Newcastle Holds Remembrance Day Service- 1 4 ý ghi> n'Ch Dior the te t17 On Saturday morning, the Village of Newýcastle dozen non veterans, including Brownies, Guides, Seo inarked Remembrance Day with a special servie at and Cubs. This photo was taken, during the playi the Cenotaph, attended by local veterans and a few of the Last Post. Two Councillors Indicate May No! Be Candidates For Two Year Term Electîon ent af Public Scbools,j froni the Minister ai Munici Affaira read the same, stal that Public School Trusi mUst run for election at samne time as the electiar called for Council, andi theref are hald a two-y term also. "'That ahould ansi Mrs. Storks question," repl Councillor Doreen Nesbitt. Scheel Board wauld be pres- Newcastle-The Noveber taff bad been sent, and checklng out aur actions and ent, but as tbey aren't I hope meeting 'of Coundil vwas her ld Cuncillor Eric Foshay made will have Mr. Hughes read two the press bas noted the con- on ay evenlug in Council the motion that candolences bej letters", replied the Reeve. tents ai those two letters". Canb rS with. ail members sent iromn the village also. Both letters, the flrst iram At Ibis lime, Cauncillor ýsèX - .The correspondence was'G. A. MacLeod, Superlntend- (TLJRN TO PAGE TWELVE) Tbl i&rûntes of the last fread, including a second letter!_____________________________ regvzIÈr1 and speclal meetings from tbe Ontarlo Medical As- Were- adopted and Reeve Earl sgoclationfwhich was filed, and Walton Invited anyane wish- a letterfom the Township of Ing ta speak ta council ta sîep Milton asking about education. l e a tie fordward. As Ibis needed an answer be- The first ta appraach fore Ibis meeting and the cauncil was Ludwig Vabsemer, letler wvas recelved ton laIe, It (> e a resident In Westview Heighls ton Was iiled.r -N .,,) tis I Who drew council's attention A letter was recelved from S o <-4nd1LL4ona ta the poor condition ai lbe tbe Ontario Water Resources roada near bis home last July. Commission suggesting that Ne ase:.Th smptycied".JmsCur, The roads now are no more an advisory meeting slb 98a b ilael xeddt Newcastle:-82" Thi yptysrie S.Jms cburch Improved and gettlng warse set up ta discusasthoue 6 ftevlaeI xeddt ecsl,12" hscu ail thb. Urne, b.e sald, with hales Budget, and the present and two families Ibis week. was built by tb. late Mr, Wil- getting bigger and deeper. Mr. future requirements of water. Thomas Caîl, father ai Wil- malt on the property where Vebsemer asked if Council Council were aware that an- iam Cali, passed away sud- St. George's Cemetery is, juat Inlended ta do anythlng about other well would have ta be denly on Friday. The funeral one mile west ai Newcastle them. ln use witbin two years. The was held at the Craig Funeral n txteta he late Mrs. Winni- Bath the Reeve and Roads date set for the meeting was Home in Toronto, with the fed Rickard Werry's iarrm. Chairnian Alfred Gray ofier- November 27th. body being returned to New- Unfortunately, St. Ja me s ec4 complet. agreement that Deallng wltb sewers and castle for burial in St. cburch was destroyed by fire, the road was In very bad con- the lagoon, il was mentioned George's Anglican Cemetery. after whicb St, George's was diftion and It was supposed ta Ibat sali tests are now being Suddenly on Sunday evenlng, buill in 1857, in the down- h4ve been black-topped by made in disposai ameas. IwhilI visiting relatives in town area. laît week but af course, it The buis were presentedF Toronto, Mrs. Janet Messen- Sunday guesta at the home wkasn't. "'y. been aiter them and autborized la be pald. ger, mother aif Tom Messen- ai Mr. and Mrs. Pemcy Tamb- ta' g t l don., and I want it A request for donations tai ger, tok *11, was rushed te lyn were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur d4n. soon as I can get some the St. John Ambulance Corps hospital where she died very Shier, Cambray, Jean Wright, black tapping, but the smaller was again received, andatsrly itrad The fun- Lindsay, Wayne Wither and cmmnpanies haven't any and the Ibis lime Councillor Jack eral took place on Wednesday friend of Peterborough, and lalger ones are warklng on big Adams, who felt that because at Camipbelliord. Our thoughls Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gobeen, jobs ln Bawnîanville and Osha- o the gond work doue by men are with Bill and Tom and Bowmanviîle. wa. Wc know jusl as you do aud wamen af this organiz- their familles at Ibis time. Congratulations~ are la or- that It needs daing," replied ation, aI least a $25 donation CpI. and Mrs. Ron Hockin der ta Brian C. Brown ai the Councilor Gray. sbould b. made. "It's haîf oai'and their daughters paid a village, who rccentîy won ,Another resident ai the sub- what w. give to the Horticul- surprise visit to the village $1,000 by simply buying a dl!.isian was A. Buettuer wbo tural Society", h. replid. This Ibis weekend when tbey came package of Peter Jackson asKed about the oulcome ai motion was carrled. bo visit witb Mrs. Hockin's cigarettes and found a certifi- the meeting held earlier ln re- Cauncillor Eric Foshay gave mother, Mrs. Rose Osborne. cale inside the package worth g4rd ta tb. lagoon, a meeting lb, Fire Dept. report. He felt The Hockin iamily bave now $1,000. Many lu Newcastle hé wamn't able ta attend. that residents should be ad- returned bo Ottawa wheme baye now switcbed their 4The Reeve explalned thal vised"that ln esponse ta onme Bon is stationed with the Air brand ai smoking ta try their nôthing was decided aI that fire lasI montb aI 3:45 a.m., Force. luck. riacetlng. Il acemed Ibat an- 14 men wer, present, aI least Rev. R. Hayne, rector ai SI. As w. finish up tb. social allier location inilghl be more 90 per cent af tb. valunteerl George's Anglican Churcb, is news, we were shockd ta suitable and engineers were men they have. They are anj holding a dlean-up day on hear ai more Iragedy coming ri4w looking over land ta the the job aI any hour, he coin- Saturday, hoping to gel tbe te another family la the vil- west ai tb. Howard Pearce menled. enlire lawn raked ire. oi lage. On Monday aitemnoon, property. The building inspector bas leaves and paper before ton a car in whiob were two 'Edmiund Majer ai the P.U.C. been ill and absent from the muc snow fails. He cails for young girls and a telephan, announced ta council details village and Ibemefore no per- 'assistance o ai al with rakcs truck weme involyed in a seri- et, the deatb lu the Tom Mes- mita had been submitted to nhh usl aue bm u acdn ofaiWbitby senger iamily and said Ihat the clerk. Cubs oi Ist Newcastle A aud that Iaok the lives ai ail Mr. Messenger, Manager oi "I ather thougbl we might B Packs have voluntccred Ihmee, the truck driver and the P.U.C., would probably be bave a delegation irom the their service as a gond deed. the Iwo girls. One ai 1 h. absent fer a week. Flowers Public School bere tonight, so WiIl you be Ihere? For any girls, l9-year-old Miss Lais froim the P.U.C. and Hydr I did some more work in women ai the Parish oifering Hope ai Prince Albert, Ont., r their help, there is wark la was the sister ai Ronald be done inside th. church. Hope. To Rau and bis fam- MUNCIP L rinOur friends and neighbars ily we exlend aur deepeat weck, are: Mrs. Gladys Bel- This is ta serve as a me- Msey, Mrs.- Januje Burgama, minder that members ai the E L E ~ T O p iisArthur Bourgeois, Eric Clark, Junior Harticullural Society E L E CIO N rs.Catherine ElliotI, George are meeting on Saturday, Feguson, Mrs. Alice Fisk,1 Nov. l8th, lu the Cenlennial PubUse Notce là hereby given that a meeting ai the Mrs. Marie Gibson, Harper RoaM frirn 10 a.m. until noon Municipal Electors ai the Kelsey, Mrs. Elizabeth M-heur. Ail Junior mnembers Illfaltîick, David Shaw 1n are urged ta corne ouI aud VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Miss Carine Sweep. leamu bow te do Christîmas FMm. Milton la enjoying a decaratiug. wW »b.eied ln the visit with bis sister, Mrs. W. regret theme wasn'î Russell Mountjoy, B i a c k- space te laclude the write-up COMMUNITY HALL stock, ou the Choral Singing enjoy- Mr. Jack Cragoatalended ed by se many latSturday en the funeral oi bis greal-aunt, evening. There wlll be uews SMrs. G. Gilmome, ut Meaford about the concert next week. i nWednesday. Bey. T. H. Smith ai tb. TH U R S Ir N V ,*o 23 iMr. Richard Saunders spent Newcastle United Cburch an- 1H?,at :30p.m.forflêulnalonai andiate fo lb weekend visiliug with bis naunces that Sunday, Nov. 1967oicat73 ernouminainolo candidmatefrs parents at Belleville. lOth wil be a Layman's Ser- th@ ocPue t olsool Bor an twor members ite Mrs. Pat Blaker, Mrs. Flor- vice at 11:00 a.m., wlîh guest oftPublieilllu ommisor nd ail o themeiogthe ence Ferguson and Mrs. Marie speaker I. Davies, president Publor tho ieiCopraiMon aitelag heefi Ne w o Grtshore atlended the Cen- ai the Men's Club af North- f~u onfheCormlt w fthei.prVisigoN ewcasetisleuenial Bazaar, Tea and Bake minaler United Churcb, Ob r qMniipal Laws of the Province of Ontario. Sale ai tb. Anglican Church awa. Mm. Ted Hoar will can- in Bellevile an Wednesday. duel the service with Mr. Il more than the nece.sary number of candidates are The ooms were a blaze of Francis Jase readlag the nomaated, and a poli la reeuired. the. proocedinga glory decorated wilh Centen- scriptur, and leading lu w'in b aorned until niai symbola, autunin leaves, prayer. Miss Mary Grace colored balloons and strearn- Paterson wiil tell the Child- ~ 4 ers. Special dispîsys were ren's Story. M @ N D A Y , D ECe beautiful old dalla, and Fath- At seven p.m. menibers of ers af Coufederation ln the United Cburch will Juin applecrait, lent by. the WeI- with thecocngregaîlan ai St. Wh» PwON p Iwlbe opeaci la the. Communlty Hal t linglon Museum. Old Com- George's Anglican. Everyone ~ et .«am. u 6:ft p.m. of the smni.dar audno munion lokens uscd by mcm- la welcame ta attend. In the leu«., for ti. Peligt sBub-Dlvbdm ea itihe Village OfI bers ai lhe Anglican churchea future both churches w!» tiemu. A"d i ait uNoination Meeting, Glenispmme an Communion Sunday mnany conduct a canvama la what la 54eVillage Clork. @hal b. thse leturanngOsfcer. ycars aga were aLsao display- ta b. a cammunity effort la GLNHLuuHUHE, ed. lu this collection was eue cailecting for the Bible Soc- taken about the size ai a iety. There will b. more* ___quarter, on which was ln-. ncws about luis later, )uts ïnf' and .ipal iting ;tees the vea] wer the ts ig 1d al iA I' J PAGEPEA MUT BUTTER ALL A&P. BRANDS BETTER THAN NATIONAL BRANDS a*aSOME ARE ONLY JUST AS GOOD --EwiFyý A&P privaWbrand product in aur store is uaranted ta be.better than or the equal of famous national brandi. Pick anel Try it! Agree or it doein't cost you a penny. We're proud of our private brand produots. Tbey'r. aur finest values. WHY DO WE HAVE PRJVATE BRANOS? Brande like A&P, Ann Page, Jane Parker, lonam, Sanl Detergents, A&.P Coffees, Yukon Club Beverages, Super-Right Mots and others. Trhey help us te live up te our pledge ... te provide the beut food te the most people for the leait amount of money. Are A&P private brande a good reason for shopping A&P? Thoy're one of many. ÂJANE PARKER SPRRGQAPLE P AND' INE 3BRAD$1.00BE FEATURE 3«LE JAR 9 l pRICE IcoWHET DETERGE Fo PALMOLIVE LIUID WITH PR CLARK BEANS W" FURTE (WKITfE OR COLOURED) RF TOI LET TISSUE CRISCO Reg. Price lb SHORTENINGoS*> SPECIAL BLEND Re, A&P TEA BAGS SKIM MILK POWDER Reg.1 A&P INSTANT MILI <PREPRICED) DDEAft WHOLE A BIILMU ~% Reproe9cad~5$ E Reg. Price btl 99ô - SAVE %0 giant 24-fl.oz btl 8 9c FEATURE PRICEI 2 190o is4 c Reg. Price pkg 57o - SAVE Se Pkgf4 roIS4I9C [40r' SAVE. AN EXTRA 3e. 114b pkg37C eg. Price pkg 56o - SAVE %e pkgof 6049C Pr"c box $1.19 - SAVE Me ÎEaE O.ozar 1.19 9Priai loaf 2k - SAVE 10% 77,cz eve6 ---M STEAKSSIRLOIN OR WING STEAK, PORTERHOUSE STEAK, S TEA K S OUND STEAK FULL SUCE OR MINCED AND PORTERHOUSE OR WING ROAST, BONELESS RUMP OR PONTSIRLOIN ROAST 04515 POINT NELEUS BOTTOM CUT lb OUND STEAK ROAST PORTERNOUSE ROAST 3 WAY CUT OR TOP ROUND STEAK OR ROAST lb $109 PIZZA .4 P.LiL CANAA& GADm POTATOES 5 I NONE PRICED HIGHEA AT AdPI 6 4 9 ' NONE PRIOID HIGNER AT A4PI i. pmicus *4 Tilla AD GUARANTIRD TI4ROUGH SATURDAY. NOVEMBER lU, UP - FrshPdc u/I PEPPERONI. A&P Urand Cleuned (Frozen) Reg. Prie pkg 67o - SAVE 1%s SSMELTS (FRIED IN LATTER) 16-az pcg 3 9c A &P Dcand or SeSe * ald O0 «&n ""0' pkg 4 ka - AVE 40 PER(H FILLETS (FRozEN 16oz pkg3»C &*a, baSrad Frozen ISHRIMP i(twm~E0sj 2bl*g269 RLORIDA, PRESH NEW CR0X SWEET AND TENDER, FANCY GRAM, LARGE SIZE 6cORNIj ONRIGMA @RAMDP j TeCmnadja Stateuman, Bowm anvlfle, Nov. 15, 1987 Remembrance Services d niembO P u y T rib u t e to inaterge's a t rt. totn ofrtNewcsetechrch D e aoffered with respect for these The choir leit the chun men and to be- hung tI St. first, fallowed by the cal Newcastle - The Rememn- Lockhart, D. M. Mcflonald, castie and Bawxnavilemm x rrtnl brother af walk back uptown where tQ brane Dy Srvie ws hld . N Noen nd . W Pa- bers of the Legion and the Samn Brereton, Irene, (Mrs. were dismlssed ini front of U on Saturday mornang, Novem- ker; 1939-45, Alfred Alldread, Legion Glee Club as we» as Douglas Cunningham), Mary, fire hanl. ber llth, ai the Newcastle Glen Brooks, Murray Butler many ex-servicemen through. Cenctaph. and Donald Powell; Korea, J. u h r High above the Cenotapli E. Belsey. ' athe are_________________along_______ flew the Canadian -Flag, with .Reeve Eari Waltan laid the K ty re w i aongy Newcastle memnbers af the wreath for the Village aifRmg"a tey asdte Bowmanville Canadian Legion Newcastle, Robert Shearer rep- Cenotaph, thnPut ln standing ta the right and left resented the servicemnen 01 Church Street to Emily, along and just behind the Cenotaph, Newcastle, Lamne Johnson rep- Emily ta Mil Street where holding the Union Jack and resented the businessmen Of tiiey walked south ta St. Canadian -Ensign. Newcastle, with Lion Presi- George's Anglican Church. The To the west of the Cenataph dIent Tracy Embley represent- Rector, Rev. H. Robert Hayne members of the. Canadian Leg- i'ng the Lions Club. Mrs. Paul- read the Honor Roll af those Ion nd he adie Auilîryne Storks laid the wreath for men who died ln active ser- sto n an h ifamang the ~Board af Education. Ed- vice during World War 1 and who were ta lay wreaths. To niund Majer and Mrs. Gwen II andi the Xorean War. AIl the east af the Cenotaph the Gibson laid the wreath fromn were menibers af the Coni- CubaBrowiesGuids, Soutsranch 178 and Ladies Aux- niunity oi Newcastle, many af ands Lers wereGuied, Scutdiary af the Bawmanville them menibers of thie Parlsh. Bn eters 4hem, ien ai theranch Royal Canadian Leg- Following this, silent prayer vilnlagemad gtendthe ion. Mrs. Sam Powell laid the was observed. thiaespects a the f aenwreath for the Province of Aeiong eset w e allg. Ontario and r ep re se n ting Two Anthems were sung b3y many ex-servicemen and wo lak High School was Keith teLgo ie Cu," mes~~ whPnw rm~owell. Worship the King" and "God ence the true meaning af war, A two minutes silence was O ufr Fthi ers." Rer.Hanet and arnong thern also were held followed by the Last P ost ee i esaa hnit children, who knew nothing Rev. liayne then affere d pray- thatm fadnlng otesrie IB mmby d d about a war, and, we -trust, ers. 0 Canada and God Sae D oiaveve heljed ng.thousands of umaliand wiîî neyer experience ane.. the Queen were sung and this In bis sermon he reminded medium-sizsd Caadian businesses ta enlarge or amBeeoaexsriejended the service. the cangregation aitewr mdenz hi aclte ome the warsdfo Sia wergthneei c Other wreaths were laid be- fought ta keep this country ioenz hi aiiist ettedmn o manweaingtheLegon blazer fare the service by familles free, s0 this generation would their gooda and services. Perhaps an IDB Joan can and beret,' called an Rev. R. w bad lost loved ones in not know from experience the hep you. Ak for Our bookiet, "A Source of Finan. Hayne of St. George's Agli- , ti ho s eepae ntagd fwr oo n can Church ta begin the ser- btte.Tes wrepacd n rgeyfiear alr n . ,, .adnBuies" the lawn ta the left and right creed were oi no matter when wLO .nuu.aUilS vice. He led In the singinlg o aleain osrv n' the hynin, "O God Our Help ai the Cenotapb. cauetrupon ta e ve owine'u In Ages Past." The Remembrance Day par- feecountry , Y tren no w hs Folowig his Re. . H iade and church service was fre o nry, os o tr owa Folain tîs By.T.H.Med the following day.. 'Lin- kon todHses o the l W INDUSTRIAL Smith ai Newcastle United in p just east ai the Com-ororcedH.tesdte Church read the scripture muiy Hall, b.prae truc meaning of remembrance, m whic wastake roi P an of bythe pBadwmaieta hanor thase brave men DLVELOPMENT BANK 124, verses one ta seven. Lein Pie Band. Behind we houlga ve hi love i E. Today ORCNAIN UINSE The naines ai the fallen i ere the colr party w itb e s olhi e wih l v aT R I A CN O A A I N B SN S E were read by Mr. Breretan as members of the Bowmanville aur hearts for ailnien, what- follows: In the first world war,iCanadian Legion and Ladies ever their calar or creed. TORONTO, ONT. 250 University Avenue - Teleplione: 368-1145 1914-18, A. B. Bloam, E. A.* Auxiliary carrying the Cana- Following the Offertory Caulson, P. C. Gomme, G. E. dian fiags and Legion flags. hynin, the Canadian fiag was Howard, W. W. Jase, W. E. They were followed by New- dedicated la the Church, a, 1 ýj l ýý si_ "ý -, ., . 1, m MI ,e*N. te, lh NONE PRICED HICHER AT A&PI Reo price 49c «ch - SAVE PIE PIE m