. . . . . . S ?h Canadlan S tesman, EowmanviTie, Oct. 8. IDOM Durham M.P.P. Announces, fExtended Plans for CPR Subway Near Newcastle Alex Carruthers, MPP, Dur- a truck-climbing lane on thef ject là now well in hand; how- ha3n, in a Press Release fo rising grade. The length of the ever, the wark is net advanc- Queen's Park announced dev- job increased frorn 0. miles e ufcetyt aeacn elcmeng wthrespect ta the to 1.7 miles and the estlmated relceneth te CPR sub- value from $550.000 to $1.000- struction schedule feasible at way on Highway No. 2, east 000, exclusive of property. thi3 tiMe. of Newcatle. The substantial Increase In The schedule wiUl be contin-1 Proposia at this location' the complexity of the proposed gent on cornpletion of pre-con-' orlgtnally covered nothing work has delayed the original tract engineering, the acquIsi- mure than replacement of the achedule correspondingly, but tion of property and availa- structure with minimum ap- the detailed design for the pro-i1 bility of funds. pepach work. Subsequent plan. nig investigations, however,C rru h s s*ve tati wul b dsr-CaruhesRegrets &breto carry the approach, work westerly into the village Wfth a multi-lane urban crogss- a t r o d W l o bution Mnd easterly to provide B tew od W I o Be Historical Site St. PauI's, U.C.W. Holcis Successful Discussion land the disappearance ol good' aise after school and durlnt 1 Wgicultural land. weekends. GE 41 - Regionai Geography' Drivlng Tip & of North Amertca PEDESTRIANS! AI 1 ' Reginning with a, detailed local practîce safe waling aits. studY o! the central Lake Ont- Remember. you can often see -1i region and its relationship! a car when its driver can't o the reet af Ontario. the; sec you. For your own sa.fety. -'ourse progresses to studies of: follow these simple rules: .he main regions of North Cross busy streets at Inter- Amrea. Basic prineiples are sections and pedestrian cros- 2stablished re the use of topo-: walks only. Befere crosSing. -raphic rnaps and air photos.: always look bath waYs, and GE 52 - Regional World neyer dart out onte roi dways Geography. . suddenly . . . Give approach. Selected areas which e,t il- ing traffic plentY of Urne tb lustrate typical problem envir-, stop. After dark. as an add- oninents are studied in consid-; cd safeguard. wear or carry erable detail, such as CalMfor- something white or llght in nia, Paris Basin, Japan, Israel. i olor.Sale waiking habits and Scandinavia. In each reg- Wl eP o hling saiely! ion, a different problem Is con-, sidered. along with the local' attempts to overcome this dif- £abrn R'culty. .Speek GE 53 - Canada. A detailed Caiaus study of the physical and econ- i ref omic base o! Canada. by means' withrogn. of regional divisions. seminars a nd ducidus . ta discuss various probleins of e«w a'- the greatly diffenent areas of Canada. The student is expet' ed ta carry on con sidenable in-' ine dividual research into topics, $ex SUfWey covcring a wide vaniety o '>0S1asj ioas. -----------------------Wph, It would now appear that, Officiais o! the Ontario 1Heri-; give a dloser understadnai BIG the p,~~seUc and aspirations of1 tage Foundation were keenly, u oecuty Ift ctiens who envislonedlintcrested in the future of, M IN VE M N Batterwood as a national his-1 Batterwood and submitted ta: taric site have been shatteredime a number of recomimenda-I by the recent purchase of theltions relative ta thc future of. estate by Mn. Robert Marte. the estate. These included the ,~ BIu INVESIMEN t 11had been my hope thatI following: poica Last week an appreciative audience listened to an man with the student's view; Mrs. AI Cuthbertson, l: ' Z. epresentatives off the threeA . That the home hi made aý in<ormative panel discussion entitled "The Generation moderator; Mrs. Doug Hately, with the young mar- leesof Government - e-ntoaanprvcilofr- G " sponsored by the Ut. Paul's U.C.W. in their Sun- rieds' view; Mrs. Arthur Harnilton, social woreran wou Pnldandpporuntyta 2 Ca ndae Brtonuood. dy consendr Prqinia ad outyene enre School auditorium. Members of the panel were onelr and William Brunt of BHS staff, with the considerhe a tntndtal2'. A consdBervton coos.! from lef t to right, Mrs. Jack Welsh, President of the teacher's view. with the objective o! sharingý U.C.W., T. A. Fanning, Recreation Director; Carl Hay -___________________________ the responsibility for the dev-14. A Lands and Forests dem-RE OR. elopment ai the site. anistration centre. id and had resided iornaine Western Europe, USSR ad 1/1On August 26 1 wrote ta Mr. 5.* A V.I.P. guest house. Years at 26 Lambs Lane, mov- and Russell Honey, the Federal 6. A sîminar centre for top'ing there from 5 Orciiardview ~ .S W Japan, students gain a better The Newcastle Dethen member in this connection, civil servant conferences. Blvd. He was einployed as a cas se N W ideretays o le.ny olice Onduriote eks1 'Yotr car epresents a 'big in. and I arn sure futhîr con- 7A language centre. Receivîr wîth R. M. Hofli.gs-RPYhwGorph nlecshwlarigaotpolm 'Vestment . -. .anc that yoil sideration was bîing given ta -A Deparnt man lîves and workof CrnadatUe in atU-nOarias ai the vnd2nd.16ie 2tigte a ci ~'ant la poetwul.Btthe mattîr by Mn. Honey and 8. eto.Ancl nnilfrthi ek n n .Dal hi man iives abdorine o us the tuent rnes aewr ai 1 dnts6, rîstig in ersn just as important, you want te by the Fedîral Departmînt ai turc ixperimental iarm. wrewas previouslY employed at and Head of Geograpby Dept. trimi tiv Uboieasofa leathethe srueasntbfo eistingwoldebîngs lnn 87 hre snae uretht yu avepr- Idin Afans ndNorhen Tes reomendtins Mernori.al Haspital herefo Outline ai Courses - New, as traders af Nigeria ta the steel- ifficulties. laid. :znesfhyou l. h vent O'Develepment. 1presented ta the Ontario Gov- two and a half years. He waswelaTrdtoawresainga.-GE5 -AnIrduint:ThNeatleDahm t letofrorefnteeet Mn. John Nicol. Dinîctor of, ernment and the National De- a member ai Trinity United wlasimrathnges hav e - GE o0 - AgneralEbsic Ur A nt roduion alsoThe estaeD19enea e)f a damage suit arising eut of the National Historic Parks partinînt ai Indian Affains for Church. Toipratcagshv E5 eeabscUbnGorpy loivsiae 1 &ladta eviw yur ompeteAffairs and Northern Dîvelop-1 The Prime Ministîr's office ceseeis rentdbyha be- the Geognaphy Department. elimatalogy, geology, glaciation,! cneasingly important aspect o! o!tie. One occurreneta mldt ~iwyu op e nt , nrpyt yIqiycruae ete u nn esdi uvvdb r-Because o! the increasing landscape evolution. and ecan- ' modern liii - the grawth o ocrstesho fii iesanprstaplnha mint, menn ly ta 13y inquîryecrelatenda ltiOtîroulnltherRnadJ.oiBlle.uraizto or city-orientîd amie geography. Topographie towns and cities and their e!.. and police is the %1dlim ~oiathlwsposbe~ dii m nJne1,tattercomnaiost hevli way o! life, an introductory maps and air photos arc cx- feets on the surrounding catun- to sehoals. This type !vn tian gya e list sie protc1htae a n ac itio ieastk nario ous ertment ust The 'efunîral service was course in Urban Geography has Itensiveiy used, along with local .ryside. By means o! detailed dallsm has burdened teVx th a t eop a dn w t o re ri e ite. On i d er in mand nq i t ex d a e n sd y t- h i t rî . In t i t d ,field studies ta gain a b itter studies o! v i us C n ia p ye wih n i c e se n tea tHitrihaSts hi nîfî prneiono idetin an ancx-ber 24th. irom the Northcutt students are made awarî o! understandlng o! the world,and faneign cities, an awane- taxes. Parents a! vaungcid tam eitrentSitardofC Mn- pre s sino îwon.Elliott Funeral Home, Bow- the neasons for the grawth a! around us.nssscnadabureosrngigtashossud mentBoad o Caada Hias- TUeDeprtmnt ! Lndsmanvilli, and was conducted towns and cities, as well as GE 40 - The conclUding yîar for somi cities grawing faster Ilmpness and educat thi sunîd me that hi wauld hejan d Forests, through the Min-, by Rev. George K. Wand oe! many a! the problems associ- ai regional studies at this levîl.1 than others and the resulting1 chjîdren ta conduetthm SThappy oul tacosered he athe ruse, th oowdrable aRîneTni'nity United Cu .In-l1ated witU this incnîasingîy im- By meens of a brie! look atîproblIms, such as pollution of selves as-ladies and getmn Board at the falmeeting. TUeîtns ve w o t i e a n omnileiprataspect ofCanadian sc r as a niaiarand wtr raffc problîms.lnat anly while at sehlu e vents o! the past few days tian of thc estate in the xlley Ceeiy egah. tde r ae Pae a action in that res- PitUaanrskbu Uegn-J earers u-eeMessrs. of nany exarnples of Canadian - net edundant. irai opinion o! the OntarioD iM.Nicol also advised ni Government was that the arei' nn,*John Ballantine, jery and a dîtailed LOCAL study - GENEBAL INSURANCE 'ýthat pior ta the above muet- should hi considînîd as a pas-'McDona.ld and Dave Burdett. will be attempted latin in the: S4 King St. 'E. Dowmanville in i iaten o aesîble national monument, and Many heautiful floral ti er Li xetdta U a qualifled nîstonatian archi- that if at ail possible, efforts butes attîsted ta thice eseem! students will learn why the! Offie Residenceý teet examine the house, and should hi made ta have the! in which the deceased was variaus citles wenî estahlished 623-5681 623-5493 m ak, his report ta the hoard. .1ational Historie Sites Board ihild, am'ong whîch wer ths in thein prisent locations, as No douht this ixamination assume risponsibility for the i rorn the Kinsmen Club ai well as attîmpting to account was eompleted. . whole ana. ~ Bowmanville, t hi e Kinîtti for griater gnowth in some Thîne is a segment ai aur Club. K. 40 Club, Branch 179 dties. Ths course îs being pne- is ndifîînttaRoyal Caadian L.egian, Mix sented In the Grade XI, Five- - Society which sidfentt orhînitage. particularly as It id Major Bowling Léague, Yian Stream. Thank givin Specal rear ath oalFm International Chemical Work: A t the same time, in the __________________ ____________and the tues that bind us ta crs Local 380, R. M. Hollings. Grade X, Five Year Stream, Great Bitain and the Com- head a! Canada Ltd.. The a somewhat altened version of monwealth. Thise views must Staff o! Memonial Hospital a Genîral Gcagraphy course is Delicious Nutritious beincgie n prcae n ueta erlu ncg offered. In this study, *' bu a ppotunity " o0 Corp. Ltd. the students will learn about been lost te nîtain an lmport-1 their physical enviranmint, in ant link in the chain o! histoni-' an attempt ta understand the .s, cal vens tat hve isutid 'I ~ 1i countny around thein. Elemen- cal vens tat hve esuved emorili uospita, tary geology Is introducid, W Il I P P I I~~~~<1 Ginthe evolveen: a! CanadaWekiSet2:t. sunswllianaexme asa aio.'msistah n gN GI ,,aiong with a look at the clim- netted. Wveekly Report &te and wcather. It is hoped Th effortsan interest o that by mians o! this course,i P many Individuals and slocal We fSp.2 c.5Ie tensnlerontinsamor e oe 1< c A M v i us in an th c a: d mistsionrs ;. 3 the oninus oe coses in avngtU itat Amisins . .......67 iy and hi able ta nealize theirn bu FMScct dîsignated as a national his- Births--4 maie, 2 fml importance.PIE PL2 6I e d. As anc who la involved in cAMM for that tenîgatiatians that took Major operations - ~ 8 fedInti departinent, a FUTCCTI paeIamparticularly ape lo prtos2 rae mhssi being pl'ac- FUTC KAI m47, ciative a! the co-operation ex-I Emergency treatments - 195 ce on man's use ai, and his Atm5 U U ** ~~~~~~~tended by the local graups. Vistin hers -8 .m.dany a iaso!t el e parIru run&isd Thanksuivin u pki Pie ___________3-__ w. a y a leifwth el sparted ANCY PonuKv. g gIn Grade IX, arias studied ffledUWJUMa uOoefm OBITUARY Business Directory inld usrla var ious parts DILL PICKLES 2n.«@ 89e HALF and students are made aware LARRY M. DUNN C Un1ClnC of Lthi similanîties, as wîîî as CRANBERRY SAUCE 2/49, C PINT The death e! Mn..Lanry M. n che dillenences, in the ways THOMAS 3. MeGOWAN people in LUise regions live, Dunn. aged 23 yea.rs, occurrîd Chantcred Accountant along with the neasons for 2Fioin'oods sudenythe nesult o! an 35TmeacStet tee y ensosmp tu Ph-one 623-5444 for Home Delivery accident an Highway 35, 251 Texopeane Strict3 these.Iny maiin s osandsu FROS miles north a! Minden, on Tlpoe6324 u dta nLi cus n *Sunday, September 21, 1969. WM. J~. H. COGGINS- inte Grade X, Four Yearr i Chantered Accountant r, Stream course on Eurasia, wc Son a! Helen and Stan L. 115 Liberty St. S., Eowmanvllie hope ta help aur yaung people cl, Dunn. Uc was born in Bow-~ Phone 623-3612 to undirstand same a! theewma suu snof ., G le n R a e D a iry manville and was a Tclepe-l7:n653; prtobl e olng InsothhyDIIe r9*.~'C rsident o! the own, neceiv-1 WILLIAM C. HALL partbes o!e olving in ther FRENCH. FRIES . 9 Bng hîs educationlin Charteed Accountant may btter appeciate the peo- 8OL Th dcasd a uma- 36% King St. E., Oshawra ple o! other lands, and possihly' FISH FRIES 0qi.3 9' Th__________ jar Tlehoe 25659 iven sa that they may hi less sînsr differen ways o! living. COOL WHIP M 37 Chiropr i C f i C In the senior grades, XII and '"INIIY1L. # E'TO Ô MKDHM G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. made of mare limitîd reions, MIN OTHER TURKEY SIZES ARE AVAIUABLE ~ k Ofc:Chiropractor lncluding parts o! the USA, A TRCIEPIE Office:USSR, Middle East and Japan NO li1 Elgin St., cor. o! Honsey St. in Grade XII, and Canada in w Phone 623-5509 Grade XIII. Students do much Offce eus: y apontmntmore o! LUe work themselves in these classes. pnesenting T mt D e n fa1 nuchofth m tera a he48O R .M. JUEL .T.ing on Individual research inu MIK75 King St. E.- Bowmanviile sehool and publie lUbranies. In - affce Heurs: Lis way, they may bîgin ta e 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally specialize In anc or mari fields Clo0sid Saturday and Sunday ai geography In which they ............... Office Phone - 623-5790 may have an interîst. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D..S Our Geography Department ICA "O0VEN FRESI D EIEYBowmanvillcProfessonalB. tusIsconstantly endeavorniz FAMINCEMEAT$RNE E LVR igSt.rdF- s-dSutnd4 ay Gee a ndy -Brie Ou all I A FRUT CK 9 Office Hours : Bemanil e n 59 -Arnei oftserFMy a.m. ta 4 p.m. Fday j l ud tes Szy i SM.P oducs12U1PÜ0 CiOsed Saturday and Sunday AutaiArc n U nt m...e. n ea ~ . j diferecesand imianites e- lai eava.. Msir E fiR Kegu.ar MolIk u'eliuvm on: TUESDAY, OCTOBER l4th Glen Rae iry UOWM~L Insurance DNALD A. MaOGREGOOt Lite, Auto,. Heme Iaaurane U3 Klug nt. W.. Dowinanviiie Phm fl8480 Optomeiry Là'. . -l'il l tween 'the wV' of life in these widely separated reglons of the worId. The student Is also given an understanding of the basics of geography. including cli- ate, physical geography and their effects on man. GE 49 - A regional survey course to show that there exista a very close relatlonship between the natural back- 5,o und study of AustraUsa, %frica and the British Isies, Important concepts and sklla et the Geographer are intro- duced, lncludlng, sketch mnaps, diagramu, graphs, and the use 09 Variouu maps and atiases. "Wi wlde range of regions wili b«MIS tan wideratanding of, U Bowmanv'ille (91 10 WMAN VILLE -OSHAWA- Sunday Pro-Holiday Midnite to Dawn lEroticarama Show! 1. «"PLEASURE LOyERS" 2. "WILD IS MY LOVE"p 3. "HEAT 0F MADNESS"» 4. "'THE SEDUCERS" 5. "LOVE ISLAND» Doors Open 11:30 p.m. .13M R Foodl'iner.À, COLOR RADLEYMM5~ "THE LIBERTINE:' Open 6:30 - Show Starts 7 SATURDAY CONT. 1:30 Now Showing UI Seata 2.00 u -- r pu m