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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 11

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r - r........I t' .........-. . r Il lm d grief wlth @@eh imem.'P. Vaneyk and Mondgy gueptel The. enadlitn ~aea.~wRvle c.7,1 1 'ber di hi fmliIly. 91 Mr. and Mrs. H. DeMifls lt in the sincEs'e wish <cl the Bowmanville. £cL I Q ~ t e; w remidents of our - part ci, Dàr- Mrs. W. Vaneyk informed lington Township thut the me this morning th t her )Ganil, A hi Benr feelng of get love and grief Baster lily which she planted Ie » a t n atnnSevshv e mm BUt iliFd f Reeve Carl Down and Mns.,in her garden this spring has tunedto he illge tte Phen. 987.4213 1 Down will b. light.ned by now another beautiful flower we fhnigmoea Mrs. BruwthTt wi nhardngtOrt on<I in thfilr sorrow In the audden I. eirCtzeswl eme, Bo ne an GudsTk Bi tp Udeath of out reeve's mother, *7TtSocialand In(aai t)eThraa ve Browies nd GidesTakeBig tep pward rMrs. Norman O cia &Pasna in th CetenON? rsympathy Commuact.y Hall at S Mr. Norman Down and ail Mr ndMs Atu Re r. and Mrs. Brian Rowe Hall t845 rnSuda.pn.Cneot ndme r ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ other m em bers of is fam lly, M r ha ; r. nd rs C i - and D ayrell, M r. and rMs. %v ith their covered b; s e s t i h y u r e d n n o 0ord Swallow, Maple Groe, Vern Rawe and Glen Rowe govneneApleng >.iiteMisMrae ri and friend Miss Brenda VangoothApeDa nas.oatgeh. e'ITT'TI isitd Mis Magare PerinDarn were guësts ln their par- The ladies of St., ereCbad cu ohr r r L O N G ~ ui~i an Sunday. rs. Roy Thorna lents' hom e, M r. and M rs. Alan Anglican Church are r ar.r n nd d t ha e her b - Mr. and Ms Rov hm3Rwe on the Occasion of the Ing for theIr Christrnas aar n n bza tm ! Mr. and Mrs. Allan Baker, and daughters, Scarborough,. senior Rowes celebrating, their T-heY will again haVEabkenda.he ntdC rh Bancroft, were Tuesday guests visited at, Russell Stainton's on 28th Wedding Anivrsarv 'table and nreos tbe ai nStra o h Saf Mn. an MsG. Baksuer dSauda.and birthdays being celebrat- will be filled with av ae Sgundayt hankgivig sur. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward and ed by Mrs. Vern Rowe and'articles for that sperial sre in lb wl avs gueta ereMr.and Mrs., family, Newcastle; Mr. and' Miss Van Dam. Onie on your Christrasis.aeModyOcbr thfo .....Keith Gobie and boys, Cour- Mrs. Stanley Coverly, Eben- Mrs. Marie 1. Gartshore t Watch this page for tetreIdntost h ln.Pes lice; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bak- ezer, were Saturday visitors ut tne h 3s nulexhi- and place. jiehtyucn u ie er and Pamnela, Oshawa; Mt. Wes' Cameron's. tinehed bythe Nnat xional------ and Mrs. John Baker and Master Tommie Brooks, Button Society athe tae: ba~and Moday dinerBowmanville, sj5ent last week Hilton Hotel. Buiffalo, N.Y. guesta were Mr. and Mrs. with his grandparents, Ray, ApproxIrnatelY 400 Button! Î:Wayne King, Mr. Larry King Camneron's. Collctor frorn Canada andi undfnend Brligtn.Douglas Stainton was on a the jiedSalswr n Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rowe, campout at bis Scout Leader's, attendance to see the buttoni Bowrhanville; Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White, Hampton, on exhibits, with the privilege of il Gabriel Kovacs and Mr. and Friday night. buying buttons from h deal- 'Mrs. G. Baker were Saturdavi e n Ms .C Sano rs il they desired. Mrs. Gart- evenlng guests of Mr. ndadduhespnttelng shore xvas the only member iMrs. Harold Murphy. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. rr ecsl natnac Ray Walters and family at but there were others repre- Mrs G H AmorMis.their cottage at Lake Kash' senting the area of which she' Bertha Armour, Hampton; agawigarnog. ,Is a memnber. Canada was ýMrs. F. G. Cornish, Oshawa,, Mr. and Mrs. Jirn Stainton well represented, she said. OnTusdy vein a te ormuiy al i wre fomlet o ig were Monday gtiests of Mr. and sons were Stinday gu.sts r.R .Wîh.Trno Ne ncatesdveay evenig da ntedComuGti al ins Powel, from e orgt, Wanda Vanderstoop, Phyllis'and Mrs. Sidney Cornish Mr. at Leonard Shaw*s, Oshawa. eniyeR.the WrightndToroto.! Newaste, evralBronîs a~ acedtaGir Gude Poell Janne Collier, Cathy Tufford and Beth Gerry Cornish, K.A.T. Kernpt- Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- with er tewee and faritnlv and several Guides went up to Rangers. The flrownies Couch; absent, Sandra Jessup and Judy Portsmith vlesetteweedWthbre r aertre home JMr. and Mrs.ChrlsAiin.' - ---his parents.afler spending the summer mn II.ads. S.rlscabia.MO E HE D IT ........ Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smnitb. Europe. C a n r.SScmi ov Bowrnanville, were Sundav Mr. and Mis. Hans Geiss- Et rmelitta and Andrina, of Thanksgiving spe gues bre rvstdatTStrz- tobicoke, were Sunday guests ..........and Mr. Robert Sim was a enegger's, Grafton. wthM. ad rs Sm 4~Monday supper guest of the Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gejasq-,rBeeo n aly Ai Smiths. berger Sr. visited their ag- Kirn Storks., Belleville. visit-, i Sypaty o th cornuiîvter Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mohi L'd witnhbis family. Mr. and'r Is extended to the famnilyo at Gorrnley on Sunday. 1 Mrs;. William Storks and th lteMr J A Wry En Cand\r. over the Thanksgiving '~r '~~ îsklln, ho asbured GET CASH TODAY 'Ehere being no Cubs on the, Wednesday. FOR OLD APPIANCIES holiday, Monday, this will Mr. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk THROUIGH .0rvi, a, a reminder that ail S7BySretTorono3479 lsBmadrli ~~ were Sunday Thanksgivingý ST A T E S NI A N ubmut erthIr uni- dîner uess o Mr an Mr.I CLASSIFIEDS fornis and n'PCt at tV rTrivn! 4 -, = Ilm The Girl Guides who advanced ta lst Newcastle Land Rangers were, from le! t ta right, Deborah Shear- (:70 OBJECT TO BEING and/or asst PUSHED AROUND as sleeping th ir, calîsIfonofyth g eemen Ippri the issue of October f irst lastFetvlr is an editorial headed, damages, et MUST BE A COMPROMISE my way of these items SOLUTION The vil It is stated that the Lions Club val f ive bur have done magnificent work. With this stand was 1 agree one hundred percent. Hall Board. It is also stated that the worried Has it1 executives of the Great Pine Ridge I undet Festival are concerned about what the were apprcf Lions Club are going to do i the Com- the benefit m~unity Hall. was turne( 1 understand that the Community should they Hall was given to the Village of New- member) b, castle ta be used as such. To me this thing? means that any organization within the The Gr( Village has that right any time during the signs on the year. West of Bov Why should the Great Pine Ridge My con Festival of the Arts be allowed ta take executive o over the major portion of the Hall for the outside three consecutive months. If flots In this connection I would like to sRry money afew questions: 1 arni 1. What sort of an agreement did the means mare Hall Board have with the Festival? but as a cit 2. Who will pay for any damage ta the ta the Vi]ka Hall or grounds? any group. 3. Who gave permiission for the players_______ ENNISKIL - Mrs. Verna Forsyth, Toronto,1 Havdon. spent the weekend with herý Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick brother Mr. R. Ormiston. Theyý Scarborough, were Sunda both had Sunday supper with visitors of Mr. and Mrs. S. Mr. and Mrs. Don prescott,,rPethick. Brooklin and spent Mondayi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dorian( with Mr. and Mrs. L. Ashton, enjoyeda motor tripthrougi Newcastle Public Utilities Commission INTERRUPTION 0F' HYDRO SERVICE In order to complete essential work on our Newcastle Sub Station it wiIl be necessary to interrupt your Hydre Service on: SUNDAY, OCTOBER l1%h FROM 9:00 A.M. TO 10:00 A.M. and ON KING ST. BETWEEN BEAVER ST. and BALDWIN ST. FROM 9:00 A.M TO 11:30 A.M. Or if neressary te, postpon. the interruption on: SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26TH AT THE SAME TIME W. regret this inconvenience and thank you for y.tf r co-operatiunin l helping us carry out this final tep ini our lia. rebuild programn. Y.iar Manager, T. MESSENGER er, Carol Lovekin, Kathy Lovekin, Joan Cali and Mary Grace Paterson; absent, Shirley McLean. ors nt Mr. and Mrs. S. > I~ J tPethick's. CoditorLadies take notice. UCW is sistntsto se te bserentpostponed ta October 22nd. ;îstntsta se te bserent Miss Jackie Veale, Toronto, g quarters? spent the weekend with Mr. Hall Board did flot have an and Mrs. T. Werry and tam- with the Directors of the ily. n writing respecting rentai, M.a~nd Ms Bruce Reid and te., they felI down badly. To Aima Perigoe, Caesarea, were )f thinking a bond covering Sunday evening supper guestsý s should have been supplied. at T. Werry's. llage council gave the Festi- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry indred dollars which I under- and family were Thanksgivingi dinner guesst o! Mr. and Mrs.ý for paying the rent ta the Ross Lee, Kedron.1 The Enniskiilen Church ser- i been paid? vice Anniversary will be held 'rstand that the Lions Club on October i9th nt 2,,30 p.m. iached ta put on a dance for Guest speaker will be Rev. J.ý S. Lôugheed. Suniday schooli of the Festival. The request wiîî be regular ?our, il a.m. d down and I agree. Why wMr. and Mrs. Clarenevey y the mrembers (I arn not a Linda and John, Miss E. Knapp be subjected ta this sort of were Sunday evening dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Murrayý reat ine idgeaccording ta Marshal l's.1 ~eat ine idgeMrs. F. Toms was a recent n the highway extends fromi overnlght guest o! Mrs. Walter wmanville ta Trenton. Ferguson, Bowmanville, andý ntention is that the worried attended the Golden Weddingý if the Festival get busy in anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.1 area. V. McMulleri, Bowmanville. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank West-! successful put up the neces- lake, Sauina, were Monday! Y. callers at C. Avery's. tint. against the arts which Miss Marguerite Wright,J lthan theatrical productions Stoney Creek, spent the week-1 tizen of Newcastle I object end with Mr. N. E. Wright andi sister Mrs. Norma Bradford.i ge being pushed around by Miss Betty Wright accompan-' ipd them all on a motrti Y. B._Pidgeon. as far as Huntsville.otnnp Mrs. Adam Shalrp Is homei fnam visîting with hier daugh- ter Mrs. H. W. Gregg nt Gleni @L E IN Bunnie, Maryland.1 Mn. and Mrs. Kenneth Larnb, i Nothern Ontario and came Oakviile; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. I k.:hm byAounPr. Alldread, Tynone; Mrs. Eva! Dy: r. nd rs.R. oweandThunston, Fenelon Falls, werej R. family spent Sunday with Mrn. Lam ntM.bndM..ore ndMrs. Thomnas Dickson, Ms aen rh idiBewdley. MisElva r rar M . iss' ,h:, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Clark and CElark cr, Mn r.REchand farnilY, Owen Sound, ClrerendMs. ly ýweekend guests of Mr, andDceyadVmBo a- Mrs. M. Poila rd. ville; Mr. and Mrs. Milton, Stainton, were Sunday supper. Misses Louise and Marn'jonie guests at Mr. and Mrs. C.: Mclntosh, Whitby, were week- Stainton's in honon of Mn.dandi end visitors nt Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Dickey's 15th wedding Geo. Irwin's. anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. BRob Holyday Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp' and friend, Toronto, spent Mr. and Mrs. Harold Skinneri Thanksgiving with Mn. and la! Bowmanvîlle were Sundayi Mrs. E. McNair, supper guestsaut Mr..end Mn:.ý Mr. and Mme. Harem Drew, ROSa Sharp's. Oshawa, were recent visitors Mr. and Mns. Stuant Damrel with Mrs. F. Toems. Mr. and and famlly, Blackstock, werel 'Mrs. Douglas Taylor, Bow- Sunday evening visll.ors et imanville were caliers.. ,Mns. F. Toms. iMr. and Mrs. Ganth MeGilI r Mr. and Mrs. V. MeMullen, and !amily, Picton; Mr. and Bowmmnville, were asat Thur%-' 'Mrs. Jop McGili and farnîly, day guestit of Mr. and Mrs. A.! Cooksville; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wenry's. 1McGill were Sunday eveningi The 4-H Club meeting i supper guests o! Mr. and Mrs.lischeduled for this Tuesdayl Raiph Virtue. 'night will he postpaned ta the1 Mr. and Mrs. John Belle,!2 lot of Octoben startîng supper Phillip and Karen, Orono,'at 4:30 p.m. were Sunday tea guests of R.' Mr. and Mrs, Clem Rahrn Griffin's. and tamily, Ajax, were Sunday 1 Mrs. Frank Spny, Mr. Hàn- evenîng visitona nt Mr. and: nid Sory. Rochester, N.Y., andrMrs. W. Gniffin's. Mrs. E. Wright. Lawrence and, Mn. end Mrs. John Griffn, Bçptty. attended a Thanksgiv- IMiss Laura Griffin., Ohawal ing familv gathering at Mr.;%weme Mondav evening callers and Mrs. Ron Clemens. Hamp-!ut R. Griffin's. ton, i Mr. and Mns. Walter Knax.ý Mns. Lydia Brownridge, Tor-1 Oshawa. were Saturday aven-; <onto; Mns. Francis Martin, Wil- j ing guests o! Mr. and Mrs. R. lowdale. were weekend viit-jHowe. ors ut Mrs. F. Toms, Mr. andý A lite flled to completenesa' Mrs. Lloyd Siemon and tam- and overflowing with accomp- Ily, Haeydon; Mr. and Mrs., llsh ment and integrity, came te Earl Trewin and Doneen were. a quiet close after a brie! ilI-1 j Sunday Thanksgivint guests. ;ness in the death of ont nt ourl rMr. Jim Anderson and Don-inîdezt beloved senior citizens.i &Iad, Mrs. Fred Anderson, Pet-IMr. James Arthur Werry andj erborough. were Monday viaft-ithe. entire community feeis the l M ade [rom fines t quality ingredients in our own spotless, sunlit bakeries! Le@JaneJParker Jo dMelffuMig WkileYOU DO TE SAVINO ANGEL CAýKE JAE ARE 1w. Rois Bo,,,n'N Se,,,, 12-oz Cup Caes Pko e4 6 CoH. tCake cherry FUsd YOMr choe3 5 JANE PARKER Spa.is u aCake roz Bfeh.rrM uffis pkgcÀ6 JEU.Y ROLL fl-oz You Bst ea ByOOAre~9 YourC-A&kP Fresh Chicken Parts Cndss LEG or BREASI QUARTERS RED BAND MIE MIXED QUARTERS or HALVES DDIME DUR SAVE 2M LARR JAR£ PARKE Clusy.Fr" eml ppPie Choc"ltsBrsw.ues s-a ked Raisin uad2uu o vo YDuUCh" 5II La cuî i p WHOLE CHICKEN lb 1~ FROZEN FROZEN A & o e h is isol Spae PRibs 67%TY PerOigI$ 1h i is th6 choice potion of! efrbi al vaiewai seetMALFOR CRISPY BOX. f SALE PMRJ NUMBERS LAUNDRY lacsTOMATO Reg. Price eccli 35c - SAVE 5c HEINZKETCHUP 3 15FLOZ BTLS100 DOl. Choie@ Qualty MIX or MATCH A&P Branderod - AvE 1%e Dole Vegetables AyI..r ho -oz , ti,99c Instat Cffee lO-.»dxz W1.19 Po«a, Cor-n, Wax sonne or Green Bonne Surget Ready Cut "New Pack" CanadienMaaoi&S L« 2bpg Reg Prie 2 tins 43e - SAVE 9e. 7u5, SiOW 2i k3 A &P Whole Boots 514.fl-oz t«in99< Penne Liero, Lumach,. oini Ait prios.slcwn in this ad guaranteed through Saturdoy. Octimber lUth. 9 Reg. Price 99c - SAVE 20e 3-LB PKG 79ý I. i Lb etters mumu f- c7h

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