The Canadien Itaten, ownscaffle, NOV. là, 1 et-,? wU li elIious Convictions te Cburch. Fev. Bas] .Ln h.rtr. bref> f lot tb.rn'do bravoly, what officiatsd.1r dMr.IhMeniaHoptlDwm . muet be donesoon, to relleve wil» reside on Bun tetvle the over burdenied Oxiyes shawa.MisACoerbs ee i ur ~~~~~~~~before they aen foiOid to t Mr. and Mmu Albt Mth tyn hM.adMs Manvers Twp. Cotncil I M MAKItlem4t Ar =. teneASth regaen EQntll Un... &VE $1L SOMEr WhatmetGodinlnHven sevice et noon of ato 1lie November meeting ci ter from Victor )L Hewom hn hnR oknw*Q ntdCuc MeaVers Municipal Council Assessment Commlssloner aof the- u tR lng s d, th y C aes, mton f1E.anai ntuiali 24with AUl member. p ee meland and Durham e In areely, on (Htbfrmdery agrt Ms alnMKl wag hed on ~Coimtes ai orth-te destroy? Jeer b ad.y a p- tr o n and thetRm, Lewis ll, n meeting at Cobourg for Clerks., Mireytche ome pruu!ded. Treasurerg and Assessors l rshAiW rect. iclofratlo Mis e Communieais rec e 1v e dt the United Counties! Magis. P.-I amn a former Rural Cnrtuains t î rte iJh Mrs. A. W. Pe acott.t0f Oi'ano).eToronto spe$5.thebwieg ~Tphone Co. af Canada ad- Manvers share of fines for Sep- 1cudsehoalnz te ie othwoclb read w ere fro the B ll trate axter re 5.0i beln T eacher and proud th at R ob ert A flin , C hu i ch S r e , M K l e , K r y vttithat 16 % feet of their tember 1967; Manvers Town- Icadsteea oranizuecst o 8 rdSo th ho leneted br SvnUi etnsa h enfance roadway n Lot 16, shlp Public Shool Board re- elght grades . Mr. Ron Best returne Concession 8 of Manvers, cauld questlng Township Council toe________ lent Friday fro Mein oraN.1,mihl,6:0p.,pt te ueur d ken the road; seek the approyal of the Muni- Mibd çhs onnectlon the Cauncil cipal Board lni getting the Hospital, Bawmanville u k a p e; 2 o e a aoâapted theïr offer for tbis school approval lncreaued fr am tht an \tV lfarMan.*1 and Mns. AlbrIMthH.ecr,2~ 3 mihal rway leading ta their $440,000.00 te $4W7,490.00; e'11- ere Mierowave site for a nominal Queen's University re animais lier.JF amthoueom iMnBv sum of $2.00. The Inspector for research purposes; two Buidig eMrt is . Po ster et an i. et Public *Scheele for Opa livestock dlaims and severalUI IfC .j/JI Thursday ai last wee.Wa,8pm;,hoeiM. TmwMMbP advised that a HiUIof accottet. Mr. and Mrs. OrvilN hi at !i,2pm the school supporters ln Man. Tht'Depmrtment of Hlgh. The Weliare Departintt e- lice and daughter Densgee A vnnga agwsP. vers Township that are part ai ways are lq 'b. wrItten re- port for October submitted by Sunday dinngr gueul iM.sne i ecsl on th OiTownship Publie questing that tht lands owned tht Adminltrator R. J. Wellsh and Mn.. Harvey Jti n uiyHl nStra.Nv Sehool areboul! b. iorward- by the Department of High. ta Town Council lant- week son Tom at Millbrok.ltt81 yttOhw td te tht Clerk ai Ops Town. way at tht sauthern junction stated that there were 142 ne- 1r.. Hazel LaweryMrnCoaSoit.Tscncr sa that the names of tht of 7A and 35 Hlgbways b. sold ciplents durlng lant manth. age 77, widow of h aewusasrdb h hi 0 1p parties could. b. added ta the Township ai Manvera, This la* 23 more than ln the Albert Morton, passe wyo ecsi ntdCuc ta the Opa Township votera' for the Road Departmient use. previaus monîh, September. aiter a brief ilînesa oni aadth H.CGup Tt list for achool election pur- Tht lands would b. used fora The total dont af weîîare Novernber 3rd at tht e oiagutsootwaMrBear roe;Dept. ai Hlghways ne sand stock pile and eventuafly for Oclaber was $7,539, but au Hospital, Bowmanvill.Fn'yctnrsliîa t and t Junctian of 7A and 35 a garage for township ma- the expected recoverles irom eral was on Monday atronPu',BorS. ootgl Rl5giways; Dept. af Municipal chlflery. provincial and federai subsi- from Orono United Cuc.mdlaKwnsMpcFsi «R re tast payment ai Un- A by-law was lntroduced dies and chargebacks amount Intermenî ln the faiypltva.M.nchlfrmrya codtianal Grant for 1967 la and passed ta establlah a new ta $6,738.87, the actual casîtaeOrono Cemetery. Oooadi rnina the arnount af $5,025«50; Let- street ln Bethany,. being part tetw ilb ny$0.3 r.W .N r or Block B ln Plan No. 3 ofi uI towllber ixnly*0.3. M.W .N.Amîonar r adM .Har oe said villa g e of Bthany, the Dnicang fort abre w r- street te b. known as'Jake- filed. Four were accepted m IeRond . b .î~ and employment was procyred - ~A. Snelgrove, advIsig that a frtapras summer cottage hi Manvera Recipients durlng October Township cannaI b. occpied Included 1Il heads of familles between November 151h andà with 31 dependenîs, six de- April 151h as a permanent uierted or separa -ted cases with recldence. fathe a eer huntirig aI I 14 dependenta, 14 single per- DO TThe township will be pléas- Bancroft. l >< c tsans, 27 patients ln nursing a ed te receive a section af the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fowler, d ~.eten s t e ô '*o homes, and 16 peole ho e- t oron o D m n o S R Kboundary between Cartwright Oshawa, were Fniday evening £ ceived O.A.S. and O.A.A. Sp I A NadMnesTw apre-g isso the Kayacs. November 9. 1967 Our work le made passible Day, no School Plcnic, Brad- plementary Aid. ently held by tht DlÊept. o Mr.. and Mrs. Harold De- Dear Editor: only through tht voluntary ley's, Bakera, Enfield, Union, Tht neport ai Building In- Hilhways for road urpases. Mille, Bowmanviile, visited For many years Tht Can- generaslty ai campassionate Haydan, Long Sault, New spectar K. Hetherington for Tht township W, 1aeek, the their parents Mr. and Mrs. ainSaeCeChlrn anadians and. we count Park Communities are no October showed thal seven apraalc tt uncpal W. Vaneylc an Sunday. Fuin av e ten ni re- greatly upon your support more; departed, dead, sitten building permutsanmd two MnIa. MA"Y DEROSIO ' 0 BorVe aethe Public Mrs. F. G . Armour and fui for tht prompt response ta make aur case. known by the plague ai Modern Liv- plumbing penmîts were lssued _________1g ScolBoard expenditure for Miss Bertha Armour, Hamp- n upr yuhv ie again this year. lgi oe oitdnn h ot.TtttlS E POCKETBOO thtnew aol (rve) on, the F mausuper andauprt ause. v ____________________________UoIheIamt.The ota tenwsho Gadlwtn ee Fia uprt ucas.Yours very truly, gettlng fanther from God. cosl ai construction lasI manth P-y5~ .____________________ Inradfo 40000 eget fM.adMs i- Tht need for aur work Cainine R. M. Wilson, Why are there Juvenile De- here was $24,250.- THt ToRaoNNaN AIC 0 e467,490.00 (h School Boardne Cornish celebrating Mary neyer items ta dlmlnish. In President. lInquents today? Here are a Building Inspecter Hether- 1 MAIN ST. AND OMf1CE AE <Dcrortzmpp.havIng tht funds, but formai and bier dad's blrthday. Con- the past year chlldren have nt md27bulign- MYO MSet PMa' axe» ow yaicset ap naval requlrtd). gratulatins uerdratpscaan few reasons. With the ever- nanmd27biighi AJTW np ufrd et hscladIncreasing tax squeeze, Mother spectionu and five trench ln- tbeinsrane rotctin Yu Norinalian date for the Callers last week at the mental ilIness as Innocent ONE WHO LISTENED gels a job, the weary chlldren spections In Octaber. There lbttd whtPyou need it and pa township la sel for the aiter- Smith home were Mr. Harry victime ai tht war ln Viel- HmtnP akfo h onrt ee2 nuread2 n nnof iNavember 241h at H-efford, Agincourt; M r nani and tht Arab-Israeli Noamptn 7* do walk main th corn- er l a i were 4mineade. n e :i 1so' for jt by the rflOfth, juil a» Bethany. Should an election Ethel Kidd and Mn. Ted Kidd conficî. Dreadiul diseases No.î lth/67 desred home-iIh e d-~ttgîo wr ae ime cf aur clients are fdng cil and Sehool Board persan- bent Smith and Leisa, Baw- prevalent In tht Congo; en- I ami one who listened. I latter on the atreet. Mother ~L y & Ibs , e net has been set for a two manville, and Mr. and Mrs. cephalitis and parasitic In- arn referring te the excellent cornes home weary, se servez E year perlod thi future. Roy Boudreau and Dawna, fections muet be iought hi letter which appeared ln lait up Instant potatoes, cold cuti, WFuO RnOronlie Tht folla*lng accounts were Newmarket. *ota u weeerpsFweu pprlwltn yM.smthnpro an Se,.-.chqe ondered pald: Road account ry os-y t ca ek'Gbs pTynowrtne aM smhnd rm areon LiS INS $6,116.48, Cyril Smith, 1 sheep sbew rntonytcp AGisToe. 5h. dreadu n Dad ar 0s wea Fry ero cll,$00;Otro.Hydro, wlth emergencles but ta the day when lier six-year-old the day's rat-race Ihal theyeFIyprooie eoi lp $993; Curtis Letter Supply, OBIA RYFL&J plan for a better and a wIlý b. înatched from iebi drink beer te reiresh? Iheir fi E W Cheque wale ncoceotocî pnlnlng 967Voleu' Lsta MES SYDEY . MATYNbrlghter future for children Home Comniunity, and taken badies. Good home living *E .. fr"'l prntn 16 Vtes LseM. YDE T -RY by teachig child-cane 1e by bus ta spend lbe long turne te argument and quan- (Intended, for last week) File bLox cnforuC.eq $112-07; Uane Johnson, Isu-- Tht death af Mns. Sydnaey moîhers ln developîng caun- weary hour an tht bus, wîîh a rela all evenîng; se tht chlld- Mn. and Mrs.. James Mawaî itaProa hqi~Acuta unAIT E$11.0aiC0u.i T. Martyn, Oshawa, occurredl tries - by providing the baste lange group ai children whom ren creep ouIta Hootnaninls, wtee weekend guests ai Mn. ihaPr ,,,,.lg Nexteingo oni on Wednesday ,November ai o an education, tht know- hé- dacsn't knaw; reaches the street-comner gangs or worse, and Mrs. Greg Calmier at wlhoheld December l2th, 1967, at Oshawa General ledge ai a trade - new and strange school, bewlldered and ail tee soan Ihey are Juv- Bracebmidge. 10NE. Hospital aiter an ilnes. ai better methods of growig and exhausted, longing fan the enfle Delinquents, u sing Mn. Ceci Graham han been TORO T OM N O J M Ssix months. She was ln lhem and preservlng cropi. In aiternoon when tht bus wlll manijauna; an worst I» 1 Ibi oefrnyea h akw.r i rns LO GS U I 53rd year. short we Iry, ln saine take hlm back te Home and teen-age girls are pregnant. weeks. LO GS U TDaughter ai Mr. Sidney J. measure, ta meet the present Mother. God send us Men or Women, Congratulations ta Mr. and IR. G.LA TN Maae - OUNEAL INSURANCE n n n BueBkr Morris ai Bawmanville and and tht future needs ai Philosophera write leamned ta serve on Township Boards, Mrs. Bnian Harvey Iahi,. thte9Tmeac t Mr. nd rs.Bruc Baerthe late Mrs. Morris, tht for- chlldren wherever we ne- articles on, tht Influence of, Municipal Council, Provincial former,,Miss Lynda Jane Peans,3 94lUg t.IL BomavUsToronto, spent Mondayý with mer Edith Lillian Morris was ceive a plea for help. parental precept, example and Government or Domninon Gôv- an'their manniage Saturday U4tn t.E omavleIeir parents, Mr. and Mrs. born i Bwmanville and ne- - riig .t h xesv'11I o G. akr.ceve h tdcatonlnTon ZOIO t an ui.WIhtt1xeni erninent Men or Women afternoon in Orno U__nited f53 Michael Baker, Wateecbh, achoals. On May 20, 1939 she catio___________ n lu 'àdic onsyte i cu-____ spent the weekend wlth cou- marnied 'Sydney T. Martyn Schaal childen, tht bus driv- t. ~ m G rry Baker whle ie swho survives. 13n an y erf la hmmpà orethteuref ~ *' Mn.. Martyn had rtsided -ta r h aet;a DOLLAR DAY ln Oshawa for 25 years and A .i h ou lve a Hmpanfo a Cbartered Accauntant tired children, aiten too lI _________Haptnoa__ ryteet godsFEATURESI IA~ peniod. A haustwlfe, hiem 93 Church Sticet wery ta cl0a1goo suppen THE'DRAMA CLUB OF 628-3061 have ta go te b.d early, 89 cM14 8 chief interetI centred àîraund that they can gel up ealy -ta bier home. She was a meni- WM. J. H. COOGINS int the yelbow *monster at2 BOWMANVILLE HIGI4 5CHOOL. ber ai tht Unit ed Churcb and Chartered Accauntant tht corner. Somelimes whlle .u c s ib"' îiir AUSmImm 3 waî aIsa a member ai tht 115 Liberty St. S., BawmànvmUe standing at tht canner, Tommy Presents Rtbekab Lodge. Phone 623-3912 or Mary explores a pend oif EEABE L? Pe t Survlvlng, besides hem bue-« WILLIAN C. HALL water, or le pushed by a bully, SQUE-AES band and faîben, are twa BComm. gota on ta sehool wlth wettSQUARE $ M .sîsters, Mns. E. Fonan (Mar- Chartered Accountant feet or cloîtu ste wear them pit janie) and Mirs. H. Powell 38 KICigSt. E., Oshawa ail day. With lbe old systern i ii YORK KAm i I f f IU t(AIma), bolh of Bowmanville.- Telepgone 725-6539 ai Rural Public Scheela, fatb- ,.RCKCOIMf$ cileu.111f Inherie st ~~The funeral service wes -LETer or thrdoehecid U IImufle- field main the Mclntosh-An- BChant ered & CO. r atsher l droveathe l. DOG F000 12 TM derson Funeral Home, 0mb- 32 Kîg Sret Wats n goad weatber they walked,to 11GE18 awa, on Fnidey, Nov. 3rd, and shawa, Otalo no iunis and race tnacka need- A S Ne 4O was conducîed by Rtv. N. G. 725-6451 728-75o ed. , myseif, mode twa. trips eAU UTR 2m T h e W in d Sibloc Iterment ::s in William5A.-D. 728i7y54Ca. ayte our local schooI with DESI J~1LAT G.idl ndluia m .Seb.C.A. my children and pick *08h CD Thursday, Friday and Saturday were Messrs. Ted Glover, Ray Cin h ademad Ttcute aset uu~i" ~lI LEE S tainton, H m ley M a nr y n, OJ 3r aî l ble i oys nin <(tad y slC A SP]SO~ aA l a n F o a n , _ L l o y d P r e s c o î , G . E W N M N , D Cc h d r n n y r h d a u I e , i I U - , 'N an« LenvManuhaîlpoints.L(TodaLAn 1 I mo g hc inlbe uf l i apaco * ri e)P 67 King St. E., Bownranville H. Gadon rene ws&aà j lflLLsLBi l CtI CIc, CT TO YOUR DOOR Office Hours: bis lie bad become whal it le, lI Cl.*idmlr ~lo 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. thmaugh tht pensonal Influence $auu Monday through Thursday of a beloved teacheRGnARINE 4 FW____1 tht past, spread to every child mit ' lam 9 . W dzand every home ln tht School ~, 9 AET dz ~ DNLDu. anc GogNw ahteacher setaaI*AfMXE AEie .SrTeTry Our Doliclous *, insurme a day, just bas ta teach two( ÇRisp IETÎuCE "ha E MESSA Phon 623-5962 Idea that Mary Brown comes v 0» sci 1 Il A 1IAN. "P R frmth orth endof he n 1NE »M'29 twsi;doesn't knaw wheîh- NOWAVAUlU - RUH à OWLCtOIJ OCAN »,l,,Y N O otM s er hefathe Is a farmr,aGnrlMtrsepoelo FRUIT CAKE 1&59c cqo Matons omplFyoeXMor D.IpSIU .~ EYT ' WW*qffr* 5*R BADIN HAMRsTON -twa jobs ta ny810( __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ P oto8381 5 a k éney ta meet tfirae al e IJ0P3III 4 5cLD lUt QMrtgage Funds taxes, ic will b. bigger v i R LS lil PHt4 d3S# 'OtDELIVERY Reuidtntles agolnriéxtte l.thé~~L~ Grade. 7 and 8, and ior tht L 2 G LE R A D A R Y p3t o m e fr y cost of bildhigthe new school KEITE A. DULEIT. 0.1>. needed, ossBaonna School .111MM1LQUU Optometnlat accommodat. thte hlidren ln G4$8 à% IR Y 143 Kig St.X. - Bowmauville thet section, and a very mInali, TU 0» iff623252 repair w'dfllnset WWMNILLE XàiL- ' s. -Thuns. - Dri. Tyrone Schol.DO 9arta5.m. We have ho .Ru1=l Séci Tbflrlgy a~lBgs 1!oanxunles-as Wser W&d iate at. 1 Cruusocg.ooj