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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 1

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- ~1 "Pioneer Home" This Saturday - -z-W-W>V BOW A!êifLEl 113IO WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1967 1~PrCp ~ N DP. Streng»bJup to 4#163 RE ELECT ALEX CARRUTER WITH 2,829 VO)TE MAJRT Alex Carruthers, P CGar den H xl1, is again the me b r '4-_ for Durham County in te Ontario Legislature. He was i le kd it la hoped that each family cradie which cornes frmtere elected with e majority of 17 Aeen kel will be represented by some Warden family through Dr.2829. officiai opening of The article of furniture, china, Norman Found, who has shown o~Tesday, Mr. Carruthers ghouse the "Darlington handmade articles made before great interest and donated O Home" erected as a the rt a wa br g t ma - ma y frihn s s hs fa polleda total vote of 7,657. In -oenteznj Project by the inea manufactured in its wake. ily lived on the farmn which elected his total vote, was l<«#»ahip of Darlington wul Leading the list of early pion- is now in Darlington Provin-7908. lake place on Saturday, Oct. eers is a handmade Chippen- cial Park. A bock will be com E. Richard Lovekin, Libéral, 81, at 2:30 p.m. in Darlington dale chair receîved fromn James piled of exhibits and their rk4#incIai Park. P. Lovekin. This chair came donors. This is a permanent Newcastle, received a total lid farm bhouse, which fromn the collection of the late-collection and the Federal and vote of 5,079 yesterday coin- W'~orlginally buit around Mrs. Vincent Massey, was Provincial governments Who pared with 6,412 for Liberal 180near Sunderland, was handmade fromn chestnut wood contribute to this Centennial Allan Beer in 1963. Douglas anj'recebuiîc log nun- i Port Hope and so full of Project as well as Darlington Moffatt, NDP, Orono, polled an r-buit on a perma- wormn holes that restoration Township, make it necessary 4,163 votes. This was an in- ntfounidation of stone in of two feet was necessary; its tha nothing can be loanedtacesai308vethtol tearea of the Conant family significance shows how Cana- the museuin. Mrs. W. H.ivotepolld y AstennDurce- ioerlog home. Surrounded dian craftsmen carried on the Brown, Bowmanville, is inditeHarAsoninD- ~~dwilow trees near the Chippendalt style after it had charge of the cammittee for hamn County in 1963. ore, this memorial toalal passed in Britain. collecting these articles and Election returns for Bow- the Pioneer settlers af this A double rope bed and boot- would be most happy ta ac- manville were: Carruthers eft >let seems in a natural set- jack has been acquired from cept what you have ta offer. 1,358, Lavekin 1,282, and Mof- uq. Frishings for this pion- Councillor R. Gibbs, a single Be there at this histary rec- fatt 882. The Darlington results lmml* niare being callect- rope bed fromi ames Arthur orcing event at Darlington were: Carruthers 1,062, Love- ~ eetpit e a mmoriel ta Werry, Enniskillen. 0f un-j Provincial Park, Saturday, kmn 928, Mof'fatt 1,355. &W oneers o this districtiusuel interest is a spool doubleict. 21, 1967, at 2:30 p.m. Newcastle: Carruthers 256, Lovekin 673, and Mofiatt 3744 ......"' Council Sets Nomination D ay Millbrook: Carruthers 242, - 4 Cavan Township: Carruth- ers 460, Lovekin 186, Moffatt . 170. Manvers Township: Car- fatt 205. Town -Council at its meet- andakeo a grant of- $500J ed DeputY Reeve Wesley Fice 840, Lovekin 970, Moffatt 581. g en Monday evening pass forexading C h ri1s tmi a si and Councîllor Maurice Prout Hope Township: Carruthers ëd By-Law No. 67-31, setting StetLgtn nBwa- to represent council at the 591, Lovekin 352, Moffatt 167. Monday, December 4th, asth ville this season. proposed meeting. Catrght: Carruthers 360, oft a the Bowmanville Mayor Hobbs said that he A letter from the Millbrook Lovein 8,:oftt22 I(nil~a1Elcio, ndthtbas studied the Ontario Mu- Municipal Cou.nciî dealing A largerlnumber ai voters thi Nomination Meeting be nicipal Act and the provi- with the high caste of edu.. went ta the poils on Tuesday at,-730 p.m. on Thursday ev- to the best oi my knowledgelOn a motion by C un cillor this county. Almost 75 per thilng November 23rd. it wauld appear that yau arel Glenholme Hughes, seconded cent ai those eligible to vote 40~iL egation framth lca making a request whichl by Councillor Nicks. A coin- did so. ". be io Commerce con- cou.ncil cauld flot legaly munication fromn L and L The result of the Bowman- of Président Wilfred grant," he said. Tools regarding weed control ville Advance PoIl was: Car- HpyBw avleSpotr cheer Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers and d ecan and Don MacGre- ConciIlor Ken Nicks, sec- was received and filed on a ruthers- 79, Lovekin 55, Moffat HpyB w avleS p otr a g trM ro Oppered before council onded by Councilor E. J. motion by Counillor Prout, 18. Advance Pol, Prt Hope: Runde, moved that two - re- seconded 'by Cou n illo;rCarruthers 97, Lovekin 25, A'-- t F r presentatives af Town Coun- Hughes.Moat6.AvnePlMl p ;Dr, li c i , w o r e r é e n a t v e o t e C o u n c i l l o r P r o u t , s e c a n d e d b r o :fru h r 4 , L v k nAu od Acci ent Chamber oComere -hebY Couflilr Anie eOk ter 1, ovki -O f L a d iesf~* M~ d ~ u ij~ 1 rs, Town Clerk-Controller Byron meet reprsentatives ai <URN T AGE TWO) Robert L, Byron, and P.U.C. the Public Scbol Board tOltfae fe Ko n - p Manager George VanBriger diseuss grass maintenance WiI S e ls irt hd a y , P a rty S ANINGS IN nsrieetas soon as possible ta and then rert n ths mlte ,Lwo young people were osnsChita ecrtv t h e t eetin ofterane 1~di I~ue erl SndyLighting p1 ibltis TifBar iWorks. This mtion Mmring in a car accident on esblts. Ti or h owa.leLde ux otie fimotdpr rtT s nte17sa l.0hCocsiniMa-was carried. was carried. H rhe Lf Mmb worm T wnahi. The accide t May r H a b s t h e nap p oi t- < T R N T O A G E T O > . lîary ta the Royal Canadian fum e as' a favor. Secretary C om ads A nnie W right, An- tives 69, Libera s 28 a d N P 2 : A di o uto th bappeed at 1:35 a.r. wen a Hall n Monday evening, was er Audrey Bate were in sClapputthceand ViSme- Coeravsha eïr driven by Harold Roy greatly enjoyed by the 38 charge ai the favore. ed as they blew out the ý- Orng R. 1 Bethany, went B eau ! y of Scotland members who attended. Awei cius cickn innasae s (ut the AE anwish- PARADE- T' SuaCasPaaeCmite o ut of contrai, let the road -Prsidt Mry.wes(TURN TO PAhe.GE TWO>advse tht sud cru hed mb tree. o r t ~ MMr. Str ng and ue pas-presided, and grace was said prepared an d served by mem -so Elli tt fo r h e t fo t i h a a e o ie.str Pgandris acsr'la by.Chaplain Hilda Humphreybers ai Mémorial Park As Blitz.a n vass Nov. 25th. Antideig i e o~ i Mis triaay, Ofl W o ae psdthe Toýst i i-ta make thesecto.twile were bon F lmatWoh oprpseith oatciation with Mrs. Annie Dill Ii-d rh M eora Haspî tel i d N LT L Iiroses in w hite erystal ves..u e bit d y ca e e-D .e m m e e b u 3 u i ~ d . T h y w e r e t a k e n t a > 5 i r a v e i g u e t t h e u e e n..e n t n.a. .g a s.c t er.n .o nv. r. H et.pQ. >ee nI f l u t atnM raE l l i otaw a s t h e f u n d e r f t h e t o w n wer thHosyiare 5h11 eentred the long tables ic tractiveîy iced in pale blueSatprdesealyaugoThsersthm wherethey re stllR o ary"s Trave oguewere alea adarned with white and pink and lighted wjth Raispaad O nta, by the Bowmanville ceramic baskets fruit, and lver candes was donated R ies $1409 is an "«Old-Faoe d hita" hn lr S c o tl n d's m a g n fic e t 1sc n - T i b g e r w h o w a s la rg e ly e c-Bl-a ' ~ M i a H u l e y , w h o u s t a n e d r y , h i s t o r i e c h a r i , a n d t r i v - e s p o n lb e f o r t h e o t t a d .e c B l ly u p n t a n e r a f a t -e ff s H ubd whead in u ine ng îndustry w ere exem pli-ling succe s aitst y a r'sh li z C u as n B w rt dic nuriet, i n M. ed in the firet présentation senge, hce deoflared earls ranvThe Bltz Caass oneBo- L#yr Onc () ens anvleeta risemady.b WINNER -A condition is fair. He ai the Bowmanviîîe Rotaryl Tm oan le Director- help the blind of this ae Cu' e rvland Ad- Chairma. ai this year's Inter. At theLeio'onMilionaies' Nghtho TmCwhel nMna yte Saturday, Mauricî rsa a h i inro Town Hall auditorium on aa dlte committe membersin r1Dand DDRU.lAdvisor "dimaged. Constable L. F. recent Cvening. charge ai tickets are Glen retrso*de mu owtay t Injurines extesivehé Sete erishown in tha natioal e S cnzetervice Committeear thL rdy a theoffcialopeCe anrvd th d LLd Au ~*ydn oP ivetgee tekilt welcomed the large audi- Rev. A. VandenBerg. and Mr. Cmutyclesarth udyatheofia pening ,0943 wa t o c r o- ence. H e pai tib!1te o the M cýavish. toer e a de ci s d n e . Pfinest development in educa. ai Durham, College afipled 3 JMn I1:0p..onTesa wark BIî " Ccarr moton_ tion yet devised, Ontario Arts and Technology. Those who may have been V eteSre.Tedi-HLDpcue'ctadAoeY'Heelth Minister Dr. M. B. "Educatiýon can neyer stand missed in this canvass and tqiàw et, the vehicles involved BL pn hssre.adtee- LryHnesn- instant school," said guest should send their donation »#eM. oadAdr42pert commentatar is Jonathan The Canadien Club af West POSTPONE GOLF TOURNE pae r yod SxbJmsBltecmi. hi betv yaot$0.Te oet as J:itre Stret, and Earl Nobles, Following the dcisive win Hagar, New York, e leading Durham is once again pleasd Becuse ai inclement weath- monthe ga this was e cow tee's treasurer, at the Bank tis amount ina500drwtbehdonN- td or damage. Constable T. provincial lection on Tu s- note," Mr. M cTavish said. séries o i outstanding speakers. C m ec a ot on d isrsu,'T e a pî n t banpo sb e t e p t e d a p t e a c u t W ýÏDavis inve tig ted. day, m any ai his supporters M r. H ag r w as piped ta the On W ed., _O ctober 2 th at a n e Go f T r a e t t at I ts ir t y r ai pe ti n f e s ee e ta el t eij.t.t Suenroi a ety:2 St a ret ed u tl t e r m n rid ng t a d. T e pctr p ne a i g a aae etnyb h w ah r i pr v sivS m o tr e othiut Elc so k, B r ean nIr ing a new tree that, s†††††††††i u . On Wmln«dj, mornhplanted rinoan interestniSun ,FuAM waR ute monl ng .. . .d*~ -- planted w ay back i 8 5 Eutaio advlssd ~~ .-:~ G' AFTERM ATH - Th s wh ba pol g ~wipna vilIe u .;~4in her hom es 1 bw t i WIM ~ .... ~ n theirwthe orni oestemduy'a et about as miserable as we have had for quite a few clochions, but local 'votera are to be cern- miended for turning eut in large numIbers ta cast their ballots. j. t t. t. t UNSEASONÂL - Mrs. Jack Brown, 73 Elgin St. advises that they picked a quart of large, luscious sweet September raspberries on Tuesday. Appar-, ently, the frost usually nips any that are growing. this lime of year, but not; this year. If the wgrrr,, "' wet weather continuez the grass willha, wi ta such an extent that It wili need cuit:40' f' Those wha have stored their &imo #tl ' b. wise to get them out again, *Say roun4. ~tue »Me t e empwi r ti, 2r~e The driver of a dump truck had a lucky escape wyent through the guard rails and do wn theL so uth fror lnuy nlte M nday afternoon when the vehi- bank, landing on its roof below. The truck, owned by cle went off the raad near the CPR bridge at the west Leon Connors, R.R. 1, Belleville, sustained consider- end of town. The eastbound truck driven by Donald able damage in the accident. Constable John Bird was Gerowv, le! t, of R.R. 1, Hiler, Ont., after crosming the the. mvestigating offîcer. br4igefailed 10 M"k Ieturm teKM£gStreet -and,

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