.............................................................................................. ....,. . . i- J 'i. . .5 . j J 4..~*j i , . ....:5......., 1%@li Caadian stateann owmanville, net. 15, 1969 ton Sept. 3th, frein seven tô Mrs. Abert Gflders and fr1-170A ADA fine. Twenty-two girls were, ends, Eowmanviile.IW C DA present and the two leaders.! Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gn- We discussed a naine for our. eraux and family, Manill, 1.«1..,- CounterfeitersThe BusyPher parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. was shown how Tte ksgivC.g o! . Throu hout O nta fic)Cream of Tomato 80up, Quick Mr.Dad 's- R. Gibbs, Mrs. Geverament and Companyi whlch citizens lnx ail walks of wiches. 'These were made by aGreCaeo an Rihd visited i mother, Mrs. T. Counterfeit cheques which l'le may take ta prevent the few girls. Our second meetingGibC oug closely resemble Ontario forger from obtaining his oh- was held at Mrs. R. Lambert'sGib, obug Hydro pay cheques have beenjective. on Oct. 7th, seven to fine, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fergu- passed recently ini banks and 1. IDENTIFICATrION - If the with 20gr1 tedig he of Enniaklnd luled th chain stores ln the Ottawa, passer is fnot personally known.. meeting was based on nnihomes of Mi'. van r. R London, Hamilton and Tor- insist on several items of iden- and poultry, s0 our dishesGlb Sauayeeng onto areas. Likewise, Govern-itification. If the cheque Is ai- were salmon bai aand chickent Mr. and Mms. W. Murphy, ~' mnent of Canada cheques have ready endorsed, have the pass-ý salad which was made by two1 Newcastle, Mrs. Chas. Wood, also been counterfeited, passedier sign it again in your presgirls in the group.ThnetrnowreFiyevig and neot discovered until they1 ence. meeting will be held at the visitOrs Of Mrs. E. MurPhy.I return to their respective De- 2. DO NOT ASSUME - Skill- home o! Mrs. A. Knowlton on Mrs. Edith Murphy accoin- 1artmnents. ed cheque passers often dress Oct. 2l1st. panied Mr'. and Mrs. Roy Me-. Durlng the past year, Officers the part. A construction "'hard For the Thanksglving ser- Laughlin and Debbie, Nestie- Of the Ontario Provincial Pal- hatl' worn with work clothesvice the Explorera decorated tori, te attend a birthday partyi Ice Anti-Rackets Branch and don nflt necessariiy mean what the church. Rev. R. C. Hop- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' the MetropolItan Toranto Pol- is being conveyed. kins based Nus fine and en- H. Murphy, Bownxanviile, on Ice Fraud Squad, in conjunc- The wonian with the child couraging message on always Sunday. tien with police departinents may nlot be what she seems. being thankful for everything, Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Hainesý &cross Canada, have been in-IThe old-age pensiener niay be as God secs fit. His text was and faxily, Mns. M. Petlow vestigating thia type of crime.,a ruse. talcen from Deut. 26th chapter visited i Port Hope and Ca- WhUle It lu difficuit ta pre- The suave, well-dressed busi- and 11hvre.Orcorbugo Sunday. ~j Ven th contefeiing a!1nessman could be a fake, as !ew ini nuinher, rendered an M' m r.LrePae '.. ~.* cheque forms, It is nlot lu.iwell as is cheque. anthem wlth Mrs. G. Brent as were Saturday evening din- :possible te prevent the crim- 3. DELAY - Cheque passers organîs't. fier guests o! Mr. and Mrs. H. The 1970 Acadian is the lowest pric ed North Arn nai eement from cashing.like ta work fast. Delay makesJ Mrs L.orne Phare along Brent, Oshawa, and Sunday Pontiac dealers. It is available as a two-door coupe or them. prcutosthem nervous. If in doubt, with Mrs. C. A. Wight, Mrs. dinner guests af Miss Mabel inch wheel base. Standard engines are 140 h.p. 230 cul There are several peatosdouble-check identiflcation. Irwin Bragg and Mrs. Art Ed- Jewell, Bowmanville, and Mr. h.p., 307 cubic-inch V8. An aptional 6 cyl inder or twoo Company executives should ger of Bowmanviile spent a Bert Jewell, Oshawa. teracs.A oghenwpinsfr17 i ul keep their company cheque week at a cottage on Pigeon Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahmateraos.A oghenw pinsor17 sul forms and cheque writers lack- Lake, drivlng ta Huntsville and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rahm above is the 1970 Acadian coupe. ed in a safe place. A break-in for a couple of days te sec the attended the 80th bsrthday- coul putthemin he hnds eautfulcolouring of leaves.supiearytthhoefr AVIH of the forger. the Mrad Mrs. T. C. DoddMr.and Mr. aC.tW. ahRear Styling Features t SAVE WITHPersonai Cheques ivi-ited Mr. Alex Guest, Tor-'Four Mile Lake, on Satudy PACKAGED delivery are increasing. Street week. ohrfin day Oct. lOtboth ers ith.19 70l A cadian Series PACKAGEOIletterboxes are being uproot-ý Rev. and Mrs. W. Crawford, Mr. 'and Mrs. W. Rahm were General Motors announced 1Identification plaques are newI ed and stolen intact: they are Caesarea, Rev. Shirley Hinkle, dinner guests Sunday evenins: recently that the 1970 Acadian!and interior trims are restyl- PR TE TI N also belng opened with forged Rev. Lloyd Whiistler, Tulsa, o n and Mrs. J. E. Gniffinwill feature many stylîng re- ed. Fibreglass-belted tires wl PROTECTION keys rlght on location. ! Oklahoma, Karen, Margie and i afndM&dsughter Launa, Oshawa. finements as well as improve- be standard equipment on al Once in possession of your, Ronda Philp, Oshawa, Mrs. Mrs. Reta Thornton, Tor- ments te performance. models. malled cheque, the forger Annie Hathenly, Mrs. Jean1 onto, spn h eeedwt ear-end styling featuresý Acadian will have new rear furadleny sesour sna- be ram e uMy in r M. and Mrs. Earl Prescott. new tail, backup and sideish0o k absorber valving for an tueadbn con ubrguests o! Mrs. Edna Philp and M.ad r.El Pecot manker îîghts which aiso in- improved ride. Aluminized ta efau bnk an bsies- iss Jean Philp. Mad rs ar e ,corporate refiectors. Extenior tailpipes are designed taeli- es. Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibbs and Mn. Stuart Hooey, Mns. Reta c_____xautsyte Simple precautions will help' famiîy attended the chisten- Thornton. Mn. Gerald Hardy prove ehan ts-yte dra- Min. contralling thi. type o!fn of their youngest grand-_were Sunday dininen guests o!f ilsfaur e lmln crime. idaugtgîer, haon Thornett'OsandaAe y o Pan t b lltyandthesix-cylindere 1. When possible, deposit yourý daughter of Mr. and Mr shawa.sp r ugsusn gasktaper maint youn local post office, Leonard Thorniett, Haliburton. The Crews children af Port I Producio Imrseat atetaln gaseso .orl Mr. and Mns. Jim Rowan Penry spent the weekend witl u iin iprvdsaig Ou'pakgeplcyr hm- 2. Deposit your mail ln aejy oia ones ete ik n nal d An important new option is Ourpckgpries1>forhoe- njye street ow estHelettenkyan I boxtaioHyrJUST stge-variable-ratio power steering. airane fro r hom fe in- BEFREe nlett ollecStnims visiting at Uppeir Canada Vil- Southwell. erating station, Aubrey Falls With this system, front wheel 3. BFOE ial olcio elage and other places a! in- Mn. and Mm. Graham Knall on the Mississagi River, north movement relative ta steering I alproperty (2) personai issued adhave Rwn n bb, otra, ee !Thsaln poucdfswheeî rotation increases as the Iabit isurnc () tef po- ccun mae p u a y sganedpaetshm. ih Sunday visitors of Mr'. and power September 3th, when degree of direction change is insat hoe otf r o-acuawaeay 4lal. ganiaens r adMs Mrs. D. Southweli. one o! its twin generators was increased. This decreases the a lo moe! eu et sv- iatly.Conratulatonste issand children were supper The second unit is expected ta necessary in parking and low- poicespovdigth sie edenStudaOc..lthmPrinc Aber. Thedon2.6 million plant . A special SS option includes Vrotecim Calrecord df acs. toMr. Rcyd Kig of Geen- re Mlbr.A b T h$3. 6 milon pat, 45 snuledr cingtwe on the Thee ene17/2tabesply- onsn Gwendalyn Glaspeil. day visitons of their aunt, Mr. tion. It will have a capacity ?f x 14 tires, heavy-duty suspen- Thee wre 71/ talespla- J anspent the weekend and Mm. J. Cavers. Thanks- 130,200 kilowatts and when inionho nuai oe ingProresiv Echr Fidalwth erparents M.adMs giving Monday guests wene full operation, produce enough front dise brakes, a special ST AR l vnig Fize wr a oiI. .GlaspelI. Miss Janet Mooney, Mr. D. power ta meet the combined ST A T 'lows, Mrs. Eleanor de Jong, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Jack- McQuillen, Mn. Bill Mooney, peak dernands of iî stesz JAin S eeWasn r.RiCok!c Simpson and Babr Miss Gnace Tnewin, Toronto, Two addjtional hydraulic sta- Mrs ClraEwen, Mn. Richard1 Glaucher, Trenton, Mrs. R. spent the weekend with Mn. tions are unden construction as Marns ndMmn. May Taylor.' Page and Valenie, Solina, Mrn. and Mrs. Walter Laveridge Hydro continues ta utilize, GENERALNVANI 0-0d was won by Mrs. 1 Eanl Luke, Min. and Mn. Bruce and children. wheneven economicauly poss- 84 Ig t, . Bwmal eci ood Lunch was served. Stainton, O sh a wa, were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Love- ible, the enengy nesounces of 24 ingSt.IL owmnvue Dn'tfonget the Paper drive Thanksgiving guests ofMn. nidge, Jay and Charles wene the province's swift-fiowing office lesîdence Stra morning, Oct. l8th. and Mrs. Don Stainton. Thanksgiving Monday dinner ivens and waterfalls. 12-61623-5493 nhe Tyrone 4-H Club mem- Mr. and Mns. Donald Stain- guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sulas Due for 1970 completion la beshdtheir second meetington attended the Bradley- Trew'in and Judiith. Wells generating station, also ____the___home__o! Mn. A. Knowl- Watson wedding in Newcastle, Miss Lanaine Porter, Mon- on the Mississagi, with a capa- Frida eveing.treal, was overnight guest o! citY o! 203,000 kilowatts. A Mr.an Ms.Ralph Stenden Mr. and Mns. C. Clark. year later. on the Montreal and oysvisiedber parents' Mn. and Mns. C. Clark and River near Cobalt, the Lower4 hoei-Biho over the family, Miss Laraine Porter Notch plant will produce 228,- G o t a p o l m o8a weed attended a surprise 40th Wed- 000 kilowatts. Mr. nd rs.D. Miller, ding Anniversany fon, Mrs. When Wells la completed stoc ? Debie nd Gennvisited on Clark's parents, Mr. and Mrs. there will be four hydraulio Sundy atHalibuntan and Gamnet Finnen of Port Col- stations dnawing power fnom Let our teamn of experts evaluate the latest were dinner guests o! bis sis- bonne, Saturday evening. the Mississagi which draps 945 ~) J ter r ndMs Clinton Eng- Syrnpathy is extended ta t-he feet on its 138-mile iounney developments and recommend a course ish at their cottage. Wenry families an the passing fnom the Algoma-Sudbury of action. We pay attention to special Mn. and Mns. J. Hatherly, of Mn. James Arthur Werny, watershed ta Lake Huron. situations and high performance stockcs. Newtonvile, visited Mrs. An- Enniskillen. Begun ln 1966, Aubrey Falls Whynotgiv usa cl!?nie Hatherly. was built three-quarters a! a Wynigvusaci? yoefinsadneàgh- Mile upstream fnom the famed beswloeM.and Mns. Many toys are lethal weap- falîs o! the samne namne se it cF a m11cý Our am is to make your money make money. AhrHmlo n family ans In the careless hands o! would nlot interfene with the di1.'LA4 - bac teTyrnecomniunity. children. Pea-shootens, bows beauty o! the prime tourist Mr. tt VrteCarson- and anrows and !irecrackens attraction. By agreement with G vle ihM.adMrs. E. cause hundreda o! eye Injuries the Ontario Depatuient o! 'A r BARCLAY & CRAWFORD 1 A. Virtue were Sunday dinnen eveny year. The Canadian Lands and Foreats, Hydro wili 9ISE I E LIMITED guests of Mn. and Mns. F.L. National Institute for the maintain flow o! water aven W S EPfE E Dusnes Esablshe ~Byam. On Monday MVr. andj Blind says. dor't gamble wlth the fails during daylight heurs OuimwEtalshd192Mrs. D. Miller, Debbie and youn child's eyesight. Make o! the tourist season. wt ,.trou ~ 20 listerpuces "«100 Glenn were dinner guests. sure bis play tîme Is a safe A speclal accesa road !rom moi 12 ues - la bitlui bt,,h shah, I.xIme 37 King Street East, Oshawa Lt. and Mrs. Michael Gibbs tIme. Teach hlm te use bis Highway 129 (Chapleau Route) mli ith el1 couapmn Teepon: 23343 arie sest he hoidytoys cornectly, and safely. _leads tea alookout aven the M prco o .60 Talopone:723-423 arri, spnt te hoida fuMM.. weekend with hus parents, fails. On the way, travellers MA MMGRMr DuDaFLîroc r.an rorJ Gbs.Su.wilpass the main Hydre dam ~ '$YN B R A ~ N A N A E R - . . D o u l u . e s v o l gd a y e v e s u l n g M ir . a n d M ns . a n t h e a r t i f i i a l l a k e c ner a t e d. Office Phone - 623-5790 Jo noen DE. C. F. CATTEAN, »..S Mra. Clarence Redmnan and Bowmanville Professtonal Bldg. Barbara Jean were weekend 222 King St. E. - Suite 204 guesta 'with Mr. and Ms. Lm Office Houns: Lloyd Broome and !amuly. 9 a.. ta6 pm. dily Mn. and Mms. Rusell Vice Yellowlees, Taunton.M DI. STANLEÎY ER-TZ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor ý 87 inj St E.Bowmanvllle and family were guests o! her 9 a.m. te 6 P.iit Montgomery, Hampton, fer 'rozcnGFood< Monday thmough Tbursday Thanksgivlng dinner. arn. ta 4 p.m. Friday Mr. and M'.. FranklWenot- R ,TRE RC Cloued Satuday andSunday lake called on >Ir. Caec IF UETO UCE PhAne623.66BOvNnS Bunketon, wbcre they l aise vWsted with Mmm. LIzzie M ro Insurance napp on Sundey.Mm 19 9-0 ER ESDONALD A. MCGREGOIR- and Mrs. lrancis Johixîtan en- Igll~ Th ),-tbj' ý.Lite, Auto. Homne tcrtalned at dinner for Misses D ù ci Imsurance.Derotby and Anna Delmore e! LAM B IN ým1 weýr11eft itiltitiit. W gSt., w m»vMeEnnilkllen, Nonthermi r-N A ln.... na-~Sm land. Mrs. John Johnston ~ nd Mr. David Johnston were1AS E 0 p to m eir y M' ndM Bruce Taylor Now uvaiISbIe.t KITEA. mlRIL .O.andMrs.Bob Sherwin, Plcton. D ~ Optoetrst O SudayMr. and Mrs. TOR NT DO I IO -OfSoeITours: By appontinent Der guest with Mr. and Mmm. u ow ...a Uu mnkiwo popi mklÀ.diforocoTc1!phons 623-3252 John Legre and farnny.Osha- 9a.m te Spm5 day wcre Joanine and Lisa W*&. and Set. - n - 1 Crydcmman. Zion and Mr'. and lbumiday voeMin m m er Fretrtag, Oshawa. nerican bult car s old by four-doon sedan on a 111- bic-inch 6 cylinder or a 200 optional V8s are available 1air conditioning. Shown rear-end trim panel, and a 300- horsepower, 350-cubic-lnch 'V8., A three-speed manual is stan-, dard; three-speed autornatiec and four-speed manual may bel ordered. Local Students In the News atl' Durham College Bowmanville students ap- pear ta be playing an active mole ln Durham Comniunlty College activities this year. In the mecent edition o! Dnum, the college's attrac- tive publication, Joanne Col- locutt's name appears on the editonlal bo-crd and ber photograph is also included as she works on one of the publication's typesettlng machines. Fred McMann, also o! Bowmanvlle, is shown worklng on advem- tisements. A third Bowmanville stu- dent John Lockhart had his picture ln the Oshawa Tines lait night, workin.- at the draftlng board at Dunhain. mates released todaybyt Forest Fires Canadian Forestry Service.98 i there were 1,188 lorest fires T ti 21 7which damaged a total of 136,- Total 1 1710acres. A i The cumulative total for the I n #-ugusr1969 forest fire season, up to In A gustthe end of August, indicates Durig te moth f Auustthere were an estimated 5,820 Duri g te mo th f Au ustfires damaging 1,628,000 acres there were 1,217 forest fires'of forest. By comparison, In through out Canada which dam-I1 the perlod ta August 31, 1968, aged some 373,000 acres of' there were 6,209 fires which woodlands, according to esti-1 damaged 2,041,000. acres. LU 1 - 'TI o j ........ ....... ALL CLASSES OME LOW PRICE 65 STYLES, SHAPES Lu AMIS TO CHOS0E FROM *First quality lenses * Finest National Brand Frames *Broken frames repaired or replaced while you wait * Ie fil ail PSI, Oculists and Optometrists prescriptions at same low price. *Bifocal, if required .- Kryptok, Ultex or Flattop 17 BOND STREET, EAST 2nd Floor PFione: 728-1261 Wednesday - Closed Monday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tuesday, Thurs., Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sat., 9 a.m. - 12 Non IGA 19-02. TtUM CREAM STYLE ORNi 6 or MELLOW & SWEET GOLDEN RIPE ýfiee.i LBSB INNY MORN 1'59.AL £17ll)k es. 231 c lb nviIIe el 10 WMAN VILLE Foodli'ner T 'i. NYLONS 4 pairs s rAv un ds doicý