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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1967, p. 6

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* Caadin st«Mmui, owm!vec. 25,1N I Public > utite Mius filos vet eonucwted , M ?r. enud w th relative u bo tr stan Clarke of Moftah. Re and Lêpeer, Michl" and 0f was aUIBWe by Mr~. R. R1111of called on other mombm cof Welc,.ome who used the pom, the family at Strathroy, Ont.,I 13men Gomeud i.WesoradPen 'moet no of the.E wna.frosu the Town of Bowman- lç. as copuied ta o0àrlud A ant ~orai t, Bn tw pci Pot Gab, M. m Mi on, 'é " Li th Pr ip' t st. ta serve titi a= W aon - k w » e m ov.d b y' L aF Por Bic ai n a h u k o ~ î t e ' r~ Mei , 1 07 .h t es. b u l D a h a w a W om o b bob, m oeo n ed b y .e r fo r th e r o n n d t o e k n . T w e w u a q .obèis présent as fdliows: Pioducta wMn aumsd. .Maài- ltat- *-charge 'of $MA0O pur i hre"eaeaae-dlfclygt1~tauot, icarrutheis, -Citairman; R. ager expialileul tiat CoiùdLýhad iot...b% char g 0fta i dvlpsdosfrCla'D.retonwyfrmE byux stavens and MaYor I. !iabbs. agreed ta assume 50% ni ýthée e or. uubdlvidoer for, under. schrsanhmmfor'(btton main ut uid It was m aved by, .l~.,Hjbbs coataand bcd lnvoiced. the growmd cîntrie aervel Cs. .îrya oferln.M nra a C o ey wr tsconded by IA. Stevens, that ifuluiIfl for 0$M .9. ing. iied, florTheofertc a eetde atnt o b evd b * 0t minutes of the lest réguler 50% -f the coat of -the watet-, eThefon h C e be io b. r ne m rln.b se r m thr, chie m ee in a Se te beOf,90 aÇ o i n ffi erci adviing of a Sund ay S h o a o - b x o b. adcpted a8 Presented.-..Car. ' Às a resulit.cf the .abovq. Il meeting of membets 'of tlb.dctd Ca rec ihi r. 1d lr f Trny ni ..was moveu! by A . - Ste ve hàû,. , Coun il nd C ozué. takingMis. Mr. Ian BUir artdMI,. R. !euofldectby 1. v-% ..ha.th -lnw -id ihBrneeBu d V.Mro rn Trldgeîtof the firm, of proc. manager write -the Town over the duieofsr vilwthhe ,ML tor & RedtietaCa tnI g En- ÇICJk Nqtuutinlggairfkg*±on A. lOUair from -M r,. Liojieî D. B u. T t ofrn w a r. at tai a o eta g h l e r s w r 9 e u m t t o 0 a n s w e s o w h a t . a c t io n w i ii b . a k e g i h d w , Cfni t f t a . J d v d b ' o n y ~ y e a d L n o u l g T t n a l l r qUestiondî conieernl»g the ÇOn. ta reco .,this m :ney viièn Pkuniti Assocât«Le t d., Weter U iveult, ol at 4&4rIlrtb ço ae pace,~ Munlcl7al Affiria md'Pbi i GroeneidTeewrelatalg lu t.ton a t e i ut de f ti te î~ Administration Consul 4àn t , _ r. n d t .W . Am b er o, a m nt n d o c l ttrtion plants came under Cîi'iied. who am re rAtîy reane by ran difussion - *M a. a89, a t A tud7of- heU i -o f a the COUnclI a, maie.~a lutdy and 1 1 . pent the TIa k gvn ee -I i e u h~Va. b E. ~ ng, Undergroturdegtici Mi~ce LIt o t4 ie oPeration cf lh. atconded b1. Hobbs that sUbdivids .has L beenéô. Watel«rk=s -d *ewage sys.. Erdetor & t.dfernCorsuilng pleted. This stuciy ovriifthe %'wa . rosi ad filed. ~ngnersbequested tôpr-css nsv n ormutil- There belune noirither bus. pare a .prelîinar>' repart as Paitieà; Estimates ai Ihé coat imess Iocarne- before the Corn. ta the îeliltive coaI of -prpsure cf underground etectric ý'erv'iso aewuajund and graviy typeéfilters.'-Ar- y iso an i do id rangements are té be made by th.e gneata.meeting' . Y.G cf the.. Côtmuitlng - Bagineers, 8.E!TIl M 'Ontario Water Resources Corn- (Intended for lasI week> ee doi rm i$ misin ntives and -The Oid Timneri 4-H Club, Smllb 8ref114M ils 'ieCura- lies <CoMiuaion-Carried. er Mrs. John Neais on eatut-' An invitation to attenda'G SYO .A«atWiloithe 'Ilectric.De- day, continuing. withi their meeting ai Janetvie Women's ý artent cor. th. mronth aof course "A Warid', niFood n Institute an Nov. 9th' Waa ac- ebrM'--mu ta toCanada". .ceptid. D 1 0 E t8l(k4ýie.'W ë"preented cr Jili Wod demonsttated how Pl s Wee mael clrf lW l Cammluilon.'approva.' e aeihPtto 'zaeIih..Pan- fo thé Du ade t entaer __________________________________________ l It was mtoved. .by R. Stev- cakes;' Mary Suurd, Eiuroeean Agriculturee banquet-a NvcilESYO IMI4, socondeul.'W h Hobba, Pickled luggs;-':Marlenè La lËt, a .he N v. ' o i eyfn n nwrdwt mi thalt. ýe,,ace-oètrab hl-In t Punts .be.approv. Chapelle, a Dutch-Cocit aîs.al tBthn' is.viv e riceor h al eb .4as.pesn'd. -Drink; Dorolhy Cochrane, Pea Addison Scott anid Mis. Levi h is'6*tor'e in e a111e iped wthsin h.mn ,A4A cau ±8 0: lii.W aterý. De- Sotie, 1967. style. M rs. Neals M cGill wero p one s c n l C r e" T e d cso a e t a ,tne the otti. onth. of made Gèrman Tea Squres. voners, 'Iaged - Your±u1u..Wî D*Con,?mTeaeiso -w 1967, prou nt g-aThPaeb r tymge l ana M ia.George Ne ls o V I I JI1c a s o e a b> ïf<; a io arir s eia etn , a ' j a B o d a a k f M n r a *were piled for for a - Centennial 'at> n e d 9 canlest o teaîs The Oshawa Shopping Cn OI aa teCnr' 1hwhen she .read'.- the poem continue with tht support e aomsso ppre.onvg aeCve-bt.àon h Cnr'slt "Somebody's Mther". Mr. a school child in Hong Kong 4~*ws'm vd .Stvn, The memrbers oi Bethan>' Preston. une 'a Ohawa, Rene, -the, "t keepng with the* vis'l George Johnrie gave a readigwas confiimd. Tht Red Cros igçonded. by,. gébbs, that. the Wcmnen'u Institute Weîe èn-"Mntetr ous" oveertiso. uOisa CotInt bè' Minuts'o' ingi onCanadaMrSav.ingsi Bondea pç~c1nt btappxcvedi, C5 'P - tertained at the home oai 'Ms' Tht lunch committee, Ms 'hnclMa".'of!this famous clown, the This coneludPX. tht pog- Word thatnn"tht future aefltd. .. , .Ted Spencele>' for their m eet- T o as' Jackson, M s. Ha n>' Ren e i n i te n to al C n. wl e d ck d e té a m . Se e a t e nnia kWordt tincr he tufha s,9 7 /8C ir e lb. $40i 0. i,' .4véit hrn o dangt Mrs.ey. > .Ia ame, r. efôrmer ai -stage and tele- acrîa hm.sPeons were seld. Adlcesweuld be peerdrte ~b ~ .- Harry _Ry fey presidng, eo gç N als, M s. Ross Neals, vision who. as a nazed audi- Clowns will gveaway ba l unc wA er e by Ms t an qult. c serrp ed ra nd B 1 - 'C a r e n c e a s sistanns.M ia. S te n s fr oman d ,dto l0 f a r e c e n t t npete t h nvested IP' 90' de>' .Citi .an, who la oM poyed b'- the -M ' ec or tron erved a bilit>' ta move like a meh- gi n freet ici#tu> ioncarnva l t u H lsds r up a d s Ofpp ed. M s. trnp ts hee y y u s n w f r c s ~~ Itw ap mo. -ofb>'g- R. D4i. Co de eliciotra salgil plate%,com bin, aniz d dol. H t w ill give per- rides to th t chilie nt.as ei rav M = eve se t r O ri n, b t î n e n - t a vtens, 'sn o y ab s thfovrO pXpector ng M a n>' vegetab le u lsi i a ce a h a i s - E leven lm the k ey n um be ; , pr ec a i nm entar ', be n g excellent o rbeh -t l e n s that tic conc ~ pr duc io - - t s o ttt e h Onl .M i a e buns,. ,a e Sh p i ng C entre's A n i n the - C a iXn ival. * !th lii, a pp r s. G o rgo c s a d t r a n c t an a d cu. A I î . In t t i-in eotgnt' of ht ine 'cou tes waà UMir. Vincent Jackson ex - ii a- wt og veaw y b ublons and elv ' 'Mis. Fred , h e sand - r Tahe and y b ala n ce unds-CprrTid. v . thraughout h e l' rs F ed Dayes, w e tten -cation. T ePresident, M s J u- ~ ws P y e t o ant thte guéaI sipé ker. Mr. Mu i-. iesed thet thanis oi tht change for admissien. $1-1.00 prizes gven eut eachie hJ; -a B kig Wt ro n vl, th n e r. ,pan y m n s o e grOuP ta daeaiothesca foivahe 'hVeeat" course aI Orono, will Kemp for ici pîogràrn and Pay enîcfa n cco nttongq .'n the*mi l à .ei goi t h.hsta a le Teeperformances 'are a Al of Oshawa and district ieir f fýbrhre etegetp sn rn h etesaeivtdtji nte1 be demonstrating this 'at a hospitalil>' and the gîeup for * ' a i clre . it h e r o u c t ndo f s a i e r o e a t e g t t p e e t f e n t t e î e s a e i v t d t o n m h U n i fu tu re d a te . th e' m o n th s rv e d te s n Muiad'terdcion c rspakend alwho had takea mehants -a the people of at tht Centré*a 111h Birthday. fut.ra.i'is an d o aalbea a rnhs a itab~herç. '"Stii-ting in part in the meeting Which was frvies a peTnityt ds -.*-- -ing a drÉin the land; the Ig l..m a >' uses f' vegetablea and land Mirsh uow -comprises how feitunate we aretidý live NES L TW SEY IL meig ~lK W4.un tr l$uch a and ne. the Ibis TheI «Oùnet8.00 acres uWnâem cuill-'.inba l nd were "hAtgrcin qtnodf ~latwe tai>', Mis. Richard Davisan (Intended- for last weck) Mru . Geeveld attcnded adution ad tiras Of harvest thanksgiving, Tt.re#Ùlat meeting af Nes- îead tie minutes, r.esolutionsý The regular meeting oi thé the stewardship meeting ai bo- . Morton lso we have muci ta be thanifuf t1eton. Worens .Intitute wus and cànroupndencc A. letter 'United C hiurci Women was the Cbourg rayeiihi muç intohn'a he o". 'bd n'iU Tjited Churci was recCived froni Mis. Cuiras; hèld at'tht summer home eouf atmoe1a nia vn ~hitrla Foo * rém ina in Tw a new eebrsd- Baoucoowoomaon~. 1 viloe;offerng- tb 'id- M s. FPredKemp last Wednes- ing. Tht main business uder ttéwnuwesale depot JOc-hn nes m sda * Octob6r lth wela- he mn',Insitufer onday afernoon, ticei lth 6fdiscussionwathnemt- B n. rOv, 11*kstck an- iertr# t- nd bjuri l Ne Otobr. There - were 16 od of- setwn tht finançiai TealI e .e et b èslar ' o tt t s er elo.1Ja e vî : W _q 's Istitutes Zéaland. This' w as a ccep e rs an t isitors allocai B aieI rm na erl.- elnt Euthene' w l!beThe- ppesidentý,. Mis.Cecili will 'be'- invite4! tat future vèld' çanducting.the, business. Church service wshi eeCnd a pnvd'Hàrryhevd etîthtmnêw ManvrsW lin har&ýi .m engotw shld ee M is à '-On -yey <a e u,ç m- o nh ip , entrai S etio c. 5 W l o , c a nm,~ he m e i g eetin-,,And- o n . a l .' m ii m-M inutes w ere. e d and t ken on S unda > m orning the 15 h , mene oi lte-pogam'mtffi______-in___ and eitendec ,di 'el- berà-s,' roviding'the', so- o'tht 'day b>' Mis. Ha]oId in chrge oi tht iaympn cfý bia t N a' - Ha e N t c n a e i ,sect-.tic»oBmt. th t absence cf -o th t churc i.' T e c l a w î cludmng with - a poem I"Vanit>Te' - t *r ~ar ss ye> I0-eaedR-- s GereDanég!gv mc Best. Rcil caîl: ship - and the pening deva- id________________or_*_-_______ a:r'ver>' excellent reading," Old Timets". and Court Lady gnowbl . -iyou am Sn Uraù bB5i -ut e e bih mt- hed n W dn sda, ct. Ch îteed Acc trtan ti h .ai tht e e lpt y ,e c b>' ~~~and ýCourt Lady Sncwbiîd 1930 - ar.DILG merce ior thltei Centenniail. It L A. tht 4, 196 ,'at ht Far st rsH all, 93 C hu ch Street C anada and naines th c explor . ' t m are b«es s--in pnc'cofl. Tht rail,,Cull was.ail rè6ur2ayp tusee w s lV6. ; ' 'ers n~ tiand r ut n d fit et~ d i v e r h, n t p g ai îua n w t ' b ' A n l. t r u s wý - Ëe r a l l Ôt t e o n n 1 d a c c e p t e d s C .a r t 9 4 A c c on a n . g r o w t h n d n i y a t i s g - - vesalil"l rOtIe aiWecme l*b-. d Un ant country is' a hîston>' lessenohm m umm by hOmemakStandra! pb#one.Q2$3-sez'as suci names as Cartier, " " MI I I e e _TSVEe' :Betany W nî p,>l. . r- Thé "'M 'nt>'.ai, tu n ? a .HA L C iamfplain, Radisson, Brebeuf " b'-wne i l Umm - wand a guIft cf $25.00 tewaîds ut-'titis meeting ne - Pal! Bset, Thoammp' wov n d M c keatte re . lene-Cdntenn1i'Projeccl of drawand Centennli- Pins,. CharteredAccountn b'sntcmît ihu Rctdided, Chfidien's Research. azâ'we did cquite wefl on bot. 36% King'St. E., O iaw Wî nd ot cimtee -ho - Th Aia Cnvetio utOn Ocleben 25, we are invit- Tlephane 7256539 neorjdcsbtetc aeo Toronto. ln ovemn1er-wà.dis- cd ta CO rt Vent ure, BwBo lOwpréju c. iedice& ti Lofrace o - cussed. X11 Harry Ryle>' wili nianville f 1or e Friendship ChatRO S Ed Accountn-sCM.r ale ain ovnn~F N S R O o L E B A O E eattend us - branch delegate; Nighb. CatrdAcutns Z.RlhSdecnee A RT A DI IE E Mis. Thomas Jeaningu as Aiea -in ommd 323 King Street West ai Histoîlcal Reaearch ' and E.26 Aio Convoner*ior Agriculture and maelýo hald e Oshawa., Ontarioa Curnent Events, pîeslded fanr " 'te. P it Il . l bimla.Iditie;Ms e an rbake sale and a daw 725-8451 .-728-7554 the programme and called n "~ STANDING Rie ROAST ~ 9'2'7* "f Candia Idusnca Ms. edconsising of,- lt prize, spice William A. D. Selby, CA. M s. Malcolm Emerson tle ln- BLADE ROASI T5.7 8J IY RI T A S~11 4 S et n ce e>'èan d M i s. H cA4 pi o t > o , G . E d m o n d ' B u rrcw a , C .A . t o d u c e th e g u e s t s p e a k e r, M nr . 8 ' 1 1tfur th.g upo i e e a e s przepillâW cases, at oui Ro>' Scott, Seagave, whoi NELESS BLA E R OAST 9' 9 7 LADE STE K IrthegCNEp"ai aine memb n nfua i Christm as 7eà 9 - 9- 7 6 wl tedtessinonC'h ir-o p r a c fi i c aveteran af World Wr One SHORT RIS O AST 1'1'COSCTSEK " 9 X evNE R A L I N S U R & N C B --in a a4 m otiobite m acleasn d n d w as w t i th e C an d ian s -'9 5' '17 6 * C85' 17 - ?*ovi B wm s e e t 2 d, ai g 'a . ,mto n wrase mmdc d . _ ____________MANN; _D.C.C ROSS CUT RIB KASTn. 6 tie e e san pe eal bu s be ng à ons oed ' p s e a p n h s w i i . 1 W N M N , D C w hen V im y R idge w as cap - C O S C T R O S " 5 9 A S ~ a g S t E -b >' M o u n t P l i si n t ,. o m e n s f p a p , n e d o z e n c it a m a n d C îr p a c o nl i e . U D E.RA T05' 1 6 y- " ýOtfice iRemidee Inatitule. -Menfbens wene ask- sugen bçewlsaund ont dbzen Office. -Mn. Scott, la bis optning ne-RECIAV dtewaCelnilcout- sait and pepPer shakers. i iiiS, o.o os> marks, said that tic Canadians St,>.car. fBRAISINSG ums ortiis'ccsin.d.a we are havlnga Phono 623-5509 played a minci part la ticLEDeISE LAE -'M BRSE Lelen' c tak for gifa Cistmas part>' ion tie For- O>c ers > po n tnîwar but owing ote coc-op- BNLSS BRISKET POINT 91t 20', 7ONEL0ESST IN BjF8'1 . 'tutichlden on Dec. O9h, eCd Armyawas Pucesatul th 9')? 6,14 i bet zeen 2-4 p.m.,, wblch Sentai anadian n atinadcrdiation, tht Bi EF STEAKETTES '"- 9 4 ET E KD S 2e6 'REN EW will .atend. Saa i a 1 aI Vimy. The Frenci had lest (~' Happy b hayws-uung te DR. .R UDV-ELL, nvy r 1420,000 and thlictnisi had i.,mh _ .. . l.n.ue - I 'dS.d""IhU-r anlco84000 TWOv .T wn-upe W____ ____e hnSratiréiÇit hadQ re.BS ODORAN T l'ele ýist lu hèiý *aële oa yMff. .buBw a m ae. The Royal 'Canadian FINE QUALTY 'AT P I' ' é -14O top e erytllone7 ohsa ro e, -1 it"o tont s., H iol as r ug tCR STALCLEA R t M9 9c-PUlmPI ho d1Y dPARTSof UliIerd. Mis. Georgert stock, &'Ma' meaotutut@0 Fo weRi f n o ri a- r..r a re. 00ho disd n f M -'a~4b> afutrac, - rlranco and Belglura. The mem- H E ptu ',9 - ~The *Mura service ~w AMHR H&mE O J91VOSO o n. la300oerin re1927 otiiis HE Z PRE D'2'199MKIS SA I 0 bl n 'u#dY. October Piton. 983-54 466 n ms -f rnn w CIM ESE 1Otit, frm lte ortiteutt inl- PlisI M gravi tes l ie id farces. e SLICES L "t69t EABSIT *' *NGULA -32t. It1vir8f9Roiécs l um Teive veterans remaînedi SEWR OKALss 4vuSé0dustd b>'Bsny Po~rIs an eoriethie. day. mnd vimk- . GLAU UTS b-53 - - W DIIY<IUt . d Napoleon'se «tate,,whlch wubuilt b> lte beat.mrtl.an Alvi- x« coc llkme.and arcititect. nrt m ti IMetsMVIIIU %uhzE Md owmvtj. Wouon -a VIP ,mir lne, on ,wm kr * moýit ch the Hottoreble .Rolusd XEN S cUmNhlm% Wbner wu -a passengei IG vas coi fr m i n t 5p .ai lw it ; on returned by te g ui - tti uasClb BeVn Tuudy in of a colored television, , ' . - -, IL r I I.

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