John Marris on ThanksgivIng SThe Orono News 1Mr. nd. rot.Thm Mr. and Mrs. Jamnes Jarvis ter M.Nrs. Ernest Dent and nesday of lest week with Mr.I of Kitchener and ber parents. fanIi. and Mrs. Len Pears and Alan.1 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson Mr. and Mrs. John Coryell. Congratulations to Mr. and and Larry of Waterdown.anc on ao London spent Mrs. Rager John Newman the were Thanksgiving weekend: Thanks;gi-ving weekend with former Katharine Elizabeth guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex' ber father Mr. Harry W. Foster of R.R. 5, Bowmean- Watson. Rowe.i ville, on their marriage on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Len Pears ýFriday, October 3rd, 1969, at Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bryson attended Markham Fair onj Orono, Ontario. wer dine gust 0fMr an day October Sth where Miss Diane Nicholson ts a, Mrs. Jack Bryson and daught- 'Mr. Pears entered a number patient ln the Memnorial Has- Thrs, gwvillea. anModaof his fancy birds and wonj pital, Bowmanville.1 hansgiJohngTunDay. .an five firsts. four seconds and , The Oshawa United Churchi Mrs. John TurnergrMr and Mrs. Bob Stevens and familvhrethrs.Cngaulations. Women Presbyterial Meeting' of Bowmanville, were Thanks- Mr. and Mrs. Harley on-wl aepaeo Monday, giving dinner guests of Mr. ton, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Johns- October 20th at Hampton. and Mrs. Bob Morton and ton, Brett and Sandra of Registration, 1:30 p.m. family on Sunday.: Toronto; Mrs. Gea. Morton Supper guests cf Mrs. Geo. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood: and Mrs. O. Chapman were Morton on Thanksgiving Mon- of orisurgviitd hr is 1noon dinner guests of Mrs. day were Mr. and Mrs. Har- cf Mrribur vistedber515ley Jahnston, Mr. and Mrs.ý Bud Johoston, Brett and Sanidra of Toronto; Mrs. O.! m m ris. n and Mrs. John Mor- uniw igm ouraita Mrs. Len Pears, Mrs. Brian. Ighil and Nancy Lee were UNIWIGS neyer ever need luncheon guests of Mrs. BertI setting, hand-washable - 'Trim et Starkville on Friday. the hap ca't ash it. Mr. Lvn Brown of Mill theshae cn'twas OUt * Street. Orono, was the saloist UNIWIGS are lightweight at the Orono United Church, and really comfortable Sunday morning. "Thanks Beý UNIWIGS leave the choice To God*' - Dickson. or styles to you- ihjut r.adMs Charles M. Butler and children af Mil]:i S the fick of a comb. Tbey're SretOrnhv rcnl' the answer ta every girils meed o t eBomnilye hair problems - instant district.1 beautiful bairdos. On Tbursday, October l6tb' at 8 p.m., the Orono Cburch r, /f~If$2 9-9. 5 Women generai meeting will Ci L 7 rbe heid in the Main Hall. a price includes style COl[tP e OME IN FOR YOtIR Darlington Townshîip Council styling by JOSEPH and STAFF SDarlington Township Coun- r 290 Marland Ave. 576-1532 cil met in the Municipal Buiid-i at Prk Rad Sthing on Oct. 3rd, ail members l present, Reeve Down presid- ing. . C I P*S E , -m 1847 ROGERS BROS. L~StaîiIess 40 piece Service for 8 8 KWm~, 8 Forks, 8 Teaspoons, Ua mau!o Pasty Fodce, 8 Dmesn SpSUn INTRODUCTORY SPECIAL... MYSTERY BOXES those essential Extra pîeces Values from $2.50 to $5.00 ONvLY ý$14 9 FOR A LIFET7ME 0F DIMING PLEAsuRE' FROM THE MOST iRUS TED RM4E' IN FfiE TA8LEWMRE ThekW iaUmm SwmCSitp etCmda UL -LIMITED TIME OFFER- UJtCo operes ,ÇJeweI/ers citd.L PHONE 623-5747 BOWMANVILLE On motions as filed, a By- law ta authorize the warks af the Central Community Tele- phone Limited on townshipr road allowances was given Itq several readings, signed, seai- ed and numbered 2421. Moved by Deputy Reeve i Gibbs and Couincilior Werryl that application be made toi the Ontario Department af'j Highways for paymnent of ln- t.erim subsidy. Moved by Deputy Reeve Gibbs and Councillor Werry that road accounts for thp month of September, ln the amouint af $30449.44. as ep- proved hy the Roeds Commit-ý tee, be pald. BUEKETON Mrs. W. Bryant, spent à few days with Mr. and Mrs. Orval 'Greer and family, Osbawa. Christmas t r ee cuttIng st.artg the middle ai October. rGrowers report good prices and orders. Mr. and Mrg. C. Cooper,1 Orono. visited! with Mrs. W. Brxant on Mondes'. Mr. J. Sinclair recentlv spent a few days ln Niagara Falls, Ontario. Mrs. T. Bailey attended the reception af ber niece at the home of ber brother, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McDonald, Bow- manvilie. Mr. Leonard Stinson. Osha-! wa, spent the weekend et the' home af Mrs. M. Smith and' family. Mr. and Mr%. Leslie Taylori motored to Sudbury ove-r the w eeke n d Mr. and Mrs. AI Swain visit- Pd recentiy with Mr. and Mrs. F. Tabb. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Trick, Lindsay, spent the holiday xitb Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tay- lor and family. HAYDON Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain We've ail been readlng about t.he high chalesterol count in meat and its dangerous relation ta heart diseases. Dactors and nutritionists have found a distinct correlatian between the incidence of heart disease and the amount of meat con- suméd. Many authorities suggest that families cansider various fish dishes as substitutes for meat. However we've found that serving fish can often be expensive and it is frequently distasteful ta same members of aur familles. Sa today's recipes off er new suggestions for inexpensive fish dinners that are bound ta appeal to even the very young. SALMON NUGGETS 11,' cups canned salmon 1,ý cup cooked mashed patatoes 2 tablespoonq minced celery 2 tabiespoons minced onion 1 tablespoon butter or margarine '/j tablespoon sait Pepper ta teste ýj lb. sharp cheddar cheese cut into 4" cubes 1 egg, beaten 1 cup fine bread crumbs Remove ail bonies and skln from salmon and mlix well with the potatoes. Meit butter or margarine in smail sauce- pan and saute ceiery and onion until tender, then mix with salmon. Add the seasonings. Shape mixture Into littîs balls about the size of a walnut. Push a cube of cheese into centre of each bail and reshape. Then dip into beaten egg. roll In bread crumbs, and fry In hot fat. (Deep enough to cover nuggets). Serves 4. . At*3ppan., SepteberI296a ini tApp1evmodAcme Domikion Stoe4 LarryDobgeeshouted: Jlubilatio,"e The Catnadien Statesman. Rowmnanv.ilie, oct. 15, 1969 iGolden "CashDMiclens And there are many, manv more Golden "Cash'" A Jubilation of Golden Dividend Days to Dividends N'et ta he sharcd. While aur celebrate our next 50 years. Spectacular goldanie - ycelebrat ion goes on. And aur Golden Dividend Valuies highiighted beiow godnpromise keeps ringing true for and a multitude of regular iow-prioe znecasing numbers of shoppers - our promise Jubilation Specials. Features that will tàf more quality, more service, more value. stretch your grocery budget farther. Prove to yourseif that at Domiian Storee we practice what we promise. And keep coilecting those itty bitty golden coloured paper discs that could provide you with a cash award of $1, $50, $50. Or one of five ciegant, air-condfitioned Ambmsadonh COD MISTRAL ' cup olive ail 4 slices fresh cod, about i.,ý" thick, floured ~" clave garlic, chopped i lb. ripe peeled tomatoes, chopped Sait and pepper ta teste 1 tablespoon fresh parsiey, cbapped 4 tablespoons bread erumbs 1/2 cup dry white wine ½lb. siiced mushroà6ms Llghtly saute cod ln olive ail until bath sides are brown. Sprinkie the bottom Of a haking dish wltb twn tablespoons breed crumbs. Arrange fish on top. To skillet in which fish was saute, add garlic, tometoes, sait, pepper and parsley. Simmer 10 minutes. Add wine and mushraams and simmer 10-15 minutes. Skim off ail thet forms on surface and then pour sauce over cnd. Sprinkle witb remaining bread crumbs and dot with butter or margarine. Bake et 350' for 20-25 minutes. Serves 4. bal Arr bac Bek are gref FISH AND CHRIPS BAKE 1 package (9 oz.) frozen French tries 15 frozen fried flsh sticks (/4 ta 11/2 oz. each) or 8 frozen fried fish portions (21/2 te 4 oz. each) 8 qsices lean baron, cut in hall, partially cooked Green pepper rings 1 can (101/ oz.) condensed crpam aof ceiery soup Arrange French fries in buttered 10 x 6 x 11.2 tInch iking pan. Pour on soup, covering potatoes completely. rrange fish sticks or fIsh partions an top; place 12 suce won across ench fish stick or one slcer across each portion. Rke et 375 degrees far about 30 minutes or until potatops ýdane and fIsh flakes easily with a tork. Garnish with een pepper rings. Makes four servings. CRAB SOUFFLE' 4 cuJp melted butter or margarine 21i tabiespoons four 3 egg Yalks, beaten !,ý cup grated cheddar cheese 1 teaspoon sait 1 rup milk Dash nutmeg Dash white pepper 1 Pound crab meat, fresh or canned 3 egg whites, beaten until stiff This great luncheon or light dinner dish 15 from the 'Virgin Islands. Meit butter ln a double bolier and gradually stir in the four. Add egg yolks. stirring constantly. Add grated cheese, sait, milk, nutmeg, pepper end mix very weil. Heat until cheese melts. Remnove fromn heat end add the crab meat. Then, little by littie, foid ln egg whites gently. Pour into a one-quart greased mold, casserole or souffle dish. Reke ln preheated 450' aven for 20-25 minutes. Do flot rheck souffle before 20 minutes or it couid coilapse. Great served with salad and green vegetable. Serves 4-6. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Graham, Garfield, Gordon and Gregory, ValleYfield, Que.. were Sun- day and Monday celiers af their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R p r s f o Leslie Graham. R p rs fo Miss AlIce Jones. Kingston, spent the weekend and 1 A Thanksgiving Day et ber j omen's Institutes Mr n r.Russell An- MAPLE GROVE Wl Th oljl "hti or dersonand BullI'e. Port Hope, Thdeai Capil s" Wat nswyor visited Mr. and Mrs. Atr The Kendel and Newtonvillel e a apîes"wsjnwr Trewin and boys. WI were visitors for the Oct.'i Mrs. R. Rogers, Public Rela-j Mr. Douglas Blackburn, th meeting ai the Maple i tians Convenor, was in charge Kemptviile, spent the week- Grave Wl. Mrs. H. Crydermani aitbe following program: end at bis home. was in charge ai the business Mrs. A. Barnes, Base Line,' Sypabvai te omuntpart ai the meeting. cammented an the Motta iSyma exofddt the cmilv ty Announcement was mnade i "Your mmnd is like a parachute,' th exlte Jaes A'th î El o that the Bowmanivilie Wl are it wurks best when open." She thd elt aesAtu Wenîr' sponsoring a buts to the Area! said what xve absorb as cbiid- Saiv t earM .M l er. Convention in T rnto on Nov !ren is guided by aur parents, isoa pt e Mr Menia Hs th. The Senior Short Course;ý teachers and enviraument. It ispatie ownnvile. ie Hs-The Main Disb Makes thelis up ta us as ta the use we Mrs. oMlrdAnersn,1iv-Meai" bas leader'ship trainingr niake ai the knowiedge absorb- Ing pn four month s with i case1nOc.2thad29h d In aur grawing years. It is spetae Orono. possible for us ta do anything ber daughter Mr. and Mrs. __ ust for one day sa let us do' Arthur Trewin and other; H UI I TIq ur very best In everythingi members of ber family, left'IH UtTC 'hat we attempt." by 'plane fromn Malton arr Set- 1AIR Miss Marilyn Nichoils, rep- urday evening for Celifornia. PA IN ? I Mresenting the Newtonviile Mrs. Charles Rice. Mrs. Rumacaps capsules iBrench, piayed a piano solo Kenneth Smith, Kingston; gag entitled "In a Monastery Gar- Mrs. Reta Nivins, Bowman- give proven relief 1 den". Mrs. G. Catheent, Ken- ville. were Thanksgiving Day dal, spoke on "Public Rele- visitars et Mr. and Mrs. D.J Ruapea pcalyfm- tions". Sbc said Our Master Camneron's. Iat.d to give yau fast relief- the saîd Cast thy bread upon the Mr. and Mrs. Bob Townsend,j very first doy-from nagging iwaters, and it wiil rcturn after Keswick, were Fridayvîsîtars rheumnatic pains and aches. Alsoi many deys. By giving exani- et Mr. and Mrs. C. Geirrad's. proveneaffective for relieving lum- pIes on a local scale, Mrs. Sunday supper guests with bago, sciatica, beadache end1 Cathcart gave us many ideas 'Mr.adM .Gradwr neuritic pains. Ask for new 'ai bow this works in everyday Mrs. L. Griffin, Blackstock; Rumascapm-a distinctive blue lufe. If we will only extend the Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Garrard, ad white capsule ai sootbing helping hand of friendship andi iBarrv and Lori Ann. comfort-at your local druggist's. think af others, we will be MissMyrte Tablyn Mn.ampiy repaid many times aven. issnn Farte, Toroln;Mns. Rumacaps ore capsules Miss Nicholîs again favored andn Mrs W. BTormonoandr. f soothing oomfort! 'with a solo entild "Trees" Erie, Mn. and Mrs. Ivan Sharp . ...Mns. R. Rogers tbanked al and girls, Ennisklllen; Mn. and n'0 those who bad assisted with Mrs. Ross Ashton and family p the prograni. were Thanksgivîng Dey guests The meeting ciosed with the aiteLodAstnfml.repcating of the Collect in uni- Club21 ave ackd ~son. Mrs. H. Bradley mixed up Ci c 2oh1g hvipc hav es the ladies acconding ta their Toronto.birthdays and conducted a Tornto Lunchl was served by the Club 21 are having an au'- Maple Grave ladies. tion sale of baking, vegetablies .ami Mns. A. Wede of Newton- and many other articles In -Ille and Mrs. Hendersan of !October which will be held Kendal voiced their WI's u in t.b» achool. I Lbanks for a pleasant avening. OPEN THUR&. and FRI. NIGHTS 'TIL 9 P.M. FREE PARKING Prices Effective Until Closng, Saturday, Oct. 18, '819 ALIl Merchandise la Guaranteed To Gve 100,7 Satlfacto» In Bowmanville WeReterve the Rlght ta Limit Quantities DOMINION STORES LIMITED KING ST. and SIMPSON AVE. (Hwy. No. 3 Eut) the lige ecomy siz spemeaumadoe - t' -. 29 KING ST. E.