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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1967, p. 10

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- "~~-~-----~---- 10 "Mi r~dm& Statma24I, Eowmanvffe, Nov. 15. 1987 fe11enses ln the B a tfu etng f r D rln t ns i n er S tirs H m OIU R - along with interest bring th flictirs H m I total expenditures to $19,- 892.38. 7.JAMES AL On the receipt column F a cUfl1$9,640the was raiscd through Fllwnga It W8.S anTucsday reelection.i The Newcastle Lionettes don- '.Hlecued t fia ouir of the . ated a suni cf $240.70, streetHsptTonte o Towenipn Can Xgve three readings1 fair and draws $3,153.82, cIf aNeebr7 Vouncil of Clarke Tnt ylwincreasing inter- rw 8426cane a47.17r, wa~s ln his 75thyar lf l ffi ceu for reee t oi t est charges on tax arrearî. and an amount of $61.13 &fteMae a 'odofiefrthe new two- The by-law which cames it h Orono Athletic. At the adJnt(at year terni. effect on January lst, 1968,prsn tuetheextsnote deceased was bec ' M r. Orme Falla stated on establishes an intereat rate cf b an 0 bg oann 00.cîe i ducaw TuesdaY that he was with- 2/3 et 1 per cent per hmo nAgs 7,12.h drawing framn municipal po!,;, following December 3lst on I was stated at the meet- tefoer Elseanr tics nt the end ot this year ail tax arrears and continues ing that the Arena is the * ~ wi uvvs and would net seek e-lec- until tex arrears are paid. centre for winter actîvitiesthfomrEen tin. k ha njyd h weradns ee lofor everyone in the commun! Mm.Ha w h sresd twOn.., Rle hsd, and te'wa rainswee I ty and that a donation Ira O Liberty St. Northi r0,t adadwsnot given ta a ncw by-law con- thc Township would be mest 'ville for threean leaVtng' ver any issue of tn cernhngth expenditure appreaed $18000 o d nthe a years. For 33 year At the present tune R80.00llge f orroadslatb The matter was lett over _ ried o amn Roy Pster Depty cve Vilagecf Oono.The ncwunîn : Potr euy Reeve by-law- was given the two uti ext year by Council. '~ sîon 5 T owmnipe Kari, WalkeY and Councilors readings on rcquest tram te oni asd eouin" ton. Te dcae Rad arvth ad Fan the Clarke Town- hedee RoCrehadFakGray l Ontario Municipal Board. mqetn ~.* ç three and a haitly WiU seek re-clection. Th e dns were also shi Paning Board to study frein tarming, atwi leaes nc eatvacnt Thgiete oer sth u-division agreement et lae on setvcn ngvnt thrby-Iaws es- the Township et Darlington he and Mrs. Hall Doue t te ecnt tablishing certain benetits for and aise a draft preparcd by sfaingea er ya,! empicyees et the Corporationthe Department et Municipal which was situate cfatoya em b-aincluding sick leave, nLne Attairs. The Board is to sub-conrfth h those elected this vecember! ttuoy hoiidays, annual mit their ecemmendations conMertth 5h ac will. hold office during the! vtacation and payment ot 5 0%te Council.anMnvsRo ,w Years 01 1968 and 19139. etf Medical, Surgical and Hes-,M.CreTmlnwsme Police Trustees pital services. Mr.pp oTd t the Duam Ie Police Trustees it appears that'1 ano Amateur Athietic Asso- I Board te epresent Clarke' the majoritY have yet tol iation and Orono Figure: Township fratrhmto male Up their mind on whe-i Skating Club. Messrs. S. Ma-l year period, 196 ad 169 ther or net they wîll scek ther. O. W. Roiph, Ray Dick-1 The cekwsisrce o re-clectien. son, Mrs. Gordon Lewemy and' lekwa1nsruti o Mm. E. R. Woodyard said he: Mrs. Lavemne Beyd met with hav.e 100 financîai statements SAVE pssi. prepared for the Nominationj would like te sece the roadiCouncil te discuss the PSl-meeting later this month. * project compieted and that it biiity of the township takingi appeared that this preject, if lover the remnaining debt on! Permission was gantedi the'pr approved by the Ontario Mu-I the artif.îciai ice pmject I CentenniaI Committee te en-1G S LN niipl ord cud aryi Amount ewing against the ter a float in the Bnwman over into 1968. Aithough ne' project is $5,500.00. [ville Centenniai Santa Clausi .. * <, i F M TAK gave no direct answem it ap-1 Ray Dickson pesented a paad the cowsthtp;be omnoi pears he wiîî un for re-1 îinaicial statement in con-byteT nsi;aeto electien te the Orono Police! nection with the project. T ie niai Flther gardô teen t urn. The1 miake thwer gt fte Cnten i ~** ' ~ . Trustees. lcost et the artificial ic ' Rath Mr. Douglas Simpson equlpment along with the Wood .roducts.who.h.d. . . qnd m. ioy Niholoncestof ayig te crne assisted in the project carlier! k when centacted, stated thatificor in the area totals $1l8 thi yem.This recenstructed pioneer cabin, led cW HITIfcastkigpran ubr fitrstdct- they had net yet cerne te al 488.84. Other expenses incur-! A petition frem Mesrs. 0d n t d p e e f f riu e f o y oO e si t e d n e t w s c nt ut decision on vhether te seek1 cd, hlding the canvass anil Trew and Robert 0Ro 50n g aydntdpeeso untr mm yoezn natndne t scntrce n unse .---requesting a referendum on'days has been restored in a beautiful setting within as a Centennial year projeet by Dariington Township D Sunday Sports in the Town-!the borders of Darlington Provincial Park and within te cemmemeorate the contributions made te the tow n- ship. The equest was refer-1sight of Lake Ontario. On Saturday, Oct. 2lst, the ship by its pioneer settiers. The construction workl reAt hecer.officiaiopening was heid with civic and government. was done by Beaver Lumber of Bowmanviile.A eus mmM.Kg]m for oad work in the area eofPrvnil'ttte.Fu \~lot 23, concession 6 was e- conference heid at Elim Lodge. A ****j*** uts. ourpar- termed te the Rond Depà-t- iTheme of the sessions wasi g iculIu rL i C ie du sn f ireo te d sn ment.i "Witnessing Christians i n 1 and five persons were ocae. LNSA letter was aise receivedî Canada's Second Century",ýAciet investigated ---- 591I by cuncl akingferworç wih al dscusion cocem- i Fiday, Nov. 17-Queecu[Ontario Farmers' Union, An- I esn ild. b on e roadasingore t ot i gthe nedcfssaodeepnenigGuineas Cempetition, R.A.W.F. 1fluai Meeting, Memomial Cern-'Persons ijued ----------- _ 2 Joh W.Lowy ontedeuhteogha cpy Pery ad is atede te Dmhm outLSoitand m Nvemer28Mis oren . . .107 conesson3. t as ls Christian faith. Mrs. William' Friday, Nov. 17, 2 p.m. - munity Centre, Chatham. Persons charged under- 7 your telephone et aponterot tr h at scîv ejerne ladn temu-Imprcvernent Association Ex- Hamil in Office in Bewman- 1Persons warned na wokhdbelprvdbcal numbers. cluee gi il.Cl 2-38 H. T. A. -_. ____ '- 1.56 the Department af Highwaysý Mrs. Carl Porteous read a!ville. Mitm en SoaeBsProscagdwt u m m grin 1959. poemn "I Lost My Temper To- i traNv 8Dra osueCr trg u Proscagdwt uonevv lgl A ltte wa rceied ramda~' nd irete a kit"One atuday No. 8 Drhanm Tour. For tickets contact A. Offences under Crin. Code 7 the Ontario Watcr Resources! Upon a Sometime Street" as- Dne oia :0pm aliBwavle rvost o utrpr htdrn h Strange how bad! weather end long shopping Commission in rapîy te a ]et. i sisted by Mms. Frank White, Crouny uOrest na 1 rak St.; OE ti ihrge xr ovp lists seem te turn Up this tîmaet the year. Here wc tem tram the Orono Police! Mrs Ross Carr, Mrs. Waltem rownesa oesr. 2st I64 vember 20th.1 nine monith period an ding f c s~ are half-way through Novembar and aleady Christ- Trustees. The Trustees hdI ei n Mrs. Harold Sand- p m-Durham County aedera - t usaNv 0-E-Spebr16,w aei- frc s a mas shopping iists are grawing and the unpredict- requested assistance for .sup-iesn The skit depicted the tin t gicltre A inua nsien Branch Meeting, De- vestigated 521 accidents, 10 et able Novamnber weather is beginning te settie inte posad damage t0 drains dur-: need for more triendllness IMoegadBnut t wintem's chili. Bad weathem, lack ot a baby sitter ing the installation et water1 wlth newcemners in a cern- PMeetingland anqhuet Stllpartnt et Meteoroogwchwr te ftaas posod or availabla car presents ne problema whan your in Orana in 1965. OWRC mn-i munlty.I Bethany. Tickets avial Thursday, Nov. 30-OntarjoII6 ihsvnftl.I telephone is handy. It can help you make short fommed Council that such e-i Mrs. T. J. Jackson was th fe o asRR ,~ BeeePr socain A-weuld appear that regard for womk et any shopping list. Many stores are waiting quest should have been maewnnrn the Bible quiz con mni.lnoun drce.ai Meeting, Royal York, persenal prepemty and lives te take your telephone orders. If there is something aarly in 1966. The contrac i ducted by Mrs. Porteous. l November 21 - 22, 9 a.I.- Trenteo.ntewne oa' mv that you need in a hurry or semething that catches with the contracter has nowj1 Mrs. George Waddell report- i Extension Staff Conference, *Friday, Dec. lst, 6:30) p.m.-i er is in a position te drasticaily " youm eye in an advemtisament, just pick up your been cancluded. cd a large bale et quilts and Tomanto. Durham County Holstein Club reduce the abeve tetals. Al phone and place your ordar. If yeu don't knnw the A letter was received frein cîothing recently shipped teo Saturday, Nov. 25, 8 p.m.- Annual Banquet, Orono Unit- th isveqîes i s came, cemtds- number you can find it in ither the white or Yellow Mrs. S. Hamilton stating that Tomante headquartems for dis- Durham County Junior Award cd Church. Tickets availableanyorltde ,__- Pages et your telephone directomv. 0f course, shop- residents et Orono ware dule tribttion te Missions, aIse a Night, Town Hall, Orona 'trem Carlos Tamblyn, sacre-1pends on it - because it dees. ping is just anc way that youm telephona haips yau. reductions in insurance ratesquantity ef goods sent te the November 27, 28 and 29-itamy, or any director. [I al coaatn Evemy day in many ways it can sava you tîme and due te the installation of Crippled Civilians Dapot in Wednasday, Dec. 6th-Dur i camp trailer was located trouble. Rely on it, use it. Nothing aise you use se water in Oreno but as the iTarante. hm County Beef Farmers Tbaoe nead themavile. olten doas se much- yet cests se little - as -your Canadien 'Underwmitres' Asso- M Ad ttr usTu ItOu ernNok h hel n hemre telephoAddiscnaScotthrdndlotsmTcurv-dtthe Ifrs.nsonoce had been ramoved. Thera is tlpoe ito a o eevdteminutes et previaus meeting. and Ontario Counties. Con- reason ta believe thisi tent necessary report such reduc-i Rail cail and correspondance tact A. O. Daîrymple, 14 Frankcaptilrws uéhedSEYU ! iens in lime insurance ratesi which Inciudcd a latter tramn Street, for tickets, previaus ta caomp alc alsprchns1966.ETheRS. ES in Oono could net be made. the cPeterborough Presbytemy November 29th. traP mbca tre inv196The, StS. Council again tablad the1 me tinancial allocations and a [ 21_TZARS____________ . 11, 10:30 a.m.- has been unabie te locate the BOWMANVILLE Day. seei ta flyby thietime cf ear. icau, request by Mm. J.. O'Chonski atre hnsta r. 3:30 p.m.-Durham 5-Tan Hay tay sconstruct ths tmetf oar le Cuofmmisayfo tAIL e-"etofwnrIntevn hera tocnb r ttotriplexi, uni yfrremem.[ vvî'en yoUu rin21 Club Meeting, Dapartment aner. n te eent the ttri- hardly believe that Christmas ls eniy a Iew wecks buildings on Princess streetibranca duing iliness.Ie AniultureHandoidCa, crs aet athe cmp. rqe trailers e CKS OK away. With cards to write, gifts te mail to distant in Omano. yH agr, thlonOePP. requestarlail awn- relatives and friends, alten ancetfthe blggest puzzles Council again tablad a me-1 emes criskdta you redbAgorricuturand . oo.d, B;ne-cmha e n ele te ram str- H S ln dcldlg o a gItoer te wole amfor îvthaquet frin he Cmmitea t cotineasaingcoupns ti cveteebyyour Wriht ad A.O.conrypieueecs ware heycreutpon.sin___charge.__ Adjustment for the appoint! ýpurchase a new tablecioth. parents' H-fospital Den1ç be 1.3 - I 4-Extension WWW W coule t uggstins tha mihtsale Uc robem ment et a third membr tei Annuncement was made; Insurance. You must Staff - In Service Training and niake shopping casier. Au addltlonal dlreetory the Committea. The vacancy; ot study sassions cencernlng [Course - Fai Management- lisingwoud . athoglitu «sockngfiller'" fer occurrcd when Mm. Earlî the Christian Hometa ehl take out individual Brgtn someene living wlth yen, pcrhaps an în-îaw or a Waikey was electad as deputy[ at the manse each Wadnesday rnembership within 30 Friday, Dcc. 15, 12 noan- eevaet the Township.11L morning. Ahl parents ara in- days.Gtyu p Durham County Grain CernI grown-up son or daughter. Helpi folks te get thelr bas been statad ,y mamýbei.siv I G Competitien Annual Banquet; telephene nuniber eailiy, and 1V.s a gift that thcy'll et Council that the position isi Fellowing clesing prayer, a plication form at a and Presentatian et Awards,ý enjoy ahl year long. An extension telephone ln celer hard te fil]. They hava ypt'social hour was anjoyed with bnahsiao lcsok le a Christmas morning surprise that wîîî save tue t pon tatidmmr u ervdb r.AlI n kahspDl oicstack1. -l9-In Ser- andstpe Ilyer lng IfthseIdes elpsavete the Committee. Beer, Mms. Earl Weatherilt, the Commission. Ice Trainng Course for Ex-I an @ep llyerlot.I tes des ep ole Approval was received tram Mrs. Gladys Malcolmsan and __________ tension Personnel an Farm' a shopping probiem, Just give aur Service Represen- the Dapartinent et Highwaysi Mrs. George Waddeil. Accounting, Brighton. tative a eall et 723-4601. Oh yes. wc'll Christmas- for the taking over ofet M.an I. erg January 3 - 4-Annual Meet- t1 M.adMs Gog aing, Ontari ilk arktin wrap and deliver thc extension telephone ef yaur ýWinters rond seuth of Oran ewr onourdguss t*. B C Dl thiratenane a recent VV eo 4V T e rs t musi now be paid ta 12 and March 19,-10 a-m -3:301 Harold Wilbur Salter and' caver husband and p.m. mu ~ avinfa Louise Johins werel wife. Notify your i ~~M M * M m ~1927 at the Untd bmc group"-without de. i arsonage, Hampton, by the[ taoiyubhpy Rev. J. R. Bick. i riumns direct, na. On Thumsday, Navember F h omsin CO UNTY Co mop2nd, 1967, they celebrated th C 'Y'in tAheir 4tb wedding anni- Phone 983-5102 yrOronoafail ine u N il Ontaro rtyat the ly rn mn- REP OR FOR BEST FEED USE YOUR CO-OP iCharles Johns, Mr. and___________R Lorenzo TrulI, Bowmanville; We Have a Full Line of Balanced Feeds for Ail! Mrs. Hilton Petars, Tomante; fioîgaetesa Mrs. Hilda Wood, Orono; Mrs. 'O T ROTtîcs copined tthe Bow- For Hogs: Baby pigstarter, Pig3tarter pellets or mash, plain May Johns, Tyrone, and Mm. IACIT I anvîlle Detachm Cent for.the and edictedHogrwerand ogflisle. Iand Mm.. Wm. Young, Bridge- U u.a~menth et October 1967:.OEI N anieiaeHgOe n ofnse.north. *u SPunAug Break and Enter .. 26! ONE YEAR WARRANTY ON F For Cattie: Calf starter grower, Dry and Fitting Ration, 16 Dairy Ration, The table was centred wlth UISUIRMh1C Auto Thetts ý Steer Feed. a birthday cake In henor etola Thetts ~- 1 If you are thinking of buying Color T thmcc bithdays also being PelCOhrna netgios-"W Srvc iua il1 you have your own grain we .pave Concentratea and Supplements celebrated, thse et Ms. Sat- .Other 24ervice h ndx wlh t, Alo ith ou M l~ es mi er we an ad w rm moas es c, Mrs. Truil and Mrs. Young. Prr i v.st iatn2 te I thI b ihUrMUàsmxrw a d a mlse Foliowing the dinner, the - v.Satt to youa, fe.d. famiiy was entertained at thece oo Investigations . 20A m Mw g ()Ur tari suppy toro cn furnish you with Nails, Pails, Shovels, Forks, whre al enjoyd a pîasant, u a d, Stlen Poperty -. $3,766.00HK K C~a. Oifirs, FreemmaWoèk boots, Rubber boots, Haughs work clothes, visit and dainty etmshments TKira1 nts udri. As a resuit et the above iL PushagPamnÙs, Eectrie heatems Washing machine., Steel roouing, weme semved. inetgtos 2prashve' i1j~7 thalj produetu, and many other Items too numerous to mention. psneiwt euiu ibe hre ihCiie1, 20 KI NG ST. W. FOR QUALITY amil SERVICE, USE YOUR CO-OP! i trd iti onr alIcemtab e t been cled othemwise and 71 POE6321 i od ishc tammanymorepersons have 'been chamged i I LPPY anfliversaricI. with Offen fauv ngtth im& 'M.ê 4..M ÀIM [y ed Iilereut paru. Y He wau a rebm emL t Andrews'- Prsub tai Church, Bowmanvflle ani s of twur was a Free Mason, being è of Jamesilite member of Moira Lodge -Westernj During World War 1 be uerv. on Tues-led from 1914-1919 wlth vu 967. HelCanadian Armny Field Artil. lery Seventh Battery.. Thi nmes Hall Ideceased was well known b3 Hall, the1 many residents of BownMan. at Stir-iville and Salem Districts. " ,he .re- Mr. Hall is survived by ;on. On wife and one son,- Ron1c 1married' James Hall of Chatham, 0&~ lose Tay- Among the many love l: floral tributes, evidece odm cd at 157 the esteemn in whIch the déZ Bowinan- ceased was held, were thos. 1a hall from the Masonic Lodge- ihe car- Neighbors; and Libby, Mr -tions at Neill and Libby of Canada- ,Conces- Limited. 1Daling- The funeral service, heifý retired from the Northeutt EllioL ears ago Funeral Home, Bowmarxvill ch timne on Friday, Novembelt iv noved tii and conducted by Rev. J. 8- is farm, Gilchrist, was L*ollowed b3 ant the crernation. interment of asbh. oncessionies will be in BowmianviiIt vas narn- Cemetery. ion Fcarmersi !Why pay more on imium quality )IESEL & MOTOR 011% AND PUMPS AVAILABLE ILL COLLECT IY 668-3341 )X OIL y s J'ghtweight.. rice sers 4CHAIN SAWS 5ÂREST PIONEER DEALER MORTON & SON GENERAL STORE PHONE 986-4971 R- CHRISTMAS OFFER! BRAND NEW 25" COLOR RE NOW OFFERING ET $30000 COMPARE I RTS AND SERVICE ,mievision keep in mind: eSeli 1" iMOE TVf 0 WIMNVI LLU j

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