------- -- -I - and childS'n, NewcaUc, vgt,, ed ut Mr. Wilfnd Bowmanvý. Mn. CecilHubbard, çt Perry, vlslted at the. Stnp homne. To the. editor, staff a>d: reaerao!the Stateaman..-. the ha fogaten e as no longer chairman. Rahn h chool Students Receive Awards cteai he srge"hwev hie was to heur the pnincipar's ~tConcert and Commencement mancecanfstando rewcastle - Students afi their Christmas Concert and from John Rlckard who the Board, the Staff and the ________ublic_________l Commencement on Wednes- cently reslgned from the Bord iscwt rt hool wuld iss hm vcatlaPubie cho i h idday evening lu i c auditorium as Chairnan. Irvine M cCu-a ~r ge, h tw l l j ithe Cammunlty Hall. Near- lough who Cul- i o~furewell," sId Mr. Munro. SE S NS ly every chair was filIed and that evening andOuaboe to Mrs. Storks then stepped for- teentire evenlng was fully present Darlene Flintoff with ard und apret seted Mn of RETIGS enjayed by those In the audi- the Squalr Award for Engllsh teard w it a giof atken12 GRUI 1ece aswell asthose Ilteu dMrs. S.Brereton take hm hi eiappli redn itthe 1 cast of the play who seemingiy place. Mrs. Brereton, -former- board.esredwt i and ~~enjayed presentlng the play. ly with the Scbaax Board. wus ThsIa ope urie School principal R a n a 1 d recently elected ta the board "hsl ope.srrs BEST VISHES Munro offered a sincere weî- for a two ycar ternbcginning ta tme, I had no Idea. I'd have core net those who were able In January. The han rieId ko boutspeeh prcpie ared. » my many friends ta attend. and thanked theni for the hlghest girl and boy- In ' d orwn aout clthinhkmid and relatives, Ifor showlng tiie;r înterest In Science was awarded ta Ar- I alooks ed oloseca hns the effort extended by bath lene Munro and Randy Parkin awysft that If 1 were ers. Mary Alidr.ad staff and stuaenis. by Lion President Tracey foing ta b. on the board that Tic rad Tw RhthmEmbley. The McMahon award wS ta put evel*3thiflg Into Newcastle Band supplled the music for for ports was presented tai undjsthut.oardenoyd hbe- 0 Canada and God Save The.JuieWright by Lyle Mc- e d wring with the badadhv - ucnwhich was capabiy Mahon, memnber af the school mejyed on1g ih0h cQnuaed yJifnMno staff. 'mebers on it. I thank you condctedby Jnnifr Muro. Prescnting the Munro Prize forethis gift". Mr. Rickr a Failowlng thtis, tic presenta. ta the best ail-round student gftive eyiudepeso tions and awards were given Praved ut tumes very hard thuanka and appreclutian by Otta lait yean's grade ight decide, explined Mr. Munro, thc audience. Hlm glft wuu a students.but hie felt it fittlng and prap- beautiful pen and pencil set, The graduation dlas af er that Danlene Fllntoff be the suitabiy engnaved. ri 1967 wene: Gludys Aluin, neceiver. Another member a! Followlng the Commence- Joe Bezublak, Yoan Caîl. Deb- the board, George Chard, was ment, thc play, "Menny Christ- 'e bic Christie, Jamie Crowthen, aiso unubie ta attend and Mrs. mas, Mr. Snowman" gat under Pi Sharon Cuffe, Danlene Flintoff, Chard filled ln for him. She way. In thecacut were: Ruth - Greg Farget, Peter Foy (Pete presented the Wilmot Medal Paterson, playlng Jean Lane, la now a resident of Montreal ta the student with the high- Dale Barrett piaylng Jerry and attending higi schoai est marks, Arlene May Munro. Laine, Crystul Snowfluke Qusen there), Gneg Gray, Carol Receiving the Deline Award for playcd by Jennîfen Munra, HabbsFrdHabbs, Susan La- Praficiency ln grade seven, Poily (leader of tic singers) armest wishcs for combe, riene May Munro, Carolyn Woodiund, naw living was Cindy Garrod. The Snow- Karen Parker, Randy Parkin, In Toronto, was present that man, Jennifer Gray, Sadman, very mnerry Christ- Mary Grace Patersan, Lynu night and she and Reginald Ronald Lowry; Sauta Claus, as. May you and Partsmith, Suzanne Pontsmith, Freethy euch received a îoveîy Gary Majer; Mns. Santa Claus, Douglas Rickard, Catherine watch froni Mrs. Wm. Storks, Charlotte Brereton. Snow- iur family be blessed Rivers, Lurry Sandercock, acting chaîrmun of the board: flake Fairles were Joanne th every holiday 1 Susan Waltan, Tim Wultou, Mr. McMuhan pnesentcd the Michels, S h e il y Meudaws, 'M'diam Wo, Jai.e Wright, students with their awards for Cindy Scott, Pamela Abbott, Y. Davld White and Helen Yates. sparts. Reccivng Goid Crests Nancy Lake, Karen Ruttan They euch received their ver- were Cathy Rivers, Doug Rick- and Cathy Tufford. The Tays, JOHNSON'S tificates frota Mr. Munro. ard, Jae Bezubiak, Fred Hobbs, Arthur Messenger. David Row- 1SpecIal awards were given Karen Parker and Ariene May ley. Jan Fisher, David Besubiak DRUG STORE ta Gladys Allin, wha received Munro. Rcceivîng Silven Crcsts and Allen Frcethy. The Sand- th open Award for Music were Suzanne Partsmnith, Sus- man's Helpers, Jimmy Hong- ORNE and WILDA from Douglas Waitan, mcem- un Lucombe, Tim Walton. Re- kamp, Donny Wilks, Dale Alli- ber af the P.S. Board, Mary celing Bronze Crests were son and John Gilmour. The JOHNSON Grave Paterson received th Sharon Cuffe, Susan Walton Curai Singers, Dale Powell, and STAFF Coleman Awurd for Public and Greg Forget. Susan Malkiewicz, Rabin Fa- Speaking fnom Robert Sheur- The Red Crests for Participa- shay, Stephen Dryden, Chris- Newcastle er, member of the P.S. Board; tion were prescnted ta Curoi tena Selby, Melanne Jessup, Randy Parkln recelved the Habbs, Lynn Portsmiti, Joan Maxine Gilbank, Shirley Hum- Rickard Awand for Histary Cali, Giadys .glin, Darlene Ilton, Lorle Darling, Art Pucey-- Flilutaf, Jamie Crowthers and and Nancy Gilbauk. Jamie Wright. Follawing the lat round ai At this time John Rickard upplause whlch the studeuts was again asked ta corne for- deserved for the way they per- ward. We wcre tld aften- formed and ta tic choir who wurd that hc quickly glanc- sang sa beautifully unden the cd ut tie program, thinkîug direction of Mrs. Cronkwnight, ithere was anotiien award lcft assisted ut the piano by Mns. and hie was ta f111 In for some- H. M. Munro. Mr. Munno ex- anc unabie ta be ut the Cota- pressed lits sincere thunks for mencement. Seelng naine he ail the work by sa many ut Ifglanced ut thc "Chirman's practJces anxd on the evening Remarks" and wandercd If' ai the concert. Sunday School Pupils SPresent Pageant Natev - O S undayinstwhprovided background lor, Intermediate and Senior' very close of the pageant, Classes of the Newcastle Unit- members of Mrs. Robert ed Church presented their Shearer's class went forth Annuai Pageant. They were bearing gifts to the Holy under the direction of the Christ Child, singing "Away Sunday School staff. The scen- In a Manger." They were es In the Pageant were "The Nancy Lake, Nancy Shearer, *Prophecy", "The Taxing At Teddy Martin, Dennis Roger- Bethlehem", "The Shepherd's son, Brian Allun, Lynn Parker, Vision", "The Adoration of the Susan Foster and Mike Dan- Shepherds", "The Story of the ilko. Three Wise Men", and "The, It was a beautiful pageant, p Procession of Givers and Wor- with everyone doing thei shippers." jpart well. Appreciation to each The Sunday School pupilsof them and the staff who! taking part were, Gordon Ai- have worked with thema was Uin, Stephen Dryden, Allanlextended to them at the end Gray, Darreli Darling, Peter of the evening. Smith, Lee Ann Hoar, Haroldj Followirg the pageant,_ the Powell, Norman Tilison, Larry aider niembers of the Sunday Shortt, Kimn Storks, Bob Nor- School went back to the Sun- thrup, John Hoar, Dale Bar- day Schooi Room where they rett,. Jennifer Gray, Arlene received light refreshments. Munro, Lily Woo, Debbie Next Sunday marnIng there Shearer, Wendy Wilson, Mary1 wiil be Sunday School as Grace Paterson, Ruth Pater- usual at 10:00 arn. At. the Il son, Dianne Embiey, Glenda a.m. church service there wifl Johnson, DalePowell, Darlene be the Sacrament of Hoiy Flintof and Gladys Allun. Communion. Beginning at They were accompanied by 11:45 p.m. the midnight memnbers of the Junior Choir Christmas Eve service will be land Mrs. S. Payne, th organ-I conducted by the Hi-C. custie chilidren attended thi[Mrs. Jenny Shaw and Mns. annual Christmas Party aJneSma tcBowmunviiie Brunci of r tic Canudian Leglon on Sut-'ý First Newcastle A and BI urduy afternoon.' FoiiowingîCub Packs hcid a joint nicet- film strips, tension maunted as' ing an Monduy evcning when word reacied the cars ai thitiey ceiebratcd a Christms excitcd yaungsters tiat SuntalParty ln place of tic regular wus soon ta, arrive. Wicu heimeeting. Cubs, seated anound did ut lust arrive, he wus tic rom in a vinyle sang given a very loud wcîcomne sevenul Chistmas curais, fol- and witi sa many chijdren1iowing tuis they filled up on an ud ever so mauy loveiy gifts suci goodies us cookies, cake ta hand out, Santa was assist- and pop. Tien tiey lined up cd by sevenai clowns who add- in front af tic four leaders, cd ciieer ta tic aiternoan. Mrs. Peter DeJong, Mrs. Ed Thi Saurdy ateroon atNesbitt, Miss Lynda Jeffrey two p.m. Santa wîîî arrive inand Ms rc ilo eev the village. Evcry chiid isjnîing first a candy cane, choya- vited ta came and scc hlm ut lute ban and bag ai chips, fin. tic town h ail. He will have ally a git mata anc af their a small gift for caci and fellow u cu edens too cx- every ane. chang:d gifts and everyoue We were sorry ta leurn tiat It was unnaunved that tien. Councillor Alfred Gray, aima would bc no Cub meeting a memben o! tic Artificial Ice until Monduy, Januury 8th ut Association, uuffcned a bad lall th usual tita. and meeting as he wus assistiug Aena Place. Fees willi, as o! tic first IManager Bob Stephenson uaticth year increase a nickel, the arcua on Monday morn- goiug up fram 10 ta 15 cents! -ing, He was taken ta hospital per meeting. On Christmas but is naw home again. We Day M~oday, at 1:30 p.m., understand he ha a broken Cub; wlahlng ta loin in tue arm and posslbly cackcd or Curai slnging are invited ta bid ly bruised ribs. meet Mmi. Tilîmon lu front of W. have several Newcastle thc Communlty Hall. Al friends and ueighbons iu Mcm- volces will be wclcome and criai Hospital at tuis time, and thc boys were cncauraged ta we sincemeiy hope mast ai bring alang any frlends 'riait- them if Dot ail wll be home ing theni on Christmas Day or for the ioldays. They are- anyone ln the neighbahood Mrs. Hannah Albin, Mms. Hilda who would 1ke to jolu lu. Brown. George Colins, Master Theyr will b. going first ta the Dale Dubeau, Mmm. Edua Aile- Lodge Nursing Home, tien on iatt, Mn, Eymlan, Mmm. Agnes ta tic South Haven flash Home Faiknen,' Miss Beti Goddard, where Cuba wlll distribute Master Trevor Hamilton, Mmi. home made Chrlstmus greet- X 018 RubOr, MIss LYnda Lôw- Inns made for thc Senior -Ci- sy, Mis Marga e cCaflwn, E4 »M- at tii. 'bonas 7/ge /Ve~oead/.Y Mrs. ýC. Ferguson wus ugain1 hostssfr the Newtauville W. I Ciistmus meeting. A lar;ge bax in thc hall was f ille d Gw iti gifts brougit for ti odn Plough Lodge. Thee i wrapped in white tis[seue, were euch luter decar- ated with a pretty pink rose. Gaily wrapped parcels for tic gîft exciange werc num- bered and pluccd under tic Christmas tree. President Mns. M. Sumnis welcomed ail present, and Žopcned the meeting with W.I. Ode, Mary Stewart Collect, and Lord's prayer. Sec.-trcus. Mrs. T. Heudersan read tic minutes and financial repart. Mrs. Samis tianked ail for the gifts tiey iad brougit, and ulso reported bniefly for the cigit membens who hud attended tic Keudal W. I. 3ti unniversany. Mrs. Fenguson began ber- progrua by reuding tic motta, "It's not wiat we have, it's wiat we give; it's not whut we arc, but haw wej live; it's not what we do, bu how wc do it, thut makes this world Worth gaing througi it." Tiere Wenc tire IlChijstmas readings by Mrs. W. Wood, Mns. Gurtshore, "What ChÏistmas Means" uand býy Mrs.stFenguson "Tic Spirit o i Cismas". A guessing contest, "Howl many ligit bulbs In a ian"1 was won by Miss I. Allin. Mrs. Prouse meccc vcd tic j"lucky cup" pnize, Mrs. Trim rfor "«tic oidestý lady present,"> l and M %. . Rcdknup tic pnîze fan guessing a mystcny Timmy Blake, a neigibar of Mrs. nFegusn, playd 'somne piao selections, and Mrs. F. Gilmer pluyed a Inumber of Christmas canas which ail joined lu singing. iThe gift exciange follow- i cd, and when we had apencd 1oun parceis they wcrc pussed araund fon ail ta sec. Mrs. F'enguson and her grouP senved a deliciaus Cinistmassy lunch while aif course ail enjoyed tic social haîf hour. Tiene wene 21 membens and two visitons Present. Mns. A. Wade mov- cd a ieurty vote o! thunks taj Mrs. Fergusan and ta her Peuce an earth, good will toward nmen. Let us ail remember the true spirit -o! this beautiful holiday. George"Sandy"# Graham Newcastle Happy Yul. ta our mnany d e ar friends and customers. Merry, merry thanks to ahl of you for your pa- tronage ! Chuckwagoi, Bar-B-Q Listen to the sounds of the carolers singing of the Miracle of Christmas. May your holiday be as joyous as their voices. Lon end Doreen Jones and Staff ELMHURST HOTEL Newcastle Joyous holiday greet- ings. We hope your Yuletide glows with happiness and good cheer and ail of your days are bright ones. Toms & Sons Ltd. We'd like ta put our rwishes for a joyful 'holiday under your tree, and thank you for your loyal pa- tronage. Freda and Jack Jeff rey HONEY HOLLOW licaf- mEIICES iI As Christmas unfolds its magical charm. and wondrous beauty, w. extend to you our wanmest le . 2.-Newcastle Liberai Association amvu ar ille.,,Edtr HAYDON Fis. RlpihClark, igr rls. pentptic weckcndwlth her parents, Mn. and Mns. j. Patts and famiiy. Mn. and Mns. Marris Pollurd a nd family visited Mn. uPd Mrs. Art Poliard, Cluremnont, on Sunday. Mr. and Mmi. Lloyd Siemon,1 Susan and Fred attendcd Mr. aud Mrs. Eunl Tnewin's 25th Wcdding Anuivcrsany .celc- brution. Mrs. K. Cawling visited Mn. and Mns. M. Elfard, Pont Penny ou Sunduy. Mr. Russell Tabb vlslted is gaudmnothen, Mrs. M a b ci1 Cowling. a Patient ln Memnorlai Hospital, Bawmanvlle. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and Fred were supper _gucsts ai Mrs. F. TornEns killen, on Sunday. mEns Misses Shirley Tabb, Gal Grahua, af tic C.G.I.T. Gnaup attended tic Christmas service ut Tyran. United Churci on Sunduy evenlug. Haydon Connespondent wlsh- es the Editar and Staff ai Tic Canadian Statesmnan "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" and aIma Uic readers af this calumn and those oi you wio have contnlbut.d news Items and their ubscrlptlans. ENFIELD The. White Gift service wag well attended Sunday. Mns.i Ken Cochrane told the atory and the ýyoung people frmI her clam who asslsted ln the service were: Marion Prescott, Albert Saisi, Erie Bowmani and Roland Bowmnar, Stuart Sai and Ivan Griffn recelv- ed the. offering. Tih. junior ckfrsang"W. 1ii~KJn0 Christmas cornes and renews the glorious inspiration of that Holy Night long ago. To ail, we wish a season rich in blessings. NEWCASTLE BLOCK and STAFF - - - IF ilM We'v. put it in print for aIl fo s»s . . . boit wish.s for a Merry Christmas and a holidlay filIed Mark &Dor wlth lo STATESMAN CARMIRS NEWCASML pi»M mais 1 io % Canaimann tate smaun, own vmDe 0,1 4%9 e pchorus.The 11e. . . ouboty ga short tiak '. r 1tms hm and thelr = , with spedial imenuton of Charles Wesley and bis contribution to the. world of bis mmny Iovely hymns, one favorite belng, 'IHark the Heruld Angels Sag"The convegntion sang tushYmn wlth.the presenta. tion of the white glita. SundaY achool was also al Special occasion, wlth anotheri White Gift service ln the base- ment. Mn. Godfrey Bowman and ber junior class conduct- ed the openlng exercises. As- usngwere Katherine and Ku9e Oke, Mark Simpson, Janice Prescott, Marvin Pres- COUt and Malcolm Simnpson. Miss Donna Sumis' class recit- ed ini unisan *and thée kinder-! garteni and prlmary classes Jalned ln recitation and song, under the leadership o! Mra. Wilfrld Bawman. Mrs. W. Bowman presented Christmas- .~ ~ illms, assisted by Albert Samis. The spedial white glit affermng for the M and M fund fram the Sunday School was $75. W. appreciate the M. efforts of the folk who erected the Natlvity scene beside the . . . . .. .. .church. Every year ut Christ- mas time this lovely scene adds greatly ta the atmos- phere. Next Sunday, Dec. 24th, After 12 years on Newcastle's Publie School Board, Chairman John Rickard there wli be no Sunday retired thîs year and was elected to the publie Utilities Commission. In appre- atchoo45buthea cam be srvice ciation a! his untiring service to the school, the Board presented hlm with a ings, recitations and curais by parting gif t. Mrs. Wm. Storks is shown hre making the presentation. the 'juirlor choir. MORE PICTURES Mr an d Mns Miner Brant Other Awards Nlght vie- tures appear on page 18. " Newtovil I ---4 1 i fi 1 I The Holiday Sason, The John Scott's - ----- Me Cmadim Statesnum, »Ywnmvme,-I)= 20, lm? ICHRISTMAS aRETn BETndSE