eCadim 1tatesman, BowmanvMe, De.SUSm = éPeo 01 BownianvIlle ,»WY 005111usd good gov- ~4m~nt b yous," eputy Ktor Robbs thanked ~Reve lice. "That was wl pt. I woriid 1k. teé-" Wau the council Lmedu=Glenholme -wll, not b. on couricil ý,.jgport dnldedication fil if u bath over the , andvrîtsh you weI. Our lina been pleasant wMf be long remembered," téMayor snid. #MI=G. Beatty a aed t b* hd been any Investiga- Utâ1j before parking ln front ofbiu1 houa. was fonbldden. ëlerk-Cortroller Robert L. B7ron tld Mr. Beatty that 4opinlai oofPolice Chie! £=ar R. Ktney lu thal parking there creates a haz- HlyrIobbs sald Ihat' alzo, rkIrg overnnghl anywhere tri ro_ int allowed by By-law. becuse o! snow remaval. To alter tbis rulIng Il would be rrecesssry ta amend the By- lAw. and If Ibis sbould be don. a charge could be laid tUnder the Ontario HigbwaysS Mnr. Beatty' said that be had I lived at 107 King Street West b for 10 years and snow bad not t] beeri removed la frontoa is bit bause. "Snow bas been ne- tl znoved from ail streets la Bow- inanville at limes, and King ' Street Io anc af the first ta be don.," the Mayor pointed out. ,T'he amount of wank and bbe tost af Improvements ta bhis tl bouse were cited by Mr. C Beatty. The Mayor said be a' appreciated Mr. Beatty'. b: position regarding lime and tü 5-Yeur Guaranteed Investmerib Certif icates NEW RATE W/4 't 1 TO5 YEAR S % edc -mimum Deposit $100 or , Guaranleed - As to 2m Principal and Interest Canada' Deposit Insurance Member -CENTAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS 1 SCORPORATION 23 S taiwa Da] ~ ~ Car a t. 5*50 wi -mme uw=mc efort a mprve bus ptoperty, but the Ontalo lgysAct coul4 sMMlihave a car parked i M fot owedaway. Deputy Reeve Fice saiA that a car Parked tI front af 107 King St-West b.d been tow- ed away by the police 1aI Yeur. Tne Police Commlttee wllh CIerk-Controfler Byron and mySif invesllgated. Ini MY '>Plncg-.thila lonre ai the race hazardouo locations ti town whenthe view is mped- ed by Parking,"* ho stated. CoUncillor E. J. Runde.»M thal there lu a lane West, Of Mr. ýBeaIy's place anid sug-. esed htar here. n Iyreplied Ihat Iislu lin- ssil a dit hd beeri put irhIis drivewa by nelghbors. Councillor Hughes. seconded by DePuty Reeve iee, moved tbat no action be taken by council. This wau cazrld Mr. Beatty tbanked council for glvlng hlm Urne la sdate his case. Mrs.- Iens Dunlop asked council If the re-routlng af Hlghway No. 2 would be dis- cussed durlng Ibis meeting. and ahe was lniarmed that It would riot b.. MaYor Hobbs told her that a meeting of council wltb the Planning- Board wl b. held on Mna evening, December 131h, at elght o'cbock, and said Ibat evIeryone interested in this matter could attend. A letter from the Central Ontario Joint Planning Board stated as Whitby and Whitby Township are ta be amalga- nated on January lI, the board bas resolved ta permit he enlarged Town of Whitby to have one extra representa- ive an the board. This letter vas recelved and filed an a motion by Councillor Rundle, econded by Caundillor Prout. Regardlng awnership af pipes and flttlngs in the gnaund nere Il bas beer indcated that the Consumnera' Gai Company would like ta riegoli- ate. Cauncillor Oke, seconded by Councillor Hughes, moved that the Mayor and Clerk be given autbority ta act in tbis matten. This was carrled. Couneillor Rundle moved tat Clerk-Controller Byron be given autharlty to attend ie Special Tax Conference on te Ontario Committee af Tax- tion Report ta be beld on lanuary 121h and l3th in roranto. This was seconded )y Councillor Prout, and car- led. CouncIl declded on a motion )y Councillor Rundie, second- .d by Councillor Oke, to can- el the Board of Works meel- g'ton December 26th. By-Law No. 67-40 ta estab- Iii the date of the finit meet- ng Oi the 1968-69 council was yven tbree readings and pass- d. This meeting wIll be 'held. ,n Tuesday evenlng, J'anuary id. /oting, Resuits se tope àftTwp. 'u Pg ' . - )crooI Board Eebee Rose Whltne: ale 49 .20 25 llcome 110 86 93 [ol 34 25 39 mpbellcroftt 55 14 41 Stt e4 Mi86 ,i 38 73 33 Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & SOSii wlth wbom are naw mergea Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Montreai Windsor Edmonton Osha.wa Winnipeg Prince Toronto Regfins George Hlamiltea Caltari Vancouver Gordon W. Riebi. C.A.,LA. Burt R. Waters, C.A. Osawa Oshawa Shopping Centre IU8-7527 NEVI 1963 PONTIAC Strato Chie!, 6 cyL, auto- matie. Blue with blue in- terion. Lic J98899. $109 5 1982 CHEVOLET Bel-Air, 2 'Doon, 6 cyl., standard shift. Finlshed la white. Lic. K8753. $795 At the Commencement Exêrcime of Courtice Secondary School Susazn Wearn; back row, Shirley Pickell, Jane Fisher, Dave 'Tonkin, on Friday evening, these Honor graduates were among the many Tim Peel, Douglas Killens, Mark Penfound, Irwin Hamilton, Don receiving diplomas and awards for achievement. They are, front Westlake, Kenneth Chumbley, Sherralynn Chant and Jean Baker; row, left to right, Charlotte Annis,' Virginia Balson, Janet Down, absent when photo was taken, Roger Farrow, Gerald Reynolds, .Mvelody Cooke, Melody-Anne Muir, Kathy Hoar, Loretta Cook and April Rice, Sofia Viehover and Jan Zavitsky. Valedictorian Greeted by Courtice Guest Speaker'I OBITUÂRY a Immediately pniar ta the opening of the Courtice welcamed by, from lefItat right, Principal James E. econdary School's Commencement Exercises oh Fn- Speers, guest speaker Dr. Gardon Willey of the Dur- ay evening, school officials. and platform guests lined ham Community College and Vice Principal E. A. pfor the traditional parade to the platform. This McLeish. ettire how&Valedicoian. Mldy-Anne Muir being BeSPicpa el rd They Have Created Hîstory Awelcome ta Bowmanville ues is I.Q. is aptitudes, finiie anwj nl pn liigh School Commencement learning capacity, emotional is based on sound judge- Exercises was cxtended by stability, and bis interests.1ment".ricipal Lucas stated. Principal Len Lucas ta the Everyone is a sequence of Greeig rm teDr graduatea, prize wintnera, par- numbers. ham County District liigh ents, and friends. lie painted "This year the Guidance Schaol Board were brougbt out Ibat anc ai bbc aims ai Department bas initiated a by Board Chairman Forbea taday's achool is ta develop !folaw-up survey and I hope licyland. lie misa apoke oi a sente of judgement that aur students belp us by ans- plans for a new High School wili continue to grow aiter wering carefuily the que.- bere. students leave the Institution, lions they find on the sheet. "My wish for bath graduates "During the past 20 years Those presently i Grade 13 and Ihose still In school lu Ibal we have seen a fantastie wil likewlse receive ques- you place yourselves among growth ai knowledge sa widc lianaîres next year. They those who gel things donc, nanging and napid that we rieed not b. signed. and nol be satlsfled ta find can cape with il only in a Mn. Lucas tld the 1967 yourselvcs In the nanks af genenal way. Most o! Ibis graduates af Grade 13 that those who anly watch,» he growth has taken place in the tbey bad cneated hislory as salod and neicnred ta a state;- field o! technology. Every- they wene the last in Ibis ment In a book by Philip tbing today is weighcd, meas- grade ta write gavernment Deane, regandIng the neasons unred, sbnink tested and label- set upper school examina- that some men excel and the led. But no langer do wc lions, lie misa discussed the division between Ihem and measure the weigbt and new appnoach ta schooling Oîhers. "There are those who heigbt af a persan, anc mcas- that resuits frorn the tact . and those who merely are," mbat no langer can ail know- 't explained. ledge b. taugbt. "Hlstory la grawîng rapid- Drivers who watch for trai- ly, theories ai cbemlstry are fic signa and can laterpret changing, physics is apening Ibem aI a glance are forwann- a wlde anea la super space, cd a! danger and knaw In md- and maîbematicis lakes on a vance wbere speed sbauld be new look. Questions are reduced and wbat kinds ai pased now by bath student curves, grades and Intersec- and teacher.' Questions ta lions lie abead. Learn ta nec- 'ER BEFORE iwbich there may b. ne de- gnize standard trafice lags. 1963 COR VAIR Monza - Standard trans- missian, white wlth ned in- ternon. Lic. K171142. $895 1963 1963 1963 FORD OLDSMOBILE FORD 2 Door hardtop withpoe Station Wagon - 6 cylinder Galaxie - 4 Door sedan, steering, radio. Black wthothaulamatie transmis- a&utomatic, 6 cyl. Ini bun- red interian, V-8, with au- sien.. Blue wlth blue in- gundy.' Lic K14204. Iomatlc. Li. A87432. Ionien. lir- 15281. A Reml A Real Sponty Car. Faznily Aulomobile $1095 $1495 $1295 FORD SALES fud»%«g tu rPb -BLa U*Mu OmoAustin Bennett OSUWADO WMAN VILL Uqo ffl - -P, UINC$TE 24 MAN VERS ELECTION RESULTS For Reevo Wilson Heaslip, Janetville- 408 Lewis MeGili, Bethany ------___ 280 For Deputy-Reeve Harvey Malcolmn, Yelverton 422 Ray Strong, Bethany 287 For Council - Three to be Eiected Alvin Mitchell, Pontypool ..________456 Wilfred Richardson, P5ontypool 432 R. John Payne, Pontypool 383 H. Alex MeMaster, Bethaniy 331 For Schooi Board - Five to ho Eiected George Neals, Bebhany Carl Smith, Bethany Norman Wilson, Yelverton- Allan Cochrane, Bethany Hugh Beggu, Janetvllle_________ Roy Finney, Bethany Kenneth Hua., Pontypool Naine Rebekahs1 SitrAni r iMPght ONE) e Left Supporter. Sister Grace Murdoch was Right Supporter of the Vice Grand, and Sister Hilda Humphrey the Leit Supporter. The acting War- 1den was Sister Alma Powell. Other acting officers were Conductor Mary Vinkie, Color Bearer Elsie Richards, Re- cording Secretary Daisy Pae- den, Finance Secretary Elva Byam, Treasurer Ruby Hut- chinson, Chaplain Ruth Mit- chel, Junior Past Noble Grand Vera Flett, Mus ician Annie Wood, Right Supporter of the Junior Past Noble Grand, Elva Leach, and her Leit Supporter Susie Levitt; Righl Supporter of the Chaplain, Hilda Colwell, and ber Left Supporter Amy Winnacott; Right Scene Supporter Mabel Wade, Left Scene Supporter Jean Rice. Veteran 55 Year Jewels were presented ta Charter Member Mabel Bagneil andý Charter Member Jessie Prout. The presentatians were made by Noble Grand Farrow. Gifts were presented ta Sister Hazel Samis and Sister Annie Wright, both 40 year members, ta 35 year member Alma Powell, ta two 30 year inembers, Florence Moore and A.nnie Wood, and to 25 year nember Amy Tait. 25 year nember Lena Thornton, who in recuperating from injuries sustained in a car accident, vas unable to be present, but ber gllt and the lovely cen- treplece tram the head table were taken ta ber at her hame in Millbrook the next day. Ail the gifla were pro- sented by Noble Grand Par- Alter the meeting ail ne- lurned ta the banquet hall wbere Birtbday cake, ice cream. and coffee were serv- ed. The large blrthday cake was iced ln white with pink and green decoralive front- Inf The Inscription on the was farmed in-geen icing as tollows.: "Happy s1 A la Blrthday 55 Years. py INI CARTWRIGHT MUNICIPAL ELECTION EESULTS FOR BEEVE Poli 1 Poli 2 Poil 3 Poli 4 Poli 5 Total Ili 167 71 .3 97, 109 A. M. (HARRT) HAMM Following a sickness o! six weeks the death occurred, Nov. 30, 1967, aI the MemnoriallHas- pital, Bowmanville, ai A. H. (Harry) Hamm. lie was in bis 80hyArno.h lt ooo andsonh omthe aeceSolmo wador Ruth Ham taedcead wsdborn aBono and hadfo mreded n 50owanvilHe for moenre tan 50 eh yearsha beenr retired forPeigmttyeard a ferui feln ooe lt n ah fruirer.adanatv comThe peside ndonftve cmmîttle enebClu hebow-r HmnvilleSeatmeCb, Hamm adia ember aiete andianesenorcer oFarese lan tfetsenio citehran- bezna ion oer or le ad beena pmofte for m lany andeasofthe ofbaîleagfues ant ws teogafniraom- o muny ociosalundlfors o nmny ofcainsanle forsea numbe chiadbleas frmer deceasd by is e, athe form e Ei thMagulreanedIa sonve Keneh the dcgeasl MsrvT.d byahree diaughîers, MrG. tG Rhan(dl),Mrs. J G. Bruton (rion) and Mn.oJ. Coville <aln adasn Trhle.fnrlsriewshl aTthe fneral stervie ws Fdn ea tHoe, orthcutîllat 2n eral ec 2 Home, B.wmanrir, pm. ec. 2.Rev.t. Puner, minister o! S. auil's Uonid Ce h rchce.wmnvilîecnduc- tedron theervc.terme a The i The palibe arordwere snx Jrdohnsaa, aro, om and John rtanm, Bin Colvle, Pcal BuonadLeg Sm scaeIloigmmeso the foavllon ebers oClu ateda BomalenaterClub ateas hnrA. ry , Bers D G. ackasoe, A. EBrunt, R. Bycra I,. acont, .HEot, . PBow- Rn . Gicoet, C. Sliae.iipandA Lyle. Men Have Duty To Prevent Ontario fanmers have been tld Ihey cari neyer again be absolute awners ai thein land as:In Ibe past, but "merely The warning cames fram Dr. A. E. Berry, president a! the Conservation Council ai On- tario, wha spoke ta the 31st annual convention af the On- tario Federalion ai Agricul- ture. lie says thal, mare than JURYWMANVLLL Amelatine (3)- Gettlnm (1)- LAwrerce_ _ Snowden Swain -- ___ Wrtglt (2) Toron to-Dominion. Bank Re-port 'Shows Increased Earnings A larger volume o! deposits, bigher latereat rates on loans and securities and a sharp ln- crese la other operating rev- enue resulted la increesed oarnings for The Toronto-Do- minlon Baànk la the year end- ed October 31, 1967. Net profit for the yemn amoiunted to $12,284,728 as compared, with $10,892,656 ln the previoua year. This la equlvalent ta 82 cents a share s agminst 73 cents a share la the 1966 fiscal year. Total Incarne rose $26 mil- lions la $195 millions. O! the Increase. $15 millons was la incarne from loans, $4 millions from income tram securities and $7 millons la ather aper- ating Income. .Operating expenses were up $21 millions ta $165 millions and transfers ta reserves for lasses increased irom $3 mil- lions ta $5 % millions, O! the Increase ln expenses, $10 mil- lions was accounted for by laterest on deposits, $6 millions by salaries, pension, contribu- tions and other staff benefits. $2 millions by property cx- penses and $3 millions by oth- er operating expenses. Accumulated appropriations for lasses stand at $47 mil- lions, up $6 millions. A total1 o$7.4 millions of this reserve Is tax paid. Total deposits rose during becoming conaclous of and alarmed about the contamina- tion af the environment ln whlch wc musI work and live.", lie saya men have a duty ta leave the resources o! land, air, and waten ln a condition fît for use by thein descend- anti. There la "a social obli- gation ln ownIng land, bous- ing, or industry. as well as ln the use o! these facilities thraugh a lcase or by aîher righîs o! occupation" la keep tbe praperty free of pollution. Dr. Berry called for '4co- operatian and clearer respect for the rights a! othens. There must be a sbarlng of responsi- bilty la Ibis protection of a man's envinoament. i $3,173 millions, personal mmv. lngs deposits accounting tm $142 millions of the incre"s'e.. Total ssets as at O)cbef 31 amounted to $3.458 mllona an Increase of $341 mihons.1 Cash resources amounted to~ $613 millions as compare wlth $533 millions la the prevtous year. Holdings of securities were up $71 millions to $665 mil- lions. Loans tatalled $2,066 Mil- lions as againat $1,862 millions. at October 31. 196. Day, cmli and other short boans tai. vestmnent dealers were up $61 millions and other 1o.ns, ë lncluding mortgages shoW an Increase of $143 millions. Total capital fundu, Includ- Ing $12.5 millions of deben. tures, amount to $147.5 mil- lions as against $130.3 millions ini the previaus year. As a resuit of a transfer of $6 mil- lions from undivided profits, rest account now stands at $102 millions. Announce New IleaIigSu*hisiance: Shrinks Pile§ hemonlioldz and repuir du«Wdm,. A renowned reemrh institut. hm. fournd a uniqu e hI «substance with tbmabiZity ta .bnk hemor- rhoids painlewly. It relieves itching and discomfort in minute, and speeds up healing of the injured& inflarned tissue.1 In case after case, while èý relieving pain, actuaireduction (sbrinkage) took place. Most important of afl-re"ta were en thorough that thia impeove. mient was maintained over a psriod of many montha. This was accompliuhed witha new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which %quckly helps heal înjured cella and stininlat.. growth Of noV tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- nenarimi~a.ioryfora oeU.d t at ail drug refimded. oe~ CHRISTMAS CANDIES JURY & LOVELL 2 KING ST. E. FREE DELIVERY jfrEL PRESCRIPTIONS DELSEY Toilet Tissue DESERT FLOWER Reg.2 rlls 5e ift Set Re. rli 3c-2 roils 3 3 C 1 Reg. 4.00 for 3.00 --149 FRIENDSHIP GARDEN Kodak Instomatuc Spray Cologne4f Camera 'Outfit NO. 104i Eeg. 2.50 ~ Reg. 24.50------I MOIEFILM SPoEED SHAWj adoor 8 mmn No. KA459 u.g. 5.30 q.29 Phiiip's Men's 1809v5 A&Ikai- SeItzer1 B3U F F ERI1NjOLD SPICE Reg. 79e C Eeg. Uc 01 CI Eeg;. 6.00 -4.q* Yj DISCOUNT-ED PRICIS on al rELECT1RIC SHAVERSI "Mint Fremb" Toothà Patte 9 PRODON Air Fresheuer 12 oz. Eeg. 1.18 _______________ Eeg. Uc for 79c ---~ g YC I I -v , i % r Ie Courtice Seconclary School Honor Graduates, Receive Their Diplomas Malcolm __ ___ 31 128 87 184 10, VanCamp 47 75 18 28 FOR COUNCIL - THREE TO BE ELECTED i PEPSODENT 1 - 00 be Ir le 9 il -il 1 a Beehove (FROM PAGE ONE) 2 KING ST. E. FROM BOWMANVILLE PECEMBER 11 - DECEMBER 16 After Shave Lotion OLD --- SPICE 4% oz. glus boule Reg. 1.75 ---- 1.291 i LI