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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 15

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- . - -~. -.---- Canadian Girl Champions! WiII TaIk on Planting I_________ Receive $200 Scholarships,; Liberty Bowl wvas honored on Saturdày, Oct. 15th, when Doug Miller, National Dîrector for Youth Bowling for Canada, appeared to present two scholarships. The recipients of the scholarships were Connie Bradley and Sharlene àE' Cain. winners of the Senior girls charnpionship of Canada lait season. Each girl receîved $200 for winning the provincial championship. IThe Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards re- White Horse where they visit- patient in the Memorlal nlos- turried home on Friday, Oct. ed their daughter and son-in ipital, Bewmanville. 13th after two weeks in the, law, Mr. and Mr&. Roy Tul-, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gans- Oshawa General Hospital. ford.1 by of Iolington spent Thanks- 'Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lea- Mrs. D.N. Myles has return-'gîving weékend wlth her M~en of Scarborough spent'ed home from visiting Mr.! mother, Mrs. Robert Allln. Thanksgiving Day with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith and! Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes L., $Mld Mrs. F. 0. Cooper. isons at Gravenhurst. ýJohnson spent the Thanksgiv. Mr. ug~e Joçasof Mnt- Mr. and Mrs. John Gallie ofi ing weekend with Mr. and Mrs. real recent1v visited his broth- St. Catharines visited Mr. and' James Johnson Jr. and famly Z er Mr. ~~~~~Alexandre Joncas Mr.Ae andreJncs aet Peterborough. Jon as an fa il, . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Burton, ta is visiting her sister-n-aw Orone. '!Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M Cart- Mrs. Ivan Farrow. Jue I Mer3. St Ve Nlcholson Of CO- nev of Toronto visited Mr.l Mr. Jack Reid and Mr. Ern- C bourg spent the Thanksgiving. anà Mrs. J. E. Middleton. i est Nicholson have returned ,i' wrekend with Mr. and Mrs.1 Mrs. Gea. Jacks and familyl home from the Oshawa Gen- ~~~m Jim Middleton. 'of Markhamn visited her moth-i eral Hospital. M"wc" Mr.M',/elv 111e Inwood of er, Mrs. Catherine Seal on; Congratulations ta Mr. and Y~ Combermere, Mr. Geo. Inwood'Thanksgiving Day. Mrs. Julien De Paepe who W. E. "Bill" Hartnoli, F.R.H.S., cornes to Orono, % 'i' "A 4* frorn near Brandon, Manitoba,! Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellow ai ceiehrated hr 35th Weding Thursday, October 26th at 8 p.m. in the United Churche Mr. Olive'r Inwood of Oshawa; Northminster United Church, Anniversary on October lSth Auditorium under the auspices of the Orono Horti- ,,,~ visited Mrs. Marshall Chat- i Oshawa, was the guest speak- 1 and they entertained their ~ ~ .,*" terton on Satîîrday afternoon. er a t the Sunday morn ing family ta a turkey dinner at cultural Society. Hie will give a talk on "Protecting Mis Catherine Stewart of service at Orono United St Joseph's R.C. Church, Bow- your plants over winter",plSeeaYOUR FamiofytSev19g8 B00 Rendal. Miss Marion McKel- Church. Dr. Mellow's broth- manville on Saturday, and at plant introductions. 1 vey and Mr. John McKelvey er, now of the Kingston dis- the Dutch Oven on Sunday. A lecturer, teacher anîd writer, he is widely known S &Y U were guests at the Keane -[ trict, was the druggist et! The guests were Mr. and Mrs.f rh s" ad nCii "o h n e V ( F O n Lfthoiise wedding on Satur- Newcastle for a number of Paul Groeneveld and chlld- for is"Grde Cinc"onOhODe 9TV CFO)an dlay afternoon, Septeniber 3th1 years. ren, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrencp ORFI radio station on the "know-how" of gardening.1 in Saint John the Evangelistý Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ten- j De Poorter and children, ail As a Director of Research for the Horticultural Res- R.C. Chlirch. Whitb'y. Rev.i nant have moved froin Church of Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Rene earch onai, his hfoey ife is a vey buy ls M il e Carl Krane of Windsor, broth-i Street South into the Hooey Clapedorp and children aovrfu er of the groom, officiated. f arm house. iBowmanville and Mr. George one. He has just returned from a meeting with roseI FRYING CHICKEN CUTS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinsonl Mr. Laverne Harness is plDe Paepe of Orono. hybridists in West Grove, Pa. and thrir house guest Mrs. In addition to rsacig judging, bedn roses. Roxi Mclroy BO W LINGrs writing, etc., Mr. Hartnoll contributes a great deal of cla ad ridy f astwek OUT B WLNGhis life and talent to tecig rtre, ciee nd LEGS or BREAII3 Sith eUr and Muly a Cavn.eh BANTAM GIRLS D. Lewis --------- 213 blinTd children as well as to the older folk at Baycrest 'IsMargarct Wong of; Piper 5, Wright 0; Fredricks iHiwh Triple Hospital in Toronto. LOIN PC) KSAL Jessleton. Sabah, Malaysia; 15, Dadson 0, Draper 4, Haynes iC. Biggs -----553 TeOooHri1trsaetn oda ivt-Tneli n e3-b vrg Mrs. E. Archer and son Mr. HBut50 tion toalal interested persans to enjoy this "evening, George Archer of TornoTam Standing D. Lewis ----- ------ 495Tont!f adig whCFOsW E."l"Hrnl. spc'nt SatLirday With Mrs. Fredricks ----- - 201 JUNIOR BOTS i0 adnn"wt FOsW ."iI atal Catherine Seai. Main Street Piper- 13 ý Brock 7, Donoghue 0; Pres- DanKigPogrpy PO R K LO IN ROST5 Souith. Wright -10___i ton 5, Preece 2; Brunt 7, Park- .Mrs .Jamne5 Bail is now et Dadson 7 er 0. eT gRQP«ý OKLI the Kc.a-t Rest Home on 1 Draper- -- - 7i Team Standing 25Lea ,rning a m lySAAD Contre Street. iHaynes------- - ------ 31Brunt ~~---~ 5 ~ D5L a iySLD OKLI The Clarke Township Pub-; High single1 Brock _24_ORANGE______ 2 fic School Area Teachers held I D. Dadson ----- - 166 Preston __ _ 22 iheir Otoher meeting at New- P. Almond__ 170 Preece 19___0___________C ntr___s o jovil SholonModyý Hih-o Prer1 C om ing H ere Sunda y 1 DOMINION Presswood Compas. Brand Rindies pftrmnooo and iast Friday thevi P. Aimond ----------------2 Donoghue ---- -- 2 CHOCOLATE SUDS, twl thir onvntin ~ D Frdrik~ 17 tghSinleThe Bowmanviîle Pentecos- years. Prior ta their conversion WAFERS OR Niagara Falîs,. Ontario and" BANTAM BOYS B. Preston ------------ 202-276 tai Church la pleased ta an- ta Christianity, they sang and MACAROONS w e r ~ j n c b t e s a f o f j o b r t s 5, V a n r i l ; R c h D . V iv ia n_ _ _ 2 4 5 n u n c e t h a t E v a n g e lis t a n d p la y e d t h e ir i n s t r u m e n t s o n ,BekatB(i th~Newaste Pblc Shoa. ads , els ;Marhan IT. Brock ___ _ 237 Mrs. Sam Learning and their radio and television with the' t rh . E-rnstoeblcShoas e roos 5 2. J.Machn 3 Carter -- -__ _ 223 two gifted children, Sandra Smiley Burnette show and the ,,.Dmno turer hoe ramth M- Tar StndngG. Edmondson 210 and Sharon will be singing Grand OIe Opry. Their home-I l- ;nra optl o m nile o et -- - ~ 21D. Passant 204 and playing their instruments dp n yp fa singing hes pleas-I __ T ileUi o in u d y O tb re _VMr. Fritz G. (Fred) Von VanDriel -- - -O10g Til hscmigSneOtoe dadeces thraughout North Çuiieo o Oshwa, ge 6.1 Rchars -B. Preston 639 22nd at 9:55 &r.; Il a.m. and America. PR . SUAE: Y p-;dawav at the Lodge Welsh -- - --an- --52---m eries capacity crowd enjoyed .Nursing Home, Newcastle,i Brooks 7 odo 566 The Learnings have traveil- their presentation ai the gos- ~. Coorsh r-pi c Acti .va n unten rcand----------- 6,T rc 3 ed extensively in the evange- pel In miusic and Sang, last -Is orm.Vanber often G. Brunt Single SEIRMX»LAU istic field for a number of May in the Bawmanvilîe Pen-'. 1531Lws4 rdly3 od tecastal Church jsWet ede opm o CO RN ED BEEF ~ MNCINEIE wCitizeros' Band. He was T. Sarganson - . 148 TheySelylthek 0; Etchere 7FF Sellersu jO; Bromeil 5 , Cain 2; Cobb 7, ui rtedbr utr ad-AO c______________ enno innimaster ai the Bow-1 High Double is ru h dbagutr mnoý2-oz. O U , u g Orono Citizens' Band, also1 D. Marchand _ - 265!Lewis Standinginadvlnd fields Band af which he wasý Mutton 7, Brameil 0, Bigg thr2In D li to inafulmsclpga t barlmastr'r. 5, Bradley 2; Lewis 4, BysnWoods -____ 23 the 7 n -rice wih FRESH FS MrIt. and Mrs. Harley Johns- 13, Cobb -------- 22 H. R. Moarcrait, Superinten- Pàt ý V.A. Kdra assisf- 'ton of Tcronto, Mrs. Albert! Team Standing Cain 17 dent af Publie Schoals lor ing them xnusically with the AT .. otn. Mrs. John Morris, iBradlev ---------------- 0 Bromel 16 Darlngtan Tawnsip and the electric e / Uu f * I ]Urs. Orley Chapman spentIBromeil 191 Tucker 14 Daln-o owsii y teel guitar. SmlokeID Cri OSi c Thanksriving Day with Mrs.'Lewis ____ &3 Bradley 14 2,060 pupils are attending the The public is invited ta1e ileslb 9 Geo. Morton. Tin the even- Bryson 4____ Selleck M0 16 schools in the township this enjay thes fine gospel servi- ~ BASD inz Mrs. Ah. West, Mr. andi Mutton 3 Sles - -~ 0ym.Ti sa nraea e uday, October 22nd. IVrs. Lawrence Harris and son' Biggs --------------------- 12!C. ri gh Single 40 over the figure in Septern- Charles were guests when' Hlgh Singe ;C.Brdey 242-200-220 ber ai last year. Charles showed pictures ai! C. Biggs---------------- 245! R. Bouwmeester- -248-277 In ail there are 69 clas- thi'- recent trip__by__air ta ýH. Brunt 217 W. Lewis 260 ros an increase ai one over K N A ,EIMEG L. Wo dsing_ __ __205-217 last year and there is a staff %_ _ _ _ CLARKE TWP. RECREATION COMMITTEE C.Evas' 22-326-2 16 tahr n w uieaSnawsut R. Good ___ 211-259 The schools in the township tended. Our guest speaker Domino - 19-or.. Tins SAVE 60 Domino - 12-oz. Pkg.iV 0 are sposoringC. Sellers ___ 211 range from ntceiairly new was ReV. hoa(HOhB.. % O arese D.sponso28-22ring _______tath 16 1 Thfaewasmt h, .. IET MA O S4or1.0 RY C KEJ J. Bennett -----245 roam M. J. Habbs Senior .D., i NewastlCHEospok DR. BS ell 23202 c an am pholto h e 16-fO ex nHerw ho - j M igilomnery 1 ~~~~~~R. Knight 225 an enralment ai 510 Grade 7 ing that the Christian Church flDmn ac rnhCt-1-z ks AE2eCutyGr 4o J. Tucker 213 and 8 pupils wha are convey- i5samewhat of a relay race D A N in the Main Hall of the M Ilarc_ _ 206-271 cd ta the achool in buses iraml with ane player pessing the 'NGREE DLMI5fo'I.O heryP J. Bromeli 234aIl sections oi the township. challenge on ta the next play - ____&9_____ ORONO NITEDCHURCH A. Chittick- -- --236-205 Mr. Moorcrait said the ChI urch generation the san Ho e atTa r" o n ocso htmvMs.WyePnkhier and .Fred De aie t sen $0 er n th Wayn"'F,àlsSreysercuerDGeaCrntinh).yRe fmom Kedran United Church thy Mercer, Irene Mercer, HELH A D BAUY ADnO KE E S L O 9 were entert.ained on Friday hanMae Pipe ntd tHelen e-Priegyfosr atnd Ane fosr. Lustre Creme Lotion or Blue Llquid SAVE 300 Scott 4 Colours - 2 IRai kBV 6 evening at the horne ai Mr.a îv osetdtaunenrrie oretndnefo 0 Glant Sise 73,4-oz. and Ms. Grant Hu ur Annual Rummage Sale ta Sundays or over wre dont- ~~I U U I M I U I U ~ Pn ce AArr. t ib cl ds a t re na c. lt d by the U.C.W . and were L u stre C re m e S h a m p 4oo 9 9 c B a th ro o m T i s.1f r 1 O OTuesdîy evenlng Mmrticles a etab picked uP prcsented by the President Stanley Ogle and Joan, ofo leit at the fallawing ad- Miss Catherine Stewart. Fluoride Famiiy Sise Tube BV 0 Maxwell Hcights, cntertalned dresses, or the arena the day R.L.9oybassad40s0 atasoe o isSao fthe sale: Mari Piper, il Vie - Mr. R.soL.t Tothpaat 79 A M P L W ilburat a ho wr f Mi ss h ar one toria St., 23-2517; Helen f r-ton the Sixth Line but I A -n t o o h p o tm7 9 Wil um wh w ll be rn rr edSh ehan , 1 A be t S , 3 3 59 w e have fot he rd w ho the V aseline W hite - 16-o . Sise B V 0 bride-to-be was presented 6, ,omeSi2rnpeSt.an m. akcSACooVEi ET 40 UM ~ Y 7 with an clectrical edock, et 23-3977; oi ipoHn'Ms akro oor s P T O E M J L Y 7 F E er and tea kettle, an huaOrt- cock Rd. S., Courtice, 725-8080. st ying with M . Th mpson c__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ m ent af preserves and favor. It wAs m ved by H elen and A t ur f r a tim e. A l M r h n i e h G a a t e o G v 0 %~ ta 8 u f ite recipes. She han and1 M rJ Piper that .M m. Spence G rdon is visit- V l e f e t v n i l s n , S t r a , O t 1 8 ,i o m n il 0STh, pupils of Maxwell Marnie Jh sn and Dori n Ail Mr. an Mm..Elmer uni- a dIIA HeihtsScoolwh qualified Simnpson purchase a glft ta be fard in Micord, Saskatchewan. VaWEREERtVE UTHE RoinGH STuTrdMI au NîuI for Centenral A t et rsentedmta Mary Cawke rMs. Mumord was formerly A n investm ent Awards lait June wr r-w o i oîg a a r m Jn odn sented With their craùtis Bowmanville. She wiil certain- Mr. and Mmi. Bob Cerruth- p n T u a d Fi week. Receiving gold awards IY be misscd by Hockey Moth- ers and children viaited withOpr Th r.a d F.N g t 'ti9pm that wontlet Yo own. weme* Susan Annand, Ruth ers. Wc have always cailed on Mr. and Mn, . HzFsero WOl ~ UBishop, Bil1 Fitzpitric k,çar- Mary ta purchase creffts, tr- Sunday. W .Fse nW anMcLeest,' And 'yr phies, etc., besicles work &0 Mr. and Mrm. Allen Foster Frank Bathe, Dii.Bok: hard at the play-downjs mehng spetit the weekend at a Cen Elizabeth Lamber-t Laurie Our bOY8 are dresd for the tennal ficunion at TeetervilIn.I Marshall, Barbare Lamnbert, Parades. W. ail wigh hem e ndmtad o e. h Bobby Annand, Bhly Ar»n.mueh aPPness In her nw men who went hunting recent- ,pliault, Michael Bacon, Bob home. ly were fortunate ini uecuring F i TO ON OW OM NON Hopkins, Tomn athc Crn Wcwud11.t av n dThe lcTeachers Coention'NONSORSLIW leKrnW oldlk ohv aye h ecUr'Cneto The Bank where people moale the diFffrenc.. Hinmirespach, GarY IÉan used hocky equlprnent yùu in Niagara Falls o Friday Ki~ng St. and Simpson Avenue (Highway N .2,b t silvr awrd~ d fiteenIt may help mirne Young ici- on, Uie addition t cfdl bronze were a".preaeted. low to Set started tInhocky. Sehoo S i02 gr oz i i I

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