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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jan 1968, p. 9

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- -- .--. -- -..-~--- t Best: 17nit Leaders, Mirs.A Wade, Mrs. M. Jones, Mrs. J» Injuries Plague Intermediates Redmen Win ait Cannington Marte___MisB._____a Mrs. T. Henderson, Mrs. H. id el L se aI Co oug . eiridesn Mr_._G.Newcastle Loses Two Ïdget Los at C bourStaplrtLn gave a brief resumeý of ti;e work accomplished1 through the past year. which rantams in Markh am Final one. incuding our c~enten-:udrad n it _________________________the new wash-' Bowmanville St. Mary's sa w the St. Mary's Cernent rooms, duly installed and; The Newcastle Intermediates Stevenson and Robby Robin- BU K T NCernent Redmen walloped crew leading 2-0 at the endad for. etc. Apprecitionýlost both games played In the son. Ltl Britain scorers ~Itnde fo lat wek) game to capture the juvenile the second and wrap It up, ship was expressed by rT ey egeti atwe.Gifn PI nd rs OralGrerchampionship in a Christmas with seven unanswered third' C. Burley, who also mention- They lost 7 to 6 to Little Br- The second period found the Oland wt Mrs. W. r a n re tournament. played at Can-1 period talles. led the splendid job done by tain and 6 to 3 to Sunderland. home team completely out- Osaa lhMrs. F. ar'n. r. e1 nington. Oyler bagged his fourth and the Social committee under' Tuesday nlght at the New- played by the rugged visitors, lng and girls, Oshawa, vlsitedi In the opening game, th, fifth goals to lead Bowman- the convenorship of Miss B. castie Arena, the Newcastle and only great goaltending by Mrs. T. Balley. Redmen blanked Peterbor_1 ville goal-scorers, while De- Milligan. Ail showed theirý Intermediates played host to Vince Vanstone enabled New- Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodgson,!ough City 4-0, with Davlivitt also hit for a pair along approval by a hearty burst of lleague-leadlng Little Britain. castie to finish the period tied Ajax; Mr. Otto Marston, Bow: 1 Wright picking up the shut-1 wîth Hircock. applause, and another one fori The visitors skRted off with a 5 to 5. Tom Hallett scorec nianville. with Mrs. R. Davey. out. After a scoreless first, Peters scored once and as- Mrs. Burley for her success-i 7 to 6 win before the largest both goals for Little Britain. -Mr. and Mrs. C. Cooper», period, John Oyler opened the! sisted on two, singles going fui book on the history ofýcrowd of the season. Newcastle played much bet- Orono, called on Mrs. W. scorlng on a pass from Gregg ta Rafuse and Rick Woolner. this corner of the township,1 Little Britain struck early ter in the, third period, anc Bryan. ýCorden, and Larry Devitt set "Smokey" Hayes registered for which, incidentaliy, sheiwith two goals before three again t.ook the lead. on a goal j Ms.R. Davey spent Tues- iup John Hamilton in thetesuot a eevda wr hc minutes had expired. New- by Paul Wakely. This lead was day with Mr. and Mrs. owrdsecond. Goals by Grove Bennetis to be duly mounted and;ý castle, although outplayed, short-l.ived as Drlnkwater anc Daey Bwmnvll. Bomovwaetarde tic1 nd Doug Parker enabled framed. captalized on their few chanc- McCabe scored for the visitors Sorry to report Mr. B. Hub- more in the final as Brian~ Bowmanville McGregor's I.D. Programs for the World'sI esaànd led 5 to 3 at the end of who had littie dlfficulty hold. bard of Bowmanvllle (form- Peters assisted on goals by 1 A. to nip Cobourg 2-1 in the Day of Prayer are to beý order- 1 the first period on goals by lng the locals off for the. resi eriy. o! Burketon) still In Me- Dave Rafuse and Oyler'sî midget tourney at Cohourg9. ed. The "Travel Basket", was, Pete McCullough with two and of the game. inonlal Hospital, Bowmanville. second. In the second game the I.D.A. neceived and duly emptied,î singles to Paul Wakely, Mel Little Britain who were lasi The community ail wish hlm p In a hard-fought second crew were eliminated, when total amount to be deposîtedi a speedy recovery.i they bowed to Napanee 3-0. in the special account, c/o Thi Cnlsma tee ares game Oshawa and Bowman- At Markham, Bowmanville Mrs. F. Gilmer. Mizpah bene-ý Thovinhris is trict or vs ille battled through two, Bantams held the opposition diction closed this part of the~ another year. soeespiosbfoe aeoff the score-sheet, defeating meeting, after which ail re-J A gftof sbscipiontoMoshier clicked to send the Whitby 2-O and Port Hope l paired to the gaily decorated Th aaa tatsaime of j co sfomJeHr I h ilecah jax, Mrs. H. Wade called out the very acceptable any meocok and then Qyler and Hir- downed the locals, but our! numbers on the gifts unrîer the year, especially duning the cock combined to set Dave wandening reporter, who was' the prettily decorated Christ-! New Year and Holiday Season. Rafuse up for the winning: covening ahl three tourna- ] mas tree, while Mrs. C. Brown Mn. and Mrs. D. Gatchell marker.mns inthv iet.atda atdlvnn h Oshawa, with Mn. and Mrs. A'mns inthv ietiatdsSnaelergte C. Stephensorn over the week- The championship battiel watt for the final score, corresponding gifts. On be- ednd. el r rnig haf of the society, Rev. T. J W e d d i n b e i lnar erin g i n h i Ep r e s e n t e d w t Apresentation was held I n N ET O NIL an electric fnying pan, to as- Dur hurc forMr. nd Ms. sist him in hlis culinary ef- William Quinn of Lindsay (nee Recent supper guests wîth Douglas and Diane, of Ed-Ifonts. as well as a parcel of Alice Taylor) who wene mar- Mr. and Mrs. Don Vinkie in- monton, left for home Sun- 1 towels. ried In the chunch :in July.lcluded Mn. and Mrs. Bill day, after having spent thef Mn. A. E. Ribey acted as mast- Clark, Miss Bonnie Gîlmer, holidays here wîth relatives. 1 rn of ceremonies. The even- Mn Pat MacDonald, Miss The annual New Year's TY ION Ing opened with the singing of Jane Ann Jackson, Mn. Bill tunkey dinnenrty wa held Christmas carols, a reading by Gilmer, ail of Lindsay. Last in the Community Hall, Sun- iMn. and Mns. Percy Goiff Mrs. Wolf, piano solo by Miss~ Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Keith day evening, with approxi- and boys spent the holidlay, June Taylor, songs by Miss Bunley and famîly of CO- mately forty-six couples at- weekend with Mn. and Mrs. i Sharon Archer, duet by Mis's;bourg were callers with the, tending. Dancing was enjoy-,Robent Goff, Gananoque. Bernice Grace and Mrs. J. A. Vinkles and Mrs. C. Burley.edaermnih. ndfr- evadMs.DNohy, Turbuireadings by Mrs. Christ mas Day visitons with once ta Mn. and Mrs. Harold;Miss BarbanaBlmr wene Leslie Argue and Rev. M. A.,Mn. and Mrs. J. Martell and Bunley of Cobourg, whose Christmas Sudy upr Dogery sl b is er-sons were, Mn. A. Burden of' 251h Wedding Annvrayget of Mn. and Mrs. James' Ice Grace. Mn. Ribey asked Scarborough, Mn. and Mrs.i occuns on Jan. 2nte"n-W Iyan aiy Miss Mary Bnadburn and Mr. Rob Willshen and Steven,f nivensary Walbz", was pîay- Wolyan aiy Allan Argue to escort the 0shaw.Ieadabxo ad ie Little Diane Woodley had! bride and groom ta two chairs i ber appendix removed duringi at the front of the church';Mns. C. Walkey was a din- to the Burys. the Christmas holidays in> wher he ead an ad res e guest, Christmas Day,ý Master Dougie Burley staY- Memorial Hospital, Bowman-, Mrs. Harold Larmen mae th with Mrs. Vena Anderson, ed overnight with his grand- ville. presentation from the cOm- Morrish. imother, Mrs. C. Burley, Sat- Cp.adMsG.HHo- inunity. Bath Mn. and Mrs. With Mn. and Mrs. Stanley' unday. Ikinson, Picton; Mn. Peter Quinn neplied fittingly, thank-; Rowe, Christmas visitons in- Mn. and Mrs. Ken Staple- Hodgkinsont, Cooksville, calîrd' lng the community for the cluded Mn. and Mns. Fred ton. Messrs. Bob and Frankion thein sisten and husband, SA LE IN T< gifts. Thon ail assembled in Rowe and family, Pont Hope, Stapheton, ail of Toronto,iMn. and Mrs. James Woodley' I the chunch hall where lunch Mn. and Mrs. Doug. Rowe and spent the weekend with Mn. Mr. and Mns. Robent Thies-1 was served which brought a family, Newcastle, Mn. andi and Mrs. Hughi Staploton. burgen, Mn. and Mns. A. Cap- 'U ( A ' D U I ~ f delightful evening to a close. Mrs. Ed. Rowe, Mn. and Mns. Othen guests on New Yea's: peîî and Douglas, Miss Marg- ' U ÀC A t P E N S E - Neil O'Connell and family off Day included Mn. and Mrs. aret Thiesburgen, Toronto, 1 Cobourg. Tracey Embly and family1were holiday gMn andof ir. and Mn. and Mns. Wilfred Par-f Fornesten and family, Orono. Mn.l and Mrs. Walter Rahm, den spet te Cnismas With Mn. and Mns. J. Man-l'ber brothons, Melville Gniffin'1 S K ImO O O weekend with relatives inl bell and boys at New Year's'and Mri. and Mrs. J. E. Gniffin,i Detroit. I~~ were Mn. and Mns. W. Henry Laura and Robent, Miss Hilarv' H R lW lO A E I A ~Visitons with Mn. and Mns. and Sandra and Mr. A. Bur->Ansil, Toronto, and Mn. and w w LU Harny Wade iast wemk wenm den of Scarbonough, Mr. and Mns. Clem Rahm and familyl G' ntrlHARDWOOD Thee EtfLhygLINe LA N DU Mn. and Mrs. George Kimball Mrs. H. Scott, Mn. and Mns. spent Sunday witb Mn. and Geflutfn~e, ana da wood pelse ave ulyaide and Ja fNwate i-BbW lhrand Steven, ailMs,,xPne n aiy rteîvlsru iihlk iefriue nen guests, and Mn. Doug. of Osbawa. s.Anry C rge ai atrlemadoa lw ael aeade 140 acres rolling hui Wade, hm from Waterloo Mn. and Mrs. Don Vinkîr Fiayeein hnewr1 Luthenan University, who wrnr visitons with Mn. a d tal es fPonessivherEucre, wonderful vahue. IG W Y 15 spent era days wýibh bisl Ms.saClarence Gime of in play. Pnizes were as IU -fIH W A 1 1 au tha d Hel< fo -r SMILE Mn. George Pebbick of Ton- Mn. and Ms 'a' os Mrs. CecilWood Mrs YOUR C O C If rIVKI onto wa in the illageand family werr Nrw Year's Auch, Jim Coombes, Mns. U\~Nb~ u 0F KI RBY Tuesday, caling on relatives Day dinner gusts witb M. Alice'Hodgson, Ms. Irene Cox, L an~fneRds.J ~ M and Mrs. C. R. Farrow and Mrs. Eva Byam.50-50 O 0W RIC SIvy Mihan of Toronto were Wibb Mn. and Mns. Lloyd son. onb r.Alc og luncheon guests, Thunsday, Clysdale were Mn. Willis Fan-f A Very Happy New Year 4I1 wiîh Mns. Jim Adams. now, Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tomp- to o ___e __and____ l HL mut Mark werm home fnom Mrs. Phil Gilmer and family. I4x8Pnl Toronto over the holidays. The deatb occurned at Me-; jV rove Ren ais Saes n. ndMrs McallIr-monalHospital, during Ihel WESLEY VILLE ewlfl worm dinner guests Sat- weekend, of Mn. Launie Colef f 8 Ready to pl Service urday evening witb Mn. and a former nsident o! this dis- (Intended for last week) Any Quantity fMrs. F. Gilmer. bnict, who bas bren in bospi- Christmas 1967 was welli pMn. and Mrs. Arnold Wade tai for the pasb two yeans. celebrated in this communityl i and Grant wene Sunday visi- Funenal will be beld on Tues- flnst on Sunday al cburch son-' $68 Slki»Doo tors witb Mn. and Mns. G. day at the Nonîhcutt ElliolI vice with a good congregation HIendenson, Port Hope. Funeral Home, Bowmanviîîe. and a good Christmas message $6 9 PMn. P. J. Rowe of Janet- Mn. Grant Wade ils in Ton- and music. Cbeery poinsettiasi $6 9 t5 ~~~~Ville was a necent caller bore onto fon a couple weeks tak-ýaeasoofbilntrd wih relatives. ing a special course ind o bihta pot of bn il re inse d ÀhrdK Th rm fml e eto ih hs banking Several wene absent fnorn Prefise 14 h Year's dinner party was held carmer. I1udySholicuin b .rnofivrovdred StnanitinteddChsmaF visitos witb M. Howad Payne family wboEclen ekcoora FOR RESEVATIONS Fellows' Hall. Onono. Those and Mns. George Sîapletoniwere witb friends in Trento.EcletTa oora îtending fnom bore includedj eeM.an r.Hry wnFrmadcag f 98-544Mn rs Jm a we M. ndMrs. Lui îpeî mrycassadLnaand 1 4 V1 - anFtnOnRBv lRAa. Sao Tordketagt h singing 11Joy to the Wold". loo Univesit; Sharon Thorn-ý a.j.,s platMinutes f lasI meeting dyke fromn Peterboro Teach- N W AL ,oga n iadOjetibe rnentS ar 9,16 were reaci andi approveci, theers' College; Mn. andi Mns. W.! NEW WAL SteiinTrsttrmasuror's report given, andBaronwchouh and baby Con 'nts manotes o! thanks fromn thoseý stance from Peerboough; Mn. tPaiuntc to a n fommbte. Tesaîerbavean Dnieifrm Sarbroub;.On youi basemnent ie h lvn ,O cai1n emembeneti by the Sunsbîne andi Mrs. E. Karvonen, Melody iWaîîs. a colour 1x 6 .. 6 i.r re67t t lri .,ean ue Y romombenmd eleven ,hutins Noha Hohdaway f nom Toonito;',ee1tonx689 a.ai.11/c Lin. Ft. retir arnetn me tthe dtaat this season. Mrs. J. Man-jM.Rbr ihltmo- EBA eatatthestell's name was acided t h r. Rsaoe t Cham p B BEDBARDS1 x 18...27 /c Lin. Ft. j~îout the coupon* FannoFod ta tteSn omte fMns.. R. e now and bis wife from tbein, orhmathful iX1 7 i t andi Mns. R. BesI, b ock af- borne In Cohd Lake, Aibenta,1 relaxing sirop. 1 x 12 .. 32c Lin. Ft. S T S ~~a m er ial gift to tIbmchur hjEdgar N ich ls; G loria N ichols , 36" and 391, beds h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The U.C.W. Annual meeting Bonnie and Pearl Austin fromn oniy 3.19. 0,pN "Toronto wilh be hd in Bowmanville's Toronto, and Paul Austin fromi 3 S evn Barie Trinity Church on Feb. l4tb.lLondon. C 1 L I T ROý s f t e S u y B o s o . E i h l n r . A A E A N ur la ts of eteSudy we makel Word w i eceived hy Mns.. AE AN In 81 & 16' Lengths hand. nathen than buy mare. Nichoîs of the deaîb lasI week i & good interior pon 1 x 12- 8' .....2.64 r 'Two of the membens agnrd in Yonkîon, Saskatchewan, of'o owpi fhe Sterling Trusts Corporation to take pictunes o! the cburch their bnother-in-iaw, Gnandy 4u o r. 1 x 12 - 16"'...5.28 372 Bay*SIneToronton cotoreo 372 Day St..tToronton Ontaria.film, next Nichols. , NAE...................................u nd Gwen Fond attendeti the "'. Warp Resistant NAE ........ ............... ......... ......The new. slate of officers'Modway Christmas ha hi at Particie fBoard for the coming year, with thef Western Univesity in London P ti ADORESS .......... ...................................exception o! IsI Vice Presi- ls week.brercetyfo dent waspresentoti by Mrs.1 Mn. andi Mrs. Ken Ashhy1 SNominablng commibtee. andi a holiday In Flonida. Mrs. cîrv..........................PV .. .. . duly installed by Rev. T. Gladys Brooking of Port Hope Snelgrove, as follows: Presi- kept bouse for themr in the.in A I inomto n eieetSvi ln etar, Mrs. R.CBsesb; Asieastanefos. hhy orejhoeicenU M Plese en meinormtin a Rtirmet Svig la. *dtar, Mrs. J. eC;asswîseceasnc eo . byoe o in Mns. J. Eliott; Treasurer, with hen mothr, Mrs. C. L U qR Mrs. D. Vinkle: Press Sec'tv.,Dlekinon. who had won the 96 King St. But pheD 623-3 Member: Canada Depogit Insurance Corporation Mrs. F. Gîlmer; Pianist, Mrs:jminîc stohe given away hy Pont mamomumýF. Gilmer; Assistant, Mrs. R. Hope xnerchants. Games to e Britain -i year's Int. "C" flnaists, are sjthe sbrongest team ta visit, li here this year. Newcastle wlh bave ta be at full strength le noxt Tuesday wben thoy again L- ontentain tbe tough nonthemn Scnmw. ýy Saturday night ln New- r- castle Ibm Sunderlandi Harv- id esters bandmd the hocals their Id thinti straigbt defeat by the .score a! 6 to 3. b- Newcastle. playing without dtbnee o! their top penformens Idue ta Injuries. managed la tstay close until hate in tbe d third when the Harvestens -pulîrd away with two goals [fnom the stick o! Tommy Lee. iRan Josephson with two, Paul Wakelin andi Don Brooks with ;t nc completed tbe Sunden- land scoring. Dave Rogerson Toronto; MÉ. and Mro. Ketth ~ w1th two and Paul WakeY Goble and Brian. 3Mr. m ~ with one were the Newcastle John Baker and PRan4y t, W _*êý Newcastle played this gamne Bakers, without Don Mercer and Robby Robinson who were ln. Mr..and Mn,. W. Vaneylc jured ln the Little Bitain spent New Year's Eve wth~ game. The oss of these two, Mr. and Mrs. A. MiUmgoe.' along with Gusty West has Club 50 ladies meet ýTuço- deaht a severe hlow to New- day evening, Jan. Oth at the. casthe's chances. lb is to he home o! Mrs. A. Milison. hoped that these players wtlh be able tô return to action ln Ms. Fletcher and Mr. Jack bhc very nean future. Johnson, Oshawa, spent New Year's wibh Mn. and Mmi. Newcastle have two games Bort Johnson. on the roati this week, Port Peny on Tuesday night and Mr. andi Mrs. Sidney Cot. Uxbridge. Thusday. Their nsh andi famly were New next home game is with Little Year's Day guests o! Mr&.j Bitain on Tues., Jan. 9th. George Armoun andi Miss Ber-.. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _th a A rm o u r, H a m p t ah . Mr. and Mns. Fred Brooks - LONG SAULT andi Chis, Oshawa; M. and,. Mrs. Ron Rowe and family, Mr.an Mr. . Bke. AnBowmanviie; Miss Lina Mn.ant Ms. . Bke. AnJohnston, Leskard, and Mn. Ganry and Ruth spent Thurs- and Mrs. G. Kayacs and girls day visiting relatives at Aider- wr New Year's Dyget shotand aterown.o! Mr. andi Mrs. Harold Mur- Mn. andi Mns. Bruce Baker,lphy. D THE NEW YEAR AND SAVE !- PREFINISHED PANELS 0-F mAHGN Pacifie mahogany, PlYwood Panels, prefinlshed, random V-grooved, ready to apphy "Paccific "Waârm "Cherry Corsal" TasedJNYmg Sanded satin samooth finish.d a auîfîî tnthd he d N cru l ame c and p aiz l. e l tnt au inted Ca Warin, natural fThqe Chrr, tinishedou cf coal tast.r, h mahoqa(ny 4010, 449 y 4 xp 40 'x 7 44 x 7' '___ - -------'.--.. ...., 4'x 7'.... . 4 41 x 7' 41 7 v solectiou of finis hes cnd 6tyloa. Ailc aoout - Ilnover Plonnod Kitchans ut 8.aver. RANGE HOODS Mami-Carey quaiity hooda. 24" or 30" widths. CBA approved. (~)msrongAs low as 27.88. FLOORTILE STAINLESS lnq zize 12" X 12"_____S__TEEL vInyl omýbestos *m bossedH,___n_ SINKS whit* or DsrI FAUCETS Souci 5 cartons or mole, per tue ouiy. 1 single Eowl soif 1lrmiug 2 5giaql e owJ L.6gback l REC ROOM DoUble Bowl. Ledqeback - 44-88 CARPETING HANOVER KITCHEN 1)»P ]Pli*e100% PolTpropoleu. SINK CABINET Weu't Bot, MlId.w or Fada A warm. quiet rec room floor wlti the0 CUPBOARDS look and fuel of deep broadloom. AU wldths avalUable Easy ta cieoan, leng w.aruq lu 0' and 54" mini cabinet, 12' wldiths. 7.5 sq. id. arborlte ,itil, baumee a:r matchluq 5 buta. ad 1199 . 1 1 ,9 1ER - STREatRS S T O0 R E S Monda Thursday* 8:00 aLUL- 5:.30 pas. .3us ewmm le Oen FidayTill9:00pjii. seSat. ltn'n \ -j "4 The Canadian Statesrmo, BowmanvMe, Zan. 3, 1068

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