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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 16

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16. Ca < dbm Stateann.Bowmanville, Oct. 23, 1907 Bowmanvillé&District Red Cross B ranch Send Work to Toronto Bowmanville and District assorted colors. Red Cross Branch had four If you, or your group, or cartons of Women'a Work club, would like ta donate taken ta Toronto warehouse sorne tinie ta your Red Cross lust week, which consjsted of Branch, will you please con- the followlng: tact Mrs. E. Rundie, 623-5430, Four 12-pce baby layettes; for knîtting, sewing, or hos- 17 l0-pce baby layettes; 15 pital dresuings. Ail material yellow print panty dresses; je new, and supplied to you. 5 boys. print suite; 72 slingg; Your help in this work isj 3,185 wipes; 2,256 swabs; 5 urgently needed. blue shawls; 8 red sleeveless A big 'Thank You' ta the sweaters; 1 coral, sweater; few volunteers we do have. 13 pr. men ' a ocks, camel; Il Picase keep up the good p!r.__boys' soçks, green; 5 pr. work. YELVERTON Communion was observed at1 meeting was opened with the the White Church on Sunday 4-H Pledge followed by the with Rev. House of Omemee Roll Cali and secretary's re- officiating, assistcd by Elders port given by Miss Pamela Norman Wilson and Howard Stinson. While deciding o n ai Malcolm. Special music for name for our club, Darlene the occasion consisted of a solo Malcolm took the collection by Miss Janice Stacey, ac- and gave the report. In the compan.ted by lier sister Carol. kitchen, leaders Mrs. Malcolm (In Fridiy evening the Hi-C and Mrs. Page demonstratedi group of this charge held a how ta make "Tourtiere"' record hop in the Chureh Hall. (pork pot pie), baked bean Sympathy to the chaperones, casserole and "Grandperes" Mr. end Mrs. Art Rowan, Mr. (maple syrup and dumplings. and Mrs. Howard Malcolm The meeting was closd with and Mér. Harold Stobbart who a light lunch following a dis- had ta spcnd a whole evening cussion of subject matter. in close confinement wîth President Judy Sisson was in "'Monkey-Music" and a hall charge. We express thanks to full of teen-agers, leaders for their hospitality Representatives from aur shown durîng these 4-H meet- community attended Church ings. suppers tbis week in North and South Nestleton and Ponty- pool and report being weil fed ail-round. BROWN'S Heartfcît sympathy Is ex- tended to Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Wk- draw your attention te 'ward Hubley and family of an important notice in this Bethany in the tragic death week's paper regarding Cubs of their daughter and sister and Scouts ini thîs district. as a result o! a recent car ac. On Saturday evening there cident. It is always partlcu- was a presentation held at ]arly sad and depressing ta the school ta honour the have the Grim Reaper clailn new]yweds, Mr. and Mrs. young people with a full life David McReelis. Mr. William ahead o! them. Morley showed his movies of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wilson rec-ent-trips that he had madle were Sunday visitors 'with and these were enjoyed by ail. friends in Toronto. The couple were presented Mr. and Mrs. Art Rowan and with a coffe table, floor lamp Elizabeth visited, with their and bassock. son and brother Pat in Orillia on Saturday. 1$unday visitors Misses Elizabeth end Tina with thec Rowans were Mr. ]Kozub returned on Saturday and Mrs. BUI Wery ad boy by-plane from their two- o! Keciron. week holiday in Jamnaica. It was a pleasure tg sec and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Boyd and hear Rev. George Richardson, 'boys spent three days in Otta- a former pastar on this charge, wa last week, taking in Expo who was guet preacher at and visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bethany United Church Anni- Ray Mulvaney, Ottawa. versary Services on Sunday. Miss Marion Demark, cm- Apparently he still possesses ployed with the Royal Bank, the ability ta prcach a fine, Port Hope, for the past year, challenging sermon. bas been transferred to Brit- Yelverton 4-H Club ish Columbia. Good luck, The'second meeting o! the, Marion. Telvèrton Chefettea was beld Mrs. ÇCall, Toronto, recently at the home of! Mr&. Murray spent several days visiting Malcolmi on the morn of Oct. with ber daughterand family, 21, from 9:00 -.12:00.. The Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Simpson. TYRONE Thc Tyrone .« Salem Hi- C son, Mrs. Annie Hatherly,l meeting of October 17' opened Mrs. Ronald Scott, Mr. Lutheri with the hymn "For the Hooper, and Mr. Fred Smithi Beauty o! Uic Earth". Enla and Mr. Charles White in Osh- Vivian read tie scipture and awa Hospital. prayer. The business followed. Pleased ta see Mr. Alfred Due ti, Susan Craig flot being Knowlton home and out ta able ta attend ail the meet- church after spending several ings, we elected Irene Reyen- weeks in Oshawa Hospital. ga as our new secretary. We Mrs. Otto Virtue returned -ta discussed the hay ride and Toronto on Sunday witb Mr. wviener roast that we ail en~- adMs .L ym Moe gtFiayngt a-sarry ta hear Mr. Percy £awing a ing-sang we saw 4a Byers, farmerly of Bowman- film called "Froni Palace to vle nwlvn nTrno Prison." This was about ~0 suffered a heart attack and is eph o! Egypt. A discussion an in bospital. schoal tapîcs was led by Irene Reyenga. Such tapics Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Hodg-1 were as follows: «'Are penal-iknson, Picton, were weekend ties for disobedience too sev- gusts f Mr. and Mrs. James ere in school?" and "SbouldIWoeodley. there be exanis?" We closediMr. andtMrs. James Woodley aur meeting with taps. a t tende he funeral of her Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Hoar uncle, Mn G. D. Lindsay, attended a dinner party at the Trno nMonc!ay. ]Jutch Oven for Mr. and Mrs. Couples Club will be heldi C. H. Rowan, Bethany, hanar- at Haydonl School for a Hal-1 ing their 40th wedding anni- lowe'en party with box lunch,1 versary. Saturday evenîng at 8:15 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Robert South- Ail young couples welcome. well, Oshawa, werc Sunday Sunday school is naw being! supper guests o! Mn. and Mrs. held at 10 arn. each Sunday. D. Southwelî. Mrs. M. Ferguson enter.,, Mr. and Mrs. H. Payne, Sea- tained several ladies o! the' grave, Mr. and Mrs. J. Baby, village, October 16 ta honorý Sudbury,, were Sunday guests Miss Mary Ellen Hill on her of Mr. and Mrs. W. Roy and birthday. Debbie. Little Debbie Anderson en- Sympathy is extended ta Mr, tertained several o! her chumsý Milton Elliott, Bowmanviile, an ber birthday last week. on the passîng a! bis wife. Mrs. Editb Murphy was a. Mrs. W. A. Gaod!ellow, Cod- Sunday suprr guest a! Mr rington, Mrs. Bill Lelliott and and Mrs. John Hancock, Osh_ children, Cobourg, visited Mrs.1 awa. in the evening al visîted Edna Philp and Miss Jean Mn. and Mrs. Roy McLaughlin!Philp. and f4muly, Nestieton. 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. Cavers at- Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Phare tended a !amily reunian at and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Inca Club, Copper Cliff, aven Brent, Oshawa, attended the the weekend. Dlamand wedding annlversary Wlcome ta Mr. and Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Tihomas Gibbs Jack Brown who were recent- at Golden Plough Lad gé. IW married and are living an Mn. and Mrs. e. J. oa and the former Howard Brent Louise, and John Harmer !arm. vislted Min. Kathy Hoar, Tor- Rev. David Narthcy is atý. onto. tending Christian Education Several friende and relatives Canference at Montreal this1 -c alled on Mr. and blr. T. week. Mrs. Nathcv an~d sis- Gibbs, for their 8th wedding ter, Miss Barbara Bilmer are anniversary at Golden Plougb attending Expo. Lodge. Friday cvening there wcre Mms Keth Robinsan and IL. tables a! Progrcssive euchre. ehildren; Mr. and Mus. Wil!- Prizes were wan by Mr. F. red Hall, Bowmanville, visitedIL. Byam, Mrs. S. Gable, Mrs. Mr. and M.. Horace Hull. Fred Caeron, Mr.AIR - Mrs. George Wills, - Ingle..die. Lance Pae, Mrs. Wood; Mrs. J. &. Pogue, Edna B aly 05 mwwa Banif, Alberta, ies spnding a won by r.To iion. lew day, wlth Mr.amil Mus. J. C. Caok. Mr. and Mua. Wray FalI4- NEW IDEAS down, brlngton, were Frîdayj The Financial Post's check-' vIsitors of Mr. and-Mme. ELA-1 list of new tools to, hclp your Virtueé.bsns includes these two Mr. sud Mus. E. A. Virtue, Iitems: A covçuc<J tire hase ?M. Ama Riverawee Set- epecially contruc~ta tobeat W'de ,sIgvstn fMr. Ion ter torage puobleins, aMmJohn -Rae- ~BOWrnn- M05lew, oil nd chemnical cqn- %qule. ta*n n sd, drytng. Coni- Co n ea t u 1 ations, to MUn..pleeiy synthetite Meket çon- .A--- h.' nt- trujcUon, i9 Iocked i,b'syn. thetIc coveý and lhiln . The ether uew > oduct la a. pro- werepan loçA tabas an aigto- g4de MU W I. nmatie piot lhot that su a Z Peuating .flamne t te£1tucli of a t' h Mem-and peratin"aier'cm Le John. arjtsled SAMPLES A-N-D GOIFTS, VOORTMAN'S C O O K 1 18c/ c pkg. or 3pkgs. DE GRUYTER FINEST QUALITY CHOCOLATE TABLETS 4 Large 31/2. Bars 99C SAVE 57e 2 SAVE 9c Vegetable - Chieken Noodie Noodie Special! ! GOLDEN YELLOW DANANAS 7 Ibs. 2.7 FRESH GREEN BEANS 2Ibs. 47C FANCY No. 1 Macintosh APPLES DEMqT 39SUMI 5 Ibs. " l'1- a l"rv n FANCY CRUST BREAD VIENNA i ITALIAN L 24-z. q5 MILANO -Loaves FRENCH STICK 24 KAM LUNCHEON MEAT 87C SAVE 31c I RAITM"ESTER T h e X m of b u Ch igare CHIC Box SAVE 34e KJAROEN BOX - CIGAIle01«2 SQUIRREL BRAND Peanut Butter 3-1b. Jar SUNCREST Evaporated MiIk 2 tin'se33c Save on This Low Price! 1WHITE SLICED) 4 24-o5. SAVE 15e ICE CREAM 1/ Gallon 30e lb HAM Ass't. Flavaurs SAVE FF FREEI) DRA&W! on THISILE TRICYCLE ($14.00 VALUE) One Free. Ticket with every S$5.00 Purchase Discount Save Up To $1.20 Philips Records. STEREO or MONO LONG FL"ýLY (HOME 0F QUALITY) i E S 89C DY * PHONE 623-3541 SAVE $$$AND e ioSA-VE TOASTMASTE R HONEYmDîp DONUTS FREE I1 WITH THE PURCHASE 0F 4 LIGHT BULBS AT THE REGULAR PRICE 40 WATT, 60. WATT, or 100 WATT r 3 9c doz. CAS ORNIA pkgs. 45C FREE! CANDIES an d BALLOONS To the children By their AcoPane ROUS FRESHLY GROUND COMBINATION 4 roiis 25C MEAT LOAF AEERL Beef - Park - Veal TELLY BOY EGG RUgsK 9 CANADA FINEST GOVERNMENT INSPECTED BEEF TRIMMED FAT WISE and PRICE WISEM LEANE RIBTNDE 7EN-AT LENTAY PORK C HOPS COOKED HIEINZ KOSHER STYLE DUii 16-oz. 99b FRANKFORD 19-az. Tins for 45C SAVE Pic 2 - DINETTE -Margarine 4 Ibs. s1.00 Save on This Every Day Low Price! CHOCOLATES SAVE a 14c 2 C Rol "SI AF WE CARRY A COMPLETE ILSÈ 0F DELICATESSEN MÉATS POLISH SAUSAGE HAM SALAMI LIVER SAUSAGE SPICED HAM SMOKED BEEF -PICKLED CORNEt> BEF IETC. SPEIALIZiNG IN PLATl!EJesALL g»r BUWE UP. FOR Y0ulg P4"~Y STORE HOURS: THURS. 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. FRIDAY 9 A.M. - -9 P.M. . 9 A.M. - 6 P.M. HONEY CAKE SA533 Ceach L~I ='OOD An '%%,«>dd rcmdd- VOORTMAN CALIFORNIA SAVE SAVE 57c 1 LUCAS ARTHUR',S No. 1 - SLICED SAVE l mquw 39C doz. tins 95C 99ci .ORW W-7- NI * MT

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