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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1967, p. 3

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<i A A 'i Miss Mary Cassan et Brlgh-; ji e e ty M ridton was maid of honor and 'DI the benruymviarreeo Misi Setti ng vvas H-ampton United Church. bride, and Misa Janna Ishii, ~"sister of the groom. They were ldentical attired in moss green peau de soie gowns, in the smre tyling as the bride's gown. with short sleeves and rnatehing elbow- Iength mâts. Their weddmng rcing headdresses were of matching green peau de soie ';encircled with rnatching tule, and they carried semi-cagcade bouquets of yellow shasta daisies and Pale bronze 'mums. Mr. Edward Wright, Osh- awa, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Howard Stapleton, Orono. and Mr. Richard Okada of Toronto. The reception was held in the I.O.O.F. Hall where the bride's rnother recelved wear- ing an emerald' green silk crepe ress with beaded trim, ï ma ig vevet atbrown accessories and corsage of Yellow 'mums. She wasas sisted In receiving by the '~ groomn's mother who chose a two-pîece dress of beige lace with deeper beige accessories and corsage of 'white and dark bronze 'mums. 7.. Following the reception, the bride and groom departed for a honeymoon in New York City and at Lake Placid. For travelling the bride wore a brick colored. double knit dress with niatching brocade hat and teal blue coat. A cor- sage of white carnations and . yellow roses complemented ber ensemble. They are re- siding at 493 Bond St. W., Oshawa. The bride is a staff 1member of the Canadjan Im- Mr. and Mrs. Brian Harvey Ishii, shown in thel perial Bank of Commerce albove photo, were married in Orono United Church and the groom is an employee on Saturday afternoori, November 4, 1967, at 3 o'clock. ofthaCnala Ntina The bride is the former Miss Lynda Jane Pears, RealIa. parties honored the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pears of Orono, bid rirrobe mriae., #dthe groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Royal Ishii, iheld eat teoubsor o! thehwni teab epotchs ~awa. A msclan teou hoerofwase Mr. and Mrs. Herbert George Wlî hw nteaoepoo hs bride's great-aunt, Mrs. H. M. Saturday afternoon, November 4, 1967, at 3 o'cdock for their marriage in Hampton Mercer, in Orono. Mrs. Robert United Church. Formerly Miss Linda Marie Smale, the bride is the daughter of Wright and Mrs. E. Wright, Mrs. Eileen Smale of Hampton an-d the late Mr. Wilfrid Smale, and the groom Oshawg, were hostesses for a is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Waldie of Newburgh, Ont. similar shower. Mrs. H. Bui.-Mc bbePoo zant, aunt of the groom, Osh -__________________________________Photo,_____________ awa, gave a mscellaneous shower. Mrs. K. Ball, aunt . '* * Edward Smale, another bro- W eddings110 of the bride, and Mrs. Joe W o i r a Is U ie ther of the bride. hlda Satbotb of Orono, alsoi e n S . Pa ls U ie The reception was hl i %>held a mîscellaneous shower. .' ' Hampton Municipal Hall,: Mrs. T. Hardy and Mrs. Bruce - - where the bride's mother re- McArthur. Orono, were ho.-, ceived wearing a strikinc tesses for a miscellaneous neml. Thbe sleeveless shower.1 sheath dress of Roseberry Guipure lace was topped with a full-length, cap-sleeved coatj NEWHALL- PROUT >'. of Roseberry silk worsted ISHfl - PEARS floor-length gown of white The marriage of Miss M with banded neckline and0 Mari-highlighted by a pearl brooch. StrdarsandwhtMrs. Maurice Prout,............................w ie acsoi formed an attractive setîdeprwatlewthasf Bowmanville, and Mr. Paul ./s coag in Orono United Churcb for bwa hefot9adln Raymond Newhall, son of tbe ,o! reclod rss an the mairiage o! Miss Lynda wl ipit eves.aThetahgown Mr whMr. loo 7ite carnations complement- Jane Pears and Mr. Brian wshihNhtdbyadtah a Mr noMrs.Eorl e eresebe.Se a hassisted in receiving by the Har ey on Sat rd y f- I~ Ctran ra l ,1I Tomntvjls , ongroom's mother who wore an~ The rid istheappliques of imported Swîss h omnil, o 0Chhrd i h aurc Aferon Otbr-uine sheath dress of white, daug f r.ad Ms rganza lace enhanced theSaudy ftron Ocbr -wih elsevetr- LordPears, Orono, an otm c h -n k r v.196, at 3o vloc. of- red with gold braid, gold col- the and around the train. A pa tegroom i. the son cf Mr.1 ~d oie wedding ring eau- ficiated, and for the occasion of acessle and rnor'usag and held herl shoulder- ,the church was prettily dec- ~ awa. î~~~~~ieegh heetier sveil of n- oae ihbuut !p a w a . ' o a t e d w i t b o u u e t o f i n kA s t h e h a p p y c o u p l e l e f t " - Rev. easil Long officiated Ion tulle, and hier cascade and white 'uo hi edn rpt and Ms. Stella Morton plaY- bouquet was of white camna- Heydens o! Oshawa played Weatrnnts theo-pie old cd the wedding music. tiens, bronze and pale yeîiow1 the wedding music and Mrs.bne olsi ihdul in.-n..a.raeOlive Hull, the soloist, sang ýne olsi ihdul uahr h rde by bar ;sweetbeart roses with steph The Wedding Prayer and o0 breasted jacket, brown ac- ________"he______ wore a notis and Eng]ish. Prfea-Lve cessaries and corsage cf gold Givenin mariageby be and bronze 'mums. They are G i v e i n m a r r a g e b y h r ý e sK i n g t 6 O nt. , A p t .S1 . father the bride wore a floorreiing t 5 asowsS. L)y C e ner l uc/le jegthgown of white Magie A%r en f L f rskitas cen hnedA-lune ~ h rdwho attended skr a nacd with Hampton Public Sehool and An enterprlslng employer was trylng to butter up one f1bral appliques around the Courtice Higb School, is em- of bis employeo wlth a bottie cf whlskey as a Christmas bottom edge o! the skirt and ployed as teller with the Ruft. at the neckline. Tbe three- KingRoyal ancf anada.f the quartier length *sleeves wereRoaBnkfCnd.Th «'Oh, ne," sald thcernmployee. "My conscience ivouid not. aiso accented by appliques groom is employed a tAlcan aflow me te aecept thc gift." ane rcfl el sbae Alumînum, Kingston, and re- "Suppose 1 »Ili It to you for a dîme," responded the train fell from a back-yoke. brh emlye.A crown o! pearis caught ber Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raymond Newhall, shown in urh tw-te ilsin elwichth ao Four miscellaneous showers, ~Intha, cse 'iltak Lo,"repletheempoye. er ita sonvder-lnt, wa the . ve photo as they sign the register, were mar- one kitchen-pantry shower,1 ber bridai bouquet was of ried in St. PauI's United Church, Bowmanville, on and a personal shower hon-ý red roses with Shasta daisies Saturday afternoon, October 7, 1967, at 3 o'clock. For- ored the bride prier to her 4h .and stephanotis. merly Miss Marilyn Grace Prout, the bride is the marriage. JMiss Carol Sheean wa daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Prout, Bowman-1 iCLOTR9ES CARE IIINTS: maid o! bonor and the birides- ville, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and! enta If lit in allowed te remain In the fabrie, It wilI become a borne. Mrs. Meredith Brown, Mrs. Elwood Newhall, Toronto. L d o e t yellewlsh- brown If let set. Dring it te the attention of your! Mrs. Don Prout, sister-in-law bu cantosALI- M EPrate landowners nowi1 local drYcleaner for expert attention, o! the bride, ail o! Bowman- o! pink and bhave a cholce o! two fSorestPriv ville, and Miss Gina Nejiwbal, wt t hsadiis Mwtute gloves, backpaàte-ntpiece, *!ormedlof petals cen- poiedk arry ut!£hie work W Soloista: Ross M etcalf, Tenor Mrs. Rose nary Merkley, Soprano accessories. They are resid- ee itM ik roets anee ure. I ou bvch Bu Prry Bas Mss ivin Sdie, Cntrltoing at 19 Hogarth Ave., Tor- pearlized tendrils, caught hem itime and know-how, you may BilPrrBs Ms iva aleCntatenta. billowy veil o! silk illusionldo the treatment work for Trumpet: George Anderson The bride is emplayed as a and she carried a bouquet o! which you will be paid by the clerk-typist witb Continental red sweetheart roses, white Department for work done. ACCOMPANIED BY Can Company, Toronto. She carnations and stephanotis,j To obtain this management attnde Bomavile Cn-with green ivy trails. ýservice you must sign an OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA STRING QUARTET tral Public and High Schoolsi Miss 'April Rice was maareetwt h eat and Oshawa Business College:1 of honor and the bridesmaids'ment assuring that you own Orgaâ: Mr. A. Borbridgc - Director: E. M. McCoy - Piano: Miss Leta Bragg Th ro tedd Jsewr is Vrii asntepoettat you.will pro- Ketchum Central Tech., Tom- and Miss Wendy Smale, sis-tect it from livestock, fire, In- onto, and is a cost accountant ter o! the bride. Miss Tammy isects and disease and that you S À& TR D A Ywîth City cf Toronto Depart- McQueen, niece o! the bride,lagree with the land-use treat- SATURD A Yggii~D E IC ment o! Works, was flower girl. The senior Tet r:nbd:ryu 8:00 p.m. in honor o! the bride priorired velvet gowns with eprlFrfrhrIfraincn te ber marriage. Mrs. Don1 waist and bell sleeves. The tact the District Forester, On- Prout was hostess for a linen gowns dipped t.o a V-back t aie Department o! Lands R EH O SBO TH C H UR CH hower. The office girls, and the back o! the gown wvas and Forests, 322 Kent Street, cug. Stret -Bowmanville where the bride i. employed, i bghligted by a sel! rose. WestLin!dsay, Ontario. Dc hed another miscellaneous Tbe flower girl'., red veliet Pesns Duekm and De shoer ndasWei, te irl frck asof he am deign Te poor weather appears sbISINowU T $.0 nter nd, as ell h i'sfrc a fte aeeîn1to av ened the spirits ADMISSIN : ADU TS $2.0 $1.00 i h fiepesented the, AIl wore headdresses o! tbreeo CHL RNbride with a flor pl'shervelVet roses accented by four of sme f the huners at and waxer. The office staff tiers o! veiling, and the sen- Irsuie Poica ak FOR TICKETS AND INFORMATION presented the bride with a ior attendants carried nose I Licences sold te date are set of Teflon Wear-Ever pots gaY cascade bouquets of -d slightly down over hast vear. PU N :and pan.Miss Carol Sheehan and w ite carnations. The Heu aling sct sha s f aib e ar ato ]DOMAand Mss .Katby Osborne gave flower girl carried a »mînia- 1. fds er an.f hest ma NEW C ATLE T Y ST A 6 3- 2 5a m iscellaneous shower. tur c bouquet of the sanie, w th t e.o Te n h e t-a HECSL . ]KOOPMANqS 987-47*2 The wedding party was en- flowers. w1her dgde uhbt M1MPTrON . - l J. A. TURNBULL 263-2529 tertained at the home of the, Mr. Patrick Pettifer Was, hnclement weather bas prov- ORtONO - - - J. FEDDEMA 983-5803 bride'. parents following theý best man, and the ushers, en to be a boon Ln the duck wedding rehearsal on Friday! were Mr. Douglas Waldie, bunter. at Presqu'île Park ovuunus, Oct. 6. cousin of the groom., and Mr. Erihion. A recent bag Check,,a 'A. E. Goodrich, Assistant Park Superintendent. s h o w e d a count o! 149 ducks. Twenty- tbree o! the forty had their. To date 446 huniers have c « participated under the special Park Migratory Bird hunting I prmit. This i. a 5% risc over the same period last year. The i season ends December 16th. i 1 The deer at Presqu'île are. back. Presqu'île Park staff have estimnated that nearly ail of the herd (35) bave return- ed for the winter.U These deer leave the Park lni early summer, before the campers come,, to feed ln the nearby grain fields and return ' Let us assist you ln glft buying for LatelY. a large buck with a htseilwm nyorIft rack of 8 «points ha. been seen frequently.. If you wish to get a gîîmpse i .- a our selection of! . . of these magnificent animaIs, yusolvsttePakithe late afternoon just before DRESSES dusk or else earhy ln the* lII~I Routine hatchery work was e carried out during October. LV S * C R E Care was taken o! 6,700 flng- 1 L VS C R E erling splake, 3,700 one year %k ohd splake, 1.300 two-year-old splake, 34,500 brook trout trout fingerlandgs.,00e lake C. fingerlings aind 53,000lake graded for size and 49,400 lake *toti h aceywr Jf trout fingerlings were trans- P total a! 148,800 eggs were col-48KG Tr. D MAVIL lected fromn the two-year-ald 4 IGS.9 OMNIL splake. A. E. Walroth, REIGS HAIRSTYLING~ G R EIG33 KING ST. W. T o_ _ _ - _ _ _ Present this Certificate to us for the Hairstyle of your selection to the value of$ With ail good wishes from ______________ ----- Christmas, 1967. e SEE OURt REG NCY .......L 32.9 PHILIPS Full Une of CORNING-WARE ACCUTRONs INSTEAD OF a M', AWATCH 1 LADY SCHICK BEAUTY SALON HAIR DRYER ..........$49.95 JEWEL BOXES ......$1.95 up BULOVA and WESTFIELD WATCHES ............. $1.95 up PURCHASES GIFT WRAPPEDF EVENINGS UNTIL ,9 P.M. also. Blov "CRAVELE"rom$l295u 0SEE OUR >Iý",LARG SELECTION 0F See our Costume 4èwellery by "%CORO"t MARR'S Jewe llery. ELECTRIC R AZORS PHILISHAVE ...........$29.95 TRIPLE HEAD ..........$3295 LIGHTERS From.......... 350 up 39 KING ST. WEST BOU»4NiVLLE --ffl mil m q:e vi

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