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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Nov 1967, p. 7

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and Mrs. J. Elliott were amongNew B p st M nse those attending the noon N w B p it M ns Luncheon and Bazaar at Per- Phon 6233303Wednesday. Phone 623-3 03 1Mn. S. Brown was away several days last week due to the ill health of ber mother, Mrs. V. Wagg. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Eid- St. East, were Mr. Kramp's M.adMs rodWd ideand Leonard Jr., Elgin sster and brother-in-law, Mr.F. teet, were Sunday guests of and Mrs. D. Patterson weegstatheM ur ~ an Mr. DvidMilerWoodride, r. nd rs.ray-Watts wedding in St. anWhs.DaidMyleWm. Haili r.and fMîly, John's Anglican Church, Port reîndr o lt us ave ,anM r and fmiyHope, on Saturday afternoon. ' A emndr ole u hv Roseneatb adM. n r. M-r. and Mrs. Hugh Staple- the names of your out-of-, on Swift and family, Lon- tnrtre oeteeda town guests and information don, Ont. tewe rmterhldy . Of your visits with relatives! Mr. and Mrs. Doug Brown trip to Florida. or fiends in othèr localities. i o Winnipeg, Man. were guestsi Mrs. R. Farrow accompan- Dial 3-3303. last week of their cousins, Mr. ied Mt'. and Mrs. Clarence . ' ~-~ ?f.adMsA.LHoyand Mrs. Ray Brock, Queen Farrow and Karen af Agn4 Liberty St., accompanied by Street. During their stay, Mr. court to Expo over the week- their grandson Brenton, spent and Mrs. Brown accompanied iend. they were guests ofM. n relatives residing in Port Brit- famîly wene sppen guests, Mrs. L. B. Green. ain, Markham, Whitby, Ton- Saturday, withsuMn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. C. Braidwood, onto. St. Catharines and Niag- Wallace Boughen. î Beaurepaire, Que., were Sun- ara Falls. Mrs. Bea Jones and Mrs. C. day visitors with Mns. Braid- Miss Susan Etcher, Queen's M. Jones were among those Wood's sister and brother-n-; Ja, n.an Ms.Ed SrogUniversity, Kingston, spent who attended the Satunday law Mr an Mr. E. Sront:the weekend with ber parents, nighlt Communîty Concert As- Chuch tret.Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Etcher, sociation at Cobourg's East- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flet- Orchandview Blvd. On Satur- ern Collegiate, where Miss cher, Mrs. Marion Minns and1 day Susan's brother John and Lois Marshall was guest solo- son Rayme, al of Picton, sister Cathryn accompanied ist. were Sunday visitors with Mr. b er to Toronto where they at- Miss Marilyn MacDonald Fletcher's parents, Mr. and1 tended the University of Tor- w as home from Waterloo Uni- Mrs. A. Fletcher, Queen St. onto - Queen's University1 versity for the weekend. Mr. and Mr. Neil Cunning football game.I Mrs. Alice Austin of Can- }Iam, Randy, Ivan and Heath-_ Visitors at the home of Mn. ton, spent a few days recent- er were Sunday guests ofi and Mrs. David Park on Sn ly with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mrs. Cunningham's brother day included Mr. and Ms Tompkins. and sisten-in-law, Mr. and Tom Park and baby Alan,' A good attendance turned Mrs. Allan McKnight, Wanda iMns. Pat. Lemaire, Mrs. Mer-oufr the Annual Thank- and Kevin, Toronto. 'ton Mavin, Brenton and Dean o ffe ringAniversary Service Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Davis,i of Oshawa; Mn. C. Murney, here on Sunday morning con- King St. East, necently visîted 'Joyce, Sonia, Howard and ducted by our ministen Rev. their grand-niece and her Genald ai Peterborough;i Mrs. T. J. Snelgruve. The anthem husband, Mr. and Mrs. RonlJA. E. Wood ai Tyrone; Mr. "I Was Glad When They Said R' . Grant Gordon Gilmore, Kitchener. Mr. Gil-Ïand Mr.RyKcoMs Unto Me," by Meredith was more is taking post-gaut enn th Prk and Catherine, wth caî'sfet."Aingv, ogthe Last week, Bowmanville Baptist Church on Nelson studies at Waterloo Univers- Mrs.B W. F. Park and M r. Rob- Stith a duet.th "At CranaGoronrydhiwby ity. ert Bailey, all ai Bowman- Mrs. Jim Caswell and Mrs.StedheRvGrnGodnad iswf Congratulations ta Mr. andJ ville. Boyd Harris. Margaret who wiIl be making their home in Bowman- Mrs. Cuthbert McDonald, Lib- Mr n r.Atu o-ý Visitors during the weekend ville. Mr. Gordon wi]l sucoeed Rev. Elmer Boomer erySt onh woceerae M.an rs1rtu 1Cv with Mr. and Mrs. George w ert S. ort, hocelbrte 1erly, Prince Street, wereI Stapleton were Mr. and Mrs. wo was minister here for six years -and has been thein Silver Wedding Anni- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Harry Stewart, Kingston; Mr: called to Red Lake. versary last Sunday. Many Evans at he Ladies Night af and Mns. Laurie Stapleton and Mr. Gordon, 26, is a native of Windsor. He studiedi . <nîends and relatives called at St. Aidans Masonic Lodge Beverhy, Ajax, and Mn. Fred at the London, Ontario, College of Bible and M*sson their home in the aiternoon hehd at the Holiday Inn, Ton- Nichols of Bancroft. sin to extend congratulations and onto on Saturday evening and With Mr. and Mrs. C. R. for four years, graduatîng in 1964 with a Bachelor of best wishes. were overnight guests of Mn.IFarrow and Glen were Mr. Teog degree. Later, he attended the Gordon Dîv-i Started your Christ mn a adMs.EassO udy and Mrs. Alf. Perrin and inityoyllege in Boston, Mass., graduating with a shopping yet? It is less than Mr. and Mrs. Coverly attend- Douglas on Sunday.BahorfDiitvd two months to December 25th ed a birthday party for their Supper guests Sunday with Bahlro iiiydgree'in 1967. He was also pastor and we really should at îeast grandson, Scott, who was cele- Mr. and Mrs. W. Boughen of a church in Hudson, Mass., and Youth Director in think about gifts, particularîy brating bis sixth birthday. were Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Yeo Revere, Mass., for nearly two vears. His wife is a thse. It sbetterc e a hiterct s.tGardon oflpar aid and Scott, Orono, and Mr. native -of Germany and they met at the Boston Divinity sea. I i bete tobea ltte Ms.GoronKilatick o Spence Gordon, Kendal. College, where she received her BA. She stahn earhy than too late sending Bay Ridges, formenly af Bow- Mr. and Mrs. T. Henderson . stahn mail to fan away places. manville.wee una sperget public school in Toronto until the end of the month. Little Miss Pauha Passa- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Leask with Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkle. In addition to being a preacher, Mr. Gordon is a mach- fiume ai Toronto spent a îew 'and iamîly, Mn. and Mrs. Jack 1Mn. and Mrs. S. Lancaster inist by trade, and very fond of sports, especially days eith hen gnandpanen ts, Marshall and family, al oi called ta see Mns. L. Tadd in hocky Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett,-C'en- Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Memnorial Hospital, Sunday, ky tre Street, while ber parents, ert Leask, Markham, Mr. and also on Mn. and Mrs. Herb He plans to start his minîstry here with an exten-j Mn. and Mrs. T. Passaîieume, Mrs. Don Leask, Brampton, Babcock at their home and sive visitation program. At present the church is un- wene attending Expo. Paula and Mrs. M. E. Leask, Bow- wene supper guests with Mn. dergoing a major interior and exterior renovation. retunned homne with ber par- fmanville, attended a reception and Mns. Sam Buttery, Salem __ ________________ ents on Tuesday oi this week. ion Dr. S. S. Lumb, the latter's Newtonville U.C.W. met inE Weeked guets wih Mnbrother, on Satuday, October the Sunday School Hall, Wed- E adMs rdKap Kigicroit About 450 guests were bers were welcomed by Presi- T ta h oe M n r .J ob inattendance at the recep- dent Mrs. G. Stapheton, who Te UCW me theom'M.ad rsM.JHbs tion. At 7 o'chock a deicious opened the meeting with the of Mrs. Alan Werny on Oct.iwere gucsts ai Mn. and Mns. penteoStal dinner was senved in the An- hymn "O Wonship The King"., 18 at 8 p.m. with an -attend-! William Olesuk, Oshawa. glican Panish Hall ta the im- using the newly bought music ance of 31. This meeting had Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater .I~VII mediate famihy, when apprax- books, "Sangs of the Gospel" a centennial theme with man ttned the funenal of ber Ch rcisent. by Mrs. Reid Wood and Mns. Stainton opened the meeting Iawa. on Saturday. Sympathy Churth hilip ilmer ith voal solowith apoem "ctoberSnow." M.anto. edbae by Mrs. Jim Caswell, "Blessed She thanked the hostess and,and family. 73 Liberty St. 5. WTls TT1 Hour ai Pnayer". Two music- welcomed evenyone.1 Mr. and Mns. Norton Van Phone 623-5100 N VI 1. N.I VL~LE ah numbers, a tap dance by Mrs. R. Vintue gave the de-1 Camp, Listoweh, were week- Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancas. Susan Stank and a piano solo vational, opening with hymn end guests ai Mn. and Mns. F. Paston:- Rev. A. Kudra, B.nh. ter wene necent visitons wîth by Brenda Caswell, complet- 578. She gave a paper on1w. Werry. Mn. and Mrs. Ahi. Perrin. ed the pnagram. Secretary "Autumnn", closing with pray-i àMr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb, Mn. and Mns. Jim Fields of Mrs. R. Best read the report er and a poem "Auitumn inia bride and groom of 40 years, GREAT Toronto, were supper guests, ai hast meeting, notes ai Voun Hand." Mns. R. oSharp were sunprised on Satunday "TEEN CHALLENGE"e Wednesday, with Mr. and Mns. thanks, etc., and Treasurer was in charge of the prognam. evening ta find a panty plan- RALY!Jim Adams. Mrs. D. Vinkle gave the fin- Miss Sharon Werry ravoned us ned ion them at the home ai RALL Mn. and Ms. C. M. Jones, ancial repart. The quilt has wîth a pleasing piano sola their son, Mn. and Mrs. Ralph wihbeen sold sa proceeds fnom Mns. O. C. Ashton intnoduced Lamb, whene the immediate with the Centennial Fair are well Mns. Louise Patterson and hen';family had gathered ta hanar Rev. Lloyd Johnston over the $200 mark. assistant Mrs. Ruth Heayn ofitheir parents. along with bro- (Dreto: ornt TenREHOBOTH A note ai appreciation is ta Port Penny, who gave a mosithers and sistens ai the bride Chllenge Ceorntr e hitanRfre be sent Mn. Russell Honey ion interesting demonstration ai and groom. Those attending ChalengeCenre) hrisianRefomed his letter and donation, and rug making. Mrs. Pattensonithis panty wene, Mn. and Mrs. 7:0 . . I M:Curhanother onne to Miss Gardiner told us the histary of nug mak- Donahd Lamb, Bailiebono; Mn. 7:00_____FILM:_____ for hr oation ai dîshes. A ing from the time she madeýand Mrs. Allan Wray, Bow- "YUH NA I "seugog Street suitable memanial giit for the bier own dye until present manville; Mr and Mrs. Stuart _______________chunch, is ta be purchased, as time. They shawed us the mat-i Lamb, Enniskillen; Mn. and "YUHI I" Minister: a memiento ta those who have erials used and many beautifulIMrs. Cifford Hetz, Fainview, 9:5 .m R,.A.Vade~.g, passed on during this past compîeted rugs. ýPenn.; Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth evA.aneBr, year. Mrs. R. Sharp thanked thelLanb, Oakviîe; M. and Ms :5 ..B.A., B.D.. M.Th. The U.C.W. allocation is ta ladies for caig eu WloNsltnd Mns. A Growing be iorwanded ta headquantens While lunch was beping re-ad Ms hri titn f eatureci speaker at the Bow- 1!mittee. evening. Thosi' attending were 11:00 a.m. manville Pentecastal Chunch Ahi signed a centennial guest.Mn. and Mns. Albert Rundie, at Il a.m. and at 7:00 p.m., !book and meeting closed willhMrs. Mary Cann, Mn. and Mrs. "TRUTH and FREEDOM" Sunday, Nov. 5th. The film prayen.:Jh udeMran Ms* entitled "lYouth In a ix" Mn. and Mns. George IrwiniCharlie Rundie, Mn. and Mrs. will be shown in the evening were necent Visitons af M.Ken Rundie, Bowmanville, Mn. service at 7 pm. Everyone is ýand Mrs P.* Carreau and fam-[and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. CHURCU SCHOOL cordially invited ta, attend lily and' Mn. Radney Irwin,l Mn. and Mrs. O.Wigt thi inerstig een Chah- Summerstawn, and Mn. andiBlackstack, wene visitons at 9:30a.n- Junior, Intermiediate and Senior lepge Rally. rva-Mrs. Oscar Inwin, CarletonMr. and Mns. N. E. Wright's. 11:00 a.m.- BeenersYouth In a Fix is a rva;Place. Mrs. George Scott visit-! Mn. and Mrs. Francis Reid, 11:0 a.m - eginersing look at the unusual minis- 'ed Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Scott, 1 Sterling, Mns. Lillian Berry, 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten try of Teen Challenge. Filmed Kedron, while they wereî Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. Bernard in the dark corners af Newaway. J Reid, Bowmanville; Mr. and York City, Youth Ini a Fixl Mn. and Mns. Lanry Braid-1 Mns. Ed Berry, and family, -takes the vîewen inta the woad, Mantreal, Que., visited'Hamptan; Mr. and Mns. Merle wonk ai gangs, drug addicts, Iwith Mn. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs.lHubbard, Bunketan, wene Sun- and beatnicks- into the a-' Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaten'day guests at Mn. and Mns. Smost unbelievable honror af a iwene Thunsday evening visit- Bruce Reid's. oftheir veins just ta get high, _ ýper guests ai Mn. and Mrs. CAL ARY OSP L CH RCH to the perverted world ai Switchblade. The viewen will Cecil Wilson, Nestleton. CALVARY (FuOSEntL UR H reenwich Village where pro- see how the wonk ai Teen Mrs. Clifford H-etz, Fainview, (Funamenal)miscuous sex and perversion Challenge has telescaped fnom Penn., visited with Mn. and FOR DARLINGTON, CLARKE, are the accepted way afi lue, a smail one building center IMrs. L. Lamb. into the frightîuî world af ne- in Brooklyn, New York, ta a Mn. Edgar Wright and Betty ý'îMANVERS and CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIPS belliaus teeni-agers who like complex ai centers ail over had Sunday dinner with Mn. 11W Isalali 55:11 caps as long as they neyer the wonld. There are now 20 and Mrs. J. Muller, Oshawa. In Curc Buldin - ormrly now &s see one. An funally the view- centens in major cities on bath 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McGill In hurh Bildng fornely new as er is taken into the Bowery continents. Included is a Biblelwere Sunday evening tea "Long Sauk School" aio New York City whene we School in upstate New York1 guests of Mn. and Mr&.IR. Vin- BE SURE TO COME TO THE OPENING SERVICES see man at his most depraved especially dedicated ta edu- ýtue. state, and it is here where the cating Teen Challenge con- Mns. F. Toms copne NO EM U 9,197 cripture " When lust is con- vents. A ianm in Rehnersburg, Mrz. E. Tnewîn on Saturday SERVICES AT: 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.rn. nived it bringeth forth sin and 1 Pa., whene G:od in a gloniaus; ta Blackstock where they at- BEy. ROY L. LANGFORD sin when it is finished death" way is roming the lives tended the Goldeni Wedding of becomes real before the view- cf those the wanld had given Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey (SundaY SehOOl - 9:45 arn.) ers' eyes. up as hopeless. ýheld at the Anglican Church Corning - NOVEMBER 26th, 1967 But Youth In a Fix does far Youth In a Fix brings you and called on Mn. and Mrs. more than depiet the sordid- tbe message that there is Wm. Fonder. REV. A. BARRY JONES, B.Th., ýness ai these undenworlds, it HOPE ion the HOPELESS! Mr.. and Ms .Rwn Teronto Bible Collegecarnies the message oi the thraugh the pawer af the Dnl ndJnt che n Cros& toth b eple o ibth GOSPEL o£ JESUS CHRIST. 14r. Herbert IluncLie %t the M Golden Plough Lodge and The. Canadian State.man, Bowmanvlfls, No. 1, 196 7 visltcd Mr. and Mnm Herman Talsrna and family et Lake- Mins Beverley Wright, MapleEn v hI Grove, spe:t theweeknd wIt'n teresting and E jo a l bier cousin, Miss Linda Wright. Mn. Herbent Wight, Linda and L Miss Beverley Wright, had H W ia ua e d a Sunday dinner with M. and aw n Lu H e d a Mrs. N. E. Wright. M. and Mrs. Carl Piper nd ~ famiy, Maple Grve,wre5 callers t M. and Mrs. Klt John's Church Hall McGill's. Mn. and Mrs. Angus King,l The Hawaiîan Luau held celilng ini all parts of flic lange different delicicu. dessert. Little Bnîtain, were Sunday'hast Wednesdýay evening in St. room. These garlands wera cii- Everyone asalsting at thé: evening cahiers at C. Aveny's.J John's Anglican Church Hall hanced with pendant pin.. serving table wore attractive Mn. and Mrs. Murray Ax- was one ai the most enjoyable apples and amall. birds wlth Hawaiaen costumes wlth color- fond, Oshawa, wene Sunday and original entertainmrents nichly calared plumage on tiny fui Polynezian leis. In charge tea guests ai Mr. and Mrs. E. held in the district for several perches. at this table were Mn. Bruce Wright's. yeans. The president, Mrs. Len The east wall was adonned Milnei, Mes. Alan W. Ste.!, Rev. and Mrs. M. R. San- Lucas, was the generai con- with a Hawaiian guitar, beau- Mm>. Alex Anonichuk, Mm. derson, Mr. Roy Sanderson, venor. tiful flowers, and large Island Georgç Morris, who is the Im- Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto, Mr. The attractive decorations fIsh nets effectively draped. A mediate Past Presîdent of!the and Mrs. W. E. Sandenson, wene wonderiul, and the great lovely mural was extended Guildettes, Mrs. Jack~ Hayes, Mn. and Mrs. Murray Sanden- many people who attended along one wall. It was painted Mis. Elwood Shackleton, Mrs. son, Columbus, wene Sunday iound that by stepping through by Mrs. R. Hornigold, a talent- William Stacey, and Miss guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Adam the daor from Temperance St. ed artist, and presented a pic- Karen Morris. Sharp. they leit the chihly nain ta turesque scee. It showed a Tables for four were r- Mn. and Mns. O. C. Ashton, enter what seemed to be a landscape with exquisite flow- nanged througliaut the haIl Lois and Charles, attended a iavely sunny climat. with ers, palms and other luxuriant Each table was centred with family party at the home of palm trees and flowens In ab- trees, lovely lagoons, and the a bnightly coloncd lighted Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg, undance. Len Lucas ushered. imposing mounitain, wbich is candle -wbich had'as a holder, Providence, ta cehebrate trhie Mrs. James Biggs was in known as Haleakala, ini the a handpainted string-wrapped 2Oth wedding anniversary for charge ai the decorations. She background, bottle. Every place was mark- Mn. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg (nec was assisted by Mrs. Ken The South wall was adorned ed with a rase coloned bocke June Ashton). Mrs. E. C. Ash- Nichais and Mns. W. A. Steph- with a beautiful painting by cantauning recipes for the dcli. tan, who is a convalescent ens. At the door Mrs. Norman E. W. Berrill, who lent It for clous Hawaiien dlshea. patient at Sunset Lodge, Bow- Hannan, who wore a costume the occasion. Palm trees and Mrs. D. MacKintosh wusl manville, was in sufficiently with a green, yellow and rose replicas oi the colonful birds change in the kitchen. She wat good health ta be able ta at- design and a yellaw ici, was ai the Hawaiian anchipelago assisted by Mrs. Walter Goode te d the iam ily party fan ber in change ai the ticket table. l o d c r t he w ls T e e M s. E n t G . W sl s, r . daughter and sani-in-haw. President Lucas weicomed a also acorat t warraThge- Mns Ere StG.anedsefs Mn. The Sunday marning service everyane as they entered. the wasnalsoan ariticarafsn Are SotadM..E iollowed the pattern ai a dis- festive hall, and she placed mna omd ihapouso rhr cussion peniod for a second colorful Ici anound each per-f lwr.MsR.Hngodad r. time. Although no definite con- sn's neck. Mrs. Lucas wore The buffet style servung . Bettles wee in charge of cusions were eached, some an authentic Hawaiian grass table extended across the east the Junior Auxllary girls who, ideas were expnessed n pob- skirt with pink and white end ai the hall and held an wearing thein navy blue and nlems ai vital cancern. Rev. flowered top, nase yeîîow leis arnay ai delectable Hawaiian white unufarms, helped wlth Daugherty suggcsted a panel and a ycliow and pink flower meat dishes, shrimp pilaf, ai the serving of the deliciaus aio people, chosen irom the in ber hair. Her littie daugh- variety cf salads and. many Polynesian feast. chunch's executive, ta wonk ter, Valenie, assisted President rwith ber in oganizing the Lucas, and she worc a neplici. next discussion service at a ai bier mother's becomîng cas- laten date this yean. The tumne. PT V TD Icr -' I chair's anthcm was "Hymn of On either side ai the doon, IRO TARYI IIRAY5E..N.JI 1the Faithiul." pastel blue, pink and yellow s 20tb Wedding Anniversany carnations, formed the word Party "Aloha", the traditional Haw- The former Miss June Ash- aiian gneeting. The door 'was E.n C. Ast ad heate fMns. oand iy ot lneia gr- S w itze 1la d ton, C y so ndes t d h e te i M rs. o ta n d witexy o teic flowe s E.C istn (wha was an lands ai flowers and leaves I ULCLU lEnniskilAhingirl) became the were strung graceiuliy in I ULCLU bride ai Mn. W. J. Bragg, sec- crisscnoss fashion below the ond son ai Mns. Irwin Bragg and the late Mn. 1. Bragg, and boutonniene for the hion- THURSDAY> NOV 9th ai Providence, on Nav. st, ored couple. M. O. C. AshtonT WN H L 8:0PM 1947. This week is 20 years was the M.C. Little Miss Pen-TO N H L 8:0PM since the iaregoing event taok ny Traveli presentcd the gift place s0 the Ashton family and fnom the family, a set ai dlec-1 Mrs. I.' Bragg planned a party tric door chimes. Several other AlI Rotarians Have Ticket$ ta observe this milestane and giits and cards were received jained in a celebration at the by the happy couple for which 6 ADMISSIONS - $6.00 home ai the bride and groom they expressed their apprecia- ai 20 yeans. tion. Thirty membens ai the SINGLE AD)MISSIÔNs - $12 Mns. G. Becch, sister ai the iamily cnjoyed a dînner and b rid e, a r a n g e d t h e c o rsa g e p le a s a n t v is it to g e th e n .__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ àým' Prices effective until Sturdaly, November. 4 Brelck Creme Rinse for Regular or Fine Hair 1.29 Valu, for 99c l1 ..SPCA 79ci Noxzewna I10 or. - Sugg. Iist 1.69 I.D.A. SPECIAL BAN Roi I-on Deodoraint 1% oz. - Sugg. list 1.35 - 99c ALBERTO V05 SHAMPOO 3% oz. - Sugg. Rat soc - 69-c B3AND-AID Brand Plastic Stri*ps un. lust Sc -69C BUFFERIN Pain Relief Tblet 36's Sugg. ist 7c -57 C EPACOL Mouthwaàsh & Gargie 14 oz. - Sug. Dt 1.44 = 8qC' Contac*C CoUd Capsules 24's - Sugg.DUst 2.69 1.419 Confidets The Sanitary Npkin 12's - Sugg. lst 53c --- for 87c Gillette super Stainless Steel Blacdeis 15's - Suggr. Rotus . 1.59 INFANTOL LIQUID 16 oz- - Sugg.DUst 3.40 --1-277 Noxzema Shalve Bomb 12 oz. - Sugg. liat 1.25 99 PHILLIPS' Milk 'Of Mag9nesia 12 oz.-Sung. lHat 82c- 69-c VICKS FORMULA 44 5 e.-Stwg. 1.69Le1.37 A-LEX McGREGOR PHNE 62.-572,. 5 KING ST. W. - - PHONE 623.5792 -Y-j ~I a 10331 PRESCRIPTIONS L D. A REMEDIES 5 KING ST, W.

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