Durham Region Newspapers banner

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 14

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* ~ 4. 5. Camu ,statemmn, Uwoevme, ct. 8, 1ion _____________Articles for Sale Articles for Sale Work Wcinted Work Wcmted Auction 'Sale Real Esate for Sale ]Real Estate:frSl elEtt o a M~GERM-R a4d Dor- RASPBEMY canes for sale. STRAW for sale. Telephone GET ready for fait anÎd winter FOR Fai garden plowing in Furniture, antiques, rugs,lckLeUsBidou P KWA Crcetqaly m(neMthl>wish ta 623-5à35. 43-1 723-1308. 43-2* projects. Have your saws Hampton area Phone 263-2056. fur coats , clathing, etc., prop- LtÜ UH ounce the arrivai of their BkBY crib and mattress, $5 UBC heater, medium shapee nw F roe 42-2* erty ai Robert Clarke, Ida, RA . KevnBruce, 6 Ibo. 12 0zà., Phone 623-3845. 43-1 Phone 728-9130. 43-1 102 Elgin St., Bowmanville. CUSTOM combining, balntidhouse es fA1n~ RICARD Cos rmarslein0 hn 2-68 22 ______1_,_1967'_sithe__ third 43-AM eHOUSEfbIRit C AeRrD mhtWO-yearm od nbrick bungalol, extras.lTele .aGealHpia. 43-1 USED mietal roofing and barn UE Westinghouse dryer, 3 433*lSorStudyOt bunching, mowing and aide-28neral oe Sam.turdact.-iIbid rmlu ln boards. Call 263-2910. 43-1 heats. Phone 623-5080. '43-1 Custom Plo wig* in.Cail 725-5934 or3263- 28waleti .. ewac-Ld.leat r. nfbully servled NHA. _ gy-J..Leonard and Jean (nee WATER for sale and delivered. CO843t8.p. pW TrePlnin 0tf, son, Ted Spenceley, auction- atRalo PProved lots at 1euiu ~ yJ~IlN Ge rehpy oa- 24-Hour service. Cali 623-5756. lKcnneth His, Phone Orono RE-UPOLSTRT - -Satis- 623-2503 Parkway Cecn elo »Mince e ar svai t of coLis3g a29-tf 983586. barg i3-i bigP r un n«faton guaranted at W hyte ~ ~YLb ry S.S o m n ll 2 7 6 ,ailHsiaBimnilCO con$3to.Henry COB Crbrani i os Bros., Phone 623-5251 or UDIS eOctober lth, 1967. Special iesPhnOr 983-5279. FrakHesr, 1 n and Removal 623-5252. 20-tf LIVSTOCK SALES 576-1050 SBDVSO 432________23-47. 3- MOUNTJO Backhoe Service tuamCntSleAenCoesin.LwDwnPynt $90FiPre t nks to Dr. McKenzie and 4- naile, 6-87. 36 Phone 7283636a inurams Dt Sle rea onesiBaS.lanceown cnvnlutN.. kn u sA P SM I ts ,$ ,5b s,- oundatins - Septic ta ks Oron o - Every Thurs,, 7:30 p.m. Fine ader home on sP ci aus es n t ony 71 n er t. F r hi 2-t ey au i m f~e kid ures on maternity. ONE Conmor washing m cie P L S cnoh 12 u. _ _ _ _ _ 41-tf dug and backfilled. I van Se1llnt Horses, Cattie, Sw , 18'x e e u sTifrnis D.i B ERS at;4 -~ 43-1 four years n id. 6 3 7 5 . bring container. 37 P rospect 189'vlo.,T sidi g build ng, c.nta.lyeia ___ 43-1 St., Phone 623-5958. 43-1f ACKERMîA.N mountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. & s, saleep, etc. J. A. Relgies an ~c U A D - e n an J - A ne G I L' C .CM b icy cle, 28", C O R N p ick er, 1966 N ew Id ea, E X A Aes 6 t on a e an g r . 5 -t t r c i l y ap e d t ret e s and ýÙéHor repese oan od od EC V TIGdsciiappaltath.m tPhone 623-2z63, Banle 100Dn < fie e o a r a r e p l e so t n - a d c nitio n . 6 2 3 -5 1 1 8 . o n e r o w . H . W . J o h n s o n , IL O A D I N G - T R E N C H I N G A . B A A R S T h e D u r h a m F a r m e r s ' A n - d ic1i a i g $ 1 8 ,5 0 0 .3 -tN o t E d , 2 b d o mu - 43-_2_R_1 itle______ e en nual Faîl Feeder Sale, Monday, Small Orchard gl w i i m cuae on parielAlbri ldi, Ib. i - aUd Gave, Tp Sit ndPlumbing & Heating Ocet. 30, selling approximate- with a nice 6 room home on rle on., at Oshawa General Hos- WATER for sale and deiivered. ings-.4- F111 Delivered I 0 head of ycar-olds, 2- the edge of Bowmanvilîe.W *$10ita.l on October 22, 1967. Cali Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. TWO full length seal coats, 2-Hour WATER SERLVICE 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville ycar-olds, stock calves, beef think yu wiîî like this one if efr ALoR 1,9i 38-tf sizes 12 and 14, excellent con- Reasonable Rates 1t cows. Sale to commence yau want something with a, GEAWesTEn ýISLEY-Gordon and Joan' RMINGTON typewriter in dition; reasonable. Telephone 623-5756 - BOWMANVLLE poptyat I p.m. j. A. litte land. Close ta co1,adGNERAL DNUAC (<#ee Root) are pleased ta an- gond condition, Telephone 623-5718. 43 -1* __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ P ER4L 'L IFE C T R i and Son, Sales M anagers sh p i g0ec ao lvniaa 5 x 1 llunce the arrivai of their 623-5598. 43-2 HeIn atè and Auctioneers. 41-3 sopnec- 52 King si. W. BImavll éfosn auhtr aterne-SÛDBÂ-È-Sêrîc, --w-KEEP out drafts and cald Wate luming -Heatin'-rn di s n a ghe C t ern ~ ~ K ~ e vi e n wwith alum num wind aw - si, ea ing - n g 1 6r2o3-2th4iep5c3 arly fiis ec Lee-Anne, a sister for Crag and used parts. Graham's doors and siding. Lamne Alln EXPERIENCED sales lady. Auction. Sale, Tuesday, Oct. 1 3 year ad brick bungalow 62-43rc om lt8 6.Ak Alexander. 43-1 Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-f Prince St. 6233871. 3- Apply Breslin's, Bowmanvile. Phone 623-3540 131. Complete Holstein dis- with electric heat. Carport.i $5,000 Down buys2soe persal, registered, certified'Very attractive home in nicean3 prmts Whye reprudtaanoucevaricties, variaus prices. Hank HREE-furraw Int. plow, cul- CLS jA ehnc~3 8OTROSRE area, unit sires, R.O.P. records, location., $16,5()o. reiited. Excellent rernCai3erombckuglw W h y t e a r e p o u d t a n n u n c e n k C L S S " ' r n e h a n ia ro rmas tt s.M AV c ryE 5 bl l aC l o sen t of eH os2 0 ot a l the birth ai a son, Timothy Van Darp, Phane 263-2390. tivator, discs, 4-section bar- rwn Ford dealershp.Ap 42-2 ros odsw otbe paint pl Service Manager Tny ALIDO 8t bred, some due, 25 open, 9 B eau tofumadrbud m OnlY 2 new bungaoslf n pc. sn n Alen on September 16, 1967, - ----i s o e sprayer. Phone 725-0394. Streng, MacDonald Ford Sales, A IR IND uSt ial R esi an exrao than (ler hon- br i hom e r 12 14 ' di-oorn on Frank Street. N.H A er s $1 0. 7 bs. 4 zs., M em orial H os- IV E large st rm w indo w s nc4 j* iwa vdc43 1 d n i l an o m r i l o k l a ex a),l esp Thre mnex e- bin kth e 'l a e a ge d n n a % R e s n b e dw0p y o t piBawmanville, a brother inside door, two galvanized g3 omnil.RPI nutil R$_a n12 6'1tRaoal i- tDcbbie, Richard and Stev- wash tubs and stand. Phone ONE-year-old apple trees, al WMN o waitress work, Free Estimates Ilent), lSeilîng Triune, Achilles room and living room. ra-imns en? D at i. 43-1 '623-2093. 43-1 ppular varieties, ach $1.50,lgodÎeanings available forN RT AM RC (excelent and extra), Kayn loomn and rugs - you'l love it.i Jane Street. 3 bdo m wt apr, lre kthn IMIATON in jake ~ 5 for $7. Free delivery. Tele- oenwoar etNO c-EPRTHCEMENT WOR Farm Anthony (excellent and Caîl for appointment. bungalow wîth rec.romadavd rie Asng nl Death1-4,wrstrctie;'dc phoane 623-2837 or drap in at pendable. Please cali 753-227 other papular sires), selling at Chemong Lake garage. Owner traserd 1,0.Trs trian IH ui e ' N urseries, R .R. ask for th e m anager. ~ t R. Zeppieri - R.R. 3 S auina R . t e p o e t i R . B a n m e i t o s s i n BRUNT-At Lucknow, On- tr: nket, neyr4us4. Te3- *6, Bowmanvie, Highway 2. - Phone 723-0729Lo 15Cncsin2D rng Furnished cottage on exce- .$00D tarin, on Friday, October 20th, pon4874 64-2~* PART-time help wanted for 42-8* ton Township. 1/ ile Wes letot n fe By Sne Caile A .3 437 ife .But nhsCAEStatr efc hp,-2 smail business office, typing .s Bar-B-Q. Dock. Nice view.: brick semi-detached hm ihdiet omniî.Fl '76th year, beloved husband ai with live power shaft, also SRLSOfc qimn n.bookkeeping essential. FA K RNK oNo 2, turnNorthtbige a 88Good frnc. l i e l e n T o m s , d e a r f a t h e r af F o r d t r a c t r w t h 3 - p t . h i t c h . f o r s a l e : O n e U n d e r w o o d t y p e - A p p l y i n w r i t n g , s t a t i n g q u a li - N o h e 2 , f i r s t f r m . thet r i s g c a s h . 19 8 A r a mt r sA t r h u i p e s a l I{ wad ili m ru t. Sev P on _2 3- 5 8._ 31 iter, legal size car age, $35; fications, tae Advcrti 858rnis Hoewad hlli n t e Mrris Pho n G ors63-ng2508tr.4 " x "$3-10 echApwy P. . o 90A o ave i e . be5room brick bungalowTonrnisr yhPlain Ac623-35 tee__ _____intheMrserBUYIG orrellig funitulg2 NoernesterveficSalelesat/oThp.m.adiTyrone.mn, 8oroomve.home.a 1 '.on.xyrNewcastle.ome.ExtraNewnicleeE3- 2 modem steellBofficeitableoapc/aaThesCanadianmeStatesma60",S$PT.C0TANK. Folders.on req19es .oLloyd Wil -A M '0 babarn. odGoodkwarkabîeoombbaitkful ~ u n r a C a p l , B a m a v i l e o r a p l i n c s , c a i l m r , K e n ' s M e n ' s W e a r , 3 5 T e m p - *4 - I N S T A L L A T I O N s o n , S a l e s M a n a g e r a n d A u e -k n g 5 0 . 0 0 l o. A s k i n g $50 . 0 0 0 .r d W l h t-6 2 - 2 2 on Monday ai 2 o'clock. In- Hampton: business 263-2294 - erance St 4-1----- -- - R.R. 6, BOWMANVLÉE tioneer, Uxbridge. nd1-A With ternis.ShrenTtk - 784 5 te-en roc Cmeeyrsiec 23435 3-f-1 O N man for stock room 147 Acre Farm Dc oo 2 ter e n O o n C m e er , r sî e n e 6 3 2 6 5 .N U R S E R Y S to ck S a le - E n d w o rk in re ta il sto re . C h a u f- 6 2 3 -7 2 0 1L i t e B ta . 4 b ed ro o m 1 $ 500 D o w n b u y s y o a 3 b d C 7 6 D ISLEY -A t M em rial liaos- PROM the grow er t y u, high a season clearance: Rose bush- feur's licence essential. W rite 35oo__ _ home. i o ve i n e L r ej mo t i am et. pital, Bowmanvillc, on'Thurs- quality fruit and vegetables. es for anly .50 ca, choice mixed Advertiscr 857, c/o The Can-i-35,41 hor pane.t lcved an.Apes. atgemnhypamn daOtbr lt,16,Fred's Fruit Market, Highway varieties ai Hybrid Teas. Red adian Statesmnan, P.O. Box 190, NEWHObar.EAmleNDte Charles William Disly, Sr.:,35 South f Oron. 32-tf Spirea, .95, Golden Eder, 3' Bowmanville, stating full par- GENERAL REPAIRS supy. Akig$3vOo SAt eN T homni- W ha k R al E il 75 Marns Ave, Bwmanvile,KEFR pears, $1 hamper, size, .95; red or green Bar- tculars inluding education and TORGINOL FLOORING Deparment af Highways After Hours Please Cali: excellent condition.Prcdt MIE i his 73rd year, beloved. hu- aso apples, neary al varie- brry, 18-24", .85. Evergreens: and previous experience.43 - AUCTION SALE F LAND Jack Ricard - . 23503 seli at $15,000.RELR band af Florence Smith, dear ties. fair prices; two miles Hicks Yews, $325; White ___ 31 John de long 632 father af Charlcs W illiam Dis- north of BT.S. L. A., Squair. Spruce, 3-4 ft., $4.75, Flow - 1 P ~ A T -R a aeul.C N T U T O PROPERTY SALE T-1648 Mac M Donald - - 623-3911 Atr 9 p m lae C i:Dsrc ley, Jr., Bancroft. Service was 43-1* erng Crab, 6', $2.75. Liberty Real Estantnde Boardxmael san oe-W lfHa k Hundreinafthe anorrmin 623 2662 A proxim teîy sx andio e-nWiI Nurseries9 3-5274,. 128C deiber623-265.2983-52S7.1.,.BL.anCode C h e l i n t h e M a ri s u n c r l M T 4KS~at -n u e N .L t d ., 1 2 8 L i b c r t y3 S t. i n c r e a s e t h e i r i n c m e c o n s id - 6 3 2 6 2t e n t b a c r e s f la n d , b e i n g L o t s D I c k M e t a l t 6 2 3 - 5 2 9 D . AM c G g o* 9 8 - 2 72 3 3 3 C h p e , o w a n il e, o n Sat n o w m o b ile s. F o r in fo rm a- N u cj s a v î e4 - e ra b ly b e fo re a n d d u rin g h l - F R E E E S T IM A T E S 9 3n 4Doc e s o.1 Aw- I C a o g a . K o a l r . e- 6 2 -5 6 IB rw ay at 2:30 pm . ter m ent43- o call Oshaw a 728-4248, B IS H O P SE E D S L T D . day season. T hey ca l on _ _ _ _ _ _ _31 tf ship ai C larke, located on the G arden H ill 178J4 431 Es ate sal ~ow an ill C me ery 4 -1Blackstock 986-4252 - 986-4945. Im proved Hay and friends, neighbours, etc., w ithF R N orth side af H ighw ay No. Haroldi Peck - - 986-4252 7 ac e on ig w y o. , X LLIOTT, A___________Me-43-1 Pasture M ixtures ur bre, large and beautiful, -4ne1,oraNutov ie ie ag st_ ___of__ _ maorial Hospital, Bowmanville, EXCELLENT etue cb0 Cosmetis. Big profis rc "oReW r etnil necag.4- on Saturday, October 21, 1967, tcorn off apicker loaded on AI oaetes WieRalih et -4-, 'et ehl nte rp - onF e Adella Osborne ai il W eing- ruk. W lter Vaneyk, R.R. 1, Pride, W arwick, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Salpa c set a be held on th REAL TT I I E ar e te m fl h o g ton Street, agd 83 years, be- Tyrone. Telephone Hampton Unitedi Hybrid Corn M ntreal. 43-1 CALL 1:00 P-n.. Local Tine mREALefam luEsvealapinE it ______________OXFORD'BRICKLAYERS Wednesday, November 1, 1967 lst and 2nd 14 Frank St. pondi Reýted ai the North utt Eliott PIANO0 - Beauti-fl ntiq e LIVESTOCK SUPPLEMENTS R FORM INSTITUTIONS P O EaRNO 93-66 i sae (cs o ertfcd A A B E SP o e 6335 5,0 2,o a n Funeral HQ1rI..Fppral perv- Rosewood Stoddart, perfect MNRLVTMNFRrequires a nceE ta seule-60sofsalestate. AslçingPone62339 lice was hel ali 2:30 'clock, kcyboard,, similar -ta a grand. MNRLVTMNFRo 8-66ceu aepybet h VIAL M onday af ern o n . In term nepi P h on e -a ter 1 p.m . w ek days HB 0 - D ar9a d B e f C a te C O K N IN T R C O Ror 98 -5 26c easu e r oad O npa yi ) abl a nte fW e y, S dIa nd rr age 145 A CRoo Ed F A m e, t n d l e w a e 0 Orono Ccmetery. 44311631 0.- t the D'TTI-T-m- aable within (30)a Ys. 43 6-'80 -----J-f Treasue iOr ina baac o esnlSrie c a dhm,10 6 odsokfr,6ro LNMI-AtMmo POTTOES, 75 lb. bag, excel- BOWMANVILLE YU HSIRIL please eontact: Phone 72-191 Tem H o s p i a l , B4 3 -1v eJ .a uA . R O S E V E A R s t c î n g , a n d g o n d.63 - 2 0T9 5s . s a l i CtEe amRn dIp o n d $ 3 0 , 0 0 d a N G M A I D - A 2 t , * m o miR al le t -fo ta e r n ps. a d Mo o.6 3 2 OD u tie s: U n d er th e su p e r- O R C H A IR S T h e A u c tio n e e r : 3 7 -tf 2 00 A C R E F A R M ; x e l n T r a Hospitid ownv4 y Miiz. an t],R .ta le turips. M.-- -43-1 vision af the Head Teacher, SHOP AT HOME SERVI Ç n . R i,- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ b idn s - o. Sr a .O h w le in at, OcoR -4h40797, o M nel . R.41Bu kc 3n -the incumbent pr vides in- 623-5252 - - ron ', Ontario, vinc oe a Askngd 6 ce f d wî a g 7 Yeaai , R.. , a mpton, 86- 44713- L L U P E T struction in the th or y aneVV Y TEO R GERMAN P e phs up~ b a n d o f K a tie S te p h e n s , d e a r IN S U L A T IO N , b lo w in g m e th - p r a c ti c e a i c o m m e r c a n dk R O .T l p h n 8 -5 9 1 4 P e s eB i ec e , a h m d e m c a n fat er i uri l Mra O vil e o , ith ro k w ol W o k-ing for classes ai eight t a tenT D U ' ' T T 1 n- D epa nm ent ai H ighw ays, P hone 728-6641 or 723-7195. R I E F A M L u n n ), P ete rb o ro u g h ; C h arles, M arhih ip g u ara teed . F r e e P lo w s selected stu d en ts. 22 t ig toPW y D vi i n b d a m u g lo . C ai a C h l e T e c e a c l IRe 1 amtnHle Mi.esLats aryL.Wde as igtofWyLiiso,42-2 wîth gond barn.Lvcy pvdra.$650 Lloyd Preston), Bowmnanville, Phone Newtonviile 786-2256. s 3-furrow trait on stee, Qualifications r e q u i r e d: ___Cetrl_______ffce______________ ppBomavile Cll Grade 10, preferably supple- 623-3724.aro. 1 wek od br ther af Elsie (M is. R oy ____nte natona________t ait_________our esnf od B A R h ne 6 3- 7 4 V n yed3- 9 0 38-tf Internatio naln . S erv ice trailshm enpertby courses on foodeR N E S & B A MT el cihone: 248-3445 _ _ _-43-1__ _ _ __ _ __ m r e M c G i l l , E n n i k i l l e n S e r v c e U S E w a s h e p a r t , m o t a s , o n u b b e rs e r v i c e a n d h o u s e h o l d s c i e n c e ; P L U M B I N G & HE A T I N G O R 1 0 0 A C R E F A R M w t o d g i l n nw t o dh m was held in the Morris Fun- Simplicity, Thon and Moffat International .3-furrow campletion af the apprentice- SALES & SERVICE Department af Highways, Lost 43-1 ildngs.623-3950.ntda ral Chapel, Bwmanville, on appliances, natinally adver- 3pt. iteh ship requirements fan the 24-HOUR District Office N. 7, T- ~ muting distance tao shw.LtLtLt Monday ai 3:30 p.m. Inter- tiscd hine ai fumniture. Paddy's International 3-furrow coig r ;Pus lServicer 138 Hope Street North, fWh it ac beslack an d i, 1A CRE FARM2,00xe llnrehr uidn os i mét Bowxanville Cemetemy. Market, Hampton, 263-2241. fait hitch experlence ai the jaurneyman OlBre evc Box 129, WintQuceneStblmakPase caite Reception ONE two-piecccetefcd Cultivators c iIwn tdet.TL ES * Telephone: 885-6381 623-5213. _-- - 43-1 dbuildns. Brckhe. aint omnilNewcsîe Mrad____.M ean _har,__ 42 eu hos-tf l e;a biy b e ins tuct .nd1S P HOT N KSAEP n o e na i d b m i te tn ho s r n, Cak o n hp Mr a d rs C MDonald a d c ar e e by r u h lt Co kshutt 12-tooth trait per hour with annual incre- R M T N 2 32 8 Sale Subje t to a Reserve B d BLACK dog, part Shepherd, waer bow s. A l w r a le o en n B wmnVl will be ai thir home, 249' eed in -100% nylon brow nt APO>2328 atLbaooeeruoeAkn 3,0.Tr Liberty Nonth, ta friendi,- trimmed with icathee e. Inernational 17-tooth trait menti ta $2.93 per hour. TYRONE 263-2650 DEPARTMENT OF dawn, answens ta "Sonny"; reaie n egbus nPoe6355 eWe ..Write or telephone for ap-- HIGHWAYS vemy dean pet. Good cash me- NEAR OSHAWA: 13ar oss nyalmtdnm the occasion of their Twenty- a!n6 p.m. . 43-i Discs pintment wih the Superin- V A N - R 0 ONTARIO ward. 623-7558. 4 - farm, as a going cncen.Albraiabe$15amth tendent, P ine R idge School, co43c-1ac ng the- 43-1r ns er e fifth Wedding Annivemsay on NEW location - Ray Whitaker, International 920 3-Pt. hlteh Bawmanville. _ - 43-1 Pitr 31 Açf~ -- buildings. Large Oshaw ml S u n d ay , O ct . 29 from 2-5 p .m . O n e S top C ycle, 19 P rin e S t.,_ P- - I PnA ue and tar m s ta be arran g- M usi s di - central la Greetinga only. 43-1* Oshawa. Parts, Service, Sales. U P E R V I S O Rnd . Aucion Salee Punebred Hot.l- Salestj wne and Decrators tein Cattle, Macinerybbch atur-y,-Ot.---h-diata d. Call: Mm.iv.McobenBamvil.5e A I] r an ure ow sp re adngirs o provide r sd n i lPrope ty f Huviest bri kgntracho ls23sh pping M . a d M s e p r D a Ilnk, N w a a l e n î eT e s d n i l s u p e r - 2 7 E l g i n S t . - B o w m a n v i l e 3 1"cD r l n to 1 af F . R . ' R e x "O a - I 6 3 7 5 .$ 2 0 0 - $ 0 0 d o n Mm. and Mra H spe De nand snow m achine service. International 150 bus. P.T.O. vision, counsel and guidance 35, Co Ta n esop,9Town Lin i t wa, ai the Bowmanvle Au - 10 A R F RM-jN wt vl e Orno, will w lcomne thpir Phore 723-9241. 42-2 ta Boys 14 - 16 years ai age. PhJ.on 62 30 5 i w s T nLne e ofnrU1 ion amn Sae-sant 1: 0 C Rik h m . BaMn On relatives, neghbours -a n d TY E R ER$4, o T ra cto rsQ alf ato s fri nds on bc occsio ai moey W n, $2 wek. A d*a ml&o e MoIt giy o d c aatr,2-f W ib n ali go a l, pmwa s had efcs al î in r m O h w . P v d 1 ars wb o m b ue the said solicitors for the Talt n R . E s aa 263-90 43-1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 43 -1 Nichtm 623-3177 f. eut, Al condition;, 2New terms cash. Sale ai 1 o'clock living and dining room . m J tanawithhaoad ,hen hbvecnotarti.lJs. Fli lii-OinRnxî ORONO: oElà now * bcd ~a~te shahIteShave noti e.- P atÏEÏ è d-RiS-o1 R ad REGSTERT e n d e rs c t d L a nd e r H a rd w a re Holl nd baler 66, New Idea sharp. Cliu Pethick, A uc ion - strea mn in back yard. A ki g DATED ai Bowmanville this DiaI 723-8131 horn heifer, ark mcdi,2 years mtdowr7f.eu;Cssi-er 41$7,0.al:GrgV 4th day ai cto ofA.DO197.bayr, A.D.- li967. Pv 15I.,due No Bi 5 Bi lSlierr TTHE o ma viîe P b h c _ ___ andEPE TRlirae, ase fenilieCanderai 62-74 7. ot 00,xand',3gb daoin Strike & Strike, IIERIo-KENTÙCK Oronn 983-5690. 43-1 * School Badrqet edr rl,1 u okht ld niu n oenFri ANO OD Solicitors for ihe- Estate fLUE GIRASS U SOD- ---- -~ Bor rquss ene on Sbght industrial fuel oil BOWTMANVILLE dtile, A10 un Ccksutvbado, eActieae, ModeFrni-f TAero un g Ra: odewleti bu.ily*1,0 o f il e r t N e to n F o le r Y U N Ptille r, Ale ( 1C 10 ît. l 9 ti v t a r tu Rc, u t o n Slu e , 2p 0ro r y a g e d o o m b u gac e lo w t. a - T r a iBeotxe to7,wl r A i-G reen N u rse ry m ust be sold th s w ck. W il- ichoa s N thefpres nt hets MCOB O Y21-et ooh cultivator, AC bor ugh Ave., O bwa, on $16,200. Term s. Cali: G o g 50 YOUNGscpigla for M hS p r n ei N . 2 ao ts A U OCBO Y I-len o hisl po , 9 to t; M i . . L k, 20 o - a e o ¾ ar o. Asi gN woa Bom nvleOtai. rd odsFrm ndfrn ng sasn Dlveis fcorn cuitivutor, AC 3-fumrow Saîurduy, October 28/67 aI VanDyk 623-7437.Ne brkrac bu aow Bo ma v41e-3taia Sod G row ers West ide, no mbli af Newton- 4000 gallons an ve . Ap epairs t 0 A l plow, new; Dion ensilage box 12.30 p.m. Tu n north off 7 r o e NtC oCetrS72596-e7h4S- proximate annual cnupin Mkso as adwgn,2wgn n odS.E tRxoroh NEWCASTLE: Aah rr 7 4_-__ _ _ _ _ _ _X .__ _ _ _ _ _r a c k,_A C__ _ _ _ _e r a d e r f o r A v e , O r tu r n s o u th o f a l h m e . C e n tr a lly ] c a t e o n m . S t e f r h d tna45,00galns copl numptoî MakesTof Cas adwgn a n n odS.E tRx ghood. simne lot.i Cskthr NOIeT 4MI. North Taunton VillagelPar dge Cochins - $1 0, $12, ing to S. R. James, Secmetary corn and hay, baie cievator, aideiSt.loi. AskingSy6phony NTC OCD 4t Mt le tbefor exhibition Treasurer, P.O. Box 100, Bow: Ki~ng East at 20 ft. grain auger, MH- grain organ (apurtmcnt size, eu. 2250 Terme. 1 AMI ND OTBs or uîiity purposes. Robert manville, by Monday, Wovem 'ý1gInder, 2,000 lb. scales, grain new); white oak settee mnd BOWMANVILLE- Centrl rpofwinli Ail daaimis cigainsi tho estate HO ME FRETF Alln, Newcastle 987-4487. ber Oh, 1967, stating fixed or St. G eorge S. traler,' Lincoln welder, 225 chair, Oak office desk, Thon bedroom brick ore. OBrc buliglo 9x11' et , Mai Eoth '< Lochar t o, la o W J [q IS 125 CHOICE Hereford stocker and _sp ecifications. 4 2 -3 P o nJ C 74 i shutt apreade , 2-drum steel and buffet, wardro e, chim ing and sc mens. 5,00 B in i n 22 m$t: ZWçwm tle, 04" _, pnse, u îteGri-f y oug steos, houlers and stock calves; 37-tf olr, 2 sets clippers, min. 3. mantle dlock, hutch, captains T rms. Cali: M ns.. le bl o 21 00 .Tr .4 eeU ueA h dedo o a o t 8 RM sfr ieT 15 P lled Angus calves. sle B usiness U N E C Afurrow plow, Ac bottm ; chairs, antique se reta's 1623-7159. C î *b . wî 5the1987, mua dI be e at Its but aD fleaucer. atuiday, O t 28. Telephone O Yrt ni OUR AUTO NOW rows, cream sprtr 000 lb. Lamp, brass student's amp, 2 ACRES w th & rooeri<n.8387 desktGone eitortGeoWied A.34398 '138771-2213, flle dW th e 3 M IH v elo . M G w n 7 - 2 ,P o t n t r v n e tg in d er, v ise, M ~C g rain b in d er, p ar lo u r l m p , w ago n w h e l , m d er b u n g alo w . G a ge A t beibre 9 * ____ b__1087;_ 43-1_ SPARE TEIE M rv ns A s og ,a vl n w fe cfn e a tq n a n oae o tha*Éftt»err 0 nov e se 1 0 87 ls. ock.Refi i D, p olctn o e uriug W nter w eathe w oga vls o e c ,f n e a tqe telephone, collection a d h m o ae otn p m t h . r o ~ i t e r t u a i d e r s L m n A F R O N T Sn* a ndlb , C ae cto rnSa l e . *p o s t a , w h e e l b a r r o w , b u aI f s o u s h e l , d r i f t w o o d c e n t r e - B o w m a n v i l l . C l i : e r e K . R o k a *e8 8 5 5 W l » 4 10I> te f . a I ~ E l i b . c m__ _ 1_ _ ._ _ _ la_ _I MM_ f Eu x * T P 8n h i g h q u a l ly c a n b o k i a k 0 i , p e e , c u i u p , c d V a n D y k 6 2 3 " 7 4 3 7 . P f T . - . . f 2~ <~ l lm th n m . t e st ' u l. sk us co n d itio n . P o n e 9874 4 25 r a o b l i g o F R IM T 'T Y n L J T T ch a in s, d ish e s, c o o k w a re , ja rs L io n co m p o te , u t g a s i c i Tr t'bu f xm t ln 5 ibis O musi have car, an ~~ -' d other items. Terms cash. W, crocks, pressd glass, Don M untoy 623-61 Octebor, 1957. a----------relurences, $00 te $2»00 Cas, AUl W rk D o by Paru» sold. No reserve, epergne, National Geographic Phyllis eRobbe -6231 5 es GIbr -Or .8 81 8 ~ v w w L O C K R go gi m ter P h o o < > ~ ce n et e x c lle n m o u hly in-h a v e b e m ilk h ip p ers fo r (B ita n n ica ), L a w n b o y p o w e r ~u i n - tor) - ~---..-~ !iumonaj lusurvier wnxoe 161W a Ile. h rd of cows. .plan te lacs. M ny moe atl e nt oI v Au o s a -341 -6 9 H w rd l r e V L EN -pain -p aymr atce a ele Be» Phon 623578 enge wlnMI, TDw r 8 w.. s w.»2..attend. ~àU Lhavallcblby nurnerous te mention. Termsarli Couttse 72141 4&1deone Wntazio blacude Ph., 83284 ris, Clérk; Pethlck and Reic, Phono 725'3039, Oshawa. _ _ _Lst PototoS. 4 8 - J e w t m v D ~ . I u - a 1a u me l 7 OM d 1 W 4 Ugmm e i . . 3 -

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