ý i e s ni T @ an O .N .O . Bus- l J 'g,,g ~ bandL=Banqet was held i _____________________day, Nov. 4, 1987, witb pati membens and their husbands Len Stainton was the win- Upper Canada College presen. belng invited. Dinner waz nem of this week's Little N.H.L. tation of pnizes by Dr. Wilder catercd ta by the Anglican< )ekey draw. Peniield when thelr grmndson, ladies. As each gei ad Mmi. Evelyn Tyler and Mrà, John Mayberry, wan the member entered sh ws Wa Hackln spent Frlday. American Faundation Schol- given a name tag adcr avember Ith with Mrs. arship. sage. Dinner bean wit t'ni President Dolly Lee extend- Letoaze. Oshawa. Mrs. D. L. Featheratone. Mr. and Mmi. F. J. Carter Haugh, Halifax, N.S.; Misses Ing welcome and a toast ta and girls, Prestan, vtstted Gladys and Greta Mollan, otherQe re. TPetoast ta Wiith Ïi mather. Mrs. A. Toronto, spent the weekend tii. l adi es topastdby Carter, Second Street. wlth the fammer's sister and Dto ae l and. mpoepd. Mn. and Mmi. Wenddll Palm- brather-in-law, Mr. and Mn. Daltanby Cathenand esCodn er af Niagara Falls, Ont. were C.W ony n tended tm WithMr. nd Ms. C. TW.- Dawfne y, andMr. att ge toatto the. husiiands propos- erhM, n Ms Tm'um-th eral a i M.Gorecd by Noreen Malcolm and eWellngton St., an theKesae responded by Roy Turner; to weekend. Mr. David A. Gibson gradu- the. club was propased by Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Clark,,ated from Ryemson Polytecii- Jessie Bowles ai Scarborough. Bawmanville, weme Sd' y ne nsttueToontoIni Ali past presidents ai the guests ai their daughteMrs.Bsns dmnsrto club were called ta tiie head AI. Elliatt, Mr. Elliott' and Marketing Management, an table bY Kathleen Dareil children, Whitby. Saturday, Navember I lth. He and she presented each an. Mm. and Mrs. John E. James ls the third son ai Mr. and with a gald Maple Leai pin Mn-Mms. W. Harold Gibson, RR jegae ihONO h and daughter Susanne,Mot Newcastle, ta graduate In this1peien t -av eed hOn.O ti real, Que., vtslted bis parents, Centennial year. ai1 iobdasitd n MnOndth Mkn.JonMJae Miss Irene Barton, Mm. Canada Wgs sung. As thc onte eked George Glassford, Mrs. Ma- ladies cleaed the tables a M. Harny Akey, Flett St., Jory Edmunds, Oshiawa; Mm:. en agws e yNi spet aiewday lat wekMarjary Ferguson and Mrs.M colm witb Catherine Cor- wlth ber sister and brother-in- Stan Payne, BowmanvIlle, en- den at the piano. 1mw. Mr. and Mrs. E. KMm- jayed "An Evening In Sang" Eeyn pn nejy nxelySyacue, Y.presented by Mr. Bernard ahi. evening visiting wfth aid Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. Lynch i1n the Panish Hall of members and dancing ta mu- James and son Douglas, Centre S.Anne's Church, Duffenin sic by the Roy Gadfrey or- Street, and MISs JO-neS, Toronto, on Wednesday cshestra. Spot dances were Bragan, ThornhilU, vlsited Mm. eveèning last. won by Barry and Frances and Mms. Norman A. James Mm. and Mri. Ronald Turner, Fisher, and Bob and Shirley and Ronnie, London, Ont., on Kingston, wcre guests ai hem Wheeler, thie broam dance by the weekend.l1 parents, Mm. and Mmi. Mansell Lamne Hoskin; and the. eimi- Lions, Club hce drawiSaey, ior the weekend. They nation dance by Blake and wtnnes ar as ollos: N v.iso ited bis parents, the Jessie'Gunter. 18, Gond Boyd, Shirley Davis; evMmand Mmi. Harold A. Ex-members and husbands Nov. 22, Fred Payne, Harold Turner. Carolyn Is tmking from a distance who attend- Webben; Nov. 25, L. Rehdem, iourth-yeam honor classîcs at cd were: M.r. and Mrs. Rich- B. Malloy; Nov. 29, Mns. Mor- Queen's Univemsity and Ron amd Bowles, Sdarbomaugb; Mn. ley Vanstane, H. Hooper. Iis head ai the. English Depart- and Mmi. Art Palk, White- Miss Tina Hughes, nurse-mn- ment at Layalist Collegiate vale;* Mr* und Mns. Gib Mar- trm1inng at St. Joseph's Hos- Institute In Kingston. low,' Broklin; Mr. and Mm. 4nu1, Peterborough, returned Recent visitons in tawn îromn Perey Collins, Oshawa; Mn. on Manday evening ta hem Vict oria, B.C., were George R. and Mmi. Allan Raiim, Part duties mlter spending tii. Robemt and bis wiie, son and Penmy; Mn. and Mms. Ray Gil- Wceknd witb hem parents, daughter-mn-law af Mr. and bmnk, Lindsay. There were Councillor and Mmi. Glenholme Mns. William Roberts, Division 17 other couples oi ex-mem-. * Hughes. Sreet. The. four ai themn en. bers ai O.N.O. Total attend- In the Red Cross Blood Don- .iayed a few days' trip as far anc. at the. banquet 105. or Clinic writeup appearîng In as Cornwall, etc. Autumn Remembrance Day service the. November 8th Issue ai leaves had fallen and the. held in the Cammunity Hall The. Statesman, the Courtice ground was covered with car- at 10:30 a.m., Nov. llth, waî * Girl1 Guide named as assjît- pets ai Sumnach leaves. The. conducted by Rcv. R. C. Rose Ing was Miss V. Sniden. In visit Is over but wondemful who gave a short impressive siiould have read Miss Vickeylmemnories emaîn. message o Our Heritage. Reynolds. Hem -mrany Bawmanville Rcv. P. Romenil nead the Mm:. Robiert Kinnear bas ne- fiendi will be sorny ta îearn icriptume passage. At 10:55, turned fmom a two-week visit that Mmi. J. C. Cairns, who led by the Bownies, Guides, ta New Brunswick wheme she etunned a îew monthi mgo Cubs and Scouts, al iiled out visited relatives and friends. inom a trip ta New Zeaiand, ta the park wiere the Honoutr Mmi. Kinnean isa spent samne recently felu, breaking hem hlpRail was ead by Wamden timp with hem son, Rition, wiio and 1s a patient In the Oshawa Mermiii VanCamp. The wreatii tg stationed at Canadian Forc- General Hospital. Mm:. Cairns was laid byi Mmi. Malcolm es Bse, agetwn, and hem busband, the late J. Emmerson, twa minutes' %il- :BaeGgeaw.C. Cairns were, ionrmm'iy ence abserved, and Tii. Mm. and Mmi. M. L. Roenigk, years, vaîued staff members Queen sung. 1Xing St. West, were In Toron- aifthe, Ontario Training Sciiaol Sormy - In lait week's toen Friday attending thej for Boys hem,, now Pin. Ridge paper 1 wmote Rev. J. E. Grif- School.fithbwas on this Cartwrighit Mm: Wiime Man-charge in the. 4o's. It should b~ A AI donald just recently eturned Prize winners at the W. 1. .-entecostal fromf a month's miotor trip ta eucbm, on Wednesday were, * Califomnia. Tiiey travelld ta ihldMs etrSot Caliiomnia via Sait Lake CityighdyMm.Heto hot Ch rhUtah, and San Francisco. Mr.1m: g , % enM. rn iiendsIn Santa Barbara and Nprieýtojr. George BowenE, 75 Liberty St..f9. In the vicinity ai Los Angeles. TIi Sm gabr bed a. Phone 823-5100 Mmi. P. Geenield, town, and u r day inhe Recreation Cen- 9he m sister, M m. W inn iied t e w î a d c d d s c e : i Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Th. Rundle, Toronto accompanied ews t them on te tn. Enoutespite ai he vcmy discounaging home they stopped at th weatber; 465 adultsamnd 94 Latest Moody Institute Grand Cnyon and misa the chldren enjayed the deliciaus of Science Film P etiiie d Fomest. rmeal. Fiends were noticed from. Port Perry, Oshawa, Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd Ayme Bowmanil "SIGNPOSTS ALOFT" attended the dinner n honour pe vile Courtice, Ma. pl Grave, Brooklin, Hamp- tan, Enniskillcn, Yelverton, Se. and Heer REOB THNestleton, Caciarea, Cadmus, 1 REOBOT ý ad lielymare we did nat Ghos BoberChristian Reformd Sunday aitemnoan the. Unit- ,.1d Church was crmmmd for - Mrves o RaarChurchi the Rededication of church -Conversation of a Sentog Street and Dedication ai the. new Ground Controller ýfunishings. Rev. M. J. But- and Pilot Lastit Minuster:j tans, President ai Bay ai the Clouds. Kev. A. VandenBerg, thie addmess, taking as bis text i HA. B.D.. M.TII. "Nat* FOrsaking the. Assemb. ing ai Ourselves Togethen." 7::Wpa.mNo. 1taWrship Services Rev. R.C. Rose af St. John's 9:55 a.m.Anglican *Churcb assisted in 10 am.thie pening exencises. Rev. 9undaySchoolP.Romenil, Pastor ai the School7:30 P.rn. chunch, conducted the. Dedi- Sunday I cation.' The chir rendered a 11:00 a.m. 11-15 a.m. Sunday School fine anthem, "I Believe." Tii. "GETING ack o Go imor 1Primamy -depatment i Sun- FOOTHOLD" laoTofdHor a His Rayai Highness Prince L fran, tlis cammunitfy attend- * I11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten ed the, .funeral service at 1 1j Northcutt and Elliatt Funeral ¶Home1lat Friday aiternoan. M.and Mmi. Barry Cowi- M ing, Mm. and Mm:. LsWlh ~I E T O ENINIG S R ICES Mr. Larry Welsh, Mr. ra GREA O PSERBlackbumn attençled the. Sa- InaSoccer Club banquet and of entetainment at Sauina Hall CAL VARY GOSPEL CHURCH anSMr.a eeniakun.Kempt- (Fundarnental) ville, Miss Jean Willett, Tom- onto, weme weekend visitons FOR DARLINGTON, CLARKE, witii Mr. and Mrs. F. Black- ~I1NVERS and CARTWRIGHT TOWNSHIPS bunn and Brian and an Sun- Isalah 55:11 day night ail wcre supper lu Chrch uildng - ormergects ai Mr. and Mrm. John luChrc Bilin -fomely known as inghorn, Zion. "Long Sault School"' Mr. and Mmi. F. Blackburn SE SURE TO COME TO THE OPENING SERVICES wene Saturday evening visi- toms wlth Mn. and Mni. W. NOVEMBER 19, 1987 Blackburn and Mn:. K. Cowl- SERVICES AT: 11:00 arnL and 7:00 pan. ing, Haydan, ta celebrate Mme. EEV. ROY L. LANGFORD Cowling's and Mns. Black.- (Swdy Shool- 945 am.)burna birtiiday. (Sunay chSl- 945 am.)Mn. Doug Kemp and Mr. COMIG -NOVMBER26t, MDon Welsh attended sanie of COMIG - OVEMER 21h, fl7the sessions af the Ontanil REV. A. BARRY JONES, B.Th., Federatian ai Agriculturel ~Toronto Bible College rovention at the Royral York à - otel Torto, lad- week. an &id to sieep Suj1 st12 CHEWING CUM REDUCING PLAN S1.47 RESISCAL Slirm ng Plan and Det Cook Bock 80 TABLTs3.3 9 %orupv storwaCh jar 59CSUtt9 c for te Witef stock I A~I wattV463 c L 4060 for 63, o u% /1 ,411 /' / ALEX Geritol 12 or. 40 Uquid oIr Tables* Su g1îst 2.49 CREST Trooth Paste Rogular or New Miut Flaveur. Family Sire. Su~gAist 93c w i i Head & Shoulders Dandruff Shampce Medium Sire Jar SuggIlïs 9 McGR*EýGOR PRESCRIPTIONS KING STREET WEST L'.A REMEDRI I.D.A. REMEDE PIIONE6I3-5792~ f k Super Stainleu ste s*d Su list UGS9c 1 -0 1 W-A' m a A Am màw Àm ý Amm,ý ý.ý m . wxt Ms.W. W.VaCmp Mr. and Mm. Carman Bu!- ýC -K S i uTIise al ndHlnVa e, Ptebru Cýmp and Margaret Saywell Sunday guests of Mr. and shoulder. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow, day achol sang "The Lord Ms CarI Wright; Mr. and wre also guests of Mrs. Van Mrs. Lloyd eoc and bo<ys. Mr. and, Mrs. Robt. Ford, Hilton, visited the Richar Mrs Beaadcockut anapsoerte eked iHath Done Great Th 'ings for Gran Ferguson andlCamp; Mr. and Mrs. Colocic- Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers. and'daughters, Espanola, were Mn. H. WbTeeler, Bowman- - Us. Powrs n hechuchco and faiy wit Ms.Bowanile, aWilonlr. odal estsa ofMrs. BRt.aCms vrt tweed Us." Floers niMr.henChurs.ai Toronto, with Mr. Lorme Thompson. and Mrs. Leith Byers, Thurs- Ford. vle an MisD ne Gilbert Marlow and Mr. and and Mrsý. Lloyd Wright and, Sympathy is extended Mr. day. herTonvitdte 'ýMs. eilMaocl Inmen* amiy;Mr. and Mrs. H.j and Mrs. Bert Gibson on the Mrs. P. Romneril and Mrs Mrs. Edgar Horn, Oshawa, Erneesrtoroants and Bo ailvd~Snowden, Maple Grave, and1death ai bis brother John last C. Hill tted tebza spent Thursday and Friday Wheelers. or o ovdons Mn. Gay', Oshawa, with the Jweek.i and aended the baza ary, r o rwn etn Some of' the guests noted Ralph Larmiers; Mrs. Balson,1 in Prince Albert, Wednesday. andOsh nt he morasbrd r Sn- olia, it Mr an Mr. M. ad Ms. ame Grerlor, Scarbarough, were Sun- and Mrs. Edgar HorO- at he morasbrd r Sn- alis, it Mr an Mr. M. ad Ms. ame Grer Mr. Milton Payne, Newcas- day evening dinner guests af awa. were weekend guesta oi day service were: Mr. and Ernest Larmer; Mr. anid Mrs. moved fromn the Saywell tie, is spending a little while Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor. the Fred Trewlns and Mrs. A.,ý Mns. Elmer Archer, Marilyn, Ewart Leask and family, apartment to Weston on with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ms .SisnBwa. rgt Ronald and Jim, Whitby, an d Barrie. with Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, and Wednesday Mrs. Russell Mountjoy. Ms .Sisn omn rgt Donald Fleming, Lindsay. Mr. Wallace Mar]ow; Mr. and~ J. A. Johnstoh who has been Sorny toi report Mrs. Lomne ville, was guest ci Mrs. Mer- Mr. and Mrs. Bey. DealIy' s and Msrs. Vincent Archer, .Mrs. Enie Barr and Beverley,1with ber son Keith and fam- Griffin bas undergone sur- vyn Graham, Wednesday to and Trici, Toronto, spent thé Bowmanville, with Mr. and Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs.j ily ifl Belleville since c9m- gery in Bowmanville Hospi- Saturday. weekend with the Ken Duns-., Mrs. Wilbemt Archer; Mrs. Gary Ferguson, Hamilt,,, ing from hospital moved intoitai. Mrs. M. P. Philp, Scarbor- moors. Harry McKee, Norwich, with with the Gardon Strongs -,that aPartment. Also sorry ta hear Mrs. A. augh, Mr. and Mns. Albent rs. Aus Beacock spent Mr. and Mms. Bill Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thomp- .- Mns. Roy Avery' Tilbury,' J. Cook. Brooklin (Mms. Neil Abbott, Ottawai were week.lat eek tiwith the Johnt Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mc- son, Oshawa, with thé' Ivan is spending a littie timne with Malcolrn's rnother) had the end guests of Mr. and Mrs Mews, Toronto, wbo brought' Nallv. Coîborne. with Mr. and Thompsans; Mr. and Mrs.' er mother Mns. J. A. John- misfortune ta break beriCharles Smith and Oliver. lher home Sunday. Roll-on Deodorant COLD TAOLFS. 99C 8 3 c sugg. ist .39 1.19 HAiR SETT NG ULTIPLE 8 -oz.1GELVITAMINS Sugg.list ~ Sg s 99 lie/e . isfat/ 9 NSON ~~~Antiphiogistune p dahsmsua s Cn eel Poneti ein o d r2 oz. tube Portable E[ectric Poisetia esin SggROLLER KIT ]BAN SMOKE DINNER APK NS14 or.i 1 0 PIIL~9 Plus Stop Smoking booklet 35< vlue S HIC~<WAMPOLE suP~STAIL~SS' NMAGNOLAX UpSADES On Wi5I laxatLi tAOLX for the QuniyNice 'n Easy fmi, Hair olorholi DRI