k . . t~~~~~~~lThe CmnaduinSaemn omn'le c.2.16 - b ro u g h . bruc Tlihm, EdituIe nntae at Km eU e Club M&Gwgv acnf cial CameoPinsan sh sh::ed nlle:îu~: et ao 5,Ea jhiefTakes Advanta e hf dr:;:svvàrad rangotLersuGuebsts Meeting z sucha: aiclfi.cld leof the e htons Of différen*t efdectily ecoa ihMni alr21 ia s î z s n d h a e s , w h c h r e t - T h e B o w m a n v i l l e K i n e t t e S e c r e t a r y B r o w n r e a d a r c v e a g f t r m t h c l b o e y p m n e d e i n .B l y 2 0 , o n e H t n G . edqitean ntee 111i the Club's Mothers andGetlttronBad Chairman for her infant son. The "I:~ This paidris fl125adovr-L i ne Ih uruir 1 g tif d butAttendanceIlTab waInn pnt- tii datero stofeMfiriat Ho phtaur ,"' AttorgeceGTanvillee- 26l;ftLa th hosses and- one~, - il evening was a grat success thanking President Fuire sented to 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Gow pote ot. h xare2,Jck had81 IM onths away frein Christma., te break Irto et east -three Re-check your w indows ands yl r, of collecting te . get - o .Preside nt Vîrgînia Faîreyer on or peron m nathe generousa y or the . udonationewo ld reofr a$130ten ya la.arealyt e ocanKne tusdf wIri M rr yNb wesi envillene t ýa frady after extrahom es on Sunday evening. doors, m aking certain they m aony fone bject. A c ec nd t Ve guest a irQ the fo ra se oaianlofwa130r and Ke ttet r w , tc.i b q al nL d e éy ôcaring where or, If it Isn't safe to attend an are locked and nlot jut clos- nhttee, Mrs. S . Lesl1eilsfrs. and Mr.1 . dwe i . M ate the head table, which was other equpment which had ket convenor for the Kinettes vele, a d as n cia i il m 0, M ra V g ioÙ.ta' arrange a slate di-f dt1cers t by an exquîsite ar. been needed by the Physio- Hallowe'en Dance ta be held gasond od h hwdcs12 n oes10 perhaps we had ail best take Should you sec a stranger fo 98,t e o a tnge mn of pink, bronze, therapy Department. at the Lions Centre on Satur- teKiete ndter ust husa Mxdv"00aa it id un hue achn. rkn arudwee OUttxmeing wh cich ta and yellow. chrysanthemumai The letter paid tribute to day evening, October 28th, a ceramic tilehn ane vr- nmrZlu 5, WIthe a a ctal*A servcernnhe hoits quitetruhomes luknw thresou n t wher oe e ttt an o n E c adyliwssasal9h8oo oeby reported on the plans for in an rexquisie sg ay26 Mr evening in the United or cars will get broken into telephone the police rightl Pherson, Uxtbridg bac-eedMcr»o seIrclm e ated Sn i e itsite has m e hs kawy Oesnly ôiheone mb lete o . E Mmin a silver container, were the Kinettes, and invited this event, and discussed ar- colora.Ibton26 ag cla $haand another lady visitîng mind Up ta that, at leait we co-operating cari these. per! the presldent's mnother, Mr therapy Department. Ail the decarations. mired a beaifu ui ht éof town when somc shadylcan take extra cure not ta sans be stopped. John Werry, a past presdenset, qipent in that department Kinette Audrey S le ep, had been enhancihlv- ia ie 0 n ------Secretary Betty Brown, lie; has been danated by the Chairman of the Christmas ]y designs ail o hc ee vr-RnGo 0,B? inother Mms. D. Daîziel, Osh- Kinsmen and Kntes. Pre- Project, explained that the done by thisseilpitMdl 28 aeCake29 awa, Mrs. Irene Gow, Osh- aident Fairey told the club club had purchased wool to Mrs. Gow ais xiitdqW iac o c 25 ar awa, Kinette Bey Welsh, a that she will arrange such a be used by each member to excellent picturspitde-Pac 3,KyPwl 3 Newcastle, Ontaria Williams, a past president. head of the Physiotherapy mittens, and headgear, whichTeCmodcrtia'es ",EelnEbe 2,Rt October '2rd, 1067. Guest.s present included Department. will be diatributed te the any abject wil atte]fCUh 1,Jc oms27 A t rr iver ary Serv cesDea~r Eitr f members o the Oshawa Treasurer Ruby Woodwrad needy by the avtn Army. of the fabrie.a:wl vn 1i, (2 TmSih21 A n n i v r s a r S e r i c e sKinete Cl b, K nett s Elen pr sent d a atisactor fin M errilareHd tnry a206,n-Francarme Itwsawneflexperi- Sanders,' Elsie Lowe, Mary ancia] statement. lst Vice- ette would knit five articles. Dsrc aae ad Newcastle:- Anniver s a r 3, ward Christian Soldiers." Rector and many of bis con- tunity ta hald aur Lions Attic e Mr, Marie eloClaPat residtnt CoIie Wisema ýervice was held wîth twolThe senior choir sang "Can- gregation frein St. George's Auction Sale last St a. The aylo rdZeen nzief'mth e d thafo wt buseuing winrfteSeilD .tbe usamedbycla .Mno20 odG i o r v i c e s t t h e N e w c a s t l e 1 t c l e o f P a s î h G e n l c a h r h e c s i , W t p c e n e e dtrl c l eta t e C u , sid e to t h e tC$ hf r i s lt as bo e c tu s e n T h e r a w o t h e S 'pe c i D a w e m a e h l b o u e Alnsinging a solo, "The Rev. T. Snelgrove and visi- niany donations fompeople lclKwttolbnr. o h hrsms poec eTtD as fo guesa' rzs veiap l anthe pantdt, e hrho udyiodsMy Shepherd" Mr. tors freim Newtanville United wbose children wilonbe using StuttMras. Arthur Hooper, passed for payment. This was was Ola foos:M.apisth pan sm thv VWft ua pae ev. W Banister spokt an Strengtb Church, with several frein the arena. Howeyer, thet- ulMRs.S oweMrsecpad b Kt d Adatanue F. Banister af Kingstoni For Living" St. Paul's United, Bowman. standing donations were made HE. , MJ . S olr Ms1lean are. nr eMrs. WalynFwe Prdy a sed" s. Gowsatdde Ing and evening services. "'Today's Great Requirement." Banister frmerly inistred. children but were doing it for Kir. A . M ser, ws pse o payment on a Kinette. Jean Williams, a orkn ops om ae ra wîcn6 3 - 3 3 In - th t m rn in g , th t Ju n io r' T he S e n io r C h o ir sa n g th t F o l lo wi n g th t e v e n in g se r- th e rs. M M rs. W n e ur d yE rs. R o y e , M u roi son y Kn e tte ElK an -o fp a t h pe side n t, sin har g e w o. r n g orn edi h t e a Choir join d in ht c urch ymn I Lov Thy Kingd m". ice, unch prep red y tht Tht onati ns a dWdeyner cMulen, M s. E J. RRndie oMuro ch, ecandtt by Km- o tht eveni g's rogra . Tr nsfer and other acca-rge for the frst time this 'sea-j It was a very large attend- ladies of th t U.C.W . was ser- of a load of purrpkins from M sah ma atr rs . et B a M io.She calld on KCinette Kay sa es rt bti be aso mon, and sang tht first versei'ance at bth services. Guests ved by members of tht gentleman outside ur village A. Osmond, Mrs. Mel Wise- Kinette Bey Welsh on be- Cain, who is also a past pre- During the aac fte Of ihe children's hymn, "On- during the evening were th Hîgh C. was also very graifying. Spe- nan, Mrs. Allan Clarke, Mr. haf of the club presented anl sident, ta introduce tht guestl evening ail the ietsat cial thanks ta auctioneer« Lloyd Eileen Taylor, Mrs. Lewis W. attractive gift to Mrs. John speaker, Mrs. Irene Gow, their guests haf elgt bIP ANsented the prceeds to tht Stphenson and to tht two Rund, Mrs. Phyliss Mcfob- Werry, and another ta Mrs. Oshawa. Kinette Cain tod fuly interestingtmsn Artificiai Ice Committet. Lionettes for looking afttr tht bit, Mrs. Norma Welsh, Mrs. Roy MeMullen, who recentîy the club that Mrs. 'Gow is tht paints and matal ditbu new lofoth very firt Tht Auction Cmmitte, Mrs. Kevin Chiiman, and valuable service, for a district that extends on, handkerchesadsith M olvees f Ye ter ea r ject, and there bas been a lot M ovies of Y ester, ~ ~~~~~~~of fund raisin: an: fret labor S L MKnteDnaWyeas rm Trnot oor oes ta make this the arena tht A E ... pepl of Newcastle have Sh w n by C R C rv t dreamedofors long. It's Yeu are invited ta attend Sh w y C .C r e h stili not finished, but each g avs oeSrieo time samething tise is added, Saur H art Homerv iceon On Wednesday, October 18.,have ta be thankful. Mrs.i rnai htdsrt a-ing articlrsi cm despite th t rainy weather, a Chapman sang two lovely ô ae .. . hl hi Jane Parker Rg A U S aregathering of ladies and solos, How Great Thou Art" ithin tht next few days,'October metting in tht church two gentlemen thoroughly and "I Set God" which add- we'Il have several littie guesta with Mrs. Ken Shackleton and o en oyed aId movies shown byl ed greatly ta thte osîpsr knocking at aur door asking ber group in charge. Tht R. Crvet, wh wasin vce Drîngthtshprts- for "trick or treat." Yes, it'a meeting apened with tht wor- Pie 5 troduced by Mrs. R: B Rîc- nes perîod, PresîdentMrtatim ofyragî,itshpsvce Mrs.RaaLn A ~AM I kard. Ht called is shwng, Rudell welcomed tht mem.- Hallowe'en is just arund tht gave tht Bible reading, Mrs. R E**~li Pk s J "Bits and Pieces of Yester- bers and espcially the guests corner. For many, tey will K. Shackleton gave tht Medi- VI<A <I Ia' year". Many of tht groupl from St. Georges Agia be taken frein door ta door tation. Two hymns were sung H U MRA reoognized theniselves or their' Church, and introduced Mrs. with an aduit, but just as and Mrs. Shackleton closed Greenri G2tina49 cblidren or animals in the Hayne, wife of tht Rector of many wiil be an their own with prayer. Mirs. L. Welsh pictures. Mr. Carvtth, who St. George's, and Mrs. Smith and ail caught up in fun and gave a reading. Mrs. A. Gree Gint QUAAIO in alwaya wiiiing ta take thewfoft Newcastle Uie excitement. If yau are drîving, Stephen, in ber usual capable TIIERE BE P EA *S FNYQAIY4 ~8 time and trouble ta show hi iiter. piase remember that any mariner, gave two chapters of FAUEPIE movies, was thanktd by Mrs.1Seanuce h ein er of children are cross- tht Study Book on Canada. W. udeiPreidet,'Onbe meinofn theu..w.in ing tht streets with masks that Our President, Mrs. S. But- 'W uel rsdnt'nb-meigofteUCW nctoff their Vitw ta a greater tery, cariducted tht business. 1NA FR I3CK1?B G 5 (LEAN S R 3 4-z nane49 liaîf of tht U.C.W. ýOshawa on October 23rd ani degret than narmaily. It's up Thty regianai meetings are be- A osi evc n tht Turkey Supper on Nov, ta the adults ta assure tht ing beld* at Si. Stephen's A & P Brand SV 0 thenit of Tbanksgiving wasI 4th. Mrs. Smith invited the hlrnoasle vnigCucOhwanOt.2Ntmcl p.resented by members of! ladies to Open House at thet bîdre of ath safestevenindCuch, Osawa on Oct. 3.tmuh 'Unit 3, who had preparedi Parsonage on October 25th eva e tisth afstot a de lcksîd o py on ct 3l n fact, we think just enough IN STA N T 6-z the meeting. Mrs. G. Grayr and Rev. Smith spoke of tht neIgi heNwa tleas e cifted pa a urd ta hold the fruit aoncl' nuts in place. read the Cal ta Worship andl Annivers ary Services on Oc- Onea-iPhtNwasrkhaeofttearnge n Fruit Cok read tht acripture taken fromi oe 2di h hrh Lions Club are preparing toa and ta give a donation ta the Yeu see, aur Jane Pakr4ritCk thePslm. rs M Pdwllcanvass tht village in their "Ovex and Above Gîfts". Coin- k a'ver 3y3 fruit and nuts. tii. lprerah nd Mrs. M. Pedw A cheque and donation of annual appeal ta "Heîpi the mittees for our bazaarwill. be ~ ediipae a-plsu o - ithýntennial flags for --he Blind." Our local club wiîî be chosen ut ur November Every cke Is just bursting with îy h nnwt tables for tht turkey aupper bald their canvasa on Monday meeting and election of officers canadien Cherries, pineapple from tht FurEat hy n 'o T a ksiin . wee reev d rin M . u - v ni g O tbe 0-k.en wll ase b . -- s ca Ma-a. -B. Rogkamp dedicat- seli Honey, M.P. During a a member cala aut your home tîme foliowed tht meeting, citron froin ltaly, sun-drenched -raisins frein Californiao e4: bî,i oUleing and gave a- social time' at tht close Of be l apeae.yud'r-$Bs wiîîsfrased n etypcosfenteSuh though tokfî ieditation tht mneeting, Unit 3 served tiens. apelt o r o eteishs. fourspey admaypeasfo teSuh oné the reasons Canadis refreshments. u red n ih o lda who is a patient in Me- AND ONE OTHER TH-ING YOU SHOULD KNOW: w ee r M osparaethBar Harvey Strang who bas been TSHES EWODFU.CK.- in Mmra osia hsmarial Hospital. Also ta Mr. ' H AEW NEFLCK..Outipan Valencia, Sweet, Juicy, L ock art, M rs. E lizabeth M c- M . D v d S a k e o t 4deal for Ha lowe'enNEW S? l e c tï>Ilfalttrick, Mrs. Olive Mea- tended the 4-H Inter-CountyIST -ATGO NE ? awsDavd SawMrs ReinaCompetitions at Guelph last Is ltcony wonder Jane Parker Fruit Cake CRO Vaie ef r rc s ont af Canada's most popular Fruit Cakes? DOZEN er ~Vliegar, Mrs. Ina Wbitney and M.dMa-s.H Donbeads9 Chants WM attnd tht HDClub edesJ it ony wonder it's become such a favourite gift item? S o i l ara1Banquet at St. Paui's United lu Jcone Pocer Fruit Cake a goaod reason for shopping A&P? NN OEPIE Newcastle - Postmasteronto 1ast week when ail Tr- weekend at the home of j'ack Wade recently returned onto was clebrating "England Lynda's parents, Mr. and Mrs.ETTTT 1 oronto bybair after spend- ek hl hr h a William Caîl, Saturday guests £1ENFIELDA ;gan enjoya le thiree we-- -eek . hl t er iews were Mrs. Cal's sister and FEATURE PRICUY ftî riends and relaie namrong tht many who persn- er husband and family of Our Thank-ffering service JANE PARKER 11/2LB PIECE $1.39 COC ULT Englan and ales.ally saw Princess Alexandra Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Was helate dSunday __ ?4r. and Mrs. Ernest Gilbanki The Newcastle Lions Club Dawn. A cambined birthdayi afternon. Th gutmi-1 and avid Oro a, ere un- atd a atep r o n. A lr e w n Ly d ha be bi h ay B A, B D, B a d, as st t and a l, An e ila el h i uti n sl n p rt ee aaia a ed ite, t t RvmWi. S ihl__3 b $. 9A&iOAOS1 8f:rsP I E warm and smncere. -- Mrs. ara S mi o er sup- ~rU5uiIThe sympathy of tht village ervioneof amvery successful Mos WHOLE LEGS WHOLE BREASYS .W NG __ extended ta Ma-s. GlaItsmsvening.on - Pacey and family, ln their Gett ring w i s rayo TKUST ~KTIFl ~ATES Pacey as ust returned to the usualy ah.ayh ii *issued 3 ta 5-Year ter.-n eg ta attend the funeral of~ for 'phone cails, and rather ger son, Cameron, age 25, wbo late houa-s for utting out tam ~4%intres, pyabe hif.was killed ln a truck acciden laundry. It wouldx't have nt suited some dear aId a-tsi- bl dents of Ibis place when tbis yearly by cheque. B correspondent was young, Club quite a few years aga. At autharized investrment for al uf n Cu that time tht anly resîdents ini 9i tht village were retired farm- CanaianInsuanc Comanis es and there was a contest Candin nsuane anianesHolds Meeting arnong the housewives ta be FROZEN MEATY and trust funds. On mmm ili d e first with the wasb on thte u Scugogisi n e Monday mn'ing. TD E THE doing ber wash the night be- T R UNewcastle - Tht October fr, or, dv n ft ui I'A Ktt STERLIN t MacLaren's Beach, Scugog off shelves. Tmes bave sure- STE R LIN G TRUSTsland, at tht home af M-s. ly canged. With men goingRK Y N ((SR CORPORATION etty Reese. There weae 1,2 ta w rk aI different burs, the X L EN Ts m~embers and ont visitor pres- housewife now thanks beriK Y N C S E RL T nt tram Campbelroft, New- lucky stars if she can push hPIIP castle, Bowrnanville. Oahew., tht lait moppet outi of the SU Mhmbe.:Canada Deposit 'flsuaance oroato Picker-ing and Uxbridge. door in, lime for tht, schooi au, D LR The diaplay carda were but. bus, Jet alone show ber sisters M br, t., U DuuIgpSt,, 7S eli@W&r. o hem - pictua-es of objecta wash day. to&with inanimate abjects just how efficient she às o i pos hwn in titis Ad guerant..d thmough wlhut ie - anchis, , cw i ,M a-. nd M a-s. Donald Pr es a u d y c o m 2 t , 1 6 _ _ _ _ _ ahips, keya-ell cott atnd . ad £xpo dG e bckes, oaseshoes, sa rect ttne harpa, Mabthea, hlM.,. MMWM m 1