The Cnamanstatn"a, Bowomanville, oct. i&, 1on • • Candidates Take> Parl in Severai Panel DiscussionsNESTLETON C-lrke Council Receivw eSra nd r.GereDo-wt teNtin4 umion at the hm ftersnbleei os The Township Council of this request Council was Gee, Sid Lancaster, Arthur evrepsnttrrtrt11gemeothk Clremet on Tuesday, Octo- obliged to exclude the whole! Lowe and Wayne Bailey were M her.dpruefrFoia a and resnB blee' nber ofwen they received a of the road from the road clos- appointed to the Board.MranMs.rmMoehetaigofyhat rubro eegations and mng by-law. Of the six sections A further by-law passed by returned on Stra rmtenbeesi ilgv abipassed a number of by- throughout the Township to the Council allowed for the th eir ourdymtrhldyt b id yptei às concerning the Police be closed two were objected writing-off of un MdtxsroE. tu.aneleednth ran llag o Oron and the Pub- to and thus withdrawn from and penalties in e amount M.adMs hre rv fm ad o h blt U colAe.the by-law. of $2,159.72. is, Toronto, wr ensa ilgv et ehlfl M. Garland Cathcart met Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ardron, A by-law was passed for the gests withMran Msskfuadueu.Iblev éýt Council requesting that by letter, requested Council's proposed road program, storm Grant Thompsn nTus·mte riigo yhat Inte road closig of an un- attention to a road allowance sewers, curbing and paving in day Mr. andMr.Topnfrthsreghtwiliv used road at Lots 14 and 15 along their property which an amount of $108,700.00. Of called on Mr.adMsJmemetenolirssti. in the 5th Concession that the had become unusuable except this proposed amount $38,080 Harris and DoohLnsyes1n aefrefcec north Section of 40 to 50 rods by a Jeep. Council is to in. 'S to be collected under and MeradMs dSeco'Ibleei ycutyac b eft open. As a- result-of vestigate this section of road. local improvement within the Pant ei amhm ermm epniiiyfrCn Paul Grant, representing Village of Orono. Pleasandon.ada eelpet .ý some 10 petitioners, asked for iA by-27,5aw0for the borr- M.adMs ar c m hrfrwligt R ua written reply to their re- i neng o $29,07.0 o h i- aglnateddth luh dvt y fot ortef iF Iquest for road Improvements byCnena cho a n atcytBri.nTus imetoteetig hc at Lots 30 and 31 ocsin passed as well as a by-law toeday. Ibelieve 4. Counil1is oinesigat debenture for a sum ofFredaeplsdthtM.Itedscsio rote this secin fladurintg a $50,695.00 as a part of the Adelbert has@eundhm ebesland u rt (POMPAE NE aisection onobe r 11.,cost of the Kendal Public from the Rossm ora o-ihfordtos LomOnd aPeArEdON) rathe pcin nOcorlaSchool addition. pital, Lindsay. r.Mlomdmntae screen. .pado te A by-law was passed re- Accounts were passed in Mr. and Mr.GogBw-mknapedupis.A Th mnso wer Srscmnding a former by-law and the amounts of $18,326.54 forereod the wekndwtha.ait for hemmbr WaTermscowroe"heeLady setting up a Planning Board general, $1,292.31 for welfare, thBapmnfmlytNr. ad es aei:Bt oflthe Lake", and The rLling for the Township of Clarke, $11,272.00 for road and Bay..hese oods ere.smple outrye ernde ctresque. Messrs. Roy Foster. F. Gray, $2,043.49 for the Orono Police Mr. PaulChpaTrn Tegilaeasotut Hount.iwde eepoiesquAer- Robert Simpson, Leslie Mc- Trustees.-Orono Times. ,to, spent the ekn ihteatofgo oskei loyle was pictured, and Hugh ravs hreb wsm h ihsa McGegrore'eho edin chareiof E BSK I ENS aeB use the election was held yesterday, The M.P.P.; John Oldhuis, the moderator .R oei andLrinr ra y tiygip e4wthsepoedof thas eictured I LE ttemn ilnocarry reports of the details of the the Liberal candidate; Stan DeJong ' Sulstan nday w Ceithhrprns r att u h ohEp ponies. Each of the wild Our annual Thank-Offering Iative of Mrs. Hobbs. Iseveral three-candidate meetings that were held dur- Douglas Moffatt, the NDP c ngate pnelsatadand Mrs. Cclisn.Cunitrordnelcrcbal onies, which it is believed Service on Sunday was a M a s t e r Ross Leadbeater'img the past week. The above picture was taken last eveninga3- , candidate.metOn S hld atuenranMr.andMs.DugFllswyAthareBr( e eill soon become extinct - genuine evidence that "all spent the weekend with Don- Wednesday at the meeting held in Bowmavlle8 gte a -ucanit evmeeting was eld arEenTeerrantam, BwavllwrMarsorse.aptig rn bears a distinguishing black things work together for ald Trewin. Town Hall when areadineatedm ai csndidte Church wit ev. John Rome ricre he undilaymsupe. usswt e alnwie nteFnn nmark down the centre of its good." Even the proverbial Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Av- the hre e na pareudicetten d oeto he prta candid a alsoaspokentomstudnt spaoC t'Snpret, rs lakecalPottht ilinso Castle Stirling, an imposing and supplied mild weather. guests on Saturday ait the were, fromn left to right, Alex Carruthers the Prog- Chamber of Commmeeeing sonsore byOrno and decrailrb edifice, was shown, as were A large congregation gather- Brown-Avery w e d d i n g at ressive-Conservative candidate and now the re-elected omec nTusa.Iams afen aiyejydSnoomnopfrsl tEp mnany other historic buildings ed ait the I1 a.m. hour of wor- Bowmanville, where Miss Di- ay te rnonadeeig -,ept ayrJairp in different parts of Scotland. sh in the sanctuary which ane Avery was bridesmaid. e --------- with Mr. andeMrs.gRon eau s plan to turn partaof it There were views of Bannock- hacian atmosphere of a good Mrs. F. Toms accompanied LCom wre thilda Hump ofhey menthtollwdrs. ilasadfaiyrsaa.moapraenrxiiin burn, the battle field where harvest season with its color- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemon wee e convaw ersof he dntgetover nrad aW mes- Mr adyMs ereSllr,(h2rpaupa ol n Bobert Bruce beat the English ful touches of autumn flow- and family to Tyrone Thank- e i.eci . ra were lucky essaefogrtuatons a - nd-C'rilo, uyadSerymo-vle4ipvlosoto centuries ago. ers, grain, fruit and vegetables offering. Hupre wmner weeCoradesbaes iserfromZe Com-iamgvtwomdiasrrstEp',80pu.Ttahnet The largest suspension bridge which had been tastefully ar.. Miss Elsie Oke, Bowman- HumphrAn ey, Fkrnc telshBrce, msaderGertude illams visit wihepansM.mtmExcasbneti lài the world, the one and a ranged by Mrs. L. StaintnilMr and Mrs. Stan Tur- (FROM, PAGE ONE) Ael Nkron, EheMSak-Osaw.andr. EiMaronS-mteat$5mlin.Th hafml ogoea dn n iMreBettn vler.saa r. o o-cndeetn illie Bates, Georgina The application of Mrs. Tda.Fiacil ot rte sy ta bh, wasll picturoe d nwreaGodTrses oM ora raeBektt.' sto, ODavidand isaon, Presi ent W. Carter, Beryl Hughes, Audrey Lois Spencer was approved (FROM PAGE ONE) Th ansiigvstrswt oebsnese1le v places ofsspecitereast inue "waTrs the-les rs- ed e hoft stover present- Cooke, Bertha Williams, An- and accepted. She will be in. aeadviebigcoslM.adMs arnestre ositotg s thatcity.fTe ranerofInoure c harming gest speakyere . Dorland's- an br. dach ftese three Life nie Wright, Grace Murdoch, ducted into membership atîassociated with TV ney ndMalcolm adfml eeM.bttewoemte f e the amartsofhe adinurghf Mrs. DavmidNoreteaokte', M Drand'Ms. EgrWih members with a Crown Der- Margaret Lake, Thelma Little, the next meeting of thebroadcasts for rman ewrsoand s.GratBokGrlipsa tl ean pi Ctherconatrstofedwitbh the United hurheansetin Ty- andtt wrs.Ediitrs tWr.ietcup and saucer in the Leah Graham, Mildred Con- auxiliary. jWell qualified to sPears. On and GlS.Enn otHptear hr' omse bustlin modit PinesUrnewith he h neei"Whtand BtywM vstr S aerso n'strennial ose design. Sim- way, Lorna Adair, Florence Treasurer Bate, Comrades woldaffairs, Mr. Henderson adMsvSirosBwallen- ntee apten bset ich has shtyops and shalnirender untoe the Lora d lmu W nsi ifts cups and saucers, alse Knight, Annie Clapp, Helen Thelma Little, Lorraine Bru- haestravelled the world onsvill. I'seernbyr orhmsl Offies on one hsde and ny orall1his enefts towaLrd olmbanus, Erl reitesen omtht e xiiry, will Little, Dorothy R ic h ar ds, ton and Denise Annaert were war correspondent, TV broad-MrMr n Rs.Oie(orr ih o.TeFnnilPs gffrdesons ie ihandmulti-orme?" Mrs Nrtey einoddMDrenand MRseadb Teat e Comrade Is l oLt mbers, usie Graham, Audrey Bate, appointed representatives of caster, and author. Among the Earl BorenreradM.ofestopitsoadiet túde of flowers along the OP- her audience that thankful- accompanied Mr. and Mrs. C. Comrade MaryHayso a tyneman, Dnsean-the ol oa uiirto aetgte n c ris ots ehasvirsitdare atrLd r1r iiigEpwol-eihrtr fEp !,qte side of the thorough- ness comes from a healthy E. Horn to Tory Hill and call- were unableat be ayes whoJnae rtng.eSaon ad heldZon SOrsaMeeti - ng o umbere, Kora, Formos M lto odyast:mkeyuhcqiiin t#Edibrgte aialo indand trstinguheat e daesre.elndFa o EnEer Comrade Ada Ber aen nd nurrgt heshort business tobehe26thnOsaa nOcando-CuinaTrips, eIsr e nt teweeiOtaalglyMxpsaciuse otlandis note for it gard- ratitud followlaftern1)Sday.Plans were made for a trip Iron Curtain have resulted in Heaparent r'nùr.Ge.Ta ecadiemyntb ens, abyt very visiter Io ase n- "nhour of awakening",(2) dVMr.BiandSc roroughPeth Re ele t Ca rut ers s °o"n*°Nov e t . JourneulaTbSamarkand. More trip teEurdoperee tn oIsb nwl ac 1y t uelrl thtim. pain our o inr life",and islscith their pres, t a o.ou h hs Auxiliaries will go to Tor-recently Mr. Henderson has Maurice Nestt ransue ytemlin fvst ERinbu logicelGardens ofwple ishou Iert our tank s r.adrs. S. ethickart.(FROM PAGE ONE) onto and return by chartered been in Asia to make another her parentsan otetors th ollo faials ardnd rful inse u ice c ut be liv-M an Ms. ffieaStracaror LETONRTUNu-BWMNILE naeSecretary Kniht was film on the Viet Nam crisis. Sunday dinneranejodth ei r a so de it e d er ul iy.rv c iO ur m ster e lv . yl . en L t s, S ar o- E E T O E U N B W A V L En m e o v r f r t e L eg- R em em ber the date and resum e of L loyd s e pe i n e Voliws ofaHolr aod bHous e ly. Ou ry asisted wit uh , e y sr at r adMr. . v C ruter L vein M fftte Boawtlanquet to b lcW dOt 5a rnt on the Continen the hm ftetaicM r edro ervie.In addi Mr 'S • 1 99 Sovki M fftt heatd e Lgion. Hall on United Churých hall, for an in- M s ap alradM s Ven of Scosywre mHeo tiýo tofthevc Ir'sathem r. an MLambaccomanied--- ----- 9 97 65 Coradeevening this week. formative evening with Larry Janice Sadler, Ohwe-Ü Ë tehoand fthe tR a Ma ,'t now tehn e o d", wntem to rS. L yo pn iey . - - - -..- 18 8 75ena Bathgate and Henderson. joyed Saturday ihM s o it'shisoricoasociatieons as njoyed ankdelightuolo by the.une ra.Lychape, Te 3A2----.---897251 th mrade Susie Graham were bert Sadler anisViannvtm t 0,an s hown RMrs. FraneStenger"Ith err e aboouha, Thpay 3BA83 495 te entertamment convenors. Sadlier, Bowmavllwhl Thefil'inlued t Yu o d wit Mrs Cham- teirrse cts toaunl, the 4 -------4950 Everyone present was delight- fl Mr. Sadler wasatnigheCrfcte Aberdeenwheeaaae hr rsdn teogn.ltheGeTompkins. • ---------- 76 67 38 ed by the excellnt program akeios Sl tHls The fRoya lud a vt eses res Alla We rand isMrurteWih,5 __ _ 97 3presented by the Bowmen burgh. erdein color uafoarch- KfeithrMcGillanwer th usersStoney Creek, spent the 6. ._ _118 74 2Pure, r et lemn r'n r.BueHalpNWRT ern cmarhi n torthe as assisted by Mr. Chas. Ashton weedwt e arents, 7. 86 105 .Keith Jugý ackn, K e oki er uda upeget içnrk ed yteGordonHi gh In the distribution of 'the Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wright. 8. .~~~6952 anvd Dog Rackha:Teyfr- with Mr.E) Buce and Ms.Ali Klads Ptpe Gand. itu "Orders of Service" and a Her brother Herbert return..• --0-95 ,e retapas o FO AEON)BueadMroiPr lùat occe aind.was Huer odo ecoe rap ed her home.- 9. 1 0 their singing and witty patter. CuclrNiksone Perry. MajestccQueen Elia eth rn Virtue was In charge of the'issat ndois M. Ashton, RN., 10. ---03 99 57 .1.1 by Councillor Rundle, moved There was no riceih hae h usbanPrincethp, J. ogrgtin.MdmS feren ' Ba month's con- 11. ---- 8 8169that council invite the SchoolUntdCucSdamo- Due f dnbrgboh Jer . DraA. . WerrLd ythahidarieposres2.7 8 9Board to attend the next img,.as it wasCamsFl erghesplnd inobsote Shrp ndK. cGll on en'M Br dries d ociety. 7897~¯ Board of Works meeting. This Anmversary. .1T ER ½ rderfthe s Thnirstl. thedhe so . cialhor an eli- Stantoand Mrs. Leonard • ----. 94 64 64 (FROM PAGE ONE) was carried. A c.mmunica-pev. idtlipk me1 gvt Are t ethi lctefrco sochiwhihuwasd seved tain were Sunday vis - 4. . 100 87 31 classrooms are on the site- tion from Pine Ridge School splni akt h hlrn Mnmm•Dpst40 AerstighplndeHomeIn heS.S rom isestrs of Mr. and Mrs. David a former cow pasture ¯ws eere0o h Bad f"insrofne". ecoea urned- st urstie Hop ih its eeI- GretheNSelsenmand Lindea MrsonHerbourg. Totals 1358 .L282' 832 The official openirig Satur- Works on a motion by Coun- herm on Wa eAe- PicpladItrs lent stock öf handcrafted Avery assisted In the opening returned h aitnhas d we'esay ofafernonfoledt. the.coillor us,.seone Cbheire We tndtusc aaaIDVoi articles, was shown. There worship service .at the Sun- vacation wirnefrom anweek sDARL staNGertgof Robses, Sp 8. Conllor romAut. ' w- ascovidtte yNsltn -nuacMme were beautiful mohair coats day School session with our C gih d rs. TONnGenorg e cod r coRs onoberts in A st reCh ir wih- rs1L wrnc ndjackets, Fair Isle sweaters, e raseSuperintendent A. J.*'.nis wa lln erry PilCarruthers Lovekin Moffatt I n te ctfsecndaprsdh of eo ig e o ajeteteleryes e- Mlcl tte n. ETA NAI teresan weedso.ufore r. asanMst. MJ. obsattended a cousin's party at 1A* ---- --- 113 111 57 the Oshawa Camersdeof on rcIceing tretrbjcedothThrea oestn4H"etn"RS AIG table iwsfe R yal Targto hv rr. nd mrs e M J.rom a heo me akvM1.and Mrs. 1B merce, said: "We have waited hrough *hch jewellery hr ia Gmets"mtfonhirCRORTOg tabeudingofthe hRedsl tof tvript teheoestcotaon ay , Okve, on Sun- 2A --- - 100 85 50 too long to follow the ex. out of town firms ls sold attird e mig t r.Lw mcin g usinsping teh ng sofinpanouerth Isnd.OasndthedVÍ. adMs usl r Bample of Ryerson Polytech- house parties. Mr. Hooper renceO tober3hom nlr-aia wo hnerf usectacle, asmem-i reatiove, Iss an nenJontBeMr.andmpany usell w ith M . . - - -5 4 4mnh old ntb2n so ld ab eeBe e T e etn o m ne S Child's Model Lotus Racer will take pace October 23rd,th ballots will be forwarded to Toronto where you will have a chance toCLRETWSI _wmn one of 10 New Ford Cars to be drawn at a later date. PllCARK utE rsTOWekNP COME IN TODAY . .. FILL OUT YOUR BALLOT . .. NO OBLIGATION PolCruhsLveiMfat 1.------------- 114 105 39 LS À 1966 FORD LTD 1965 MERCURY 3. 859 155 26 - 2-Dr. Hardtop. V-8, automnatic 4. - -- --8 3 2105i2 with power steering. Lic. L15033. %-Ton Pickup. 5A17149 This car is exceptional. Must be seen SA 157268.114 93. to be appreciated ! 1L6c. 32726r6B. 5BSat 7. 3 4 3.71 1965 MUSTANG 1965 MERCURY 18.7 4 1 all 2-Dr. Hardtop, V8, automati. Monterey 2-Dr. Fully equipped. 9B10389 Lie. J1561.Lic. K21317. Totals --.41 '641 363 1963 CHRYSLER 1962 DODGE DART DRA ONYEETO EUT 4-Dr. Sedan. Lic. J77935. "330 Seriez". Lie. K14484. Carruthers Lovekin Moffatt IMEDIATE DELIVERY P.r. .pe'9840 9|0658 on 96 mdes nw n tok .. ad 967lo mlege Manvers . 458 201 205 on 96 m dems o n strt tokbe cleared 16-| ilseCavan --480 186 170 FRTCOMnttErs to. . IRT ERVED B wmanville -- 1358 1282 882 FIR T C U R !F M T SI M E DD aUr 00 242 51 5 thTooautions te serve You Better" Clark ngton-- 1062 928 5 ALDBO E .- 219 aieNG ST. E. Newcastle 2" 1 i8 os OSS-W52saRING ST. W. Borany - 79 55 18 2*o i rmo BUY NOW 2 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-3361