____ -......- .-... ,-.."-.... 2, b anda mttemam EOWMaaVM, New. 22, 1987n e omavb Regional Music Eclucators HoId Interesting Workshop Here for First Tim ~ r? RegioraI -Music Educatorsr" HoIdhInteresting -Workshop 'i'.ItUr orwrfr On SturayNov. 18th, à given by Mrs. Du]cie Colbyf lie sehools, was very Inter-Cueio KnNcs bran i of the Onta 1ô M usic àand M mi. E haie Dobsan. estingrt ~ f r g n m u g htr a i fi uca c aIon (Re- Ini the aflernoon tiiere was A very fine display aofeote~~don "auic Workshop) wua- discussion and deronstra- many music publisers was C at the Bowmanvifletonlsoudethlaer set up in the girls gymnauium iemuiia eeto Ifii<h School. tienip o DavdeKarhelSuper- where coffee and cionuts were ias hth a ltp~r This Regianal Workshop, viser' af Music for Pickering Tprovided. PcCospeOsh, the tint Of ita kid te beT S.A., o theuse -and -md.Tawa eîntnio n Ca, O sh olaWoldegve a ala held lni Bowmnanville or thia vn ofesairecorder music beýt~iu pinsfrvte to-rr-iclnldctdta area, was specîfically held lni the lassmaom. He ýwas ~ ionIpao o b c ayrIa a ,sadn fr the Elementary ichool -troduced by Frank McQuay. the . Ter teasatineo .wod .sp gmr teachema and music super- Mr. Karry was assisted dy inneran the siance ofi visors. pupils frini the M. J. Hobbs gvnb the csod anstae The Workshop was under School, Darlington.J Durhami Caunty District High c hth Wsr-lc the supervision and guidance part Singing In the senior- School Bo ar d contributedonTrsa.H sget. of Ru alph Heydens, Super- grades wax led by Lloyd greatly te the success of thls c aan nh,1 em itisar of Music for the. Bow- Queen, Prograin Consultant wokhp, as well as the as- epreiet e ebr mnanville Public Schools, and af Music, Dept. ai Education. si=ac given by Bowman- ltUPêrdheemgtb Rass Metcalf, Music Super- He was introduced by H. R. ville and Darlington teachers a etfv e onilr They were ably assisted by Darlingtan T.SA. their own time in arganizlng Mm. Elsie Dobson, Supervisor 'rhe string .program in thelthis event. cuciadmcle hth ai Music, Ajax, Mi',. Dulcie Elementay sehools by Klemij The day'a proceedings eeNhdoI nse n oni Cd1by,' Superviser ai Musie, Haibourg, Peter b or o ug hbrought ta a close byMssm tigh10eabeue Whiltby T.S.A. Other teach- Shoasasselb tdnt ooh oel h ino On Saturday, Bowmanville Hig h School was a busy spot when G. MacLeod, Area Su pt. Durham 1; Lloyd Queen,PrrmCo-alne. et& in this amea who greatlytrom the Peterborough pub. the O.M.E.A. Workshops. over 200 inembers of the Music Educators Asn. for this ein slat Ont. De toa Education BrMusicA);t Mayora o sressd th asâiîted were as follows: _ __ __ __ __ __ _7d___ __cation;___ __ __ __ _Jeg onhuta tB uler, Major Mus cCoolhe ~~touemamy Merkley Mrs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gathered for a full day's Workshap. Experts in varjous fields of Supt. Dept. ofduaonJhnBteAs.M icSnrvorDr Pao fcoclosbeg Camoi Wannacott, baugias music were an hand ta iv demonstrations. Teachers in this area lington T...; H. R. Mocot,Supt. Darlington T. .., uo eet Dëwelt~ Donald McAIthur, -N b ir were responsibie for local arrangements. Some of the men teachers Heydens, Supervisor oMui, omnil Elementaru co ' okn and a speclal thanks. tô G. A'G y r m n o o - n officiais in attendance are shown here, fram lef t to right A. and Ross Metcalf, Supervisor of Music Darlington AnnS , sa MacLeod Area Superlntend- M. Thompson, SpriigPrincipal, Bwavll uleSchools; Cuc1or x k t Chairs partcipated froni and others have became mao l n in o r ndStz n lmnnMDar1ngtori 1 o s sattractions. LIIflf~ nterested ln the route <urotfh iteetanwnb Býrooklin and Oshawa. gft*"If an aeadoes nthave C r s m s D s l yextension to County Sheregrtt7.thatmoreciti w aras W ay a, ttake? Lots ai money. S c tauresedo flot came ta Colnncil sf Etoiokofrautc, f tuhe h A ar s i nn r ndly, an original idea con- fVles eeting regard to the United Council due Oîytu ne wthcoi of tbckgaut ftecerning something that people William Beatty appeared ROPAE0 Bsâ colo MuiSèveral athlètes froni tis John P. Robarts will present want. Thirdly, co-operation. A wonderful display was tables of colored Christma eoecuni osekre- AEpanspti Rhester, New York. ares will be attendng the Ontai'io's top athietes wth The whole community or dis- vlewed In the Chrlstmas Show arrangements aud decoratios garl nhec t ba u ona ted that their efforts a ltSeponsd feetd ed Mus Nan AllUn, one ai our Sports Awards Dinner next specially struck Medallians. triet must get behind and held by the Bowmanvilie Dis- which made ail realize that parking ln front of bis resi- met with as much cesastrntiBwnnvllu 1 is, and President Monday at the Royal York Invitations were .received push tue Idea. r ail in heScityfo-rheCritmpowern faouoi'c, 07KngSteethet opbete.i an cwthn OEA loa r trictHorticlturalSociet toi- herihmstmas eason a abou denceb107 Kng StretCWes. aope. He dd aunonce thtomotigor.gYarureorts t cf ti. O A, bougt gret- ote, whn Prme inîser rcenty b ShaleneCai and "Thi taes pomoton. ou owiu mhemenhnygeetig hre aain.He se d hat s a epatmensIaaSmih au BobDykara ounclSfrmthe antedBotn Inks ironi the orgatiszation. Counie Bradley, Senior Girls must let people know snd of the organization held ou The winners of the five of Highways officiaIs were ties council meetings SupewM.isi PrinipaBw-n oblsYo Bowling Cham- convince theni that they want Weduesday evening lu the classes, chosen by a vote of ahl present he wished to defer hîihdare o tu o on SpriigPicpl o.pions; Mrs. Doris Jail, Ladies ta set what la being offcmed, Publie Library Auditorium. the members were: Christmas complaint untîl ater their cil and were being jpnoe euyRev e ie nanville, welcomed tue gath- Senior Sngles Bowling Cham- "So far' I have pken i The President, Mrs K . Flth Dining Table Arrange et, On am tionby Co nilrb th m it .T 111 f oer20Paichrs igu r e Oe eio egaite.W can Bow- er presided. Ist Mrs. A. Sul, 2nd Mrs. H. E. J. Rundle, seconded by the first twa speakers.toea,;a tttig tram as far as MarkhamPisFgr Skating Cham- manville do? Well li the fIrst Several of the members h Hammond, r ab ige .rs M. t. Councillor Oe the fo]lowlng M.Smith td 1d' e i Peltebruh Parto, Auoraks-PG OE pion, aud a member ai The place be sure that yau don't take colored pictures each Coffee Table Arrangement, rates of pay for election of- that hve bee dond y coun le ot- oe uor, (FO PG N) Statesman staff, Howie Bryan, ls a custamer or a poteutial brought to the meeting saine lat Mrs. A. Sul, 2nd Mrs. J. ficers on December 4th was ntilotod adhes eree-omswrefrst e imlton, etc. Wannamaker, Joan Harper Oshawa, who waa with the custamer. sldes ai harticultural and cen- Geddes. Drlftwood, decorated, approved. Deputy Returuing senta atescesu u-U h ntlaina h e In the afterncoousession, and Dareen Black 'are aIl set Scugog ýCleaners, Jr. A Soit- "'Then be sure that each tennial Interest. These lu- lat Mrs. J. Phayre, 2nd Mrs. Officer $20, Poil Clerk $16ý ning of the town. As a idetbig nEgnS. h MaWÔr Brian S. McCoal, As- wlth sanie new sangs. ball Champions.- tourist has a pîcasant tume cluded uot anly local scenes B. Dilllug, 3rd Mrs. W. W. aud that $20 wiil be paid for of tht South Wai'd sine95,ibay uldg sd th aitant Superintendent, Cur- Comedian. singer Willy Wih- The athîctes are ta attend here se that he will be sure but suatches af Edwards Gard- Sweet. Wax Candle, lat M:. each polling station. lhe was particulariy intrse or oa ie-Plc rtÙ Division, and Ranci'- lidal bas a new act al eady a special aiternoon tour ai ta want ta come back aud tell ens, Niagara Garden, Expo '67, Slute, tht secretary; 2nd waMelernamtintewtrpole nta hthvenyrbe ubt ary Presideut ai the 0.M E A., for thia show. The Jamboree Maple Leaf Gardensasnd also others of his enjoyable visit. Eastern Canada, Foldaan H ammndfilti'.r.autiboCunnlorHuhe, ecnd brûught greetings tram*the has picked Up another meni- visît the Sports Hall ai Fame A sumvey has shown that 46 California. AmoinpcuefBfetrHalSeeltMs. by Councillor undesecondares and pedged ta d vry econiin DéPartment ai Education. ber in Shorty Mfier, who wili at the Canadian National Ex- per cent ai the touriats who tht reuowned Butchart Gard- W. S. Stapleton, 2nd Mrs. W. no bjcon e i snlsed , hu osbet dac h tsae that bcuea Duriugtses-aupscornentari irt e s, V n o v r h w y A. P eJ rd M s.A S ldioate for such an instlai n m pdy i cr sng c ts e lon, Wallace Young, Super- The Hedowneis bad also- Appaenty, the Ontario heard ai theni fromn a fried, Garson, wassaiso greaty en- Durig the business session the rumber of station aget.hdsutevrlyasnttayhigbtihetxeto %,isor ai Music, Oshawa, con- ha. a newconmem lu Clama Nes- Governmeut is doing its ut- a previous visitaer. îoyed. Presideut Fletcher Informed Deputy Reeve Wesley Fl ce, boeva ea ducted a discussion an tht bitt ai Hampton who will play moat ta make tuila a memnor- Mi'. Coyne also spake ofsi After the presentation ai the thet members that there wlll eoddb onilrKe planning bad supei'visor's .raie ai thc fu- thec-plana. ,The other ban.d able occasion for al Ontamia newspaper advertising as an shdes and movie tht members not be a meeting lu December, Nicks o ved b that Slo eni- M' ysr pk fbsi- A h ocuina h turc. He was iutraiducèd by members, Geraîd Elliott, Herb champions who gained their esentel sse an ai t hen vîeed ht îbî bu th plns1reMrWek, o tres msy yarsta ame John Butler, Assistant Music Wasson sud Ted Halman tities during Centennial year. that the efforts ai gaverument brought lu for the Christmas for a pot luck supper to be 7th, be proclaimed snd notice and told the meetingtatifAscton ade, anne Su>rlô,Drigé. have a number af new musical ~biiyaehlfl aa Show. There were several held on Weduesday, January be put lu tht Statesman. This eiected, he would do vr-b r.,ci ilnsre Th* New Approach ta Mu- 'arrangements. p. . zîne are ce u attatu- lOth.wacare.higpsblfotebteradecosun. sic for grade 1, 2, 3 was'glv- . The job. ai. Méster ai Cere- Tour ista too, he pointed out, sud tractions ai this ares. You _________________________________possible_______for________ eni by Miss Mary Stillmsn, manies will once again b. ln aioanontmns ae av hebauiulBwmn E !4ed 4,i 5 t ahn 6 a mslc a th e m caple hand ai S natorplace in a promotion campaign, ville Zoo, Mosport la nearby. L Jmad s 4 5 u d w a a b y J n i o yl . . l U U y V V he added. The i'e la an autom obile M u - WSM M U W U _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-- A GE O E> " H w do y ou m ak e tou rists eu mi in O shaw a, th t atom icC i zA W! (eO AEOE ietervstoc hyhv tto nPickering, sud local________________________ DoloittPedr akn el entîre Niagara Peninsula that be attmacted. They' key iIIdustry. Be sure that your Iei1 AC o t@ in r, osi &Slshave esulted froni the uk words are, 'Hospîtality sud staff ai the Chanibti ai Coin- l SMPAeOns) wltb wbom are now mergel fact of thtelccation thîeie of Service.' Hospitality applies to merce can arrange taus EMCl P AGEMr H.Hady Niagara Falls 'situated within everyone in the cammuuity, through local hIdusti'y. Mr R. Rogers; Welcomlug S 'Y P U R N U Montoith, Riehi, Waters tCo. a daY s drive 'of' millions ai, storekeepers, sales peuple, ser ti Develp something distic- Cormittee .Mr. F. Newman, peope."vice stations, restaurants, mat- e Think ai the successes ai Mrs. F Newman, Mr'. Gi "Several places withaut a els' sud hotels' personnel, the Blue Mountai otrRI lgeD.W eT am. Chartered, Accountants .seial natural'attractian have police, mavie theatre staff, land Marsh Vegetables, Bram- Carda and games were en- IBifrél Oiaw 'rrcn, - Wben successful tlrough en- thoat cannected with amateur ptou 5 rases. Associate your jayed and ln the Green Room Windsor WlnnIpeg eglas Caîgssti La productions,an you sud me cemmixunty's namie with a Mrs. L. Grsham conducted a d A N N - V 1 Wnsr Wnie Reia Clay Vegas surrounded by deserit oo. product. It dots not have ta veryinterestiug reading graup. UoonPrince George Vnovr like laud has become onc ai 'SeIl what you have. Even be samething a way up lu tht Winner af the door prize Vaaeeuvev the most tamous spots lu the 1If you have sainie spectacular sky. Tht Old Tume Fiddlers wes Chas. Johns. ~I world. attraction you can kil it with at Shelbourue may nat bt thte h etn cnlddwt Coedon W. Rueil, C.A., LLÀ. Burt a. Waters, Ci.. "Stratiord, Ont., has doue POui' publicity,'l Mr'. Coyue biggest touriat attraction in lunhe sereinby mluebes a J M. Oi.lmw3 O1sbwa Shovving Centre 728752?S exceedingly well with Shakes- stated firmly. He mentioned Canada but it la quite a thing Club 15. Tht ext Senior b peare. Upper Canada Village, s 1ea well kuown places in for Shelbourne. Ctzn etn ilb h Ste. Marîe-Among.the-Hurau5, C ansd the United States, "Regional efforts also can do annuel Christmas dinuer ta T P Q A I ' S D CR sanie ai which are gaing broke much good. Tht Calai' Festival b. hèld au Thursday, Decemn- sud athérs that hâve alréady lu Mushoka aud Blosson ime ber 14th.TO UL Y U MM ~~~~~~~~~~failed because the community in tht Niagara arèa brought ____________________ - in each instance had tailed ta people ta these places sud J UY O VL get behind the speciel project. gave tht local people a charLce "Now these resideuts realize ta make the visitai'. waut toa la eRig19516 what their epathetie attitude corne back. u b --will cost. Stores are closing "Be original. Dou't jump onY ER UR DE'S E JP ES R P I N and ather businessea are hav- auother's. beudwagon. Witnter Sto Ien Fri Moutchair - 4 Door sedan, V-8, Ton Pick-up Sadr lo LI E ir PRES RIPTIO S inge difficuit time. Caruivals were very succesa- r~ a V-8, sutomnatie, radio, pow- V8 radio, custom cb a utb rvnb "No community cen sdapt fui when they were îtw. Now, Ou Frîday there wa5s a Fiised lu t pw-e. Lic. staesThsen tearecit y 25hsuch an attitude. Tht world there ai'e s0 many that noue brea- ntysd theft at K21317. persanton. Lic. K18251.tu e pp NOVEMBER 2th NOVEMBER 5hwill go pat. The competitian are truly popular with tht ex - n tranK17,e.L.226B for tourists is et least eight ception ai course ai Quebec 12 Parkway Crescent, thtéd i. 76E " u~ies stiffer than a few years City's great annual oue. resîdeuce ai Keith Jennings. Aniverii.iy Prîce Annlversary Pric.Aninir re NY LIN hadturs pooto Get something of your owu, Saine maney sud two lsdy's s 16 5$ 9 7 ~ hve rea cem aiga. xan- Toris.la h-re ta--lptha -tht valt&a on - I ~~~any place can heye, a gooa idpliehr Model X6 that $30 had Spray . naensae e vr.been stolen tram her house. $095$7 # Re .o.7d88 lst $ 4.23Cene a ad. re li dever y- 4'7 O .ttry had been made by _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A*eg 4.5 Sgg, L 124of5awhere abroad. Whoever er4dW &o reach.ing through s milk star- --I SPECLIL ai ae stgn"ak g e."ainge box te unlock e nearby19393 that fomeigners 1k. us in aur $1NoBwYmstmû crt n SAVINGS a At 7:40p..aMoay'ORODMOIEFR $ 9own country as wel when Ew avlePM.OniceMcaere Jt<4ou4 à they visit here as ta p ù.car stolen frarn Oshawa an 2Da a'tpwt o. tto ao ~I w M u' ~ O u _ -.- - 6 9 c h ey coiudge ail cax : xa s m. L D fl l >Sturday even ing. t had been G alaxie - 4mo sdan s e ring, radi lc k u l n. l e w Te e t the y eermi PERSONAL Liluted, parking lot here. gundy. Lic K14204. toaetic. Lic. A87432.teo.Li.121 "As Chami er af Commerce 4/ HQIGAnvrayPieARa pryCr M D c S F F RMmembers, nearly al ai you ACCOUNTSAnirurPie Anniversary PriceAue 48'.eg. .9 have a service staff. Are yau ..wefô 1 C STEDI SOL ance ai beng wrm and LOANS Rond frlexidly? Check and see if POPAEN> MWoutiWaah 14 o& j. i 9 they are ioilowlng 31our a dvice live lnireE)y hews Reg.~11 < i 149 ___In___hi i!regard. lv m eitl otews "One bad. apple spol CENTRAL ONTARIO ai the _resent Vanstoxi y aDNL Elctric Shaver NY T OL barrel, and thils prixcil l th TRUST & SAVINGS Bridge-. hey may have ta a sarne for s toumist ares. Aiso CORPORATION go South on Waverhey Road Mol444.2 _ Re 13519 teU your staff the attractiorjz t thenew radlu;twn. The R sin.Làtaff ofYou comurty nd o pu umalet ý tagcr so hos dtha er uld $ OREthuIS Womatloxi alons te visit- om"oerihmsan t Uit- r d.~ hours..ex zoomeJ'Oo fur at fourlocationsad Contact Any of Our Sle putde o ty o. bTkmater consultation wIi the Bud Fogg - Rap Philp - Ray Lathanu -AstnEent RAINcm n"e oýDePamimexit aifHghways had ond es] er.,eveiiMtt $le <4 the moat aultabie. LU nasud9C ~knows wbat 'w dd paOMrtn 3a OSHAWABO1AVL, ~ i I i 9 O O U , ~ G s s e d W e d a o . d a y m C 0 0Ge or e c e r e u e s t e d 'T o w n~ f 5 2 0 N T W ~- 7 3 5 4 1 K I N G S T.E- T T. . . ii. j .1*