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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1969, p. 3

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- r ,*utumn Wedding in Trinity United Church way, Momnsh. FnIday evening. 1 Several trom here visited, the Allilson Funeral Parlor.ý Friday evening, or attendedý the funeral service ln Pot' Hope. Saturday morning, of' ,thc late Mns. A. Potvin, weli1 known la this village, smre years age, as Lottie Cowlard, operator cf the local Tele- phone Company, making ber home wIth Mn. and Mrs. G. W. Jones. A bake sale lnalad cf U.N.I. C.E.F. was held at. the local school, Thursday aftennoon. Mr..and Mrs. F. Henderson, wene Saturdaey evening vIsi- ý tons In Oshawa, with Mn. and' M.C. Hendenson. Mr.V. Bourgenie went to Oshawa for the weekend. A good attendance at church on Sunday morning heard Rev. T. J. Snelgrove speak on the Importance of remember- Ing to give thanks for bless- Iings. received. In keepingi with this theme was the' choir's anthem, by J. J. Thom-. as, "*lit IF a Gocd Thing to Give Thanks". With Mn. and Mrs. C. R. Farrow on Sundey wene Mn. *and Mrs. Glen Farrow cf Co- bourg. îMn. and Mn:. Cherlie Wat-i ens, Mn. and Mns. Bruce Wmt-1 ers and family of Toronto wene with Mn. R. Bruce. Miss Judy Grant and Barry) Lane, Toronto, with Mn. and, Mns. C. H. Lane. i Mrs. L. Todd, Stankville,) with Mn. and Mns. D. Steple- ' ton. ( A nn ounce Engaqement Dr. and Mrs. Lundie Calvin Ogburn, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, U.S.A., announce the engagement of her daughter, Elisabeth Ann Thornton, to Robent Stephen James, son of Edito *r and Mrs. John Mason James, Bowmanville, Ontario. The marriage wiil take place in Centenary United Methodist Church, Mr. and Mrs. Reid Wood1 Wiflston'-Salem, Satu-rday,_November l5th, 1969, at four o'clock nthafteron and boys with Mr. and Mrs. ___ __ 'Wilfred Wood, Newcastle.J1£Ls I Miss Jackie Qastier and D a In o v re s C rsm s M i Grant Wade, Toronto, wîth De u ne or '..'eses M i [Mr. and MR-s. Arnold Wade. In a recent bulletin issued by the Canadian Postal Authorities the IWith Mr. and Mrs. F. GiI- deadline dates for Overseas Christmas Mail were revealed as the mer, Mr. Joe Radzinkynan of floig Toronto, was a Saturdav visi- ufc alArMi tor and dinner guests on Sun-SufcMalAr ai day were Mr. and Mrs. .Jlm Letters Parcels Letters éarces __Gilmer and lamily of Port BRITAIN NOV. 26 NOV. 12 DEC. 12 DEC. 9 W oe EUROP. CONT. NOV. 14 OCT. 24 DEC. 11 DEC. 5 Mr. and Mrq. JIm Adams REPUBLIC 0F MVr. and Mrs. Hugh Arthur Denison, shown in the above photo, were Mnar- were dinner guësts on Sujn- rid n riitUnte CurhBoninvll, n atrdy ftrnnn S tmbrday with Mr. and Mrs. Don SOUTH AFRICA OCT. 29 OCT. 21 DEC. il DEC. 5 I'e nTiiyUie hrcBwavHo udy atrooSptbe Adams and family, Toronto. INDIA and 13, 1969, at 3.00 o'clock. The bride is the' former Miss Marilyn Elsie McCulloch, Sunday visitnrç xwith Mrg. PAKISTAN OCT. 14 OCT. 10 DEC.11 DEC. 5 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold McCulloch of Bowmanville, and the groom is C. Walkey Included Mrs. Gor- ANTIGUA, BAHAMAS, the son of Mrs. H. J. Denison, Chatham, and the late Mr. H. J.* Denison. don Smith of Chicago, Mr BRAOBRUA Photo by Ireland Studio. and Mrs. Orville Hooey of BRBNADNO.,8 BERMUDA, 12 DE. -Windsor and Mrs. Bev. Jaynes TRNDDNV18O.10 DC12E. Tecul oemne tof Lakeshore. OTHER TRANS-ATLANTIC me cople hndyo nae et Miss Dorothy Ellioti, wac PLACES OCT. 14 OCT. 10 DEC. 9 DEC. 5 NiagaraFu adfr 1rvl home from Waterloo over the CNRL OT 1 ing the bride ware a red1 weekend. ETAO H 1 roat-dress, with white lace Mr. and Mrs. Ray Tomp- AMERICA and TT 1 *trim., and black accessOrIes. kins entertained rnany mem- WEST INDIES NOV. 12 NOV. 4 DEC. 12 DEC. 9 ~AInrIçIîvinc I A corsage of white gardenias br ft VV~I4LIII~ omplmened er nse ble ers f dher family nt a din- AUSTRALIA and red n sii olpeetc e n e- o.1nr party. Sunday, in hon- NE ZAAN NO.3CT27 D .12E. lieu ~Mr. and Mrs. Denison are r-o of their grandmother'sNWZAADNV OT 7 DC 2 DC sidirig at 20 Skipton Court, 85t.h birthday, namely Mrs. A. JAPAN and Apt. 408, Downsview. 'Austin. of Canton, and for HONG KONG OCT. 31 OCT. 24 DEC. il DEC. 5 A nurse. the bride attendied!once. it was a reel surprise. OTHER TRANS-PACIFIC Vincent Ma'ssey and Central Present were Mr. and Mrs. Public Schools And High'Bert TompkIns. Mr. and Mrs. PLACES OCT. 3 OCT. 1 DEC. 9 DEC. 5 s'h on! in Bownenvjll]p me Marsh ail Floyd. Mr. and Mre.i groom received his education Jerry Floyd. Mr. and Mrs. Ron) in Chatham schnos Floyd and family, ailiof Bol- DENISON - MeCUiLLOCII length train. White lace trirn tonpkMn. and amr.lyPrtC S or O accented the gown and her, THope, Mrs. N. Breward and O ensa eea o erhn r wvt e'b an aet y d a j Arrangements of pmnk and shouIder -length v eil wasi EYV IL E family of Dale. OnIensut eeb W,Mers t r aan ' w or ndJ -. dMs NEie crnaNonVILLE an'mengstie m umes e-Bu nswpeitionhei u'ildrn ae BinMunjyad o i attratie carntin for e caught to a white rose heaci-'Mr. and Mrs. Victor Wilson,. jyed a tour n teBrsu nswpe ion h untmg ld ex- Ernest Swain and famrIy Vttcte setg fo th!piece trimmed with pearls. Mr. and Mrs. S . Lancasteri Mr. and Mrs. Jack Austin n r;vinMutjyadRnMý rnarriage in Trinîty United; She carried a bouquet of were visitors at Port, Carling, And family. Mr. and Mrs. How- i i Bowmanville. ýst.aying with Mrs. Allan BRileyý h1sen h eeede Church. Bowmanville, On1 Sat- Pink, b;by sweetheart roses! a wpek ago, with Mr. and Mrs. lard Austin and family. ail of! On Tuesday Grad, % of the erad chiidren. the Turner cottage. Coe Hill.1 urday afternon September and steph'anotis. S ihl.Cno.Ms utnwsepr Public Sehool. with teacher Mr. and Mrs. Geraid Kelly' r r s.BaeGne . 3, i969. at 3 o'clock of Miss!w ~MrlnEseMClohad Matron of honor Mrs. Jeck. Mondav evening. mur Wo. !ally please-d to recelvp a con- Mrgi. K. Dorrell, took a bus and girls %pent th( weekeed: en1d ramily spent the wetek-ý Mr. Hugh Arthur Denisen. HallowAll and brîdesmaids men'q Institute Branch was gre*tulatorv 'phone calI from, tnp to Mîdland and tnured wih i5paens iiBocay-I end al, their cottage et Lak Thebrdeis hedaghtr fiMiss Alice' Wiersnia, Miss' nvited teo Maple Grove. Miss Mr. Alex Carruthers of G;vrd--; the Indian Village, and on' en Chandos. Mr ad Ms. Hrol M JulJuie Harrison and Mrs. Rick Marilyn Nichols of Wesleyville. i en H-ili. ida rd ihtahr Mr. sud MKrs. Roy Turner,i On F.iday, Ociober 3rd, A loch of Bowmanville. and the, Va livoq were attired alîke i witi, her vocal solos. providing Dinner guestçi. Sunday ionl r.C ore e u n groom Is the son of Mrs. H .1 flo-length gowns of tur-' etnil'sprin0 the with Mr. and Mrs. S. Lan-tBwmnilad wth Densonof hatam nd he1quose eaude oiewith progrem. Local ladies attend- caster were Mr. and Mrs. Museum there. F laeMH .Denison.ofReathmmantching lePac e boie and ing were Mrs. A. Wade, Mrs. Jack Chard and Johnna-Lynn Last weekend Mrs. L. Hen- GK.Ward officiated 'fongpancs.Truis .. Semlis, Mrs. S. Lanr- 0f Newcastle. Later In the I~ ,n jhM.adMs flowers were sprinkled in i caster, Mrs. G. Stapleton, Mrs. day ail drove down to visIt Fra'nk Carter, Maple Grove,ý The bride, who was givenj their coiffeures end theiriW. Milligen, Miss B. MIlligan, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Nichois and on Sunday ail enjoyed aý in marriage by her father,' oeas ee0 pn n'Mrs. 0. Gardiner, Mrs. R. and femnily, having evening bus trip to Haliburton, Min.! oif white satin with empire M Jc Hlowl ws Mr. and Mrs. Maskell, ton- Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Farrowwoeefre Int1on w'iecraios arwMdre ihthn.dn .a colrstourWeb waistline, three-quiarter Iength! best man and ushering were env of Oshawa, niovedà t eeSnayvstn ihMr I. fandM rs. ak ebfre 1i their new home here on Main and Mrs. Carl Farrow, Downs: ýand aiOkvle pet eleeves and bouffant skirt! Mr. Calvin McCullooh, Mr.l vet es fC,.Laes îw Sunday with ber mother Mrs.I wlich low d i to a c apej A lan Mc uli n a nd :r.lst w eek. M iss Allie N esbitt and her1 Lew is H enry. M rs. H n y aryHomer. 1Mrs. Clinton Brown was1 brother Jim were supperi spent Monday with Mn. and -The reception was held et able te return home fromlguests, Sunday, with Mr. and Mrs. Merrili Henry and lam-' C~et Cash Today the church. Guests were ne-:'Peterborough's Civic Hospital, j Mns. Les. Reid, Onono. ily, Newcastle. ceived by the bride's moether' lest Wednesday.1 Mr. and Mrs. F. Henderson Mns. J. Wotten &pent Tues- F or OId Annliances 1 1owr a brw read : e T. J. Snelgnove return-i and 'Carol with Mr. and Mrs. day to Satinrday wt r n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n aligaor e homeo Thunsdev from'AIt Perrin attended the Aero- Mrs. Bill Johnston, Janetvilie. through shoes and purse, and corsage: Newfoundland where he was) lneSowa Ptrbnug, Pat Fletcher was hostess to' S TA THS M AN 'of Woburn Abbey roses. The: called on the death of his'ý Sunday afternoon.th .. Oobrmeig ýgroom's mothen assisted te re-îfathen. Mrs. Beo Jones was a dinner teONO coe etn Phono 63-3303 ceive and she wore a beige Mrs. C. Waikey with Mr. guest, Sunday, with Mn. and onteth Oeedwhth Phn 2-3 dress with brown eccessoriesi Jack Wede, Newcastle, visited Mrs. Carman Cornish and s ~ea H EeprtIohowd ____ _________ ___There will be a Bowling Par-, ty on October l8th in Bow-1 manville et 7:30 for ail meni- When you support the worki bers and their husbands.' Thene is now a stove in the for the blind, you support a realisti c arena which we cen use when needed. Final plans for the, tion, Residential Care and Research Husbands Banquet on Novem-i ber Z2nd were discussed. The New Year's Eve dance was! disçussed et length. It was' Help put us in the black decided to havea buffet, lunch. Admission $5.00 penr.vddi u o nae.nA vm couple. Memberspresent drew: rvddi u w ra e eie for the Christmas draw. Next: meeting et Edith McLaugh-i Durham are spent in West Durham!1 lin's. Everyone enjoyed a talk-i ing session, then Pet and ber HERE RE SO E OF group served a tasty lunch of THE ANYBARGINSWE AVE N SOREwIces and assonted do- THE BOWMANVILLE HE M NY B RGANS W HAV INSTOR alFine Thanksgiving services were held in both churches Sunday morning with excel- A V S R 2 - Pcealent congregetions. In the Pc.3-Pce. BEDROOM SET United the choir sang an an- H T RFE D S TEnsemble with Triple-Dresser tem"Sng:; raev.V.M teth conduci Parsns asedhissermon on 1 SPEC AL $ 9 9 - 1 SP CIA $17 .21"A Feeling of Gratitude."' SPECIA $~99.1 SPECAL $'~79~21Were there nt ten cleamsed?' ' IZC group are we? BI A 9x12 RUGS M." TRESS or BOX cmIneStdJhs ervie w th Assorted Ptterns iSt.rn Joh'seiethhwa Assrte Paters Dt. ~Ail Standard width congm-gation of theCOhurch of the Ascension, Port Penny.' FO R Fq Choies from both chunches SPECIAL $79.21 SPECIAL $ 4.1 leeftvhed wnith asol. R. C. S____$34 .21_________Ros__ e theingin.aMs. R. C. 3 CHATEAU VISCOSE-BLEN FAMILY-SIZE BEAVY DUTY Mansfield and Mn. ILawrence the lessons. Rev. R. P C ý BLAN ETS RINGR WAHERspoke on T1hanksgiving. grog*% ni ~~pot luck luncheon was served l ÂANV fTh@ Canadian Statesmnan. Bowsn nville. Oct. 13. 19893 IIILP r . . . monies raised in West THE L.P THEMSELVES of the Canadian National Institut@ program of Rehabilitation, Recrea- IL WEST DURHAM :oMMITTEE :ting is MPAIGN LJNDS O CT. 2Oth AND GIVE NOW ses you, donate by mail; send to ,55 HIgh Street, Bowmanvïlle INSTTTE FOR THE BLIND M Record Hop" was held in the. wîr of York Giendon UnWver. Blackstock Recreation Centre. sity; Ron Martyn of Waterloo; Admistsion of 50c was cherg- Nancy Dorreli of Victoria cd. The dance begaxi at 8:30: Coilege, Elizabeth Thompson and went to midnight. The'of Univensity Coilege: Mar- music was pnovided by ne- garet Carnaghan, Pickering; cords. Nean the end of the Dennis McLaughin, Guelph; dance, refresliments of punch.Glen Bonnette, Scarborough; and chips were senved. ýGail Bonnetta, Peterbonough. Thnanksgiving Visitons: Mrs. Sharon Larmer, Oshawa-, Hel- , W. W. Van Camp and Miss'en Swain, Downsview:, RaVr 1 Mable Van Camp wiith Mn.' Mountjoy, I.B.M.. Tonont.* and Mrs. Ronald Drinkwaten. Mary Bredburn, Toront. at and famiiy Ottawa.. Mns. Bob' their respective homnes. Bennett, Oshawa. with Mn.' Mary Bnadburn attenided a adMns. Henb Swain, Don conference for Teachers fed- and Raiph. Miss Helen Hein-' enetion in Banff, Alta.. Wed. stock, Toronto, with Mrs. A.' nesdey to Satundey. She was Wright and the Fred Trewins. chosen delegate by the On- iMrs. L. Bradley. Bowman- tario Fedenation where she is ville, with Mn. and Mns. Mer- employed. vyn Gra*ham. Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Lanmer Wilbent Archer with the El- and family along with Mr. mer Archers, Whitby, on Set- and Mrs. Eben Snowden, urday Mn. Stuart Mille, 1 Countice. wene Thenksgiving Whitby, with the Wilbert Ar-' guests of Mn. and Mns. Robert chers on Sunday. Mr. and' Keith and family. Scarboro. Mrs. Dalton Dorrell, Mr. and' Rev. and Mns. C. H. Fengu. Mrs. Murnay Byers, Mn. and son, Don Milîs. Mn. and Mn:. Mn:. Frank Hoskin, Mn. and Grant Ferguson and family, Mms. Bruce Mountjo 'y et the Toronto, calied on ROY and Dorneli fermn at Charlton and, the Bill Fe-rgusons Monday touring that area. Mr. anid Mrs. Lorne Thompson spent Mns. Fanl Donreli, Mns. J. A. the weekend with her bro. Johnston, and Mn. Harry San-l then, Mn. and Mna. Hubert derson calcd on Rev. andt Cobbledick, Leamington. 1Mrs. Bruce Harrison, Cami- Mn. and Mrs. Roy Taylor eron, Sunday. Mn. and MrQ.' spent Thanksgiving weekend Maurice Samelîs, Mis;s Sharon with Mn. and Mns. Anaon Tay- Samnelîs and Mtr. Glen Rogers.'Ion et their country home o1% Peterborough, and Mrs. Ar-; Lake Muskoka. thun Peerce, Oakville. with'- Mn. and Mna. Tennyson Sam- ells on Sundey. Mn. and Mns. l Pa e Camneron Porter. Sean andi O dPa e Sheryl. Pontypool, Rpv. and iiest week an Interesting Imrs. C. H. Ferguson, Don item was brought Into thé IMills, and Mrs. C. Hill wene Stetesmnan Office by Mn:. Sundav aupper guests of Mr. Rod Carveth of R.R. i, Orono. and Mrs. Stan R.ahm on the, Jt was a weli preserved copy occasion of Mrs. Hili': birth-' of the August 22nd. 1896, day. ;Toronto W o rld newspaper, Mr. and Mrs. George Wolfelwhlch bcd been found behind spent the weekend in Otta-a a pictune. wherp Mrs. Wolfe ettended, The entine peper looked the convention of Ontario-' more like today's classified Quehec Regional Conferencel sections. Certer's Little Liver of the Canadien Women's Pilla wene featured and thene Preps Club. wene adg fnom thp T. BEton Students and young folk1 CO. of Tononton. Bicycles mrene wornig wav whomn we sewthe big thing for transporta. nver the holiday: Llo'yd Tre- tion. 0Z-ry ClAeaaers C/,fucýUe Employer: "Niow son, for tht: job we want a responsible mian." Appieant: "Thot'ýs for mne, iir. EverYwhere [Ive worked, when momnething went wrong, they toid me 1 was responsibleY» CLOTHES CARE HINTS: Guaranfeed Cleang.bic - that J: the assurance yen ehould receive from the store when you buy new Clothins. C.N.1.B. BLITZ CAMPAIGN Monday, Oct. ZOth - Give Generously B3OWMANVI LLE CLEANERS 84 KING ST. W. 6352 à we need $5,000.00 for services

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