Th"e Cmdam Stateoeaz nowmanve, Nov. 1M,196 Announce Three Winners of Agrclture Scholarships Thiee StUdefta front Dur- Summers Mémorial Fund end trlct Rai Estate Bous'd ai li=pCouny have been select- the scholarshp wil continue and the E. A. Summers ai ed UM Winners of the special through to 1969. wiil be made faic Dur UCIIO4rSXbp for thone con- The wInner tbis year is County Junior AwandE tinuing ln agriculture bcyond William Olan of Millbrook, a which will be held i 181uo7 IchoOL &A.0O.D8al tdnai t the University cf Town Hall i Orono on lypl grculsunal RePre- Guelph ln the agriculturae urday. Novemben 25th utat.for the Ontaio De- course. 8:00 p.m. JM to A1iutr n The McLeen poundation Presentation of the Mci cc theb Durham Cout Scholarshlpe at the Kempt- Scholarship awards wMl stâtedthth&e letn ?om ville Agricultural Sehool had ad at the Kempt Mttos had chosen thUi.c hi rsetetd rans frrAwthat ic etnNvi -oln au wlnners cf theofyastth tdnsro 0hthe emvilA 1087 aradi. Dram County. $125 each la Ccultural SchOocL Ibos W. Prank Real Efra offened to four Durham Coun- Anyona interested I i LiMited Scholanhlp cf $bty Junior Farmers with two variaus scholarships i whièh was a new award last being ofiered In the Junior future should contact the YmS, 'and la presentcd by year and two I the senior tension Branch of the Walter Frn, as bu year. Those rectlvig the tario Depantment of Agri Frank, has bien cholarshipu ts 'year are turc and Food at 14 F awarded this yean hi Wesley James Youngman cf Tyrone St. for further informat Le ofRKR. 4, Bo lle. I the senior year, Scott There are committees1 thiastuhoahplaade Robinson of Pont Hope -amnd make the varicus select oa tdent enrofled I a de- Wayne Cochrane, ai Eurketon but thc personnel of the grec course in agrclueaetejno cr tension Brauch act as a any recognized Candian Uý ni teJno er Yeuly uln.te 19606 Presentation cf the W. ordiumting secretay for aceml y eaur.gthe 19nnen, Finan ealCostate LIimitd arious scholanship canu Wesley Lane, has been ac- tive lu 4-H and Junior Fan- lier work I Durhami County renie sacrifice andIsat preseut nolled lu -eq Couway chairedth vn a degree course iagriculture -wih heLaie Axi ait the University cf Guelph. wtRth Ldis uxi The Oshawa District Real ei undcr Convenon Audrey B Estate Board offers a scholar- serving a dejicious raast b ship of $200 each ycar ta (PROM PAGE ONE) thne platianni deo.rai applicants who are resident aires wene not playing theinre u the Ror emembras t of Durham County and at- part hI ulfiuling their respon- theme. Padre the Rcv. J. tending an A g ri cul1tur na sibilities ta those who had nat Gilchrist, said Grace. Ir School or College. in their returued, Intimated that fan diate Past Presideut Si tinst semesten or year. The too iew membens wcre aware Dunn expressed the audienc winnen this year is Scott ai thc Legion's tremeudous appreciation ta thc speak. Robinson oi R.R. 1, Port efforts ta make this a better Floigteades Hope. Scott has been active warid. musicalgpthe Sklres In 4-H club wcrk IDurham Can you intelllgently diucuss mial Penny, enttained Caunty for a numnher ai Legion affairs with your neigh- n enetrand yeans sud wlll neceive the bars? he asked. Do they know Head table gucsts not scholaship hi assist hlm 'n ai aur concern for the well- neady mentioncd included1 bis education af the Kempt- being ai those who anc In the Worship Mayor Ivan Robl Ville Agricutural Schooi. sunset ai hife, as evidcuced by Rotary Paut President Danî In 1958 the E. A. Summens aur Invesfnient ai over five Morris, Kiwanis President Rc Memnonlal Fund set up a million dollars hI îw ental ent Carruthers, Legion Bran scholanahip which was to as-husnlut Vice President Ah. Mavý sist a student in cantinul husng Poppy Chainman Peter Bat In his agicultural education Can you tell theni of the gate, Kinsmen President F, lu a diploma or degrec course thousands ai boys and girls Woodward, Deputy Zone Cor ait a recognlzcd Callege ai wha have received training In mander Keith Ferguson ai A Culture or Agricultural the art ai self expression Lions President Robent W: wol Ontario. This schai- through Legion sponsorcd pub- liams. Special mention w arshpthas been carled out lic speaking coutests? The made ai the presence o en i yemrs and wuld Leglan has spent $16,380 on South African War vcteri hisve endcd lu 1966. Hcwever these in Ontario Command, Art Kilpatrick and forma the Tononto District Millc sad the speaker. Minor sports padre ai the hranch, the Re Producers ddcd an addition- have been sponsared ta thelArnold Herhert now of Aja I amounit of $300 ta the E. A. tune oi $175,367. Scouts, Cubs, _________ PERSONAL 4 ,ro CHG PERSONAL LOANS CENTRAL ONTARIO T19UST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 IM t . . hwafvfle $23-2527 722-822 Mon. to.Tbgru. 0~~~r 0 ~x 8 S.wmcmff -UI. 1o dWeda.udffl - uuiaes n a clets ~ weepo moted at a cost of $44,898. Do your friends know that we in Legion have taken more In- terest than any other service arganization ini promoting higli standards of education? We have assisted worthwhlle, needy students to continue their education through burs- aries totalling froma 12 ta 15 thousand dollars annually in Ontario alone and goodness knaws how much more frors the branch level, stated Mr. Laughlin. Other donations tot- alled $207,375 for a grand total of $473,670. The Poppy funds, collected through Legion Branches, have enabied Ontario Command to make large welf are expendi- tures over the ypars. They were $244458 i 1966. Mr. Laughlin listed many other beneflts that had came from the work of Legions and their Ladies Auxiliaries i On- tario, but he suggested that the need is still there ta advance this great work... and ta publicize it sa the pub- lic wRii know that the veteran is the most progressive and interested citizen in the tawn., This Is your challenge, he' conciuded. This le your oppor- tunity ta give meanlng ta remembrance by rededicating' yourselves ta the principies for which hev mttwae te i. Toronto Reglna George Hamilton Calgary Vancouver ENNISKILLEN Mr. and rs. Richard Hom suad family were Sunde eguests ai 1er parents Mn. ai Mrs. Thomas Dicksou, Bewc ley and. celebnated her father bîrthday, msa visifed afli relatives. Mn.. Ferga Avery, Tîhbur Mr. and Mrs. Augus Kirj Little Bnîtain, werc Sunda evenig visitons wifli Mn. an Mrs. C. Avery. Mn. and Mns. N. E. Wrigt acconipanied Mn. Rer b e [Wright, Janice sud Linda,t visit Miss Marguerite Wnighl Stouey Lake. Mr. and Mr. Wright rcmained fan holiday! Mr. and Mns. Allan Wcr: and famuly, were Sunda: guests ai Mr. and Mrs. Ros Lee, Kedron, hanoring Mi Arthur Stainton wha is 1cm' ing Wcdnesday for Florida. Misses Joyce Chamberc Kathy Sharp sud Brenda Me Laughlin, wcrc Fniday even ing guestu ai Miss Sharci Wery. Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb vislted wlth Mn. and Mns. Dci Lamb, Bailieboro. Mrs. Mabel Rawan, Mbs Annie Rowan, Yclventon, i vislting witi Mr. and Mns. Il Rowau aud faniily. (B3alance Held Over> Large Crowd (PROM PAGE ONE) 2ud Packs ai Bowmanvili Brownies also took part i Uice parade. The Bowmanville Legli Pipe Baud witi Druru Majoi Albert Alhiu and Sengean Bill Cole, who was the Acf. ing Druni Major, led the par. mdc. TIc Legion and Aux. Illary Colon Party, was com. posed ai Immediate Past Pre. sident Stan Dunn, ConiradE JURY & LOVELL FR11 DELIVERY ( i)PR ESCRIPTIONS NOVEMBER l3th -NOVEMBER lSth BAN BAYER ASPIRIN Roil-On Deodorant 99c î' eg.Oc- 67 1%9014. Reg- 1.35 9 c losIce 7 CIPACOL IC ONTAC-C Mm*t Wah, eg. 1.4010 Cold Capsules10 -1.07 ~24's - Reg. 2.69 --20 CHOCKS CREST DELSEY lUs - Tooth PPute 1 3Tolet Tisaei 1c ke 4.0 3.79 Reg. 1.49- .3 Rg. 33e - lc andE-MON YELLOW CRE M E AIIJERJ1#05 nd o 15 @ CM S15 KOTEX FLASNBULBS ---------- Sn Gl 1.49g Win in Oshawa. Baton 'Twirling Contes t irhain Night Lthe Sat. iat Lean 1 be tville rnber A.gri- the Ex- On- ricul- nank that Ex- the unit- irice iing, Bate S. Stan ice's a iers In addition ta Pats3 several other winners int ai- ing contest at Oshawa on Ris lef t ta right, Nancy Rieti bband duet trophy and isa ah-. being first runner Up in th nch International Strutting c vih, eri tis year. it.the Group Novice Talent t: nd Don Spencer, Conirade Geo: Vli gifla Carter, and Comraci vas Edythe Rundie, a past presi sdent. Those in the Scouts anc rnGirl Guides Color Party werx n Scout Eddie Bons, Girl Guidf eLinda Chipman and Annc ýev. Brine. ax. The Cail ta Worship ww given by the Revereud A Kudra. Then the Lord's Pray- er was said in unison follow. ed by the singing af the hyrun we «'0 God of Bethel". Ali thE lay music for the hymns, 0 Can. ind ada, and God Save the Queen 'd- was played by the Saivatia: r's Army Band under the direc- er tion of Captamn Herbent Fra- ser. Announcements w e r ry, made by Councillor Annie mg, Oke. lay Ris Worship. Mayor Ivan nd Hobbs read the: Honour Ral af men who ,ht fell in action 1914-18: J. A. r t Aldcroft, S. Argent, H. Barr, ta C. Bruce, B. Branch, B, it, Branch, E. P. Britton, W. G. rs. Butson, R. Campling, E. F. Ys: Carr, P. G. Chance A. Chris- ry tic, E. G. Clarke, L. Ciayton, ay T. Cochrane, E. W. Cousins, )ss P. L.. Crago, T. Curran, J. r. Davis, R. Davis, H. D. Edger- ,V. ton, G. Fowler, P. Gimblctt, F. G. Goodwin, J. Hitchcock, s, W. Hughes, D. Ineiand, H. c- Ireland, W. Jackson, R. H. n- Joliflfe, A. E.- Joncs, R. F. in Joues, F. Kenshaw A. F. 1Kinig, G. King, A. Hl. Living, b, C. Luxton, K. C. Martin, N. 'n McCrimman, C. McDonald, A. E. McLaughlin, F. Me- ss Mann, H. V. W. Moses, J. R. is Moyse, H. Mutton, W. H. R. Nicholîs, A. Oxiey, J. Palmer, O. Pingie, J. Reid, G. Robb, L. W. Sanders, E. L. Sanders, A. Simnick, J. Smith, C. Spry, J. Staiker, R. W. Tait, P. H. Wcrry, C. Wiiley, A. C. Wil- liams, R. A. Wilson, A. Wrenn. Honour Roll f men who idl In action 1939-45: Gardon Alliri, Tommy Bird, Glen W. Brooks, Eric Cheetham, Ken- le neth Cale, Glenn Cale, Wil- n liam Colvîlle, Alex Colville, John Coviile, Gordon Cowl- ýn iug, William Fair, Wm. John r Fewster, Edward Flaxman, it G. T. B. Honeyman, Ronald L- Hooper, Fred Jackman, Wil- - liami Joilow, Georgze Keune- was obsenved. The Bowman- P ville Legion Pipe Band play- Q ed the Lament, and Captain - Fraser waa the buglen for the l Reveile. s Wrcths were pimced atS the Cenotmph and annauncedN by lot Vice-President Ah Ma. vin as follows: Province cf Ontanlo by "Conirade Jmk Pl Living; Town cf Bownianville ai 4Ymayor Hobbs; thc Royal B Oadlazi Legion, Preuident fO Conway; Legin Ladlies Aux- in Mlary, President Mary West. M Oven; Eowmanville Rotary ce Club. Irumedit. pagt Pneu- th dent Don Morris; Bownma ville IoUs Club Preident Wy Bob Wllllms; âowmlanv1e b Kinsalen Club. Preudent POovt' Woodward; Goodyear- Tire av and Rubber CompanyLnilt. cd1 C~rDi* t«ld; TT Loca 109 cfithe United. Ru1b-o berworkm u 1JnoCmp&Itae i TW hmha ~ O ;y Blake, Bawmanville ha the Motor City Baton Twir' iSaturday. They were, fror trnuller, who won the stru also holding her trophy fo lie Midget campetition at t] championships at the CIN Lovekin of Newcastle wu trophy. Irene Rietmuller wa Lad ,ut [or le ,n ýr- Bull Kilpatrick, the Irne-lnerycutyoth rd le diate Past Président oai c. thilu end ctry a teuwo ri d anonmymously doua ted en htwnedobts re weat gien y aLégon est ime prejudices and personal ani. e member was placed by Com- mouities towards different e rade Rae Abernethy; Bow- (FROM PAGE ONE) natianalities and races. We manville Students Council, get the sacrifices that wene need ta sec the good lu OU] s Jerry Porter; Pine Ridge made by men who gave their fellow men, and live on thk! ~School, Bill Fethcrston; thc alI that we may live. basis that before thene can hi L.C.B.O . by W. J. E. Ormîs- "Regardless ai the rlghf or goadwill lu the world, the ,ton; the Mains Famlly by wroug Involved there lu ai- spirit ai goodwill must dwel. n Canirade Bill Mains; the ways a personai side ta any ln the heant of cvery anc a: e' Hooper faniuly by John Hoop- war," Mr. Ward said. ai us. 1er; the Rundie famuly by Mrs. calîed a youug Japanese, a "What does Remembrance ýn Rundle; the McNulty family graduate af the University ai ]Day mean ta, us? If If lu simply n by Conirade Bill Bragg; Kuox Tokyo lu Theolagy, who was the reading ai the names o >Christian School, Rose Dcv- with hlm at Drew Theological the houored dead, the layizof riexs aud Jean 'Macîker; the Semlnary lu Madison, New ai wrcaths at a Cenotaph, ani SKennedy Tmîly by Mrs. J. Jersey. This man wms takig the sounding ai the Last Post cM. Keey;andBwa- post graduate work pror ta then it lu nothing more than ville Pblic Sehools, Miss returning ta Japan as a pastor. a hollow mockery. *Norma Bell. Anothen studeut aud I ask- "Remembrance, If f lta hao The Crosses at the Ceno- cd Koesuke Kocyama, aur real, must fmd expression ln * taph were from the Sheehan Japanese friend, hi a movie the commitmeut ai the lives £Farnily, the Wright Family, anc evening not kuowing the ai those who remnemben. Coni- r, the Living Family, Comrade tifle, or haviug àa due on whaf mitmieut ta the ideals ai peace LHilda Humphrey, and 'fheIt was about. It was fthc sfony end goodwlll, justice and fair Flaxman Famiy. c iohmatl uHolly- play among men ior which Thewood style., aur fallen comnades made the dunie amplifier systeni used " iMy Ainenican find and supreme sacrifice," Mn. Ward du licth service at theI put i an unconiiortable eV- declared. Cenotaph here was donated ening. For thec firut finie we Dr. Keilh Billett, a past hy Captain Fraser. saw this tragedy ironi the péiet moved a vote ai Brandi 178 -and the Bow- Japanese point of view. We thns oMr. Ward for his manville Ladies Auxillary tû apalogized ta Koesuke for tak- excellent address. President thec Royal Canadian Legion Ing hlm ta thi. picture aud AI ithrponeWese held a Church Parade lu assured hlm we hadt not luiown pe ensapoéton anesd phis Newcastle on Sunday even- fthc theme. pernal appition M. ad ase ing. The Colon Party was "Re sald fiat wau ail nlght',asuen it ta Mn. Wardas th copsed of Immédiate Past but he pointed ouf fiat m- enr i islubttath Pesdent Stan Dunu, Coni- though people say thaf theclb rade Ted Sheehan, Comrade use ai the atonic bomb was *Georgina Carter, and Coni- justified because If shorfcued Fl rade Jean Burton. The par- the war thus savig many A n zn ade led by the Légion pipe lives on bath sides, he could A a ig Fl Baud manched ta St. George', neyer forget the pain and hon- Anglican Church for the non that the raids on Hiroshima Why did the World. War II momning service. The Rcv. and Nagasaki caused. ghost bomber fly past hen haseý H. R. Hayne, the nectaro.I ai- He sald: 'While I ani here and crash lu the désert? iiciated.I sec whaf Aneienca stands for Where i man's balance' at home, yet the Japanese mechanjuni located? Why can't people can neyer forget that it function ln the chauds? W ill Sp ak HeretIc United States, a Christian ls udent HalD nation, used the atonie homb judgsenicnt reieiabl? D on human life.' aur esesar someosfaih? Koeamahadtol hl tht o qustinsanswered in the new a Sunday aiternoon he had Moody Institute ai Science been ivlted ta speak at a film 'Signposts Aloft,' that wili cîurch lu Pattenson, New he shown on Sunday, Nov. Jersey, on the faith ci l9th at 7 p.m. in the Pente- Chnistians hi Japan. costal Cuch, Bowmanville. "Que man said afterwmrds thaf he would lîke ta knaw that fthc Japanese agré froni a Christian point of view justifiid beçause If smved ME i counflesu U.S. and Japauce lives. "Mn. Koeyama rcplied: 'You -are probably ight that If uav- cd these lives but you aven- look the personal factar. U.S. cit les were not bombed, but whale sections ai our popula- tion wene wlped ouf. Child- ren lout parents, many chlld- nen were also hlawn ta bits. CL AN E You could not uuderstaud L A A C what Ia bed ta ous, unlesu sL E T such abm a been dnopped _______ 1_________ Peter Trueman on your awn home towu. If 1 this had happened do yau 67 FORD CUSTOM The Canadian Club ai West thiuk yau would have asked4DR SEA Durhami announced thir, week me this question?' DRSEA hat fthc speaker fon the next "Thene cauld be arguments Equîpped with power stf meeting an Wed., Nov. 22nd, on bath sides. Japan started brakes, customi radio. In t in Trinity United Churci Hall the wan lu thc Pacific at Pearl Aqua. Lic. K16984. af 8:15 p.m. wil he well- Harbor, and if they had hmd' Sugg. List $3727.00 knowu journalist Peter Truc- the atomlc bomb finst, they. CLEARANCE____ man. His tapie wil he 4"what miglif have used If. But the C.anadians mean ta flic'United iact reniains that there Iluslc ___the_______ Nations". pensonal side ai war and there- Mn. Trueman, who was Bp- ln lies the rel tragedy." 1965 MERCURY %-TC pointed National Direct or oi Dlscussing the thnee points PC U the United Nations Association stresscd regmrdeing the factors PC U In Canada in August 1966, that couhd leadl te a lasting Equlpped with snow fines tudied English and Political Peace, Mr. Ward sald: "l. We LIc. 27266B. Science at Uic University ofiln the western world must Don't miss this gew Brunswick befone enter- turn froni aur matenlal affu- one at ouly njournalisni. eut way of life and restons moral and religlous pnInciples Iu his bni 10 years in this fa their rigiffl place as the 1964 MALIBU iroiession before his current foundation cf saciety. SA INW C ippoinfmcnf, lie wms lu turu, "2. Before a lastIng peaceST IO WA esident U.N. correspondent nations wlll sec aud recognize 6 cyl, standard transminao or .fhe Montréal Star, Wa5- he. Ui fi that the day cf nation- Sharp white wlth red luf4 ugton correspondent fan Uic al soverelgnitytalutanf'sd dontreal Star, Parliamentmry fliaf we are lvnlnady Lie. X13031 ___ orrespondent af Ottawa for when Internatilo a ad$ hie Toronto Star, CBC radio order must bu vcuted ln some Lnd felevision conimenfafor, ton aif world govcromeuif. 1 yndlcated writen sud maga. "The modern media cf trav- ine cttr btor n 92,gehel ad communication have M cDAL vswlnner otteBwtrmmdc the world a neighbor- a D N L ýward for Joumnaliani. bcd 50 wu cannût afford fo Re lu the son of Dr. Albert Ignore thc wclfare sud Point MSA E .ueman, prcviously Director oi vlew cf people Who Uvge on FORD A LES f Uice Cmnada Çouncil sud one thc ather side of Uic globe.(O AW ) TD ne,. National Prosidentc Tldy cdmn eo sxaadlan Cubs, - wlui 00 e when enough psq»i chosen the Motor City Sweetheart, Kathy Blake was first in strut and in military and Michelle Lamant was first in strut and first in solo. The Rietmuller girls are daughters of Mn. and Mrs. E. Rietmuiier, Conces- sion St. Miss Lovekin is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Lovekin, Newcastle, Miss Blake is a daughten of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blake, Ontario St., and Miss Lamant is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon JP.C. Workers Entertained LasI Wednesday evening, about 80 -proplett.neda meeingcf rogesive-Con. gerve workers in the re- cent Provincial election, held at Memorual Park Clubhouae. Mr. and Mns. Alex Carruth- Mr were hasts and durig the evening,. the re-electd M.PP. expressed hie sincere * appreciatian to those wha had worked 50 hard to make vic- tory possible. The meeting was aload- dressed by Garnet B. Rlck- ard, the P.C. federal candi- date, wha descrlbed the boun- darles and other details of the newly expanded federal Constituency of Durham. Lunch was served by ladies Of the Memorlal Park Asso- ciation. TYRONE Mr. and Mrn. J. Gibbs, Rory and Nlcky visited friendahI Hamilton. Mr. and Mms. K. McQuaid and Danny, Oshawa, Miss Kathy Hoar, Toranto, Moss Marie Draper, Enniakillen; Mns. F. A. Wenry, Bawman- ville, vlsited Mr. and Mns. A. J. Hoar. Misses Louise Hoar and Christine Brent accompanied Mns. Don Badour on Saturday ta attend The Royal Wlnter Pair. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Luxton and family, Scarborough, visit- cd Mr. and Mrs. J. Woodiey and family; Mr. and Mrs. R. Paterson and family, Oshawa, were Sunday cailers at the Woadley's. Mn. and Mrs. William Biles, of London, Engiaud, are visit- ing with Mr. and Mrs. W. Loveridge, and children. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook spent the weekend. with Mrs. Gz. Wills, Inglewaod. The beautiful tlowers plac- cd i the church for Sunday worship were in lovlng mcm- ory of the late Mr. F. A. Werry by his family. Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- dread spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. K. Lamb, Oak- ,ville, and attended the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Miss Mary Lotu Milson, Leaside. vlsited her sister Mrs. Leslie Goble. Mr. and Mns. E. A. Vft* Uns. Annie Rivera were Sun- day dinner guests of Mr. and Mu. Leslie Virtue, Oshawa. Mr. and Mm. J. Holdstock Bewmanville, vlslted his sis- ter, Mn. Annie Rivera. Mns. W. Miller vislted Mrs. IL Rowmn and attended the turkey dinner at Ennisklen, Mr. and Mns. C. W. mani and children, MJax, vlslted hi*! pMetnts, Mr. and Ms. W- A numnber from this com- muniy have attended the Royal' Wlnter Fair. Friday evening brought sev- eral new faces ta the Euchre party. Twelve tables were in use. Prizes were awarded as fallows: Mr. Earl Prescott, Mr. Lloyd Crago, Mr. Fred Cam- eran, Mrs. R. Cameron, Mr. Clarence Bradley, Mrs. B. Walkey. 50-50 draw was won by Mns. D. Knapp. <Balane RBelu! Over) Make up a Party and DANCE In our UPSTAIRS DINING LOUNGE 9 P.m. until clouing NO COVER CHARGE Minimum - L.C.B.O. FRIDAY AND SATU RDAY NOV. 17.-18 il' Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Selis wltb wbom are no* merged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Nentreal Wlndsor Edmonton Oshawa Winnipeg Prince Gordon W. Ruehl, C.A., RIA. Burt R. Waters. C.A. 081mws Oshawa Shopping Centre 128 -7527 PLA~ II4SULDSIOS VAPO RUS, f , Pl 1 f ý/40,/0 SAVINGS ACCOUNTS