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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Wiî ~PIER NUPITRS -It's that timne of year again when,z -istead of most of the killing being done on the highways, those who carry guns for hunting will -have a turn at it. Last weekend in Cavan townjShip, ,a 37-year-Old Toronto man suffered multiple gunshot VOLUME 1 0 9 f ds i un tif accident and near Lindsay, in h1other accident, EX-Mayor Holtom's 15-year-old 1 as1shot in the left leg. No doubt there willl leC ns i ¶SOre in the weeks ahead. o s tCO. t 1t j morning InHope Oen eeig onci atuedby- COOL - Hoe aonshopsneg n atudabyS Iaw 1475 to bring sub-division control into effect throughout the township. The move came quzckly after it was learned that two or three hundred land registrétions have been made during the month of October. ANNVESAY O Mndy, ovt6hCB 1 St ANMýESAR -On oniyNo.t6hi.BC &ç radio will broadcast a special program from 8 to 9 p.m., rnarking the 5th Anniversary of Passchendaele A durifig World War 1. Several voices of local miitary eveninq mnen who were there may be heard including Joe Ltd.i Torc O'Neili and the late Ed Youngman. t t don Con- QUICK - In last week's Statesman, several dno photos appeared of the opening of Darington's ~ 0 Centennial project, the Pioneer Settlers cabin T in Darlington Park On Sunday, just a week after the opening, visitors to the park found dions ad the cabin's windows ail boarded up and the have con place closed for the winter. Probably the quick- that : Tô, est openlng and closing on record. t tt sion of th WINNER - Irving Gi was winner of draw number forthwith 8 in the Kin Investment series. No doubt the $50 PUCç f0 will corne in handy. His ticket was B85. and set DILEMMA - Newcastle is faced with a dilemma. dse The Iack of a sewage system is causing pollution L ce in the centre of the village, especially since the ok r S installation of the water system. Land has been located for a lagoon that would tie in 'uwih a f L........... IL 14Paes- -1:19jvmua, M ±A'NOVMBER 1, 1967 150. per Copy NME 'nts Recommend Change ggslWuI.&ra*dfWugeSysza ýoulfd De Tbrauxferrngd Ira,, Pm.f ~be Lspecial meeting of Town Council on Tuesday ;received fthe report of T. I. Plumkett Associafes, ronf o, Municipal Aff airs and Public Admin*iafra. asultanfs on the Organizafion -and Adminisfra- Vafer and Sewerage'Services by the PUC here. he report sfafed that f "in view of ail considera- Iminisfrafive, organizafional, and legal, we me fa fhe f oliowing conclusion and recommend >wn Council and fhe Public Ufilifies Commis- Le Town of Bowmanville enfer into negofiafions h aimed af arriving--af an agreement for fhe transfer operaf ions and conf roi of the wafer erage sysfem fa the fown. The repart pointed out that ing the repeal oi the relevant if aiter a limited peniod ai By-Laws enacted many years ysteM time the negotiations should ago beore the electorate; 2. Counil c n o tain conrol f o the Ontrio Legisature. o. JUd , o. z pr at act . -, seag yse btit is located in an area south the wngeind nanas isy thdehaveer andlsewerageosysevWeado flot condemneaithis wee A-if 401 that couldeaveasbd efecton evee: tms. By plac (TURN TO PAGE TWO) WesprisicuigWatn ak.Ameig t a h bwanle bandl ~rpris nldn atn ak etn hLteBwavleFii e e ruwas held Friday to discuss the situation, but no Locker System on King ne tst. t imniediate solution was forthcoming. Wsascagdbns. Ine te el br th t t- t t Dennis Posthunius, Liber- tY St. North, ia the new I Ia NVETS Th Durham District High School Board owner.V Ih 4:...... .really tossed a beau t at some of its Ion g-haired maie ht waa over 22 years ago ow e n e. . suet hypassed a resolution that persons that Wilf and Ben Kitson Lilln s W. .... whose hair is considered too long by the instructor, fýio àa modern frigid iocker "lffÈ.0..*#( be required to wear a hair net as specified by the.s Dancerno tdth'~~in ionsIII C..entre~'I Industrial Safety Act while working near any apartmnenta above. The Hallowe'en Dance held Kinettes Karen Geddes, Kin-.................. rotating shaft, spindie, gear, beit or other possible After Ben Iett some yeara by the Bowmanville Kinette ette Rena Fiskre and Kinette ~ soure o enangemet. Core, ohny, ut our ago, Mr. and Mrs. Wifred Club at the Lions Community Bea Molloy. .. sorc f nanlmet "oetJht utKisn have continued so Centre on Saturday evening, The large hall was effect- hair net on before you go near ta machine." operate the plant. wslreyatne.ieydcrtdi alw Kinette Betty Brown was e'en theme. Orange and black vel00 YC n d an chairat o the comnitt:e: n streamers adorned the stage, Illiflhl charge of arrangements. She and also extended from a : . . members of this committee, Hallowe'en motifs in varjous e L u .colors were suspended from Serinn flha~u Wih IUS"HALLOWE'EN PRANK the streamers. DUSI UU tret lghtdcae o a it rcUnd he anc Sp ak rBowmanvilie's Christmas The tables were grouped early this yeam, but It was table had orange and blc ali a Hallowe'en pmank. streamers across its white ther tremendous problers ini teaching these poor people ment Program ta tell the sto and ter remained burning Music for dancing was Met- coe ttercn ein}alw'nPry hy Ga n e lrde prevalent inithe underdevelop.. in backward lands modern of Canada's extemnal office" uThle PUC d vcsay monln.JockeyuBdry CKLB ith s rf o e tt i hP t rBtgtD vdM l r ed countries, and the great methods of agriculture to en- Mr. Henderson said. To begL iflic .TJC. sea that J o oke y arry SainDise- ,fO ett ihPee ahae ai ilr - desrlbedbY Lgrry Heln- audience in spirit to a camp !m afue.have. been m- Spot Dances an« a TwistCo-vi d 'm EcC h erson, 4oronto, in his address éoveil as a oecautonary test were presentdb M. at the meeting ai the Canadian 1_______________________________________________ (TURN 1O PAGE TWON temasum. SMr.en 0f lowe Sho Clubo!fWest Durham -hld in OfAlwe h day Scool last Wednesday P u s inT c h rh Ti ekn #ifJi Treint UiedCurhSun- Il Unied h rh T', ee JIAttaaml Large The president, Mrs, Wilbert Ad ec T eeple, said that M . Il nd er A m ajor change bas taken T he p c a C e n t e n n i a1 ed h e u i n e a d s son is really so well kiown Slc nwa sdt cCnetpeile n t e n n itheIEcthe auncend satdetha1 ratestioA.Snniverscjrytha Store on Division St. tion of its music director and Canada's looth Annîvrayr in k placesinhehat uscdpeokbc Co Steeam's Sed mneetingcert resenedtbyehe Ex thofoncer by te 100voîce "Th Chrchof oda ina te as Fr te pstsverlelsiandtr Ehoir un e the dîrec-oâthe coicbationa club ate: is form ation sev- Pr :ence, not a Power,". stat- lia ral Turner, who la ill. V N A S O > 0 : siince L.KoeflhIe ,%a ro the Mel o wa e ef 5tam i îs s . ;ud '1< the frst meetng hcld y the 'ThOChurch f tndayhe aothn aaenceAaithoriustrpRev.leatoa the1Uc or t] cmal years ago. as D. gC. e.st eache ate s n dco l te gesîasmeat-PoicilPlceaei-chaacd the premises, the greatly enjoyed by the lw'presentation of Handel'sMs Henderson's voice and face St. Pauls United Church o! Mn. Turner. and at present vsiaigamcn ra- former Stewart store bas audience that filled the audi- sia on December i6th S ru c tofevîsion. She pmdicted thattSundabm o r n i n g. Mny Information 0f he United washraos constmucted thi arc familiar toalal thanks ta 133md Anniversamy service on Secretary o! the Board a and damage done to new plcte renovation. Psdeto different from the days ! h teeiio.Seprdce ta uda onng ayInomtono h Uie a he o Ms osred ben ndcJo.g co- tnî m aPîty. T o da wee . Finthing qit ai evemyone at the meeting would changes have taken place Chumch of Canada in Tor- year at the Orono Fair; The Interior is now cam- the Excelsior Choir, wecom- pioner.Frti ehv find much o! interest in his since the beginni.ng ai aur onto. Special music was un- Grounds. plete and a Grand Opening -ltt igaot knwdebeand of iniamed oint ch an muith cthe nueet etl whe rcin he ladies's tth eicnCete planned for this week- SHAW GRADUATE simply saying 'Thanksbet 'ihhmpateVtrI- andds be a i hi brm oadnCuch and ust hco sntin e tcal hention a dieRss tteMe enr nGod' for the many blesnsvn o h uirFgr Larmy Henderson ai vîew. times. In the beginning Chris- chorus sang "O Lovely Peace", Cobbledick St., entrance was end* Information was received He asorih b "I an here tonight on be- tianity was based on love and and terausing anthem gained through a basement Visitors fgimiliar with the this momning that Thomas basaclystowed at understanding and did much "Gloria In Excelsis" by the window. A smail amount o! old store wili find it diffi-L. Mason, on o!SM . a r u. erea so f shown iCnd h cm mcv moeyws aenad o- ut o eogie h bid-sfathers who arduousiy pb-ta h utie atih tebigte epetgthr hi.siderable damage was donc ing as the same anc. The graduated from. the Business eered under alI kndso!diag.MsOk steau- Toaasawys hrei Tiiycongregation joined t several doors. Kacudemmans have transfor- Administration Course at the ficulttraiM.anerss.S.Oe C ourt V enture H oÏd -s great need for this lave and in the evenng service whcn tAt the Faim Gounds, a mcd it inta a most attract- Shaw North Toronto College Tes.ner pee ~ a etogetherness w hich the Dm. Stewart was assisted by door, îock and window were ive store and arc cager ta ai Business.Si EretM ila Cuh a ieta its people. Bey. Eaml Leard and Miss smashed in the new wash- show their many frienda lHe is now employed by the S metMMia' r isOewspatsn H a l w ' n D n eDm. Stewart was introduced Helen Cumie, audio cansult- moins and a door was broken and customers the changes K. C. Welnian Company O! rangement of God Sav thwthemprnro cic The Hallowe'en Dance -held ciaus hall camnied out the by Eder M . W . Teele, in1 (TURN TO PAGE TWO) off the poultry building. they ave made. Toronto. "ogIThen Singa My' by Court Venture ai the Halloween theme. An excel- The Excelsior Chir thnaetrth SnirFgr Canadian Oder ai Foesters lent pogram o! music for asn h euiu in thc Leglon Hall on Satur- dancing was povidcd by thc "The Haes r day evening, and the large Ambassadoms Orchestra, oai sang ther beautiful antheCo n dSkating Championshlps aion number ai people who at- Whitby. trio part m..mwuwm 1968 tended had a wonderul time. There was a great~ vaiety -G uI, Lindsay, soprano, Rosct he m cl a ov be Conductot Betty Westlake ai costumes, same fclevemîy A Bowmanvîlle man is me- undetermined internal injur- The Farder car received Linkie's auto received $600 Metcalf, tenon, and RosD I ne was- in charge of arrange. original, others ai Hallowe'en ported in serious condition ies when his auto collided $2,500 damage and a Bow- damage. He was taken to an, bass. I ok6 tthst ls rents for the enjyable type, seveal splendid utits, in Toronto Geneal Hospital bmadside into a car driven mnanvlle. OPP spokesman de- Memorial Hospital by Bow- Vivian Sader, a coralo i anadD.Nrna evexnt. She was assisted by and a few comic nes. This following a two-cam crash on by Joyce Eileen Frder, 30, scribed the woman as "very nanville Area Ambulance memorably s a n g Aapomnn aalsi Chaplain Jean Devitt 'and made the task ai the 'judges, the 8th Concession of Dar- of Blackstock. l ucky". He said the front and and then transfered irst to "Holy City" as a solo. issren u e e naca Sister Gwen Dennis. Conductor Westlake, Chap- ington Township, Monday Miss Frder received num- back seats of her car were Oshawa General Hospital and Sadler is well known in1 i o w ei.Tecs a A hugg lighted pumpkin lain Devitt, and sMm ar- around 5 p.m, erous lacerations ta thé arma completey buckled up. "A later ta Toronto General Hos- area and in Oshawa iof e 1Wbe rmvdadMs ith a caved Jack O'Lantern garet Wilson exedingly dif- Alex Linkie, 54, oi R.R. 1, and legs but was treated and passenger would have had ta pital. OPP Constable Lary concert work.Okisrcvngtet ntn ae dominated the stage, and ficut. Bowmanville, received frac- eleased rom Bwmanvile have been, pried out," he Mahoney was the investigat- The Oshawa BarberShpte Pyitemp Dpa- li decoations o -the spa- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) tured ribs and pelvis, and Memornal Hospital. added. ing officer. (TUN TO PAGE TWm tCiM m raHo pt . Prize Winners at Le< ;ion f's Hallowe'en ParIy In e c s w I e>p - ) k, - -.--.--,-.--,--- I-s '1 14 Pages dit JMWMIMVIIAAr- fb]VTAlItrrb IkTdwr"m--- - ---- qW-H IWO

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