 ion~~~~nv le M r.em n he- e- I e i a t r ,a en h o i a e o e u~ Lo ine P eden w as a ent you ave b th e rig t and N -a BorH nten ntipisn-U es t n ilnd adn's, duty ta enquin, into the day 1Ns.L. .aPtasco., Dr. ai nen on Wednesday evening. Ten" nd a he siawaNis.edn akr N-.A-Mns. D. Peeden, Bowman. Newtonvili,, where his bi- ta today pragress o! yaur sniH. CA. PMe, Dr. ead e er gerKa ee ta l choral Society for thein Cen- nie Bi-knArden, Ni-. anr] ville; Mr. Loi-ne Peeden, Mi-. ers wcre entertainer] et it isyumaytatson. e .Bwans r akHonrî bet tnilAtean CmeMsLryBakadbaby, and Ni-a, Harvey Peeden wene inen. creaeer]this educationel "p e,>-visitr et .GowTany-. Jhma Hrnei- ayisneble ta 'rmo-enqi va(Asn l'~ET ,Y&Sings, making oui- Than- Tootwre Tbanksgîving recent dinnen guesta et Mi-.M.ndMa.Qcebui portunity". And it is youî- lar's were: Mn. and Ni-s. Wai- pital. ednadegg '3iig service a wondei-!ull Iestac!fNi-. and Ni-s. K. Llew HMr.oandî's N. Quakendt ,to ti auin decorations. AtrMnabave aefîeld, were Tao is g ut tr rdaturîng ad e nertddia te it Wedd nt$, nagment noneetiit non &uincTc oue-xplueraaor dinneieen gaests itb 1 iply in Sicei'e Lanny, Bowmanville; Mi-. and for the new Post Office hes anonenttc meir seasgvîng viclual ta.disp ay a tndrrBriDavttHDanny andnWe tundenstandithat theesitennientsnnconfirmationtinvitationstegoldennnd ailier anniter etc car sea onal . ai-men rner] t C iffor.M .a is usei S vry p re ta nt rv T e s. . Gibson, Newcastle, been chosen and s the nor- teclseiofthe service the mvr est week ta tbe Luoyd r] . and N-aMCr.od on aynd N-s. Rel Tove aj- ote admadiglo. n an i-ysw. ReTalr nhen pyar. a te fi-er (ASDETR *~ ~ wasentetaier]Hai-ier bei-ninoitb a! Baw- Were e uiksFun let.te ad thePowinglMatch et ,èi-wakwthoet week. e uksFlslsttne h lpydocs nat appîy to the Mr ayd Oshaw e Scbool ytth a. eraloiiCarm-I Congratulations ta Mr. end i 1Mrs. A. Wood spent Thanks- Mn. and Ni-s. Morley Rab.- r.ind M. Le al stur] nt.Mn. and N-set. red Smis that be Chbe o!Cohe jd - Tho a Gibbs on theirlgiving weekend witb Mr n in son, Doris Maie and G r- welu and Jini Llew T H u a- To know tue resulta of yur wcnersg u t h et Nog. Han-y mec s ucbased us.Loka and feels like tefne ad egaig h etr !feM wev ng annivensaiy, Ni. H. T ivett, W eston. e d d nwondnn r gu sa ii e he Pow n ath edin nii n eshntavea.n. ati N-. o O e anaTnec ttn b s sare] n elg n e e i dvî ulty olyte&ni h a e. apO t b r 1 th r m e - Sh l h U C e tn Thue no e a d te t o o L .an mn s, ou h on ogie n s c ause. haveta te i i9t , f-an M . a d i-s Fo te Sn w-Mr. and Nis. Boy Austin. W... b l ow U ach . etng we nt e n otes n d est s o!ok nt am ily attended Expo dufing this area. Until now dem nd g av n e match. ~rur Tyrane friends. They den, Brooklin, spent a weekIleyviile. heir] et Ni-s. Jini Stark's home, adolescent. Ai-e tbey slopp, w eed a en pa- . u dr h r oegraving ceIE EIEIO in-e eceiving relatives andi with Mr. and Mrs. T. i- . and Ni-s. Deibert Hal- Pteweed 'Ç rd tteGle louance. îwu Wednesday evening, lest weck, incomplet. and untidy? Wbatenpor We ne. T rm-gi lend b te Gold n Plugh i rand BillToranto, apent with a fine att r] nce and l grades bave b e ai n aie al ia p a cin sa d tnt t e G i] S a C.eaaig L ca s Jnit j ro ni tw c t a four in i the- alter- M r. and Nis. A lfied] G r c . e i old ey w e e d eWhee arîg e l a a t t e i i s t i m Y u r i h n ia s i e m oa i h p i t o au Ba s î n g 17 ,0theeld s f o na e t c o p rp a c h t a k s a e g a i g o x c a werethat M i-s. Leslihme.eH rCocud an., iwiio (A. - iel) willl be cutting and Coot$ about hal as M ue sh n Thun a dse ta nne Od dacters9.B cwm envîîîM, summen boalls. te i-bu Reidwas in cha -g of ail ter mn tests and examina - m nvlHo s pchi mplover bi-. ny170,00 kers Maith-, coiplae- ofuets o Mr. and N-. R.oMi r i is. 9'rWd h pRabinto s e br Tt h me f rlh GetofM.adM.R.Wlhn o0a1nwene dînner guests re AND I'S READeVITHarTeE WEE .O b i o e h e k n e e f M . *and M Nis. R . G ibbs and t M r. O rm e Falls dur ng thp e xpah dte a prel ci-sa t n ko thou e ngeysnyou wif n tic e s s Lauýnfra o mn attend - aIn otrg r a Nwr h a help recepi nr s po s , t a k y n c d a a n a d , e expeset th aprciaio o Y~ii vewng.Inthse !i tiPloin MtchetBe-re. assiat and we also beer thiatOfQUe3 ,W bs av n c weennd were f. . , ,# a milY Mr. an d M r. J. Gibb MrThanMs ing weekend.Final lan w re cmplete r] any upward or downward ed the Teac ' o v no i g i-cm No a sc te su M s. Th ma ies, aS.by, i- ati M s. To il Ni.Cnini-.ventioniiîj o te urce s p er in No te ti. ceoNinr-Fus 0 CUSO yo cn rer machng eclsue i-m r] M nl r]. n N v a ScGi . p p e r i in c i e t l s ai et r n . W d d dr lan dPl ugM r -. d M S. N 8,J n z n a 4 family w cri-ean ti N ncy et M -. Andy b r. M.s.Bae ne g v R dial c an es ha eateheN s W If'j ow an vii- y ue ti e yo nat l'ispicdns oNa 5 fr 900an 10fo 83.0 rot~an .anMn e ts cf NMr. L. Ci-ydei-man, Oilie, during thePastw~~ einetNagr là apo, n tedd el .the easurer's report whichled tih, bigh schoal to the ex- i cd etMn. Franklin Tamblyn's, the Provincial Election wil! peaI W1 dè wsa ve-cp1o tHapo TwUil etSudyateno ev.wîth douheLmte Wivutheexcepiondpete wuh al ge t oaMi se Lu lle Hal pOn , a nud attn de ei -e-' ndncuded Shilch'a part in the j tent that ot parents c n cor- toney C reeýk. b . a e. W ti t . ex pio --,,. Gy ws--re- e to e a pt n T w shp ~ ex u d y enon-vy.e.k tehe1ane unegtii r cîy dm i that tey ae M- ni N-. B b Sis n ! ne ig hl coe ~ n o!Ms eleHl Straynidt. T.J.Snthoe awil b. h aveu hemer. Ni-s on tankinrn o la ub rTornt;Mr. Fr'ank Kelly, and stickers you wo ul n't Ma-. anti nis. M . T ericar et o wth nscsr e. u eainlsubect courses ther ons andr]daugh.. Merrton: M. Cecil Hubbard,iknow there wits an electionav l ab e a Vîvanne-Monloc ati amiy, nd n.musc b lial aneat ve. Snelgrove the iintei'ested parent ta ask Wotten and bays, Oshawa- lest night anme pnankster or ~flu dhOMr. ad sal e , Ù - Ottiwb,, visited r -n M . an0n. Ca n e iav menar ti.c ing w s i c h ages nd n ew m tqi. w r iia- ii ti tn e- l i i 1 me *tr dng a nti Mn 8i-t Motl ck nd Qur tette r. y orence pene r] t e m ei g wih bs su e t ota explain t e M iss June Tu 'nbull, Hampton: tod Liber el supporter de( 3(1 Uws~ eat a.ant M . J 0 à- laT-110-11 All- n, Wodil. r8itd ber pBaer d tedctoing woue c ang suad ntb j skwlth - Qi Diji oV ki'a tike & _ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ ___ __ __ Mizph Bnedcùo. YU wuld ot uy toc, wth.a wih te Sr -=raeedmy Chevy 2 with anc

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