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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Dec 1967, p. 8

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~s amdIm tatmnnEoMMMVIDs De. ~1%? YOVTR DowLE RSE 4 AR SP Ro i sJacie Patloeld,<uhtrcDIkmdO. a orFm M437Ubowled the firet 400gria bryBw i w Jackle, bowlingS h ot owiglqec day, started ce wltht suksi o m hno llth try tjirew aw a for t e h ad pu m d ilu d GUYcup'7a big 414 aingle a»e After it becamn apparen that the Saakatchewam Eoulgh-mujclpa riders Just w eren'î in th t, year'a edition of the Grey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _a ntp o the h oo a n i w a r or e . D b l M ton t1is mezibe begmn to e rola. Just how goo i se 11, btsa d n ici 30 g rn. s taed beor, ow na Youth ano11, rada e ral3o0temo . ey were plcked ln rmny quarters an the teuiMmost otbwlrat no osccee. The Hmlton dYnasty hMen's MKinsmen Present $25,000 Cheque for Arena RenovationsCO B WLN Trouble wa suomebody lorgot te tell Ralph Sadoiand Dcme %Mfim COth iml rocededte put togother qulor à teaM .The defence of course w ms superlative, ot alowing a lo Marhalm707c D nns L i(olo3__ _ single touchdown ln their at six games. George Bebee had tho hum. Btld O Mrhlhasnlo ith33G ute ___ But have a n chlgh as he wrapped up ec.E S., fo hi h s n e 's h g 8ie09 trile. havlng gamet o odto ais .Wocc and the way Joe Zuger operated Sm the playoffs, it seems ai 302-237on70DoThBsnda ane g h to us that the Ti-Cats will have ta ha reclcned w th for a af Beb oes', hst efforts tlis triple with 676 (147-2920. B hth a Ztew msmons to corne yet. 0f course If Mr. Barrow decidegsea n She aso took hgh singewt .Rte _ _ _ _ to f rgt about is retirement plans, hiei presnce wo ldnt W rro<d h me77 anU e a 2F.0oter ___ ___ hutete.high single, 331. Jack Parker ..3.Bnd_________27 :_______ While most of the plaudlts, deaervedly went ho the 774 (304>, Elton "cracked nib" . Ncosn _ _ _ _ 24 S rc _ _ _ _ _ defe"ive corps, lt was nice ho see that Zuger was judged in, your friendlly grocer, 752 .rhlon ____ ais the but player in the Grey Cup encounter. Ih la mso (324); Bill Orme 761 (269-303), . SMarsharll_ _ _ _ 1 . D bo _ _ _ _ _ 'iatereatng te note that, accordlg to Sazio, 'Joe caled 99.9% Dave Reynolds 742 (297), Bud . StB r t_ _ _ _ _ _ 21 A elr _ _ _ _ _ et to-day'a (Sut.) plays." Hennlng 742 (282), Bob Law. R.______20 A DJage ton 740 (294), Jim Houck 737 WIth the advent of colon helevision, we also found aur- (277), Nom Hennlmg 736 D . Tho man 27H-vnen _____ u lves w0o der ng w hether lttSa best t e watch the spectacle (261). Jack B ond 735 (259), Rnitl k 80_ _ _ 20 . B ns i __ _ _ _ Via the TV tube or at the park in persan. Bil "Jake" Westlake 727 R. 04 W. lesma __ ___ __ Just mlght have been ah Lansdowne Park If St hadn't (265), George Stephen 727 M, . DaBon_ ____20D.Topn bel for that aId Indien who predicted ruin, unowand (28).PI Orer76 (258), DBond.. (286) iesr716 (258),gMcNab_______ whatever cIsc was goflmg for December 2nd. CUarter 703 (272). Weil thank goodness, t urned out ta be a pretty fair Maurice Annaert had a 306 . M rshalls _ _ _ _ _ 9 S a kn day, although Our' observera on the scene allowed as te how sil e, onGud31 N. Morgan thgame, Jur n re aln w n a e t kn 0 B L x o hn ould 301, ellB. W estlake _ _ _ _ _ 9 2 9 B r u c et A a m 2 , T e d rB a y ]F . T i p p i n s _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 8 L . M s a l _ _ _ chic 5tmeauead rvligwn ndei id0 9,Buc .m 8,Mra Last week, Bowmanville Kinsmen Club gyave the mn Don Masterson, Ralph Whyte, Bill Slaghî and D. Dennis______18TemSadn Tighe 280, Russ Haîlman 279, Town of Bown'anville a chelque for $25,00apyfrPrsdn - Wowr i WrhpMyr nBmode _____ In 1965 tbs scrbe was stting at- lh . 25 yard Une as Luke Annaert and Bob Glan-______fr_____ 187oy W oo wa dG Prout ___ayoIv nB 37de Hailondetd Wnievr te Geyh danmd gale vle28and BMcoglth hneoe nth oe yse th eol HobsCouneclrs Murce Prout d MrsAeOk e ____H18.. ondmith1 focviller rany nlviec ha a.268 , 183 B.26, NicholsonTeprsnttonws ae nth Cuci ept-Ree e 3c, ouel4rGlno eHuhs .Bak Fortumatcly Uie breeze was blowlng aur way, so we had Akey 261. cMcRobbie eftto rifli, iN. Zobndsrvn ___ _ 10 R rc 58 ahnasl the enlire action rlghl in front af us. But what If Ken's Men's Wear bowled cr m nf ml ft ar g tK nsm en prject chair- Me Robbe otagraphy B. Pte _______ 10 J ond _____ 306 thlngs had been reversed? Why ln that case St would have 3619 for hlgh triple. I.G.A. - B. Bna _______ 79DtNln 42 been botter ha have slayed home. Fod 134aorkc ngleom .,G..u As long as t sn't wet or snowing, Y011 can always don't really care ow ma Il#l.V.eiiL lkN G .eakeFound ry _C._Morgan_ combt te cod. n fat aUtc game progresses, some fans points they arc out in front ai . h i T k o have been known to ha under the Impression thal 1he C.N.E. te otef eas. .GA. as k N.n hgh ri le t 706 M&Jmwsjs sWrna h rneBw.27 points. Jury & Love]] mov 5<V4, nOT IwulU'h oripole alsotok 70en' Otnl a u l a w a r m t h e tO r n g e o w l. d l m b s e c o n d p la c e w th 2 4 % h i h C w i a t 2 8 8 L a ' OnSlraw imt ael or uhabout the whillcthe power-packed WhyeB y K o ki g of rg s hsingle iho8 Ldes' Scats, because we were able ho ha on top of th. action mo tBras. droppcd ta third place ut lhtiewn oB.Gks hftetm i elvso.2 ons igh 5tr.plev. w ent . lsotoks'zEPS cf. th n e v a t l v s o .Ernie P rI NN il w a o tladies' high single w th 221. The finals of thc big Dunlop Invitahional Bonspielar front ln the averages, ErnB r u ç .p e B yn STanStdig Perfect stionfGreaway Dut wthe Wh54. Bey.Bro ks"kessalsoytook alas ed nGryCu aya UcWhîy uling Club. lilcklng along et 250 for 39 Ta tnig That lS unt] game hnie wbcn aperatlons temPorarily hall, games. Brian Martyn bas 238 edns4 'HcadpinIOsb47e FRIDAY, s DEC. Sth 3 whjlp Aian Oubos f te renead rdu tkthirdn 27.hav- In Sunday marning's Corn- Larry Pernis picked up two cd the others. Alcycats _______30 16 ase cou rler tsund n d abe u plf th o rne d r ot aks.en g 37 er dia i H ockey L eague action, goals and tw o assists, as h . G eorge Sainsbury w as a S reh ads _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 29 1 lb. oua e t sur aum a oupe cfcoln sts.The Christmas comm itte. lu M utton & Gould Shel defeat. was ln on al four lsers' tal. two-goai Performer for Bry-20 Ga e E"ven the spirit thal you usually miss by not bing aI still wonlcig out surprises for ed Walter Frank Real Estate lies. Lloyd Hamilton account- son, snlsglgt o .Cw26824,n.es-SU E A Uic~~~~~~~~~~~S sa l s l c , c o h t e ar dl m inlst onVan ton BobaNd nlng 26 1 -21 , F. Smlth tegame, a there, as the curlens whoopcd it up pncîty 1he big party, Dec. 27th. Yes, 7-4 ho take aver frst peedfoth heparHlamWnsnVntn ndng262120.F Sih KINSM gOM. And Ibis wus solid comiortthoo! But you know whah? thereti b. tsWc e a rbicgwnBroSok S p65. In 1he second clash, Brooks Guy Parks. Bill Cnossey gara- 242-236, J. McKnighl 233,L. swectf s. lb shouîd haradbmg Brtsok's rdohavShope6-5n led 4-1 at tbe end af tbe open- ered threc assists. Bickdll 231, L. Miller 228,B. Ba o t a . f1y a of n d m tc e, F av e n o Y lverit. h p h en. M j r A ft r a scoreless opeing esio , but Bryson's reg- Tea rn Standings Smith 219, B. Sith 204, B.- - B I N way ho OhtlawM joa.io uto G ud oe itre h oly two goals of W L T Pts. Glkes 221, C. Knapp 210. t t t t tLeague bowers are taking labo a 4-i second penlod lead, the second, and the teams Mutton & Gould S iile.______ aib noic f h Yut owes.ad ac eaacontdthe wr ted55 erig h fnl hll-- l2111NaEenng 1 LESS TRAN INCHES Yes, fellows, Jackie Patileld limes ln the final stanza. buzzer. Bryson's B. Smith 210______ dld bowl 414. "Archie" Crossey led the Ted Fairey fircd 1he winaer, Smoke Shop- 5 3 () 10 F. Drlnkle______ 208 00H MEORIALCENTR Average@ wlnes with four goals, wile 15 seconds from Uice end, witt. Brooks' B. Smith 207RORU The month long Dunlop Invitatlonal Bonspiel, whlch Naine Gaines Ave. Grant Flinbofî notched a pair Bill Cole collecting two for the Supertcst3417 N. Cowle 200_____ altracled. 64 of the hop inkas l Ontario, was won Saturduy Ennie Perfect- 39 250 and AI Gucrnscy addcd 1he winners. Phil Bragg, Ray W. Frank G. Woolnen ______193I.U NPZSIcldg ight by BDI Creber's Toronto Parkway foursome. Brian Martyn- 39 238 othen. Crombie and Don Prout shar- Real Estate 2 6 O0 .Sih-______ Creber, flunalsts last year, edgcd Bob Harris of Union-.MA u sne A-_crt 39 232 4-F. lmikel-_179B3d N w168A B S A O edao ~,O Marc Anet 9-J. McKnight 184 ville 8-7 la 1h. final end, aften Harris had lied l Sm 1h. Jack Bond 39 230L. D etea 7 ,176 4Mraner New_19___ A] lhh 'Actually h. lsers had beca down 4-0 aiter thc firsl Don k. 36 23L e in 'i R. Thompson 175 m l-nwal 800 5 os) $.0 IL end, but nome great shol-making by Harris had cîosed the Elo rc __ 3 229 McKmi7ghl al o43adte5-.Bruce Mua. ____39 229_S. Drlknlc ________1702elae Bgie;$50uell8ans Russ k . - _ 39 225 M -r-n l$600 Whein Creber picked up two Sm 1h. -clgbtb, il lookcd ta Dr. H. B. Rundle - 39 224 M. MiaAII _ ___-__ 1689 $ 400 r l ir Ga nes ( haeti W at> aI :3 Sue all aven, but once more Uic Uionville rimk boumccd Don Bagne]].- 39 224 I'4s D oin iYII l is 3 ILJ B. WGole ____167 ls4ZryBr bacic. Larry Piper - 39 224 C. GlKnappPU -a p In he eugfiHas rebr lc33 u2241-5Aga t he Junior League ally fouad themselves oulscor- Nichais could have seat Ken's B. Gikes_______ 160 Dou't forget te bu: oeooz pc o au th e l icthe eml-fi lv r B l eha r ok dus 1- iW in M ie M urphy - 39 223 sh w gre attocey bliBin i Blliard club 3.2. dow a ta defeat for the sec- E. W ooln r _ _ _ _ _ _ 156 m ds v o o %hlre M S t hmtof a en ton] Ler asC of th . W hibY Club, Bud Henn ng - 39 223 on Su day night. I a the first B is' goals w re scor d by ond ie. N ch as, alag wih É. Glikes _ _ _ __ _ _ 149 a WhlI Mc Sjslr m cfTreton R.CA.. couldnt' do a ythlg Fred Thomson -~ 39 222 gaie, the taillead Bills club Perrs and Leaver and the Legion and Bills arc beginlmg G. Smith _ _ _ _ _ _ 14 rlght, 1sing 11-3 o Harris. Te blg differece was a large Rus Halman _ 39 222 beat the high flYlng Legion Legion's by Cameron with la kep the big guns for Ken's . Knapp ______143 80OR PVZES six-caden ln Ue fourth. Marc ihrs 3 221 Club 7-4 . The Billards club woanad Clark. fo crn omn ol.B ole 4 F ia rd ed q te a l* peta fo r O tro Bob Law boa 39 221 played like a first place leam, Hl f a H w r ugs ac ht K as m y b a J odr _ _ _ _ _ _ 1430 F n i a y r o d c e d q u l l e a f w u s e l , s f u r n l a l o H o w a r d B r o m e ] ] 3 6 2 2 1 a s h e y h a d h e i n r e g u l a r g o a l - a a l a f fIb i s w k a s d h e s ay e d tro le e 1 h . y ea rlsno I . J . W h y e _ _ _ _ _ __ 1 2 40 'hamps wenh dowp to defeat - Bob Mann, Alfi e PhblU1ps Bud Barter 36 221 leader back. auatslng ga. hen histobebeoete erl ot .Wht 2 mmdJo Guowa a SuthraOnlnl an NnthraOnlnl'sSi Trewin 39 220 In the first perlod, Legion teain becamne so disargaaized, ]B] Grozeile. Karl Piper 39 220 came out slrong, scorng aI h. and he aloae kept the Dave Reynolds- 39 220 6:11 on a goal by Taylor. This score from becoming higher. who were knocked off by Sjastrom's R.C.A.F. crew. Pht]lips Ed Leslie ___ 39 220 bhey came back and scored shots without allowlag a goal. 108t happens ho be the cunrent Canadianculn champions Ah Samnan 39 219 two goals la 28 seconds. This young fellow is 1h. type 0 Mtfe falged Sm the Scotch Cup u uln John Gouid 39 218 o oltne hthceý# ton oraJY-iei abs UsbtMade more newu by Bill]Orme ____39 218 la tbe flnst period cach îeam a oltndrta okey60 bin fr jo-rdeSm bs.John Carter 39 218 bad lwo minor penalties. At fans love ta walch in action. TaIk About somelhlmg beingz a malter Éaiik.h-s-i u rîue naer 3 -27the aai round-a-e IheAiter 1h. at--game Lego- U. M. zî IZ 44493 27 Tompis 200 Nmaîeaipta"g-a ïioî& 4.DR. HARDTOP'«- Juy&490 Marg McDonald 194 la bis shul-oul, but aI 12:03 V-8, autornatic, power steering and'brakeu, 1=ave_!-% 4 38 24% Munlene Stacey - 184 wilb Ken's shorthanded, Rog- Fu-rc hd-iegas vriewlswl Wyte Mary Skeldla g 181 erson af Nichols spailed il, as Ps-rc hd-iegas vriewiewl M E U I L Bros.- 24 15 44304 24 Magarét Wae 178 b. accred Nichas' only goal. tirés. Glearnig blac«. GM ex cutive15 ______Jyce__aey75Ih ota a asad dycar, spotles. Lic. K13755 _$189____ Muttn & Darotby Stark -___ 172 checks, scornag chances and 1964 PONTIAC Gould - 21 18 42308 21 Bernice Hendenson - 170 many good passing pîmys. The 16 OTA Lander Sharron Brown - 170 lie af McNair, O'Bnlan and LAURENTIAN 16 OTA A RENA Hdwe 10%10%1 42570 19%~ Janle C>wlea __-_ 169 i picked up a ttalioa 4-OR. SEDAN DRSEA Dykstra's Marie Trimi____ 164 aiepitsoto a total af lCen's McFoo a'.- 1 2 42760 18 Olive Henders-on - 162 eighl points. This Unlimel made 6 cyl., uutomatlc, custom radio, V-8, autornatlc, custonu radio, DOWMANVen'L Dale______ 158 up o w playena who are whe.l discs, white wull tires. wheel "eus. Ldow mileage, Télephone033-5n Wear 17 22 43131 17 Grace Farrow 157 new ln the league. They are B-utfl onewthrathng < o' wD r . Selby Shirley Marte]] _-__155ssMurray O'Brian, who bas Batfl l$1îh acig Li.K23 Grant . 17 22 42142 17 Helen Hendonson 152 beca playimg autstunding bac- intenior. Local, one owner car, Li.K 312 Pe si Curol Robinson - 141 key for Ken's mmd sbowing Weil kept. 9C 18 23 4110981e Joy Browni___ 135 thal b. halongsinS the league K62$1 9 PUB LIC N. Osbornc Gloria Nichal-lu 128 mmd can play alang wilh the.Li. K6625_ A OR 1w hm - 14 25 41808 14 Ellen Farrow 121_______ayrs #S KK A T N C Beaer Py______c 116 Then there in AI Linlon, an- S. ~Lumber.. 14, 25 40907 14 Annette Suvary- 109 other new player. Ho Su oneT FRIAYDEEMIER th200 Ganses of the lower playera, but a SNM FRIDY, ECEMER th OGGommR METS M. MacDonald -__ 294 player who puts bis heurt lato 8 TOi* N. ALLO IEEUEEOUG S.Bld]] 28-28-28the gaine. He gives cvery TO le ril CatIpra fred fCour Wad. ________-256-0-23effort when he Io ouI on tho CharDlcG CtanfregrsL. Mdour ho in g 244 c. The last member' af tht, T ca olsad Bawmanvlhle Bo wn ________Il McNulr, a player wbo rqr, LDJ Mgeg oJ.Owles _______220 piayed In th. league laul Yeur. SUN DAY, DECEMBER lOth a 12-3 wla aven Peterborough D. Tompklrjs 2160 , ear he bas impraved TO 4 MJI City, uttheicMomonial AZOfla, G: Farrow ______213 greatlY, ai ho sel up bath ofaiAV ILLEf boe, Saturday nlght. J. stacey 211 O'BlAn' goulu which proved 166 K Bruce Sinipson and Doauj the b.wlnners. »MS G- W ,E .U Parker clleked for two pisGeneW« So, you a meo that a temm S.PEETON, Sales Manager TOI S &TJ G ED. D C. 31 ~ e erit .gngleès olng 1<>Â i e O a 28 with two or three good play- 8 t. 5îW ~ 3k ~ g - was, * aq an __ _ __ _ __ _16 depend n t r ,as th . ga ie îuwbyl13 provsd. Wl4ut the third lins

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