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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Nov 1967, p. 1

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Cernent Company's First Storage Silo Completécj VOLUME 113 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTAIjO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1967 15é Per C<"n. Speaker at Legion Dinner Challenges.Vtrn To Provide Leadership Un "Keeping the FAih Through thevourtesyof Project Egineer Ken scoops t hat went up the side of the silos to the top Macrkenzie ýof St. Mary's, Cément, the. Ed.tor was where -it was transferred to wheelbarrows and poured* invited to visit the plant site -on Thursday tc> witness into, the crib work. The entire wood cribbing was rais- the final, stages of "slipping»ý the 12-silo storage corn. ed inch by inch as the cernent hardened. Other silo plex. Cape's construction superintendent L'en Lizotte complexes will be constructed later. Top picture shows was the guide for the tour that includeda climb to the structure including at, the front, the lighted scaf- the top of the 105 foot cernent silos where dozens of foldý stairway where the men go up and down to work. mnen were working, protected from the wind by great Lower picture« is of part of the- wooden crib work on sheets of plastic around the structure. Ceément, mixed top. Over ý300, men are working-on the site at present ,on the site was brought t the base and poured, into for a payrqll,of abou; $30,000gto $40,000 a week. QUITE A FOX. HUNt Rotarians t'old' There was near Panle ln tddon Tuesday nmorning lA ft Olpon Ave., Princee Musi Restore M rl aw'herea fox wau on, esMr l i*1Iie loose.- Town Constable l'ès Ricard led a pomme tQat *entuaily cornered Uic animal and disposed of t. ]En the meantime, mothers Religious Princip les to and school principals .were keepig ohlldren' off the streets ln case the fox wasLa tnPe c .Apparently, the animal escaped fromn Bowrnanviiie Zoo when a couple of wlld Thrce factors that wouldý guest speaker, Mr. Ward, the Is given to anythlng cis. foxes broke hito thie cage to lead to a lasting world peace pastor of Trinit>' -Uited "Thank God that ine this play wlth thefr domestie wcre emphasized b>' the Rev Chiurch, who gave an cloquent mad scramble in whlch young counterparts.In lual, before George Ward whcn he spoke Remembrance Day message in people are confused and rest- thie fracas was over, three at the luncheon meeting of his address. less, and man>' lack a goal and foxes- hat heen shot and one the Bowmanville Rotary' Club Mr. Ward reminded thec club sense of direction, thc older one wlld one that wau in last Thursday at the Flying that the fact that today people generation stilI remembers- 'en thie operation lw still Dutchman Motor Inn, are so conccrned wlth materlal 1914-1918 and 1939-1945. *oinngA. H . Strike Introduced the advantages that little thougit "Those of us who lived through- the nlghtmare of worid conflict can neyer -for- Welcomes Remembrance Speaker bTR OPG W)t (TURNTO PAE Tbo TOO MUCH AT THE al LAST MINUTE l As this Is being written f late Wednesday morning, l t vould appear that some Pl 'news and pietures will have ab i o be heid over until next wek. There lu too much ov S. s ominig lu at thie last minute od S~.for the staff to handie in a; Y~the tîme available. thl Jamboree A Nearly 270 Anof ber One Win-s,'Oshawa Twiril Titié.ý *RemembrneDydnr embrance more meaningful in that everyone in town will see speaker George Laughlin lit- several ways. Ithat wetare ieally trying to ' egaony'laid it on the line" for I suggest, hie said, that this live up to ur slogan, "They Lein mmbers on Saturday should take the form of a ailsevd ti dat! W y fo when he stated flatly that they, out drive to. make our efforts we?"d flot the general public, must in the community so vital toiMr. Laughlin is an account- ~ take the lead in making rem-its wel-being and progresa antint. Catharines, honior- ary Treasurer of the Legion's ~~ Ontario Command, a former Mt " ?.'... " I ~~high school teacher. He lias " " . f#~- ~ -I ¶/,,~., I eld many community'posts in " o îs (.k1&U Ui'Uéces his home area and was with "" the 14th Canadiani Field Artil- SANTA'S COMING The big Santa Claus Paradelery Regt. when it was a part Committee held another meeting on Monday nightofteivsn focsta landed in Normandy on "D" and report that everything is just about set for the Day, ini the second world war. ~ ' big show on Saturday, Nov. 25th, starting at 10 a.m. He is also a Director of Lions " So far, there are 20 floats entered, at least seven International and was intro- ' good bands lined up and many other attractions toodue .by Scil Ent Chairman Bob Hilditch. ' ' " "s numerous to mention. There is also a distinct pos- The speaker, after hie had ' sibility that old St. Nick may hang around for a suggested that many Legion- while an-d meet some of his littie admirers during TURN TO PAGE TWO)" the afternoon. From the looks of the white so outside, he shouldn't have much trouble getting here GE VRCRBN with his sleigh. Late this morning an east- t t f t t bound truck, filled with fur- .. .. LEGALIZ D - If the sno doesnt meit efore iture, went out of control as . 4"~ * ' LEGAIZED If he sow oesn met beore it rounded the turn at the then, and bis reindeer get stuck, Santa should CPR overhead bridge west of know that it is now legal for him to use studded town on highway 2. After col- . . snow tires in Ontario, with certain restrictions. liding with the guard fence They may only be, useti between Oct. 1 and near the bridge, it crashed through and roled down te ~ .. .. Marcb 31 and the studs may flot project more forth bank. than 1/16 of an inch beyond the treati. The driver was not înjured. t t Y Constable Les Ricard investi- "~. WINS DRAW - Mayoralty canddate Councillor kae adKnapp's- fwo tow........ tfrucks wnor ed for some time Ken Nîcks received an unexpected donation to his 1to pull the vehicle back onto campaign funds this week. He won the Kin Invest- the road. ment draw number 9 with ticket 83 and made $0. Next draw will be Friday night at the Lions Centre ATHLETE OF VEAR..... . when Kinsmen hold their big $1,000 night. A dsac rm~~ t t .John's, NfId., stated that the ' TESTIMONIAL - A few of bis many' frientis Amateur Athletic Union has are organizing a sort of testimonial dinner for given the top maie athiete a popular OPP officer Harold R. "Pat" Corneli award to Andy BÔychuck hb has been promoted to Corporal andi trans- whose Oadrsiso. seda ferieti to the. Downsview Detachment. He'd been He is 26 years old and won boretsfor about 16 years, taking part in many the marathon event at Iast sport activities as well as teaching safety in summer's Pan - American scbools and; at traffic clinic. Éevnwilb games.- in Winnipeg. He On Saturday, at the Moton City Baton Twirling helti at the Legion on Nov. 24th. Anyone wvho. wstai n anediataout- Contest in Oshawa, Patsy Blake, 15, daughter of -Mr. would like tô take part, should see a member and field, marathon and and Mrs. Ernest Blake, Ontario St., won the Miss of the* committee, of F. Dryden, K~. Ruttan, G. bardier athiete. Oshawa Twirl Queen title. About 400 took part. Miss Brunton and S. Rosponti. So far, we bqve been un- Blake is pictured above with the beautiful trophy that I~ W E C O~ 1 - W ~ t t .a b le to o b t g in m a n y d e ta ils t"of Mr. Boycheck's backt- she will add to the over 100 she bas won ti other L COME W-éareplased4o.onow1e--that Mrs. grouild -hi the Oron, are. competitions.' A. W. Prescott of Hampton bas again agreed to do the news of that community for The Statesman. She did a marvellous job before and we hope that trf this time b er health will permit ber to continue for.L r e C od Ps n t f, many years. However, as. she will be collecting news fromn her wheel chair, we do -urge the folks out n e Haptn aytogîb er every co-opei>ation so this Remembranc Lay~ Service growing community's activities can be recorded regularly in this paper. t t t i. 1't BISHOP - Former high school friends of 50- At Bowman ville 'Cenotaph y ear old R ev M o se . G od fian wil i.b in er-The Service of Rem em - ville Ladies A uxiliary to the ested ito learn that he was elected the Bishop of ANNOUNCES CANDIDACy brance held on Saturday Royal- Canadian Legion. The Calgary last month. The news came to The morning at the. Cenotaph un- 5th. Bowmanvllle Boy Scouts,. Statesman from B. H. Moitlock of Ottawaa Deputy Reeve Wesley Fiee der the auspices of Mayor and Cub Pack from the Sal. forer ssoiae Eito ofths nwspper~ ndicated this morning that Ivan Hobbs and Town Coun- vation Army, the 3rd BoW- if ow ir s e dtor ofatinhis eSers, o he definitely wii be a candi- cil, the Bowmanviile Minis- manville Cuh Pack sponsorc is n w D rect r R lat onsh ps ervi es, Boy date for Reeve in the forth- terial Association, Branch 178 by Brandi 178, the lst and Scouts of Canada.' Mr. Mortlock forwarded a coming town elections. He of the Royal Canadian Leg- 2nd Bowmanville Girl Guide coyof the Canadian Cburcbman, the'National wiii be opposed b>' Council- ion was attended by a large Companies, and the lst and. cowp *o heAgia. hrh.Dr.eo- lor Annie 0kewoasan ubrfpol.Ita a (UNTPAE1O newspaper of te Anglican Chucb. Dr.. Good-e wholsor in- nuber oiful peopmle. tandsaTRnTyPGI man ià a former rector of ! St. Thomnas, Fort tention to run for that and this enabled many older SENDS PAPERS William, Ont., andi St. James, .Wi 'nnipeg. He office. people to be present. was Dean of Brandon from 1960 to 1965 andi So, the municipal election The parade left the Legion The Editor extenda thanks for the past two years bas been rector of Christ pot ls beginning to bou. See Hall at 10:30 a.m., Presîdent to Mrs. D. W. Armlstead the letters and reports on Maurice Conway, D e p uty who is visiting friends ond Cburch, Edmonton. He was well-known in West- this week's editorial page. Zone Commander Keith Fer- relatives in Engiand. She ern Canada for bis CBC radio program, 'Faxnily Tornght, at the Memoriai guson, and Parade Marshai ver>' thoughtfully sent alont Worsbip,' anti since 1961 bas also Written a Park Clubhouse, more in- Ted Sheehan. a past presi. two English papers giving montbly column for Country Guide, a Winnipeg- formation should be avail- dent, marched at the head of details of the dreadful train e ~able when the Go Ahead Branch 178 of the Royal Can- crash that kiiled- 53 people baseti fanm magazine. He attendeti bigh scbool Committee hoids its public adian Legion. President Mary and injured 137 on Sunday, bere in the 1930s. meeting. Westover led the Bowman-I Nov. 5th. - -. .~ ~ ~ ~ .~ . m ~ ~u c ly r a a ie J It should be recorded that this area hail Its firt chIlly ilast of winter yesterday fteriioon when about five iches of snow fell lu about >ur hours. Last nlght the temperature Iummetcd from 38 degrees âove zero to 10 above. Snow shovels, winter tires, rercoats, galoshes and the dd fur hat made their firit ~Pearance of thie season l8 morning. Jtracîs People Despite tic inclement wea- Polkas, waitzes and a few1 Ter on Sunda>' evening, thc hoedown turns. Department of Rccreation's Gerald Eliiott and his fi. ountry and Western Jam- dle reeled off some fast hoe- bee attracted close te 270,down numbers that had tic To w peedwih a audience in a stomping and ter of Ceremoneis J. C. Coyle, clapîg ood» nroue introducing tic Hoe Downers'MC. oyeitduda band of Gerald Eliiott on the mystcry guest artist, in Gary fiddle, Herb Wasson, icad gui- De Lorne of Port Perry who tar, AI Hoakn, base guitar, brought the bouse down with Ted Halinian, rhythm guitar tie bit country and western and Alvin Yeo on thc drums ýtunes "Release Me", "Tiey're The vocalists, Ted Halîman, . Going te Put Me In tic Mov- Jon Hrer alDrecs" and several otiers. Black wcrc weil reccived,.b>' Producer Coylc was weli ý Presidept Maurice ConWay of Branch 178, Royal Canadian Legion, left, the large gathering, along -laedwth the Jamboree ti ticBotiwal broher.,entertaine7r ad s erii .xedda erywelcome to guest speaker George Laughlin of St. Catharines wtPe Bt hweand Joc rsponsc andthetudiene at the, anual Remembrance Day dinner 1ere on Saturday evening. In the Willy Wflidal plcascd tic Pasarheed udra bacarond re he pprprite ecoatinsarranged by the Ladies Auxiliary. crowd with hlm country humor for thc next Jamboree ahwi] Mr. Laughlln, honorary treasurer Of the Legion's Ontario Command, challenged along with playîng the moutifto be heid again, at the Biw 'Iwg#onaires to p4t more effort into rendering service in thl omnt organ an guita~r at tic sam: Hall Auditorium in Boman- *qlt t h I'iosw» hO CWDidOt rt C1.frOuuithe, w&B. ivariety of p'ocesjaguch as18trU Nonev8 .m. Jpi "s .m. Pa s- de

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