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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 9

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.~ '~.r. 4..-....,,. - .. .................................................................. SPORT'«op icsj By Frank Mohun 623-7234 MR. LACROSSE - GENE DOPP The campetition, exercise, thrill of wlnning, the Jet-dowi in ]coing are ail part cf the sparts scene. But as we ve often said. the best thing about being Involved in sparts - are thec friends yau make. And that includes bath yaur own team- Mates and the apposition. Last week, the sparts editor attended a dinner hanaring .- _* the Canadian Senior "A" Lacrosse Champion - Braoklin 'U; M J R High School Football 10. Ether 18 218 Redmen, at the Thunderbîrd Golf Club. While there we re- L D E "M J R G. W!Icox 18 217 liewed acquaintances with a gentleman, wha had campleted' r* Bradley Il HBoc 8 211 his active participation in sports, befare we met him for the L GUE 'H.UIm Palmer 18 214 iis ie- same 10 ar oa years aga. OMtber 3 R emen i I I1Up 71Points TH Bagnell 18212 For Gene Dopp, prabably better known acrass Canada'Otbe 3 I ,Moc Richards 18 212 as"r arse.i a obeclertoteocso! Ta tnigT. ilisn 18 207 being alsa Mr. Dopp's 77th birthdav. P3ts ,c D. Bradley 1 0 We had the p.-asure of talking wlth Gene for aver an Marg Z eno Il MER E utIs J Brunt 18 205 hour, following the banquet. Incidentally, we had heard of Dayle Wolnik 10. Bowmnville High Sahool. Jo. Carwana was the 'big Final quarter put th gm Arn Sleep 18 204! Gene Dopp for yeàrs, when aur boyhoad buddy - Bernard Onie Etcher ----- --------- 9Redmen unleashcd a 71 point gun in tic Ajax rout, scoripg against Anderson out o f reaci . PpaU---- -- 18 202 "Nip" Jones used to tel us ailaotueen' tlet Fana Etcher . --- -- 8, barrage in winning their lait tire. touchdowns, twa in the Larry Devlitt and Chuck Cat-'1G.Pipkers---- 18 202 exlit.W mtM. opfo cfrtShiattcGode r le Davis - ---- ------- - a! two Senior Football League tirot quarter as Bowmanville tran accounted for tic majors,]', M j c a 22 exlots W mt r.Dop orth irt im a te ooyerýelnReynolds ---8-- gaines, wbule holding the op-ibuilt up a big 26-0 margin. after the Redmen had picked] A. Wircoy - 18 210 Tire and Rubber Company in New Toronto, wiere he was Olive Patfield 'position scoreless.J Froats, Larry Devitt, PaulI'up a safety touchinlathe third' rAyoog 18 200 editor of tie Wingfoot Clan. Barb Buttonshaw 71 The Redmen walloped AjaxMcArthur and Harvey Wil-iquarter. A . Donoteue 18 198 Gene told us that he had been involved in lacrosse for Thelma Forrester -- 6 51-0 last Thursday in Ajax,[ iams, on a pass interception,1 The only scoring in the fin;tMARihrs 1 19 6 y ar, rcl ng he frt g e he e e pay d i T r toLinda Crossey ------- ----- 4 to W hitby, where they down- 1with Froats three converts. Joe Carwana in tic pening IG. ickesn---- 18 194! - for Jarvis Callegiate after moving from Brantford. "I rom- Mabel Lewis - ------------ 41cd Anderson 20-0. 1 A pair of touchdownruin the quarter. R. Mitlln---- 18 19 ember I had three fights du ring thc game and scored two R._ HMipcel - 93 goals." Merridy Hately 216, Dayle S.StI on15 192 One of his sehool chums was Conn Smythe. "Io fact," said Wolnik 216, Olive Patfield fl *aeII League B Mitchell 18 190 Gene, 'X just rereived a letter from hlm the other day, In 212, Ena Etcher 208, Barb imn s a e r eoul rt Richards 18 1881 wiich he ended by saying 'Gene you were always tops iyn'Bos.haw 208, Helen Rey-j Friday, Oct. 1Othi H. Moore ~ 12 185 ýnls206, Marlyn Cle 206,I. McDonald - 18 iii4 books' - and yau knaw that makes an aId guy feel prettyýDot Brooks 203, Carolyn Bruce1 Tiree bowlers banged tic bawler tic boys look tai for Josie Doxtater rolled a nive E'Mor-- 1 18 god."20,LnaCssy00 800 mark with tic toi) aver-' tic big game of tic yea'r, and h single of 337 t-o take thejE.BMoe ---. 18 1841 iow o ad Mr'Ov r Gaes: 20e0 Et age bawler Larry Piper lead- he usually does it, went the honors for the ladies a'nd Fern JB'.Smith -- 18 182 Mr. Larose wen o t rcout s ng tic way. Larry ad wrong way on Wednesa Bradley had the high triple of M~ariuyn Richiards.. 18 181 Smyhecanedmoeydurnga re Cu gme whlebah her 244, Jean Harness 341 games of 283-282-293 for a big night. Russhad a low sn--le, 717. Nice bowling, girls. attending school. "Conn always wanted ta be on my team Olive Patfield 255, 315, Fae 858 triple. Piper now hasagaeo10ano!cuewn Bra Mrtn nd Wre M. Learnan--- ------la 180 Lewis 235, Linda Lake 257, amazing 268 faverF.eLfo î 18IR 1781 whea wc wcrc playing hockey, because although ho wasiBr utnhw 26 21 ae.aeaefr 18 low prize. John Ingram had; Etcher tied -for h igh single fe J Thmpo 18 1781 SBr utnhw 26 27,gre.a 457 triple. tic men with 303 but Morleyî po sml ednvrbc on[o noe a rtybgNancy Evans 221. Helen Rey- ce' e' er slaigraptured the hirgi ail by hm Mary Harrison --- l 178, - and ho could count on me ta corne to uisassistance'."od 22 Lur1azl E afe oling 0 a sergt weektibauwti1ps.Fnk elwih84 nls22 ar aednatrbwig92ls e k en's Mn'eawt 2ps riseadng sefI h83.M. Welsh ------ 18 1751 "Incidentaîîy it isn't just since ho became wealthy tiat 220, Ena Etcher 228, Dotj ihanc 4 rpe eleVreyi eodwt n Morley Etcrher's team de-! H. Bennett---18 174 Con ba dvelpe anIneret n hrss. e sedtohan :Brooks 237, Dayle Wolnik 264,,iad games 0f 278-254-112. Two Dykstra's Food and Beaver~ feated Elton Brock's 7 nita j0,.-Bag-e - 18 173 arun te ac-tacsevn he w wregangtascoo.Merridy Hately 300, 241. 222,1 wecks ago Ed was In 28th Lumber each witi 10 points. iand V. Prout, L. Pipe r, Don E MDonghd 18 171 around he rac-tracks even hen weweShirley tDavisol.238.ir2y3DavGara8, placearwithac aw217 a av7ervgage, o KarirlBickelllPlaPlant agManager, l B 0.nell.e aO. Et 1hEr andaM 18 17 To Illustrate what a smaîl world il is, Gene played lac- lyn Bruce 220, Linda Crossey heie,1 third, havIng 242. athR.M olnsedC.iRcarsahtok2gamnesç Smith la - 1 170 925,e R. M. olln she d a.i Rch rd>oa i1oo 2. j D xtater1 16 rosse agalnst Doctor Zion, a dcntist fromr Shelbourne, wîo2, Ema B-ag 279, Marg- AI Osborne bit 833 made upi bas donated records and car' from G. Wilcox, G. Piper,B. Mn- . r 18 166 ha fledatot o wofr ywieShirlcv. King 252, Tris Hcllam 241, of 214-317-302. Osborne is iIpls ate Mn ao Martyn, B. Richards and D.] 1 Prut n-------1l 166 has e fld a adetor tfreky ifew Doreen Park 244, Barb OS- second place hitting 252 for 189.1 League. Tic members a!f tic eynToBenets18 i GeeDopmaeti rk aNe esmnseast borne 272. Joyce Tonnant 247, ' Elght bowlers crasied tihe Major League wauld like to' 300 Gameés T. entt - 18 159 nionti, In bis capacit.y of honorary president cf tic Redmen, Helen Depew 276, Linda Gai- 700 mark. Don Bagacîl 771 thank Plant Manager Karl for Brian Martyn 303, Morley * w 1 5 when ho cieered Braoklin on ta their second consecutive lagher 245, Joyce Almond 242. (290), Randy "Curly" Beau- lis Interest In tic Icagua Etcher 303, Josie Doxtater 337, . R. Wray 18 156 Mann Cup. prie76 and th ic - singleShdle 250 Games iADrey Slpso 18 156 B w ig 334. Bill "Jake" Westlake Gitb Week - 1stfàedl Harold Bennett 277, Mac D. Doxtater - .12 149 inder coDp p, aied it assatrt i ge ai in7 Tor t oisoWpin 711731(2,8A-269):Name e Average,. Richards 25o, Mary Wiilcx Martin 18 145 tindercoachDopp, id itwas atthe ae of 1 thatBis6,p(OFwo Welshvi262,73Joan9-26)Ri 1ardsLe _____26218oa141 decldcd ta try coaching on his cwn hook. Jim wasn't alway. Fak"prs9Mhn 74 an GmsAe'rn 64, M A.Richars262 .Rchrsj'4 as smart as ho i-.;00w. His teamsalaw-ays 'ould go ahead, but' October 10, 1969 (271). Clarence Oke 718 Larry Piper 18 268' Matt Harrison 274, Onie Et- . D alerl 18 141 L ondeene bc sifra. 'Jw e nos owtadoitaI. n r a' ngî ws noh ( 246). Rusa "Dutch" Haîlman AI Osborne - 18 252, cher 2.98, Heether Moore 2559-D.Pamec -l18 1361 onineJthm'Bvshap rl'as owh nc mare ta futrlacoss ia n goodaynght o bwli ng for 712 (2.55), Daug McKnight 711 Ed Leslie .-- - -_ 18 242 293. Don Ragnell 28.9, Arn R Land ---- 18 123 my opno i'Bso a o@mr o'rhr arseta odn tn oln o 2,56). Don Ok? --------- 18 24() Sleep 256, Rap Palmer 276, D' anl -1 0 any individual living o- tdead." That's quite a testimonial f rom c0l' bow.lers. J. Bond hadi Rusi Oke had a big -116 Jack Bond . 18 2,39 Vince Prout 254, Morley Et- Spor Bownlcrs:10 a man who augit ta know. mprs higi triple (814) and' single game. Maurice Rich-1 Ernip Perfect - 18 238, cher 280-251, Les Smale 266- Sprate r ore Speakng o!testionial - a innoMaodrdnc- i hono mpri'- higi single (3131), wîtî ards 300, Dick Pefc 81 uss Hallîrnan --- 18 2,18 272. R easn ------02 8 Spaigo etmaas-adne n ac nhnrA. ~1an Goor. B. Williams and 1HOwarl "Ski-Dca" Bromeîl Clarence Oke - - 18 238 650 TriplesR. eano -- 1 14 o! Green Geeiw ceci and general manager - Jim BisZhOP. h. Iroc* ,etayinaz rigît close 27.. Jim McKnigit 271, Har- Ron Etcher - --__1 236, Mary Wilcax 673, Lewj M. Wiseman ----- 18 157 la coming up on Wednesday, October 22r,4,a&etich Kinsmen behind. P. Patter and M. Al- aId Bennett 272, Murray Tigie Mike Murphy 18 235 Welsh 660, Rob Richards 653, Hiall in Oshawa. dîread paved P Brawn taý 278,. Johnq "Sam" "Ted" Gould Ab Saman 18a 223-f Onie Etcher 683, HeathetPk a . L We illbelaoin fowad t scin Gne op aginladies' high triple (735), and 271, Bob Konopaki 268, Ernie Ruas Hately 19 2321M e73 rinMry , K LrIEI tha aiit. Jut as "ip" onc ad sny ycars pag P ote bwed221aca-Perfect 264. Bob Lawton 263. Don Bagnell 18 23 2 MHirIda3Brk 64. rtn 7S.ccp WU.UW. P tu e dis'hii nled for2tie c ap- st but net ieast Ron "Fats" Han Palmer 18 22, Gr Wlcx6,Ra you're quite a guy. cx ningoKep668c.n'iag Etcher, aeepbigco297.,Doug Carter .----18 9230 Palmer 721. Vince Prout 7.14, L _______________________________________The Mutton & Gculd SielIlHoward Bromell 18 227 Î sSmlc71, IreyEthe lade! 10Ga :J.Rn!boys hut the season's higi Maurice A'nnaert -18 227, L34. ADUL71, AorleVITIES Over300 amps J. ondsingle game 1338 for an aver- RandY Beauprie - 8 226: 3,AUTATVTE A31-2601-223, R. Brock 302-232. age o! 268 per man. Nice go-i Maurice Richards 18 .).), Teamn Standings Furniture FInuublng Clan. au*u U AftA TFOver20 Games: P. Potter ing, boys. They also iad higi h arMryT- 1 eaais- Pins Pj ts a .cts at tie Lions Centre 2MJ 92-222, A. Van Goor 286-247- triple, 3527.J Rusa Oke 8 251D Bagnel---18100 '9)qon Thursday, October 16,i JU D O a d K M f TM E î'17. B. Williams 276-233-227, Russ "Wlgger" Oke, _tic Deug McKnigit -- 18 = M. Etcher 18116 271 tic afternooa, 1:30 to3o RWestlakc 268-241, D. Den- AtRw 8 29 .Wlo 8i 6 'lc, ni27 .Smt 6-4, y1 lWI HatclY --19 222 B. Martyn --------66a 24 Badminton Club BEGINNERS CLASSES l ozema _25.5-241, K. Chipma Youth DOWIig onCatr1 20 * en1a- 18361 ~~H~ MARrsNhNlWl 251,-207, R. Wood- Tayor DHar k Perfect - ------ 8 2191 Mbe Richards --182(13 .22fro;m 7 P10t10 riph 246-241, G. Poutt 244,rM.H. B. Rundle - 18 216l B. Richards ---17972 1îWthNi Nwo a i Heati N W24-21 G ot 22,,M. Talor ',SpGce PeHriF ltnBrck 1 215 Etch Nwtn t h 215 .Piper -----17,960 iTn, Hl uioim o Het 4,J. McNab 241-234, 3,Mitchell 2;,Gray 2 erirank Mohun -1,5 214,0. tcor -- -17634 7IWednesdaylAutorium ona nt the S. Robinson 241, N. McKeen fect 2. 1 Rarold Michelson- 18 214' E. B'rock --- 17128 15 Wep.m. Aylctubr and dem 241-203, B. McReelii 239, M. Team Standing !John Gould 18 214'ilG. Piper 1!07430 castrAtio eontcefundamen- ClUb ~Alldread 236-220-208, J. Rab- Spencer ------------ 1511 George Piper ----- 18 212! Averagelqlntainontesnaet Mil e f Ju o Cu nson 237-237-204, G. Rittei' Mitchell --------------- 151 Bob Lawton 18 211ý M. Etcher . 1,9 54as oftaking gond slides. M aple Leaf Judo 234-2G.8Heati Woodward 23 R arris..-----.-----13 Bob Williams ---18 211 V. Prout-----------18 250] Palntlnc'ClassFTEs BAELN N RA LVN213,G.Hah20 G. Patter Taylor ------ --------------- 8' Jim McKnigit ----- 15 211 L. Piper .-.. 01-18 43 S aiattinsCentres BASELINEANDROADELE'N 20. C. Rîtter 228-220, D. Bond Gray--------------------------- 7Jim Bruton- 18 210 D. Reynolds .... la 243 oiSaturay neionsn Ot.e PHONE 623-5393 2-220, G. Feddema 226-221, Perfect -C -- 2ý Murray Tigie 18 '10 )'E. Brock l-a..~1 226 18th. BegInners Class, 9:30 to M. Dakin 223-217, G. Smith Higi Single -C Perfect 158,! Lowell MacDougal 18 ;101 B Martyn -- - 18 224 il~3 .m.Avne ls 223-220, P. Marshall 222-203, H. Gray 142. IBill Westlake - 18 2n9 j L. Welh 8 23130 to33a.m. Avne ls J UO an EL UEFENCE F. Tippens 222-201, G. Mar- High Double - C. PerfectiKarl Piper - 18 201) lH. Reynolds la 1 222 Drama Clasn shaîl 19-215-206, B. Westlakep 267, H. Gray 262. Dave Reynolds q -9 209) Don Bagnellî ---- 18 221: Starta on Saturday, Octaber C ID EM8B.Bm 20-0,D. No- Bantam Boys JhVaDy -8 2.L.Sae1R 221i l8th at 9:30 a.m., Auditorium CHILREN205-23,B . Buma 20-20. Ted Baenell ------- 18 206ýB__Richards 18 2201of the Town Hall.f Tuesday or Tusa 7:00t :0 p.m. Aia 202, P. Bufman 201. White 5, Jeffreys 0: FallisLau Me 'eeters IR--1 2061 Thrsa t 83 Alded 02 . ufmn . , Lavigne 2; Chow 3, Rey.]Bruce Milne -- -- 15 2051 11 i Team Standings nolda 2. 'Sud Henning . 18-218 AD LSiTeam Standling Bill Oke- - 18 201i Truesday or Thursday 8:30 to 10:00 p.m. i o.Clpai inDPs Wit c---- ..1 9 -Bob nhMrsiali 1.7438 33,Chow -------- ----- 3Team Standin Il -Milt Dakin 15809 9 9 ead.5, Crter2, Matyn I Neis. Osborne head 5 Cartr 2; artyn7, Insurance -9/ 129 Haynes 0. c Jury &i8 /i911 Team Standing Jurvyl 9& Carterea -- 1W.Frank Cartrs 211 Real Estate-- 9 9 9 M orris --------- - 21'1 G. A. 9 9 9 Mayns - -- - -16] elbv Grant -----y----e --------- 2j H ea ting - 8 2 '2 8 Seler -. rîs22,1Mu Cola -- 8 10 8 High Single -S. Morri Pe2, ýMuton& L. Whitphead 220-200, I,. Gotîd - 6 12 6 Woodward -)07. Landeî' 1-igh TriPle - S. Morris 612, Ha rd ware - 6 12 6 L. Whitehead 563, L. Wood.-,______ wadS3Junior Beys New'ville - Starkviller Jefe ,Vandriel 0, BrntB win egu 7, obets0; Coombe. 5, Car B win Ia u ter 2. Team Stiandiîng Thursday, Oct. G Coombes 24 Jensen _in__19Averageg Brunt - __ _ __ Marlene Stacey 195: Carter ~Gall Milson ..19,1 I Roberta 1 Dorothy Stark -- 11 Vandriel 12 Bernice Hendersn 10 High Single - G. Jensen isTopyce-- . 8 268, D. Gray 254, J. Catr lin achn------- 1751 252, W. Mosher 241, B. Cas-erMaie MTrchant1591 cagnette 229, J. Stevens 224, Rorie Woods .~ 1591 W. Coombes 222, D. Lobb 210, Marie Gable -1.59 M. Roberts 200.i Penny Boisvert15 High Triple - J. Carter 630,! Lynda Willsher ____153 D, Gray 594, J. Steveins 590. 'Bernice Stark 1491 Senior Mixed League Shirley Marteil 1441 Cain 5, Edmondson 2; Preece!Dale Foran-------421I 7, Goodwin 0; BradlIey 4, Roi. Jjean Pollard 1401 royd 3; Burley 7, Terry 0, Martha Farrow ____138, Mountjoy 7, Bouwmneester 0.' Ellen Farrow -____137 TeamStaningPat Millson - -- - 134 Buea..............g6îM. Caswell . -- 121 Mountjoy . _25'vTondk 0 Holroyd --- 17, 200 Gamet Edm'ondson 15, G. Milîson -- 264. Bradley 141 M. Stacey 256 Cain ___ 121 B. Henderson - 230 Preece ___ _- 12j J. Stacey- ___ 226-224. Goodwjn _______11 ID. Stark _____ 218-2001 7w ---4!D. TompIcins --___ 217 Bouwmneeser - -41P. Millson -----202 H-igh Single - S. Coin 287 Gamet Won1 B- Burley 267, N. Gciodwiný Brazls -. -- - 14 j 257. Pecans 91 High Triple - N. GooJwin, Walnuts -7' 678, B. BurJay 674, 8. C" 660.[ a"uI -id Be Generous T[his is your opportunity to assist the Boy Scouts The. Canadian Stitesman, Bowmtanvllle, Oct. 18, i1M ,SPORTOpICS MEMORY Thirty-eight years ago today - ln 1931 - the. franchise of the Ottawa Senators and the Philadeiphia Quakers of the. National Hockey League were suspended followlng a meetio.g of the League executive. Ottawa played again lni 1932 for two seasons before dissolving. A founder mnember of the NUL. ln 1917, Ottawa won the Stanley Cup four times, the ladt in 1927. i. t t t t LAUGH When Yogi Berra first reported to the New York Yankee., he was given instructions by Bill Dickey, then the number .5iane catcher on the club and a real good hitter. In discusaing ,batting. Berra went to the plate and papped out. When Berra 4returned to, the dugout he walked over to Dickey and uald: 2"You can't thlnk and bat et the same time. I'm golng to stop 7trying ta do both." ý6 1. t t t t 5HOCKEY MOTHERS 4 Unless there la a good representatlon t the next meeting 21of the Hockey Math crs scheduled for the Lions Centre et 2 l2:00 p.m. an Tuesday, October the 28th, the Hockey Mothers 21 are going ta have ta disband. 2 The Rummage sale sponsared by the Hockey Mothers 0has been cancelled for this faîl. HELP is nceded ta make the 8sale a success. 3; LIMITED QUANTITY! LOUISVILLE SLUGGER HOCKEY STICKS( 50OCo OFF C.C.M. 'Tacks' Skates $6 9 . 10% OFF ALL REG. PRICE STICKS TO ALL OIRGANIZED HOCKEY PLAYERS -SKATES SHARPENED- PHONE 623-3421 67 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE W- Undercoat FrProtection Do a a Bowmanville Newcastle Knal Mplle Grei tç yv r a ea ! 1 à--te- * SUIT * SATURDAY, OCT. 18 THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPQNSORED BY County Chrysier DodgeI A. H. Sturrockc & -Sons AUTHORIZED SALES & SERVICE - PARTS IMPERJAL OIL PRODIJCTS 219 King St. E. Bowmanvill. Phone 623-2586 1 PHONE 623-5516 BOWMANVILLE * Morris Funeral Chapel * uu, -11* Gien Rae Dairy 1 Smith Bevercages Ltd. ~ ST. W. BOWMANVILLE I OSRAWA, ONTARJO KIN4 tx i a,- 1 Ili Grove vni ir «à ra n 1 COUTS M L E ÏY

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