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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 7

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...............................................~ ........... Mins Tina Hughes. St. Mlcbael's Hospital., Toronto, Is home for a fcw wceks' holi- day.. Mr. Wm. G. James, Mont- mit, Que., spent Tucsday with bis mother, Mis. George W. James, King St. East. Mi. and Mis. L. C. Mason were SUnday dinner guests o! bis brother and sister-in-law, Mr. end Mis. Edward Mason, Toroate. Mia. Frank Spry cf Ro- chester, N.Y., visited ber ceusins, Misses Greta and Marman. Oke, for e few days lest week. John Maybeîry U p p ci Canada Callege. vIsited bis grendparents, Mr. and Mis. M. L. Roenigk, King Street West, ever the weekend. There are many local stu- dents ettending university. college, etc. Il they spend the long holiday weekend et home, piese let us knaw. Dial 623-3303. Mrs. John Heeney and son 'Robin o! Cumberland, Eng- land, are visiting ber aunt. Mis. Herbent Leighton and cousins n tAie aiea. They retuin home. by 'plane on Friday. Sunday guests with Mi. and Mis. Arthur Coverly, Prince Street, weîe their deughter, son-in-law and fani- lly, Mi. and Mrs. John In- fusini. Lavinia and Roxanne of Oshawa. Miss Marion Gerlach, a! Chicago, 111.; Mi. and Mis. Iloyd Stauffer o! Elora; Mi. and Mis. Mllen Dews o! Tarante, were recent guests o! Mi. and Mis. Joe Cudda- bec and Maîlene. Mi. and Mis. Peter Auch, Cheryl and Rayman have re- tuincd te their home in Belle River alter spending e two- week vacation wlth Mis. Auch's parents, Councillar and Mis. Les. Coommbes. This comlng va. 'd w flnd many eut-af-the ri'Mt- lng relatives or frien, d and some will have guests l'your homes. We would appreciate recelilng this Information for Items n this column. Dial 623-3303. It s expected that tAe Vice will b. sporting their bes autumn faliage Vis comin weekcnd. Many jouîneyeg torthwerd last weekend tc view tAie beautiful clais thA transform the countryside nt a glowlang picture. Recent visiters wth Mr and Mis. H. E. Purdy, Teni perance St.,, from Mattoon REHOBOTH , Christian Reformed Church Seugog Street Mfinister: 1ev. A. Vandenflerc, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Phono 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.M. Back to God Rour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 &mn. 'Everyone Welcemen kg ,d t bo1 Ilinais, were Mr.ad Mis. Cli!! Jackson and Mi. and Mis. H. Ferguson. Alsa gucats later n the week wero Mis. Reg. Austin and Mis. Lloyd Bayley o! Campbellvllle, Ont. Mis. Les. Coombes, tewa; Mis. Peter Auch, Cheryl and Rayman,, Belle River; Mis. Rowland Coombes and Danny, Mis. James Coombes and Michael. Mis. Bruce Ceombes and George. and Shewn Martin visited witb Mis. John Coombes on Thursday. Lions Hockey Draw wlnners are as !ollows: N.H.L., Oct. 15, John Stainton, D. Preston; Oct. 18, Gord Dudley, Jiro Howes; Oct. 22. Dave Znk, Jake Brown, Oct. 25. John Hancack, E. R. Lovekin; Oct. 29. Samo Man. Mis. J. S. Barr. Jr. '«A"' - Oct. 11, M. Green; Oct. 14, D. Rudman; Oct. 19, Ken Butsan; Oct. 26, Ab. Mavin. Although aur wcatherisl re- markably mild, e store radio commercial- advising that now was the time te Christmoas sbap when the crowds are noV as great, was a reminder that the busy Festive Season s îeally noV that fer distant. This braught te mind a sciiedule we once îead te make Christmoas less hectic. and en- joyable. It advised baving ail extra cleaning donc early n November, cards îeady for mailing and shopping 'cao- pleted by tAie end of Navcm- ber, decorating and wîapping finished by the second wcek in December, leavAng the re- maining days fiee for bak- Ing goodies, visiting and en- tertaining. We tried Vis anc year, but somehow missed the bustle, bustie and jostling ciowds. Now we leave some shopping tinti sbortly before Christmoas, just te ictain the thilil o! buying gifts and wrapping them just befarel the special day. TYRONE The Euchie Party Friday evening was very well at- tended with 15 and a hall tables. Travelling prizes were won by Mis. Mann and Mr. Drew. 50-50 draw was won by Mis. Alice Drew. Frizes foi euchie, Mi. Eairl Prescott, Mi. Jack Read, Mr. John Biorne, Mr. Carl Gi.mblett, Mi. Walter Murphy, and Mi. Hiramn Drew. Sympathy îs extended to the Skinnier and Goodman r. familles on the passiag of Mis. Luther J. Goodman at !The Golden Plough, Cobourg. Mis. Goodman was a former resident of Tyrone. Mi. and Mis. F. L. Byam, Mis. Otto Virtue visited Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood, Oshawa, on Sunday. Mis. Betty Hlood, f&. Harry Boulter. Mir. and Mis. L. Bar- rie, Toronto, were Sunday St. POUF'S United Church Minster: Rev. M. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Mr. E. Meteaif, A.R.C.T., A.C.C.'L. 9-45 a.m. -Sundey School Il &.rn. - Publie WorshlP Infant came durlnt scrvice >8ocial & £erso nal Phone 623-3303 ROXALD LOVIE Ronald Love, 20003 Dunlop Dr., Whitby, died suddenly et is residence, Frldey, Octeber 3, 1969. He wes ln bis 57Vb year. He wes bora et Black's Cieek, FrAnce Edwaid County, thie son a! Ernest and Amnelie Love. A resident cf Whitby for 42 years, .Mi. Love marrIcd Ethel Somervillîs ln Oshawa, Feb. 18, 1939. Ho was forenian cf the pro- tection force et Dunlop Cana- da Ltd. fer 15 years. A faim.- ci police chie! o! Whltby Aie elso served wlth thc tawn police for 1 1 years. He et- tended St. Mark's United Church. and was a nuember a! tAc Canadian Order cf For- esters. He Is survived by hie wi.fe, Ethel and four sons, William of Blackstock sud David, Ron- ald and Allen o! Whltby. Asa surviving s bis father, Ernest Love o! Whitby; thîce sisters, Mis. H. Moore (Hazel) o! Whitby; Mis. N. Leavitt (Ber- nice) cf Bloomnfield, and Mis. B. __cd Lily) o! Wellington and four graadcbldren. Thie funeral service was held Mcnday et 3:30 p.m. in the W. C. Town Chapel with Rev. John SndtAi cf St. Mark's United Church. Interment was et Greveside Ccmeteiy. Pelîbeaiers weîe: Harold Moore, Bernard Reed, Nor- man Leavitt, William Bawden and Clarence Macre. WESLEY VILLE Coin cobs are welI develop- cd on the mnany fields of thAs ciop, sa cocas, squirrels, jeys and pheesants are hevIng easy fecding. Flacks of wld geese are seen stil flying high, ta thc sauth, but no doubt many wAll find the fields o! coin, toc, and bide e while. James Nchols s stili An Port Hop e 'HaspItal fallowing bis accident o! lust week and brother Phullip te there fer a few days ta keep hlm cern- peny. Fhilp feUl on the play- ingfield et Clarke High Scooleand broke bis knec- cap. Ih la beped both boys will soon eb.omne.. Childien from bers attend- cd Sundey School ah Wel- corne and church service was et Canton for the enti.ue Hope Township charge te partici- pae in Uic warldwlde service o! communion. Recent calleis et Mr. and Mis. Hlarold Austin's were Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Feedea e! Michigan and Mi. Wilfrid Peeden of Newtonville; Mr. Ron Howartb o! Toronto caîl- ed thcre on Friday nigbt lest when on bis way te thie cot- tage. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Daîke spent the weekead at a lodge in thie vlcnty cf Tory. HAM An company wlth Mis. Daike's four sisters and their bus- bands. Mr. and Mis. Harold Best were i Oshawa lest week wbexe they go pericdlcallY ho deliver çooda te tthe Crlppled ClvllienSoclety. Fer same tâmé Una. Best heu acted as recelver sud packer for articles donated by members of thAe Unttod Chureh Wommn for .tia grawgiualoNà CFîurch Celebrates 3Oth Anniversary suppeD guet et à&. a&M s. Mr. end Mis. R. Bowden and SIiawn vluited her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Caron, Ostawa, and attended Markham PFer. Rev. R. C. Hopkins' theme foi his message Sunday morn- mng was "Happmness in Chris- tien Religion" alter which Communion was obscrvcd. Next. Suniiey, Oct. l 2th. thero wil b. a 'Ibenksgiviag Ser- vice et 11:15 &.m. All are welcome. October 18th lucre will be a paper drive. Kindly tic pa- pers sccua-ely. Congratulations ta Mi s. Thoma Gibbs con ber 82nd Lbirthday. Sept. 30. She came Lta Tyran. teo elèbrete with ber family. Misa Barbare Bilmer o! London visited friends An the village. Mi. end Mis Don Steinton accompanied Mr. and Mis. J. C. Cook on a colourcd tour in Uhe fer norJh over the week- end. Mr. and Mis. Raiph Boweis and beys visitcd Mi. and Mis. H. Baumgarten, Toronto, on Sunday. A feniily reunion was held on Sunday et thc home of Mi. and M-rs. Ray Gaudet and girls. Thome attending were Mi. and Mis. Walter Prime a! Wolfville, N.S., Mr. and Mis. John Tidd and family, Mis.NRiha.rd Gaudet and fam- ilY. Mi. and Mis. Donald Gaudet, Oshawa. Mis. Edna Wood and son John enjoyed e ooloured tour and stayed et a Cedar Brae cottage et Paudasb Lake over the weekend, retuining home an Monday. On. Sunday Mi. and Mis. Meiton MayAn and bays, Oshawa, Miss Sanda Gibson, Newcastle, and Mi-. Ted Wood visited them, et the cottage. Mr. and Mus. Clive Cox and femilY spent the wcekcad with friends An Taronte. Mi. and Mis. A. Saunders, Mi. Warren Cr=s, Toronto, visited Mis. Edna Phiip on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Joe Rekker, Bowmanville, weie Saturdey evening guets o! Mi. and Mis. J. Brown. Mi. and Mis. J. Biown were Sunday supper guesta of Mi. and Mis. Norman Avery, Salemo. Little Brent Badour had bis tonsîls remnoved. lest week- end and is now spending a fcw days with his grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mis. J. Badour, Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. J. E. Griffin and daughtei Laure, Oshawa, Miss Mary Niddery, Hampton, Mi. and Mis. W. Rebro callcd an Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bryant, Plea.sant Point, on sunday. OBITUARY ENFIELD Mr. and Mis. Fred Semis vislted at Mr. Fergus Aber- nethy's, Manilla. Mr. Roy Hartman, Enter- g ise, stayed a few days at r. Ailan Taylor's.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffan and Mrs. R. GrriffA vlslted et Mi. Vincent Redding's Peffer- law. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Beckim were weekend visitors wlth Mr. and Mrs. Merle Allen and family, Eldorado. Mr. and Mis. Seotty Mc- Pherson, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. Cârl' Lavender, Detroit, MAch.;, Mr. Rudy Banack and Mr. Ray Tweedle, Camrose, Aita., were visitors at the Lavender home. Mi. ani Mis. Fred Samis attended the Cavalcade cf Colore and visited Mi. and Mis. Roy Nichais at Port Carling. There was a gatherlag la the church basement Wednes. day night when Misses Lindai Lloyd and Teressa Smith, ý brides-to-be were presented with misecUaneous showers. The. members cf the U.C.W. held their first meeting since reallgnment and made ar- rangements for the future. It was decided that what was formerly the Enfieid U.C.W. would become the Enfleld Unit of the Enniskiilen U.C.W. Mrs. G. Bowman and Mis. Allan Taylor conducted the devotional and Mi&s. Herb Owen gave a reading. GET CASH TODAY FOR OLI) APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phono 623-3303 nuep upGon current af fairs the easy way Read the Pulitzer Prize winnýing Christian Science Monitor. Rarely more than 20 pages, this easy-to- read daily newspaper gives you a complete grasp of national and world affairs.ý Plus fashion, sports, busi- ness, and the arts. Read the newspaper that 91% of Congress reads. Ple send me thec Monitor for 1 lyear $261[J6mro. $13 j 3 mos. $6.50 DCheck or money order enckised QWçsYNm SCIENC MNNfoR* B1« 125, Astor stetiof Bl ton, Massachumetta 02123 Production Manager Harry T. Cooke It was announced recently that Harry T. Cooke, 42, had been promoted from Foreman of the Conveyor Belt Department at Goodyear to Production Manager cf Bownianville Operations. Mr. Cooke came to Bow- manville in 1961 from the Goodyear Quebec plant. Born in Toronto, he has been employed by Goodyear for 21 yeai-s and is married ta the former Mary Goudie; they have four sons, Bryan 15, Murray 11, Paul 7 and Bruce 2%. Mr. Cooke has been active in Boy Scout work for the past 18 years and was a member of the Scout Council here, resigning in May because of the pressure cf business. Durham County Club Holds Man vers Nîght On Frlday, March 28th, 1969, son for the Durham Club. the Durham Caunty Club of Mi. Wilson Heeslip, Reeve Toronto steged a "Manvers of! Manvers, lntroduced Mi. Night" with excellent coopera. Jack Payne, onc of the Coun- tion fromn Manvers Township cillors, who had been asked te Coundil, a majorlty of whom speak about the township. attended together with the MiPan decbd c Taiow n dhip tCek, Mi. Mr.geography of Menvers and avidJoston dteAsoM. dcalt with Uts faims and homes. AI.!.Johntan.He mentioned several of Us Dr. O. B. Dickinson, Fresi- outstanding citizens. He gave dent of the Club, extended a a most interestîng accaunt of most sincere welcame te the Uts Councils with himself as a natives o! Manvers who member and without him. He journeyed ta the meeting frOm described ts villages, church- Manvers and aiso te the many es, schools. Orange Lodges, who ettendcd from their railways and roads. The audi- homes An Tarante. Wth over ence enjoyed bis eddress very 60 persans from that town- mnuch. ship t was realiy a "Manvers Mis. Jeanne McMahon de- Night'". îighted the audience w1th Miss Karen Malcolm Of three vocal solas. Toronto. nieoe cf Mi. Harvey' Mr. W. P. Coulson ably Malcolm, Deputy Reeve of thanied ail those who had Manvers. pleased the audience taken part An the program. very much with threc vocal solos. The social heur which fol- Mr. Len McNeil, a past lowed brought te a satisfac-1 president of the Durham Club tory close a veiy enjoyable and himself a native son c! evenlng. Manvers Introduced the coun- The next meeting cf the chllorsaend township officials. Durham Club wrill b. held An Mi. Harvey Malcolm, an be- the Education Centre, 155 bel! o! the Council, presented College Street, Taranto, on a copy of the history o! Man- Friday, October 17th at 8*15 vers Township, entitled "The 1pro. Corne and spend a pliu Rlollng lilue" to Dr. Dickin. &nt evenlzg with old friends. OBITUARY MIS. IIAM W. SCOTT! The death occurred Wednes- day, October 1, 1969, follow- lng a lengty ulckneas at Fair- vlew Locige, Wbltby, of Mrs. William Wallace Scott. She wes ln her 74th year. The former Elda BeatrIce Pascoe, the deceased was a daughter of M.rs. Eleanor and the late Herinan L. Pascoe. Born ln East Whltby Town- shitp, June 5, 1896. abe was married ln the township Oct. 21, 1920. A resident of Fair- vlew Lodge since 1964. she had lived al ber life ln the columbus district. A member of Columbus United Church. Mrs. Scott w«s for many years the organ- let and choir leader of the church. Predeceased by ber husband ln 1936, Mrs. Scott Is survived by her mother, who lives at Columbus; a son. Alan of Oshawa; a sister, Mis. T. W. Scott (Hazel) of Columbus; two brothers, Harvey of Osha- wa and Walton of Bowman- ville and a granddaughter, Dwayne Scott. fThe memorial service was held at the Armnstrong Fun- erai Home, Oshawa, at 3:15 p.m., Frlday, Oct. 3. Inter- ment was ln Oshawa Union Cemet.ery. The service was Barnes of Columibus, assisted by Rev. R. H. Wylie. Look what you can buy for only 88c ASPERGUM R ANACIN 100's, Sugg. list 1.3588C SECRET Deodorant 3 oz. Spray or 1 oz. Roll-on Sugg. list 1.49 ea. 88C Lady Patricia HAIR SPRAY 15% or. Sugg. Mast 1.49 88C1 FACT Toothpaste Sugg. list 1.19 88C Gillette Super Stainles INJECTOR BLADES 1.19 Value for 99c88C CREST Tootpaste jSugg. lîst 1.39 1.17 Jm-CLOTH ALL-PURPOSE TOWE LS Sugg. liat 69C 2fr11 MURINE For the eyes Sugg. list 75C 66 BAN SPRAY DEODORANT 3 ounce 99e Value for 89e 77c SOfTIQUE BATH BEADS 12 z. -2 Sugg. Must 1.59 . 7 Sylvania Flashbulbs AGI or AGIB A Pkg. of 12,, Sugg. M.st 1.9z 1*49 MZB Pkg. cf 12, Sugg. Mast 2.22 1.79 PrEScRiPIoNS The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvtfle, Oct. a. 199 PONTYPOOL LEveryoe la thue large group1 who attcnided the dance An Uic Orange Hall Saturdsy night was well pleased and report a very enjoyable Une. This dace was a pre-wedding event end many of the friends of EMaine Fallis and John Van Wieringen were there te honor them. They arc te be marnied on Oct. 11th ln thc United Church here. At mid- nlght they were presented with e puise o! money. Good music was supplled by the4 Best family, Gary Van Dam. Wally Rei and others. Tiiose wirhing any informa- tion on Medicare (OHSIP) are invited to attend a meeting An Uicel'arisAi Hall, Friday, Oct. lGth, 8 p.m. la Betheny. Mi. Alex Canruthers, M.P.P., will be present and As pieper- cd to answer eny questions regarding saine. Everyonc Is welcome, so bring youi fi- ends tathuis meeting. A Rabies Clinjo will b. heid ln the Orange Hall here from 9 a.m. till noon on Thuisday,1 Octobeq, 1Mb. Protect your1 pet, your chidren end your-1 self.t 1%@ local Fie Brigade are1 spcnsoring a draw for e Ski-J doa. The drew will tae place-c 7SUPER SOFT mCELLULOSE Sponges IN A BAG L23CI [ FR E E Techmnatic Razof when You buy GILLETTE NEW 10 EDGE ADJUSTABLE RtAZOR BANI) sugg. list 2.29 There's more in 77 store for you at I.D.A. L_________ Shop our unadvertised specials I et a dance An December. W. doa't pretend to b. la the banane belt, but 1 picked e laffc bouquet o! glads, dah- lias and asters on Sunday mrning witb about twenty more glad spikes to, comne cut. SliastR daisies, carnations and roses aie taking on a new lease o! life. Tue Indian mmr- mer weather bas not bclped the. Cbsstnas tice tiede. In recent years "shelllns eut" et Hallowe'en has gasue to extiemes An oui vilage. Each yeei thc nunuber of divisitors" increases immense- ly. Leut yeai some houa.. wives reported alnicat 200 callers, and sa thc resideats o! Pontypool have decided that, rallier than "shclllng out' 'thiis yeaî on Oct. 31st, a party will b. held for the children from 6:30 to, 8:30 pm. The place will be aanounccd later. Prizes will b. given for costumes. Pairents aud anycne cisc wishing to do se, may leave donations oi net lem fihan $2.00 in one of the vil- lage stores. It le feit -that by havlng his masquerede par- ty, thie danger o! accidents te little ones wfll b. ellmlnsted. Ail citizens are askcd ho, et> operate. Any of these only 99C SCOPE 12 oz.99 Sugg. list 1.39 9 c CONFIDETS e2s Sugg. list 57e ea. /9 BAYER Nos. Spray Sugg. list 1.35 99C CEPACOL Mouthwash 14 oz.99 Sugg. Est 1.40 99 C EPACOL Lozenges 2018, Sugg. Mast 69e 2/99 Modes SOFF-FORM 12,S219 Sugg. Mast 59c219 BAYER Decongestant Capsules DI'S Sugg. Jist 1.50 99C KLEENEX Sugg. liat 2 for 77e 3 boxes 99C SECRET Deodorant 3 oz. Spray or 1 oz. Roll-on SCOPE Mouthwash &Gargie 12 or. Sugg. lust 1.3 99C THERA-BLEM FOR ACNE, PIMPLES Sugg. Mast 1.39 1.17 LD.L REMMIE8 ALEX McGREGOR àKING ST. W.," FRONE 623-579 Rev. and Mis. W. Harold Dawson an d their f amily, shown above, of Bow- manvîlle Pentecostal Chuîch, will be ha sts at a "Founders Banquet" in the Lions Centre, Bowmanville, Friday, Oct. l7th a t 6:30 p.m. ta mark the 30th anniversary of thie local church. The founding mini ster, Rev. Charles Hanris will be the speaker. Anniversaiy services are to be held Satuîday night and Sunday at 11:00 a.nu., 2:45 p.m. and 7:00 p.m., with former Pastors speaking. Rev. R. W. Taiting- er, the 42 year old General Superintende nt of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, will be speaking at the 2:45 and 7:00 p.m. services. WIN YOURSELF A BLENDER1 DETAILS IN THE STORE Head & Shoulders Shampo. Jar, Tube, Bottie Sugg. Mast 1.79 OJ31 TRUNUTY UNITED (HUR(H Minister - Rev. George &~ Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.C.C.O., £T.C.M. THAN1CSGIVING SUNDAY, OCT. 12, 1969 10:00 a.m. "GOD'S GOING BEYOND" Rev. George K. Ward Church School Rouis Beginners, Kîndergarten and Primary Deptsé at 10:15 a.m. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. at 11:00 a.m. THE OSHAWA LITTLE THEATRE Invites you to becomne a Season Subscrib.r SEASON TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE W.d. - Sat., November 26, 27, 28, 29, 1969 "SH E STOOPS TO CONQUER" By Oliver Goldsmith A classle play with Costumes and Comedy te pieuse ere and car. Wed. - Set., February 18, 19, 20, 21, 1970 "THE IMPOSSIBLE VEARS" By Bob Fisher and Arthur Marx A eanading comedy sparkllng wlth humor. W.d. - Sat., April 22, 23, 24, 25, 1970 ""WAIT UNTIL DARK" By Frederlck Knott A firt-rat. Myter, Suspense Thriller AU Be"t Reserved - Zutdsle CVI. Theatre 8:30 pim. ADULT Seau.. Submcrptlou: Wed. »«d/r Thunu. $40 Tu. sud/or Sut. 55.0 STUDENT Seuo SubmiUcrlt: Wed. and/or Thuru.$2.»0 Mri, sd/or Bit. $409 ïtoyur eard wlth remittance t.: DM .CLAIE KETH, 872 OSHAWA DLVI). Y., OSHAWA sM udud nus tamped self-addreuued returu cuvelope y*r delalelUa'hr« e write te: 709 0 Wtd.0t. OubAw For tuum aeinforma" uphme<i 5?43B3S 7?Z8- M M i RIGHT GUARD ANTI.PERSPIRANT 8% oz. Sugg. list 1.89 1.37 MAALOX SUSPENSION 12 oz. Sugg. Mast .75 98C BENYLI N COUGH SYRUP 4 or., Sugg. Bat 1.20 77c Flushabyos Pkg. of 48' NEW BORN, Sugg. ilat .2.03 MEDIUM or TODDLER, stu. ust 2.U541 i 1 m a -IL 1 -

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