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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1967, p. 10

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¶~ andjj1Stfemon, ommnvm lfl,!ov. 1, 198? Long, Service Hydro Employees rl vrpo must keep in cotatwhou Clark.. Lounn Aai C*flcu ci igi Tables Members ofss pobPrlimnta J Ken Sinclair, EI m i m m I r p l e x ham and N rh m era d n TrUSSIOD o Apartments CI~ toofok charge forteeecono oiers which resle sfl Tne request for approval ta Dleut Reeve Walkey stat- a wbole new Land Use By- lows: Sub Distrc ietr buW d Io triplex apartinent ed tt ltisougli the Reatriet- Law. "We can't go as far as "u Melbourne MorocCvn buildings camne before Couneil cd Area By-Law has not been thse Department requcsts be Mb srieVat Dm Poty of the Township of Clarke a prqyed'by tlic M inter of cause of the present plicu itit L d ietr -gain on Monday evening, uicipai Affairs, this by-law used by.Committee of Ajst- poolJuirDrcoRne Oct. lti. After smre discus- was given three readings by ment,", stated Mr. Milson. Tesrr ae Vn Dm sion thse request was again tise Township Couni and the Thse greatest change in th TesreJk tabled. Council la ta seek a itent ini fiis by-law prahibit. ncw by-law, said Mr. Millsosi, the new Directrto th eSu11ý othPopo l; erea furtiser opinion from thse cd sucia multiple dweilings in was in connection wt th le car f Planning Board who originally the township. Also, hie point- village where various develop- did flot give their approval ed aut.that thse Planning Board ment zones would be defined. inrint for the construction for the had submittcd tbis decision of The clerk said he wouid pre- Jh Challice, Mhlrok h tpjxapartments. The Orono no approval. He asked if thse pare thse by-law but could dowo$10 rh PUeTrustees have subiitt- Planning Board had discussed sa anly up to a point. "It is Ja, ohn $00 cd te Council their approvai this any furtiser. Council menm- really thse affair of thse Plan- OritoBwmnile o for thec development on Prin- bers of the Board smid it haed ning Board," he said.$2O. ceasStret. oca Bord fot een iscssed further by The clerk aiso stated thath of Health submnitted their re- the Board. Tise deputy reeve understood that thse Planning prea chae b ionmmbr Port wlth recomxnncatians in alsa referred ta a petitian Board had a new draft for a e dsrbt. pReacha eq yUestnfrtlzr respect ta sewage disposa] for against the project but fet building by-law. Also, he ore n uc a evd thec fwo apartmcnt buildings. that objections contained in said, there was to be a reoteoreddisriue.Metncd If appeara from the discus- the petition couid be over- on the building byiaw from Rion af the Council meeting corne. thse Building Inspector, Mr. that members are, at this time, Cauncillar Carveth furtiser Horace Best. divided in their opinion re- stated that thse Police Trustees Matters concerning railway gardng approval for the tri- had stated that the apartments crossifgs in Clarke were dealtAt ei. plexes. Their diverse opinions wouid be a source of new rev- with by Council. Reeve Fos- arc based on variaus factors. enue for water, hydro and the ter stated that it appeared Bath Reeve Foster and village. Counillor Gray ask- that the Transport Board F mii Councillor Carveth pointed out d how far the Trustees felt wanted every crossing chang-PL N T AT that thc Orono Police Trus- tisey could go in this type of cd wisether it needed it or flot. P tees are clected ta conduct dcveiopment. "Once you jet In connection witis the Glover These 10 members of Ontario Hydro's Central Bennett, Markham Area staff. Seated from the le! t are I ~ P tise affaira of the village and this go yau have no controI," crossing, council members feit Region staff have a combined service of 250 years with Edgar James McKenster, Manby T.S.; HryAke D u mm, that this body has given their lic said. that there was no need for thHom isorry yede ine orQate o aproalfr hedveopen. Th CekH.E.Mlîan~ change as thse sightlines were teCm iso.T yate eda in rfrQutrBwmanville Area; Mrs. Betty Carsorn, Region officeý E Tisey miaefr atisdeele t. Tha e CpfigonrkH.Eceint eeing good. To this end the clerk Century Club members held in Toronto. From the lef t accounting staff, Willowdale and Region Manager o tise local Board of Health have held in Toronto with the De- was ta notify the commission, standing are: Morris D. Stansfield, Leaside T.*S.; Jack Frank J. Dobson, who resides in Clarkson. i e e ape d t he site forF su ch tenTt, emes doncthe j0.Pecommis-~ Tryon, Manby T.S.; W. A. "Bill" Brown, Leaside T.S.; members received their Quarter Century Club buttonIn e atol contrcd twtion meeta maketisePslateTruatefappaned that th, signais. Ted Coomber, Scarborough Inspection staff, Lakefront at the banquet. dlecision. Township was gaing ta haveraîa crsngts reeMru, rog1TSa dR g -(Ontario Hydro photo)RT Conwaycring the evleea;R ." o"S a b l._________________ _ T R RC said that tise township action mets it fhnircCul would depend on what te L n s a d F r stise s t f istse rilway and commission is go- L n1. nTFre tsn et o y unrasuafl- Farm Union Core sctaddivii Attenton Famers! ing ta do ait tisscrossing. ekl R pot . e asuraedofur agtNwnODL10.UB A t e t o a m r !A letter was received frontm wlR p rt2 er ue oa l oddgun. agtMO E 2 Board stating tise need for a before you squeeze tise trigger. with7fro new hig schscil in Bowman- So You Want To Be a prosperous. Tise remaining 3. Neyer point a gun at any- Durham. County Farm Uni>n' SAVE I Why pay more on ville. Tise letter pointed out Huntlng Accident Statistief 117 were maimed to various thing you do not want to kiliseld tiseir annual meetingý MODEL 6561 IEE tisat Courtice will be filled Latdegrees and tiseir productive 4. Aiways carry your gu cn l w t tia ny Orenange.w1 -fro premium qult by 1968. It also stated that t year 130 people were capaîywS therefore dimin- so that thse muzzle Is under ALNW 64DEE qu ytie Board is endeavouring ta nfrntisci u h aeih acrigy h pol oto ialtmsKen Bragg, sub Director for; *L NEW unfrtnanes de ougstoeaeisho e accoldîn.Tise popconrl tai ims District 8 chaired tise meet- with4flo GAS LIN -DISE. &MOT R 015 sell tise present higis scisool r ae de ots e iowr iidi ieeac- 5. un must aiways be un- ing.M D 4 D GA OLNEDISE &MO OROIS ndtiat tise board isas aiready partment's list' of hunier dents were truly unfortunate, ioaded wisen carried into' camp Reprtswer rceie43ro purchased an 18.2 acre site casualties. Tiirteen, or 10 per but so were tiseir friends and or when not in use. ELeort 34 IESELe fom FA M T N S A D P M S A A L B E east f Liberty Street and just cent, iad the dubius honour relatives w io lost someone withe f ur-furrow j oc liwi FAR TAKS ND UMP AVILALE soutis of Concession Street. of being placed aithtie top of dear; in some cases, it was tise 6. Make sure barre] and ac-tis fourmLocais.HApe wnoa Tise new higis scisool in Bow- tise iist; tisey either acci- breadwinner. tion are clear of obstructions. - wahs ord ian oencour-' CALL COLLECT manville would be a com- dentally shot themselves or O tieoersad tseb7. Unattended guns should hs yerwiisanenou- Df C A L L C O L E C Tposite s h o .w ere shot b t r . Thirteen Ofr en and rel ad h e u l a e . g n e b r h p W I Y 66 33 1Bath Deputy Reeve Walkey productive members of doubrendane edlaes oftiose B. pNever climb a fence or. Guest speaker of the even- 1967 - fo and Councillor Carvetis statedi Canadian society are no io who were not kilied were un-im ditch witis a loaded ing %vas M.WlimMuiders,ý o n e o b t d y s d d naa d a eMn.P e i e n f tr boi l l i a W IB 66 33 1that tise additions to thse Bow- vitis us to assist tise rest ofu to suff edes anxiety as ee ho tfat~ ititLbrCouncil. Mr.i manville Higis Scisool should in making this country more 9.Dvrsota lt ,!ititLbrM. i P AC haveneyr ben onsrucecia result o! a hunting accident hard objects or tise surface of! Mulders was one of tise strik-' ianevtis enf c. en sx eas o met a should neyer have hap- water. lers at Tilco plant wiso went: Va mile eas f ed _____________ CerkH. . Mlîsn akedif itha ttalof 24 eam atpcned; isuntingr accidents do 10 Avoid alcoholic drinks - Ito iail as a result of a govern-! Signswiibpot CulrkH.E.uldiscu s e with he tItr-lub o 2 mtitin ot Just liappen; they are alcoisol and gunpowder don't ment injunction against pick-' t tise Public Scisool Board andi andth followi ng is a list ot fcas mix. jeting iast February. 7hCneso tieOrn Tutestieis-tise results as tisey affect tise IfYou are inciined to break Remember -- If your narne Ne explained tise point o O ing o! elactions on a two-year Durham teams. any of tise foîîowing 10 ruies appears on tise Department's viw of tise workers andi why, T of hunter safety, some day, list tise chances are one out tisey feit they were justified C w n qi basis ta coincide with tise Tracter Club Competitiona somnewhere, your namne or the of 10 tisat you'll ha dead. in what tisey did. He stressedl comîng two-ycar terni for Tise "Durhsam 4-H Tractor rinme o! someone you know A.E. Walrotis tise need for tise farmner and. Council. As it now stands, Maintenance Club" comfpeted, may appear ntsheat ititFrse. aorrt e oehr II ~ Eship on a w ertrR. 1, Enniskillen, Scott Rob-B W AN <111IIH"' I IIJwould have to be isald cvery inson. R.R. 1, Port Hope. This bLyear if requircd. . Club w s p a et3 d o t f 9 formed Council that th lusceptig 1111'Ii ~ ~County Assessment Office was Patate Club Competitian n'fot setting up sub-offices Tise "Durhsam 4-H Potato througisout tise county as Club" competed, represented previously considered.-Times. by Mary Seward, R.R. 3, Mill- brook, Jim Walker, R.R. 1, ubCampbellcroft. Tisis team was piaced lst out cf tise 10 Clubs 4-kItrilCu competing andi was presented Imîl with tise 4-H Potato Challenge I 1,06eTrophy by tise Ontario Soil * ompetitionm and Crop IpoeetAsc J iation. IThe Ontario Department of Agriculture andi Food hielicFeld Cran Club Competition tise 37th Annual 4-H Inter- Tise "Norths Durhsam 4-H Club Compatîtion in Dairy Corn Club" competeci, repre- Calf, Bec! Cal!, Swine, Fieldi sented by Mary Shea, R.R. 1, Crop, Potato, Tractor, Engin- Janetville, Donald Heeringa, W hafs h ppeningeer andi Electric projects IR.R. i, Fraservilie. This Club atatise University o! Guelphs was placed 39tis out o! tise 62 on Friday, October 20, 1967. Clubs compating,it r l iioe il lTise main objective of 4-H Tise "Durham 4-H Barley 10 teClub work is tise dcvelopment Club" also competed, repre- 1~s icn ci1~rnachieved in tise Argricultural R.R. 1, Port Hope. David ý-H lubsby providing train- Shsackleton, R.R. 1, Bowman- ing in agricuiturai subjacts ville. This -Club was placeci sucis as Dairy, Fieldi Crops 49th. The modem farmer puts his trust în a computer and Engineering, Tise Home- Be afCu optto instead 0f an almanac He knows the day is making 4-H Clubs receiva eefCi lb0optta t raining in Homcmaking suis- Tise "Durham 4-H Beef Cal! coming when one man at a control panel jcsscsa rsmkn n lb optd ersne Elva îbson 68. ied, nd fla yea's Seies i the o.tx;c"finî I v L nf"Cbt o. o.... suaarensly Uctober 20, 1967, at 54 erthgetsatn aelvro aaaS p o f s s o n ls a n o h e s eraidence, Tauntonont ay a -h i h s tri grt vro a a a Svings 6 % Sh a on tSlnBond-aiid'go right up to 6%. Over the 13 years to mnaturity 6%n pro es io al a d th'sMarcis 6, 1899, tise daugister the time aerage animal yield is 5.48%.A ua oftise late Mr. and Mrs. Wal- who think professional!1 tr Vice. Bn f an aig o a veaara l onpléII1teest! Tise late Mrs. Gibson was interest leature which pays yole interest mr yoiw mnterest , Take married January 4, 1923, in full advantage of it and you 'will double yo o ne .f~ Oshsawa andi has been a resi- - mca ~ Iv~ctrgdent o! Oshsawa and area most As always, Canada Savings Bonds are instant cash. They may ofSe ise. peecae ybe cashed at any turne for t heir fi!l face value piu accrued infereslt. iser isusband, William George, They. are easy f0 buy for cash or on insfalrnents. They fit ail savings who died January 15, 1964, hdesfo 5 p and two bretisers, Everett and ~ <~rm$0ua model 14-50 autamatic oiirnq Percy. .And., for the first tune lever, Canada's moEçt popular personal S h e is su rv iv e d b y on e ae t n n ay b u c a e y u i e s s h rc e , c a i i s daugister, Mrs. George Har- meuetra i ucae ybsnsecucecaiis per (Marion), Uxbridge, Ont.; clubs, and other organizations. Another first: thse limit per holder tisree sisters, Mrs. Donald £or flua Series lbas been imcreasèd to $50,OOO. Yellowlees (Fl1arr en cle) o! Tauntan, Mrs. Harold Jedsan -d a& u eme of Canadii aa ai Bo"d (Leti) o! Beavertan, MMs.BmkWd Csd, aig Hilton Tink (Myrtle), Ebene. ame a peetway to aeve. Buy yours fodey and double your rnoney. zer; and two brothers, Clar- PIO NE ~IIYHAI SWSthe big difference ence and Russell, o! Sauina., PI N ERý Ci A S ttlegnern! gahei ldorvieyt Tise memariai service was held Monday, Oct. 23rd W S. . efon (tSo i I'fskn nra Sor tise Armstrong Funeral iome,Yo ff«kinGenercl Stor Oshawa. Interment was. n ~wIsapmE as.-iU n62421 LACKTOCK pHONE 986-49)71 Zion Cemntery. Rev. Chsarles! tise service. ;4« H PotatoClb TýChe Durham 4-H o Cub held its fifth and final 1meeting of 1967 at the Exten- sion Branch Office of the ODntario Dept. of Agriculture in Bowmanville, Friday, Oct. l3th. Ail members were pre- sent. Members showed sain~ 1 of potatoes which they carefully picked fram tj plots. They were judged b Mr. Rutherford and Mr. B~ kie. Theothree best sarnpîeZ weethose exhibited by JU-I-, dîth Wood, Paul WOod, and Doris Beatty. These will go to the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto. At this meeting the mem-, bers also answered a quies. and judged classes of pota.;- toes. On October 2Oth, th-ý potato team Of Mary Seward and Jim Walker placed first., at the annual Inter-Club., Competition at Guelph 'TEND OUR 'RATION Ha rvester &PLOWS hese tractors under conditions: CHARGE semi-mounted plow semli-mounted plow PIow 10V. 3rd 10:00 a.m.. of T. Cowan l, 2 miles north. Bd at turn on of Clarke ipment Ltd. (ILLE Is ;i-ý 67-22 1 j

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