- *-----il--à-1.ç.-ei*---.moi r - b " ands a.., omnIs o.1,11 iJ1 SPORTopîcs VOVKT!CE oNEDEFOR SOCCER TTLEx SCourtice 11gbScbooi, wnners of htLaehmredivision WM lb. strong contenders for the C.OSS.A. Soccer Champion- 993P, this Saturday at TrinIty Colleg. .School ln Port Hope. 1nlu eague with Aja:zý Pickering, D=uaton and Oshawa XcLaugblin. Courtice were undefeated ln six games, winning Ive and tylng tht other. abmturda, Courtice wlll meot tht wlnners of tht Knwartha North section at ont o'clock. In tht other semil-final It wlfl bt Quinte district claahlng with Kawartha South. Tht two ~lrmersWtfl et for tht Central Ontario championshiip, wlth tht lasers going lato the consolation final. In their mardeh ta tht Lakeshore oeown, Courtice col- lected 34 goals, whlle holding the opposition ta, elght. They were led bY Don Weatlake, Jot Hlrcock, John, Oyler and John Hamilton along with several other players who also saw action In tht Darlington Junior League. t. t i*t t i. B.EfS. FOOTRALLERS EABN SPLIT Bowmanvllt High School's two fine football tennis, made a determined bld ta win an unprecedented two C.O.SS.A champlonsIps last week - losing out in th. senior attraction and coming through ta capture tht junior titie. ThursdaY, the senior Redmen apotted Belleville's Albert Coflege an early touchdown and then came back ta grab a 94lead before tht first quarter ended. Albert Coflege stili trailed 16-15 at haulf ime, but early ini the fourth, B.H.S. trailed 23-16. A third down gamble moved the Redmen inta scoring position, from where they counted n touchdown, but missed the important tylng convert. The thrilling encounter was flnally locked up by the Belle- ville crtw on'a touchdown pass, givlng them tht senior title 29-22. The Junior Redmen completely dammnated play on F1- d *day afternoon,' whipping St. Peters of Peterborough 25-O ta!r tarm tht C.O.S.S.A. crown for B.H.S. *Aifter. a scoreless opener, Bowmianvllle counted a pair o f unconverted touchdowns ti tht second quarter, added another in tht third, and wound up tht scoring wlth anothtr -. onverted TM. in the final quarter. A tip af tht hat from this corner ta junior coach AI *Woodiock and senior coach Bil Brunt, nlong with ail tht 'Rednien players for a job well donc. We wish ta thank Paul Enycrait, a B.H.S. student, who reported bath games for tht Statesman. r T t t -FAMRILY BOWLING TOUENAMENT Thd frs a bauof tht toumnamnit s over and John and Susan Carter have taken the lead wt 1543 pins. Lynda adArchie Crossey arte i the runntr-up spot with 1527 ;whlle ]Fart Z ones and LArr Piper are third aI 1494. This SundnY there wtill be a double shift tarting at 1:30 .pm. mad at 3:» pm. Thte Unanent ila averY Popular ont and this la ont cf tht largest Io date. S t i.tt ATTENTION SKHER * No snow Yet, but that isnt stopping thteinembers of 'the Oshawa MdSki C]b from gttting ln a littie pre-season activity. The raeing fraternity, under tht guidance of club ski Pro John Nichoils, are holding fali training at 1:30 every Sunday aflernoon On tht T-bar ili. Ench Sunday, tht day l and racers CaMPete In n slalom race, with n trophy belng -. warded to tht overnl winner. AI iidnàtn. * rno r... ~- k~ '.S5.-eik Wii viait the club during tht year ta instruet bath races an frurtructars. --Sf* J sep smixeci y -at Camneros November 5, 196 Teeny Boppers Ladies - Hilgh Single, Betty B3ig Shota ____ Cbarland 239; High Triple, Lde'Rg ige a Isabel Garvin 567.Lais gSnleMr Men - High Single, Arnold Chisholm 258; Men's Hig Brinkflow 288, High' Triple, Sige Arnold Brinklow 291 Arnold Brlnklow 661. Ladies' High Triple, ]Rom November 12, 1967 Venasse 618; Mon'. High Trj Lucky trxers 54 pe, Arnold Brinklow 707. MEMORIAL ARENA BO WMAn ILLE Telephone 023-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, NOVEMBER l7th 8 TO 10P.M. - AN»- SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 19th 2 T04 P.M. TOTS SKATING - WED., NOV. 22nd 3 te 5:20 p.m. - 25e per person s1530 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Bre la a plan te prevido 'die, or frerorretirement ~ :' Y.Iu vFeyu survve ... Y.uon4 :. ake reguaw iffmcs te the j :sun Lite.of Canada, then. at m ae 65, Fou start rectivint ~$lie a naentb fer Ie or, f -oue profer, $P918l a eash. motb of ths. amounts ean b. - leramel W' hlaviug Four a-tImneon detusit. Sb.um SYeu Dot survive te aM.o ea *~ iniumet S1UOO wiUIb. wi tmedlately te 7eV Savwng Plan for biconeta« purpos. Cal! Your Sun 11f. Aputt Toila7 t ANNER PASSANT fflSU Lm, SSm4CCOMPANT 0F CANADA BHS Seniors Lose Out in Bid for On Thursday afternoon, Bowmanville High School's Senior football squad lost a close game ta Albert College, Belleville, ta drop the C.O.S.S.A. crown. Team members are: front row, left to right, W. Hunt, D. Lee, B. Morrison, G. Adams,' D. Wright, B. DeMille, F. Brown, B. Ells, G. Bail, D. Dykstra, R. Shackleton; C.Q.S.S.A. Football Crown baék row, lefita right, Mr. B. Brunt (coach), B. Hellyar, niamager, B. Krawchuck, M. Fredericks, D. Trimble, O. Rypstra, R. Sallows, J. MacDonald, D. Sleep, B. Peters, G. Saunders, R. Carter, S. Brown, D. Murphy, L. Devitt, D. MeFeeters, G. Parks, L. Simpson, D. Lemon, manager.1 i4 un rriay aiteuuuo, buwmanville .iîgn btfool's Junior foot- ton, P. Siemon, J. Morris, E. Bons, D. Parker, S. Summersford, id bail teain blanked St. Peters of Peterborough to win the C.O.S.S.A. manager, D. Draper, manager; back row, left to right, Mr. A. Wood- championshîp. Members of the team are: front row, left to right, lock (coach), B. Euwes, C. Syer, B. Blackburn, C. Chattern, M. Orm- -K. Tabb, manager, J. Billet, K. Swan, D. Cowle, D. Hunt, R. Shackle-1 iston, B. Simpson, J. Froats, J. Kraip, T. Hoovey, C. Steel. "J89V,. I..B arb, Buttonshaw ___211 29IP George Bebte _____211 25 adesMajor B.H.S. Juniors Wallop St. Peter s Ollie ad____ 216 23 P i upy206 ry Le q eShirley le 1 ghLo Bickell ____203 To FootballinmsBruon ______203) ToWin L.V.S.J. obcl SurtClin _0 'cPin. Pt.. Lucien Annaert ____200 1D. Joli 26684 24 by Paul Rayerait and Bruce Simpson opened the Peters atrial at mid-field Helen Reynolds 200 -D. Brooks - 24862 17 Frank Mohun scoring when he b r oke and ran ail tht way ta tht Jack McNulty 200 J. Tennant - 24634 15% Ater a scorleas openlng through on an off-tackle play lasers' ont yard line before Over 250 Games O. Patfleld - 24248 15 period, Bowmanville High and scampered 35 yards for being stopped. On the next ]~aWih ____ 5 D. Bond _ 25352 14 % School unleashed a powerful tht major. Charlie Cattran play, Cattran handed off t) cb o bbWinsht ___-__250 H. Donoghue - 25488 14 attaclc ta wallop St. Peter's found John Froats on a short Billett for the scaring play. Gerry oula ______250 S. Davis - 24197 13 of Peterborough 25-0, Friday pass from the Petes' 15 yard Another missed point aiter Doris Joli -______ 253 M. King - 24418 12 aiternoon, et the local cam- line to send B.H.S. in front leit the score 18-0. Russ HaUnian _____253 B. Buttonshaw 24520 Il p us.Tevictary gave B.H.S. 12-0 at hali lime. Bath con- Simpson's second tOucli- Albert Samnan 256 O. Etcher- 24017 11 Redmen the Central Ontario vert attempts were missed. down in tht final quarter was Jini Brutan ______258 H. Dtpew - 23367 8 Junior Football champion- Ini the third quarter, converted by Froats ta com- Norm MeKeen ____261 M. Lewis- 23363 7 ship. Jerome Billet picktd off a St. plete th scoring. Bernice Buday _____265 Linda Crossey had hlgh Vi Ruddy- 266 triple 737, wlth gamea of high Dave Reynolds -. 69-276-290 single 281 and 276. Doris JolI AIooe 7 rolled 730 wilh games of 226, LEb r o l g o s B - . . Mafice Annaert__2, 259 and 245. Shirley DavisA l e t o le e To s Be es Two ofai bolr seenm bad 718 and games of 267, 213 tolice the 800-plus mark ns and 238. Other high games rsedte areroc were H. Donoghue 257, 221; S 0 0n 1 aain odvnetTl%à Fower3245.. 220g 3D. Br0;k A. Richards 269, J. Bragg 25C J. Almond 246, K. Stephei 245, C. Hooey 235, O. Etchei 233, E. Whitehead 230, L Hezelden 228, D. Bond 225 Doreen Park 224, J. Sudabur3 222, J. Harness 221. Averages D. JaIl .______24( O. Etcher _______224 D. Brooks _______22( D. Bond _______21' L. Crossey 211 S. Davis -_____20E B. Buttonshaw _____204 O. Petfleld _______204 W. NesbItt _______202 H. Donoghue 202 K. Stephen 200 Foundry Bowling B. Smith _____220 B. Smith ______214 F. Drinkît_______213 N. Htenning 210 G. Wooner ______195 P. Smiith ______186 B. Golder _______186 L. Dickle .______190 J. Mcngt -179 S. Mcngt _____ 178 R. ThOPnipan - 177 L.Mler _______174 M. Malrs _______17,1 HtadpIns _______35 ScrewbalIg_______28 Ailey Cals " 21 Sort Htads 14 H. S. Ien - B. Smlth 368, IP. Smilth 291. G. Woolner 275, B. Smith 258. -B. Golder 267. IL T. lien - B. Smlth 794, G. Woolner 704, B. Smith 687, F. Smitha 664, N. Hennlng 644. H. S. Women - M. Main 2U-208, C. Knapp 220, S. Me- Knlght 219-209, B. Woolner 201, G. Smith 196. H. T. Women - M. Mairs 611, S. McICzdght 609, C. Kna ~p 536, B. Gllkes 519, j, n r j. EsYnIolditook enIc e Tri.t eo.tmhghow laspmr (i833 onauatinDoris nd8 a ht a nd pin. Bak~ »u th1-%nfot eUdone. 100k 1h.teri hg Our o11 pro ]Ernie pfect1257 andsam e t ri bas the 1115h Single with 343 pie 3661 for the Second week (740), Leon Connors 308 Il a row, in so dolng, downed (762), Bernice BudaY 713. the Reclalmators 7-0. The. This week Dave Reynolds Machine Shop buffed..off the maved out confldently as our Beits by a 7-0 Se, whuIe top bowler with 252 average thieir counterparta the Miil. and Doris joli 1 leading thelwrighta wrote off the office averages for the ladies withby a 5-2 ount The Mi 243. Room "Truckers" rofled ov In Team Standings, Patfleld th Molded Goodis 5ta la still Ieading wlth 21 wile those ««Salty' Cracke and Joli wth 17%/,and * hltd a 4-3 sqqeaker oveW -third spot Sutcliufen the Fan Boita. e Cinder (tula)» teamn, ttrefuse from the coal pile.contiues Go d ar1 , toblaze, and te aid Hs V *càa team the Combines failed to d~ampen dw lwn Ted HaUmnan toppled 393 prformance of the Power Pins Worth ta talce the higi House "Flames"' as a 5.2 win Single of th. evenlng and se was recordied by the st year the llgh single mark ta date. cellar-dwellers. Brian Martyn put together Teamani 18iffl 843 Pins Worth ta take thet Power House _____49 ihtriple for tht nlght. Molded Goods 4t Mer300gamnes were regis. Combines' --____.___ 9 tered by WaIt Hately 318, Milwrights - 32 Brian Martyn 345 and Frank Banbury 32 Wright 306. Behlnd Martyn'. Beits -________3t 843 triple were T. HaUnlan M~achine Shop 3() 814, W. Luxton 768, F. Wright1 Crackers ________29 748,- A. Langstaff 741, G. Office ________28 Brewster 741 and R. Hately Reclaimnators ~ 2 726. George Brewster gave Fan Beits 21 us AUl a lsson by uuccessfully Mil_ Roomn2 DELICIOUS 0 0 0 n Beverage 'Yen, corne and enjoy a' pizza . . . tangy wlth tomato and chocs. sauce, or pepperoni, rnushrooms, anchovies or green peppers. Make up a party in a relaxed ntmosphere with Pizza and Beverage at.* TRIE Samson an d Bauer Skates Figure Skates WOMEN'S g 'izes 3to 10 .195 »25,u95 il to 29.95 «12.95 Hockey Skates MEN'S -.i.Sizes 8 to 13 sll.95 m s29,995 BOYS, - Sizes 1 t. 5 s11,995 W s1895 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED ON NEW SKATES SECOND HAND SKATES FOR SALE- Complote Lin. of . .* MEN'S - WOMEN'5 - CHILDREN'S WINTER FOOTWEAR Lloyd Elis Shoes 4KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE MOTOR INN y by Paul Rayeratand around leit tnd for thetlouch- tht clincher, although tht Frank Mohun down that brought tht Red- Bowmanville defence broke men within a single point, through to block their secondi :0 Albert College of Beleville but tht convert was no good. convert, keeping tht bocals ýdefeated Bowmanville High -A touchdown pass from within a converled louch- 0 School Redmen in a 29-22 Simipson ta Aub proved bo be down. 4 thriller, at tht B.H.S. campus ThÙrsday aiternoon ta win tht Central Ontario Senior "B" footbal championship. 4 Tht visitors jumped loto ý cr<oa ion un<tqew an early 6-0 bulge, right after0 2tht kick-off, with a pasa from Pet Wtt Hockey l8th aI tht Girls gym, Baw- 0quarterback Simpson to leit Tht Recreation Pet Wtt manville High School, has eng 4ards.thebir lache hockey longue exhibition games been canctiled and will atart ing45 ard. Brchl wntgaI underway on Monday on Set., Nov. 251h, 9 ta il over for the T.D. ovenmng wîîh two gemnes aI a.m. A penalty nuiliied n Bow- tht Memorial Arena, with tht Boys Dasketball manville T.D., but an tht Atom AUl Stars defeeting tht Bantam - Midget next stries, Bull Morrisan ren Bears by a 5-1 count. Brian Tht Recreetion Midget Baya it over for a touchdown, wlth Mertin opened the scoring aI Baketball League acheduled quarterback Guy Parka con- tht 15:45 mark ai the opcning for tht High School boys gym verting ta give B.H.S. a 7-6 stanza with Richard Harper for Set., Nov. l8th bas been a ead. drwing aln assist, Barry BrunI cencelled and wil atart on 1 Obie Rypatra and Fred put tht Stars Iwo up at the Set., Nov. 251h from 9 ta il 3Brown tackled Simpson in 1:15 mark of tht second period, a.m. hua own end zone for a safety but Michael Hobbs nerrowed Boys flasketbal touch, meking il 9-6 at tht tht score ta 2-1 et the 6:50 Tht Recreation Boys Pet end of the quarter,.mark with Byron Holmea Wtt Baskeîball Longue (ag ta 3 al nttscn Parka ouh drawing an assist. Tht Stars 7 ta 13 years) will atart this dt LaryDeiI lh ouh cored lhree unenswercd goals comlng Friday afternoon, Nov., donps, hnmd tht with Bill Leeman, scoring from 17th aI tht Lord Elgin School conver sth emn led Brad Almond. Jut Iwo min- gym at 4 p.m. r166. utes leler Brad Almond scored Birchel wenl aver for a tht Stars' fourth goal and Belevile T.D. wlth Plut con- Daug Leddy ended tht acôr- f Y f u n vetlng. Plut klicked a Pair lng at tht 17:55 mark. MAIX5ED iîrgvi of singles before the t Z h eodgm h imeklng tht score 16-15. Rangtera second g IetesA U 1In the third quaerBr RnLEswmeýth e ramel ntrepedapsanrd8-0i. ~Tht Rangera scored sixDave Rynld __ 5 ramled53 ard fo th go fistperiod goals wiîhStatDv]Ryod25 aheed toucbdown. ls is d of Wight scoring two, the cther ~ Jl 4 tht gae. Tht couvert at- imarkers going ta Pal GibsonD otea obins___ 2431 teupl wau blocked, but St. e Eldridgt, Duncan Dun-'re erfecb _____2434 Albert moved five pointa ln harn and Nick Wind, vihlle tht ernie Budayc 233 front, and were nover head- asista- went ta Shane Byron aîeAner22 ed htreofa tht way. Plut Jh onon ad AlnHector Ballentine - 228 broke baose for a fine 50 yard Frank. Mle Murphy _____223 run, but was hauled down In the second perli Pal Ruas Hallman ____221 and he eventuaily kicked an. GibsIon scored hua second goal Fred Thomson ____220 other single early in the iollawed by Len Eldridge 1 oss Wright _____218 fourth. scoring bis second 'goal of tht Albert Sar _____215 On a clutch third down ga=e. Daug Carter . .214 situation, Parka pllched ta Girls Gym claes Don Wright _____2121 Brian Peter. for a big 44 Tht Recrention Girls Gym. Vi Coole____ 212, yard gain. Park$ swoPt Clan sced 4 rid oiSat1 NOV. Peggy lieynea 211 BHS Junior Football Squad Cornes Througl, to Win Titie I soir %ON iUED r E M N E . it CE em7"emàm For C.O.S.S.A. 'Senior Titie 1 j Liberty St. S. .0 1