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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 15

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, . *..~ -e -e c-c-t .. -ce.. t - - -* -c. <"--r--r r-" -'n ,.r- part in the Warriors' Day J he Canadian Air Force jackets ..andl EAdidn't disgrace them. I 1952 the band won second prize in, nd USE te Warriors' Dey parade andI __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ on from ter to 1959ron c aCuti when Dýoug Blore suffered a: rOIn Wok cme W rkWatd ea sttefo al Rcl sttefr alt Mortgageseclln ine n ed 'n BwSnil heart attack and Don Bok ed. Phone 623-2679. 41-10 SEPTI A K .LT ooyJc Approvals The band'. bet year was in'Ofoe iisdTL,16 eas fisageo h lae ulym b o 196A.LDcarpBnaerey boi w-nO-tTI C.TA N KaÀ .,Ho o, 1969 j be2 4uHo uo PANTNT-Iteto nde- U PIG 1i.2nd and 3rd Mtges. 16.Dn rde okover !road. being 1aki a adglty ot mlydb PAINTING - Intertor and cx- E IJIVAF.LJ.Ik~ I r r' ~ Rs Pipe Sgt. and the band wo Judge R. B. Batten presidedtodsentthtouadtersarntbevdth terlor. Free estinuates. Dial REAL ESTATE ANDI CARD) agd nteCoinee wrsi igtn h nMna n ug . ýt icr 62-37434-3BET74MK.S N41-1EAraneBluERTfVOOICCawni i Kngto, iu t- n onayan Jdg R BriluintinBr. teielluminnnantrtheionrou FOR combining buckwheat or Phone Newtouville 786-2552 Bei manvifle -38 Liberty N. Ltd., Realtor of Your Home phy at the CNE. and made a Baxter on Tuesday with As- lights was tofbythradcayngaoticfe. clvrsed sn nwCc- alCllc -f 2-24LOW COST. Ton eau eall to good 1iowing at Atlantic City. sistant Crown Attorney K. parked vehice.TehagHeerd anngnsesd shutt machine. M. Wybenga Ci olc -f6376 10 p.m. today for helPtul, TodaY. the baind is as good as Stubington both days. Dut>' was dismissed.we h e mre c Phovn ed n ew93-24 r C c - ___ __ __623-25___ _M I ourteouu service. Prompt it ever was, lie said, the l»rSo counsel on Monda>' was Tom John Bothwepe d d gi- etrd te rsa rn, h Phone 9835284EorRCrscadde3 BEDROOM BRICK- Investmeut Corp. Ltd., 62 bemng the trophy they wo Jermyn and on Tuesday Mer- o neaepseso fwn oIvsiae ofui ____Phn 8356. 02 Central, lovel>' condition. 576-80C90 Richmond St. W., Toronto. tiyerttCE.M. vyn Kelly. I lofquor gs OhadIndanahtryrp fo £~J~L~ Bric - Blek - tous 1-1 Trone res 36-958 Mavi alsopaid ribut ta Doald MDonal, of ew- $5 andcosts or fDeodaldandwalla towl ensrNeo. and Fireplace yo Aes Doug Blore, David Pollock castie. charged with careless the liquor cnictd erdw n honit b Plumbing & Heating Phone 623-27516 I Lrge building lot l5' EVENINGS 239-4913 3- and Mel Hawley, tluree menu- driving July 18 on Highway was found in i a hni olt n h innlun Phone____623___7127_ bers of the band who have 35, was convicted and finedwaserhdoHgha2fomotdeUcoo.Bre Phn 2-17250'. 500' fronu paved road. 39- scii onche 35NlsnS. omnvle8 Barbara St., Bowmanville W. Excellent$2ponddsite0 on prop- pav ____NelsonSt.______38-lt I___40-tf Excellent____pond__siteConclding hs adticeshedays. Peter Kilistoif, north- wawaesedyonfheflor he _________RD erty wlth small amount of Cn________________oud nFrda aot :0 ndewG LA'WN AND 'Ii\II1S bush. Asking $5.500. Terms. Dr. Mann's office wîîî be called Pipe Major Don Brooksbudo rda bu :0 amurGi a ie h hyetrdbtEyamte BOWV IANVILLE F LnR UKedalUNlf closed October 13th - 26t1u to the front to make a pre- P m in heavy traffic had ta same aon nasmlrta eswBretrpI ru AUTO BODY GARDEN SERVICE KendalHIII.Inclusive. 41-2 sentation of a wrist watch and brake suddenly. Mr. McDon- charge on theaedte aî A T BO YTwo scenlc 10 acre building - a treasure chest ta him for aid, driving the car bchind Charges of ilglpseso Phoe 63-711Call 623-7633 lots, frontage on three roads. FLYNG his services over the years o was unable to stop, resultinï of liquor wer uutaautE> ________ 4tf FREE ESTIMATES j one paved. Minutes fronu hlfofhi fellow bands- stable T. Holdaway, OPP, was othy HeinzmnDieRo-fnd$50nd158cst o __________ Oshawa Ski Club and snow- 'men. ivsiaigofcr eu nhn dlKnehtrcnots PINE RIDGE LANDSCAPING Dand servicea, stauo Adanac _______________mobile land. HaIt wooded, ThiLdis AxiiaWhtnetad hilp arcrf"Rsturnt ______________17-tf TeLde uiiry end, hte n rest cleared. Asking $3,000.00 G U L F ýthe Tartan Club were tak Thomas William Morris, 125 Each was fined$5adcss in rvd eetwsro Clenin Srvie arsma Brs. Waverly GCrdenS down with termns.cifoter rtntueak Trinity Street, Toronto, plead- o iedy.fclte o h ovnec WlainDOW CerNiceG M FLOOR BOs.id rtentR pr n R tcheaprod- ugsorthonHihay40 vcsomrs" berec tu - WALL C O C R É T E B W M A N VI LE Ne tonvlle C A R W A S H $ .00 am by Jack Knight. Legion d guilty of careless driving R y o d S a e .. 4 FOR - AL O C E ENew 3 bedroom bungalow 34tf brouglut greetings andi ex- Eastbound at Courtice ramp' Bowmanvîllc,wsfnei$5uge Te'aeotnvcn- 72-00 7611 Mcie n an rwe EJ O E on scenlc, 10 acre lot. 840' DR. H. C. ANFOSSI, pressed appreciation of the he tried ta turn, lost control and $27 costao 0dyfl zc ac huc lthvt CALL006and761r11MachnetadeHvehicle. EWTheES rlowingo pconviction forerviesimpair- ha puterupndwithedtthieh sortTe ofinnon-v r84F ns i i $ ,3 O Ne ontaell pavh edroa. PIce rve the nh an d t e rne- five persons inside were a,, d driving Ju ne lt at o n e s. L tti ie b est Fnu t i l a n mrialsl u gA .3 5 o W N e d tafs e l, w it h t e r m i. c d to b a c a d t e o - în ju r e d a n d d a m a g e to th e c a r o n C o n c e s s io n t e t h s c rtit e s w o m y b n i a SPR A Y P AIN TIN G9 Commercil One N. H. A m rg g o NewcastleA no ce amu iy estimated at $1500. The fine came into coliin wt(n d te wlu etuto. S23-Y922I36-tf balance'at 91/ %. Electrically C ag Draw prizes that had beenwa$5ancsso10as other and the rvrscni heated 3 and 4 bedroom Lovely 8 year old ranchC ang of Address made by the Tartan Club B 50adecsiv, o 0 as tion warranted h hre o Bains- Hoses -Garaes, Ec. W LSONhomes. Many extras included. style home on lot 100' x 150'. wrewo hy Mrs. DennisAvnue, Toron ta, convicted of rvn hl i ies a tCs tAlso DIRECTIONS: Waverly Roaci Two-car garage with many from il Argyle Street te Sev'ern, Mrs. Dave Davidson, ud GENERAL CARPENTRY OIL BURNER north off Hwy. 401 or south other extras. Asking $10.00 Mr.JmMryMs ruaeeadiigSpebrlt nded fo anc era, Sals ad Srvie ff Hwy. No. 2. down and the Vendor holci 156 Church St. BM3rooks, Mrs. Jerry Kean, Mn. was fined $100 and costs, or lu there was a furhrsseso o lApiue SlsadSrie 0oeoe otaefor bal- Jerry Taylor and Mrs. Derek days. She was westbound on of licence fornneuots Phone 623-3984 F.A.ISALTO W. FRANK ance. Bowmanville Severn, Mrs. Harold TherteIl Highway 401 and lost contraitbiog 1-l FJRNACE ISTALATNENrhEdadMs a bre of the car in turning off on Robert BarrtadWilm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 4 tf F N S A C E S C E A E D DR a l ' 'a te L td N rt E dF R O M S E P T . 22, 1969 anT M re eve n u e d thth e W av erl y S treet ram p . E b y , O sh aw a , w r h g do L A 8 s i v I E B S JACK UeGE w±.1bdxoaieomeTheeevean ing cnlde ihGeorge Eaton, 120 Dungan- with damagin h e Blackstock o m nil for retirement or young SAME PHONE NUMBER nan Road, Toronto, a racing washroom atlh oygu O UI S- UNCScouple. Asking $18,000 with 39-3 Present active members of car driver, was fined $150 and Restaurant Jun 0 art OflEDU NE-FRN E 986-5521 623-3393 ternus. the bandi are as follows: Al- costs, or 30 days, after being PLUMiBING REPAIES 18-ti Toronto 923-9174 3 bedroonu split-levc i Vanted bcrt Albin, Don Brooks, Art clocked at 100 miles an hour ________________ PHON HAPTO ve inBrooks, Duncan Bradley. Clive b>' Constable J. Schultz, OPP, B Y AM Ater 9 .m. all:North-West endi with attach- LOAN of photo of old New- Brown, Gary Cole, Bill Col- westbound from Newcastle o 26o~g32151 Oe MAtr9p..eud garage. Vendor anxious, castle railway station for pur- ville, Doug Delane>'. Ian Fra- Highway 401 September 8. The ___ MailAddresa: PLIJMBING & HEATING Put Yeo --- 623-3077, Make an offer. pose of reproduction. Phone ser, Kay Freethy, George new scale of fines for speeding _____________ P-0. Box 43 - Bowmanville SALES & SERVICE Paul Peterson-- 723-8322 19 acres on Solina Rd. N. Orono 983-5558. 41-1 Kerr, Lowell MacDougal, Jinu atter September lst speclfy FrTalsiigDne 30-tf (Formerly Rarnes & Byam) Dune Found --623-3965 Could be developed i$250a0 e do Rnesd, Aetrk ,e5-00 mile aoreahmspe e i.Ig ulcno RA KB NK24-HOUR Joe Barnoskl - 723-5787 home site. Asking$a5,00.ce aD or Cripple c ayRn1d, Markhert Mur-y 3500 mile for cae pd i miovr 0F1ABurnrRServic Nornu Wtherup 723-4809 Terms. Fr tc ek Severn, Jerry Taylor, Donald Berry paid $100 and ISAt~ O RS UKY Trenching OlBre evc rn ipo 2-68McMDnl 2-91 Fr tc Grant Thertell, Glen Ther-teli, costs for driving 75 miles an s-1 b SETC AKSEPTIC TANKS AND RFruksimps Oono 98725681 Grahamcflasd 2623-2191 PICKED UP PROMPTLY Ronald Therteil, Albert Wag- hour on Highway 2, clocked SEPTI TANKTILE BEDS - PHONERyFotrOoo-98-01GamDlas 2311 Telephous Cofleet 263-27211 ner, Grenville Waller, Ray b>' Constable McLeod, OPP. FOE UKY INSTALLATION HAMPTON 263-2288 40-4 Joan Grills -- 723-58171 - Warman, John Westovcr, Bill Velma Ma>' Armstrong, * 8-2lb RBE. 6, BOWMANVTLLE TYRONE 263-2650 Al Roui t - 725-0353 ±vargwill Fur FrmYea. 1Orno heard a charge of care- NO SUNDAY CALLS 15-1 Garuet Ricard - 623-7397 Licence No. 204-C-69 Non-Active Members: Hon- less driving laid Jul>' l2th dis-.RS RATN 623-7201 W Wilf Hawke - Orono 983-5274 orar>' President Major John misscd. Pcrcy Lunn, south-CH KE Tendrs antd F A Heen éDonld 23-911Foote, V.C., Al Fletcher, Roy' bound on Highway No. 35, REUPHOLSTER Tnes Wne an acat-6324 Foster, Jack Knight, Jim signalleci for a left turn Into FOR SALE BY TENDER W ye Marcan 623-29451PipeBan MartYn, Ah Mavin, Harold Fred's Fruit Market and stop- TOUR CHESTERFIELD Tenders will be received by -,mW' Lloyd Atchison - 786-2959 H~* Tluertell. Ray Therteil. peci his car for a nortibounciFEIlCPN OR CHAIRS - Free Estimate the undcrsigncd Solicitor up lolas Reuniofl Former Members: Rae Ab- driver with the same inten-. l.Ag t12:00 o'clock noon on Tues- 41-1 ' ~ ernethy, Bowmanville, Char- tion. Gary Black, ixnmediatcly 623-5252 day, the 14th day of October * For Uic past several months, lie Aibin, Newcastle, Don An- behind Mr. Lunn, to avoici a ATATV XVhyte's Uh1969er or th~0fetipurchte sorence a greait deal of effort bas been derson, Bowmnanville;B b collision, drove past on the 85 In St E- BwmuvileAges rmof be tcFoncen exiended lni contadting for- Bateman, Long Sault, (Corn- west shoulder raising a clouci ___________________________ Ï52-tfS. ofBowani hougnse and ot e on tistgmer members of Bowrnanvile wall; John Carter, Bowman- of dust. Mrs. Armstrong, be- 2-lc se fnCurclotre n the s Bowmanville f Branch of the Royal Canadian ville; Harry Coniers, Willow- hinci Black, was unable to stop, FRESI[EAN Lovelof'hu3 beSrootlhome JOHN F. Lcgion's Pipe Bandi, to in- dale; Howard Dave>', Bowman- struck tic Lunn vehicle andi**~* 0 ACKERMAN Village of Orono. Loey edom oe vite them to a reunilon that vile; Dave Davidson, Ajax, carcened off across the shoul- K ULui, This property Is a brick aluminunu siding. Ver>' dean to lc n aud> vn-E.DniSctad irit h lcb arwy I EXCA.~iVAiTING ouse consisting of 7 rooms andi imodern. $14,000. Terms.toplconSura v-EdDiieSoln: Fred deitote Vcnrowy G O LOAIN -TRNCIN pusattchd ithe ad e-BowmanvilleSt With on!>' a few excep- CooksvilleJi EseO: phone pale, and endeci up Sand, Gruvel, Top S.11 sud tacheci tool shed andi contains Corner property ln North m wm ions, mo6t of the original aw ; mieEHart, atOsh.~ against a fence. Constable G.,UA UHRDEPTRDIT F111 Deliverci a 2-piece bath and oil furnace section. 3 bedroom bungaý w;AneHrBatod oaOP siae a- LC L-Hor WTERSERICEand is centraîlly locatcd ln low. Ielfryugcul 14 Frunk St. - Bowmauviile mcmnbers were present, with aRon Haw, Whitby; Bob Hil-.Kzk Petmtddm 2-i uou AbE RaEsVCEOrono. or oIpicdwtht l fr ou oplPono 23311Uei- wves. gV-ditch, Bowmanvilîe, J e r r y age ta the Lunn vehicle at $200Wi Orsnbl ae someone retiring. LwPoe6331 It was a magnîficent gt Kean. Oshawa, Jack Lai-re andi to the Armstrong one 1 -BOWMANVILLE tender; balance to b. paici in BWAVLE 0 O'togcether, madle even mare in- Bowmanville; Bob o $500.nesase Kos WTlo o lscash on closîng; cîosîng date Triplex building lot. Nîcely locateci teresting b>' pictures andi Bowmanville; Loeu Lyle. Bow- Stephen Black, age 17, DIv- Wowdnd& o o eatdby Hiiat rran>' enerflThirty ta oaed In uciont pown rce$7.000. press clippings that had been manville; Glen MacNeill, Port isO Street, Bowmanvillc, ta badoertdby Hgestarran tener. T e s incoeodcIn pop- Priceuneartlued b>' bancimen arnd Hope; Ro>' MeNab, Etobicoke, pleadeci guilt> of dangerous IPHIL VOWLES necessaril>' accepteci. Bowmanvillc. Extra large OSHAWA- 4 bedroomn 2 their wives. These wcrc Steve Oke, Bow ma n v i ll driving Jul>' 26 and was fineci BEAINGSPEIALSTS Inspection of tie buildings lot for future development. store>' brick home with living mounteci arounci the hall aloiig Brian Parkin, Oshawa; Len $200 anci costs, or 20 days. 01 sd uiIntalaI n a>' be arranged b>' contact- Only $37,500.00. andci dniiig roonu. 011 heateci, with their man>' trophiesanafd Pears, Oronio; Louis Phillips, Constable McLeod, stationary Oil nd Gz InKendaion 4-pce. bath. Finisheci rec. recalleci man>' pleasat ntm- Bowmanville; Dennis Severn, at Mill Street, Newcastle, oh- PlmbntReai l ng Garland Cathcart, edl Concession St. - Income roorn. Garage. Paveci drive- ories of the banc's activities Bowrnanvile; BiISetn served a vehicle turn rigit 17 Llberty St. N., Bowmanville Thompson, Kendal. telephone Beautiful triplex ln gooci way. Anxious to sel. since its formation. The Tar- Ajax; Anci> Stark, Londlon: enta Highway 2 witbout stop-.RS WE OA 11-07.Eeutr.residential area. Two have 2 OSHAôWA: 3 bedroonu11/2 tan Club haci arranged Uic Jack Stark, Cooksvile; Garti pîng, at a hiirt fsed Phone 623-7591 W.3- K. YETT 'bedrooms and anc has 3 bed- store>' brick home wlth livingf picturea and also haci decorat- Taylor. Nakina; Jim 'Taylor, H-e pursueci it ta the outskirts 38-tf Oroo ntarioVndors oms Inlues gargs.List- and Aaking $2,30011ae. tehall appropriately for Decmand emiorfBowmanvllle asit was R D Çoletorfo tç enor. d a $2,00 Oenfo 3pc. bth Akig 2330. heoccasion. Ede Cale, Edie drîven arounci curves anci cor- R rieain39-3 ofe illUîtch ndCrol eesdMmes Douglas ners at 100 miles an bour. At _______ ~~~~~OSHAWA: Large 3 bedroom headed ttus much apprciat'1ei Blore (former Pipe MjrMlts oostcdie and De awmanvo Pulie ok Commercial brick bungalow, witi living endeavor. The delicious roast Dvie làc (piper). Mcl- made a rigit turn, stopped andiS Appliance Service Dp omCanadafPbcWok Cement block building with and dining roonu. Breezeway. beef dinner was serveci b>'thvill Hawley (drummer). took off into the woods wiere' Camrilad oeteTrnDarc gooci store front. Lot 30 x Double garage. Legion Ladies Auxiliar>', coni- h a prhndc.A re Commierc ia lk oes oot itit 160. Only $35.000 - Terms. COOR RA3 e.vndbMr DnSncrhwaapeedd nodr Rergrtun-MlkCoesT E N DE R S Trn OOR RA c-~ee > .DnSecr was made prohibiting himALES Phone SERT SVR SEALED TENDRS AD- Tyroneroom 1Ilhstore>' home with Pipe Bandi President Bili l inA c pslrmrvn nweei a-F Phon BE T62 ER3EA5D7T NDE S A - becroom bungalow 3-pce. bath, on 2% acre lot. ea chaired the evening, witi onts a d f rivany her e n C nR S R S Day - 23-774 DRESSED TO The District wth dining roonu. Attacheci PrIce $12,000.00. head table guesta being Mrs. Smihs]am Eyres. Cameron, Lander Hardware lic Wrs0 aaa 4 av cellent garcien wîth peaci acre lot suitable for 1,200 sq. liams andi Mrs. WilIliams, Leg- Idrivîng once Cryst35aMa lu LCTR a Street, Roonu 605, Toronto treIec 2,50-Trs 2. Mrs. Barbara Wright, souti-- an LETI 200, Ontario, ancienciorsecics t.$6,0 ens ft. home. Price $1,00 ion President Ron Richards Thc following statement 'bounci near tic Fiftt Wheel DIGIG ndINTALIG"TNDR ORINTAL- om ad 5 crsand Mrs. Richards, Bandi Sec- fram Smith Beverages Ltd., etuataotmcngt DIGINGandINSALLNG TNDER FORINTALLA Hom and15 Ares WARKWORTH. 100- acre iretar>-TrAsuqrer Ah. Muvin i Oaawa rcevcib> Tc ascnfronted wfitin cati o Ks ~ 32 acres of heavil>' wooded OSHAWA: 3 bedroom u 1½ John Foote Of Cobourg wiho was waiting for Pepsi-Cola R.R..]. Hampton, wio pleadecidea n 1uc Locl Rpreenttiva: WUlandi fronting on Liberty store>' home. with livigadwscvlg for New Bruns- CaaaLd.tIifunenVguîy att froe ic Loc all, Bowseave6351 ~ Street North onl>' 3 miles dining roonu. Nice and clean a îaw course, Glen MacNeill an>' way h. would stilI be <on r.O uelSha n- Lmed D3 uag, Dowma ville 521 thof town OnI>' S40,000. In gooci location. Asking $18,- who is attenduing scbooi in strike ncxt >'car at tuis time. ofso sbuate achelfr ta3-s. A < 623-3711 TUTPELSIUSRI ers 500. Port Hope. Fred Dorkin in Smith Beverages Limiteti me- residence on the north side of'~~ S Oshawa Ares Office: North of Bowmanviile NEWCASTLE: 2 acres with Halifax, Mm. and Mrs. L. A. sumeci operations on Tuesd.ay, Taunton Roaci ut Zion. Shortl>' 5 North 401 Park Rd.. Cloverleaf Oshawa & District 98 acres, corner property, B roomeci. 2 store>' moderniz- MeecDougal of Bowmanville, October 7ti, with cight me- -e idih baksato A manau" -Frsnk Smith. -- ' mile from new pv b ih- cd home. Barn arg.Garti aloLasoweturning member f teuinater micigt aback tao Osaa5603.Rec ae Boacrd wrt>. S trem irough prop- Lovel>' treeti. House, Nakina; Jinu Taylor, affecteti b>'tie settlement wagnocu ie sveal _______________________. OnI>' $65.000 - Terms. TRNE acefruwt Bowmanville, and N a ncy not Vhe twenty-four or twenty- Rom tcarty ntueiie MONARCH POG Blore, Scatlanti. Anotier jet- five as statet b>' Mm. Shclkie. u h rvwywt h n Staci10 Acres 7 roomeci home. 011 heateti e ri.i nMna'ta Smith Beverages Limitecid ottcdîeaihti 'd ig M xc ~ pg 5 AGRIC LTURA on ncw pave2 barns. Rolling landi. Asklng teri Diniedon itleon, ay - W. Alan Smith, tention o! tumning west towurd P d i highayonlyminutes fronu$37,500. Terms. ahen, Abemcienshire. Scotlunti, Vice-President. osuat . oetthei r g ent Crae A RC L U L o anll.Has stream anti NEWCASTLE: 25 acre expressdng bis regrets anti --- eof a nirettcr pogcrs aae hclt odnBV 8 bush on rear portion. OnI>' farm. 7 room bomne wtî 4 bet shesfor cotinud suc- U Lf a ue of n ube r o ca r nd s UM CUSTOM W OR K $11.900. pce. bath. 011 heateti. Two ces. HIe plans to visit Canada MONUMENTS AND on thc shoulder. He waited for tExcellent Working Farm barns. Asking $38.500. in Uicefleur future. pAKR 1ared iii ti carivo eu, hani SM PLUHN fIfIl~ PAIG 197 acres presently being 3 ACRES: witi 7 moonu One of the highlights of tUic an eas W m tond ar te pdrien Ao ICE 9 " LUHN ICN PA IG useci as bec! anti grain farm. brick home. 5mal barn. evening was the historioai r- d bmkotioe or driv e to IE I E ~ V ~< 9 Barn adaptable for daim>' farnu- Double ben bouse. Asklug view o! the baud b>' Ab Mavin diti so ut en angle andi was ____________________ "CULTIVATING* GRAIN SOWING lng. Goaci spring fied streanu $24,900. - "o ecalledth Ae struggie it a ofk%, TAFFOR» struck b>' a west-bound car *CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWING anti pond sites. Extra large went Uirough te get startecid B1B T rvn yM oe * *CO BIIN fmi>'hom. skeg$7,Oo.Aftr ous iaseCila back In 1950. HIe pei tribute The two vhce ne up TOASTMA "RAKIGCMNING Good tenfli. George VanDyls - 823-7437 to the energy andi persuasive- ~ i i otdth5ct ~u m 2-s *GRAIN and CORN DRYING Atter S9p.m. eu: PllisMcRobbie - 123-7118 nessO Frd Do(?m and F Ii nthe wcst h dit65efr-v WMTVq Levi CONPICKING and SHELLING Frnksimpa.. -g35f3Jani OusIàOOrn - 833-Z984 the Legionu ito ponsoring ,I& ot ie iet at tandurie- A~h t. .r .mPstYe- *623-3077 RoseDbvidasa ftliany 3ORZ the baduad obtainin heS f Two youths picking worms on Jo' Barnoki 72345187 Gar7 HMucek .* U-51M Ütaith='n. he first parade eO10LEofuthe c sa t red hat Paul Petersnum 733-8333 B aemV m US -97-_287, W"I 1951 when the>' playeci u ensticHwsca a roedn & Son rmWteu U MW Omn0-4ifo tie Kijusmen and ke M E downgrade ut about 40 nuiles Norn eterp 72 488~ siils - 63241two tures, tluait ic> playet IITI an bour and met tic castbound HOM0FQAT Shs ES. ROY' Foter .Oroue .98-WRlb Ruhe - Littl Britain 201B4 over Rnri nvP-r. "Nohndv seenu- Boz 133 car a ver>' short distaneuta 2S3-3~1203-438Ad 38 uc zn 9391 lr>eut 725-2649 Pd te)':'-' he diffeence" 318 Duadau St. E. - Whitby of the fatal impact. IV was felt FOOD N0R jbSE Oegem 0* 3-341-1 e comnuenteci. Plume Whitb7 6184551 tiat no ligits werc visible at1 Tbat Sri he bd too tmm,...." te re of tL h. station wagon 1ý

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