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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 10

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................. t. ..........................................-.2~L4~~4 ~7 10 Thé CuAadian tateamn, ownianvtle, Oct. 8, 1989 Cabinet Min ister Warned Peo pie Being For gotten By Ontario Government Mncalofficiais from f ve appeal to you te give them the reduction o! expendIture countais fred questions on tax every cansideration," he con- program which started a year reforms, assessment, regional cluded. ago but pointed out that there govcrnment and area planning Mr. Worsley was the anly was only one place for the to two cabinet ministers at a speaker of the day who drew governments te get the money "Queen's Park to the people" applause from lits fellow muni- from and that was '"Out of your Meeting ln Cobourg recently. cipal officiais. pockets;" it came from no- Only one ian made an emnot- Mr. McKeough pointed out wliere else. tonal speech about the plight that ail the government reform The taxpayers were being bit of people ln rural areas who programs werc bcing establish- from three levais, the federal, were belng destroycd by high cd for the benefit of people, provincial and municipal. They taxes. where they lived was nlot that ail had their bands ln the tex- He was W. S. Worsley, Fen- importent. The important thing payers pockets. This was what clan Township, who told was ta arrive at a solution the taxation reform was ail D'Arcy McKeough, Minister of which would keep a balance about, to find weys and nicans Municipal Affairsaend Chiarles between the people of the dif- of finding an equateble solu- McNaughton. Provincial Trees- ferent areas. tion. Urer, thet their government Mr. McNaughtan revealcd '<Something lied ta be donc," was forgettlng about people, that lic was from a smaîl town the provincial treesurer sald, partlcularly people in the and he too was concerncd qbout I"things are getting out of 'blighted rural arcas." AUl the the rural people. He spoke cf 1 hand."' thauglit and advantagcs were given to the uxben arees.E A ~ kI U U He sald he represented thc N EWTON.E'VILLE rural people of Ontario and had been ln municipal affaira Wednesdey's bus load of 47 week wlth Mrs. W. MillIgen for neerly 40 years. "Every ldeudrteasie 1adBrie government should be concern- ldeudrteasie ~adBrie cd with peaple. The Ontario Newtonville Women's masti- Miss Heather Dwyer was Gavernment ta forgctting the tute vislted the Taronto City able ta leave Memorial Hos- rural people; the people wha Hall, the Chiristie Plant and pital failowing ber recent made this country." Yorkdaic Shopping Centre. aperatian, at thc end cf the Mr. Worsley sald everyone Local ladies includcd ln the weck, and la staylng a few was spending mancey mare and tour werc Mesdames A. Wade, days with Mr. and Mrs. Boyd marc frecly and wlthout T. Henderson, M. Samis, C, Harris and family. thought. "The scandalous Brown, J. Martel., R. Farrow, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Walkcy squandering of money by the H. Trlm, W. Milligan, F. returned Friday nlght. from Doino Gvrnen akaHenderson, R. Trim, W. spendlng the past week ln younno provia gntmen ak Boughcn, O. Gardiner, S. Edmonton, attcnding thea yoao v ical td ee.lo Lancaster, G. Stapleton. F. Good Roads Convention, and g e dr ew acmarsn e Gilmer and Miss B. Milligan. vlstting friends, tween thc incarne cf the aver- Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Jones Miss Judy Grant and Barry' age family in a rural area leit Tliursday on a trip te Lane. Toronto, spent thc week- which he aaid avereged $11 Northern Ontario, visiting Mr. end with Mr. and Mrs. C. H. a manth, with salaries in the and Mrs. Harry Lane at Owen Lane. $20,000 and $30.000 a yeer Saund for a few days. Mrs. Roy McKay cf Brante: bracket of the regional achoal Miss Inez Symons and Mrs. spent Sunday wlth Mr. and board admInIstratars. W. C. Robb werc dinner guests, Mrs. Clinton Brown. "People in our comniunities Friday evening, with Mr. and Taking advantage cf the *ould neyer ern that emount Mrs. F. Gilmer. lovely autumn weather, sev- c! money in their whole lives. Mrs. Wni. Taylor of Lind- erel couples spent the week- 1 represent these people and I say was a visiter here lest end at their cottages, namely: an r.T etpin ATTENTION FARMERS WHY PAY MORE? SAVE ON_ Premium Quallty " GASOLINE " DIESEL " MOTOR OIL Fam tanks and pumaps 2 available. CALI COLLECT 668-3341 D I ]FOR DIMETE DELIVERY I. *jMr. and Mrs. T. Hendersan, wti Mr. and Mns. Raymond Tnim et Kushag Lake; Mr. and Mns. Ray Tompkins and fem- ily et Daîrymple, Mn. and Mrs. Phul Gilmer and family et Cicmang. Mn. and Mns. Melville Samis wcre amang these ettending the Square Dancers' Autumn Frolic, held et Part Hope Higi School, Satunday aven- Ing. Rev. T. J. Snclgnove left Toronto Airport fan St. Johin's. Newfoundland,, ta at- tend thc funenal o!is fatien, cf wliose sudden passlng ha ne- ceived notice, enrly thet nlon- Iing. Sunday morning churcli service was In charge cf Rev. R. C. White of Oshawa, weil- known In thus enea, wliere ha was nesident minister for 10 yeara. Mis topic wes I"Tiey 1 Knew Jesus" refcrrlng te tic blirea Marys, so well knawn in Bible hlstory. The chain's affering was tic aid familier "Velley cf Peece". Mr. and Mrs. Art Bonnctt and femuly cf Port Credit wene weekend guests o! Mrs. W. C. Robli. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. Lana àwene dinner guesta, Sunday, wlth Mn. and Mrs. Laurence Saveny, Oshawa. IMn. and Mrs. George Hend- erson of Pont Hope wene sup- per guests, Sunday, with Mn. and Mns. Fred Henderson and à famiy.1 Mrs. C. Walkey eccompanled Mms. Carias Smith, Roy and Evelyn, alang witi Mrs. i Bessia Walkey o! Bowmanville,1 when they took a drive out ta Myrtle Station, and tic home of Mn. end Mrs. Archie Par- inden, Sunday aiternoon. Mns. Neil O'Connell, Brande and Lynne cf Cobourg were Sunday callera, e waek ega, wlth Mr. and Mns. S. A. Rowe, tic occasion being tic ionm- er's blrthday. Mns. Agnes Buriey, aur local historien, aisa hed a binthday lest Wedncsday which wes duiy observed by members o! ber fan'iliy and friands. c Mn. and Mrs. M. Semis en- t ioyed a drive out ta Algonquin b Park, Sunday, wlth friands. Mns. Clintan Brown enter- cd Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, Mondey aftennoon, ta undengo sungary. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Burges cf Toronto spent tic wcekend w1th Mn. and Mns. Stan Page and family. Sevenel froni hene were out et Kendai, Satunday aften- noon, watching the Mldget Bail Team o! that place, wln tic Ontario Champlonship. Congratulations! Mr. Arnold Wade attended n. tic bail game et Campbell. ville, Sunday afternoon. a] sl BARIEA - 3 Mirdsie8f l GET CASH TODAT ORILIA 73Misi3u@, seetEutFOR OU) APPLIANCES Mmbe CamdoDeps* ism»e cmorbonTHROUGE Ma bw Caad D psi Isua a1oPr Ati STATESMA NV m CLASSIFIEDS Phono 623-3303 Friee ANTI m RABIES CLINICS DATE OCTOBER 14 OCTOBER 15 OCTOBER 1e OCTOBER 17 OCTOBER 21 OCTOBER 22 OCTOBES 23 OCTOBER 24 AUl dogu andc charge by the( PLACE Ennlakilen - Ashton's Garage 'Township Garage (Hamnpton) Blackstock Recreation Centre Betbany Township Haill Pontypool Orange Hall Millbrook - old Fine Hall Bowmanville - Old Fine Hall Janetvifle Fine Hall Orono Hydro Garage Port Hope Town Hall (Basenient) Canton - CoL Gilet Fine Hall Newcastle Commninty Centre N.wt.nvlfle Community Hall TIME 9:30 2:00 9:30 2:00 9:30 2:00 1:00 9:30 2:00 1:00 9:30 9:30 2:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon p.m. to 5:0De p.m. a.m. to 12:00 noon P.=. te 5:00 p.m. a.M. to 12:00 noon p.m.. t. 5:00 p.m. p.m. to 8:00 p.m. a.m. to 12: 00 noon P.n. to 5:00 P.M. p.M. to 5:00 p.m. &.M to 12:00 noon a.m. to 12:00 noon p.m. to S'.00 P.m. cats preseted at abov4 clinlcs will b. vmccinated free of Canada Department of Jriql~ture. Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain Hornemade soupa are delectible ta teste and they extend sucli a werm welcame ta youn family on a chflly October evening. Even ln thia age o! can apeners, the best soupa still begin w1th liomemade stocks. But nat many of us want ta spend Uic hours rcquircd for the preparatton. There are many deliciaus homemade soupa, however, tliet are un- complicaed ta make end will appeal ta aven the moat casual coak. I tliink your famuily wili enjoy these hearty soupa. They meke wonderful lunches or liglit suppens when eccompenled with a saled, cheese and fruit. Or serve theni in smalier portions as an appetizer befons the main dinner course. For an economicai measune, use powdered milk in the corn chowder and poteto soup recipes, the resuits wîll be equally satisfying. QUICK CORN CHOWDER 2 m'edium potetoes, pealed and cubed 1 large anian, chapped 2 cana 14-oz. creani style corn 1 quart rnulk 1 teblespoon butter Sait and pepper ta teste Put Uie potetaca and antans in a heavy saucepan and caver with water. Boil until very tender. Drain. Add tie two cana creani corn and milk. Blend well. Add butter and seasan to testa with saît and pepper. Let simmer over vcry iow fleme fer about 30 minutes. Serves 6:' BUSY-l)AY POTATO SOU!' 2 large or 3 m'edium potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 large anion, chapped 1 stelk celery, dcd % green antan, diced 1 quart niilk 1 tablespoan butter Sait and pepper ta teste 1 beaten egg Put the poate, oniaons, celery and green pepper in a heavy saucepen. Add just enough weter ta caver and boil until potetoes are very tender. Slightiy wesh poates Aith e potato niesher and then add the milk, sait and ,eppcr end butter. Simien 20 minutes. Just before remov- Ing from fine, ahir in ane beaten agg. Serves 6. BILLI-BI SOU!' 2 raw antans, chapped fine 2 staiks celery, chapped fine %, stick butter 12 clanis 2 boiicd potatoas, chapped I1 % cupa hall and haif 1,4 cup sherry Chop the antans and celery fine, then saute ln butter over low heat fer 10 minutas. Choppclem, reserving juice. Chop potetees fine and add patatees, clams and dlam julces to onions. Let simmer 5 minutes. Add half and half just bcfone removing saucepan from tira. Add sherry and serve in warm saup tureen. Serves 4. CABBAGE SOU!' 1 niedium head of calibage, aliced carsely ½-ib. bacon, chopped itt 1" long pieces 1 large onion, chopped 1 large green peppen, chopped 2 - No. 2 cana wliolc tamatoes or stewed tamatoes 2 cens water, measuned froni Ne. 2 tomato cen Sait end pepper ta teste Saute bacon In lieavy pan. Drain off fat. Add 2 cana water, calibage, antanýs and green peppen. Cook cabbage an îedium licat, covercd, until tender, Add 2 cana tomatoea nd sait and pepper ta teste. Simmer, covened, for ane hour. Stare in cavercd jar in refirgerator, or freeze for future se. Serves 10-14. SAUSAGE AND PEA SOUP 1lb. link sauseges 1 antan, Uiinly sliced 1 cen condenscd green pea soup, undiluted 1 cen condensed vegetablé soup, undiluted 1 cen waten (measured ln~ soup cen) In saucepan, lirown sausages and onons. Drain off fat. Set anion slces eside. Cut seusages into 12" slices; blend ta soupa and water. Simmer 15 minutes. At senving time garnisi individuel bowla with antan sUices. This soup makes a deliciaus lunch wien scrved with a freai tossed salad and hot rails r corn bnead. Serves 4. SOLINA On Octabar lat the Eidad U.C.W. met et tic home o! Mna. Hanry Yellowlees. Tic Prealdent opened Uic meeting wti a pocm and e hynin, "Sing ta Uic Lord cf Harveat" and a prayer. Announcement was made c! tic regional meeting ta be beld et Hamp- bon on October 2th and aIse thc "Lucky Luncheon" ta ha held ln Sauina Hall on Nov. 25th. It was dccided ta gathen articles suitable for thc Men's1 Hostel in Oshawa, instead of packin.g Ilbale. - Wanship service on tic themne "Thc Cianging Seas- ens" was conducted by Mrs. Clarence Vice, asslsted by Mrs. Francis Joinotan. W. were pnlvileged ta have Mns. E. S. Taylor. a former teacier hare, speak ta us about hen two yeers of Hie at Moose Factary, wbcrc ber husband was Supenvlslng Principal. She toid'o! tic sad pligit o! the Cree Indian cbildren, who could speak no Englisi, left for the winter in a mod- ern boardingsebcool. wila thoir parets made thoir Ilv- Your TexacoP. home team presents nus new hot water service, Oshawa Litt le Theatre Announces Productions I ng huntlng and trapping t thesbbush Si. dispiayed a beautifu Sparka, many wood carving made by the Indiens, ani Ssoap-stone carvings made b, Sthe EMkmo patients lni ti SMoose Fectory hospital. Mrs Taylor taught tiese Esklmg patients and found tbemn re sourcelui, lhappy people. The meeting was brougit t a close wlth prayer, altei whicb a social time wau en. Sjoyed. Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Ker Stneng. Tam and Stever Ottawa, wene weekend gucat witb Mn. and Mrs. Herve: Yellowlees and famuly ené while liaee s been visitlnà lier father. Mn. Ernest Larm. an In Osliawa Generai Mes. pital. where ha undenweni aurgery lest Fniday. Mn. and Mrs. Hanry Knox and boys wenc Sundey suppet gucats witli Mrs. Hilton Tlnk, Ebenezen. Meny of the Saline ladies attendcd the trousseau tea given by Mrs. Campbell Hem- eran etler home ln Oakwood. for Miss Doreen Hamer,a bride o! next Seturday. Sanday visitons witi Mn. adMrs. Lloyd Bnoome were Miss Doneen Maman, Mn. and Mrs. Ron Broome and Kelly, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. Evenett Cnyd- ermian, accompenied by Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery. enjoyed e weekend ln the Nonthi, gaing as fer as Algon- quin Park, Muakoka and Hall- burton. Mn. and Mns. Doug Fleti visited Mrs. Thomas Flett, Columbus, on Sundey. Mns. R. Fraser wlll lic travelling ta Windsor on Wed- nesdey wiere alie ta ta ie presented witi the I.O.D.E, Canadien Short Story Awend, et their annuel meeting. Our hearticat congratulations ta Mns. Fraser on winning this high award. Sundey visito'-s with Mn. and Mrs. Johin Knox were Mn. and Mrs. Robert Milan and Donald, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Plaxtan, Brougham. Mn. and Mns. Johns. Bow- manvIlle, wcne recent visitons witi Mns. Katie Lengmeid. Mrs. R. Fraser and Bob wcre Sundey evenIng auppen guests witli Mn. and Mns. Howard Mîlîson and femily. Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor and famlly wane Suiday call- ers on Mn. and Mrs. Bob Ker and Jeffery, Actan. and Mn. and Mns. A. F. Abennetiy, Manille. Sevenai men froni this com- munity are ewey nieosa hunt- Ing this week. Some are Bill Ashton, Randy Fraser, Lanny and Evenett Spires. Saline 4-H Club stented thein feul meetings on Sept. 22. Ir the Community Hall et 7 p.m. Wa opened aur finat meeting wlth the 4-H Pledge, and then lied aur alection cf officers: President, Sie rr i Lynde, Treasurer, Karen Yel- lewleas; Press Reporter, Jane Lynde. Ail members werc present. Mrs. Mooey read e few guiding rules ta tic new members. We tien decided an our club name whici is "The Saline Supper Servera". We dectded on lime green note- bocks. The Homne Ecanomiat la Miss Murdock. Our exhibit for Aciievement Day la ta be an tlie use a! eggs and cheese ln tic third meal. Tic home 'assigriment and rail ceil for next week were ennouncad. Tlie leaders for this club are Mrs. Hoaey and Mns. Brey. Second meeting o! 4-H Club. We oped aur meeting wlth the 4- Pledge, led by Sienni Lynde. Wendy Bray read thc minutes o! bhe previeus meet- ing. W. then had tic rol ceil which wes "In youn fani- ily when Is thc main meai served and wiet it la celled. My answar wes - We call aur third meai aupper and It la served in the evening. We wcre then given aur books and vaniaus pamphlets. Sherni tien turned Uic meeting aven ta Mrs. Hoaey. We discusscd "Wiat happened ta supper?" We tien made and ate West- Tliunsday. Oct. 9th-Plan. Wint.er Fair, Ottawa. ning Meeting, Brighton, reý1 November 5tli - 7tli-Cent- Winter Regional Courses. I rai Ontario Womnen's InstitutaI Tuesday. Oct. 14th-Keni Convention - Royal York Ha- Meliali, Swine Specialiat, willitel, ,Toronto. be Ir. Dubam Cunty November 9th - 14Ui-Llve- Wednesday, Oct. ith-ln-;stock management Tour and ternational Ploughing Match,' Judgîng Competition - Royal Rosa Kelley Fanm, Paris, Ont. Winter Fain - Centrai Ontario Wednesday, Oct. 15th, 10 Ferma. a.m. - Cliampionship Show< November 12th-Znne Safety East Central Holstein Clubs Conference, Uxbridge. Peterboroughi Fair Grounds. Novemben l3th - i9tli-Na- Oct l6th-17th - Extension, tional 4-H Club Canference - Staff Meeting - Kingston, ne: 1 Ottawa and Toronto - Durhaem Livestock Nutrition. County Representative Neil Oct l7tli-Deadline datesAllen, Orono. for Manpower Retraining! Novemben l4th - 22nd- Course, Applications. !R oy~alIAgricultunel Winter 1Oct. l7tli - l8th - Ontario Fair, Toont, Council of Relibit Clubs -, November 2lst, 9 e.mn.-, Show and Confenence, Onono, Queen's Guinees Campetition.ý Arena. Royal Winter Fair. Tuesday, Oct. 21st, 10:301 Satunday, Nov. 22nd, 8 p.m. a.m. - 3:30 p.m. - District -Durham 4-H and Junior CoTnnand Day - Gus Lask Award Niglit, Town Hall, Farmn, Sunderland, Lot 6, Con. Orono. C - ý,2j miles nonth of Brock ýFeeden Cettie Sales - Oct. Wednesday,, Oct. 22-Ladies'l th-Wlenton, 1.500 lied. Oct. Niglit - Quinte Brandi Ontario 24th-South River, 400 head. Institute of Agrologiats - Placel, to e eannounced. Wednesday. Oct. 22nd-Man- pawer Meeting, Lindsay - ne: Business of Fanming Course. M X A I Staff Meeting,, Ontario Dept. *-1 h n*u of Agriculture and Food, UIO üiSUIU VISUlt Brighton. Friday, Oct. 24tli, 7 p.m.- Mi-% r ieukd o Durhami Holstein Club Annuel yu vsokprto « Banquet, Meple Grave United 0orlvsokoeain-1 Chuncli. Tickets evallable (82-bu,) - qnth any compE from the Directors. feature. Oct. 28tli-29tli, 10 a.m. - 4 Exclusive variable-apeed Mr p.m.-Senior Women's Imati- justs exactly te grindling conc tute Training Sciool - "The Gehl's 66 henimers cut ingre Main Diali Mekea tie Meal" fines, te assure tharough bL Orono I.O.O.F. Hall. umequaled, griing: 'with Oct. 29ti-District No. ' 4, elagr.d ndn Agnicultural Societies Meeting, competitive umits witls a Dept. o! Agriculture and Faod, Save@ tractor power ...i Lindsay. Oct. 30tli-Film an Weter Over 35,000 f.armcrs own G Pollution - CBC-TV, 10 p.m. any other miake. Saturday, Nov. I t-Dur- hem 4-H Electric Club visit ta Pickering Power Plant. Novemben 3rd,, 4th, 5th SalIs and Crops Brandi Ont.~ Dept. of Agriculture and Food.......~ (Staff Meeting), London Ont. "i~ Nov. 3rd - Sth - Ottawa Mn. and Mrs. C. D Modg- son, Ajax, wcre Monday even- ing visitons ai Mns. R. Davey. Mr. and Mns. D. Gatchell, Oshawa, wene supper guesta of Mn. and Mrs. A. C. Steph- enson. Mn. and Mrs. Harry Grant and famlly, Oshawa; Mrs. L. Muir, New York, wenc visi- tons with Mns. R. Davey. Muci sympatiy Is extended ta Mrs. Roy Ashton ln tic loas of lier nepiew Mn. Lawrence Dunn, Bowman- ville, resuit o! e car accident two weeks ago. Several ladies froni Ennis- killen charge have been niak- iing pastoral cails ln tuas dis- trict prior ta tic Thank Offering,, Oct. 19 ln Enniskillen Chunch, 2:30 p.m., witi Rev. J. Laugheed, Oshawa, as be a play made Into a meent most succesaful movIe and a thriller to boot. "Watt Untl Dark" by Fredenlck Knott la tic kind of play that "graba you by tie Liroat" and docan't let go until thc iigbbs go up et piey's end. Oshawa Little Theatre iesn't donc a mystery in ticep st fcw years but tbey arc meking up for lest ground witli ths fine production. Mn. Hobe Morrison e! Varlety says it bhia way, "This la a killer, diller, thriller that should keep audiences bually gnaw- Ing thein fingernails for many montis". Mnr. Smyth also pointed ut that In addition to Its bliree major productions Tic Osia- waLittîs Theatre plans te sponson a professIonai, presen- tatior' cf a cbildren's play dur. ing the Christmas hlidays. Lest yeer's production oi "Andra«cies and tic Lion" presented et Eastdale with ari afternoon end evening per- formance wa a seil-out at bath shows. Mn. Smyth an- ticijietes tic sae responsa again this year. The play ta lic presented this asson will ha anncunced et a futur. JOHN V. Gênerai Insurance ALL CLASSES Ol? PERSONAL and COMMERCIAL UNES Contact : JOHN McMLLAN 623-3111 or 623-3956 14 FRANK STREET, BOWMAN VILLE kequaled: res, experience 11.)me the modal that lits 15MX (120-bu.) or 65MX atitive unit. Check every ,,wingig auger feeder ad- dtosand tractor :ow. edients uniformly, w"tout lending. Here's proof of Sa larger screen mesh mLx more unIforînIy thaft t maller screen meuh. Iacreases capaclty. aehi Mix-Ajia - mersthan An aii-powered Texaco .Water heater provIdes more hot water faster than any Other comparable type of unit. Four Urnes fastor than gas and eighttimes faster than oiectricity. Andi it costs you less. 011 Is simply the most economnicai way ta heat cold water. A 30-galion Texaco water heater wîIi heat 115 galions of hot water per hou r. lt's the best klnd of hot water service. ItVs yours for Just pennies a day. We'li se. that you always have the homo comfort you desire. Day and NIght Moa as prove it with at Damnant ration I PARKER FARM SERVICE HOE987-4413 NEWCASTLE ONTARIO Our an~knm the. wagl"h WILSON & VOWLES 17 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, Ont. Phone 623-7591 A. L. WEARN Enniaillen, Ontario Phone 263-2291 NewonileWM. SKELDING j O F R NewonifeOntario Phone 786-2502HO Cef IIIMIN JD'Arcy SmYth, President of What's wrong with a good the Oshawa Little Theatre, has' laugli? annoneed the rodution Following an the lieds of annonced the rodutionthe opener. another and more schedule for tiieir coming recent comedy makcs Its debut season to ba prcsented at East- ta aur Oshawa audience. On dele Coilegiata Auditorium. February 18-21, "The Im- "She Staops ta Conquer" possible Ycars", by Bob Fish- by Oliver Goldsmith wlll open er and Arthur Marx with a the seeson an Navember 26tli cast of 15 including 10 teen- through November 29tli. This agers) will play bavoc on the farcical comedy witli costumes Osliawa stage. Parents ard and a cast o! 20 plus will pro- teenagers . . . the generation vide a colorful apening for gap . . . aIl point to an ex- the 1969-70 season. As Robert citi-ng evcning of theetre. As Coleman of the New York Leonane Lyans of the X.N.Y. Deily Minror said. . . "We cn- Post said . . . "It's laugh, joyed 'She Staops tn Conquer' laugli. laugli ah the way". and thlnk ycu will ton". Rounding out the season will NEWCASTLE ONTARIO

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