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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Oct 1967, p. 7

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- - ~ - 2 TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Minister - Rex'. George K. Werd, B.A., B.D. Organist- Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M, SUJNDAYO, OCTOBER 22nd t-An iversa rg cýervies 11:00 a.m, "What's at the Hoart of the Univers.?" 7:00 p.rn. "Christians FoIIow Christ" Guest Preacher: REV. S. R. HENDERSON, B.A., B.D., MiQister of Lincoln Road United Chur&i Windsor, Ontario Congregationai social heur follow-ing the evening ~rvice with Historical Exhibit and refreshrnents by the U.C.W. Special music wil b. rendered by the choir Mornint Soloist- MRS. S. J. BLACK Evening Soloist- MRS. LLOYD AYR£ An Organ Recital wiII b. presented at 10:40 a.rn. and 64 p.m. A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALIL Monitor recomiends yon reasl your local i ewspaper Your llnewer kesol- formed of w lts hapeflgi nyoulir area-community events, public meetings, toies a*out pele in your vicinitY. These you cant-Imd shouldn't - do without. NOTE MITOR COMENT S YOuE LOCAL PIE The Moaitor sweim a aanalyia and interpretmg national and word Rern ..,. with exclusive dispatches from me 01f the la!Xest ne Ws remus idi the nation s capital and from Monitor ReWs experts in 40 oversas dmo an d a8l 50smaes. TayTu TEmhhS - i à APMPR TMIE VIOLE FAMLY WVILL EN18Y TMe Ckwm unSulb.moMuuin :mst:rassscustts, OM 02115s Plmov tm y mmdv mm «lttufo pan ___ _ PR ESCP #5 KING STREET WEST ICREGOR RIPTIONS 1.D-XREMEDRUGS I.D.A. REMr-D+8ES PHONI. 6134791 - ~ ~ u r c s t c l rt d a . h ose mf m e th e am b u lan ce arriv ed T h e C an ad fi an S te gm a , E w n v l e O c . 1 , 1 6 wrese ndclbrt ih hl ya maIiI I Ui k I m w th oxygen. d-'Sca19ersonat ohamidne ouner M.Donald Foley, Mrs. Moearfitheeue&freted are iisbed ec>' openef pociBase LUne;. Vaend C M enot as seios. T ange fadilities in the buildin.I hl xahsbeih Phone Mn. Paul Mclntyre and Bren- IXA0ISC0 through nase bleet ,epInes manned b>' four S.Jh rgrsohrtns0 t Po e 623-3303 da, Miss Ginny Smith, Osha- headeches, acrpes, fainting, Brigade members whovtes aeba wa; Mns. H. R. Faley, Miss wse ankies. cut feeti- tre$ted as many as 41> 4Bannie Polley, Bow man vle r oe v cer ,b U s s u b r an j st f ri or ig - After dinner, the eveplng was peop e Mrs. . A.Garto h i re-Marti visted r. an Mrsls:get maZg a recor. A edicteersnd obruiOnesn suk aurnk endel'ust sfore alarntingatIor olight-he aaded-xo Th deccioerai.x turned home from Ohawa Allan A. Martin, Port Credit, igfor hsgrandson and and wamen - 2,700 strong -wtotpyt ehs i.Taadrse er ta the medical vstrsdayh ie x0tateS . Johnfncton: sUiea %General Hospital. on Sunday. Mrs. M artin hec fa il>, Rev. and Mrs. re giving wore o i i Brig adedembe s bit.m Gre a n c. rua imiar cah aends, it la estlmated that more ce as been one af s ri s d en nna T ai n Caa Mr. an MrsFrank en bhelin Eelpaeoman whaseowetangueanhadmmyaallen rthan 3p ome o acasesBrigdelmhaves rdelGratt.lnManyInaa ithose eueeat-an*van0.casts islaivl parthtaMana fCeno ciS.ToissetTa ns-pital for some time and had Hahra Baiad the last eptesc rti on evc tEp a hs Mr S. Tas Ms Frnk TKeny sI>' ' <>l Hou C ofweil, Su , admmy and heireldeystat he sicka Brtn foun service etbeen handled. f!vinq weekend w ith M r. and Ji ust r t r ed h m .is n ng a a recording roomand injured et xpo a greatng ro w ay ta get ta kn aw b ck into is thr at w as saved On i t e b s e t s a s a ed e t' te r e s er i e - wis e t e 1 ,0 0 S . J h Mrs. E ward Tice, Edsall Ave. ý Miss Kim Masters, Park- the femil>' in Brazil and vew- Members ai the St. John he country. b>' fast action. Oram afirthea id st d po t s as the S t. ohn Br si n tb - Bia e n m er in C ad Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Orr, wy Crescent, ccompanied ing sides the>' had sent. Mr. Ambulance Brigade, the>' are Several Expo visitrs owe! An ff-duty St. John volun- been the Meditheatre in the ing active In the United Sae.gv oeta 0,0 ar Rsseu, visited Mr. and Mrs: er uncle and aunt. Mr. and Foley was the reipient or, al volunteers and the srvice their lives ta the St. Jabn tee ra art Arthurcamne "Man and His Healt" pa- In addition ta their srieo evc i ti re perence St., over the past ta Montreailest Thursda>' ta birthday cards. pasts is free. 1throaa began to swell rapidlywhwb d toed gring peion wea re itelsh o rn. inlncte als prpare. a socin Weekend. spend a few days et Expo.C They camne tram ail parts af and she would have choked ta He immediatel>' applled arti- mid-May, in respanse ta an first aidcorehaws ~vÂr. wen r îcnoîa, A.L T ret rned ome an sns- anada ta put in seven or 14- deat, if the St. John Brighde ficial respiration and w as able urgent request fram Expo en ta al Expo securit> e - alt e t m - u h i h a Su da' a rigues t slte n A y. r. nd re. Cha ce day tours af duty at Exo. member ad fot Identfied It ta restore breathing by the authaitiès, St. John estab- sonnel and ostesses beloe Uc sg acrn rty coe T..servc in rhinster Hoar, Barbera and Tom, Wil- MRS. LUCY GJLMER..SMITII Churcb, Oshawa. 1 lowdale, were Sundey dinner wAfter n illness af several Joh ad on tantnguests of the former's parents. weeks, the deatb accurred et M eo h en Ga v ed wR e ta n t n M r . a n d M rs. E . V . H o a r, K in g S r ah a v n R s H m , B Viston wih teirgr ekend St. East, in celebration af Miss m vile, on Oct. 6, ai Mrs. Vents Mn. end r. ricStarnlBarbara's birthdey on Tues- Lucy Gilrner Smith, in ber pieefciiuf tan, Church Street. ,dya swe. 99th year. Born et Bnooklin, MLsh4y c " 21 Mrs.DarthyBissli i Ln- ers. ,Don McGregor, Le- Ontaria, she came ta Newton- don On., es eturie b rneryMls Stan Gnaham and ville et an early age, with ber atter spending the weekend 1 r. A. F. McKenzie neturned parents, Mn. and Mrs. John with hen sîster, Mrs. A. G. an the eeend fram a week's Pethick, and ather members ai Brooks, Division Street. ynoose bunting in the Goaeme ber femil>', and hene she ne- district. Dr. McKenzie was ceived ber schooling and lived Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fnankitbe anly one lucky enaugh ta most of ber lite. For years have retunned tram attending came home with a moose. she sang alto in the chair ai theCandia Asocatin o ýMr. and Mrs. Haward Pick- the aid Methadist Church Real Estete Boards Annuel ' rci had a surprise visit tram (now the United) ai which Convention et Vancouver, B.C. 1n.Pikrscuin a ndbs she was a member. 1' u.Is 5 Miss Cheryl Stainton, Maple band, Meýkr.r ci and rs. ar In 1887, she became the wite Grave, spent the weekend Baadsvik, Vancauver, B.C.KThe ai John Gilmen, whose deeth with her uncle and aunt, Mr. Beadsvike were returning occurred in 1898. Umm cousin Suzanne, Southwey trip. Mrs. Pickerd had not R. Smnitb, died in 1938. She is Drive. seen her cousin, tbe former sunvived b>' ber oni>' son, Mr. and Mrs. Neil McDon- iNancy Martin, for aven 20 Franklin John Gilmen, ai New- aid, Ian, Karen, Patricia and years. tonville, her ani>' deughten, Heetrerand.R. 1, Owen SoundWinnitred Kimbal having pre- visiLted their aunt, Mrs. Ge.' .edMs.G1 ud deceesed ber in May', 1969. with their deughter and son- Two brothers, Elmer O. Peth- W. James, King St. East, On' in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Alan kaiTonoedSedn Sauda.Beard, had a pleasant surprise R. Pethick, af Enniskiilen, are Mr..and Mrs. Hugh McDon-, last week wbile attending the ol e aig ebr aid, Brown St., have neturnedj Expo, when the were able nfteoi>'nalming nier tram Mantreai, Que., ate'agte very c ose view aiof mtbsdrc spending several deys therelPrincees Margaret and ber decidenat. nld ee witb their deughten, Mri. husband, Lord Snawdon, wbile gdcnden anclde19seven )Xnýlyn Prue. they were visiting the Australie grendchiid ren. The funenel Mrs. Percy Mutton bas re-l-Building. wes beid et the Nortbcutt turned home after e visit MnJ n Mrs. Chas. Johns5, Elliatt Funenal Home, Oct. 8, with hen son Donald and tam- Libe,-rtynSt. North, witb their in charge ai a former pestor, fi>' et Hawkcsbury. While grendsan Loren Pascoe and, Rev. R. C. White, ai Oshawa. say, Mrs. Mutton enjoyed hi ie Betty, Osbawa, spent Pelibeerers wene tive grand- tbree days et Expo.let ee visiting Expa and sans, George and Jack Kim- Conrauît~ ~an betaiso celed o teir deugh- bl'al, Raymond, James and wishes ta Mr. and Mrs. W. j. ters and sons-in-lew, Rev. Phiiip Gilmen, and Alfred E. (Hi> Ormiston, Church St., and Mrs. S. E. Snawden, Grabeam, busbend of ber aniy Who ceiebreted their 4th ShewviIje, Que., and Mr. and grenddeughter. wedding annîversen>' on Set- Mns. Ron McDonaid, Belleville, Flowers tram -relatives, tram iarday, October l4tb. and families. her men>' tniende and neigh- rMK ha,.4....-a.. .1A mae Mn. Donald Cnamp hec re- Mr. and Mrs. W. Bennett, bours, Newtonviiie Unitedr VIMEGI turned ta Long Island, New tawn, eccampanied Mr. and Church, Women's Institute (aif Yrk, ater spending the Ms. John Stainton ai MaTp k wbch she lid been a charterMa ensT ti Pst Thnsiigholiday with bis Grave ta Ottawa lest Setur ay member), the U.wet 14 oz.N PeWnts, Mn. and Mrs. Reg. where ail wene guests at the were tokens ai thýCe etm Cramp, Fnederîck Avenue. wedding oi Mn. and Mrs. Ben- wbich she lies beid b>' ail. ug lr.1 Guests et the home ai Mn. nett's gnendson, Allen Maynes, Interment wes et Lekeview- and Mrs. Russell Gilbernt land Miss Nancy Asbby in Cemeten>'. the weekend wene Mn. Don- Ottawa. They wene overnight aid Gilbert and fiancee ao' guests ai Mn. and Mrs. W. VICTOR ROY HOOPER- Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Wili Ash- Moynes, Ottawa, retunning, Foiiowing an illncss ai taur ton, Ceesarea, and Mnr. Ayimern hme.on Sunda>'. and a hait yers, tbe deeth ai ]Hening af Oshewa.Mn. and Mns. Sydney Ven- Victor Ro>' Hoaper, 75 yeans, Mn. and Mns. Gardon C tan spent the lest twa weeks accurred et The Lodge Nurs- at the borne oi thein saon Dan- ing Home, Newcastle, an Sun- aid in Peterboraugh. Wbiie day, Octoben 1, 1967. they were thene, Mn. and Mns. Son ai the late Mn. and Mrs. penteCOS Donald Venton spent ane J. T. Hoopen, the deceesed wasUm en c st wcekcnd et Part Carling with born in Bawmanville, receivcd Cmn Pt'l iDnl'sFaen (Beta) bis education in town andBAE eui lbrothers and wives. The otb- nesided here the wboie ai bis Mntj0hgie" len weekend was spent et Expa. lue. The tamiy iived fon iq i Cluurchi Next weekend Donald and man> yeans et 22 Carlisle Ave. ASPIRIN H I PA j*wfe liabehScott and He was pncdeceased b>' bis Atd 73 Liberty' St. 8. Mer>' expect t be bene with wifc, the former Mer>' J. An pho st e Alka-Seltzer 'Mo S Phone 623-5100 hi aets r adM s atsin 1964. ser Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, BT b Sydniey Venton. ta attend Mr.'Haaper was employed et T2 =SirTles Triit Uitd huchAnî-Genenel Matons ai Canada, T KUD RJJ HEAR j e Unitd Chrcb a-end netined six yeene ega. He 6 c 759Ct19 9 SA adOn Sunday, Octoben 15, Mr~. was a member af Tninit>' Unit- 2 OZ. tube 79c 'VIV LARNING E. W. Foie>' was guest ai bon- cd Church,. and was als aa Sug sl 1.29Su. t79 VI ERIG or et a dinner part>' beld et member ai the United Auto New yswith a western the ameofbis daugbter, Mrs. Warkers, Local 222. 51S Ch touch Colweil, n the occasion Surviving are tbree daugh-s c tuhtens and anc san, Mrs. Arthur cL~ - formeriy with the Humnpege (Gertrude), Mrs. sugeDouble Edge 6ee.3 4 SmlyBurnette show Floyd Bredd (Pet), Mns.Litaz N p r in l Smie ieOpyREHOBOTH Manian Swindells and Ken- 5 -ais Grand OeOrneth. ad3Bae ChritianRefomed The funcrel service was s p oatre - rad o an T V s arsbeid tram the M arrie Funenal »b w Miitrn nAlT r eChurch C b a p e 1, Bowmanviilc, an 5 C8 CBxo 2LoyS Ministring n AllThreeSetagog Street Tueda>', Octoben 3rd, and was « 'grit .4 ILVSEM 9 Services:: oaiTninit>' United Chunch. TI-roa m terment was in Bawmanviile ~*.* . .., 9:55 ar. ev, A. VandeaBerg, Cemeter>'. .., . .SUROau Sundey SchoolB.A., B.D., M.TIS. Palibeaees wcne neph wsMesrs.Fra k S UN-l i u _ 1100a.n Worship Services er, Arthur Hoopen, His Wor- Z- * MrigWrhnship Mayar Ivan Habbs .. 'g if3.2 n 19 'q à 1 9-Y 1 Ti

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