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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1969, p. 8

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- " < ' t t ..t"...c. Th "eCanadian iStateffim, oWmanvte oct. 8, 19691 SPORTopicsl By Frank Mohun 623-72341 neraicrea rooies we spoke of wnose names wUil e well lcnown before the season is over. Warren Anderson started right off, as If he had been playing defence in the Jr. "A" league for years. Rob Kitk,, Phil Persia and Mark Stables are all prornising, rookie deferiders. Gerry Methe, back on the blue lins for his second year Io the Bobby Orr type - a heady performer, who can really lug the puck. When alling third year veteran Bob Stewart rèturns at bis bashlng best, the Motor City aggregation, should be strong defensively. The forward lines, along with the four Oshawa products, boast such prornising rookies as George Ferguson. BoR ep ler and Bob Hutton. From the Western Canada junior league cornes talented Danny Sping, to join second year returnees Muse Fox, Steve Cardwell and rugged Bob Kelly. Although the line-up isn't set as yet, coach Doug Williams bas put together a spirited, bard-skating club thai should revive Jr. "A" hockey interest In Oshawa. Some 2,727 fans took In the borne opener, and they al *ent home talking iabout what an exciting game it bad been. The Generals are Idle until Saturday night when t.hey nicet the tearn everyone bas picked for first place - the Montreal Jr. Canadiens. Gaine tîme is 7:15 at the Civic Auditorium. Toronto Marlboros, the experts choice for second, are in for a Tuesday night encounter at 7:30 (Oct. l4th). i. i. i. t 1 CURLING " Mthough the old scribe took advantage cf the excellent nviakén em+the. nnlav annI# and *.,an emGin .a *an, raI.. nf uts Wash Cars to Raise Funds For Camping Expenses On Saturday, members of lst Bowmanville Boy Scouts were out Total amount collected bas flot been in fuil force at Slaght & Cook's Gulf Station, King St. West, where weather they appeared to be'doing a goo< they spent the day washing cars to raise money for their camp fund. was taken. iNight Hiawks Commercial Hockey League Hospital Bowling Teani Standing Tan coe Pt .G hliLadies1 1 Tems ctobr Ith M. . Sell High Single, B. Brown 280: Mairs ---------------------- 13 BRYSONS - J1. Balson. D. vS; B. Supertests; W. F. Real high triple, Audrey Rowe 637;ý Rowe .McMurter, K. Veitch, J. Coyle, Estate vs B. Smoke Shop. t high average, P. Jeffery 204.1 BOns .-~---I "Butclh" Cole, B. Leveille. G. sors: Mutton & Gould Shii IMcn Leuschner _---------- l0 1,' Akey, R. Westhauser, B. Ellis, Hlgh Single, D. McKnight Bruce...........----- ---. 71/ T. Carleton, G. Rundle, B. Otbr 334; High triple, D. McKnlght Campbell __ ~61/2 Clar-ke, S. Barclay and B.! l9--Shells vs Supertest.s 874; high average, D. Mc- High Single Thornpson.. R'l Estate vs Smoke Shop Knîght 236. A. Dykstra --------- - - 280 BROOKS - S. Burns, G.16RelEtaev Se 1 High Pins: Teamn No. 2, High Triple Sainsbury, B. Majerrison, G. Smoke Shop vs Supertests; Beat-Me-Nots, 2639. L. Coombes . 635iWright. D. Girardi, L. Perris, November: Over 200 Games Over 225 J1. Fowler, L. Burns, L. Chant. 2--Real Estate vs Supertests! L2die A. Dykstra 280, F. Bruce H. Pollard, B. Ogden, J.1 Shelîs vs Srnoke Shop C Barrett Ladie 249, K. Campbell 250. L.,Clarke. F. Alldread and L.1 9-Smoke Shop vs R'l Estate Coombes 225, C. Bruce 255. Patterson.. Supertests vs SheiNs Averages WALTER FRANK - G.' 16--Supertests vs Smoke Shop! C. Bruce ----------- 197 Flin'toff, B. Crossey. B. Fainey, Shelîs vs Real Estate J. Baker - 192 G. Wilson, D. Green, R. Simp- 23--Smoke Shop vs Shela B. Wilbur - 192 son, R. Donoghue, D. Cowle, Supertests v,ý Real Estate1 J. Mair's 188 C. Vanstone. W. Vanstone, T. 30-SJhells vs Supertests I. Wright 186 Wilson, B. Oliver, K. Ander- WlI Estate vs Smoke Shop*, K. Campbell - 18-5 son and Bryce Adamns. December: M S'it __- - 182 MUTTON & GOULD - B. 7-Real Estate vs Shelîs M. Leuschner . 178 A. DyBag_____ 174 ton, 1. Gill, D. Forsey, L. 14-Real Estate vs Supertests Banl __ 14Simpson, W. Randel, L.* Hel- Shelîs vs Smoke Shop x000 lam, J. Adamis, B. Sleep, B. 21--Smoke Shop vs R'l Estate Sumnrersford, B. Cole, P. Super-testsq vs Sheils Youth Bowling Stacey adL Kelly.1 28-Supertests vs Sinoke Shop i 1970Schedule 1 Shelîs vs Real Estate nu b' weKeuwc.ert pa 91, ac n ge.~ V~f, iUn.n a iew seUts iFrsGme93 an.Sc-Jury tennis, winter sports are underway, and oe of those pastinies Bantam Girls FrtGm ,0a. e.Jnay that seems to be aîways incneasing in papuîarîty is curling. Harris 5, Perfect 0; Mitchell on an 04 ..So-4SoeSo 5Taylor 0, Spencer 5, Gray 0. sors: Mutton & Gould Siheils Supertests vs1 Certainly the Bowrnanville Country Club is looking for-* Team Standing (M. G. Sheil), mrv Brooks' I 1-Shells vs Supe ward ta a great season. The atones have been reconditioned Spencer -.-- -------- - 15 Super-test (B. Super test s),I R'l Estate vs Si and matched, and the Ice will be in and ready for use for the Mitchel~ .~_ _ 131 Bryson's Smoke Shop (B. IR-Real Estate vs cRs f Navember. Harris 1 î0 Sinoke Shop), Walter Frank Sinoke Shop vs ~rtGray 41 Real Estate (W. F. Real E%- 25-Real Estate vs Training sessions will be held the weekend cf November Taylor...........taie)._______ Shelîs vs Sinol lot, 2nd and 3rd, when anyone intenested will have the oppor- Perfect- -----. 9- ____ __ tunity ta corne eut and throw a few rocks. Higb Single - D. Harris 153.,M During the séasan there wIll be three draws. and if you M. Spencer 138, C. Mitchell wvish to cunli the opening schedule, it would be advisable 137. Doubnes M ajor Leas to complete a registration farn and return it ta the club by 278, J. Morris 252, M. Spen- Crs -Bag- om-EniPefc October l5th. ýcer 243.Crs -Bag- om- nl eft Besidês curling action, many social activities have been Bantain Boys That,'s what happened on Mike Murphy Chow 5, Fallis 0; Jeffery 3, Wednesd.ay night as the Men's Ron Etcher - planned, which will niake this the best season yet. In this Lvge2 White 3, Reynolds Major bowlers reaîîy went ta Russ Halîman respect, the executive of the ladies division will be holding,2. town. Mlauence Annert--- a social evening op Wednesday, Oct. lSth at eight o'clock.ý Teeni StandingMarc net ,AUl former and prospective members are invited ta attend. White -------------------- --- il Big Ed Leslie hit the 900 Ed Leslie-,-------- Chow ..... 10 mark for the first bowler tu Rtiss Hat.ely One excellent Innovation this year is the formation of a fer9dotia LbtyBwthsHnPlr junior boys and girls league, froin 12 ta 18 years of age, to Refyds__ -------sdon.thistlierty Bowltheis H a rtPner- tak plce n Snda afernoos. her wil b nochageLavigne-------------- ------, alleys with garnes of 262-316- Ab Saman ,- for members' children. Fallis- 2 324 fer a tremendous 902. This Howard Bromeli Curingfee fr te saso ae: en $6.0, ldie - High Single -M. Reynolds will bs tough te beat. A tip Don Bagnell Curin fes or heseaonar: mn $6-0, ldis 112,P. avgne15,0f the old bat ta Ed. Russ Oke membns ithLavîne 56,Brian Martyn 04000 nd usiessgirs -$3.00 Al ne 'mmbes wth High Double - M. Reynolds, Three bowlers jumped the Art Rowe the exception cf golfers, who wish tu curl, would also be 287, R. Chow 272. 800 plateau. Dog Traîner Walt Hately requlred ta pay the initiation fee cf $5fl.0o. In the case of a Junior Girls Jack Bond had gaines of 313- Maurice Richardjs iamily wlshing ta joîn, of cours eonsInitiation covers every- htbed 5 HyeM2 6-38fr fo 8.Lar r u ei Mn.orris 5, Martyn 2; Carter 5, Piper had 323-220-329 foDug cKih- Apliatonfaie reavilbl ow ad hold~ Sellers 2. 872. Piper is off and nunning Randy Beaupnie -- Applcaton orm ar avilale owandshold oul Team Standing the saine as last yeux. Clan- John Carter ----- bave any questions, Dave Zink would be happy ta answeriCarter ,..--. ------ -- 19' ence Oke bit 228 and the high Dv enls-- thein. The telephone number at the Bowmanville CountnylMWhis 14 fori7 8n34.fth ngt 68an 28Dîck Perfect __ Club is 623-2670. Morris Dr. H. B. Rundle_ _____________________________ ~Eleven bowlers bettered the Elton Brock .------- Haynes------------ --------21700 mark. Ah "Tobacco', George Piper- Seller8 - ------- 2 Samnar 769 (339). Mike Murphy Harold Michelson High Single - L. Wbitebeadj 764 (264-296), Ernie Perfect KarI Piper ------- 235, S. Morris 233, S. Yeu 202,1752 (291), Don Oke 745 (313), Bob Smith ------- J. Carter 202, C. Cowle 202,lRusE Hately 741 (269), John Lowell MacDougai- C. Cooke 202. 1 Var' Dyk 741 (320), Doug Me- John Gould ------ The Boby Hutl ine byHigh Triple - S. Morris 588,f Knight 7.19 (295), AI Osborne Murray Tighe ---- L. Whithead 544, C. Cowle 522.1730 (263), Bob Smith 725 (266), Jim Bruton .----- Junior Boys Maurice Richards 723 (296), Luke Annaert - CC'M Brunt 4. Jensen 3;Coombes, Doug Carter 706 (272).BoLatn .- 7,Vandriel 0; Carter 7, RO-1 W. Frank Real Estate set Bob Williams.----- bents 1. Lou MeFeeters ____ 1?TamStnin1 the season's high triple 3776. Jim McKnight ----- ______ Coomb. eamS tandig . This lm an average of 255 forBu Heng > ~Carte ------------- i15 gaines. Frank's Variety bit Bunanohn Caesnr ----- 161the seasan high single 1315 BFrankeMhu FULL LINE 0F JBrun ----1---- 2 for an average of 263 per Bruc OeMie - :Roberts 5.1,an John Van Dyk - C C M ~~Vandriel îgC......- 2, Bill Luxton got ln the swing Roly Coombes HighSige-M Roberts Of it and set two sensons ne- Ted Bagnell 246, J. Welsh 245, G. Jensen. cord. Bill had the law single Kani Bickell-__ tS214, J. Stevens 218-217, B. 105 as well as low triple, 420. Doug Taylor - Lamant 212, J. Brooks 202. In the averages Larry Piper BrankI Westlk Sp r s56,W. Coombes 558, G. Jen- has 264 for bi as while Team Standi sen 547. Don Oke le second ut 247. AI Seninr Mixed Leagrue ' Osborne Is third, 246. Tes M W Edrnondson 5, G.oodwin 2:1 Three tearns are tied for top Frank's E quipm nt ~ rd1~Y~ T~r~O2; 7H~ro~d ositon ln the teani standing. Vney- 1 7, ain0; ounjoy7, reee ;anks VrieyKen's Men's Ken's 0; Brle 7,Bouweeser . War ad Dksta'sFond ail Men's Wear-- 10 Tur eam Standing- ------- 1 b ave won 10 gaines cach. Dykstra's Bunley ----.----- . ..... 18 jWhat a battle. Food in 1 MHounoy . ... -18 Kani Bickell had a big 341 Nels Osborne Holryd ..____. -14 single gaine. President Bruce Insurance 7 4 Eodinsn. 11 Milne hit 309. Ruse Halîrnan Selby Grant Braodley . M. 306, Bob Glanville 276. How- Heatîng 7... i nad e ~ -~ .~ - . - - . ard B rom e l 274, B ob W illiam s Can--____-- 7 272. Dick Perfect 266, John Jury & Preece Gould 262 and Walt Hately Loveil - .-7 Terry...... - -4 260. W. Frank 1.Bouwrneester...........4 Real Estate ...7 PHONE 623-3421 111gb Single - M. Edmnond- Sth Week - Ist Sehedule Beaver 67KN T , son 344, J. Patfield 344, V. Averages Lumber ..... 7 67KN T .Terry 306, G. Edmondson 288- Name Gaines Ave. Pepsi Cala_ BO M E256. T. Brock 256. 1. G. A ----- BO M EHigh Triple - N. Gn>odwin Lanry Piper 15 264 Lanc4er ' 775. G Edmondson 728, J. Don Oke........15 247 Hardware ----5 Patfield 716. B. Burley 710, AI Osborne . . 15 246 Mutton & J L. Bruit 601, Jack Bond - là 245 1Gould - à M U u q vs SbhelIs Reel EstateM )rtests Smoke ShopI 709/ sShelis ,Supertests 223 * a 3-D Viewer 40 SLIDES e Roller Skates a 2Guns ln Hoister a 14" Maddie Mod Doil1 e 12" Teri-Joe e 4-Friction Trucks e Tamborines announced, but with ideal Id business when tijis picture P. Jeffery ----- 205-264 lE.' Holley . - ----216-243 1 Audrey Rowe ---------218-266 :L. Connors ---------- 230 Brown ----- -280-203 Team Standing Tearn Name Beat-Me-Nots Honky Tanks Apollo Klod-Happers Slow Pokes.------------ Indians ---- Brown Eyes --- ---------- Freak-Outs ... W> >$6009O00 MANUFACTURERS lOY LIQUIDATION I YOUR CHOICE Values to 221 220 -"NAME BRAND" 219 WRDRNW 218M WRDENN 217 M NATIONALLY 216M ,,, 1 ADVERTISED 215 214 212* "CRAFTMASTER" 212 2112 PAN'D /2 1 P ITB N UMBERS PRICE *Disneyland Paint by Nos. 0 Model Planes e Blackboard EASEL, CHALK, BRUSYf *Maddlie Mod Go-Go Watcm 0 Scuba Diver BATTERY OPERATED 0 Go-Go Doils EAGATELL REG. $2.70 3o r$1~ "REMCOCRBABYNATIONALLY AS CA L AVRJE SEEN ON AUDLIR ISUI T.V. AO GD L AT $Z9.95 $ ,9 DELTA "55S" - Battery Operated "Dr. Doolittie" - Reg. 3.98 MOON EXPLORER $6.99 PAINT BY- NUMBERS $1.99 Reg. 9.95 Reg. 4.99 DOLL (ARRIAGE $3,o99 SERVICE STATION $2.99 OPEN 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. WAREHOUSE I TFurs., Fri. 10 - 9 Mon. - Tues. - Wednesday LOCATIONS Saturday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. NORH:117 INH ES DON MILLS * BAYVIEW BtéNORTH:1 and27 FNHWEST I 780 SHEPPARD EAST B.t.enKeee ad Dffein1 Across from Canadian Tire SOUTH * WEST EAST: 2862 DAN FORTH AVE. QUEENSWAY and WINDERMERE West of Victoria Park (Behind Seaway Motel) near Shoepers World HAMILTON IOSHAWA IWELLAND 260 Centennial Pkwy. 520 King St. 244 King St. PETERBOROUGH OAK VILLE * e 246 George St. 342 Church St.* * ~* 'V v-t *FOURTH GREAT VEAR Wa rebous. 9 Locations Sa0e to "B ILO-mFIX" 2/ 3 OF FPRICE EDUCATIONAL FULL PRICED ACCESSORIES TOYS RANGE FROM 99e 4 FOR $1. "CRAFTMASTER" MODEL KITS SPORTOPICS JUNIOR "'C's" OPEN SUNDAY, OCT. 19th Bowman%'1ile Cable T.V. Junior "C's" home opaner hai been scheduled for ont week from Sunday at 1:30. In. al, ten home encounters will be played on Sunday afternonns, al bcglnning at 1:30, with the remaining seven Jr. "C" encount- ers at the Memorial Arena, slated for Tuesday nlghts at 8:15. t. t t t t JACK JUST CAN'T WIN A couple of weeks back, Jack Bond turned in a very respectable triple, but it just wasn't enough to take the honors In that evening's Men's Major League action. Last Wednesday night, Jack was really spilling the pins, as be attempted to beat Larry Piper's 872 total. Well Jack did just that, racking up a tremendous 889 triple. He was the bappiest guy in the place until someone informed hlmn that Ed Leslie had recorded the first 900 triple of the young season. Ed took everyhody to the cleanerç - Bowmanvllle Clean- ers.that is - bowling games of 262, 316 and 324 for a big 902 mark. Meanwhile Clarence Oke settled for an 834 triple, but carne up with the nigbt's top single - a 368 game. A tip of the hat from this corner ta Ed and the other three to p performers. Bond shouldn't feel too badly about 889. however, particularly when the sports editor turned in our worst effort in several years - 528. GENERALS - CROWD PLEASING It seemas that a lot of hockey people bave written off theI Oshawa Generals, as destined for another last place finish lni the 1969-70 Jr. "A" campaign. They reason that if the Generals couldn't make the playoff s last year, they Just can't be any better now, after losing players such as Rick Kesseil, B y S o Predde O'Dnnelland IBoyBoSCOLv However, Jr. "A" hockey Is about as unpredictable a aports happening as you can get. Look at the OHA. graduates . ln thc National Hockey League right now. Many were Junior "A" standouts. Although the Oshawa Generals were only reorganized a few years back, they produced super star Bobby1 Orr, Danny O'Shea and Wayne Cashman. Everyone bad beard of Orr and OShea, but we can well remember when Cashman joined the club, saying "who is be?" Wayne is typical of the players wbo make a junior club au an unheralded rookie, but turn into top performers. This year's edition of the Generals is a predominantly rookie team, but judging by thc first two games of the young tsason, they are highly remîniscent of that firet Oshawa club that was re-organlzed by Wren Blair. Thc Vail brothers, Dubeau, Orr and the like, didn't know the mcaning cf quit. And that in our opinion is the type cf team Oshawa Generals will be this season. In goal, homebrew Ted McComb bas been outstanding, turnlng aside 76 cf 84 shots, as the Generals defeated Hamil-s ton 5-4 and tled 4-4. Waiting in the wings is another top Ç goal-keeper from Oshawa minor hockey ranks - Bryan Rose, whlle another contender for goal is highly-rated Gille Gratton froin Quebec. Other homebrews ln the line-up include Terry O'Réilly, Henry Nowak, Terry Rowland and Tommy Simpson. Ivan Dévie, assistant general manager and chief scout has done -. a great job of selecting player personnel, and we wouldn't doubt that this year*s roster contains several of those un- $2.98 0 Gomes

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