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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Dec 1967, p. 5

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Descendin~ the Fraser River Dou't forget te 'Plhons in W. L. Hooey, ail of Toronto; thé ames of yeux holiday Mr. and Mrn. N. B. Hooey and guut. ),13-30.Brenton, and Mr. IL. Bats, q, Un.. W. A. Edger, WeIing- tOwn, Were Christmas guests son and f.rnily, Mr. and and Cathryn. , 1. W. RX Edger, Debra and Christmas guests with Mr. dY, Peterborough. and Mns. Duane Beers and -and Mrn. Wm. Francis farnilY, Parkway Crescent, ~ fuinily of van Nuys, Calif. were Mrs. Beers' sister and aevilitiog Mrs. Francis' par- brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ente, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Dud- Tom Passalluins and Paula, ley, Orchardview Blvd. Toronto, and Mrs. Beers' par- Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. 05. ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flett, borne, Brown Street, were towrI. ~' Christmas Day guests of their Mr- and Mrs. John E. James nhwMr. and Mrs. Robert and daughter Susanne, Mont. Ealeo adfalY. Oshawa. nsal, Que.; Mr. Bob James, Uni- Mr. and Mns. Frank Mohun, vrlyo ot aoia Bill, Leslie and Scott, Meadow- Columbia, S.C.; Miss Sharon View Blvd., spent Christmas Haieo and Mr. David Chat- wlth Mn.. Mahun's parents fil, bath of Toronto, werc Mr. and Mn.. Wm. Hall, Shel' wlth Mr. and MrS. John M. burne. James for Christmas. Mr. .and Mns. Nich HnatIiI. Mr. and Mrs. M. Harrison, and aulTonoto, ere j3 rown Street, spent Christ- day isiOrs ith Mrsmas with Mrs. Harr.tson's Hnatluk's parents, Mr. and brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mns. Don Bbc, L.ierty s.adMns. Bob Glan'ville, Orono. Nonth. thernd dinner guests a h ~. Mn. and Mn.. R. Robson and daughter and son-in-Iaw, Mn.r ', ~ '>.......................... son Duncan, Oakvllle, were and Mn,. Tenry Shortt, Whit- - Christmas weekend guests by s ~ ~ with Mrs. Robson's parents, M n r Mr. and Mn,. W. W. Bagnell,an.W.BNihi oeggSre.adfamlly, Stouffville; Mn. N.Y "N Scugog Street. and Mn,. J. Hoar and familyV 1.~J Mn. and Mrs. Burns Mac- Oshawa, were with their par- ., ý Millan and Lori Anne, Lamb' enta Mn. and Mrs. W. H. iýt.4~5 ' Lane, were holiday weekend Nichais, Ki.ng St. East, at '~ ~ guests of Mns. MacMillan's par- Christmas. Mn.. F lao r e n c p enta, Mr. and Mrs. LarrY Turner oi Oshawa was alsoa , * Murphy, Tweed. Christmas guest with Mn. and. Mn. and Mrs. A. Marjenni- Mrs. Nichois. son, Flett Street, wére Christ-. nad r.HrodStne - mas Day dinner guests of their wene dinner guests on Decem- - ' t, son and daughter-in-îaw, Mn. ber l9th with Mr. and Mrs .~ and Mrs. Gerald Manjenrison, Ai!. Brown and after dinner . Peterborough. ail spent the evening with 4A Mr- and Mrm. J. Newman, their brother and wife, Mr. and . -.~ Siiêren Street, spent the Christ- Mns. Bill Lake, Newcastle. Mnr. m«a# holiday with thein daugh- and Mns. Skinner Were cele . ter and famlly, Mn. and Mn,. bnating their 44th wedding George Lawinger, Raymnond anniversary on that date. and Lesie, London. Ont. Christmas Day guests with ~ Mn. and Mn,. E. V. Hoar, Mn. and Mn,. Brian Pundy,, r:.. King St. East, were with their Concession St., were Mn. and son and daughter-in-iaw, Mn. Mn,. John Robinson, Mr. Chnis. and Mrs. Chas. V. Hoar, Robinson, Mn. and Mn,. G. E i.ý 4~~ Barbara and Tom, Wiliowdaie, Purdy, Mrs. A. Bathgate, Miss ever Christmas weekend. Susan urdY, Mn. and Mn s ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Morley Vanstone and David eundy and Kevin, ail Miss Barbara Vanstone, town, of Port Hope, and Mn. and..... and Miss Helen Vanstone, Mrs. Ramsay Camenon o!f iinFae ecnigteFae Rvri 88 fe i ihadSo Toronto, spent a few day, this Toronto.SioFrsrdsedn thFrsrRvrn18. frhsHglad ct week with the former's moth- New Yean's Greetings: It father died while serving the British Army in the Amenican Revolutionary War, er, Mrs. D. W. McCarmick, has been',my joy ln life, ta find young Vermont-born Fraser joined the North-West Conmpany and served as a Gait. at every' tunning o! the road clerk9 in various Canadian outposts. He becamne a partner in 1801. He set up Mr. and Mrs. Norman James the stnong anm of a comradetaigpssith ecRiedsrcexle wtofheoke ndsab and Ronnie, London, Ont., kind, ta hielp me onward withltradnF ot Sith aesPeaFerivraer distriteore.eto h ocisad tb spent Christmas weekend with my ioad. But, as I know, thatliedFnStJa sorFaernd otGog. their parents, Mr. and Mr.ail the goid In ail the world On May 28, 1808, Fraser launched an expedition froni Fort George immedi- Wmn. Allia, Seugog St., and Mn. cannot nepay, it willi always ately south of Prince George to explore the length of what he thought was the and Mrs. Stuart R. James, be my prayen; 'God make me Columbia River. He led two lieutenants, 19 voyageurs and two Indian guides in Centre Street.,,- -wothy of my friends'. Happy fu aos h at eundAgs fe opeigavr ifci Mn. and Mn,. E. J. Falrey . New Year! - Helen VanDusen.fu aosTh at erndAgt6aircmptn avydfiul 9g St. East; Mn. and Mni:. Mr. and Mn,. Gordon Yeo, journey of discoveny down the Fraser River ta the area of New Westminster, t'~'t-airyBobbi Ann and Mary, Maniene and Neil, Osha-: wbere hostile coastai Indians turned theni back and they re-traced their route Parkway Crescent, wene wa, Mn. and Mns. Deibent Yeo up the river. Fraser reported in bis journal "m-y great disappointment in not Ehrlstmas guests o! Mn. E. M. and Lamna, Oshawa; Mn. and seeing the main ocean, having gone so near it as to be almost within view. We plkigrçy and Mn. and Mrs. im 1Mn,. Ted Yeo and isbsds ise vey uhto berete.Teliueis4dees ]Raok. Newmarket. Whitby; Mrs. Lea Leddy, tawn; sie ihe eymuht bsretelongitude.Teltud s4dgrs Mn. and . Mns. L.eQn. Connors1Mr M neanly, while that of the entrance of the Columbia is 46 degrees 20'. This river and daughter ThTeenesa, Liberty Mn.r ndMn. Alan Beard, is therefore not the Columbia!" St. South, have neturned fnom Tuntn; Mr. Paul McCoie- Frasen's expedition was assisted by fniendly Indians througb the canyon sec- undlng Christmas weekend man, Toronto, were Christmas wtth Mn,. Cannons' osis Day guests o! Mn. and Mn,. tions of the river, -whene neaniy every mile brought danger and difficulty: wbiri- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Casey SmAams, Elgin Street. pools, rapids, rocks, and carrying-piaces sa rough that a new pair of moccasins and Brian, Montreai, Que. Mr. and Mns. Clarence Bom- was torn ta sbreds in one day of portaging. Mr. and Mr,. J. E. Car y, bard and son Clare, Kingston; Miss Lila Hoey, M an d r.M. and Mrs . akBon ____________________Tyrone, wene Sunday Christ- mas dinner guests with Mn. and Mrs. Al! Brown. Mr. and ntnuI n; ST.O NS Mrs. Bombard celebrated thel. Year-EndE..uc Sttà December 22nd and were din by The Honourable John Rgobants CHU ~ ~~~ner guests o! their brotherPrm MnserfOnao CH RcH and wife, Mn. and Mn,. Wm.Prm ist oOnao Anglican Lake, Newcastle, on Saturday Re.K .Fapo, evenIng. The year 1967 bas been a most suc- of Canada, and Was typical of the econ- Xe . FAm, B T . Christmas vstas wth Mr. cessful and ewarding one for the pe- omies of the United States and many @an.enty St. North, were their peoOntario. of the other indus tialized nations. 9:00 a.mch11dren, Mr. and Mn,. Doug Marked by the enjoyable and econ- A cnitical examination of the Ont- IlolyCommnion Hughes, Douglas, BrIan. Chnis, omny-spurring events of the Centennial aria ecanomy reveals that, wb:le we 11:00 aan. AngleMH.lifaxMn,.aBrettepeople of Ontario are enter- are enjoying increased prosperity, the FamlIy Service Hughes, Las Angeles, Calif.; ing the second century of Confedera- road bas become a little bumpier. As Miss Eileen Hughes, Onila; tion with confidence and vigour. For we enter 1968, the difficulty in antici- Preaeher: 1tev. David Billes Messrs. Brian and John the people of Ontario, two of the bigb- pating what lies ahead is much more 1130Pa.Hughes, bath o! Toronto, Mr. ihso 1967 were their participation pronounced than in other years because Watchnlgbt Service Scatty, Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. in EXPO 67, bath as visitons and of the number of unknown factors pre- George Carnlsh, Paul, Donna througb the extremnely successful Ont- venting us seeing clearly what is in W.d. anid Bat. Thàe EplphaBy and DManne, town. aria Pavilion, and the Confederation of store for us. For exampleouigsa 1000 arn. Tra ofrne edi aeciiclfco pnwihouwe bisa HoIy Co m m union h gh st ri ri y. H ousin g Decision Stili n areio continued the period of ec- could well be ourtmajor gnrtro onomic expansion which began in 1961. growth but il will be greatiy affected """~"""' PAeding n i The Gross Provincial 'Product- the- by- p-o -lce .t.du Christian Reformd Chu rc h Bcagot Street Miinustera RsL', . &VaaienBsrg, D.A,,B.D.. M.Tb. Worship Services 7:30 pa. SmW YEAR's DAY 10 an Hydro Pro jeci No final decision bas bee neached yet regarding Ontari Hydra's power plant plans fI *the neamiy 900 acres o! lan optioned at the !arming corr munity of Wesleyvllle, loal cd about seven miles westc Pont Hope. IOptians taken on the farn a! a half-dozen residents ln th, area nun out January 31, 196E George Cathencole, chair mnan Of the Hydno-Eiectri Commission Of Ontario, ln ai Interview, said no decisicr had been reached on the prop. erty yet. "The land ha, n<i yet bcen pnaved up," he added The testi wene being contlnued Mn. Gathercole Indicated the decision ta go ahead with the power plant at Fredericksburg w Iud have no bearung on the Wesleyviie plant. "We will need bath a! them."l TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organzst - Mn. -Arthur Collison, Mu..B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31.1, 1967 11:00 A.M "FROM VISION TO VOCATION" %ev. George KL Ward B-A., B.D. CHURClffSCHOOL &Xa-ML - Junior, Interfedlate and Senior IL-00 a.M. - Boiegln U:9 4-e-- Prlusary and Klsdertart.n d. -uced iýîn the- Province.- is expected ta The state o! the United States î reach $25 billion, an increase of eight economy wilî be particulanly important per cent. Our economic growth, when ta us. A continuation of the recent in- compared with that of the Canadian cneased buoyancy in the U.S. will mi- for average, was impressive. prove Canada's export potential for nd For example, the growth of the 1968, with direct implications for Ont- rn- Ontario economy, as:,de from price in- aria manufactumers. The devaluation of o!- creases, exceeded four per cent while the British pound may also have an the Canadian average bamely reached effect. ns tbree per cent. One important element tstighsw ancpteht he in tbe strength of the Ontario economy Ofstnghiw atcptett 8.was the direct-esult o! the expont o! the increasing number of young people r-i auomoile frm pant inOntriatamarrying and establishing bomes, along catemUnited r m antndentriothe witb a cantinued influx o! immigrants, 'n autamotive free trade agreement. wilmanaeaty isinosue P_ The labor forée of Ontanio expand- demnand, This should resuit in an n- 't dmr hnfu e etdnn creased tempo in znanufacturing pro- d. 1967, compared with just aven three duction and, at the sanie time, an in- .e per cent for ail o! Canada. This expan- crease in aur productivity. Froni this ce sion ensured an adequate suppiy of we anticipate higher profits and a g labour and prevented a repetition of the quickening of the economy. ei labour shortages o! the previaus two For 1968 we foresee a patential -years. increase in the Gross Provincial Product While the eeanomy o! Ontario of more than eight per cent. More than continued its strong forwand march, five per cent of this should coie about the rate of advance was reduced sligbt- thnough an expansion of production as ly froni the imîediately preceding opposed ta increases in prices - result- years. This refiected a mood of caution, ing in another year of praspemity for paraileied the performance o! t.he rest Ontario. C.CulsMAPLE GROVE CulsClub New Year Mn. and Mrs. Eari Spry and 1Mn. Don Brown, Miss Lyn Dance at Maple Grave Ini the famiiy spent Christmas week- I Bradley, Miss Orma Bleeks, CE.' Hall. end with her brother andj Tomanto, Mn. and Mn,. Arthur' Hope ta see a gond turnout wïfe. Mn. and Mn,. Bill An- Gibsan. Base Line, w1th Mn.1 next Sunday ta greet the strong and !amily at Col-. and Mns. W. H. Bmown ànd Barbenshap Chorus (Oshawa lingwood. Enroute thel, caul- Master David Brown Chapter) at the morning ser- cd t a se c hm parents M n. and M n. and M rs. R a Br oks: speciai muuic.1 is uâte in. ou the way home tors with bier paets, Mr. Mn. Johin Pritchard isChnisma8 Day. they called on an-d Mns. GardonRomn spending hi, Christ. oas hala sister at Richmond HiII. Little Bnitain. days with hi, pare~nts MrMn. nud Mn,. Barry Bleeks,j Mn. aud Mn,. H. G.Fr- and Mrs, Otis Iritchard*, Kapuskasing, Mn. Bob Brown, man were Christmnas dUnnsri xanotick. Misa Lindà Gray. Osbaws,1 guetU awltlithein dauglter. 0 ÇocaI £ersonal Phone 623-3303 ' soent Chnisimas with hi, compauied by hon sister sud sud family, Base Lino. llfo's way's! i I Prices Effective Until Saturday, December 3Oth EVEREADY85A BATTERIES GILLETTE S UPE R IDASAL For Pain TABLETS Relief LYSOL SPRAY M IC R IN jo.- i.%à vaiua rr ia MOUTHWASH 14 oz. - Sugg. list 1.10 7iR M Modes 2;orSELliER Modes 2forSuggl. Iist 1.09 Feminine Napkins89DRISTAN 12s - Sugg. list 53c89 RSA NEW DAWN Decongestant Tab HAIR COLOR 24's - Sugg. llst 1.19 Sugg. Iist 2.25 lo9 PHILIPSIOSTOCO &;Ic Dental Crea 5's - Sugg. Family Size Iist 75c I 1.19 Value for 1,0 59c Aiberto--V05 67e Hair Spray 07 C 7 oz. - Sugg. list 1.89 Muik of Magnesia 12 oz. - Sugg. Iist 82c ALEX McGREGOR ate ,M89c A7 AW W PHONUGE625 %Wm',l5 KING ST. W. PHN63- snd husband.. Mr. and mr. .stepother, n.Zk Laird, The Canadian Statesman, Eowmanvflh Dem kI X EL. Gilbanik and famly,l and thBos.d Alex ialso Mn. and Mrn. Rosa AlUin Laird. M BbadAe and fans. o f ewcaste M. and Mn. Arthur Mar- Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr.n. M arwtn dthen daugitnN N IS K IL L E j were Wth us linMa nihtinR.,entCrit ob n uawden O Mh.wand , . hu ba d nd fam ly M . udafterno n, Decern- and M n.. Fred r ewn and Joh Hu su , O ha s, po t M ,.K e lh Bickell, Sault Ste. ne 16th the tradition s! Christ- M ns. A . W right, M a ck ChrfIstmss with the former', Maie, mas Party for the Messengens Mr. sud Mrs. XR.Wý daughter and husband, Mr. was heid at Uic Stengen home. and girls, Tillsonburg si nt and Mrs. Otis Pritchard andlMn. sund Mr.. C. P. Swallow, Thr-hrecldnsu10h.eendwtR.Gin. two sons, Jahn u al n and Pauikl.dadlseuoe saispes Mn. and Mrs. E. r W o Mns. Bert ColwellMn. Ir- vst tMr. sud Mns.. Stan and Christmias canais. Speclal and girls, Mn. and Mr1Wflý win Calwell, Mr. and M, nhms Newcastle. an Sn stories were given by Mns. Griffin, Heather and le, Maor Ernie Faey, Miss Bnnie dy. Stnger and Gall Stainton. and Ms. R. Griffin hsd. Chrst- Polly, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mr. and Mns. Dick Wood A deliclous lunch was serv- mas Day dinner and \%UPpor Mn,. Psul McIntyre and dsu- and family spent Christmas ed sud ecd chlld necelved a wlth Mn. and Mns. J. Belle and ghter Brenda, Oshawa, witji Day with hi, parents, Mr. smsil .gft sud candy treat. fsmlly, Orono. M. and Mn. Ted Foley and and Mn. Wes Wood, sd bro- The Messengen Leaders, Ms. Mrs. . Tms ws Chlitm&as Mr. Don Foley. thon Mn. Raipli Wood, Orona. Aflan Werry snd Mn,. Richard Day guest a! Mn. sud gmrs Mn. and Mrs. Sam Van Mr. and M.rs. L. C. White, Rowan wish ta thank tie Wilbur Toms, Purpie Hili. Camp sud !amily, Mn,. Ethel Mn. Eiwin White, Mn. and children for thein lovely guIts Mr. and Mns. Ted W"~,y Snwden, Oshawa, Mrs. Roy Mn. Ted White and famly, and the parents forn hem c- sd famlly wee Sunday guests Van Camp were Christmas Mape Grve, Mn. sd Mrs. operation hrough the year. at M. and Mr. Vern Pe.. Day visitons with the latter', Arthur Burges sand famiîy, A very Happy New Yesr. goes, Broaklin. daughter, Mn. and Mn,. Neil Ebenezon, Miss Diana Roser, 251h Weddlnt Annlvea.sary Mn. sud Mn.F. W. Wery3,. Bmowueil and famiiy. Base Oshawa, Mr,. Rass Hallawell, . Surprise Party Mr. snd Mn.. Ted Wenry and Line. Mn.Jack Hallowell is Ou Mondsy oveulug, Dec.fsmily spent Christmas Day Mn,. Glad Luke and MissiDanlenjee McCullaugh.' BMow- l8th, it beiug a vory faggy, wlth Mn. sud Mns. BU! Werry, Linda Luke, Oshawa, werelmauville, sp en t Christmas naiuy night, Mn.and Mns. Esnl Orno. Christmas mornnng callera Day with Mn. and Mms. Moi Tnewîu were certaily taken Mn. J. R. Knox, Mr. and Mns. on Mns. Roy Van Camp. Edwards and !amiiy, Oshawa. by surprise wheu 25 relatives Johnbert, an, hrstallrnsda Mn. and Mrs. Archie James. Mr. snd Mn,. Lloyd Snow- and frieuds a! "The TomsRoetwrChsma Dy East Augus, Que., Mr. sud'don, Miss Betty Lau Suow- Clan" galhered at their home guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Willilam Mn,. Arliugton Ayem, M.dn n and Mrs. Wayne for a surprise party ou the Murphy, Tomants. Michael Ayer, Oshawa, wilh Pickandand daughter Augela, ove o! their 251h Auulvensamy. the former s sou and wiîo, Mr. sd M Gary Pettit and Mr. Harvey Graham was chair.-IL Mm. and Mns. Arthur James auhtèrrs M. and Mrs. Bort man and asked Mn,. Harold S TÂRKVIL aud famiiy. SnowdenMand famiiy, MaPle McLaughîîn ta nead au address Mn,. Charles Gmeeuhamn Grave, M ansd Mn,. Wm. she had composed In verse sud If I cauld write a story Miss Carole Groenham, Mn. Lewis sud !amiiy, Bowman- Mn,. Gonald Kelly pmesented I'd feel causlnained ta say Bo rdil ornto, wee ville, Rev. sud M n. Stan the couple with a pair o! tri- «It is the littho thiugs that SChrismas' Day viios with Snowden sud family, Shaw- hight table iamps which match came the former', daughtem sud ville, Que., gathered at the the end tables they had ne- That make ar disannay a husband, Mn. sud Mn,. Jim home a! Mn. sud Mn,. Wes ceivcd the week before fnam day.' 'Martin aud famiîy. Dowu sud family, Ebenezen. Iheir Immediate familles. Somelimes l seems tahappen. Mn. sud Mn,. Mickey Dow- Mn. sud Mns. C. P. Swallow The couple expressed their That thiugs we plan ta tny sou, Psul sud Nancy, Wind- cailed on hem sister sud hus- appreciation for the gifla ne- Gel ail mixed up before us, son, Miss Judy Cooney, Tan- baud, Mn. sud Mn,. Frnk ceived. The rost o! the even- And beset us as thoy go onto, wore Christmas Day Cruickshank. Ajax; hsd sup- ing was spent ln piaying cards swry. .4 visitons with thein parents, per with anothen sisten sudlsud nemlniscing, the diffeence Thon cames some kunduess, Mr .ad Mn,. H. Cooney, sis- husband, Mn. sud Mn,. Meilu the weathen 25 years aga, Just like s boIt frai eut ns suad brother. Deusem, Scarborough, Sun- deep suow sud 25 below zeo the blue, Mn. sud Mn,. Bob Johnson day oveuing, sud called ou at mid-day, sud this yean theAnitisauriin e and faniily, Countice, Mm,. M. Russell Penkins sud dsu- guosts lbu home lu heavy fog Th good a kundly word TdHoar, Misses Diana ansd ghton Miss Margaret Penkins. sud a Ihunden stonm. coau do. Leen Hoan, Newcastle, wiîh Mr. sud Mns. Len Good- A bpautiful lunch wasseson-Anilfenmksas a. thein parents, Mr. sud Mn,. murphy sud daughtens, Mr. cd Including au auuivensaryAn toe mksnew - iLes. Colîscu tt. sud Mns. Manford Goodmur- cake made sud decorated by Hwtefarce emltted by Mn. sud Mns. Fred Wright phy sud family, Mn. sud Mrs. Mn,. Sandy Moore. Hwh and family, Miss Judy Carr, Bob Gaodmurphy, Oshawa, Mn. Stanley Taylor, Burke- a wave Miss Ruth Flintoff wene Mn. sud Mn,. A. Goodmurpiîy ton; Mn. sud Mn,. Lloyd Sîci- Can send ils course a! action Christmas Day guests withî spout Monday with the lat- ou, Susan sud Fmeddy, Hay- A fan-off shondllue ta keen- Mn. sud Mm,. Mol Shiels sud tom's daugiten sud husbaud, don; Mn. sud Mn,. Esni Trewln, ly bathe. family, Oshawa. Mr. sd Mrs. Charles Han- Doeen sd Donald, Rev. Mary Thus il seems the power o! Mm,. Charles Greouhain cock sud family, Oakville, A. Dougherîy, Enulskillen, kinduess spent a couple of day, last also s sisten o! the former. weme Suuday eveuing dinner GilYes strougîli Just Mek.a week with hem cousin. Mn,. Mn. sud Mn,. Howard Hage- guesîs o! Mrs. F. Toms. ray. J. R. Macdonald Wesîton. damn sud family, Plattsylle, Mr. sud Mrs. Eani Trewln, To glow in brlghtuess as il Mn. aud Mm,. 'J. R. West- Mm. Sam Snowdeu sud lwo Doneen sud Donald were passes away, Mn. sud Mrs. Bort boys, Oshawa, Mn. David Christmas Day guests of M r. Frai anc toa auchen on 11* Douglas sud famiiy, ail of Suawdeu, Townwt their wy Camenon, n.suÜrs, Eric mother, Mm,. DorothiyhSow- husband, Mn. sud Mn,. Reg. We road lu Eccleslasles Freebo ansd !amlly,'Lind- don au Christmas Day. Taylor, visited their parents, "Cast thy bresd upon the say, Mn. sud Mn,. 'Murray Soyons! othen Christmas Mr .and Mm,. E. H. Wilkius, waters, McKinnou, Cambnay, wiîh gatherngs wene held in the Part Hope. For thau shahl find l silex' Mr. sud Mm,. C. Russelsud cammuuiîy sud some went Mm. sud Mrs. Mel Shiels mauy day,." family. oui of the commuuty to thein sd family spet Bxig Day Would ual this New Yo.r Mn. sud Mm,. Wm. Laird vanlous relatives. with hem sisten sud husband. be mucli botter sud famlly of Komoka, ont., Mm,. Allan Suowdeu, sc- Mm. sud Mm,. Fred Wright By casting pesce throughout 1 ÀM a a 1 Prices Effective Until Saturday, December 30th 2 fo, A n c PRESCRIPTIONS 1. A REMEDIES

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