i: ce Uses Fc ForSpecial Testi sCentennial Centre The lessan la that It qf. 1 ' 'and Technohogy is a lot af muscle power ta m C da's largest Christ- when a amail amount of asaresearch and tricity can produce. In '.jKound for a variety visItors misa thc point,c exhfita, especially bicycle generators are hi M iflor young people. up ta a tape recorder pla iIUearldpational exhibits Hcrb Alpert's Tjuana E a rigoru r ~ia unmusic. J CMÇ Autornotive Building cornes an, viitors have frOni November 19 ta Deceni- pedai iuriously ta kccp ber 24. tape playing Uic rlght nu * BicYcles fitted wt power Syd Haynes, a Centre geatma~w are gcttlng thc big- supervisor, says: "Our r Ut play ai ail Uic exhibita bicycles are so popular we 2ram an averagc ai 5,000 visit- ta replace three sets aif'w OU that pas& Uinough thc out pedala lu Uic firat t] Cântre's pavillon cvery day. weeksata Fairyhand." -Their 'Pèdaling on these The second busîcat exl fixed bie É-les la rewarded as la what la caled a Star Tre Uiey sudPenly appear "live"j The trick la ta trace a Oner ls dcirea& lev pattern refiectcd lu a mir berMdVeread.If the chectrie peu ti Itlbonm't. take toa niuch strayg outside the double Dedal jmmping ta generate der a buzzer lat soundcd. Power te Uic TV camera. But, hsbsclso x When two large lights are Thsbiclso in r autorntcally switehed on, Uic has mare impact on boys drain af electnldity blacies out thelr fathers. Mothers the =iceen unless a lot more daughtcrs, who arc more bm#n energy la appled. custoicd to using mIr. ____________________generalhy acconipiish this iii 11- 11k- -without îuch buzzlng. Dentsts, obvlously, aiso h Now AVailbl. 1111le dlfflculty at theE Tracer tables. And for sc for neason leit-handcd visitors for weli at It. Fiare em,, "Sanie nlghts I'vc accu vi FiIv Seson ors ai ail ages lincd up f deep ta try the Star Traci Mr. Hayues remarked. They Une up ta lookî distorted rooms as wdll. W. they earn whcn thcy p, through the apy hale la t the eyeceau befooled whe:i takes certain thinga for gra cd. Twln cardboard sentr seci ta change size drastica as thcy move ahang tracks. steel bail appears ta be r( ing uphil in a tnough. Visitons also watch a w dow fraie narrowed at A déiclous end, tunuiug on a pale. Loe ing at Il with bath cyca. Nsn-Aleoholic Drink! obvloushy makes a full tu: watching with anc eye, & t1 secis ta niake hall a turn Que 6t 3 c Iu three audia-delay bacl visitons speskIe nto mie pliphones. Their taped voicese G i nRe dlye fraction af a seco '.z~flftu ladte layback produces erratic speech pattern. Adu jusually flnd this hilanlci D airy chlldren are lesa Uickled. airyAnd adults are marc dra% w114. ~to a pair ai sound-îatch: *8 lng S. W. machines than childreu. Th *0 Kng S. Ware deslgned ta challenge vior's scuse af pitch byc frngarange ai sounds May you have the b.st. Christmas everi Many thanks ta aour friends for their .loyal patronage. Msrie's Variety Store 33 K!ng St. E. Bowmanvile Last mute gift wfth more in =[est Giw new Bank of Montoeal 6% siexj)tar Savigs Certifcates in »Me ChristnMa SYou puy only $7.35 for a $10.00 certificats, nuturing ln 1973. Simple rate is 6% for a total reWm of more than one-third in six yaurs. Make somune a happy Invstor thia Chrstmas, GNe Bank of Montreal Savlngs Certiflcates ln mwry Ciwatma wrappers froam Bank of Montrasi. Wflsrapr vllable fres ln a&Ubranches. Bankof Montreal @a ulau"& IAJM §u àMu Woolner ane goal, and- Danne Dérlde e ked up two as- The Canadien Statemman, Bowmanvlhl% I 20,1kf Lem nega.uats TeOrphanagoals were wl aepaee td liryland Graduate AuctioneeredIanutenrgaae theLilons scredby Mike Donoghue .m:iddhcln. WkJpa.~b4y Lions werescord byand RbJohnson _oqega itAdtrmk Dean =K n d enxrrsand oeassà-E hr adt asn logtinote é whlle Robert Masscuy and went ta Danny Nowlan, Dave wlth a couple of Instrurnen- ing tm e ciDn Spicher each had one Wright and Darreil Hunt. tal numbers.ce takes b. matched by adjusting a scored by Laurie Gay. day the Carnets swamped' the that there will be an au OId raatch tane cantral. In the second game the Canucks by a 10 ta 2 score. tiOn at the Tawn Hall audi- ru Cdàp,1 d elec- The centrepiece af the pav- Pirates defeated the Panthers The Cornets were led by itan- torium on Sunday aiternaon, casilanlaGetrde- 105by a 3 toi1 couri. The Pir- dy Rogers with three, Deug January 7th, fromn 2 ta 4 pin. other quarry locomotive wlth mav- ~ ates goals' werc scared by Bob Parker twa, Larry Allun tw Anyane intercsted In taking STATISMA1 aoked lng parts. expased. Railway McDonald with twa, Jan Ben- and anc asalat, Harvey wul- part li the audition should s rL A Ts s i A 1 symg buifs particularly are delighted net one, while Bryan Cook liarn t'wo and one asalat, call the Department ofR. CLA88 3D81 Brasa with the beautifully rcstorcd and Gary Carter each had Richard EuIs anc goal, while creation at 623-3114. Plie. 0343 vintage engine. one asslst. The Panthers goal Ken Rawe and Stevon Sum- The next Jamboree Show- ights Mr. Haynes figures about 9o Was scared by Phil Harness ersfard had anc assist each ,e ta per cent af the visitars malte assasted by Mike Kchoc. and, Dan Hutton three. Thei > th marc than anc round af the TetidgretePRS Canueks goals were scoredj >tes exhibita. '«Its fun at first., then aneby Warren Aidereand Kim ~ tieycore bckthre ad fur8 ta 1 count. The Pine Ridge Rogers. four ties becase theywonderSchool were led by Scott Country & Western Jamboree:H iA 9 ehad about the reasans." with six gasadacass, TeDprreta era thrend cuhlsblnot ertas aade te whiie Srnith had one goal tlon4 Bowrnsnville, Jamboree, Centre'satpaion te moat goal, while Clayton, Chair- at the Town Hall auditorium' i poulr ttacio a Flmo int and Blackbird each had last Sunday evening. hi, a d.Mr anss cuke one assist. The lone Huskies Master ai Cerernonles Jimi acer. Mr. Mnnes stu heisga a carcd by Butch Coyle Sr. kept the show rnov-! 0 star about a mother who had ta tnhn ig9wt teHedlr. " rror drg hr potctin fie-yar-The final Bantam gaine the led by Gerald Elliatt and hisi racer aid chlld frorn Uic Centre Pec Wee Ail Stars defeated fiddle, played a varlety af bar- exhibits. "You're going ta sec the Braves by a 3 ta 1 count. aId and new hoedown tunesi )piSta i audo"she f itheUrclaet The Stars goals were scored and reels. paes tan hlIdo"ead. crlu- ~by Andy McKenzic with twa Ted Halirnan was In rare! and Tnt chibIs .asml and, Phil Romeril one. while forrn as he entertaincd the ac art ofe exhibits sare a ama Paul Forsey had two asaits large crowd of over 400 with Be-par ai.wht i shpin upand Dan Catto anc. The a number af Country and' -rrs, for the Centro's Junior Museurn Braves goal was scored by Western Top Ten Hita. test seclon - where learning about Colonel Stephen J. Lipay, son o Mr. and Mrs. Grant Martyn. GusarsGryDorn science can be fun. John Liptay, R.R. 1, Bowmanville, has graduated from Mlgt egn:de areast aylau ee have The Centre - the Ontario The Reisch American School of Auctioneering, Mason In the first game thc Gen- sang a littlc bit af every- StrGovernment centennial projeet Cit, Iw. Col. Liptay will commence his services as erals and Maroons fought to thing frorn Hank Willilams ta bclng buitiat onrMins Road ty Iow a 3 ail tic. The Generals George Joncs sang hits. 9 do and Eglinton Avenue in MetroAuto ernthsaa goals were scored by Dave Doreen Black, I rv in e Toronto - la expected ta be Shackeiton with tw#o, John (Sharty) Miller stuck ta the isit- opened by the end af next MacDonald anc goal and two Blue Grass sangs and brought four ycar. I (' assista, and Randy Donoghue the house down wlth "Blue OVà cerr"raone asslst. The Maroons goals Moon of Kentucky". Into~~ ~ D eret0 DTÀevVIL*Eews werc sCored by Larry Devitt, e and Pete Bthw:lNp ordem on rel Ihat Hockey for Chrlstmas reglstered the shutout. sists and ]Randy Cunningham weil received by the audi- peer Mr. and Mrs. R. Bryce and Hoîîdays ontn hrdt en. ènce with a number af Blue A H.j u r c ç & that famlly, Port Hope, were Sun- Power Skating for Tyke I h hr game te The second game the Mt. Grass hits. .IS n ,n it day dinner guests wlth Mr. Teams-Tues. Dec. 26th, 8:00 Giants swarnped the Rams by RayisHnd rphns layd Jan arpr ad Wll ,nand r.BinCsdl ta 9:00 a.m. Steelers, Indians, an 8 tao0 score. The goal get- ta a 4 ahl tic. The Mt. Rayais Wihlidal kept the show at a SOP DUT Mrs. G. Etwell ls spendlng a Cardinais, Hornets; 9:00 to ters for the Glants were John goals were. scared by Don high level with ballads,ESOP DUT tiesly d oria. ridandCli 10:00 a.m. Bombera, Rayais, Conboy two, Ralph Cryder- Forsey with twa and onc as- comedy and folk sangs.STJRC RDB WM NIL Mrs. Harod Littie lades, Amnericans. mani two, Tom Nowlan twa sist, Bob Howes ane. and Gerald ElhRott reelcd off A Mr an Mr. Hrol Litle Power Skating Drilla for goals and anc assist, Dennis Steven Forsey anc goal, whlleInumber oi hedown tunes as- rail- and Laurle, Campbeilford; Mr. the Atom. League-Tues. Dec. _________ and Mrs. Gary Little, Port 26th - 10:00 ta 11*00 a.m. à____________________________________ x1n- Hope, were Saturday evening Kings, Clippers, Rams; 11:00 ______ anc dlnner gucats at Mr. Liew Hal- ta 12:00 a.m. Bisons, Barons, 1 -- la]IF- pel ok- ioweil's.G ....________ ______ * t M r . a n d M r s . W a l l a c e B au g h - l a ec. 2 t 1 0 t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Lr;en, Newtanville, assisted the 11:40, Rams vs Giants; 11:40 îtSacIicm iten a~ a12:20, Kings vs Barons; s n t u M r h r s n ln. 12:30 ta 1:10. C lippers vs H m e s . P i o pc e - B V s :r- Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- Bisns 110ta 1:50, BantamHot»Rg re ene SV10 arc son, Rosa, Bill and John were Thsdy De.2h - Aodget ihM.adM : POTATO CHIPS 82 g59< ai od Little, Campbellford, Sun- 0 . Aosv Ac; Sday. ' 7.40 a.m. Hawks vs Wings; Libby*m Fancy Quality Rou. Prie* tin 43o - SAVE 4. uls Mrs. Stone entertalned mcm- 8:35 a.m. Rangera vs Bruins; us; bers af her faniuly, Sunday. 9:15 a.m. Bears vs Leafs; 10.10 ""Mrs. Carlos rambyn, Mr. and 10:50 a.m. B a vv an: T MTO J IC 4-I-zIo9 lng Mrs. Gardon Power, Orano' 11:45 a.m.PiaevsLo; Maxwell HouatReg. Prie. bags ne - BAVE 100 hey Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls Mr' 12:25 p.m. Flyers vs Cubs; aadMrs. Jlm Stark were en-.'120 p.m. Cornets vs Maroons; E1l bQ 9 of- tertained at Mr. John Stark's 2:00) p.m. Canucks vs Mt. anC*O FFEEg9c ' thome. Raas: 2:55 p.n. Orphans vs 4aePr. M'Sunday aiternoon Rev. T. J. Generals. Jn akrRg rf u e-SV 0 Segoegva eyfine Hockey News l essage with the theme being Tke Hockey M IN CE PIE Fu8-incb 24-zpi. 49 e "God's Glft bringa Joys luto PIaycd on Dcc. 13th: P Lufe" and Uic esson red rgIn the first game the Car- EiI ) Jane ParkerRe.Pc lfne SV10 frorn the gospel accorditodliais biankcd the Indians by Eii*l John whlch lu the testîmany ai a 3 tao0 score. The goal scor- 60IUiM gHEA Joh n day .Lw l l thfo te Wit a cDcad lvail. Lit iI B R EA D 60WOEWET3 24- o ves 6 45c was i charge af the music. Gregg Balson, Doug Bird and JJn GiftServce. he scondenconterthe3-lb Ring $2.6 Mrs. John Stark entertained Steeiers shutout the Hornets FR IT CAE 'l Ring $3.99b Uic ladies af Shlloh at her by a 2 tao0 count. The marks- hast wcek for their Christmias Biily Shackleton and Kevin E meeting. Gray. With an attendance oi 26, In the first game played A P P A 1- iS 3 the President, Mrs. Carl Todd on Thursday, Dec. 14th, the LM ocOaly apcncd the meeting hy read- Rayals defeated the Blades Chi*Eult lng a Christrnas poem and Rev. by a 5 ta 1 score. The Rayais Snelgrave led In prayer. were led by Tim Corndil with REMSTL Mrs. Tadd especîally thank- three goals, while Joe Now- A & ON2I4ztn4 cd the guesta wha had heiped lan had anc goal and anc as- Whit or Colour.d Reg. Pris. i pkus 73o - SAVE 4a sa wlhlnghy with the turkcy sist, as did Robert Biekie, fi 11hj ~ ~ supper. whilc Ralph Harper picked an ~ i b QLAI A number ai Christmias up anc assist. The loue goali rm a ,o s t A!liiiFfJ% isus2 ksc4o 9 carois werc sung alter whleh for the Biades came off the u ,. K E N X F IA TSS SIk so4 09 -Rev. Sniegrove read the scrin- stick ai Richard Stirling. p Kraft Parkay (Colour.d) Reg. Pries pkg no. -BAVE -46 a ture lesson and gave a nies- In the second gaie the E sage on the Wise Men and their Americans and the Baîbers 2 k gitq ta the Babe. tied anc ahi. The Aicricans LVM01"'lOIru eMMM oil 0mRGIN a pocm aon Chrstmas lu Flani- Hutton assisted by Tiin But- da. Alter a contest, Mrs. Ewart toushaw, whiie Gerard Mor- Stark, dlstributed the ex- the Blombera. CA ADA "RDE A" E ICE A change gits from Mrs. Stark's Pec Wce Action: beautiful tre In the first game on Mon-.f IM ~ V C P C F O E **>'~ Evcryonc enjaycd thep cei, day, Dec. lthi, +theOU G-HawDAks79 and' Bears played ta a 2 ah Ml5lD! D C AAD RD A ButtonCIub's tc. eby Steve gaSylvester K LF RESR VIl IbqyfYOUG. aud Paul Sarginson *hile EICRTD ON CrSMSP ry Brian Ferguson colccted two NOT FROZEN ALL WEIGHTS SAME LOW PRICE (nrutmasPart assista.' The Rangers goals The December 111h metn adShaiie Byron whilc Steve E I FM l iSURRGH BAD o utnCu a ed t -Jsu adLoa rdg UERIHBAN î the home af Mrs. Marie Gart- collected anc assist cach. rOKD-SMI3NLS aiI BtnClbwseda thlae ad pLeayenar idlgSUtatI. %k OOE SM.ONLS ahare with 12 members anhdgiepaydonSt.M JeDSANLS gt3olsitors present fr Dec. 101h, the Leafs dcfeated DFTESAKS Oshaw. BomanvlleCa- thc Bruina by a 3 ta 1 score. jàX nME 1j pmlm bourg, Baltire, Codrington, The Leafs goals werc scored ST IO RE 0 choevan Newbers y aulKHortplckcdtup anc specla dis lay carda wer Richard Hall with anc, while AL UKSSELS A MEO, NO. 1 GRADE O4ULCUTR flII fM l V I their beat work af thc year, so assist. The Bruins goal was ACHRIdSTî DcMS $TORE- N"' the choice varicd wlth beauti- scorcd by Dan Lcddy. V ~ IU L J M E vn '~l'iti~~,f ful ivary, china, pearh, blacke Atain Hockey: e «dy em r20h O nUti9p.m glass. picture, gay nmneti.cs, Iu the first cucounter the O A G SG A E original calar and .araundth Bisous defeatcd Uic Clippers Thursdityt December 21sf Open Until 9 p.m. worid buttons shown. Christ, by a 7 ta 4 count. The Bisons 54 mas carda wee" ealso goals wene scared by Glen A4 Friday, December 22nd - Opn Until 9 p.m. ing. showlng angels, stars, Martin wlth five, Jim Sar- oel.o Saturday, Decomber 23rd - Open UntIl 6 p.m evnDur Old Santa on Uic one, while Don Childs col. MondBy, Decomber 2Sth - CioW.dAl il Dy buttons. lected two assistg. The Clip- There was au exchange ai pers were led by Kevin Pur- Nono Pred Hich.r et A&PI Non. Prio.d Higher at A6PI Tussday, December 26th - Ciosed Ali Dy Chrstms gftbuttons so cach dy with two, Doug Eyman laywa apyta receive an- and Joe Bennett anc each, F otenicegbutton ta add ta whle Wayne Willia plcked up ber collection. anc asist. At the close af Uic meeting The second gaine the KiflAiL ftIRCES IN THIS AD GUARANTUE THMOUO SATUEDAY, DECEMER 23vd, 1967 refreshinenta wene served arnld defcatcd Uic Barons bya the hearty aidUie wlahes ai close 1 tao0 score. The Kins a98 a Mbrry Christmas and Buat goal was scorcd by Gary IWIah. for 9M New Year. Bruce wu*l Day. Sylvester- j