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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1967, p. 13

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Lgin Ladiest A Indiacts New M Ai tht meeting ai tht Bow- ment. Ce flmvlle Ladies- Auxiliary ta ton will a tht R o al Ca ad an L egion of the ai htl Inhe egin Hallo the Clark Moniday evenAn , Nov. Oth, mtncemei P dent Mr Westover Foilowb ý. edai the induction o! Ing a socli new members, Comirades and a de i1s SRencer, Truxie Brown, donaied a J an Fin'th, Agnes Sheehan rade Ethe and Betty MacDonald. lm- Presider fInediate Past Preusi d enit Vice-Presi Dorothy Richards assisied dur- rey, Secret ing the impresuuve ceremony. a past Treasurer Audrey Baie, a Audrey I pmst president, was appointed general cc catering convenor for tht îng, and 3 Armistice Dinner held by the auxiii Branch 178 ai tht Royal Can- chartered adian Leglon on Saturday where the evening, November li th, in Capades, a the Legion Hall. Maple Lea Plans ion tht presentation day evenii of the Bursanies donattd by went ta iW tht auxillary ta the three a delectab Secondary Schoals in ibis dis- turning ha trict, Bawmanvile H i gh Enroute School, Court ice Secondary tht bus T Schaol, and Clarke High behaîf o! Sehool, wene dlscussed. moved a President Westover wiIl pre- Secetary sent tht Bursary at Bowman- and effort ville High School Commence- aranging1 mient and at tht Courtice ance at th, Secandary School Commence-- tainment. NE WTON V Mn. and Mrs. Lennox Vas- ta Rev. jan' ueY ai Port McNicol, spent last Beamsvile, week with hem parents, Mn.1dngAnn and Mn.. Wm. Stapieton. On brated a Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Hall, a few Harve Bonathan, Newcastle, aiternoon,e were visitors with Mr. and was held,a Mdrs. W. Stapleton. a family r A plastic demonstration was dinner, bc held Tuesday evening, at tht catered by home a! Mrs. Bayd Harris. Club of Local ladies attending includ- Chumch. R ed . M. Janes, Mrs. R. Fan- were on thte %o "vrs. A. Wade, Mrs. B. ytars, until Skelding, Mrs. C. Farrow, Mms. 1956, and% C. Smith, Mn.. K. Cooper, Mm.. rnany frieni E. Huggins, Mrs. G. Elliat ioin us Ir Mrs. F. Gilmen. 'wishes tai ti Master Jerry Stacey was Mn. and I taken ta Memorial Hospital Lindsay we last week, suffenlng fmom a tors with' ruptured appendix. and Bernitc Mm.. Wilfmed Paeden recclv- tht latter ai ed Word af tht sudden deaih tended tht 1 o! hem bnother-An-iaw, Mn. Mr. and Lloyd Carr, early last week, and boysa While out hunting. Tht funi- Royal Wint( enal was held In Cabourg on In company Thursday. Stewart Wg A demnonstration was held Bowmanv.iJlE et tht home ai Mrs. Don Mn. and h 'Vinkle on Wednesday night. were wceke: Afier an Illnes. o! neaniy a and Mrs. J. year, tht death occurmed on ton. Thunsday at Memorial Hos- Mm. Frank pla, ai Mn. Wiibert Ogden. tht Rememt Funeral service was held on tce ai thet Sunday aýfternoon, at the Mon- Hope, on Sý ris Chapel, followed by Inter- conducted b: nment at Orono Ctmtteny. adian Legior b.~mpâthy o! tht cammunitY ont af tht kise xjended ta bis wldow, andi veterans a! V farùif jnembers. 1tSnt. Tht F Our sincere, if rather be- Schaol Bar jattd, congratulations go ut Branch Pipe Skcena Cadet while Padme slsted witb pi Folowing 1 wreaths, beni 623-3303Quten, tht E 63-330 r ~ by Mr. Win. fer viving veter M ICE spent tht we t SEl ICEai tht home co Mn. and Mi attendtd a p umday eveniri e! Mn. and 1V Murray, Gard ______________Ing a recent Now ln Stock - SIiipmer Sunworthy '68 WaII; ï me in and see the large selection Paper for every room in your homi ALL SCARFE'S JEI THIX PAINI CLEARING AT 3 0W"7O ]REGULAR PF ABERNETHI Points & WalipoF Phone 623-5431 55 King St. W. I 1 Boul One Loi 65 STYLES, SIAPES ANI ALL LE#451S PIECISION SGRoUbWD EXACT NIIDS ... NO IWÂClii TiNTES LIISESOM PISCRtipTION s& I 17 BOND ST. EAST I 2nd Floor OSHAWA, ONT. Luxiîiary' kembers omrade Lorraine Bru- bakee tepresentation aliary'Bursaryait e High Sehool Com- nt. Ing tht business meet- ai hour was enjoyed, elicious lunch was and served by Com- el Shackleton. rt Westoven, 2nd dent Hilda Humph- lary Florence Knight, president; Treasurer Bate, who was the onvenor for tht oui- 36 other members of! ary tnjoyed a trip by 1 bus- to Toranto: ey attended tht Ire! a wonderful showa af Gardens an Tues- ing. Aftenwards aIl Vatt's Restaurant for le lunch befone ne-i ome. ta Bowmanville in! neasurer Knight on everyone present vote ai thanks ta Baie for thet tue Lshe had given ta tht trip and attend- te marvelouu enter-, ILLE id Mr. S. J. Pike o! ýwhose àth Wed- iversamy was cele- )nandaga Township rweeks mga. In tht a reception and tea and In tht everiing, rtunion six o'clock oth affairs being tht Mm. and Mrs. Onandaga United .ev. and Mm.. Pike ýs charge for several a 1 bis retirement in we feel sure their fî ids In this district Si n extending best his populan couple. Mrs. Bill Taylor o! ere weekend visi- Mm.. W. Millilgan ce. On Satumday nd Mm. T.lrrt TO THPAT .....1 . 33 On Saturday evening, Nov. the iast 55 years it has been Knox, Dean, Bayd, Darreil andý FRESH FISHSIO WYHCNINC B YSAMO.$12 RoalWnter Fair. Ilth a crowd of apprtximately known as the Sauina team. He Jeffery were Sunday visitors rPI Jo CM ENE BB Hnson....$.2 Mrs. Reid Wood 160 gathered in the Commun- concluded his resume with a with Mr. and Mrs.. Joe Snaw-1 Pacifie Pink - Whole or Hall 8liuI1W116M also attended the ity hall to honor our Solina 1967 soccer team poem hie had den and Bruce. ihgiut ,« «0~ New Get Set - lO-oz. Silu SAVE 20o ýer Fair, Saturday, Soccer champs of 1967. The composed naming some of the Mr and Mrs. Bruce Taylor 22LA fI OIGoIN?îmrcD eglro adt l with Mr. and Mrs. team members and then, players of the present and the and amly iie ihM. 5LIWI c OR HAIR SPRAY ......... 79c i lood and family, friends were seated at a table past. ad fMs. i Ed wThoMrl.« S LM N lb. * 9 W with a very appropriate and Mr. Gord Ferguson then brook, on Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Lane attractive centrepiece of a presented the P-A Senior Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor TUSA IH PCA FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIAL nd uetscfMr. miniature football field, com- "Player of the Year Trophy" attended the Ontario Federa- C. Moore, Hamil- plete with goals, soccer bail ta co-winners Edgar Werry tion of Agriculture annual 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Only 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. OnIy Glme ttnddand players, skilfully made by and Allan Westlake as chosen banquet at the Royal York BreieFrtGae -bukGauae rc ler Day Sned rv arvey Yellowlees. Mr. by their fellow teammates. Hotel iast Wednesday even- BreieFrtGae11.Pg. rultd51.Bg W baCeotah n Prt Weley Yellowlees was the The individual player of the ing. turdayh Inmortg capable M.C. for the evening year trophies for their perma- Mr. Michael Pidgeon, Lon- C EAM ERY BUTTER 65c W H ITE SU G AR 39C 2ý ;auy t oal Can and he called on Mr. Donald nent possession were present- don, England, Miss Sandy Y, theeyal a Taylor ta lead in the singing ed to Edgar and Allan by Donaldson, Buffalo, N.Y.; Mr. sn, w remalntng ai grace. When ail had done their coach, Mr. Perc West- Larry Patter, Hampton; Mr. svrid a 1, g justice to the very tasty meal, lake. Mr. Ferguson then pre- Jim Patter and childrein, Salem, & Wol a ,pres- r elwescle nAlnsne h - uir"ly Fresh Produce Features Port Hope MrHelwes aldoiln etdteBA uir"ly visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex ~dasite teWestlake, president of the er of the Year Trophy" to John Patter on Sunday. Canada Grown No. 1 Table Bd ad the soccer club who expressed Werry chosen also by his Jun- Mran Mr.AxPterrneEd rdIad e Band, and Corpsthanks an behalf of the team ior .teammates. Mr. Ron Baker vr.it d rtly wi terPine and sln A.B.Pyn a-and those present ta thelcoach of the Junior team, Mrs. Harold Patter, Hampton. rayers and lesson. Women's Institute for honior- resented John with bis per- Rev. and Mrs. Fred Reed, J the laying of ing them again this year. Mr. manent individual trophy. Sunderland, and Mr. and Mrs. WEEK No. i1 Mrs. Gordon Mattice PTTE lediction and The Yellowlees then cailed on Mr. Mr. W. 'Yellowlees spoke Roy McGill, Enniskillen, were S 290 Avondale Avenue, Ottawa 3, OntarioP O T A T OE S Salute was taken Elgin Taylor wha gave a iew briefiy of the honor brought recent visitors with Mrs. Roy W EK No. 2 - Mrs. Suzanne Jankiewicz 25-lb. Potts, anîy sur- memoirs aver the last 75 years ta this comimunity by aur win- Langmaid and Mr. and Mrs. R.R. No. 3, Site 5, Sudbury, Ontario BagC 'an af the Boer of the soccer., teanis of this ning soccer team. The. boys Charles Langmaid and faniIy. f i Ir. ImAdmsarea. The first team was cali- won the cup in canvincing Mr. Lawrence Squair, Salem, WEEK No. 3 - Mrs. J. Leslie 7 7 r okend JinTamnt ed "Tht Duckpond Dashers" fashion - five straight shut- was Sunday tea gueat with 8 Cheekendon Drive, Rexdale, OntarioQ6 eknInTrnoand the second team "The outs, a new record in the Dar- Mrs. Roy Langmaid. WEEK No.OntarioMrs. Sylvia PoGrer rs. Arnold Wade .lappy memory for their fans ~Lksd resentation, Sat- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mac in this ur Centennial year. Memori e P., ByBdHaiaxb. drs. G ariiet M ac- M rs. C. R obinson of O ron o hie rem inded every ane of those ~ I 1F D I ' W a ~ '_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ den Hill, honor.. was a visitor, Sunday, with who had passed on before, vYeekly Rseport inners Ever 5eka bridai couple, Mr. and Mrs. Don Stapleton bath as veterans of the wars We o. nlsv Assorted Colours - 6'99pot and iamly. as weil as saccer players. i Qiel 6-1,,Inluiv222 il~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~r P Atr r. Vr ad w y entd ech rW e laye Dis h A rs - 7 .1MN INP O TD1MM Mrs. C Walke visitd lierby Mr. Doug Flett, then pre- Births-2 female 1.4 is. C M. VWa lsd hr r.Pec eslaesasisedAdisios - Morls, n Sndy.with a traphy embiematic ofl Major aperations____ 12 ff Weekend visitors with Mr. the 1967 Champianship and al Minor operations - -__ ALI ADVERTISED ITEMS IN iapers andMrs.S. J. Lancaster were crest for their jackets, ta Emergency treatment - -- TO 4NT,3,EW S A PE mpes Mr. uyArnold and Ms h crowd then ascended o Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily t EmteSmith of Fillmore, the auditorium where Mr.l Sf O O TO N W P P R X.Y. On Sunday the Lan- Yellowlees introduced Mr'rAAND casters and their guests, ta- Vînce Mountford af B ramp - ê Jc onn ~ ~ ' U ~ D I E te. gether with Mrs. W:~ T. Nich- ton a very talented and hum-1 C tU oi W oI O SHA W TIM E ois of Part Hope, were enter- arous entertainer with his tained at dinner at the home singing and quick wit. Mr..~A ALBEINTI TR of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nich- Mountiard intraduced the "Go-! V IA L NT I TR aLD is of Wesieyvllle, In hanor Goettes" as one of his actsl oId Ba.e Sale______________________________ othe approachlng 9oth btrth-wh weeatciv moe The Catholic Wom e n's' &9 day of Mns. NIchos, Senior. dancers. These Young ladies~ Leagut hld a sale ofhei lO *7i o s~ vI r d and iarnly of Bowmanville, Knox and Mr. Jae Snawden in the Cliifcrest Cleaners store were supper guests with Mrs. some of the mast modemn on King Street. Mrs. PeterQ Bayside Fancy Red - 12 lb. Tin SV 0 R. Farrow, while Mr. and Mrs. dances which created much Willems, a C.W.L. Councillor, )FCarl Farrow o! Dawnsview îaughter. Nwate a h eea were calers enroute home. Mr. Mountford alsa intro- convenor. She was assisted 'PoS C K EY E SA LM O N 1 4 9 IH E 1'RICES Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hender- duced Mr. Gord Emmerson, al by Mrs. Bert Payne, the I MEL so Wn r. Clinton Brown daring acrobatie artist whoJ treasurer. Domino Choice - 28-oz. Ti drove :taBronte on Sunday ta . ae retsneo alýDrn h mrigMs .PEANUT ris meet Mrs. Brown, eturnIng ance. The jovial and verv cap-! T. Scott, a councillor, and Mrs. -fA R I OK A L4 CBT home mlter ber th.ree weeku' able pianist for ail these actslLeo Goulah, a past president, Stliatritp ta the Southern was 73 year aid Mr. Jack Ayne1 weme in charge af the bake i AE2 States ~~whornMr. Mountford said' sale. Tht immuediate Past Choice - 28-o z.TiSAE2 >er ~~~Rev. T. J. Snelgrove ac- played a great part toail thel resident, Mrs. J. E. Rand, lflr*=DUE11 >er companied Rev. and Mrs. T. R. talents as without the accom- was in chiarge during the noon %ç D O M IN O TO MIYAT E S 29L C [ T N Norman of Peterborough, ta 1aietteat ol o houn, and Mrs. Willems, thetAN Niagara Falls, Friday, where be sa appealing. Mr. Mount- enral convenar and Mrs. J. Richmello - 16 oz. Size SAVTE 20e MlfBh4~U vimanville th:y were avernight guests af fard asked tht Soccen players Î. Nowlan, a former memberAk EUC K thi mte, r. enmat tadan h cod agofteexecutive, were in Snelgrave. ema srtnd are cr god sangcharge during the aiternoon. DA N GEL F O D CAE 39 lows" follawed by the rousing jySV 5 iree cheers. Country Girl - 24-oz Size SV 5 Mr. Yeilowiees condueted1 PflITYPOVD LfT i Vww r igw iwo y Ms ea hea thtRMr.JimmyP IES 3 for $100 au as'u n aarClub's 50-50 Draw wne home alter a stay in hospital. GVLfl i VVV E AO ws R K1Hilnd lie t,0wlih coniue with therapy Domino Frozen - 32-oz. Bag SAVE 6c AeOhawa. Mr. Yellaw- treatment.àLtwkl emCuosFr SINGLE VISION lees then asked for ante1 Local citizens attended lunc- àn irud fa ause or tht fine~ tions in Miilbrook and Beth- Farench Fried Potatoes 49c IoO0FFDUWCIEUEspr enetimn e enjoyed any In observance o! Remem- AE O U OffrqiuF , nuu 950 from r onfr n his brance Day this weekend. ooFoe 4e.Pg.SV 0 God Save Tht Queen. ladies sat down ta a suniptuous OK D Q A H 3 o,5à iTht sunDper dishes wereý banquet htghllghted by an ex- soon back in their places with: cellent guest speaker iahlowed ________________________________ C«Wtowit FM" hehelp o! wiiling hands by a dance. Services were L« e »samdCs bringing another enjoyable held at the Cenotàph in Millî- BIMOALS social evening ta a close, brook, Satumday morning andi AP E FE P RK N M rs. G . G la sp e ll, T a u n to n ; I n B e th a n y S u n d a y m o rn_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 161 ~~~om 1195 ~~~ Beevoir, Oshawa, were Frida3î conditions. peudt aeAlMrhni.l uruedT ie10 MO4LASSES Pascot on the occasion of Mrs. son af Mr. and Mm. SkId ar-1 Values Effective Until Closing, Seturday, Nov. 18, '67, in Bowmanvll. I eebac a was ob- clyofThe anta l d-ee e WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QIJANTITIES. C FMMS served at Eldad Church on er members o! the iamlly ne- Lem" Md ce»Sunday. A iew members afisided on the. Pearlateen Fanm p r T u s an Fi.N g t il9 .L tht choir sang "Be Stili MY about 40 years. Oldsters wilil1 * dcaa f eured- Soul" in three part harmony recal tt anatiier son wau Krptk ltx or Iwhîch was very fitting. Rev. drowned In the pond here at C Catto stressed in bis uer-1 that Une. They are bath 0aortoryo > Jmon the need for peace avenr living in West Toronto. 1 NOMidlemn'aProit. tht world today. Mmi. Isobel Our hockey teamt continued Thus. Broken Frames Rea Loveys will be tht guest their winning ways by ct i ..ed or Replaced Whîîe r speaker next Sunday. ing an Oshawa team AIn Part t9 pm. You Wa& Ut. s Mr. Calvin Pryce, Easton's1 Penny an Sunday. Due to ]Dujlzcated- onr;M.RlhSmsn ete h ae tDumiport M N » B o m an ill , c lle on thý w er p o tp o ed .D O M iN O N S T O R E S L ui fmT %y W.i. 1 é m ura uif Charles Langmaid, Bruce Tay- - 'venyone taklng An tht bus 121U4OtUhè lor and Wesley HUIs familles tour te Wheeling, U.S.A., ne- i ta d S v n e (ýU u qy le 2 8-21 preciUticiSEai at"eIon Sunday. port ~a grand trtp. They dld Kn t n ipo vnu HgwyN.2 .t low Ptlees. Yi. and Ms.Gordon Har- 1rnun mIat a snow stan enroute11 dy, Roger, Chris and Crystal,1 home that derlayed their srrlv- àât 9l àém 3 --..--£ bene=e; Mr. and Mr& Hamry &Lai.q ww Husky, Happy Little FeIIow The sturdy, Iittle boy in the above photo is Ronald Mark James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. James of London, Ont. Ronald Mark, who celebrated his first birthday on August l8th., is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Alun, Scugog St. and Mr. aind Mrs. Stuart R. James, Centre St. Victor Azîz Photography SOLINA The Canadian Sttesma, owmanvffe, Nov. là, 1lm 1 JohnJames is sudin istoryEoois Ealish Literatre..and Poe! kDoww u e ,. k " i m. J bu. a W ute om . . . f e h 2 q h bg m om . qia aUnb ý ke' wh M i Mt a u.deeM IM a .lu.>ce aOL rheft ein p nbtW **Dmmpi bd e tbe 'llm e'u"ieM.Y. in f hy mite " m UL 1» 7 d- 'tm-ind beinput ui6 efr é . mmd oerâmmil d' Guaranteed Quality Meat Features OnIy At Dominion Grade A Deluxe Golden Birds Eviscerated Young A .TU RKEYS q.3 lb XÂSIiantz and Topsy Brand- £eEviscerated Grade A ffTU RKEYSo-01.392 TedelonFRESH ONTARIO PORK SALE Ten erlin nd- 2 3 lb. Average 41 PORK LOIN RoASTr 9ct 4Pork Loin t CENTRE CUT or CHops 79' Presswood's Brand Maple Leaf Ready To Serve Sllced WIENRS - 49cCOOKED MEATS WIENES P g 49c MACARONI & HEESE LOAF DUTCH LOAF - CICKEN LOAF Devon or Lucas Rindless PICKLE & PIMENTO LOAF Breakfast MEAT & OLIVE LOAF DEEP CUT FEATURES Royale - 4 Colours SAVE se Pkg. ai 2's PAP5R TOWELS .......49c l4e Off Pack Maxwell bouse 6-oz. Jar SAVE 5a INSTANT COFFEE .... $1.09 monarch - le Flavours BAVE 23 10-oz. Pkgs. CAKE MIXES ...6 for $1.00 Clarks In Chili Saute SAVE 150 Deep flrowned - 14-oi. Tins BEANS with Pork.'. 4 for 79c Lipton'. Orange Pekoe SAVE se Pkg. of 60's HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS CIL i. 'N àc.... Tues.. 9 fLU. te à Fntday 9 a.m. t BMtndy S9'Tu Cloued AUE Dui Phone : 721

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