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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1967, p. 13

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~Woeloque Audience tours Switzerland "Sftenan"the second cf ed by 27 air-Uines. Zurich, the taéBW eanvIll Rotary Club's unofficial capital cf Switzer- 107I Travel and Adven- land, la a fine clty. The statue ture Seifes wus greatly en- of Uic Lion of Zrcsyibol Jo>Ied by à larg uineh of bath the munlclp.lty anc thé To*n egallonTuricayincanton cf the . me narne -l XéOvQrber th. In effcc the ituated in a prominent part dlf--d color film and Uic cf Uic city. lupC-mmentatOr, Curt Mat- Thene vene views of the OnL abled everyone Present resldential and business sec- he i pleasure of a won- tonscf Zurich and aIma cf !ta .Ijtv ripthrough this mag- luxunlous and cosmopolitazi flfcent countr~y. batela and Uieatres. One large TOM Cowan, Director Chair- swimming pool even has mcch- mnan of the International Sen- anically genenated waves, and ~'le Coemttee, intnoduced batnes werc shown thorough- Mr. MRteon, who ha. won ly enjoying the breakers of renfown as a traveller, photo- thua artificl surf. inapher, and lecturer. le. also The Lion of Lucrene ilasculp- Pore Of Mn. Mataon's career tured resting on a cliT wherc aU an actor and hie succeas on 1 800 brave Swius men gave both the stage and In motion th'erf lives during the revalu- Dictuies. tion. The national fiag' of Mn. Matson toid his listen- Switzerland is a white cross -fts that Swltzerland, although on a red field. The Interna-. & mmli country, la one cf the tional Red Cross has Its head- Mosat lnterestlng In Uic wonld. qoantens in Switzeriand whene 'he Swlau are an enterpris- the organization was founlcd. Ang People, whosc achieve- That la how the Red Cross ments in many fields have symbol originated. lt la a rep- been outatandlng, and the sce- lica af Uic Swiss fiag with .lce grandeur cf their land la the colons neversed. superb, he stated. The Castle of Chillon near The Swiss are also moat Montreaux, once thc nesiden- ptable and fnlendiy, and In ces of the Dukes of Savoy, addition to their qualities cf was seen ta be an imposing lnduatry and enterpnise, have fortifled edifice. The leader of thc Invaluabie asset of a ne- the nebellion of 1650 spent six ,markable sense of humor even years in a dungeon in this about thermueives, Mn. Matson castie chained ta a piller, Mn. Pinted out. Metson toid the audience. This The film opened with the was the inspiration of Lord scénic grandeur o! the Alps. Byron's poem "The Pnisoner The great peaks fmcm which of Chillon", be added. the Swlas derive thein spirit Gnuyers, farnous fan cheese, and heitage as mountaineers was visited In the film, and a were acen emenging above en- typical cheese factory was cfrcling clouds. The views Of shown and the making of the' sncw-proud Matterhorn Gruyere Cheese, Gorgonzola, were unforgettable. and Bleu Fromage were dep- The Swiss farniers, who, icted. evéry sprlng berd their cows In Berne, the capital o! t6 , the high Alpine meadows Switzerland, the Swiss Feden- for summer grazing, wene seen ated Councîl buildings wene Working with the grandeur O! shown, and were seen ta be the mountains as a back- samewhat like the US. Con- ground. There wene excellent gress building with a columned Views cf the higbest Alp, portico. The Berne Bear Pits, Mount Blanc, which is On which are attractions for P'nench sail, as pictuned from adults and children alike, were Swltzerland. flmed. The massive fountains The attractive little town o! of the city and other places Zermatt, a mecca for moun- of interest wcrc shown. tain dlimbers, was shown as A gala Centennial parade a starting point for an ex- in celebration of the flOtb ý. erlenced mountaineer and bis Anniversary of the Swiss Con- nacwho he wes instructing federation was seen. The par- Icllmbing. Amazing scenes Of ticipants were in authentic their ciimb up the difflcult replicas of ancient costumes. face cf an Alp showed bneath Soldiers in colorful uniformas taking draps of thousands O! witui armored breast-plates feet. and weaning plumed bats, and The arrivaI of Mn. Matson the athen participants demon- nt Zurich Airpont on a T.W.A. strated the pageantry of an t'plane from Los Angeles waslage gone by. pictured. This a-pont la serv-1 The firat floral ock in thei NOTICE Voters of the Town of BowmanvjIll. oàn TrUesday, Nov. ISth 1967 et 8:00 p.m. ln~ the TOWN IHALL You wiil have the opportunity to nieet and ear your candidates to b. elected for Civlc Offices wbo wil present their platforms and answer your questions. Sponsored by thie Service Clubs and the Chamber cf Commerce. I ntpo;Ltssh Car- w Wendy Ayre; Znd, ghot, Linda The. Canadian Staturnan, BOWManvlle, Nov. 22, 1967 K K e l Of C o so n ca _S H Â W 'S _Wood;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __costum e acadden's school to Charles Sa'CM<>> adWod es afoe'ncot achool to John Forgach, Toron- muity Clb held tiieir annual Rikie Lovéi; National cosa- Ch; amoaofpontool toFanla llowe'en Party on October lsm bysde Heendrix, ndANeu.O 27th.Pres.turne, InKa;en teow nial cNDas-O Audrey Davidson, Bethany, t. nu Gordon~ Barrie w une aenDw.C M the Master of Ceremonies for EIIU Guests with Mr. and Mr$- the evening. The many calor- deELntUS e Frank White have been Mr. fui and original costumes c ie and Mrs. Charles Johnston, promenaded in front of the A t i Trenton; Mr. and Mns. Frank judges for the evening, Mnr@ ager, Carnpbellford; Mr. and Wm. Rudeil and Mn. MacRabb. ii M. Wlam Robinson, Orono; Mrs. R. Lovekmn donated a RUflOUp us, Cavan. chiidren. Two vehicles sustalned minor Glenn Smith, Gaît, spent Mrs. S. Wood and Mrs. E. damage in a collision Wed.,n the weekend with hIs mothen, Van Mèer were responsible for Nov. l5th at 9:25 o'ciock. The Mns. Belle Smith. the fine evening and thc selec- drivers were Robert Eugene Miss Jane Falls Is a patient tian of prizes. Gray, R.R. 4, Bawmanville, In Whltby Hospital. Her many The following are the best and John Geboers, 10 Anne B v r g frlends are wlshlng her a costume winners for thc Street. The accident hap- e Ur g speedy rccovery. evening: .nencd at Ontario and King The meeting of the Bethany Pre-school girl, nurse, Carol Streets. Constable Les Ricard qum 4-H Club "The Globe Trotters" Pocock; pre-sehool boy, Pin- was the lnvestlgating offIcer. Yes, cone and enjoy a pizza . . . tangy was held on Saturdey at the ochio, John - David Killeen; There was a two vehicle with tornato and cheese sauce,' or pepperoni, home of Mrs. Harry Ryley. publie school girl, bride, Janet collision on Nov. 10th at 5:05 uhomacvisrgenpper.Mk An International supper was Bragg, Karen Bail; public p.ni. at Lambent and Qucen Sts. rnsoonac visrgre ppps.Mk dlscussed and the girls chose school boy, groom, Heather The drivers lnvoived were up a party In a relaxed atrnosphere with thc countrIes which they Barrie, Barry Bragg; characten Joseph D. Marsden, 8 Fourth would nepresent. The foods costume, Cheryl Anyon, Hea- Street, and Harold C. Agnew, Pizza and Beverage at... of the Scandinavian countnies, ther Anyon; character costume, 87 Ontario Street. Constable TUE Norway, Sweden and Den- boys, hoto, Steven aBrry; Arab Tracy D avi s lnvestigated. mark were studlcd. Kathleen Marilyn Dow; most original Damage amounted to more Morton demonstrated how ta costume, headjess man, Ron- than $100. make cabbage rolla and Grace aid Hendnix; comic costume, On Sunday, Nov. 12 at 11:27 Smith prepared rhubarb soup, lst, Kevin Wood; 2nd, John p.m. at King and George Sts., servcd as a beverage or an Ayre; comnic costume, adult, there was a two-can collision. appetizer. hobo, Jean Wood; beat drcssed Drivers were James C. Monni- Mr. and Mrs. Frank White lady, Patsy Blaker; best dress- son, R.R. 1, Orono, and Dog MOTOR INN attended the 54th birthday ed gentleman, Dorothy Crago; las C. Stoddart, 539 Bloon E. party of the Qucen Rebekah best dresàed couple, Mrs. Gor- Oshawa. Damage was under Liberty St. S. Bowmanville Lodge No. 135 In the I.O.O.F. don Barrie; Mrs Bill Bragg; $100. Constable Don Ander -__________________________ hall at Trenton on Thursday. best H1allowe'en costume, lst son lnvestigated.I TFhe first graduates of Wellington College, Uni- versity of Guelph, received their degrees at the recent fail convocation. They are: Mrs. Friedel Liptay, form- erly of Sault Ste. Marie, who received a Bachelor o! Arts degree and her husband, Albert Michael Liptay of Bowmanville, who received his Master of Science degree. in unsurj Oberland c a. e ti oI a w i_ eee mr likee Mediterrancan Lido (Intended for last week) than the popular ideas of A Memorial Servce for what Switzerland Is like. those who died In two World Afte thefil wasove Wars was held in St. Paul's Aftr te flm as ve, a Anglican Church, Bethany, on presentation was made b y Sunday mornlng, attended by Glenn MacLeod, a member of local veterans, members of the Travel and Adventure Mllbrook Leglon 402 and the Series, on behaif of the Rotary Bcthany Brownies with their Club tn Mr. and Mrs. Alfred leader Mrs. Wally Reid. Aluin. Mr. Allun and bis wife Rev. Arthur Allerton In bis had sold more tickets for this drstesdthfa ht senson's travelogue series than "'Oid Soldiers neyer die - any other Rotarian and Rotary they neyer lose their flghting Ann. spirit. Every Christian soldier The next presentation will continues ta flght evil. We as be. Hunza Land - a Shangri- Christians must accept the La" with Renee Taylor, on responsibllity of furthering the Thursday evening, January Falth for whlch aur soldiers l8th, in the Town Hall audi- gave their lives. We must torium. show an exemple ta the wond- ering youth of today, wbo need direction. Are we fail- Ing? Have we given up the task? The youth of taday are looklng to the heros of the past. As Christian soldiers we must continue to wage war against al] cvii. Our best efforts et Remembrance Io ta continue the battle and take c up the torch for Pearce In aur time". Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P., read the.first scIpture lesson. The hymns and psalms were led by the Junior Choir, wltb Mrs. Frank Fry as director and es organist. Pnior ta the church service the Veterans held a bnief me- morfl service et the Manvers To'wnship Cenotaph, whicb was under the direction of Rev. William Piercy, ministen of the United Church. Due to the pournng ain the parade was amaller t han ugual, although many attended the service. The Colon Party were ne- gresentatives from the Mill- rook Leglon: Samuel Fields, J. H. Rapen, Mrs. Ruth Parr and Mrs. Wilma Byens. John Payne of Pontypool was Par- ade Marsallh. The wreatb from the Prov- Ince of Ontario was laid by Mr. Alex Carruthers, M.P.P; tbe Township of Manvers by Deputy Reeve Wilson Heas- Ufp; from Mlllbrook Leglon by Capt. Henry Jakeman; from > Uic Monvrrs Township Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- ciety by John Palmer. The firit six - of Manvenu Township -achools were uç>Id by public auction on Saturdiay w1th Ted Jackson, Port Penny, and Ted Spenceiey, Bethany, au auctioricens. The contenta, desko, belis, mapa, books, blackboards, cupboards &il soid weli. Bethany Schoal was pur- chased for $5,100 by Anton A. Goldes of Don Milîs. The school at Drum was -~ - .* aold to Donald Laierge of,. KING ST. E. '1~1 .1OJMWKER' s BOWMANVILLE ..* --. - -- - BOWMANVILLE

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